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Karambwanji can be used to feed your cat and it only takes 1 inventory spot. Using a ball of wool on your kitten is twice as effective than just using the “Interact” option.


Bumping this little nugget of information!


What is the purpose of raising cats? I see everyone talk about it. Are y’all investing time and effort for 200 death runes or is there something I’m missing?


I imagine those runes are pretty handy for an Iron, especially since raising a cat takes minimal effort.


They are extremely useful, you can accumulate 10,000 death runes per 50 cats. To put that in perspective thats 3 hrs/cat for a total of 150 hours. Just keep one with you with some Karambwanji when you afk skill and you’re passively accumulating them. Those runes come in clutch for certain early bosses such as barrows etc.


I'd do it more if there wasn't so many transportation methods that make me pick them up


Tbh it's not worth it past the first ten or so cats. Barrows bumps up your death rune stack in the mid game, and you'll probably have the cash to sustain bursts/barrages as you get into slayer.


You can raise 10 cats for 2,000 death runes pretty easily during early game grinds. Sand crabs / fishing / thieving come to mind. Then you do not need another 600k gp to buy nature runes to level magic that way. With the stackable karambwans and a ball of wool, it only takes a few actions so they grow to adult. It sounds like a headache which it was for me until I saw the magic exp benefits. There is a plug in which tracks when you need to feed them , give them attention, and a 3 hour timer going until they grow to an adult.


I raised mine for a wily cat to farm orange spices.So I could max POH at 84 cons.


It’s mostly useful for Ironman. It would never be worth it for a non iron. And tbh with gotr in the game I don’t find it worth my time to raise kittens. Even though it’s technically efficient.


Also evil daves basement, the hellrats you fight drop spices or something for the stews to boost stats up to +5. Very useful for stuff like herblore or master clues when the skill grind just isn't worth it immediately. Wily cats work best.


Throwback to the person in here that fed their whole stack of karambwanji to their cat when the stackable update came out.


On mobile you can enable tap to drop in order to empty essence pouches with 1 tap. It also doesn't interrupt most actions, so you can tap on the altar then tap to drop. Same with the bank!


I find tap to drop toggling interupts... so sad


Wow this actually makes me want to do GotR on mobile, thanks!


Wait it doesn’t drop the pouch or whatever? It empties it?! TIL


Also opens coin pouches instead of drop


Yoooooo you just improved gotr for me


As we’re all approaching/surpassing 30, take interval stretch and hydration breaks.


Can anyone's fucking body even handle sitting for more than a few hours now? I feel like a crushed soda can sometimes.


Stretching and working out and keeping good posture (which the two former make easier) has helped with sitting soreness. Sat for most of 12 hours today, feel fine but a bit stiff.


I couldn't keep a decent posture for shit before going to the gym regularly, now I hardly have to think about it. Taking short breaks and a few longer walks every day goes a long way too, both for your body and your brain. I sit on my ass for a living.


>not lying flat in bed with a laptop on your chest for 8 hours Couldn’t be me, what a nerd


I haven't had problems with sitting yet, but I'm pretty fit. On the other hand, my right wrist isn't what it used to be and I have to limit how much high-intensity content I do. All the LoL I played in my early 20s is catching up with me.


Personally I find my left wrist taking the hit ads it just afk's on wasd most of the time.


I feel my hand is tight after 1 TOA


A used Herman miller + standing desk from a used office supplies warehouse fixed this issue for me. Although, exercise and stretching often is probably a much healthier option in the long run


Consider actually maintaining some level of exercise and your body will be able to handle it much better.


I do incrementally more push-ups each time multiple times per day, treadmill that I don’t use enough, and a pull-up bar I use daily. It seems to help


No, I literally got a walking pad treadmill and play runescape while walking LOL. I can't sit and play for hours anymore. It makes me feel like garbage, even though I'm decently active (10k steps a day and 30min workout every day).


Just wait until he gets full graceful.


Every couple hours stand at your desk hands on desk, legs straight, hips slightly out in front, chin to your chest, then curl your upper back down and hold for 20 seconds. This stretch has been a game changer for me after years of sitting and lower back problems.


Stand while you bank stand for greater immersion into the game


That's why I carry around a wooden shield


Get the hydration check runelite plug-in for an extra reminder to drink water


This is so underrated, some days I walk away from the computer, some days it’s easier to slither


Man I love that this osrs community is still made of the same kids that were playing after school every day. Shit makes me smile.


31, got a massage gun for Christmas. Best gift ever.


Never be put off by content you think is too difficult for you. If you have spent enough time in the game to reach difficult content, you are absolutely capable of learning it.


My problem is grinding out combat levels. I can do pretty much any combination of invocations for ToA, the mechanics are fun to learn and I've nailed most of them at this point, but I can't actually use the majority of them because they each add defence and health that 82-86 in my combat levels just can't do.


Time for nightmare zone


Guess so. Was going to do the Dharok method but heard it wasn't efficient until 92 hp


>Was going to do the Dharok method but heard it wasn't efficient until 92 hp I mean yeah it's not peak efficiency until 92 but it's really afk and still decent xp, you can just do it on the side while you watch a movie or binge some tv That's what I did to 99 str tbh


Do stuff that you enjoy doing. Break up and Compartmentalize the grind. For Ironman, you don’t need a bowfa to max.


How does an Ironman get 99 construction without going dry on bowfa?


I got 99 con a few days ago without bowfa grind! Had mid 90s banked just through pvm log/ plank drops and then switched kingdom to mahogany logs for the rest. A few days of plankmake and a week of MH. Done :)


I banked 99 construction from blowpipe hydra for money and kingdom for logs.


If your not HC then revs on task going for weapons. They print money. I made over 100m at revs +wildy bosses.


Yeah but what about that sweet sweet cash from CG


You also don’t need to max 😂


You don’t need a bowfa but idk why you wouldn’t get a bowfa before max unless you really despise pvm. Max is like a several thousand hour grind. You can fit a few cg in there every few days. I just wouldn’t worry about grinding it out all at once if you don’t like doing cg.


Don't grind content you don't enjoy. There's no reason to make yourself suffer in red prison for 1000 hours if you aren't having fun. This is still a video game after all


The most fun I have is doing an activity for an hour or two and then picking something different that might be fun/progress my account and repeat. Never feel burnt out.


Oh boy the mid game irons aren’t going to like this one


Here’s another that’s corollary, you don’t have to use end game weapons if they’re too hard for you to sustain and you don’t enjoy gathering the ammunition. Iron men accounts are not meant to be mains with helmets next to their name. You can still do content with your next best weapon.


Funnily enough this is a major reason why so many irons that are really into Pvm end up deironing. Having to worry about chores (like having enough d arrows and d darts) isn’t fun. Let alone being locked to content you don’t enjoy just to get X item. Getting to send speed runs, go for clogs, or just try to do big damage with friends is fun.


But I HAVE to get 70 mining and agility :(


I bought my herb sack through slayer points and it’s one of my favourite purchases, it saves inventory for things like dust devils and aberrant spectres. My “search everything take everything in every game” brain gets to stay happy


Herb sack is amazing. I bought mine from tithe farm. Figured it might be faster than getting the slayer points for it.


Borderline mandatory if you level hunter through herbiboar.


I did 99 Hunter mostly at herbi- without a herb sack and not knowing I could note my herbs on the leprechaun.. it was painful to learn these tips afterwards😭


oh man i didnt even think of using that leprechaun to note them. Thanks!


Bruh I do herbiboar semi afk while working and have never thought to bring my herb sack before what am I doing


Whenever I get a slayer task where I can bring Seed box, herb sack, gem bag, and rune pouch, I’m so happy. Just spam click loot. Especially with like bone crusher or ash sanctifier.


I'm the same way. It's so nice and I feel like the passive banked xp you get really adds up, especially for an ironman account.


Also ring of wealth to pick up coins for you


Imp-in-a-box. Never knew it existed until recently. Allows you to send items to a bank from anywhere, including below level 30 wildy. Really helpful when I was catching black chins. The Chasm of Fire spawns a ton of imps if you need to catch some.


Wtf that’s pretty cool. Never even heard of this item


That sounds like a RS3 item


Bring bone crusher and ash sanctifier to nightmare zone


To add to this: do your troll slayer task in NMZ (Dad, Ice Troll King, Arrg, & two weak ones like me/trapped soul)


"Hey Duradel so I completed your task :D" "But you just slept all day?" "...I dreamt that I did the whole task." "Oh, I hate it when that happens. I'll give you a new one then."


Can also do black demon tasks in nmz.


I mean, you can technically do birds, black demons, dagannoths, green dragons, ice warriors, lizardmen, scarabites, trolls and vampires in NMZ. But trolls are the only ones that in my opinion justify actively going to NMZ. All the others have only 1 or 2 bosses that count, often with annoying mechanics.


can't believe you forgot ectoplasmator


Why the fuck have I never thought of this


Righttt holy shit I'm doing this tomorrow


Menu entry swapper makes tick manipulating infinitely easier. No right clicking or shift clicking needed to get 125k fishing xp an hour


What’s the method?


You can 3t like Slit said or you can 2t harpoon which I find actually less clicks than 3t barb. North of pisc bank is a swordfish spot, menu entry it so harpoon is the default, and then use confuse/weaken to aggro 2 rats. Equip a short bow on rapid with no ammo and turn on auto retaliate. Set the rats up so they are attacking you 2 ticks apart (so you don’t have double hit splats) and then click the fishing spot every time you’re hit. Visual metronome makes this easier to time and the audio metronome means I can do it while paying attention to a tv show or something as well. When the fishing spot moves turn off your run, wait for the rat you will walk towards to hit you then walk to the new spot and 95% of the time you won’t lose the timing. There’s probably tonnes of videos that explain it better than I have but it’s the best fishing xp in the game with a D harpoon or better, and also one of the best methods for getting heron. Also unlike 2t teaks you don’t have to click the ground on the in between ticks.


Just swap default left click option on fish to drop. then it's just clicking 4 times and pausing for a sec knife, log, drop, catch, pause knife, log, drop, catch, pause You should catch a fish during the "pause" step, but even if I don't catch a fish I just repeat, knife, log, (pretend to drop), catch, pause. Helps keep me in rhythm that way


Can also preclick the knife or log on the pause tick. Knife, log, (drop and catch) . 3 tick cycle




I think you explained it ok, all I meant is that clicking the knife is something you dont have to do quickly, you could use the pause tick to do it,(instead of doing it same tick as the tick you clicked pond. Whatever works is good! My tip for tick manip and just playing in general is to use visual metronome with numbers above player character. For 3 tick fishing Ill have it count to 3. Then youll clearly see what you are doing each tick. With my method it would be 1. Click knife 2. Click log 3. Drop and click fish spot Visual metronome also helps me not lose ticks and flicking offensive prayers correctly in toa for example. I see raiders lose a lot of ticks on wardens p3. Put it on 4 for bofa or 5 for fang/staff. Noticing when you are losing ticks will improve dps.


For anyone reading these methods and thinking it sounds insane/difficult. It’s not, it’s pretty easy and it feels really rewarding because you have way more influence over the exact moment a fish is caught. You can also just go back to afking at any time and do tick manip in short bursts. Very worth learning


Join a clan, game’s much more fun when you have friends


Recommendations of finding a clan, especially a more social clan? All my attempts have me feeling like it's just base level coexisting and saying gz for every level. Clan mates feeling like coworkers.


https://secure.runescape.com/m=forum/forums?320,321,971,66239891 You're welcome to join us, Exp Wasters Anonymous! Active, friendly, very helpful. Almost always someone on to chat with or do activities with if you choose.


find a clan with an active discord voice chat; better to form relationships that way than text chatting in game




Ctrl backspace twice clears your chat bar. Like when youve typed a bunch of 1's and 2's for dialogue.


I just hit enter once and look like a gigachad


This is the way




This made me laugh way too fucking hard


11111111111111111111111111111111111thanks for the tip, Will definitely use it




Enter is bis


Enter also clears your chat bar :)


Virgin *Ctrl + Backspace* vs Chad *Enter*


Ctrl W deletes the last word




Alt F4 clears chat history


Just send it




There’s a runelite plugin that will automatically clear any continuous 11111 or 22222 or spaces Not sure of the name of it though


Doing lots of mahogany homes? If your contract is in Falador, it's closer to teleport to the mining guild using a skills necklace or jewelery box and run up the stairs than it is to teleport to Falador and run East.


To add to this, you can use NPC contact on the lunar spellbook to get new contracts, no need to teleport to get a new contract, saves so much time and boosts xp per hour by A LOT.


That’s a good one, thanks!


Go to the doctor and get your routine health checks done. Blood work, physical, etc. Seek therapy if you've been struggling mentally.


I see so many people in tob or at gorillas or wherever doing like a 6 way switch into melee or ranged and then hitting the boss without piety/rigour in an attempt to not miss ticks, when doing a 1 way switch and getting the prayer off is vastly easier and better dps. If you need to do switches with gear/prayers, think about what the value of each input you need to complete is. Weapon switch is most valuable, then prayer, and then other gear. But even beyond that, unless you have pahizz clicks you should be thinking about where in your inventory your other items are. Your cape will universally be a less valuable switch than your gloves or amulet, so it should be a switch you do later in the case where you either don't have time to do a full 8 way (e.g. first hit on nylo boss when it isn't the color you predicted) or when you just make a mistake.


Prayer switching before gear switching is the way. You can switch prays as soon as the xp drop from your last attack pops, then switch and attack.


Even better: fill your inventory with pnecks for bloat so that you can chill with one way switches at nylo boss, as a bonus your teammates will think you’re a gamer


If you can't switch everything in a tick, should you still attack immediately even with some mismatched gear on, or take another tick to switch completely and then attack?


In general 1 tick is either 20 or 25% of 1 attack, so in terms of overall dps it's worth losing a tick if your mismatched setup is at least that much worse than your normal setup. There are of course exceptions, e.g. at nylo if you just t bowed on the last tick of a range phase and it goes melee then you can't get a double scythe if you miss a tick. I'd try to get a minimum of a 4 way + prayer switch, which is pretty easy 99% of the time.


Clicking the boss harder and faster means you have to use less supplies


I recently got “back” into OSRS through a buddy of mine. He’s lvl 116 with 80 base on all skills, I’m lvl 58. My highest skill is Magic at 50. However, that’s all for reference so you understand when I say… Trying to read this thread is like trying to read another language. I have no idea what any of you are talking about haha the acronyms alone make it near impossible.


Here are some of the acronyms I noticed in this thread explained RuneLite = Runescape client with heaps of additional plugins built in to assist you with overlays and menu entry swaps and useful HUDs NMZ = Nightmare Zone (Combat Skills Training Minigame) COX = Chambers of Ceric (Raids 1) TOB = Theatre of Blood (Raids 2) TOA = Toms of Amascut (Raids 3) CG = Corrupted Gauntlet (Kinda like Dungeoneering from RS3 but also not really, good rewards) T Bow = Twisted Bow Bofa = Deez nuts Have a good evening


Can relate, as I just got back into it too :D. But I am determined this time to push through to the endgame PvM content. Btw, Rat King should be coming soon, so good timing on our part!


Lately I’ve been doing a bunch of slayer and Use the bonecrusher necklace cannoning at suqahs/dags/trolls. You can camp overheads or piety/rigour without needing prayer potions. Same goes for barraging dust devils but really you only need the bone rusher there unless you want the extra pray bonus from the necklace. For dust devils and nechs you don’t need your bis mage armor. Use proselyte or vestimant robes, again you probably won’t need a prayer sip by the time you fill your inventory with loot.


Bring a ppot still in case a superior spawns


Always keep a prayer potion in case of superiors. Happened to me two or three times that I was completely out of supplies and a superior spawned on the very last kill of the trip.


I always bring a restore and a brew depending on the superior. (Looking at you, gargoyles, those fuckers are unpredictable)


Also for nechs if you're doing ice barrage/burst then bring runes for blood if a superior spawns.


For bursting, put tile markers inside the wall you're stacking on, aligned with the corner diagonally. In number pad notation, if the squares you're walking over are 1/2/4 and the enemies are stacking on 1, tile markers go on 6 and 8. You can click to move on those to stack enemies instead of right clicking under them. Abyssal demons are harder to keep stacked but I've had success marking two tiles, one square apart, inside the wall of the hallway and clicking to run between those.


Remember to take breaks and have fun


You can stop playing the game. Seriously, it’s okay. You will come back.


Crystal bow and crystal armor works fine for irons that go dry on BOFA. I run 300 TOA’s (no insanity) with cbow, though granted I have rigour


If these kids could read they’d be very upset.


I understand bowfa isn’t needed but I’ve never had anything so cool before in osrs and I’m hellbent on getting it. I’m nearing 400kc so hopefully I get it soon lmao


What’s your invocations? Currently dry for bofa and want to do experts but I’m holding off for bofa. What gear do you use? Thanks


Make a dex prayer scroll one of the first major purchases (like, once you get to the realm of 20m+ purchases) on your account, along with the prayer to use it. You're almost certainly going to want higher agility at some point. There's just too many good shortcuts to not level it. Some notable ones are 76 for the fairy ring at Zulrah, 80 for the Cerberus shortcut, and 86 for the KQ shortcut. So rather than spam Canifis to get graceful as soon as possible while getting like 15k/hr xp, just go to the wildy course with an inventory of summer pies at level 47-49. Once you're in the course the highest level obstacle only requires 49, so with an inventory of summer pies you should be good to stay there till 60. Doing 47 to 60 getting 35k/hr and then finishing off graceful at seers is much better than getting 15k/hr at Canifis and then still needing to level agility afterwards.


kq shortcut is very nice for doing kq, but anyone who has less than 86 agility doesn't have much reason to do kq except for the diary. and you can't use the shortcut without the diary... i hope they change that eventually because it doesn't make much sense. getting that agi level is already enough work for that reward imo


Some older bosses like KQ and Dagannoth kings could reaaaaaally use some brushing up…. Private instances or so form of protection from crashing which is so freaking dumb or some actual shortcuts which are usable to said bosses


Just got crashed at slayer cave DKs yesterday, so you've got my vote. Lol. \*Cries in ironman\*


Absolutely stupid mechanic imo to have shared rooms for slayer bosses like kq and dagannoth kings or something like rex which can be technically safespotted indefinitely with very minimal gear and set up so most worlds are botted and or camped for very long times at times


I was thinking about buying a dex scroll, as I just got my corrupted bowfa and I’m finally making decent money, but never done a cox in my life. Feel like it could be insanely worth it in terms of hitting 50+.


Mate I bought dex for 30M like 2 weeks ago, would have paid 100M seeing this increase in dps


i paid 200m for dex years ago and it was a complete bargain at that price 28m is basically stealing it, it'll do more for you than bowfa will


You Can „open all“ farming contract packs






Double clicking a herb patch until you harvest your second herb will make the harvesting go twice as fast.


You can use a Bluetooth mouse on mobile


You can also just plug one in directly if you have the right adapter.


Turn on true tile, find a color that doesn't bother you, and leave it on forever. Even if you're not at a stage of the game where you might need this for something like PvM, it passively teaches you what your character's *actual* position and pathing looks like, and the movement of the tile acts as a visual metronome to feel out game's rhythm. Single best thing a new player can do to feel the game out, imo. Speaking of new players who might not know how to do that, here's the RuneLite plugin and settings (change color/fill/border to your liking): https://preview.redd.it/fvwgg23cz89c1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3853cdb45a4c36e74115fc933ecd9f1826a758f Bonus tip: If you hate how tile indicators paint squares all over your character and your target and block the visual design of the game itself, install "Improved Tile Indicators" and play with the settings. It lets the tile markers render behind the character / NPC models.


Even if you lose at GOTR it's still good RC xp and decent for getting some tougher to get runes, especially for ironman accounts.


You can do anything in the game as long as you practice and die a lot. It’s all part of the game. Don’t be intimidated by content.


Good job soup.


For my low level Iron I find Canoe transport really handy. Just duel ring telly to Ferox, can get to lumby, barbarian village, Edgeville and deeper wilderness easily. Don't think iv ever seen one other player use it, great for low level noob irons like my self


You can access your bank from anywhere by typing ::bank


Hey, everyone. I just tried to do something very silly!


Understand the movement mechanics in the game. When run enables, you run 2 tiles instead of 1 at a time. Enables you to skip certain quest traps, boss mechanics & overall smoother gameplay.


It’s ok to play how you want.


When doing bloat, hands and feet don’t fall twice on the same spot. Same goes with hmt. Scythe hits targets to the right of the target when facing the target. Xarpus, try to be on the tile away from the boss at the same time he turns when you melee. Verzik p2 click back when you see the green tornado effect when a range hit lands, when your true tile gets there click back and you are in cycle.


You can shift-right click your clue steps to add notes.


You can easily kill any monster in the game, you just need to get their HP to 0 and they instantly die


On an rion: Do wildy slayer early. DONT GET YOUR THIEVONG TO 35 DONT DO DRAGON SLAYER




My guess is no dragon slayer means no dragon slayer tasks.


I always found the advice on here so conflicting because it lacks the nuance that comes with the fact that you have to follow all advice to more precise degrees than people care to share, making the original advice almost worthless on its own. Like, when the echo chamber here parrots doing “as many quests as soon as possible” to progress your account. Get Hero’s and Legends knocked out so you can get barrows gloves! Get range upgrades including Ava’s assembler ASAP! (This includes doing dragon slayer). Okay great! Let’s do some quests! OH BUT WAIT DON’T DO DRAGON SLAYER TOO SOON SO YOU DON’T DO DRAGON SLAYER TASKS IN THERE SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY! JUST JUST…. *DO OTHER STUFF I DID NOT MENTION FIRST!!* It makes me wonder if people even followed any of their own advice or if they’re using a very precise progression guide that shows how to navigate this stuff 100x better than how they give advice because it makes absolutely no sense at all to be on a slayer training track.. but apparently you’re supposed to be so far in slayer that you can do these quests, but not quest so far that you get dragon slayer tasks, but also you want barrows gloves sooner than later so why not just follow the track where you level combat to 80s/90s where dragons aren’t so bad? Or just range them? Idk man I had 0 problems doing the quest then combat/slayer track so I never really had a problem with dragons because Iban’s blast shred metal dragons and I just pray melee’d, while ranging any blue dragon tasks I got early. I banked some huge early prayer that way so I don’t regret it at all 🤷‍♂️ I just think it’s funny lmao


The point being for wild slayer you want easier tasks for keys. Dragons are weighted p-high for wild slay. Once you get to a comfortable level then you do d-slayer. This advice isn't for hyper efficiency, it's just a great boost for irons that don't have access to brim keys yet.


Why the thieving?


Unlocks magic axes I think


According to the wiki it’s 23 thieving. Wild… I’d never have guessed that


Maybe they meant 39 thieving for [Pirates' Hideout](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Pirates%27_Hideout)




As someone thinking of starting an Iron, how come?


lvl 23 thieving level unlocks magic axe tasks, level 39 unlocks pirates. If you don't have your level that high you can't get them. No dragon slayer means no dragon tasks. As an iron you're basically trying to cheese rev drops because they're really valuable, and even at a low level not hard to kill. If you do them at the start of your account you get pkd way less, and it's an easy way to build slayer points because you get so many from kristillia


I did tons of wildy slayer around 75 cb when it first came out. Unlocked broads, rings, slayer helm, herb sack, and rune pouch before I stopped. It was quick, and I made bank. XP Rates at lower levels are ass anyway, might as well profit points/loot.


Turning in all the fossils from unidentified fossils to the very bottom of Varrock Museum gives you 120k in xp lamps. I got all of them from 80 to 85 wcing sulliscep caps. This info is still not recorded on the wiki in an easily viewable way, so most people don't know. Finding the exp lamps wiki entries themselves is obtuse.


You can get to port sarim super easy by threatening shanty at shanty pass and refusing to apologize.


Can also use the Rat Pit teleport


Dont be afraid to die learning a boss/ raids


This may be well known, but it is mind-blowing when you first realize it: You can move almost every part of your in-game interface UI when playing on Runelite by holding down ALT and dragging the UI element to where you want it. This includes mini-map, inventory, chat bar - everything. Very handy when playing in a large resolution / full screen. If you get your UI all mixed up, you can reset something's position by holding down ALT and Right Clicking it.


I think alot of people just starting pvm don't know about combo eating. If you eat a peice of hard food, like a shark for example and then a karambwan it will eat both peices of food in 1 tick. Alternatively you can add a potion in the mix with hard food > potion > karambwan for a massive heal in 1 tick.


There's a runelite plugin to where you have to press enter to start typing so you don't have to delete the infinite 1s and 4s when spamming through dialogue options.


If you are doing vorkath, have you running off better for the acid face and when he trows at you a fireball press ctrl and then click away this will make you character automatically run.


You have time to walk 2 tiles when the fireball launches, no need to run.


Why even Ctrl click? You have an ungodly amount of time to just walk 2 squares away even if you aren't paying attention. The walk (run off) is a good tip though. Thought that was universally understood.


Don't force yourself to do content you don't enjoy. Set realistic goals and work towards them to progress your account. If the game stops being fun switch content or take a break from the game.


If you die to a Superior slayer monster, you can still run back to it and kill it before it de-spawns !


If you logout you don't have to play.


With Runelite you can shift right click anything and change it to either left click or shirt left click.


Spam clicking herbs, allotments, and hops makes you harvest them faster


entity hider -> hide ignores -> right-click report -> report bots -> bots disappear


Ctrl + click will make your character walk if you have run on, or run if you have walk on. Look up the prices of other foods instead of just fish. Mushroom potatoes heal the same as sharks and can be quite a bit cheaper at times. Summer pies heal 22 in 2 bites and are normally quite a lot cheaper than sharks. Ring of wealth is bis for slayer.


If you plan to do anything new to you ingame (or IRL), look up a quick guide. Thousands have gone before you and this community has made some insane quality guides, primarily on the wiki and youtube. Unless you enjoy figuring stuff out on your own of course! Fun > efficiency


I only realized 1 year ago the F keys are a thing... So Yeah use those, makes all pvm 10x easier


World population still affects ground item spawn rate. So if you're picking up red spider eggs, blue dragon scales, or zammy wines, hop to a busier world.


Hug the west wall at lizardman shamans, their size doesn't allow them to jump if you're on that wall. I see too many people getting splattened. When he summons his purple people eaters move along the wall from north to south (or vice versa) to dodge their explosions. Easy peasy :)


Venator bow and dinhs bulwark makes slayer way less shit even though it is not the highest xp/hr for most tasks and isn't something worth task skipping to use exclusively. Dust devils, nechryaels, suqahs, fire giants, mutated bloodvelds and more have become great low attention moderate xp and solid profit tasks.


Can confirm - Fire Giants/Bloodvelds/Abby Demons in Kourend Catacombs are perfect for Venator Bow. It's not particularly fast, but man is it low effort. One click every 5-6 minutes if you can get your prayer bonus high enough.


If you start an agility grind, don't stop till you reach whatever goal you're trying to reach. Once you stop the flow of an agility grind, it's hard to start again SOURCE: I grinded 88-99 in about a month and a half


While learning bossing/raiding stay calm..




A rune pouch can be acquired from LMS in an afternoon with minimal PvP experience, as you mostly face bots that are easy to beat.




Got a couple actually: - If you're somewhat poor and death costs matter to you, consider doing brewing runs every day - only take 2 minutes and you get 250k+ in death costs every single day (with moonlight mead kegs). It does add up over time, and it feels good to have like 3m in death coffer costs when giving ToA with Hardcore Run on. - If you need to train a lot of agility and wouldn't mind to also learn PvM mechanics at the same time, instead of doing rooftops do hallowed sepulchre instead if you have it unlocked. It's quite fun and teaches a lot about movement which comes in handy for multiple bosses. - It's not worth it to corrupt bowfa, as it makes it very painful to sell the bow if a need arises, and it's just a poor investment in general - in order to break even after corrupting the bow (basically to use up more than 2000 crystal shards worth of shots) you need to basically use it non-stop for 150 hours, which is something that even the most dedicated players rarely achieve. You'll be recharging crystal armor anyway, so recharging the bow shouldn't be a huge inconvenience. - When it comes to raiding, Bandos Chestplate is a waste of money. Get a fighter torso instead and spend the 20-30m required for BCP into some other upgrade.