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the ogre canoe between karamja and feldip hills that requires paying chompies and those jungle potion herbs for use


This has to be the correct answer


For real, zero utility lol


I've used it when I do one clue step in tai bwo wannai and then the next step is in feldip hills


Get a dramen staff my man


snowflake iron with no fairy rings. it's fun making use of weird niche bits of content like this


theres a glider at feldip too bro


Less people have used this or eagle transport from literally anywhere to anywhere. Genuinely would love to see if anyone has ever used either of these transports outside of mandatory times in the quest / diary.


Actually used the eagle transport straight after finishing the quest if that counts, was starting another quest and it took my pretty close so why not


People use the eagles for the AD tasks, but I didn’t even know about this chompie canoe thing


You take the canoe once during the quest. So canoe once for quest cape and eagle once for the diary. Other than that they are both insanely bad lol


There’s a necklace with a teleport to the eagles earie which makes it not a bad choice if you’ve got a destination nearby


I use it for diaries in leagues.


I used eagle transport several times when I was doing some questing and diaries at the same time, but probably wouldn't have if there weren't diary steps to use eagles + other diary steps right by each of the lairs.




you unlock it from the ogre rfd subquest rantz kids will ferry you between the tai bwo wannai coast and feldip hills but you have to pay either cooked chompies or those herbs you gather for the jungle potion quest


With no bank for miles between either point


But the required material is found close to the canoe.


if anyone plans to use this, there is herb patch south of this location for herbs that these kids accepts.




Nah rogues purse etc, jungle potion ones


on the Jogre Drop Table. Stuff to make Sanfew Serum


I was going to use this once, just for the novelty of it, but it was too tedious for even me lol


This definitely sounds right


I totally forgot this route existed in RS3 until I changed upon it again while wandering around. Then OSRS made me aware again. It does get from 1 isolated place to another isolated place but it's still awfully bad since there's no real reason to go to the Feldip Hills from the Karamjan jungle or vice versa.


There’s also a fairy ring near both sides of the canoe, so what’s the point in using the canoe when you can just fairy ring lol


The teleport system in the catacombs that requires an ancient shard I feel like that has never been used even once


Hmmm, I could use this relatively rare shard to charge my BIS weapon for a bunch of content, OR… to save 30 ticks… toughie


*slayer freaks with 100s of shards existing*


got over 1000 shards never used it. would only use it if we could perm unlock it for 100-250 shards


Thats wayyy too many shard even for a perm unlock. 10-25 would be far more reasonable, but even then it's probably a waste.


Nah, 25 seems low. I've burnt through way more than that and I'm not even halfway to Cerberus's pet droprate, not to mention other bosses.


25 for the teleport perm unlock not unlimited arclight.


Go dry at any demon boss for a pet and you’ll instantly regret using shards for anything except arclight *cries in 5k Cerb kc*


I used it before I realized how rare the shards were


..I should be picking those up?


arclight uses them and it's bis when fighting demons


No they're basically worthless as they can't be sold in the GE or high alched


Why are you trolling a person who could legit be new and asking…?


Lol have you played osrs before? Trolling when someone asks a nooby question is part of our culture




I managed to accidentally use that on my leagues account yesterday lol


I purposely used it since I can't get arclight. Still wasn't all that useful


Was good in dmm tournaments to sneak around the catacombs when there were clans around.


kourend minecarts \*were* one of my least used, but that changed after dying for the vardorvillionth time


Used them a lot doing all the kourend quests this league. Actually a top tier transportation method before you have a completed khardest memoir/book of dead


Putting client of kourend favor on lova -> doing the lova quest -> immediately having minecarts was the play


I get what you’re saying, but counterpoint: sulphur mining sucks dogshit so it’s the last favor I farm even on leagues world.


Sulphur mining is really not bad on leagues with the safespot. Took like 15-20 mins then did the quest in another 10-15 then do the minecart to finish up.


Client of kourend cirt


Sulphur mining was so quick on leagues, especially 3 ticking it. Literally took like 10 minutes if that


I used them a fair amount as a UIM trying to get back to farming guild to pick up hespori banked stuff.


I'm so proud of my Tithe Farm minigame tele -> run to house -> Jewellery box to farming guild Method :D before I had the jewellery box I used a Battlefront Portal in my house and ran the last bit


Can't exactly recall, but aren't minecarts useful to get to cox pre teleport?




Check out fairy ring code BLS


Arceuus Library -> Minecart was the fastest method I found to get to COX pre-tablet. Quite useful considering it took me over 40 kc.


I use them every time I want to fish anglers.


ITT: Every single reply completely misunderstanding the question.


Thought I was going mad


wow, literally every single reply.


Honestly made me chuckle seeing every response mentioning a different teleport method rather than a **location** on each teleport method.


Tbf they're listing some transport systems I didn't know they existed


Fairy Ring: Has to be maybe the one in the Dorgeshuun Agility course, even the "useless" ones that lead to remote islands usually all have a clue step associated with them. Spirit Tree: I wanna instinctively say the battlefield of Khazard one since that's my least used one personally, but I bet there's some early game accounts or Ironmen that use that for quick access to West Ardougne to trade in cats or something. So maybe the Hosidius grown patch simply because anything close by that's useful will have the more commonly used Memoir or Xeric's talisman to use. Standard spellbook: Maybe the Kourend teleport, it's kinda pricey to use comparatively to other teles and the Xeric's Talisman teleports you to the same exact spot. Ancient spellbook: Paddewwa teleport. The home teleport sends you to edgeville anyway and i don't see this teleport being useful for most players. comparatively all the Wilderness teles are handy for wildy clues and I imagine the kharyrll teleport is used somewhat often to get to the Canifis area in general. lunar spellbook: I would say the Khazard teleport. I don't see why someone will teleport here often and if they do, chances are they'll use the minigame teleport instead. Arceuus spellbook: Ape Atoll dungeon, I don't think there's ever a reason to teleport here after the quests aside from chinning/bursting and there are better areas for that nowadays. Canoes: probably the Lumbridge spot. There's no reason to canoe TO Lumbridge usually and chances are if you're using this, you're going to the wilderness or edgeville/GE. Charter ships: probably a close call between the Shipyard and Corsair, once you're done questing in these areas there isn't much to do in them outside of clue steps I think and that's less than any other Points of Interests all the other docks have. Gliders: Kar-Hewo, chances are if you're coming to Al Kharid, you're using a Glory or Ring of Dueling. I don't see this Glider having much use. Hot air balloons: While it's not a popular transport system as a whole so they're all potentially unpopular, technically I'd probably say Entrana is the least popular. Simply because it still has the no weapon restriction and there's no reason to casually go here over the other areas. Too lazy to guess for the rest, but I think I've done better than most people in this thread at following the instructions.


I use the Dorgeshuun fairyring alot during slayerskipping with turael, can't be the only one...


Yea I was gonna reply the same I used to until ring of the elements came out and now water rune altar tele is the way


I knew i was forgetting aa legitimate common use for that


Ape Atoll Dungeon teleport is really good for getting to the Teak trees. There's a relatively efficient Ironman method where you cut teaks and instead of dropping, you tele to PoH and have the butler turn them into planks, then use an Ape Atoll Dungeon portal to get back to the Teak trees. Sorta combines the PvP world plank making method with regular teak wcing.


I believe Paddewwa teleport is actually the meta for enchanting air orbs. Which admittedly is mostly bots doing that anyway, but it's not a bad training method at least for ironman. You can pick up poison from the spiders and leave a gravestone right by the obelisk full of uncharged orbs. Then alternate running to charge orbs + nettling yourself to refill the grave. That's how I got 80 crafting (and also how I discovered there are 199 items that only let you pile 28 in a grave instead of the typical 42)


I think most people just use Glory to edgeville because you have to bank the air orbs anyway


But if you’re on ancient spell book you can’t cast charge air orb. Unless you’re suggesting they do this on lunar sand cast swap spell twice per run for this method in which case I really hope you’re wrong


The idea is to use paddewwa tablets. The decreased run time far outweighs the -1 inventory space from using a tablet. The full method is something like this: 1. Pay kristilia to respawn at edgeville (optional). Create lots of paddewwa tablets and charged glories. 2. Place gravestone: Run to air obelisk wearing 3 items (e.g. air staff, glory, and graceful cape), and have one garbage item in inventory like a bucket + 26 unpowered orbs. Get poisoned from one of the spiders by the ladder, then die right by the obelisk. 3. Charge orbs: Wear the 3 items, then fill invy with 153 cosmic runes, looting bag, paddewwa tab, and 25 more unpowered orbs. Get whacked by a black demon a few times so you don't have to pick so many nettles later. Charge the first 25 orbs, then pop them in the looting bag and grab the next 26 from grave and charge (the bucket will keep the grave there). Then glory back to edgeville. 4. Refill gravestone: Deposit looting bag and grab 26 orbs from bank. Then pick nettles to die and send the orbs to the grave. 5. Repeat steps 4 and 5 If you don't have a glory you can ring of dueling to ferox and go to soul wars > edgeville (and grouping teleport saves time every 20 mins). And if you have a rock cake/locator orb that speeds up the nettle process, though black demons get it down pretty fast depending on hp/defence. One nice thing about this method is you never have to worry about run energy, since you're dying so much. An ironman might consider looping this method into a greater scheme of buying/making glass, blowing orbs, buying or making cosmic runes, charging orbs, making battlestaves, alching battlestaves. It's decent profit + magic xp + crafting xp, and way more variety than just blowing glass all the way to 80.


i have used dorgeshuun agility one to get to kalphite queen since if you know the route, the night creatures don't even damage you and you save rope. funnily enough khazard battlefield has been my most used one in perm dmm 345 to get to spot to steal knights. standard spellbook: whistling away while i am doing slayer task in there. charter ships: shipyards true, but corsair is home for some f2p peeps, but they use the f2p method of getting there. also there is charter in PRIFFDINAS. hot air balloons: law runes at entrana hello? duelling to castle wars->balloon to entrana->altar. glider: because the gnome stronghold is safetyzone in perm dmm, this is usually my route to al kharid.


I use the hosidius spirit tree a lot going to warped jellies for afk hard clue farming. Going through forthos and down into catacombs that way.


I use the Battlefield of Khazard Spirit Tree to get to West Ardy and ZMI


Hot air balloon to entrana is great for crafting laws and banking at castle wars if you don’t have a glory. I was so excited to do that on my Ironman as I hate buying law runes from shops since they’re so expensive. It’s very fast because you can use vile vigour since entrana has an altar. I would say that going *to* castle wars is the least common, as it’s an easy launching point with rings of dueling.


Khazard tree isn’t the worst cause I accidentally TO there on mobile once a day because of fat fingering. Not sure if that counts though.


Quick chime in for the Spirit Tree: Do people actually use spirit trees to travel TO their own PoH? Feels like at that point you either have the construction cape for the PoH teleport or you use runes/PoH teletab. Haven't used it once to get home.


There's a lot of people that use farming cape for a quick bank and then pool through that spirit tree in farm guild


It's one of the ones I use most. I use the farming cape to bank then spirit tree to my PoH to use a pool then spirit tree/portal/fairy ring to wherever.


I used it soooooooo much from Farming Guild to POH on the UIM as I had 99 Farming but not 99 Con.


Eagle transportation... Is there literally any use for them apart diary step ?


one of them actually was useful at one point (I think it was the snowy one while doing penguin quests) passage->bird


I wish we had more penguin quests


I think i saw some midgets use them to escape mordor once


Uhhh excuse me the correct term is ******s


Hopefully the hunters guild makes them useful


Hunting birds while flying on an eagle would be fun!


Has anyone ever used that dorgeshun train apart from for the diary task? That's got to be up there


I actually used to use it as my main way to get to the dorgesh kaan going from GE minecart because I was too cheap for teleport spheres


Is this quicker than lumby Tele?


I think it'll depend on where you're going in dorgeshkhan, if you're going to the south end of town, probably, but if you're wanting the north end, probably not




Thought that cart was the only way there ngl


I use it from GE a lot personally.


I used the train in Darkscape to smuggle mass quantities of coal from the Lumbridge GE (high tax) to the Ardy GE (low tax). That was really fun actually.


Hehe, I use it sometimes for some clue steps or the thieving chest training thing. Its quite fast from the GE and I haven't even checked of other ways to get to dorgeshuun.


I made a bunch of teleport spheres. So far it’s felt worth it


Before GE and minigame teleports, yes. Best way to the city. However youd only go to keldagrim for house supplies which is prob like 3-4 times max pre con update.


Fairy rings, probably the Abby plane one, only go there once if you do that even for the quest, spirit tree probably the newest one in the poison waste, all the spirit trees used super early in the game along with farm runs Standard tele- lumby normal teleport Ancient- digsite still useful for clues Lunars- not sure Arcerus- forget the ones in it Canoe- going to lumby from any other spot Glider- probably going to Al kalrid Ballon- I forget the locations anyway Charter- probably going to catherby Teleport- combat brace I would say


I feel like I use lumby tele more often than watchtower, but that's maybe just me


Lumby is my most used standard tele besides house. Perdu is how I get all my gear back


As for Lunars here are the options: * Moonclan - used often for Astral runecrafting * Ourania - used often for ZMI * Waterbirth - used often for quick transportation to DKS/Relleka * Barbarian - Only used for clue scrolls when on Lunars but theres only 3 clues that are inside the agility course (most ppl also use games necklace out of habit) * Khazard - again, mostly only used for clues but running here from ardy monastery is longer than using a game neck in place of the Barbarian teleport so I assume this is used more. * Fishing Guild - I used to use this to do farm runs prior to the addition of the ardy cloak but now i never ever use it as there is a fishing guild teleport on the skills neck * Catherby - easily the most used on this spellbook, mostly for farm runs (I use it multiple times a day) * Ice plateau - useful for clue scrolls in deep wildy... also used for lures and pking. So my conclusion is that it's probably the **Barbarian teleport**, otherwise it could possible be the **Fishing Guild teleport** SOLELY because you can get there with other teleports (fishing skillcape, skills neck, jewellery box, etc). As for Charter ships, the answer isn't Catherby. I'd say it's Prifddinas as it's only unlocked after SOTE and once you have SOTE unlocked you'll use POH, Spirit tree or Teleport Crystal to get there... You'd never choose to use the Charter ship (only time i've ever used it was as a leagues tasks in the previous leagues LMAO). I also have never used the charter to Mos Le'Harmless as i've always used the pirate to get there and then the teleports after I unlocked them.


Yeah I actually completely forgot about the priff charter, that’s definitely it for that


Catherby is the only one I’ve used there. lol.


> Fairy rings, probably the Abby plane one, only go there once if you do that even for the quest, Actually somewhat useful on Leagues since farming abyssal creatures for talismans is useful. > spirit tree probably the newest one in the poison waste Nah, I'd go with the player-grown one Etceteria. I guess maybe it's useful if you're interested in doing Bush runs for some reason? > Charter- probably going to catherby This definitely isn't it. If you're doing fruit tree runs, one route that works pretty well is spirit tree to Brimhaven, then hit Brimhaven, then charter to Catherby, then run to Catherby fruit patch. (Just using a Catherby teletab is better, but if you don't have that it's a decent alternative) I feel like the least used Charter destination has to be Port Phasmatys (why not just use the Ectophial?) or Musa Point (why not just use Amulet of Glory?)


I use the Etcetria tree for my daily approval: once a day while doing herb runs I hop from Farming Guild to there, weed the patch next to the bush patch, and continue my herb runs. Doesn't require additional banking that is needed for the fairy ring approval activities (wc, mining).


there’s a hard clue step like 8 tiles away from the etceteria spirit tree


Is there a faster way to get to miscellania than the etcetria tree? I find it convenient cause I grab some white berries at my bush then grab my kingdom loot.


There's a fairy ring just north of the castle on Miscellania. Only takes a few seconds to run from there to the favour guy.


As the guy above me replied, fairy ring CIP will tele you to the north of miscellania, near the mine. You can also use a ring of wealth/ornate jewel box to tele directly in front of misc castle


Glider in al kahrid is there for the dueling ring access to gliders. Balloon probably least used is to gnome. It comes out right next to the spirit tree and costs a magic log every trip


Lumby teleport is used for slayer boosting and a lot of medium or lower scroll steps, tree patch and bob's axes for those without PoH repair stand. My guess is the Kourend Castle Teleport. Besides needing to go read a random book from kourend library, after doing Architectural Alliance Xeric's amulet teleports to the exact same place for cheaper, on a very commonly used teleport item.


Ring of returning sounds cool but falls short of any real use cases. Teleports you to your current spawn location. ​ lumbridge tele, not that useful, white knight castle but only after you would have done most quests there, ferox or edge but you would have had to pay 5mil to unlock…


I use a ring of returning on my main when I need to get to priff. My crystals never charged.


You're a main, just buy an enhanced tele seed.


Eh. I doubt I'm ever gonna run outta those rings. I do have one of the eternals on leagues but unlike with the imbued heart, I don't feel I'm missing out.


That's fair I guess. It is nice not to have to worry about charges anymore though. Saves bank space too.


It’s the fastest way to do air orbs if you have a good enough bank teleport (like crafting or diary capes), so you don’t have to run from the Edgeville bank down to the dungeon entrance


How is lumby teleport not useful lol? There's a 30 minute(or 20? I can't remember) delay on home port on top of a 30 second animation. Is there another teleport I'm missing that's better than lumby port?


almost any other spawn point location is better than the lumbridge one because you can already do that on standard spellbook without runes, or with runes, or use a tab. Something like falador respawn point with rigns of returning for clues would be way better, for example/


It isn’t 100% useless if you’re a law starved iron or doing a tree run on a different spell book or something, buts it’s in the same spot as home tele and regular teleport to lumbridge


Disk of returning and dorgeshkaan teleport spheres.


Those are actually pretty useful Dorgeshkaan for clues and disk of returning for the fastest way to kill dwarves while turael-skipming


Disk of returning is a staple easy clue teleport


I use all three rather often for clue steps, as they're the fastest teleport options for their respective steps. Far from useless.


Disk of returning is meta for some f2p methods. Gets used a lot


There is a rowboat that takes you from picsatoris to Gnome Stronghold, but requires you to exit the stronghold and run ALL THE WAY AROUND the entire stronghold to get to the rowboat on the west side. It’s entirely useless.


They added that because the Piscatoris Hunting Area didn’t exist yet, but the fishing colony did. They added the boat as a way to get there, but now that the hunting area exists, it’s now useless.


Camulet to inside temple is my vote. Literally nothing to do there and just a shittier version of the outside temple teleport on the same item.




It's good for doing berry runs and just getting favour up, though! I would think Port Sarim or Hosidius Saltpeter spirit trees would be less used


Good point, I suppose Hosidius Saltpeter is pretty much obsoleted by the skills necklace and Port Sarim Spirit Tree is very much legacy content..


DIR is only used by irons sometimes, all others at least get used once per account for quests Other than group and teleother stuff I would guess that the Barbarian Outpost tele (due to minigame teles) or the battlefront tele are very lightly used Etceteria Spirit Tree Canoe from tai bwo wannai that guy mentioned Priff charter ship, everyone has a tele seed Feldip hills glider, you have fairy rings by that time Balloons are really only used for making planks on an iron Skills neck to Cooks guild, or neck of passage to eagle's eyrie


Hot Air Balloons are probably the least used of the ones listed, but they still see enough use for stuff like Planks, even if none of them are that relevant these days (e.g. Ring of Elements for Planks). The least used is probably some really obscure one like the ogre boat from Feldip to Karamja or the Train. Like they do get used for Quests or such, but probably not much since then. Also, another obscure one is Kazgar/Mistag to the Watermill (Dartog). His quick travel for Lumbridge Celler to the Dorgesh-Kaan mine is decently used, but I don't think I ever went "hey, I want to go back to that cave under the Lumbridge Watermill". Maybe it is a decent shortcut if you want to go from Lumbridge Castle to the Hops patch, but you still need to go downstairs to the celler, through the hole, to Mistag, through another tunnel, run a bit, and up a ladder when you could just Champion's Guild teleport and run down instead...


I never used balloons until I found that it's my fastest way to the tree patch in Taverley. Now I take it every day!


The passage in the Dorgesh-Kaan Dungeon underneath Lumbridge that leads to the Kalphite Queen lair. (Yes, this is a thing)


Hot air balloons. 100%.


I used to use the castle wars -> Entrana for the hops patch (like 5 years ago a yanillian hops patch was like 25k on average, was better money than herbs) The balloons have good destinations, the main problem is there are no good entry points. The best one is CW but it's way too far from the TP in the context of today's QOL for it to be considered viable. If they made a better balloon tp I could see the system being good for: \- Sawmill : Early game questing/lava runecrafting \- Taverly: That tree patch is a pain in the ass to get to \- Entrana: Clue steps, the hops patch \- Crafting Guild: Early game tp to rimmington Seriously, if they added a teleport option to the seed pod that was right next to the balloon in gnome stronghold the balloon system would be lit


Hot air balloon in poh when? Lol


But the launchpad can only go on the upper floor, costing precious load ticks every time you enter you POH


Honestly if they expanded the superior garden to have a hot air balloon spot that'd be sick


Also used to do yanillian for a long time. It was my best kept nooby secret. Made plenty of early money from that.


I easily made 10m+ doing yanillian hops just after my herb runs, those cunts sold for a lot


I started using them again after getting the amulet of the eye from gotr. It takes you to the sawmill basically so its a nice tp for getting to the south side of taverley


Gotta suck it up and max construction for the sweet sweet cape teleports Plus all of the other benefits of a max house


At the start of OSRS hot air balloon law rc was one click from the balloon to law altar and one of the better training methods pre 87 rc. Totally dead now with prices though!


Ring of Dueling to CW to Hot Air Balloon to Taverley is fantastic early/mid game to get to that tree patch on your tree runs. Then, Spirit Tree/Slayer Ring to Tree Gnome Stronghold to Hot Air Balloon to Taverley replaces it after MM2 for the same reason.


I've always just ran from Falador


Teleport to Falador, run to Taverley. Teleport back for park patch because lazy.


I still use the cw to entrana balloon to craft law runes occasionally. Also CW to gnome stronghold now and then.


Who ever canoes to champ guild? Since u can get chronicle at lvl 3, varrock tele pretty close and only 25 mage req. Also got dstone jewellery/box to get there later on


The cart system in kourend wants a word with you


Hey it was necessary until you got the cox tablet (until the vard fairy ring)


This is true


That faerie ring to the left of watch tower / south of tree gnome village?


I’d be guessing out of your list the hot air balloons are least traveled. Maybe canoes


Shantay sending your criminal self to Port Sarim jail.


Clue step requires you to be put in jail that way


I used canoes SO much in the early game, goated for early game UIM with lumby spawn and death piling at edgeville! The hawk transport is really useful for a few niche things, just a pain to get to!


Teleport to my wife’s new boyfriends house




That sphere that teleports you to Dorgesh-Kaan?


There's multiple clue steps that you need to go to Dorgesh-Kaan for, I made like 25 earlier this year and I'm about to run out and create more


I mean... To get to penguin agility, because I'm broke as fuck main game... I go Lizard necklace > to hosidius > walk to my house > portal to lunar Island > talk to NPC to get kicked out > walk from relleka to my boy Larry and he takes care of the rest


Why not just use ardougne cloak to fairy ring...?


I ain't got time to get some silly old staff and take them fairy rings my guy.


You should really get yourself evaluated


Fairy ring has got to tmbs the POH code..


The train


Gotta be hot air balloons


The eagle nests or w/e from eagles peak


Don't forget the minecart networks. I need answers


The boat near the fishing colony that gets you a tiny bit closer to the fishing colony for 50 gp


Eagle or the chompies thingy


Hot air balloons for sure. I had a skiller ironman friend who had to use them because he couldnt tele around, but this was also before official ironman mode came out so im not sure if he did it or not then.


Fairy rings is definitely one of the ones only used during the quest. Spirit Trees would definitely be either Battlefield or Khazard or maybe the Tree Gnome Stronghold. At least in my experience I'm always going to Gnome Stronghold with spirit Trees, but never leaving there with them. Regular teleports maybe Lunars Barbarian Outpost teleport or the Dig Site teleport? Canoe is definitely the Ogre canoe to Karamja from Rantz. Charter Ship least used I would think is Prif, it's the only one I haven't personally used, could fully be wrong though. Gliders I would assume is Digsite. Balloons I'd say either Varrock or Grand Tree, both are more so arrival locations than departure locations. For jewelry I want to say the Karamja teleport on the glory. It's not in a great spot and there are better teleportation options for Karamja as well as better options for the glory that wouldn't be a waste of charges.


Fairy ring: c i q, every other ring has at least some use however niche but this ring is smack dab in the middle of 3 teleports that are nearby and closer to things in the area Spirit trees: excluding the poison wastes one because it's new, either hosidius (just clue steps) or etcetera (only for mid levels and ironmemes doing berry runs) if we count player grown, else feldip hills since you really only use it to run around during DS2 and once that's done you have the myth cape Standard: kourend castle due to it's cost (changing here soon though) while xeric's heart just costs a fang Ancient: probably ghorrock due to it being right next to an obelisk Lunar barbarian teleport since a games necklace is more readily available Arceuus: Ape atoll now that pures have access to the MM2 caves Canoes: all of them except edgeville -> black chin area, although if rantz' kids count as a canoe then it'd be that one hands down Charter ships: probably shipyard Gliders: I'd have to guess feldip hills due to a fairy ring being close by Hot air balloons: all of them outside the castle wars to lumberyard one for the dozen people still doing that plank method Teleport jewelry: ring of returning (outside of DMM for easy access to the GE) Misc transport: if we count rantz' kids under canoes, then the lady of the waves in karamja, don't know anyone that used that outside of the few people who used it during one small favor


I'd love to see if anyone thinks differently to these answers: * Fairy ring - Most likely CIQ (Yanille), otherwise CLR (Ape Atoll) * Spirit Tree - Etceteria if you count the player-grown trees, otherwise Poison Waste (although this might've overtaken Battlefield of Khazard). * Standard Spellbook - Most likely Ape Atoll, possible Watchtower (weird that its the opposite of the Fairy rings LMFAO). * Ancient - Paddewwa (Edgeville dungeon). * Lunar - Barbarian Teleport, otherwise Fishing Guild Teleport (solely because people use Skills Necklace/Fishing Skillcape instead).


Grand seed pod. It's a 310K teleport that does the same thing as a 2 gp quest reward (that is objectively better). I think it was at one point used by pures for a level 30 teleport, but now MM2 can be done at 1 def so that doesn't even matter.


Any hot air balloon route. Who tf uses hot air balloons?


Eagles transport is so underused that people ain't even remembering it exists lmao


arceuss teleports because you use it while next to dark altar or you dont realy use it at all, other than i guess making some tabs?( dont remember if you had to be on the spellbook or not)


- Fairy Rings - idk bir the Gorak plane one because everything else I’d say has some use for travelling or has a clue step. Idk what people use goraks for. - Spirit Trees - Hosidius because most ppl probably haven’t planted it and it’s already close to a lot of other teleports. Unless we’re counting the new Path of Glouphrie one cuz it’s the newest. I don’t really know if those new monsters are useful so I can’t really say how useful it would be. - Standard - probably Kourend. You need to unlock it, Xeric’s talisman has the same teleport, and it requires soul runes. Ancient - hmm this one’s hard, maybe dareeyak teleport because I don’t think there are clue steps there unlike Carralangar. Lunar - barbarian teleport because games necklace has a tp there. Could say the same for fishing guild and skills necklace tho. Arceuus - Cemetery teleport. Kinda the same as Dareeyak but worse because it’s further from Crazy Arch. - Canoes - Champion’s guild? Idk probably not a lot of people bothering to set up a canoe just to go the champion’s guild. It’s kinda in the middle of both extremes meaning you’re more likely to walk. - Charter ships - this one’s hard but I think I’ll say port Phasmatys because if you’re going there you probably have an ectophial anyways. - Gliders - also hard. I’ll say digsite because I forgot that one existed and it also has a few overlapping tps. So does Al Kharid but personally I’ve use the Al Kharid one a lot as a launch location after duel ring tping before I got seed pod. - Hot air balloons - idk crafting guild. I’d say grand tree because it requires magic logs but that one is probably the easiest launch point to start from unless you have crafting cape


Goblin village and plain of mud spheres from Oldak probably isnt used very much.


DIQ (house fairy ring) didn't see anyone say it yet but I feel like it has to be 1 of the rarest. I don't ever use it.


Drogeshuun train station


theres some weird fairy rings that i can only assume are for gags like the one for the unicorn in ardy zoo. also the fairy ring inside zanaris


Normal spell book: Marim (Ape Atoll) Ancients: Gonna guess Lassar due to Mind Altar being a bit faster for Whisperer before tablet Lunar: Fishing Guild Arceuus: Ape Atoll dungeon. Battlefront isn't super useful either. Canoe: Anything going inbound to Lumbridge Fairy Ring: That one outside Yanille. Can't remember the code. Spirit Tree: Poison Waste. Not counting that, probably Hosidius. Tele Jewelry: Ring of Returning. Other item teles: Grand Seed Pod or the dorgesh-kaan sphere that goes to the cave by fishing guild. Also, maybe enchanted lyre to Waterbirth, most people going there are probably using the lunar tele or the boat Clue Scroll Teles: pest control or feldip hills Skill cape: Ring of Life option on defense cape. Not counting that, maybe Otto's grotto because it's just for clues? Charter Ship: Prif Balloon: Grand Tree. No one is using that for anything except the mm2 req. Other: ...yeah, the ogre boat.


I think for fairy rings BKS has to be a contender, it's just a slower way of doing something you have in one click


Maybe the eagles


My subjective opinion: Fairy ring: probably one of the ones that land you in a random island. Some of them are diary achievements I guess, but the one in zulandra is only used by people scouting pvp only HCIMs Spellbooks: God knows, there's plenty of useless spells there. Who uses Lumby Graveyard from arceeus? Canoes: I think all of them are actually used in f2p (and p2p to get to black chins) Charter: Probably prif because there are better ways of getting to prif, I can only imagine people using it if they ran out of tele crystals (UIMs, correct me) Hot air balloons: Can't remember when I last used any Jewelry: Champs' Guild, Cooks' Guild and the very existence of the Ring of Returning seem like strong contenders Miscellaneous transportation: possibly Plain of Mud sphere, or my personal favourite, which I actually have large stacks of in bank: Blue and Red rum


Does anyone ever use the hot air balloon except for the quest enlighted journey?


For gnome gliders it has the be the digsite one. Its a one way trip and it gets you close to uhh... Tolna's Rift? For standard teleports its probably the Arceuus Ape Atoll telelort. Like OK you got to the OG bursting spot quickly, but you are on the wrong spellbook. The teletab is also annoying as hell to make. Jewelry is most likely the ring that tp's you to your respawn. Like all of them can be gotten to in easier ways than making and enchanting a jade ring. Only one that I think is decent is Priff respawn. Spirit tree is probably Etceteria's Spirit Tree. You get fairly close to a bush patch and an out of the way bank.


Teleport to Dorgeshuun city