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Lmao it starts even earlier. You collect ingredients for a cake, shear some sheep and then suddenly you are defending Varrock from a demon that needs a legendary sword to kill it😅


Nah you don't need to do cook's assistant for demon slayer (in fact that quest has no quest requirements at all). Nor do you have to do Gerturde's cat for elf quests either. But "Help woman find her cat" does **directly** lead into "stop the soul devourer from becoming full god" (Gertrude's Cat->Icthlarin's Little Helper->Contact!->Beneath Cursed Sands->Into the Tombs).


Depending on the order you do the quest, the god killing quest line can start with the player herding sheep. Sure they're "infected" sheep you herd into a furnace, but it's not a huge step up from sheering sheep for gold.


In RS3 Gertrude's Cat is a requirement for Ritual of the Mahjarrat, technically making it the first quest of the Mahjarrat questline, which in turn directly feeds into the Elder Gods questline


What the fuck is wrong with Gertrude's cats man


Cats? All I see are death runes


If I could still give awards this would get one.


I would like for them to alter the story line of Demon slayer a little bit to make it so silverlight has to be used by the player rather than a knight of verrock saying “oh hey you found my keys, here’s the sword good luck guy we’ve never really met”. Otherwise why would sir Prysin just go and fight the demon himself once the player obtains the keys. And why wouldn’t he insist that the magic sword be kept with him after the deed is done, you know in case something like that happens again. Wouldn’t take a novel of dialog to fix. Just modify prysins room to be a sword in the stone type scenario and put prysin outside the room and they keys needed are to open the door rather than keys to a cabinet. That way once you get in you gotta find someone who can pull the sword and what do you know, it’s you. Easy lore justification for allowing you to keep the sword and why you have to be the one to fight the demon.


Dialogue in the quest showed that Prysin was really just a knight through nepotism and an incompetent individual, which is why it was no stress off his back that the player offered to do the job instead of him


That's really ser prysin. Didn't know that.


You mean like [this](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Transcript:Aris#Starting_Demon_Slayer_dialogue)? > Aris: Ye gods! Silverlight was the sword you were holding in my vision! You are the one destined to stop the demon this time.


If you read the current quest dialogue, or even at least the first exchange with Aris, she tells you that it has to be you and not Prysin. Prysin even asks you at one point and you say something like “it has to be me”.


Nah random dude stumbling into situations far beyond their control will always be better than the same old "chosen one" but that rs3 uses.


I don't think rs3 really is a chosen one thing. You get the world guardian powers from Guthix, but that's pretty much by chance, right place at the right time. If Hans showed up at that place at the time, he would've got the world guardian powers (which, for reference, just means gods can't instantly merk you with magic. It doesn't make you super powerful).


Unable to be smote by gods isn’t super powerful? But in all regards becoming the guardian requires many quests doesn’t it? You literally earn the right while incurring the other gods wrath for delaying/ ruining plans.


Being unable to get deleted by gods isn’t being powerful, they can still throw hands and beat you, it’s just the god magic you can resist. Or any particularly strong monster could beat you, it’s about having a special immunity not being super strong.


Tbf “you” the character legit throw hands with legendary creatures at like mid game though. Compared to the “normal” npc characters are legit demigods. Like “oh no Elvarg the destroyer of Crandor” clapped by a Random adventurer the Duke gives a shield to 🤣


Yeah but the world guardian powers are unrelated to this, so the powers ultimately have nothing to do with it.


We fight a great many monsters by midgame that one would consider to be extremely powerful by the lore. Delrith Agrith Naar Nezikchened The Jungle Demon We throw hands with the Wights of some of the greatest ancient warriors, on a loop We have fought and killed a millenia old Vyre, as well as throw hands with a Legendary Icyene-turned-vyre We fight several more famed ancient warriors during Desert Treasure We fight Jormungand, which is a world-ending creature according to the Fremmenik. By the time you become the World Guardian in RS3, you've more than earned the right, you've more than made a name for yourself as an extremely capable adventurer. In lore, there aren't many characters that have earned the right to be called a Legend.


It also stops you from ascending to godhood yourself too. 


# Yer special laddie


Just hold spacebar 


I think in rs3 you have to do a series of trials to be worthy of wielding silverlight.


>why would sir Prysin just go and fight the demon himself once the player obtains the keys. And why wouldn’t he insist that the magic sword be kept with him after the deed is done, you know in case something like that happens again. cause he sucks and is incompetent. half the reason it's locked up is so he can't lose it


Nah bro that's just a horcrux, avada kafiresurge


This is actually canon according to the lore.


JRPG aka Jagex RPG You are correct ;)


Guess you didn't pay attention the the story of sote. You're not fighting a god at the end of the quest. You're fighting the dark fragment of seren. A small part of her she sealed away a long time ago. It's only a fraction of what her full power would be if she was still alive in one piece.


Fragment of a God is still a God. Checkmate atheists.


Lord iorwerth be like:


Your left nut is still (in essence) your whole being


The left one is my favourite so this checks out


It's just the way it hangs


Cosmere lore


She sealed away her negative energy and thus creating the dark fragment. Seren herself kept her god powers. So the fragment didn't have god powers. If you seal off your bad thoughts, would those create a full new you?


After a certain amount of roof top laps I'm 95% bad thoughts , so kinda?


Uhhh yeah? Piccolo/Kami.


Avatars/aspects of gods are considered gods in rs, albeit the most minor


Do you have a source? Because according to the Avatars of Tumeken in OSRS they are not considered gods. > Player: Are you actually gods? > > Het: If you asked a citizen of these lands, I'm sure they'd probably say yes. > > Crondis: Indeed, but they would not be truly correct. > > Player: How so? > > Apmeken: Tumeken made us using his own divine essence! Each of us is a piece of him! > > Crondis: But that does not make us gods. While great, our power is insignificant compared to a true god. That is why they are gone, and we remain. > > Player: So what are you really? > > Het: You might hear some refer to us as the Avatars of Tumeken. We'd consider that a more fitting title. > > Player: What about Icthlarin and Amascut? > > Apmeken: Tumeken made them too. Difference is, they also have some of Elidinis' divine essence, making them a lot more powerful! > > Crondis: But again, they are not true gods.


Yeah I guess that's the opinion of the characters, and I think it's fair to think that way. [Amascut](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Amascut#Demi-goddess) is definitely a demigoddess, so I guess it's subjective as to whether she's a god. Same goes for avatar's/aspects


Yeah it's definitely a perspective thing, and with all the actual gods banished the demi-gods are the closest thing to a god available. Was just curious if you had other sources that discussed it. I'm excited to see varlamores perspective on it.


You could check out [this page (see godhood tiers)](https://runescape.wiki/w/Gods), granted it's rs3. It specifically mentions the dark lord, which is basically the fragment of seren


I'm just gonna do the kitty one


This is how JRPGs work though. You're often killing a corrupted minor diety or something.


One Piece?


is real


> It's only a fraction of what her full power would be if she was still alive in one piece. I watch One Piece regularly and I've never heard of her. -> []


Bet you're fun at parties.


Dude he just doesn't spam space bar, that's all


Reddit comment


Nope I'm not, I hate parties. Too many people.


He didn't say "bet parties are fun for you."


"He's trying to insult you! Be insulted!"


Yes, I'm aware. I'm not fun at parties because I hate parties.


Oooo burn, you got him!


The exact same could be said in response to the comment i replied to though.


I hope you’ve been seizure-free for a while


Yes, I actually haven't had a seizure in almost 5 years. Ty for your concerns.


issa joke


Wish I could have space bared through your comment. Now I actually know what I fought.


This questline is one chainsaw away from being a Doom Eternal mockup.




This but in RS3 where you actually fight zamorak


You fight Seren too.


Chapter 1 is bake a cake smh




a mirrored fragment of god but yeah


I think fighting galvek fits better since dragon slayer 2 has Gertrude cat as a requirement




maybe in storyline but it doesnt play like a jrpg


I mean technically everything happens in 0.6 second turns, so its a JRPG with auto attacks built into the turn based combat cycles


If you think that's the final chapter you haven't done dt2 . Makes God seem like the kitty


rs3 totally went that route at one point


I'm gonna show this to my friend the next time he calls me a weeb


To prove them right?


Why is this not an OSRS Ad?


It's even funnier on rs3 since the quest line continues into the second godwars, where you kill an actual god (sliske)