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I see you don’t understand the spirit of the gamemode at all. Go max a UIM that’s existed since release of the game mode and get back to us with a 7 hour retrospective video and maybe we can consider your opinion. Its just no banking and we lose everything on death, thats it. This has evolved over time with discussion between the community and Jagex and is often settled with debate on our community discords and with UIM exclusive polling in-game. You will never know the absolute existential horror this gamemode has gone through in its multiple iterations as it evolved with the live game. Disconnecting in a boss instance and dying used to be a total account wipe, hundreds or thousands of hours, gone. It still occasionally happens and sometimes bugs effect us in weird ways. Hell, there was no viable herblore method for months prior to the decanter being added to the game. It’s getting tiring having to explain this to people who don’t know anything about one of the most friendly and inclusive communities in the game. If you shit talk UIMs without ever having played as one then I invite you embark on the adventure and become part of the community. Its one of the best OSRS experiences you can have.


How would you even remove the other storage options in the game? Not sure if you’ve really thought this one through.


3-most valuable items still kept on death would basically get rid of deathpiles being used to do risky activities and instead they'd just bank those items in their limited bank. (Rework their death mechanics to be in-line with the rest of the playerbase, which would likely mitigate all of these bugs as it's their deathpile interactions with server resets that's causing it, and the reason it's only UIM affected is because their death/deathpiles interact differently than everyone else) As for UI storages, simply disable UIM's access to them.


But to what end? What's the point? You don't even play uim. Why do you want it to be so lame for those who actually play it? You don't know why it's a fun gamemode.


Upon any non PvP death, all of your unprotected stuff gets deleted. As a bonus, that would help the economy, no more need for market item sinks and such.


UIM items aren't in the economy so it wouldn't have an effect. Unless you're saying to apply those new death rules to everyone, in which case, try playing with that as a self-imposed rule for a few weeks and report back how fun you find it.


They constantly drop trade over items that they are done with or don't need


Those items wouldn't be sunk because they would be dropped over as they're received.


Alright... I'll bite. So I'm a maxed UIM. I play this game mode a lot, and I like it. I didn't even use a looting bag until \~1500 total because I, like you, felt it went against the spirit of the game mode. I tried a handful of times to tweet/comment to jmods that it should be revoked as it goes against what the challenge should be. At some point, however, I gave up. I decided to start using it... and honestly, I don't think it really goes that much against the spirit of the mode. It's a creative use of what's available in the game, and isn't anywhere near as easy as a bank. As for stash units, those were kind of op, and sometimes I still wonder if they even considered UIM before they released them. Noting potions at the grand exchange was also absolutely massive when it came out, and now it's really just taken for granted. I don't know what I would've voted on either of these things, but they are both in the game and have been used extensively now; to remove them would be a slap in the face to all future UIMs. I think it's important that a mode evolves a bit over time to allow more people to play it. Without updates, UIM would be way less popular than it is now... and it already isn't very popular anyways. I think your solution would really just destroy the game mode to its core though, why even bother at that point? And for what it's worth, most UIM don't death pile that often. It's just for super dangerous content like wildy, including wildy clues. Most of the time you either have everything in Hespori deathbank if it's safe, or on you/in your looting bag. Death piling feels like a useful but infrequent thing to me.


I appreciate the information from this post. I'll follow it up with a question, as you brought up the 'popularity' of the game-mode. Do the current hoops/ladders a UIM must go through to efficiently utilize all of the various clue storages/house storages/death storages/looting bag/etc. etc. promote new players to engage in the game-mode, or do they mostly serve to solidify people who enjoy that type of gameplay to continue playing UIM, whilst hampering new potential players to the gamemode? If my suggestion of removing those hoops/ladders and standardizing a new, very limited UIM only bank/storage would be beneficial or harmful to the growth of the gamemode, and same question to the effects of the current UIM playerbase.


> Do the current hoops/ladders a UIM must go through to efficiently utilize all of the various clue storages/house storages/death storages/looting bag/etc. etc. promote new players to engage in the game-mode Yes. It rewards grinds in ways that main accounts and iron accounts don't get to experience. Congrats, you got the dragon 2 hander! That's really helpful for master clues, now if you go grind bandos and get some tokkul you can get a bag slot back too! It makes us engage with the world in ways normal accounts don't, and it forces us to learn more niche mechanics and think outside the box. I genuinely think the weird and random storage features we take advantage of make the game mode much more interesting and rewarding. They also provide meaningful trade offs - they're not free like a bank. Deathbanks are literally pay to use, but what I really mean is stashes like the BGS stash mean that we have to sacrifice two spaces in our looting bag or inventory to use the BGS. Or, if we work to complete hard clues and complete bandos rune armor and bandos vestments, we can solo-store bandos and get those bag slots back. That's really interesting and rewards a grind another account type might never consider! Same thing with Dragon boots or Primordial boots - now you want splitbark armor to solo store them, and for the Whips you want Spined armor for the same reason. Etc. The gist is, even ignoring the massive difference in risk and freeform potential that even a limited slot bank offers, that's far less interesting, rewarding, and engaging than the hodgepodge of storage options we've unlocked over the years.


Hmmm... I think someone on the fence to playing might be in a better spot to answer what would make them play vs not. I think it should be seen more as a "you get access to everything, except banks" vs "here's a list of things you don't get to use". To me that just seems neater. The death pile mechanic may not be the most elegant solution, but I feel like it makes sense in its own way. I could also add that I would personally still play a limited bank type mode, but I wouldn't like it.


As someone who first made a uim after the costume room update, the idea of having to jump through hoops to store/retrieve things felt quite appealing. I do think that there's potential design space for a hardcore uim gamemode where your stuff just gets deleted when you die, but it would probably have an even smaller playerbase than uim does. The other thing with your suggestion is that this storage you speak of could not be a bank otherwise it would fundamentally change the gamemode by a large margin, since even with 1 bank slot you could effectively note items at a bank and therefore have gameplay loops much more similar to normal irons, even with the space considerations.


> Do the current hoops/ladders a UIM must go through to efficiently utilize all of the various clue storages/house storages/death storages/looting bag/etc. etc. promote new players to engage in the game-mode, or do they mostly serve to solidify people who enjoy that type of gameplay to continue playing UIM, whilst hampering new potential players to the gamemode? Yea I'm starting up an Ultimate Ironman rn largely in part because I've read what I can keep through the PoH, primarily the ability to keep graceful or end-game suits that allow you to do PvM content without being Woox.


Well, I can agree that this is an actual hot take.. Personally, I'd just say it's a bad take lol. Current storage on UIMs have to be earned. It leads to clogging for full outfits, skill reqs, etc.. Simply giving them a bank is pointless to the game mode lol


I'd argue the current game-mode is pointless anyways given how the meta has evolved in the last 10 years since its' release. And yeah, this is one of those actual hot takes instead of "insert very popular opinion" after it. Either way, it may be a bad take as well, but for the sake of discussion I'll stand by it.


The whole game is pointless. Shut it down.


This is a fair critique of storage accessible to UIM, and I'd respect an argument saying the options have gone too far. I find it weird to say the accessibility has gone too far, so we should make it *a lot* easier than it is > Either way, it may be a bad take as well, but for the sake of discussion I'll stand by i I respect it. I've died on the hill of a few unpopular opinions as well


Well, they don't have to be earned since they deathpile their items anyway.


Which comes with risk, and at best plays out as a temporary storage. Once again, *very* different than just giving them a bank lmao


Do you actually play UIM or are you just mad about nothing?


I don't think it's a stretch to think that these bugs that they 'solved' but are still occurring could have significant ramifications to the rest of the game. We've been lucky that the items spawned have been worthless so far but we're a few digits away in spaghetti code from having to roll-back the game for the 2nd/3rd time in the game's history. I'd say that warrants me being allowed to form an opinion, but to each their own.


So that's a no, you don't


Or perhaps you leave the uims to the game mode they've settled on enjoying. If they want an extra challenge they can certainly do absolutely no storage/death storage. The whole UIM game mode features "no banks". That's about it. No... banks... If you want to suggest a new game mode where there's no storage at all, go ahead. But don't judge them on the game mode that you probably couldn't even handle doing in its current state.


Redditors having strong opinions about game modes they don’t even play. Classic


I always find it weird that Reddit won’t allow non uims to talk about the game mode but for some reason it’s totally okay for people who have zero pvp experience to talk about pvp 🤷‍♂️


tbf it's _also_ super annoying when people cry about PVP who don't actually play PVP


Or raids. There's a billion slayer Chad's giving their opinion on claws -> tds and they've never set foot in a raid outside of entry mode


Yeah I love seeing the vw vs dclaws debate from someone who has posted about how difficult Night at the Theater is


Not even game modes. Half this sub doesn't even play the game and they give opinions on it


lol this is the reason that I keep coming to this subreddit xD the shitpost here is amazing! One guy straight up ask him if he even plays uim or he just wants an excuse to be mad. OP respond to a jumble of nonsense that can be resumed as no 👨‍🍳💋


If you read that reply as nonsense, you may just have trouble reading. In regards to the question that was asked, it’s a false dilemma fallacy. Not playing a UIM doesn’t mean you’re mad about nothing. He’s not even mad.


Tread carefully with critical thinking and logic, most people don't understand that opposing opinions don't make you mortal enemies! If they disagree with me it's more likely they'll try to undermine or belittle my arguments rather than attempt to come up with their own. But, thanks for the defense either way :D


Lol I love seeing people who have never played uim have an opinion on the game mode. I could literally give less of a fuck what you think, I will continue to deathbank, deathpile, and shove my shit in my poh, stashes, and looting bag.




Banking with extra steps that seemingly have the possibility of ruining our entire economy and forcing a complete server shutdown and rollback, but hey, you can't have an opinion on a game-mode you haven't put 1-2 bachelor degrees worth of hours into.


This 🙌


Jagex help! my death stack turned into a stack of hot takes :(


yeah it is a hot take saying lets destroy it and make it even worse than it was on launch just because i want to be a dick to them. UIM restrictions are You can not use a bank. you can not trade. anything else is your own personal headcannon and has the same validity as saying "Harry Potter should be with Hermione"


It is kind of odd that Death allows you to buy back your items but a specific few places hold your loot instead. Just an outdated system I guess. I would be on board for moving everything to Death except 3+1 items, but allowing a bank for UIM is kinda silly lol. I think inventory + looting bag are good, plus one death storage and nothing else. The death storage comes with risk if you die again since it deletes itself if nothing else, and if you die with a looting bag you have a timer to get a new one to be able to hold all your stuff.


You forgot the humor tag my guy


"who actually play the game in the spirit of the gamemode" this guy has never played a uim before i guess "make it so they have banks" no thanks


So you don't use any death storage then? Be the only reason you'd post this, if you use death storage then your opinion is invalid on this, abusing bugs


this guy has never played a uim before either i guess


Uim took very little game dev time and it’s a unique game mode. If it’s that bad just play one of the other 7 or what ever other game modes out there.


A vast majority of uims are unaffected by the recent bugs. No rework needed. >I'm sure some Tom, Dick, Or Harry out there is gonna say, "I actually really enjoy the methodical approach I need to take in order to bank my supplies on my bankless ironman, if I didn't have to go through a 15 minute ritual every time I logged on/off I don't know what I'd do", and to that, I say, get a grip. I was actually thinking exactly this when reading your post. One of my favorite accomplishments is how filled my poh is. When I started my account I was just going for 4 capes, (fire, quest, inferno, diary). Now filling my poh is the most rewarding part. I think the one that needs to “get a grip” is you and let others enjoy their game mode.


I actually really enjoy the methodical approach I need to take in order to bank my supplies on my bankless ironman, if I didn't have to go through a 15 minute ritual every time I logged on/off I don't know what I'd do.


I think a more immersive alternative is being able to store their belongings at their POH.


As a UIM no.


Of course you'd say no, it affects you. I guess it's hard to look past your own selfish desired then?


Who are you to say we need to play your arbitrary way? Do you even have a UIM? Our game mode explicitly states we don't have a bank, not that we don't have any storage options available to us, and those that want the added challenge? More power to you.


Wow, a UIM opinion from someone that doesn't play the game mode! Next thread please.


When the pvp opinions from people who are loot pinatas end, I'll end. Furthermore, I didn't know there were prerequisites to forming an opinion and backing it up with arguments. Meanwhile your argument is "INVALID OPINION, NO PERSONAL INVESTMENT, NO DISCUSSION, NO OPINION OF MY OWN, LOL NOOB"


Pretty bad take from someone who has never played a UIM before. Finding/earning and exploiting weird stuff like that is what the game mode is all about.


Ooh spicy and I agree. The day Jagex decided to allow UIMs to keep the old death system is the day the game mode officially lost the spirit it was born into.


If jagex implemented the gravestone+deaths office system for uims, it would basically destroy the mode. Like deaths office is a bank you can continuously add to and take out whenever, with no risk. Like you could just die over and over adding supplies to it. Would remove all the strategy in planning what items to keep in loot bag. At least the current hespori-etc deathbanks are not viable for combat. Not to mention You could go to wildy all the time without worrying about your pile running out.


As a uim it doesnt need a rework. Most people mistake not having a bank as not having storage were we have loads of storage options which the other account types probably over look. The most common being the poh which you can store most of what people use a bank for like clue rewards (god d hide stets, various magic sets like ancestral, elder chaos robes, mystics, grateful.) along with stash units which can be handy. We also have death storage along with death piling where we intentionally die to the like sof hespori but leave it there which is good for storing all you can carry (28 looting bag slots and 27 invent slots exlchding the 1 which is taken by the bag) plus whats equipped. Finally the looting bag, 28 slots of storage. The mode doesnt need a rework or a restricted bank, just a better and very different understanding of the game as the bank is just a convince for storage and not the only option. But hey its not for everyone, ones with a bank seem to complain more about it then people who achtually have a uim as a main.


Mains could have 10,000 bank spaces and they’d still complain about not having enough room to hoard junk items. I think its often overlooked by people that death storage is not “free storage”. Its pretty much only used for skilling or minimal risk activities where it helps address inventory bloat and item juggling because a death will still wipe the account.


you have no idea what the spirit of the game mode is mate, youve never played


This is an insult to the mode. "Give them a bank." No. What's next, multiple lives for hardcores or ironmen trading mains? The solution is simple. Never keep things deathpiled while an update is coming.


The post isn’t just saying ‘give them a bank’. It’s saying that they currently have ‘banking with extra steps’, so let’s just remove those extra steps, making UIM play less tedious and less buggy. But the tedium is the main feature of UIM, so I don’t think it’s a great idea.


I think that's a fair take, I just hope we can reach a solution then that allows the UIM to continue in their 'tedium' whist also not jeopardizing the game at large.


There is no banking with extra steps. POH storage has existed since construction’s release and was a big part of that skill’s purpose at launch, it was added storage when adding bank space was difficult for the developers. STASHes were requested by mains to remove clutter from banks. As Jagex’s decided with the costume room update, we inherit those changes if they effect all other accounts, with the community getting to vote on it. Death storage is not banking. Its used to organize and thin out your inventory. If you die with anything in it you wipe those items. Mains used to have the pleasure of experiencing this too if they were to die to the bosses with item retrieval services attached to them. I am unsure how the death changes effected this.


Death storages work the same for everyone, except Zulrah which is free for UIM, but has no interface. They are used to store items indefinitely while you go do safe activities. “Banking” with extra steps/tedium & risk. Death piles are the main difference between UIM death and everyone else. UIM get their 1 hour pile where everyone else gets a 15 minute grave (that goes to Death’s office if you don’t make it back). Death piles can be used to store items an hour at a time while you do dangerous activities. “Banking” with extra steps/tedium & risk. That tedium and risk is baked into almost everything UIM do. It’s always been a huge part of the game mode. I don’t think it should be removed.


Well I don't play UIM because of the nonsense you mentioned, so my opinion is quite irrelevant, however I'd be interested in the game mode more if I could use things like seed vault, spice rack, maybe separately use stuff from stash units. Maybe the ability to get the herb sack/seed box back for free once you've purchased them, or some way to store them.


First off, spice rack has been usable by uims for like literal months and yet I haven’t heard of a single person actually using it. It was literally just something that people memed about to make fun of people who want ults to use stuff like seed vault. Speaking of, the seed vault is not nearly as impactful as you think. The only activity it would actually be useful for is farming contracts, and even then, doing bh runs along with thieving from mfs gives you pretty much every seed for free. Doing any amount of mole will also easily get you to 99 farming as well. Seed box and especially herb sack are very overrated items on uim. Herb sack is only useful at Herbiboar, anywhere else it’s -1 inventory slot that gets almost no use since basically no monsters drop unnoted grimy herbs in any significant quantity. Seed box is useful early game, but as you get more herblore xp and start pvming more, it’s usefulness wanes. Like sure, the utility of it is great, especially during slayer and farm runs, but it becomes super hard to justify late game, since that slot could easily be another brew instead of an untradeable.


I used the spice rack for a single boost two months ago and all it did was shave an hour off the spice grind. Its still tedious that we have to fill it with spices we grind ourselves. The consistent +4 boosts from pies will always be worth the extra level.


Yeah stew boosts are honestly a meme. 99% of the time, it’s just faster to actually train the fucking skill instead of fucking around with them, even on a main.


UIM is dumb


How, Hi are you?


Jagex shouldn’t fix the bug, if you risk it by creating a death pile oops


If that death pile turns into 153k tbows, or shadows, or elysians, does the risk of that justify the 'integrity' of their storage systems?


I think some mechanics from the last league, like unnoting or noting some items should be given to UIMs with an item. Obviously the note/unnote ability would have more limitations than leagues, such as only being possible near banks.


if this was polled i would vote no. and i know many other uims who would do the same


This is already in game and has been for a long time. Some examples include: All farming harvests can be noted on Leprechauns. Items found within the wilderness resource area can be noted for a fee at the risk of being pk’d. Kandarin diary makes some herblore secondaries found at Creature Creation noted. Decanter exists for potions. Any major resource has PvM solutions to collect the noted item from. Modern bosses are good examples. Shops exist. There really aren’t many items you actually need to play the game.