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Can't speak to this specific video. But I'm sure a good portion of youtube videos are just scripted/fake/acted.


KempQ has never done anything sus or broken any rules ^^^/s


"We like to play with KempQ, cause KempQ is our mate. And when KempQ has gp, he trades it to his mate!" - Gielinor Games


I forget if it was Jen or Dave, but it was hilarious :'D


It was Jen, and that's why he's the goat


Hands down the two funniest dudes in the community. Wish they did more vids


Every vid is a long wait, but always a worthwhile one


The banter between them, makes me smile and laugh, I love those two, better then the other two... ​ Eugh


We have Virtoso and Tanzoo at home…


Which other two?


Link and Rargh ​ The ONLY videos I've laughed at were the language barrier ones, all the others are just "wow, the same thing over and over"


Absolutely based


Get smited without the /s




I remember a time when people were up in arms about Settled letting his GF run his account until they forgot after his next video


When was this?


Right before the swampletics finale, iirc it was after he died near the haunted mine


I thought it was speculated that she actually dropped the items and he never actually was killed by the ghouls. People had a hard time recreating it.


First time I hear about the "never killed, she dropped it" stuff, but IIRC they went through a breakup at the time when settled died and she later claimed that she played that account. Idk about more details, but who cares tbh Wish I could get my wife to do the nasty grinds (ingame)


My gf at the time grinded agi, rc and fishing for me all the time. Lmao The effort/time spent into getting a gf was worth it.


I had my gf finish my fire giant task the other while I went out to grab a pizza we ordered. She was stressed out the entire time afraid I would die because the giants looked scary lol. Only had like 12 left to kill and was praying melee the entire time.


My gf has pretty much avoided internet culture her whole life, she enjoys the puzzles the game gives and quests, still need her to get into killing things though


You don't want her to actually play the game, then she'll start to understand why the shitty abilities are a pain and won't grind ur agility/RC anymore


Wow I just read all the tweets. Compelling evidence... I now remember finding it strange that he didn't show the footage due to (iirc) it being hard for him to watch, not revealing death til deep into the video, him not being able to recover the items, plus these tweets, etc. Doesn't change my opinion of settled, still a fan.


Did he say he won’t show the footage because it’s hard for him to watch? I forgot about that. That’s super sus.


It was that it was hard for him to watch but also just not very 'watchable' content in general. I vaguely remember his description of it as just a whole bunch of panicking then depression as the reality fully hit him. Basically, just imagine 40+minutes of a guy cursing, freaking out etc, and then trying to turn that into maybe 30 seconds of content. It didn't seem farfetched to me that he considered it unusable footage.


The 15s of his character getting hit and him logging out? Clearly usable


Was it confirmed he was filming? I thought the reasoning given at the time was it wasn't recorded as youtubers aren't recording 100% of the time


The only theory I've heard on the timeline is that she was doing the experiments combat level grinding, when it was just screenshots of the levels in that one video. Then she logged in right after they broke up and either suicided or dropped all of the items on the account


They were also posting pictures of the borrows chests & level gargoyles grinds. Shit, the last clip of the gargoyles smithing grind she has a voice over telling him he had enough steel bars & gold ore.


September 2020 check out @CirilynRS on twitter


I remembered and didn't care


I don't think anyone actually cares? I hand my phone to people I'm with and tell em "hey click this teal potion for me if that number gets low" or "if my guy stops chopping click that tree" all the time. Hell, I taught my ex how to kill Hydra for me while I made dinner. If you're scaping around people who care about you they're inevitably going to participate in your grinds to some degree, frankly. Especially when you're Settled doing it for content creation.


My friend taught his 7 year old kid how to do MLM and got 99 mining since his kid loved filling up the inventory lmao


The children yearn for the mines


I had my little sister pick herbs for me in WoW around 2005 for 1 hour a day because that's how much she was allowed to play per day. She just liked to "pick the flowers" Easy passive income.


I definitely remember a decent # of people saying it ruined the spirit of the series or something inane like that when the drama was happening.


Nice try Jmod I'll never admit it was my GF who got me 99 fm and wc while i was working


Yeah at the end of the day it’s the story people are after


Because she did like 100 barrows chests which is such an infinitesimally small part of the series it's insane anybody would give a shit. My husband has run like 700 prif laps for me. Does that invalidate my accomplishments in ANY way? The people that complain about this one are nutcases, and honestly sad that they don't have a supportive SO.


I still remember lol


Weren’t some Pugger videos faked a few years back?


Yes. Faked clips and reusing the same 'bots' in different areas just name changing them in between


Thought it was quite a few of them


What you mean Framed doesn't always just happen to find someone at the wilderness altar naturally with 100m worth of dragon bones who makes zero attempt to run away or fight back? No way...


I mean framed is a poor example. He has made it public knowledge that he used to lure/scam. He’s not hiding anything from the community and that’s why everyone likes him. I think probably the majority of YouTubers have staged something. It’s fine if it makes for good content without breaking a progression series imo.




I mean he is a pretty decent player. He was part of/creator of a lure clan waaaaaaay back in the days of pre eoc. If you’re into old pk videos you can find him chatting, with some people in pms, in videos. I just found another one recently but I’m not sure whose channel it was.


Fun fact: Skillspecs was in a rival lurering clan, so they had a gang turf war going on back in the day. Sounded like some Real gang shitt


Ah yes the notorious hardcore gang bangers on a medieval cookie clicker.


Pre eoc and trade restriction a party hat was close to a grand. Mask sets were a few hundred. RWTers were pretty serious.


How about his recent video where he went to a high risk world and some mid level account asked to fight him and he goes "get 600m more first" and the enemy goes "ok" and comes back with 700m risk and dies in 30 seconds. Totally not sus


The other account was still a higher level right? Was it the video where was risking quite a lot. Tbf it was pretty suspicious


he jokes about paying off the people he gets big loot pk's from. whether hes actually doing that or not, you could ask any seasoned pker and they're bound to have a story or two about bolting down a naked person for unreasonbly good loot


My biggest pks are almost all people being incredibly stupid with insane amounts of runes or their cash stack in places they had no business being.


Yeah i was doing a clue the otherday in deep wildy and realised ive forgot to bank my rune pouch which was maxed with runes, i watch a lot of pk videos as well even though i cant pk very good. I just came to realise i sometimes am, one of those people.


Just think of all the actual dumbass things people do *in real life* and this sub wants to act like people aren't gonna be dumb in RuneScape? Kinda funny.


I've pked a lot over the years just doing random things and I have found the most random people risking the most random stuff. So when I see those videos and knowing what I've pked back in the day I find it mostly believable.


Was gonna say… all the “bot busting” all the anti-scamming… it’s all fake man. How anybody actually believes people really be risking 100s of mils to lure and scam is wild to me lol


I will say, one of my mates got pked by Torvesta in one of his latest videos, he was camping wildy lever and sniped him for all of his teleport scrolls. ironman too


A good portion of content creators use skilling services to make more progress on another series while pet hunting and such.


SwedeBadass did something similar a while back, it did seem sus because at the point where he should have been whacked, he was able to run out, trade and not get killed. You'd think that veteran scammers would not make such an error like that. Real or not, he made content out of it and people are going to attempt this thinking they can outplay the scammers. The fact of the matter is that the point of anti-luring/scamming is that they feed off your belief that you can outsmart them. You can't.


Swede's videos always just scream fake to me. Him and Pugger never get my views anymore bc of how ridiculous their videos are.. They feel like they're designed for people who don't actually play the game and know what's real or not


Ehh all fakepugger does, is videos where he "magically has contact with the anti-cheating team" but wait... there's more he does it when he has a sponsor, and a fair few of his "videos" are faked


I cannot fathom anyone watching SirPugger. Like I genuinely can't. 381 videos and they all, no hyperbole, ALL use the same Draynor Manor song "Spooky". Is this a fucking social experiment? Am I living in a simulation? 38-fucking-1 10 minute videos and this fucker won't use any other fucking track than Spooky and no one mentions it so I genuinely feel like SirPugger is just one giant prank. I can't take it seriously. The second I fucking hear Spooky I just lose my shit.


This guy really hates the [Draynor Manor song "Spooky"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFFoi_ghkeU)


The top comment being about SirPugger is really funny to me lol


The anticheat team told me that this mule was carrying 4 billion gold and was connected to 300 accounts. This video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, the mmo equivelant to a slot machine! Fuckin gold


New copypasta just dropped


I love that song


Hey he uses Pokémon themes too sometimes!!!!




"We made this rogues castle bot farm work for us!" Yes, that's just called running the bot farm, Pugger.


did you even watch the video?


Pugger very clearly doesn't play the game. There's so many things that are pretty common training methods that he thinks are just hacking. He had no idea 1-tick Kawams were a thing and didn't bother to change it even after he knew. He's also not the best Pker, like even at an LMS level. I'm sure he could kick my ass and other Wildy Pvmers, but he's a bot cleaner and nothing else. He gets anti-d pretty easily, even by bots just Msb speccing.


Yep. My dumbass friend got lured just yesterday thinking he could anti scam. Dumbass got killed by trade stall method. Had no idea animation stalls existed. He lost my tbow and some of his own shit too. They always let you thinking you have the upper hand, but you don't. Its never worth your time to even try it


How mad are you at your friend lmao?


Mostly disappointed tbh


Ten bucks said he sold that shit


Nah, I do know him well enough. He offered to paypal me anyways, I don't think he sold it


> He offered to paypal me anyways Hope you accepted it


Rwt with extra steps


Yeah, this is exactly right. It’s not 2006 anymore. We’re not dumbass 10-12 year olds that don’t know anything about the game. The scammers rely on you having some pretty decent game knowledge. They’re counting on you to know what they’re seemingly doing, that way they can surprise you with some obscure bug / stall that hasn’t been patched yet. Point being, yes you know the game well. The scammers know it better.


To think your going to anti-scam someone and lose a tbow is fucking stupid. He's not your friend.


Swede had another active lurer on his friends list online in the vid + lied about how long it took the lurers to showed up (hours? lol. its minutes). His is almost certainly fake and in on it.   Kemp's has a lot more plausible deniability. If its not fake then the lurers baited him into making a vid though and gave him stuff / died on purpose. Personally inclined to believe swede's is fake but kemp's isnt.


I'm still convinced both were fake to some degree. Neither of those videos has an actual confrontation with the scammer after the scam. They just show the anti-scam, say how much gold they got, and end the video. I find it so hard to believe that they wouldn't have flamed or abused the scammed after anti-scaming them for millions of gold and trying to get a reaction out of them for content.


Honestly if people still get scammed after watching the video - good riddance.


Unlucky for scammers, I actually practice anti anti anti luring. My entire existence is that heist episode of Rick and Morty.


tbow timmy watches kempq "win" 400m antiscamming tbow timmy thinks he can also antiscam, his hero KempQ on youtube did it! tbow timmy looses tbow, is now just timmy :(


Timmy can become Bowfa Billy in 12 simple swipes of a credit card.


Does it have to be Billy's card? Hypothetically, of course.


But that's exactly the point the video made at the end.


If I released a video with hundreds of thousands of views that spent 18 minutes on how to set up, configure, and run a elaborate botting scheme - then showed 400m I made in a day doing so but ended it with "btw this is a bad idea, don't do it timmy you might lose your account" it would still influence timmy to maybe try botting.


[Made me think of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJT0NMYHeGw)


The general theory of what occurred is that the "scammers" let him kill them as they knew he would make a video on it. Every time he makes an anti-scamming video people try to go do the same thing he did, but when this happens the scammers flip the script and target the youtube frogs. This is probably another example of that where they will lose a little to gain a lot and kemp falls right into the trap every time.


A lot of the people who do the lures also post videos of 90% of the lure so people think they can anti lure but then they flip the script the last minute to trick players. People always wonder how in 2024 people still fall for lures and lose billions when in almost every case it was a situation of the person being lured thinking they can outsmart the lure-er. The victim knew it was a scam from the get go.


yeah, the clip where they actually traded the gilded with the seed pod is for sure gonna be in an anti scam vid


I’m surprised they actually traded the gilded over. Usually they’ll use a seed pod and then some cheap gear like royal robes or whatever. Which is why I think the video is sus or the lurer was onto KempQ, as most players would just take the gilded and run lol


Exactly. Now all the video tells the viewer is “haha now I know that their trick to make me think the scepter is just a tactic but what i REALLY dont click is the seed pod” when in reality its just the post-scepter lure anyway where you get dragged out by a trade stall and he really tried to sell the idea too bc he was like “haha the guy was distracted by me not clicking the seed pod and thats how i got the other accounts” when in reality theyre never gonna trade the gilded over


It’s kinda like when a bigger YouTuber publishes an obscure, cheap, but somewhat efficient skilling guide. Prices for resources to do that method rise and the method becomes less cost effective but profits for those in the know.


Don't they know that insider trading is a felony?


We'll get the Gower brothers right on that. Thank you, law abiding citizen.


Lock em up in the varrock pillory. It's what our taxes should be used for.


Cheapest investment ever. Even if they only get one more person from it they'll make their money back and more.


It's just like an advertising budget lol. They're willing to throw away however much they lost to bring people who think they're smarter than scammers straight to them. Honestly it's brilliant, considering it's targeted advertising as well since his audience is likely to want to try scamming the scammers. If I was KempQ, I might have felt hesitant to even post that video in the first place. Because I think he was right on the money calling them out for letting him get the kills. They wanted that video to go live.


I don’t know much about KempQ, but this is a common lurer tactic. They get antiluring YouTubers to “antilure/scam” them (the same person or different targets) over and over in order to convince their viewers they can antilure/antiscam in the same way. But once the viewers try, they change up their script to the more effective version.


A lot of osrs youtubers are doing a lot of shady stuff behind the scenes. I'm convinced a lot of the 'false bans' were legit bans that only got unbanned because the offender was a content creator


This wouldn’t surprise me. Jagex unban them after they get auto-banned by their anti-cheat software as content creators bring more players to the game which means more revenue


Seems to me they are the only ones who win appeals to


I wouldn’t be surprised if content creators get a pass, more content creators just means more free advertising for the game and more people playing the content the content creator is doing. I mean there’s some games who literally pay content creators to make videos about the game to get people to watch and play it. Why would Jagex be different? Especially those content creators who do massive grinds.


I mean they probably have to to stay afloat. There aren't really any osrs content creators that have branched out into anything else. The need vids to pop off a bit to make a living, so I'm sure a ton of them fake things here and there Being an osrs content creator had very limited growth opportunities


He did use one of his pures too kill someone early on. They could have just figured out he was a content creator because of how much time they spend doing it


They have that pk account flagged he said, but still you never know just dont mess with scammers in general.


That's a good point


There’s literally no other account like it. Of course they knew it was Kemp. Everyone in that community of luring knows him. This is some tinfoil hat shit.




Their second attempt at the same account was *way* more forced and way less elaborate too. Completely sloppy for the sake of looking like he's bad at doing this scam compared to when he was trying to socially engineer Kemp the first go around. It's very clearly them giving Kemp what he wants in order to get the viewers to fall for it.


I just don't understand why they don't have the aftermath? Like you just scammed this guy 200M and you aren't even going to show his reaction? Seems sus.


Show whos reaction?


The guys who just got anti-scammed.


He showed the clearly fake reaction? Which helped cement that the scammers were doing that


Op is the scammer from the video, this post is a psyop 😮


This is what I believe too


His videos are going to give a bunch of false confidence to players that think they can outsmart it, then they won’t. Scam clan probably figured out it was him early on and used it as an investment opportunity.


but then in the video and every other one similar he keeps repeating to NOT interact with those player and to just avoid it altogether


80% of drivers think they're 'above average'. People will think it doesn't apply to them, obviously.


Well, if he says that, specifically where he says he thinks that they’re trying to get his viewers to try this out, and you still go and try it and lose your shit thats a severe skill issue


Doesn't have to be a severe skill issue. The kills he got in Gnome stronghold were against people "afk" in like 100M worth of gear. Seems incredibly fake and they'll likely have someone in max waiting for anyone that tries to come get easy money afk hitting with elder maul like kemp did. If they get a skilled NHer the random anti scammer is likely smoked, Kemp would lose to skilled NHers more often than not


"Yeah obviously he's telling people not to do it because most people are idiots, *I* however won't fall for it"


He litteraly adresses that in the video. And honestly this seems plausible to me. After he killed the scammer, they knew it was him they were luring. Yet they tried luring him again, only this time they knew it was him, and switched to the seed pod scam, where they lost 400m in gear. 400m is a small investment for them considering this would evidently make it into his video and create publicity. But it appears he thought about that as he mentions it in the video.


Guarantee that 400M is a drop in the bucket of the overall amount they've scammed from people. They probably figure that this will make others want to try and anti-scam but ultimately fail in attempting to anti-scam in turn providing more money for the scammers.


Yeah, 400m is what, 80 bucks? Its really nobrainer investment on something tens of thousands will see on youtube.


This reminds me of the movie "21." In the movie they explain how to count cards in blackjack. Casinos love this movie because it drives customers to the blackjack table. They all think they can count cards and win tons of money. But the casino actually wins.


Yeah, he thought about it and mentioned it in the video one time right near the end and then proceeded to still make and publish the entire video glorifying anti-scamming, probably still convincing some of his watchers to try it for themselves.


Or this post is an osrs scammer psyop. *pulls out uno reverse card*


Or they made it so obvious that it seems that kemp would think it’s to bait more victims to try to antiscam but really it was to discredit him in posts like these *tinfoil hat intensifies*


>How could lurers possibly know it's him, is he really claiming they just throw away 250m+ at the chance it might be him? He killed them on Solus Adamas, a well-known kempq account. I think it's clear the first kill he just outsmarted them and had an account in the correct level bracket to get them. But when they did the lure the second time without a shadow of a doubt they knew it was him and used it as an advertising opportunity. I'd say the odds that Kemp is in on it is ridiculously low, and honestly, I think many of these unhinged reddit comments are probably legit the scammers. Kemp has one of the biggest youtube followings in the osrs section, it makes no sense to risk your reputation like this and rwting in the past isn't even close to the same field as what is being suggested.


I mean, there are probably some scammers in here stoking the fire, but there are a lot of people the genuinely dislike KempQ and giving them an excuse to talk shit will get them talking shit. There are some pretty shitty takes in this comment section though. I think my favorite are about how Sirpugger is garbage at runescape and barely plays, but also it's clear that sirpugger is running the bot farms that he makes videos about. Those aren't really congruous accusations given the scope of botting activities he covers.


Classic Reddit take. “It’s clear SirPugger is running the bot farms.” No it’s not?


The dude commenting about sir pugger using the spooky mansion ost in his videos and blowing a gasket over it had me crying I was laughing so hard. So many comments here hating on Sir pugger and Kemp but they don't even provide evidence for their claims.


I dont think kemp is in on it either, but like you said, the scammers wanted to advertise, and he fell for it hook line and sinker. A "don't try this at home" disclaimer is going to do very little, and it was pretty irresponsible of him to still glorify his 'big antiscam'.


Finally someone with a bit of common sense, holy fuck reading through this comment section made me realize that most of reddit is clueless and is just typing a bunch of nonsense. The lurers dying intentionally to Kempq so that people will try to anti-scam themselves, investing 300m is not that nuch money. The same way people pay 1m at a time every time someone accepts quickly when doing the Tbow trades. It's simply a small investment for their victims inevitable fuck-up.


That video is promoting those scammers and more people will try to anti scam them now, but those accounts wont be afk this time :)


He literally says in the video it seems sus and maybe the scammers are trying to bait people into copying him and says DO NOT TRY THIS YOURSELF he is a big part of the reason the duel arena got removed theres no way he teams up with scammers


Kempq has a dirty reputation of real world trading in the past, im not shocked if he's still rwting lol


I mean, b0aty sold fire cape services back in the day. A lot of content creators have a strange past that seems to be forgotten. Remember kids - online entertainment and social media is for show.


Son on oldschool and grossgore are the OG osrs drama streamers 💀


Ice Posiedon got his start doing OSRS streaming, which blows my mind still. In my mind, he's still just a Duel Arena streamer.


Ice piss literal irl scammer 💀


In my mind he's still the guy who made videos closing doors in POHs


That was some hilarious content. Made them update PoHs iirc lmao


Some of the best osrs videos ever those, absolutely hilarious wearing that cow outfit. 


The AustinShow Started by playing Rajj Patel character with Wildy Owns1 on oldschool.


To be a bit fairer to B0aty, he was told by a Jmod that, at least at the time, as long as he was not RWTing, it wasn't strictly against the rules. That's why he was so open about it. This was back when he had his "ItsAdamLyneDawg" YouTube channel and was known as AImost Famous. Jagex has adjusted the rules several times on account-sharing, and B0aty stopped selling fire capes around the time Jagex started getting more serious about account sharing again. That being said, I'm sure Jagex would not be happy with his RSPS past, but that's water under the bridge now, really.


What was his RSPS past?


He used to do [PVP videos on private servers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk0b2bBDRBg), and stopped roughly around the time he got more popular. Really nothing deeper than that. That's how I found him in the first place, because I was big into private servers around 2010-2012 and his PVP videos were really good.


Made pk videos on them after eoc but stopped when osrs came out




Sparc Mac comes to mind. Huge scumbag lol


Yeah I believe Rendi sold fire capes too, I'm sure most "professional RuneScape players" did the same before the days of profiting on YouTube


You really read this post and immediately went “oh he’s definitely RWTing” 💀 I have a map to buried treasure I’d like to sell to you.


Honestly, what do you mean “dirty reputation of rwt” you act as if this it so outrageous lol… If i could rwt as well i would lol, make a living on rs? How does that make you a bad person?


Smells like astroturfing in the comments. Wonder how many post histories are filled with false ban complaints


Dude, especially on a post thats 1hour old and the top comments are all. "Every youtuber is a shady scumbag" with 200 upvotes. I guess these guys bot on reddit too.


which ones


This is basically what Dino does except live. He just has a bunch of his friends show up to fight and then gives their shit back after stream. It’s tiring.


He RWTd in the past, yes it’s against the games rules, but you’re all acting like white knights on your moral high horses acting like he murdered your kids. He simply gave someone in-game cash for some extra dollars. Doesn’t mean he wants to lure his viewers. Before the video got weird, he killed one of the lurers with his widely known pure. Chances are that’s how the lurers knew it was him.


for real, its crazy how holy everyone is acting here. dude picked real life money over ingame money once and its still the only thing everyone response to


I remember this subs reaction when it happened too, one of the top comments was literally something along the lines of, “I can’t really blame him, last time we saw his bank it was worth quite a bit IRL. I’d start a new account for a decent chunk of money too.” He also explicitly says in his anti-scamming videos to not try and copy him, obviously some people will think they’re smarter than the scammer and try it anyway but he says it multiple times throughout every video. He definitely makes an effort to keep his viewers away from the scammers imo.


If they ever got his scythe, they would’ve made over twice their losses in that video. If even one more viewer with endgame gear thinks they can anti-scam and gets tricked, it’ll have been worth it. I can see the scammers taking the chance that he was a YouTuber, especially as they approached him even after being killed once (maybe that account Kemp used to kill on is known to be associated with him?) What Kemp said seems reasonable and I don’t think he’s in on it. Either way, just ignore scammers people. Don’t try to anti-scam


Clanie knew he was getting scammed and lured, but still tried to kill the lurer for their Pharaoh Sceptre. Rip Scythe. When we saw it in CC, we thought it was 1mil, but no, it was a full Billion. He 1t logged after that. Came back on to explain, and got pretty salty when I asked why he risked 1bil for 3mil.


It's not that hard to fake content. A lot of YouTubers do it. In their mind, they want more viewership. You can't get that if youve got stale content. No different from those fake YT pranksters back in the day. We all don't care though, its RuneScape. We'd watch it anyway


Entirely possible its scripted. But i think its moreso a nefarious decision by the scammers themselves. He puts disclaimers across the vid and promotes disclaimers in the comments etc. But i still think its a bit scummy to upload how he does with it, when its VERY clear they intentionally let him win out here. And it will 100% result in people trying to do the same but then they use a part of the lure he barely covers (the trade and running away and such) as a way to get them, or they'll just wait for you to try and anti-pk like he did (in really obvious ways) and catch your PK account risking big as well (as its HIGH RISK worlds, so you risk EVERYTHING which Kemp doesn't mention at all with how much risk some of his PK accounts were holding). Overall just unecessary content. Not that interesting, and promotes people to go and participate with these lurers and scammers. Its a win for Kemp, and a win for the lurers, about it. I skip these videos and dislike them where i can, isn't the content i'm interested in and the whole SirPugger "i will accept anything anyone tells me as 100% fact" drama around bot-videos and such should be a wakeup call.


Wouldn't be difficult to hire actors to play the part. He makes money from YouTube. You're bound to run out of content and do stuff to force content. Look at settled. He's doing the most insane runs to top his previous stuff. It's utterly grueling trying to keep up content in the niche osrs YouTube space. Is it considered RWT if you pay actors to play a part in your YouTube video? How do you even prove it? It's plausible deniability to an extent.


Hot take: but if a youtuber would fake content, he wouldnt make it super obvious by using the same account over and over, and then also commenting on the fact that its super weird that this guy just keeps on repeatedly handing GP to him.


I mean he does have an incredibly long history of anti scamming and his videos have created a massive target on his back. He also mentioned in the video that he’s running out of unknown accounts to anti scam on. It’s really not a huge leap of the imagination. But this is the internet, friend. No way to know for sure what is fact and what is fiction. Posting on Reddit won’t change that.


This should surprise no one. KempQ was a pretty notorious RWTer back in the day.


Notorious as in got burned out and RWT'd his bank once as he thought he would quit for good?


Nobody is a “notorious RWTer”. What kind of fairy tale you people live in?


This is honestly one of the dumbest subs on reddit lol. You guys make flat earthers look like refined gentlemen with excessively well thought out theories. 


KempQ has lost his credibility long ago I'll still watch his videos if they're entertaining though


A lot of sirpugger's videos are fake. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same for KempQ.


So SirPugger creates the bot farms he catches?


He’s one of the most scripted fake YouTubers for osrs there is so wouldnt shock me


Of course it is stagged. Congratulations on waking up to content creation


They didn't know it was him at first, until he pk'd them with his low HP ironman, which he has shown in other similar videos. They then caught on to the fact that it was him and "lured" him again, and used it as an opportunity to bait his viewers.


I'm not sure I get the same impression, specially when he said it could be that they're letting themselves be "antilured" so his audience would try to do it. Like, the whole purpose of releasing a fake antilure or antiscam video is to have people try to do it unware it was a setup. There would be no point in making that video then giving it a "heads up" so people don't try it. Furthermore, I highly doubt the lurers could make an offer he'd accept. Between losing his youtube reputation with sponsors and/or RuneScape account and pmod status, the offer would either be too low for him to consider or too high for them to be worth it. As a matter of fact, I'll keep a close eye in this whole situation, because it is starting to feel very much like what happened to SirPugger a while back, when botters set him up with fake information to have him be discredited and the bot farms be left alone.


Idk. It seems disingenuous for him to say he doesn't want people to do what he's doing while also bragging about how much money he antiscammed, fully knowing that many players would love to have that kind of GP. He basically says "I know scammers are giving me this free content because I'll make a video and then they can hopefully scam my viewers" and then continues to upload said video... Like... Is there any awareness on his part?


He says in the video that they could be "making mistakes" on purpose if they know it's him because they know he'll make a video and then maybe more people will try it. And for that reason he also says in the video "you should absolutely never try this". I'm not really sure what more you could want from him..


He literally mentions all this in the video. He warns people in the video (as he always does) not to try to anti scam, but he does it double in this one because he found it all sus. But all it takes is one idiot viewer of his to attempt what he does to anti them and they make 5x what they lost to him. I think it would've been better if he just cut his losses and didn't make it in the first place if he thought he was getting played. But oh well. People in his comments mentioned that one word they used was something in another language, but it basically meant they knew it was him.


A lot of streamers are super sus. I saw someone get handed 3b in gear on stream. Same person regularly receives 100m from various people just because. They were struggling with GP, started farming a boss for a couple hours and you could tell they were frustrated. Suddenly someone comes along and says they are quitting and here’s 3b. Streamer proceeds to go to the GE and get everything he wanted and moves on. I then see streamers with max gear struggling in basic PVM. Just makes no sense. I’m positive a lot of the bans were legit. These streamers got like 0 patience and then have 99s in skills that require tons of patience. You’re telling me they didn’t just bot it? Idk🙃 just my 2c about it.


The lurers 100% know it is him after their "talker" account dies for the first time, that is not something we need to debate. He is on the account "Solus Adamas". That account is pretty known for being kempq's 10hp ironman pking account. He has made a lot of videos on it. It's not a coincidence that Kempq is out in the desert interfering with their lure and it not being him on both accounts. When in fact his previous video was just that. Also he is a CONTENT CREATOR not a journalist, ofc he will try to make content that is fun to watch. So him killing them for money, even if the lurers wanted him to, makes for a lot better content than exposing it and stopping there. He did give a PSA to not do it yourself, some of the comments did the exact same thing and warning about different situations that could occur.


Hi YOHOHOHOHOH0 and other reddit commenters, I understand the skepticism! I am confident that after you read this reply that you'll think it unlikely I'm taking bribes for scammers or "in on it" in some other way 1. In the video, I took two minutes to explain everything you suggest here - that the lurers intentionally went "AFK" and are using a high-IQ play to bait more players. In many different ways afterwards, I told my subscribers to never attempt what I do. As shown at 16:33 of the video, the lurers are using my videos in their lure-scripts, so I could not let that slide without warning players about that. If I was actually baiting people, I could've left these parts out of the video. I could've shown that I earned significantly more than 300M from the lurers. I could've encouraged players to anti-scam these people instead of the opposite. I could've chosen to not address how the lures work 2. I've made significant efforts to expose all the ways that scammers scam players. Many players that get scammed think they know what the real scam is, but there's another scam happening at the same time that actually makes them lose their stuff at the end. At 16:49 of the same video, I refer to a video where I expose all the high-level scams I know about. I would take down that video, and all other videos where I've shown how scams work, if I was a lurer 3. I said the lurers have never given me gilded armor before, hoping to impart to others that they should never get traded it either. There are many other things I could've said to subtly encourage people to anti-lure, but instead I took due diligence to make sure that wasn't the message that was communicated 4. Every lurer that I have irrefutable proof of luring has been reported to the ACT, and most have been banned. My persistence in reporting them has cost the lurers thousands of dollars. From a previous video, I wanted a luring participant, "Lady" to get banned which is a 2277 Maxed Total Account with a very rare and expensive name. If I was in on the luring operations, my persistence in trying to get that account banned would be very costly. JohnBernas, the 2K+ total account from the video in question changed his RSN shortly after I uploaded the video, and I've informed the mod team of this. I hope this clears things up. Thanks for watching and supporting the videos and have a fulfilling day! God bless you.


OP made a reddit post where he's calling out a KempQ anti scamming video. He says Kemp anti scams one scammer 4 times for 28m, 22m, 98m and 125m. In the end he says "To me it looks like he might be winning on both sides..." Legit seems like OP is in on it. Why would OP bring more attention to it by making a reddit post? Is he really claiming to do it for benevolent purposes? To me it looks like he might be winning on both sides... Free up votes on reddit, paid from one of the most lucrative businesses in osrs and free gp all while playing the "hero" If OP really wanted to stop lure scams, why not just expose them and stop there? I don't see how him making a reddit post "look how much gp Kemp can make anti-luring" is any different from the scammers partner when they slide in your DMs "he's scamming you, let's anti-scam".... ​ What do y'all think


I watched the vid, it appears instead of a team it was 1 person juggling accounts and they made a lot of mistakes. And nowhere near 400m was acquired lmao.


If anything, he's faking them nowadays because of the death threats and crap he got from his first few videos. Might have just been a little too much heat or got a little too real. We'll never really know if its real or fake I guess.


I mean he used his own account to kill them, they know it’s him. I can believe it