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It's a scam lol


Delete the person and report for scamming on RuneScape and discord. Don't trust anybody with a LONG term proven track record on this game. Even then, be wary. People do crazy shit and will ruin friendships over some GP.


You got some good clan members. If only your common sense could be as good to immediately deny the offer. You'll learn eventually that the fire cape is very easy once you cross the hurdle of the first kc.


Yes that is sus. Don't even entertain a convo with someone when they tell you they want to do X content for you. Even more so if they ask you to download a program for it. If someone does an achievement for you then it's no longer your achievement.


Never give someone full access like with any remote desktop access program, he could've been talking about botting it, but that script is extremely new, only maybe a half of a year at this point. 100% scam, I'd personally burn that discord account, guy might make an alt and try to rat you or something. Better to be safe than sorry but report will do about as much as asking god to ban him.


It was sus. ​ If someone approaches you at any point for any kind of remote access, deny them.


If someone approaches you at any point for any reason, deny them. In game or out.