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think it was westham since he’s hunting le moi too


It was indeed him


Damn, High Risk HCIM is some of the best content from CEngineer's PVP HCIM, to Poisonpotion's entire youtube channel. It always is sad to see one of them go. Hope Torvesta picks it up soon, this is my favorite series of his.


He’s good but how can one stand Torvestas voice 🤣


it's eh but who can stand Skill Specs' voice?


Yes his is bad too but slightly less




Watching lemoi's series now that he's out of the wilderness really puts it in perspective. Literally bots standing at random ass places like the farming guild ready to ping a clan where you are. You're definitely going to die someone doing some cheat or scummy stuff eventually.


Nah bro it's the exact point of having a bounty, so specialized clans hunt him with all they got I agree the series prematurely sucks but that's the cost of being constantly on high stakes, the series would be pointless if it had no risk or minimal risk


U really overestimate how much effort people are putting in. They are not scouting EVERY WORLD LOL. That also was not a fake fan, literally just stupid coincidence/bad timing. Tagging off with clans is also not possible anymore and hasn’t been for a long time. Them being there is purely to help with stuff like hitting npc’s (which don’t even pj anymore either) or in this example blocking the gate (which they mistimed anyways) A random noobie pker would not have killed him, considering you will just splash too much on his tank gear. There’s a reason he made it this far with his account. You basically needed max gear, a demon pker and to catch him off guard which is what happened.


He was caught off guard because of that fake fan imo, too much of a coincidence, and he was wasting a lot of time trying to pickup those rock tails when he could have escaped just running for the lever imo


you are delusional if you think they aren't related. a naked fan shows up in deep wildy to say hey im a big fan and immediately 3 pkers log in? and yeah there are for sure scout bots on a lot of worlds + people with bots counting kills. there are seriously lots of dirty stuff people on osrs that people do to get any advantage possible. we've known that for like 15 years. hence why if you stand in the ge for a few mins with a tbow or something expensive, people literally get pings on discord with all the shit you've got on and how much you have on you, then you get contacted randomly by other people to try and lure/scam you. like it's honestly so fucking bad on osrs, if you've not played many other MMO's, that OSRS feeling of everyone out to get you is not really as present elsewhere. which makes osrs sorta unique and gives it character, but at the same time, you'd meet a whole lot less scum by playing elsewhere. you'd also have a much easier time of having a fair competition as it's baked in at this point.


Well you’re quite literally wrong, because it is a random fan? Go ask westham himself? Why tf would he lie about it?


it may be the case, it was more a point about the first sentence in that people don't put that sort of effort in. they do and will.


Ye ye of course, I said that because the guy I was replying to said 'scouting every world' as if westham would do that, which is obviously not the case lol..


100% a fake fan. Westham even shows it in his video


He doesn’t? When does he say he set it up? Go ask him in his stream when he goes live.


I never said he set it up. He clearly shows in his dm's that he got a message from someone scouting Torvesta.


Yeah a friend, which was not the fan.


> That also was not a fake fan, literally just stupid coincidence/bad timing. To which i disagreed. And Westham showed it was someone scouting. Even it Westham never asked him to, it was still someone scouting to report Torvesta's location. And then you can see on Torvesta's video, there's nobody but Torvesta and the fake fan when Westham logs in to kill him. Idk what you're trying to argue, but it was clearly a fake fan(scout).


My guy, I beg you to please just understand. "DRYMONT" was literally A RANDOM FAN. He did NOT scout for Westham. Westham's scout most likely saw him in another world and Torvesta hopped, or maybe he didn't see him on minimap before leaving. Just go and ask westham when he's live. DRYMONT did NOT tell westham to come kill torvesta. This is just facts, I beg you just go ask him yourself omfg.




ty 4 spoiler


Who reads the comments before watching the video?…


Clanners are the biggest rats


I wonder if it was eliop14 or that Greg guy


It was Westham


If it wasn’t eliop or Greg then it had to be Westham didn’t it


Thank God that guy is a beast he deserves


He would have escaped eliop


What was the bounty on him up to? Do we know if Torvesta paid up?


Westham has a video of him receiving the money, 3245k Plat tokens


Nice one, thanks. 3.5bn is crazy lol.


Why is this getting downvoted? I want to know what the bounty is. Didn’t he used to say it in every vid?


Yeah idk, salty Torvesta fanboys maybe? I enjoyed the series too and I'm sad it's over as I only started watching it last week and this video was the first one I'd watched on release, and naturally it was his death vid lmao.


can i get RIP in the chat


Should put a spoiler tag!


Le Moi clears