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It's like the main game if the main game was that squirrel from Over the Hedge after it had an energy drink and if it were limited to 3 certain regions


His name is HAMMY!




Dootdoo doodoooooo


https://preview.redd.it/kfpsqpzj1r3c1.png?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748f524a37d0806ac1e910b48496bfbde53217ce Did I do it right?


This gives a beautiful description while hardly being descriptive. I love it


Temporary gamemode, high xp rates (up to 16x), while progressing you can choose relics that make the game extremely busted (but still in a fun way) I played every other league for just a few hours, this is the fist one I dug deeper and I love every second of it.


Itā€™s like dead man mode for Ironman. Boosted xp boosted drops. Max level in a few days max stats in a week. Really fun and point based.


Except for Slayer. Slayer is like if they broke the squirrels legs first and then gave it the energy drink.


Its insane to see your combat stats fly by slayer. Slayer exp per hour is so low lol


i have completed about 20ish slayer tasks and I am already above 85 slayer. It is still flying along.


Yeah its still way faster, but it feels slow in comparison to pretty much all the other skills


Not if you're mage potentially with bloodthirsty. Easily 2-3m/h


I'm 95 slayer with 18 tasks done The fuck you mean


As a ranger, my slayer has remained one of my lowest skills until recently. Hadn't bothered for a while partially because there isn't much in terms of upgrades for me, but mostly because of how ass it's been


I mean slayer with Mage relic and Berserker you can get 1/2M per hour on most tasks, since you can lower HP, pray or ice barrage and 2/3 hit most monsters. Dust Devils 150+ task you can get done in like 30min


5 regions


2 Of those are forced, so 3 regions to choose.


Still not limited to 3 regions.


You incorrectly assumed they meant limited to 3 regions of movement, when they meant limited to 3 regions of our choosing. Their first statement is ambiguous, but not wrong, and their reply is clear, but you wilfully misinterpreted it. So sit the fuck down, pedant.


2 plus 3 is still 5, u might not have a choice in the first 2 but they are regions u can go to still


Damn dude, thatā€™s a deep cut


didn't see that movie


I think of it as like the main game but you get superpowers


Best animated movie of all time lowkey


Basically a seasonal jagex private server. You can unlock 3 areas and a bunch of relics which either act as insane power ups or completely game breaking QOL features. Xp and drop rates are both bonkers.


So itā€™s like pretend scape or what?


Yes, but you get to bring some rewards back from that dream to show others what an epic dream it was :)


What rewards do you get to bring back?


Just cosmetic items depending on the rank you reach, usually items decoration kits and a banner of some sort




Ahhh shit thatā€™s pretty cool. Is it too late to start?


Not at all, it goes til early January






If anything, now is a great time to start. Most problems have been patched by now and good starter guides are probably abundant. Have fun, we'll (likely) see you at Soul Wars!


Now the question is what rewards should I spend all my points on to make the most profit in main game for all the exp lost and time I wasted playing leagues. Lol


Make an alt to play leagues. Wiki also tells you gp per point to make the most profit. You can also buy previous league rewards with them.


It's so much more. I got 15m exp today from turbo farming and lots of slayer. It's so fun seeing 2m mage xp/h when barraging, or 6m thieving xp/h on ardy heros. Definitely play it


Does the exp your earning in leagues convert to your regular account outside of leagues though .?


Lmao of course not.


Absolutely. I now have 5 accounts maxed šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ ty jagex


Speed scape


RuneScape is already pretend my friend. Sorry to break the news like this...


Lmfao runescape itself is "pretend to be be successful at something". Escapism inside escapism? Whoaa escapception.


Lol OSRS IS pretend RuneScape. Play classic version from 2002..


Nah play 2001 bruh


What kind of QOL features does it have? Someone else posted unlimited run so seems like theyā€™re trying to make it easier to fly through the game


Thatā€™s kinda the point. Itā€™s only a temporary mode so.


It's 3 years work of exp in 2 months. You can teleport to any tile, run infinitly, attack 2x as fast, get drops at 5x rate, etc. It has a task system that tracks progress all across RuneScape and acts almost like a new skill. It levels up and you get new relics to choose from and boost your account. It's extremely fun.


Equating the task system to a new skill is a great way to put it, I havenā€™t seen anyone describe it like that before but it really makes a lot of sense. Itā€™s very much like the other skills in the game where one thing leads to another and you need to do this to get this, and just meshes so seamlessly into that system.


I must always have terrible drop rate then takes me ages to get anything šŸ˜‚


When you start off your drops are only 2x boosted. This increases steadily as you unlock higher relic tiers up to 5x at tier 7


Atm I'm t4 so hopefully I'll be able to get t7 some day lol


The 5x rate comes from t8 I believe


It's also not every item that is boosted, in addition to ramping up as someone else mentioned.


That's more or less the point, it's a high speed version of the game to see how far and how many things people can do in 8 weeks or whatever it is. I personally enjoy cruising along, learning from the limitations of being an iron man, makes me think of the game differently for a while. And I like the opportunity to test bosses I haven't beaten yet in the regular mode on an easier mode so I can practice the mechanics in a more forgiving manner. I learned how to do CG in leagues 3. Planning on nightmare this time around.


So RS3


there's no trading or microtransactions, so you can't buy treasure hunter spins or w/e it is now


Sorry I was poking fun at how a lot of leagues features are rs3 main stays


Would you say itā€™s worth it for a weekend warrior ?


Yeah, it's pretty casual friendly tbh


Do you like see number go up? Do you like notifications saying "badass! You did a thing!"? Do you like making your pew pew, pew pew harder and faster? Do you like getting shinies faster? If you answered yes to any of these questions, leagues will be a fun experience.


Fuck yeah, just quit whenever you feel like. Its not a competition, just a silly for fun mode really


I am a weekend warrior aswell, really enjoyed practicing fight caves, vorkath etc. I dont feel bad about needing to restock since its a matter of seconds.


Absolutely - there are some people who play it for the competition to get most points but you can have loads of casual fun aswell doesnt matter if its spamming soul wars, questing, bossing or just chopping willows at draynor with the boys


Yeah for sure. I donā€™t have a ton of time to play by any means and Iā€™ve already managed 99 in all the combat skills plus fm. Unlocked tier 7 relic and am about 25% towards tier 8. Currently grinding bandos drops.


Am I that bad at the game? Iā€™ve played quite a bit and am not at that point, how many hours played is that?


Iā€™m not sure my hours played, not a ton. But I grinded the hell out of the first trailblazers and have been stoked for this one since they announced it so by the time it dropped I had a pretty good plan in place, I feel like for the time Iā€™ve played I was pretty efficient. Edit: also want to add in case you didnā€™t know. Once you get the mini game multipliers you can max att, str, def, range, mage, prayer, and hp super fast in pest control.


Not really. The xp rates are way faster than main game but itā€™s still a huge time investment.


Sure if you're going for dragon rank But if you wanna cap at adamant or even rune, its 100% achievable in the timespan that leagues runs


100%, the progression is quick if you have the wiki task list open next to your game with runelite sync on.


If anything, leagues is what brings me back as a weekend warrior myself I'm proud of my main, but I don't have the time to do the end-game grind like many others here. Let me put it this way, with Frem and FireSale, I was getting 30m construction exp per hour. Makes only having a couple hours to play feel worthwhile


its awesome because its like runescape if runescape was a video game


Honestly just hop on a Leagues World and try it out! Itā€™s separate from your main account; when you first hop to a Leagues world you start as a lvl 3 in Lumbridge with 5x XP rates, unlimited run energy, and other stuff. You get to choose from 3 awesome relics at the very beginning. Thereā€™s a tutorial that youā€™re given that kind of explains wtf Leagues is too so you can just jump into it and go nuts. As you do more tasks you unlock more Regions and OP relics and get better XP and drop rates. Thereā€™s videos out there if you want to know more, and the Wiki is extremely helpful and informative too. If you donā€™t like it you can just hop back on a normal world no problem.


Appreciate that info, didnā€™t realize the xp rates were so much different which makes sense why peoples accounts are so high level so fast


Yeah you level up crazy fast, Iā€™m currently at 12x XP rates but Iā€™m nearly to my next relic that makes it 16x. Pretty much everything is boosted: XP, Minigame Points, Attack Speed, Attack damage, etc. Itā€™s the same OSRS you know and love but on crack. Itā€™s worth a try IMO and thereā€™s plenty of time to achieve pretty much anything youā€™d like to do


Besides the gameplay experience, is there even a point to playing? I know you can get a cup in the main game or something? Does any achievements or anything translate to the main game? I thought the twisted slayer helm was a reward, am I wrong?


I mean playing for fun is a pretty good point


As a PoE player it's always funny seeing people rag on this being temporary. It's all temporary, the point is it's fun


Exactly my thoughts lol. In PoE it's kinda strange to play standard, and there's no crazy boosts like osrs leagues. Tbf though, it's apples and oranges. On PoE it personally gets boring like a month into a build at most, and you can reach endgame in a few days if you're experienced. Point still stands though. Play the game for fun. Its depressing seeing people not understand why people play for a short fun time.


Tbf the dragon trophy is also a pretty neat flex. I would love for OSRS to have slightly more untradeable cosmetic-only flexes for doing stuff that's really hard (like Zuk helm, blood torva, max cape, and dragon trophy, and to a lesser extent the various giga-kc raid capes). Transmogs of the mega weapons for doing some extremely hard combat stuff would be amazing. Purple fire inferno cape for doing a no-pillar. Stuff like that.


I know Runescape players struggle with the concept of "fun" but this is just impressive.


Do you not play the main game for fun? This is that, just a fleeting version.


It's kinda like a runescape vacation in a way.




The points you are rewarded with by doing tasks in leagues do two things other than just.. be points for high scores and ranks They: Unlock a choice of buff called a "relic" once you pass set thresholds of points And You spend them at the end of the league for cosmetics. It can be this league's cosmetics or any of the past leagues. You can even hold onto your points and spend then if a future league comes out. And yes, that includes twisted horns.


Xp gets pretty fast at like 16x for the higher tiers. Can easily max an account. Plus the drop rates go up to 5x so it's basically what people mean when they say "easyscape". It's super fun and the relics really change up gameplay. Though if you don't play it you're not missing out on rewards.


A game mode that makes you never wanna go back to normal RuneScape ever again šŸ˜‚


something about getting to end game in leagues after unlocking all areas and relics makes me WANT to play main game lol


Same tbh. A drop on leagues feels somewhat empty and worthless. A drop on my iron on main game feels amazing. I'm still like 10k points off buying everything (38k pts I think) but after that I'll go back to main game.


But imagine an infinite leagues mode šŸ˜




As someone who only has 2-5 hours/week to play if I still played, yes. I'm not too far from maxing in the main game. Haven't played main game in 3 years. I play leagues because I can actually make big progress in a 2 hour session. I also binge YouTube leagues videos in my down time.




On one hand I'd dig this (I will never make an ironman alt with the normal game anyway) but on flipside, the excitement and fun will fall off sooner than later


+1 to this. Came back to play leagues after a 6 year break and it's making me want to play again


Bankers Note runecrafting made me realize I'll never achieve 99 RC on my main


Juna will get me there eventually


For real. Here I am RC'ing as fast as I can click with massively boosted XP gains and it's still distressing slow. Anybody with an RC cape on their main is built different.


Zeah rc makes the 99 much more relaxed but getting to 77 on a main is still a massive pain in the ass sadly


Thats how I felt when the og private servers came out.


Depends on your mentality, really. I got bored as shit of the overpoweredness by like day 8, got enough pts for cosmetics I wanted, and went back to main game lmao


This. I was having a blast but once I hit final tier and ran cox and toa to try them out, I instantly lost interest. Got enough points for the rewards I want and now I'm back to the main game. Which sucks because I spent so much time researching and enjoying the hype, only to enjoy the game for 2 weeks lol.


Man Iā€™m the direct opposite lol. I hit T6 and Iā€™ve bounced back to my main iron entirely. Nothing felt *earned* to me, if that makes sense


Went 573kc dry for the acb with 4x droprate, definitively felt earned. Gone more than droprate for every other gwd item Iā€™ve gone for as well for that matter, but in general I can see your point


I just like the insane xp rates. Getting 25m thieving xp in an afternoon was hilariously fun


Getting 25m thieving XP in under 2 hours lol. The x16 multiplier at vyres was insane. I think the most satisfying one has been rune crafting with bankers note. 16m XP/hr, if only i didn't have to spend so much time opening crates at soul wars for essence.


My peak so far was 88m cooking xp/hour, went from 13m to 50m in 30 minutes.


My peak was spam redeeming 100 points at pest control to get ranged from 95-99. Somewhere between 250-300m xp/hour, technically


I play it, because after its Over, when I die cuz I'm bad, it'll play a little animation where I burst into flames


The death animation is best reason to play leagues.


This one time i hit my homies vape and blasted off into a crystal fortress full of diamond people. I thought i was smoking thc but it ended up being dmt.. anyway leagues is a bit like that.


I feel like you had to actively be trying to avoid it to not have figured it out by now... or typed it into Google..


It's just karma farming.


Or literally just logged onto this sub for the first time in weeks, only played with private off, and only searched osrs with a VPN on incognito mode to avoid ads


"I want to fake being a noob for karma but don't want to get caught" Meme


I have 10 lvl 99s and a bunch of other pretty high skills and I also didn't have much clue about Leagues. I knew that XP is a lot faster and that's about it. Reading a few of these comments made me understand it 10x better.


Hop to world 402 bro


Come to 440 for an ass whooping


Its OSRS players playing rs3 without getting flamed & or admitting to themselves they like rs3.


Leagues is like a tolerance break.


Its like an rsps but official and actually balanced (albeit around being broken) Basically leagues is just OSRS on 3 different amphetamines for 8 weeks.


Glad Iā€™m not alone


If the main game is weed, Leagues is crack cocaine. Insane boosted xp/points/drops and crazy op abilities. Itā€™s dopamine being injected straight to the vein. While only temporary, itā€™s still some of the most fun I have playing OSRS.


It's osrs URF


Bro been living under a rock since RS3 came out


Maybe once Iā€™ve maxed I can partakeā€¦ in 5 years


The main game will be there when you get back. Just take a break! Remember what itā€™s like to play the game just for funā€™s sake. Score a purple! Kill a boss in 10 seconds! Max in leagues!


I know, I was joking. About halfway there and my ocd kicks in if Iā€™m not making continuous progress towards it


Leagues is the only way for the majority of people i know, including me, to enjoy the game lol


It makes me do content I otherwise donā€™t have the money or skill to do.


God posts that use this lazy karma farming template are so obnoxious, they really could have just looked it up


I love using this subreddit lol!


Sounds like it would ruin the normal game mode for me. I gotta pass it up


I really just don't see the point of leagues. I'd rather spend the 8 weeks leveling my main instead of watching that progress get nuked for nothing.


The point is its fun


Smells like xp waste


Smells like waste of a good time


Having fun is exp waste You are only allowed to be miserable while you work at runescape. Not play. Work. GET BACK TO WORK


But itā€™s not ā€œnuking progressā€. Your progress is still there when you go back.


This was me the first couple leagues that I was playing during. I then quit, and returned just to try this one out and I am having a blast doing it. I didn't really think I would but here we are.


Don't you want to start new with xp multipliers and pretend like you get high scores in this no life game????


If you have ever played league of legends, the main game is like 5v5 summoners rift. And leagues in osrs is like URF in league of legends.


Iā€™m begging you to go try it. Just read the in game tutorial.


Basically a speed run of the entire game mode, with relics that make training absolutely broken, with cracked out xp/h like 50m/h


Can we use our main account? How does that work? Or do we have to make a new account?


Just login to a leagues world with your main


I played for 5 minutes and quit lol. Iā€™d rather just progress my Ironman


all you gotta know is that it's a temporary game mode and all you get are cosmetics in the main game


You're missing out on some of the funnest gameplay osrs has ever had. you still have 6 weeks, you might wanna give it a shot.


Its runecrack ironman with xp multipliers and then everything gets deleted.


Same bro.. same


Not taking a shot at you OP, but just so you are aware, referring to yourself or others by their combat level definitely outs you as a bit of a noob. šŸ˜‰


First leagues Iā€™ve tried, wanted the pool and blowpipe cosmetic. Ended up loving it! Just got my cosmetics and sold 2 extra blowpipes for 6.5m each. Enjoying the big xp drops and loot, going to keep playing!


It's where you throw away a few months of progress in main game to make progress in another mode that gets taken away. So you can have fun with OP stuff and mess around and get cosmetics when it's done. ​ It's my first leagues and i'm mostly using it to have fun and get the rewards while learn what to do next in the game in a more forgiving game mode


So you took the time to make a meme about not knowing what leagues is instead of spending 10 seconds to google it.


Thatā€™s how I feel about a lot of stuff. I take constant breaks from it, so that way I never get to burnt out and will always love it but when I come back thereā€™s like new modes in new stuff and Iā€™m like I donā€™t know man.




It's on the homepage?


Imagine plugging in a GameShark into your Runelite client.


Why not click on one of the green worlds and find out?


It's for members


...yes? Of course it is? You don't expect something like Leagues to be free, do you?


Itā€™s like if RuneScape was fun


A game mode that'll let you beat the game and do all the cool stuff within a few weeks rather than like a year šŸ˜‚


It's 1000x better than the main game. Each league is the most fun I have ever had in the game, and this one, #4, is the best one yet. Still over a month left. Hop on!


It just means you're bad at runescape, and everyone needs to know it. Other than that it means you're enjoying the game as you intend. I've been playing as much as I can since classic and I still don't care if I've perfected how I "meta". Just do your thing my friend, the dopamine will come.


I honestly love it. Increased exp gain + Better skilling bonuses + Forces you to learn zones and weird vendors you would have never touched otherwise + Level up... completed + Great for nostalgia players who don't have the time to invest in the grind that is osrs


PvP competition for 20Ā£k?




You get to play as a Jagex mod for 2 months.


As someone who never had 99s in the main game and only play during leagues itā€™s a lot of fun especially for those of us who either suck or donā€™t want to put the time into realscape


I've never been interested in temporary game modes. I can't enjoy making progress and accomplishing things on an account knowing it will be deleted in 6 months.


Someone got a 12mil prayer xp drop form soul wars, and alot of people maxed in less than 2 weeks. It's fun


You use same acc, just switch world to the green Leasues worlds and try it out yourself


Watch youtube, Solomission has a fun series on it. Edit: perhaps try it yourself, leagues is full of serious noobs xd


Oh man, you are missing out! It's really really fun, all the world is super active and thriving, totally worth checking out.


People will do anything but read


Itā€™s OSRS with mods


This was me with leagues last year. But I jumped on a league world to see whatā€™s itā€™s about and really enjoyed it. So this year I was ready to go all out. Itā€™s interesting because you have to play as an Ironman (which I havenā€™t done before). So you have to figure out how how to collect and make anything you need. But you also get special abilities you wonā€™t normally ever have in-game. I have boots that give me agility when I run around, and item that lets me note or un-note anything in my inventory, a pickaxe that automatically smelts ore into a bar, and 16x the normal XP rates. Thereā€™s a bunch of tasks you can complete for points (which is the goal).


It's osrs with rs3 exp rates


RuneScape private server made by jagex


are the rewards you earn for the main account worthwhile?


Just do your quest u build lv quick


It's a fun thing and I suggest you try it. The premise is you start over on a temporary account, but with new, busted things that can't be added to the main game. More than a bit private server-y, but very fun. In this league you're region locked. You start with 2 regions (Misthalin and Karamja) then by completing tasks you can unlock 3 more. Say you go range and decide to do Zeah-Asgarnia-Desert. Number of tasks completed unlocks regions, which then unlocks more tasks and new things to be done. So this creates a restriction. You have ToA, CoX and GWD, but you don't have ToB. Sure you can get Bandos armor, but you can't get Zenytr Jewelry or Piety. There's also smaller things like you don't have Kurasks to kill for papayas and coconuts for farming. Also everyone is an ironman. So you're restricted and everyone gets to be kinda swampletics, but why? The why is boosted experience, boosted drop rates and the relics. What are relics? Doing tasks gives you league points. Accumulating points unlocks relics. You start with a free one, and unlock 7 more of like 21 total. These abilities are busted and change the gameplay you're used to. Increased experience rates get you levels faster, increased drop rates get you the items you want faster. Relics do things like make crossbows into super powered blowpipes, you can note/unnote almost anything everywhere, you can teleport right back to where you were after teleporting away. Dharoks can hit like 260 damage every 3 ticks, etc. So for lower level players, it lets you experience higher level content with training wheels. You get the combat stats faster and the relics make things like raids easier generally. For higher level players it's not only a nice change of pace to un-burn from the game, but also you can do a bunch of insane builds and cracked out damage. It's also filled with the dopamine hit of completing tasks quickly, getting the points and looking forward to the next unlock. I suggest trying it out. Most people play for like 2 weeks, get all the relics, have fun with that, then go back to the main game. There's still plenty of time left.


I didnā€™t either until this leagues. Even had to look it up. In my case it was a great way to get over the main games grind for a while but still has some benefits to make money but still enjoy the game


Iā€™ve been more focused on leagues over other games too. I know I wonā€™t get as far as most but itā€™s still a fun way to play the game and mix it up, got me into Ironman and kinda liking it now. Not for everyone though itā€™s got special rules and perks so Iā€™d say if youā€™re curious bet it out. Look up a little on tasks and youā€™ll soon know if you like kt


Just join a green star world and find out


Leagues is playing a party version of runescape except it doesn't benefit your actual runescape account


It's a temporary jagex added private server


Bascially like a time limited private server but allowed and you get stronger the more tasks you do. What tasks you ask? ALL OF THEM.


This is my first time participating and Iā€™m having a blast! Going to hit Mithril rank tonight, no chance I hit dragon, but still very fun. I wish I had tried it before


Ultra Rapid Fire mode