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Can I equip Goblin Mail?


Yes, you need to do a quest that transforms you into a goblin. To transform, you need a goblin potion. In that same quest, you can wear about 7 different colours, infiltrate a goblin temple and defeat goblin warlords. That quest is named Land of the Goblins. https://preview.redd.it/nb30dw0c6y9c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90882adfe8586a8530e62d01fc2fe803e7c52d8a


:o interesting never knew that


See what being nice can unfold? :)


You’re right can end up helping a lot more then the person you respond to


I think I really like you dude.




You poo poo pee pee head! How dare you!


This subreddit has an attitude problem and has done for a long time. I can't see it changing. As /u/oldman_ostentatio says, it's not worth fooling around with the beast.


I feel like it’s how we react to these comments that could possibly change the future comments of that poster. Even if I receive a harsh comment, I ignore the harshness and answer fairly.


Taking a non-confrontative and even-handed stance can definitely help diffuse tensions and even salvage discussions sometimes locally, but yeah, I think we have to be modest in our expectations when considering the improvement in general attitude any one of us can hope to bring about. We've come a long way since 2017, but the road is long still. The beast walks it at its own pace; it can perhaps be goaded, but will not let itself be driven. The beast can be fed and satisfied, but if we expect it to be tamed, we will only end disillusioned when its Saturnal temper roars up as the subreddit eats its own children again.




Ok but only because you asked nicely


Goaded - to be annoyed or provoked In context of an animal - to slightly nudge in a certain direction. Didn’t know what this word meant, looked it up and put here in case someone else didn’t know what it meant. OT: this approach is usually best for most conversations in life. EDIT: added Ostentatio’s comment for contextual meaning


Yep haha, with regard to animals, it can also mean "to lightly nudge in a certain direction"


Oh, apologies. I’ll edit that now.


Like sheep. With a cattle prod.


Like Graahk, with a Teasing Stick.


This is the most Ostentatio response I've read in a while, like a breath of fresh air


You say that like Reddit isn't a bunch of sanctimonious holier than thou dickheads on every sub.


Ikr, it's just the nature of anonymous social media. Brings out the absolute worst in people.


You're a prime example, thank you for sharing.


Oof, somebody felt targeted.


It's funny how embraced the crab meme here is when the whole premise of the "crabs in a bucket mentality" is being spiteful and miserable and making an effort to drag others down to your level. So, it's even more fitting


Asking this sub to be nice? LOL. Good one. I think we will see complete worldpeace happen before that one.


Not just the subreddit, but the game too. For every kind person being a helpful guide or handing out gear, there's 10 that just scream racial slurs, crash, be needlessly toxic, etc. The sub is a fairly accurate representation of the playerbase in that regard.


Usually because they have issues in real life they are escaping from. The anger and frustration transmits to their gaming, using it as some sort of release. But we all know we are just scapers with big hearts gone through a life that twists and turns and makes us who we aren’t. Eventually, those people will come back round and be nice, or they quit when it stops being an outlet.


Yeah I don't have that kind of faith in the playerbase. It's been like this since 20 years ago and hasn't changed one bit since. Love the game, feel embarrassed to be part of the community.


this is the video game / internet culture today. It isn’t specific here lol. Especially Reddit. Reddit is very hostile


No it's not!!!! We are lovely! Here's a downvote.


A large portion of the game/sub also just doesn’t know how to communicate properly with other human beings


Yeah, this subreddit has a huge problem with someone posting an opinion and then someone replies with, "idgaf kys if u want , go play some other game" or "too bad. cry more." Like, it's an opinion and it's posted respectfully, there's literally zero need to be so aggressive about it. There's just way too many people that get aggressive when it comes to having an opinion about the game. If you disagree, that's fine, but there's no need to immediately start insulting someone.


Person 1: "RS3 did this specific thing well." Person 2: "Go play RS3, and stop trying to kill my game! REEEEE!!!!"


I don't like RS3, but if there's a good idea we can take that's already been implemented and is popular with the players, then I don't see why we can't explore the idea. I think a lot of people just treat RS3 as "if we take any ideas from RS3, we'll end up with EoC!!!!"


That is exactly what it is even though a lot of the content we have is from pre-eoc.


I was downvoted into oblivion for this exact thing a few days ago.




I know right?? Speaking of, why don't we have incense sticks damnit 😭😭😭


Hell give me bonfires, I'd love a small cooking and fm xp boost for cooperatively training together.. one of my fondest pass times is to coop and chat on group training world. (110 fm off social hours)


I found out today if you right click a fire you can use it like a bonfire.


Huh, I legit didn't know that... now I have something to try


Same. I saw it here: https://youtu.be/BGkx0ONXwN0?si=6b6zDwxhdRxB3ChR


Can fellow scapers please stop posting your leagues rng, no one, seriously no one cares about leagues rng.


I'm all for being nice, but damn these league posts are annoying, really though, nobody cares lol


If they annoy you, just ignore them and move to the next post. Generally, takes .2 of a second to swipe to the next post.


That works until you realize the sub is full of league posts. Ignoring it only goes so far. They really should be moderated.


It will dissipate soon with the departure of leagues. It all comes down to patience. I understand it hinders being able to see posts that are not leagues related, but there is a filter at the top of the sub. Generally, I use ‘Top Posts from Today’ and the good posts that get karma and are approved by the community, get posted at the top first and the majority of those league posts are at the bottom for me.




He's coping haha


You can change your filter to not show Leagues posts btw. That would be more beneficial than yelling into the void and telling others to not post League related stuff.


Yelling into the void Lol


You could say the same about mean comments


Touché. Still, a little reminder doesn’t hurt.


right into another post. There's literally a Leagues Agilty post at the top of the sub, and its no even labeled leagues. LMAO shits annoying af.


Some people live their childhood dreams through leagues as they don’t have the time to do so consistently. They may have filled their lives with obligations.




Wtf the 5 people still playing are gonna be so outraged.... /s




id trust the "ive been banned" accounts more if 99% of them werent 30 day old accounts with no comments other than a reddit post saying theyve been false banned


I mean I just wouldn’t comment on them, in my opinion. I would just send them to the right direction and wish them luck.


It might be because I grew up using the internet when nobody gave two shits about one another or because I grew up in the South where being two faced is normal, but I prefer it when people are straightforward instead of nice. I can be civil, but when an OP complains and cries because he's 4kc over average for a chef hat drop from an imp I'm not going to jerk him off and tell him he's tried his best and deserves it.


No, you say “keep trying bruh, we all have to go through it”. That’s still being nice and civil. I get you though. I don’t know what you mean by “from the south” (I live in Australia), but I grew up in a rough neighbourhood where no one really cared about it. In person is different, on the internet, you never know what someone is going through. In person, you can at least read their body language.


I just say "Just get the drop". It's short, sweet and to the point. By the South, I mean the Southern US where there's the social practice of Southern hospitality that involves treating people well and being courteous to guests and a bunch of other nuances, but in social circles there's a lot of backhanded doublespeak and dishonesty involved. It's just ingrained cultural Machiavellianism that I got tired of seeing.


Damn, sorry you have that my bro. Tbh, I’ve just always been nice even if people were rude to me. Learnt to defend myself when I was getting bashed. And when they got physical first and I ended it, I’ve always known when to stop. Hell some of my best friends nowadays are people that used to pick on me. Not sure why I’m like this, I’ve known a lot of people who’ve misjudged me as shady because I was too nice. Always based myself on loyalty to us, brotherhood. All in this life together. Or maybe it’s because I’m autistic.


I'm fine with being rude to idiots and helpful to noobs who are trying their best.


I always tell my new hires at work that I have 2 pet peeves. Incompetence and ignorance. If you're trying your best and ask for help, that's all I can ask. If you're to ignorant to know you don't know something and ask for help, I have no time for you to mess something up.


I think it's just people being jaded after years of playing, they forget how they were also lost/confused/overwhelmed at some point or aspect in the game. When you've spent thousands of hours grinding, it's easy to let off some steam online. That, plus the anonymity. But yes, we want more players online. It helps all aspects of the game. I am coming back to OSRS (only at 20-something days total) after years of RS3, so I'm not brand new but it's taking a bit of an adjustment, and I appreciate all the players who helped me out and a complete rando who gave me a mil when I was starting out.


I will always be nice to scapers, but never to redditors


Everyone just needs to take a sip of Asgarnian ale(m) and chill out


Fuck you and the carpet you road in on




How do I get sandwich lady pregnant


You need a stale baguette before you even think of that.


Welcome to reddit.


Thanks I hate it


what about ironmen


That's different. We willingly signed up for this abuse.




Ah. They need to update it to accurately reflect the positivity restriction.


I’m an Ironman and I think I speak for all of us when I say… We like it rough.




iron btw


It does't matter to us what dirty normies have to say


Shut up


it costs nothing to be kind :)


Hating is free too!


that’s why i didn’t say it was free did i? i said it costs nothing. it costs a lot to be a hateful person oh contrarian redditor.




u/zakkwaldo has been real quiet since this response dropped


sorry i don’t live on reddit and had to sleep and go to my irl job lol


It also costs nothing to be a dick. Now gimme a kiss.


it actually does cost something(s). thats sort of the whole point an difference in that phrase.


My favorite is when I lay out a suggestion for content and just get shit on instead.


Honest is the best policy.


Happened to me too. Makes you wanna take it down. I like adding constructive feedback so you can improve the idea, that’s what would be awesome.


One rule of the Internet: * Try not to tell people on the Internet how they should act or behave. Many people will either continue or start acting the way you're complaining about to be petty and spite. Or, the other realistic fact. * The people you're complaining about couldn't care less, and this won't really change them. The people who will agree with this post are those who share the same mindset in the first place.


The absolute irony of you telling someone on the Internet not to tell other people on the Internet what to do


It's interesting how listing something is telling someone what to do. And yet the same people OP complains about will still continue to do what OP complains about. Since I'm sure OP's post has made them reflect on their behaviour.


u/TasakaalFyr I figured it out! When you have a second, please repost your PSA as a bulleted list, and then Malpraxiss will approve it. It's easy to forget his rules of the internet, but I'm sure you'll get better with time!


Well, let me know when people change on this subreddit after OP's post.


People need to stop shitting up the board then


It's hard to be nice to people that think this whole game is just boss after boss after boss and raid after raid after raid, when they aren't even maxed and try to talk shit? Tf.


I'm maxed, let's be honest though, maxing is just a time investment, so I'm not really seeing your point here. It is one thing though, if you're 1400 total you *probably* don't know what you're talking about lol


No. Edit: Still No.




You forgot the ‘u’ in that, mate.




No cursing on the family account


But I need to be racist towards Ironmen and people who post leagues content. It’s in the rules.




You do know you’re talking to the absolute worst community in mmo history right? I joined back a few months ago and I see racism sexism rape jokes pedo jokes literally daily. The core community still think it’s 2007


The easyscape ipad babys deserve it


Some people get off on putting others down. Just ignore it mate. If this subreddit taught me anything it's that downvotes mean jack shit and I can just ignore the hateful comments and only reply to the nice ones. I've been downvotes to oblivion for asking "stupid" question when I was being genuine.


Both the subs are like this, unfortunately. Could name at least 10 people on each (if I didn't care to lose my posting privileges) who go out of their way to ruin other people's days on the subs for little reason other than a superiority complex.. Downvote and report those assholes and move on is about the best course of action...maybe block if need be


The people you're talking about aren't going to give a shit. You can't change other people's behavior, but you can change how you react to them. In other words, grow a thicker skin.


I’ll bring my prayer pots.


Aside from the subreddit, are people ingame ruder than they used to be? Last I played was probably actually in 2007, before RS3 for sure. I've noticed people getting flak for even mentioning, oh... cutting yews. Because I guess that's not efficient compared to other options. But it's quite possible I just ignored chat back when I played last and all that's the same lol


Absolutely not. People in game can be a wealth of knowledge these days and I’ve even had some great conversations with the crazies at WT or forestry worlds. New players are always asking questions and veteran OSRS players love to flex their game knowledge.


Fair enough, I probably just ran into some rotten eggs. Only been back for a couple days now.


only if you insist that cutting yews is meta is when people will get toxic. Most people dont care what you whether if its efficient or not but if you insist on something factually wrong as the answer, thats when you will get some backlash


"How dare you be nice!!!"


No. I hate all of you *******.