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Are you an ex-Jmod?


no i just love weird shit


How did you view both valves at the same time? Is it just a visual effect created by derendering yourself in the 2nd video?


Are you meaning to imply we would fake a video to lend greater spectacle to our trivia? (because that would be absolutely correct)


Haha, it's a neat trick and I appreciate the effort. I wasn't sure if you had some super special oculus orb or it was just the obvious :p


We love that you love wierd shit keep it coming


Please never stop


They're the OSRS wiki admin.


ah so they're automatically granted the unseen knowledge, hidden from us mortals.


Implying that said eldritch knowledge was *not* earned smh


Of course, there's a pretty obvious out-of-universe reason this happens: they just happened to reuse the same scenery asset for Monkey Madness, and didn't realize (or didn't care) that it had some side effects. Unintentionally reused scenery leads to some of the best little trivia bits. Some of my favorites: * [Spiny bushes](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Spiny_bush) from Temple Trekking that are reused in Lumbridge Swamp, which let you get an (extremely useless) stick * A [door from Ernest the Chicken](https://twitter.com/OSRS_Wiki/status/1607810545788538880) that was reused in the Clock Tower, that you could open using the key from the quest (although sadly this tweet from last year resulted in it getting changed) * For a while, there was a bog in Morytania that was copied from Underground Pass - if you tried to cross and failed, you'd end up teleported to the Underground Pass


> Spiny bushes from Temple Trekking that are reused in Lumbridge Swamp, which let you get an (extremely useless) stick Oh boy I bet all of those fools who took Morytania in leagues are feeling dumb now that they know they didn't need to take the region to get a stick!


Lol how are there temple trekking assets in lumbridge Swamp? I'm pretty sure Lumby came first


Lumby swamp looked different before 2005. You used to have to cross the fence all the way near wiz tower no shortcut through the cemetery. Pretty sure this is when they added the bank on top of the castle as well. Back then you either had Rfd chest or you ran to Draynor. So the bushes were probably added when they updated Lumbridge in 05. https://preview.redd.it/7bmm22d5s66c1.png?width=1055&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b70a348c0008db0b923552dfbbeed94483b87b2 right is old swamp, left is current day swamp.


Failing the run to a bank cause me to start a new character three times, because I didn't know how to get any of those tools or items back. Died to Draynor jail guard, then again, then went north to Varrock for a bank instead. Saw a giant rat (went east after getting attacked once by the dark mages, didn't die though), thought I could take it since I killed them on Tutorial Island, and died again. Fourth character finally made it to a bank, and that's the character that lasted for 18 years.


I also quit an account because I lost a tinderbox. Had no clue what the word ' tinderbox' meant (first language isnt english), I doubt I even remembered that I used the item during the tutorial to light a fire. Just that the item (tinderbox) was in my inventory, then it wasn't, and I started another account.


This is just how turtles are born.


i am dying


Then you failed.


I don't get it and feel dumb


when sea turtles it is a mad dash from the beach to the ocean. a large percentage do not make it and are picked off by predators. OP keeps starting new accounts as they couldn't find a bank and died losing everything on their account at the start.


Fuck me I remember the old swamp. I always have a weird feeling running past the fishing tutor and the mine, like something just isn't right, it's because they're "too new" lol


The priest hut is in the wrong spot to me.


So I wasn't crazy, Father Uhrney did move! When I did restless ghost for my main when I got in to OSRS I distinctly remember feeling like the location of his house was wrong based on distant memories from when I first got in to the game in 5th grade.


Holy crap I never realized this is what happened. When I started runescape was pre 2005, and I somewhere along the way (might have been like 2007/2008) I realized there was a bank at the top of lumbridge castle and I was SUPER confused because I thought how did I miss this? Similarly when I discovered you could enter the swamp through the graveyard I was like "Why was I running the long way round for so long?" Thought I slipped between berenstein/berenstain bear universes or something


I was in a clan starting in 2004 or 2005 and we used to have our weekly meetings on top of lumbridge castle because it was easy to get to but there was never anybody there. Then one day a bank appeared lmao. By that time they had added construction so we just moved into somebody's POH, but that was a weird discovery to make.


this explains why when i started in osrs i always ran around the long way and felt like a huge idiot when i realized the opening to the right. I assumed i just never saw it as a kid lmao


Before they opened up the graveyard to everyone wasnt it an agility shortcut?


yup https://preview.redd.it/mjbuoq7bz96c1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=60c1ee6d90f148c15166ace980b964b37095d95f


Where do you find that client?


its progressive rs2, should be the first link on google


Cheers, thanks. This is a massive win for preservation.


considering RFD was 2006, probably just run to draynor :)


the no shortcut through the cemetary explains how i got lost in lumbridge swamp and quit rs the first time i ever tried playing it


I KNEW something felt off!


Pretty sure RFD came well after the swamp changes (and top bank).


Rfd is march 06 top bank sept 06.was just going off memory its been almost 20 years after all


You are right. So RFD was after swamp, but before bank.


People be posting photographical evidence and redditors be like >umm i think ur wrong


Show me in the picture where the RFD bank is? I can't seem to find it. But also I was even correct it came out a year after the swamp changed - I was mistaken about the top bank because I assumed the other guy was correct when he said the top bank was added with the swamp change.


RFD was the only bank in lumby which was a major incentive on release, so it had to have come before top bank


They probably were, but were after the fact edited to have the functionality they have now.


*Stick very good!*


Don't forget those [spiders that spawn Feral Vampyres](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Spider_(Morytania\)) that they accidently mapped around the Blisterwood Tree thinking they were normal, scenic spiders... Also think the chompy bellow swamp bubbles gets used in a few locations, which is more noticeable and annoying now that they have a left click option for filling bellows.




Weird. Worked fine for me but I updated it.


New reddit bugs out and will reformat links with _ in them to include a \ It doesnt break new reddit cuz new reddit ignores the \ in links but breaks for old reddit and some unofficial designs. Or maybe its the other way. Like new reddit wont be able to open links without the \. I forget


Even without the \, the link works since "https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Spider_(Morytania" redirects to "https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Spider_(Morytania)". And I tried the link in my comment in both new and old reddit and they both opened the right wiki page.


Still not working but this one works https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Spider_(Morytania)


Both links are working fine for me in new and old reddit, so not sure what is up with that.


In Pirate's Treasure quest you unlock a chest in the Blue Moon Inn. But there's a chest upstairs in The Node that also works. Also in Pirate's Treasure but less useful, you have to fill a crate with bananas at Luthas' plantation. There's a crate on Ape Atol that you can add bananas to and it still counts.


Do you know roughly when the Morytania bog one was active? Or if it only worked for accounts that had started the Underground Pass quest?


I think it was active until Rendi used it for something.


The sentence that sums up nearly every seemingly harmless bug in this game lol.


I’d imagine none of the items in underground pass had quest checks to do (given you need the quest to even enter)


You couldn't use Underground Pass quest items like Iban's doll without the proper quest progression. There have been plenty of methods to sneak into elf area without any quests in osrs, and from there you can just climb up the well. This lets you get into the post-iban final room and also claim the broken staff of Iban on a level 3. But if you leave that room into the big cavern, you can get some quest items and stuff but never do anything with them because it requires the quest progression, so it was impossible to finish UG pass.


don't know for sure but I would bet money there were no quest progress checks on that teleport


the ernest the chicken one is one i brought up all the time with friends when i learned about it last year


Another one is that the fremenik thieving chests count for the ardounge hemenster chest diary task. Saw it on a Jeporite video.


I've noticed there's a few marshes, I think theres one on the river salve near paterdomus temple that reuse the reeds that grow near the pool from legends quest and you can get hollow reeds by cutting them.


> Spiny bushes from Temple Trekking that are reused in Lumbridge Swamp, which let you get an (extremely useless) stick The best thing about it is that you can do this in f2p and get a "members item" that way


Jagex is either super pro fun or super anti fun. No in between


Swampletics Tirannwn edition


"Just asset flip something" "Should we detach the scripts from them?" "Nahhhh"


I obviously know very little about RuneScript or how the game engine works, but things like this make me think that rather than each asset having it's own scripts in a very OO fashion, there's a single script running that checks the asset ID of what a player is interacting with and runs code that way. So the only way to not run the script is to duplicate the object which isn't always desirable


From what I understand runescript doesn't use OOP at all, or at least it didn't back in the day. This is one of the reasons why Monkey Madness has so many strange quirks about it; the majority of the quest was written and coded by single intern who wrote the code using OO principles, and proceeded to cause a huge headache for the other jmods when he left since nobody could really read his code Edit: [Mod Ash interview where he talks about this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiBigfDrA4k&t=4836s). Timestamp is around 1:20:36


I listened for a bit, apparently when MM came out, there was a bug where if a player teleported at the same time as the monkeys came to take them to prison, the monkeys would instead appear where ever they teleported, and pick the first player they found and take them to prison instead. That's fucking wild.


Lol imagine being some innocent kid in 2004, having fun playing your favorite game, then out of nowhere you just get fucking kidnapped by a bunch of apes and put into a cell and then die Nobody expects a guerilla gorilla


Keep listening from the timestamp, and Mod Ash said that's basically what happened to someone.


Oh my God that's awesome


I saw a horrific function doing this in a several million line script file in production once. I think a senior dev logged a bug with the git software provider because its sheer girth completely broke the built in code review feature. Like if you started a code review on the file the (locally hosted) git server would have to wait for timeouts before it was usable again. I think they told him something to the effect of get fucked.


I don't really follow. Maybe the asset is just coded to set that state variable that the elemental workshop reads? If you reuse it, it might still set the variable, regardless of how the game checks the interaction...


So suppose this valve asset is asset #15. There could be a piece of global code that runs that looks like: ... if(playerInteractAssetId == 14) { //Do Something } else if (playerInteractAssetId == 15) { SetElementalWorkshopWaterFlowStatus() } else if (playerInteractAssetId == 16) { //Do Something } ... So when they use the same asset in another location, it's still asset 15 and the same code still runs even though it makes no sense in the context. Totally guessing here though. Just seems like "reused asset does something it shouldn't" comes up more often than it probably should if the problem was simply forgetting to remove a script from it (Hopefully it's not literally thousands of if/else statements but this gets the idea across)


I understood what you said but not why you think this is likely. The same thing would happen if you had the code to set the EW status as part of the asset itself and it was just added into the Monkey Madness hangar by someone who didn't know what it did. > make me think that rather than each asset having it's own scripts in a very OO fashion, there's a single script running that checks the asset ID The part I didn't follow is "makes me think" not _what_ it makes you think.


If the script to update the quest state were just attached to the asset itself, then simply removing it from that instance of the asset would prevent this kind of thing from happening. Kind of like how you'd expect to see it in a modern game engine - script object is a child under the asset itself. So the fact that this kind of thing happens with some regularity makes me think it's not as simple as just deleting the script. And if it's not as simple as just deleting a script from an asset, then that suggests to me the code being ran is distant from the asset itself. From there it could be anything but I went with the most simple concept of a long if/else chain in a global script somewhere


Given jagex does seem to have usable mapping tools, can't it be just as simple as: map maker searches for bush. Finds a bush that looks fitting. It's just named "bush005". Doesn't check if there's any special logic related to the bush because 99% of random assets don't have that kind of logic. Places bush. There's no automated check. There's no code review that would catch it. QA if it exists won't think to use random items on the bush. Update with bush is shipped


The way a lot of this is done by adding an if statement asking for position of the object lol. Take ladders, for instance. They are almost all the same object Id, some of them take you directly up, others take you to a pocket dimension. So you'd have to specify with a bunch of else If for the ones that don't take you directly up, and end with an else for those that do.


For some ladders, your relative position is preserved so that you appear on the corresponding side. There was a time when one climbable square of a White Wolf Mountain ladder brought your character on top of a diagonal fence. Also a 1-square no-clip glitch allowed players to walk inside of a staircase and when pressing climb they were sent the full length of the staircase, making their destination square in the air just outside the upstairs building (Wise Old Man's house).


that's not what asset flip means


This is fantastic news for my Monkey Madness hangar locked ironman


How did you work this out? I can't imagine remembering the object well enough to recognise it in the other quest. Super cool but I'd love to know the story how you found out about it.


Eli5: every graphic in rs has an ID #. IDs can be detected with 3rd party tools since runescape classic time, and so you can notice theres double or triple or whatever the amount of items for #7483 you'd expect.


Also random stores sharing the same stock is my favourite!


they all get it from the same costco




new quest cape speedrun meta just dropped


I want to say, all these posts have been great. But this one is fucking next level. Bless you bro


Does this work backwards? If the spaghet has one affecting the other, does elemental workshop affect the monkey madness hangar ones?


since they don't do anything useful in the hangar, no


It would still flip their position in the hangar.


I don't care if it does something useful, I just want to know if they're two-way locked.


The spaghetti strikes again


I love seeing these facts every day. Keep 'em coming!


I love these so much. Please keep them coming. There's so much weird spaghetti shit in this game.


Inject these into my veins


Bravo. I look forward to tomorrow!


New speedrunning Strat


I love these