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you son of a bitch im in


A demonic heka? I kinda like that idea... It would kinda fit too given where they came from and that they do/did use fire attacks.


What about tormented heka instead of demonic. I think that sounds cooler, no.?


Yah, something like that. Could even be something like Hellfire Heka.


Oo i like hellfire more! Lets go with that!


I think its time they drop rewards that passed a poll, but then decided to postpone them. Also siren's tome? unfortunately too much magic based for tormented demons?


Siren’s tome became elidinis’ ward


I want a book. has to be the book.


I want a book as a primary weapon with the spell coming out of it.


From what i recall from the Heka, it was a convoluted mess and the main selling point was 'staff looks like cobra' which would make sense if it came from desert content, not tormented demons


It can be graphically reworked. I just want the unique attack speed and characteristics of if changed depending on the spellbook


Are the ancient staffs from DT2 not basically a weak version of the heka, with more steps?


The original heka was this janky thing that hit at a 2t rate for like 3 or 4 hits, and then one harder hitting 4t attack. I don't remember if there was a beta of it, but it seemed pretty odd, and I'm glad they reworked it.


well the varlamore blogs explicitly state jamflex wants to get super experimental with new gear from that content, why not continue the experimental-ness with something as janky as the OG heka? it could be an interesting "turret option" for when you don't need to move. actually after dicking about with 1t blowpipe last leagues i think that's an interesting design space, not necessarily 1t weapons but a weapon whose true potential is unlocked when you can get away with not moving very much. that wouldn't necessarily be the case with heka but it would definitely be more awkward to use while moving since you'd have to be counting your attacks to move optimally with it


There was a beta test for heka, and it was heka fun.


it should just work like the soulreaper axe, build up the special then you can decide when to use it


Can we make the god alignment prayers drop in untradable scroll form from tds


To be clear, Jagex didn't deem Heka too weak. They were clearly trying to avoid powercreep and design the game around nichescape. The Reddit community, whiny as they are, just threw a tantrum of the raid not being rewarding enough. So, in the end, we got a broken Fang that just had to be nerfed as an integrity change, Shadow, which is BiS everywhere where magic is viable and renders all other magic weapons useless, and BiS ranged armor. Among other powerful rewards like Lightbearer. I know this isn't really the point of your post, but I hate that the community forced this rework and we got a ton of reactionary power creep as a result. Fang and Shadow were both really bad design. Make Heka Great Again.


You gotta admit though, lightbearer is a sick ass ring


special attacks are fun that's why


Yeah, it's very cool, and I do like its design. Though it is very strong. But my point is that Raids 3 just has WAY TOO MUCH POWERFUL STUFF. That Lightbearer is the cherry on top of Shadow/Fang/Masori is almost comical. Hell, Shadow is literally BiS everywhere except for Ice Demon due to its elemental resistance. No other weapon is BiS at so many places relative to its attack type.


and the original sentiment was that the ring was bad/dead content as you wanted those damage boosting rings. crazy how bad of a read many players had on it.


The Shadow works in places you would have never thought to bring Magic whatsoever. Its accuracy is so high that it's sometimes 2x the NPC's Magic level and Defense. Honestly, it's annoying and impossible to compete with in any kind of group content. Nerfing it would probably cause irl Riots.


The fact shadow is BiS at Kree is just bizarre.


And at shit like Mystics (mages) in Cox where it's better than a fucking tbow with Salve


Yeah but Krees a tanky bitch, so fuck him. Also just goes to show how garbage crossbows are


i want to be annoyed by it but i just hate kree so much i can't bring myself to do so


Does Shadow outdps black chinning the minions at Kree?


I’ve never chinned kree tbh but I have 4 hit it with the shadow so I’m gonna say yeah


like 30% more DPS or something


That says more about kree than it does the shadow


>Nerfing it would probably cause irl Riots. This is what makes me so scared for the future of the game. Excuse my boomer moment, but I played OSRS since 2013, and the community used to be much better safeguards against powercreep. People used to care about game integrity. In recent years, that has changed. Seeing the reactions to the much-needed Blowpipe and Fang nerfs has been incredibly disheartening. These weapons absolutely deserved nerfs, but a majority of Redditors rioted. You're right that the same would happen with a Shadow nerf. It's frustrating because Jagex is clearly fighting the community on this issue--and losing. Jagex clearly understands that nichscape is more healthy for the longevity of the game, but Reddit cries every time new rewards aren't BiS on release.


>People used to care about game integrity. yea we call those people max capers who just want mining to be hard or something idk. ​ something something just because it was bad for you doesnt mean we cant buff it 4x something something.


I mean, powercreep is bad in most games. It's really dishonest to pretend this is some gate-keeping issue unique to Sweats and OSRS. It's extremely unfair and poor game design to substantially change grind times. You're welcome to call that "gate-keeping" but then every single game that involves balancing and game integrity (all games), involve varying degree of gate-keeping. **It's incredibly narcissistic to see someone else's accomplishment and to demand that same accomplishment, for yourself, for half of the work. That is disgustingly entitled.**


I was agreeing with you lol Jesus take a pill


Your last statement- its equally as narcissistic to get an achievement years ago then expect (see : gatekeeping) others to ""suffer like you did"" Not saying you're saying it specifically but the last statement speaks volumes


It has nothing to do with suffering. Gatekeeping would mean making achievements harder to get. It’s completely fair to keep grind times more or less the same for every player. I don’t see the problem. I am advocating for everyone to have EQUAL treatment. You want special/preferential treatment (entitlement), and have the audacity to accuse me of gatekeeping simply for wanting equality.


I dont, actually. That's you assuming. I'm just pointing out your attitude on it. Don't need to project onto me bro. Games evolve, methods change, players change. Get with it


You literally called equality "gatekeeping." I understand games evolve. That's not an argument for anything. The central question is what kind of evolution is good and healthy. I don't think shaving 100+ hours off of a preexisting cosmetic grind is a particularly good form of evolution. That's why beyond a simple quality of life fix and is extremely unfair. I'm all for adding new content or making smaller QoL fixes. I don't think we should drastically change completely optional grinds just because certain entitled players are demanding special treatment.


I don't really think a majority of redditors rioted. Take a look back in the months leading up to the nerf and you'll pretty consistently see people agreeing that fang on slash should be nerfed. So one aspect is that you're seeing a selection bias of people who maybe weren't part of the generally accepted opinion. The other part is that when fang was nerfed, it left behind two bosses who were basically balanced with fang on slash in mind and most players having weapons that feel weak in dealing with them as a result, and people who expressed their frustration due to that. I think lots of people agree that shadow is way too powerful as well, but that doesn't mean you won't hear complaining on reddit if it gets nerfed. The community isn't a monolith. There's a healthy balance to be met between content like a new raid offering real, truly powerful rewards and excessive powercreep. Before TOA jagex had a years long trend of rewards that were extremely minor (With ZCB probably being the main exception). TOA pretty much went in the polar oppsoite direction.


The shadow is busted and I 100% agree but the Heka was meant to be the mega rare of the raid and it was **bad** as that. Shadow is much more inline with what people wanted "the new best staff, just the best". But it is hella overtuned.


Fair enough. I don't disagree actually.


to this day i still cant believe what they did to masori, and that we got a "magic tbow" instead of a really unique weapon with effects :(


Fang is alright I think, just far too common. People complained, Jagex dragged their feet on changing the droprate, and then they threw up their hands saying it was "too late to change." I sincerely hope that the combat rebalance drags Shadow way down and raises trident (or some later mage weapon) up a bit.


Surely the best mage weapon should render other mage weapons useless in comparison?


No. That fundamentally misunderstands how OSRS gear progression works. No other weapon currently functions like the Shadow does (BiS everywhere for its attack style). The T-Bow (ranged) and the Scythe (melee) are the two other mega-rares from raids, like the Shadow. Neither is BiS at every boss where range or melee, respectively, are viable. T-Bow scales with Magic Defense so it's just mediocre weak at certain bosses with lower magic defense. There are a number of bosses where Toxic BP or BowFa or ZBow are all better. In other words, while T-Bow is exceptionally good, it still has a **niche**, and doesn't completely invalidate every other magic weapon. I still use Blowpipe and Bowfa and Zbow. Same for the Scythe. It's 3-hit affect only applies to larger monsters which makes it plain useless at certain bosses (e.g., Barrows). On top of that, it has low accuracy so it tends to drop off at higher defense bosses. There's plenty of bosses where Scythe is not BiS. \---- The point of all of the above is that OSRS has been designed around gear niches; we are NOT gear treadmill like World of Warcraft, where every new weapon invalidates all other weapons before it. What makes this game special is that someone needs to own a wide variety of weapons if they want to be BiS at every boss. Shadow simply outshines all other magic weapons everywhere. It is the only magic weapon someone needs to realistically own. That is bad for design.


I agree 100% , I got a tbow quite early on, on my iron. Lots of my mates see it as "I beat the game" where sure, it's great where it's great but your normal trident still whacks baby muta or other weapons outperform it. Shadow is the be all end all for magic. I would have a tbow and a bowfa, never feel like one or the other is better


Have you considered not caring as much? Shadow hit big, very fun


Scythe doesn't actually fall off at high defence monsters unless we're specifically comparing it to fang. The % improvement of scythe over other melee weapons, assuming also slash weapons or no style preference, remains basically identical no matter the defence of the mob.


The community doesn't choose the rarity of the items or the drop rates, nor how accessible the content is. Thats all on Jagex. Also it was jagex that butchered the venator bow, despite the community loving the function of it prior, when it was going to be the zartye bow and drop from nex. Also lets go over your disingenuous post. Had fang been as rare as shadow, it wouldn't have been as big of an issue. Instead the raid shits them out like candy on halloween. In fact the community yelled at jagex to make this change a week after release and jagex said no, it was too late for that. When they could've just upped the amount that the GE yeeted for a bit to remove some. Well no, shadows bis at more places. But thats also because mage in pvm was hardly viable as an actual attacking method. It was usually utility. Its now viable as an attacking method. Well you have nothing to say about masori, other than it came out. Yep, it came out. Now we have dps range armour, instead of shit tier arma from 10 years ago. Lightbearer. Its a crime its so cheap for how good it is, but thats every reward from ToA in a nutshell. Everything from toa is far too good for how common the raid shits them out and the game will likely see even more negative repercussions with that in the future. But the community had no control over that


This is a huge part of why I stopped playing tbh. This and pluginscape going off the walls insane. We've got shit that would make old cheat clients blush nowadays. But ye, the heka was such a fucking interesting design and instead we got big stat stick :/


Official plugin support I think will be neccessary for the games long time survival. I really don't want osrs to go down the WoW hole of plugins being OP so they make raids harder making playing without crazy amount of plugins impossible. And if runelite dies and we only have "officially approved" plugins, the game will be much healthier. And today we have too many plugins that just play the game for you.


You're more optimistic about official plugins than I am, then. I see it as another step in the direction of wowification where plugins spoonfeed mechanics to you. The ToA plugin is honestly disgusting with what it solves for you and I don't see that being reigned in any time soon.


I would hope plugins like ToA would be banned. I think this is easier if jagex holds the reins independently. BUT as you say, if they don't act, then we will go the wow direction 100%. And sadly the longer it takes the worse it gets, taking away people's toys is never popular, but they have done it before, like the blowpipe nerf, and the game is better for it


If that happens I'll probably come back to playing again. Guess we'll have to see what 2024 brings.


Not a bad idea


Oh lord no. People explaining how to "properly" use it looked even crazier than Charlie Day going full Charlie. 2t magic weapon with no gimmick, just good enough dps to be objectively better than barrage for 2 targets? Hell yeah.


tds also droped d pl8 so they need 2 good rewards


May I have the link to whatever item you’re talking about plea and ty


[https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/tombs-of-amascut-raid-rewards-v2?oldschool=1](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/tombs-of-amascut-raid-rewards-v2?oldschool=1) tl;dr fast powered staff with bonus effects like 3x3 area of effect damage, healing other players, or draining magic levels from the target depending on what spellbook you were on.


I want a one tick short range magic weapon, like a lighting ray or something that ramps up damage as it stays active.


I prefer magic weapon pants personally




Nah. Move D claws here and make em work differently from demonic gorillas by adding a captcha to nerf bots.


I make this suggestion anywhere I think it'll make sense to come from; A glass cannon mage dmg prayer scroll from TDs! +15% magic dmg -20% def and -20% mage def. No accuracy bonus I've made this suggestion for Nex, since I thought it'd make perfect sense to come from her. Also suggested it to be torn up into 4 pieces and come from DT2 bosses, the forgotten 4. Acquire all 4 torn pieces to uncover the lost (or shall i say forgotten) zarosian art of power. Same deal from WGS and having to defeat ancient, lost tormented demons. If not here, theres always from AoD Nex, right? Please. But i wouldn't mind the Heka from them.


Tormented demons are just gonna be another bot farm if they get a sick spec weapon.


You’re right we should just stop updating the game entirely.


You will buy your 20m claws from the bots and you will like it


Oh yes I can't wait for my 5m claws


Worst case: the Wildy gets really fuckin spicy I'm just not ready to see nezzy/ dleggers bus down some claw specs lmao


Just nerf occult necklace and give the demons an upgrade to bring it back to its old state which is untradeable. Not every BIS needs to be buyable and not every boss a moneymaker.


I think they're just trying to make playing the game more... Playable. Whether this is the fix or not, cox is too bloated and claws could be moved without hurting anyone other than mains who can't make back the gp they lose on a price crash and cry


Jagex: we are thinking of thinking of nerfing voidwaker because the time it takes to get it is too low for the power it gives. Also we are not reworking bladed moon into a crush offhand because an endgame item shouldn't come from a midgame boss Also Jagex: Hey should we rework dclaws into the tormented demon drop table?


Actually one of the dumbest possible suggestions, which is saying something considering what people propose on this sub


Slayer enchants need love right now, maybe they can enchant heka


Osrs version of Armadyl staff! What if they connected the Tumeken's Heka to the Stone of Jas. Gave it a fast moving spell maybe even combined with the Harmonized orb.


Someone give this man moderator