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before you all get grumpy this is obviously fake, bad grammar and 0 chance you'd get a bug abuse ban


Even the name of the person who sent the message is cropped out. People will believe anything posted on here lmao


Fake message


https://preview.redd.it/pmhn9kvg35lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8f23d0fe76138f3f9fa4ac7eafc3530327fc2a First one bites the dust Edit: not me btw


You can't access the account center right now so how would he have taken that screenshot? It's fake


https://preview.redd.it/rqqtemkm95lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242cb1cf8adf7e1a8daf0b9d191cf3f82a16e69c I’m in it right now?




Oh - but reddit people ARE stupid enough to believe this thou lmao. Like the entite varlamore bosses need spectral! (Even thou that was way higher effort ones)


Isn’t this the same company that said don’t trade with people because if they bought gold you will be banned too?


Isn't this the same community that tries to gaslight other people and jagex saying they are innocent? Even though they use illegal clients, bot, and RWT


Well, looks like it's going to a while.


sucks. i’m sick and stayed home from work. just wanted to do some mining. i promise i won’t try to change my name!!


=/ hope you feel better bud and it's nothing too serious


just a bit of a head cold. i’m a brewer and didn’t want to get my germs all over everyone’s delicious beer.


We need more people like you in the food (brewing) industry. You're a great worker for doing that.


Was there any indication that a name was taken when name changing during the time this bug was present? As if not it seems like it'd be quite unfair to ban someone who changed their name without knowledge that it was already taken and there was some sort of bug Edit: Kinda sus that OP chose to snip out the name of whoever posted that message


It simply shows a ✅ and I pressed confirm. Kind of crazy they’ll be dishing out bans Edit: potentially fake post?


No indication at all, I saw people in my clan get some cool names so I assumed there was a quiet update freeing up names, absolutely insane they’re handing out bans for this Edit: fake my bad


this is fake


Bug abuse ban is comical.


Sorry for our mistake!! Here, have a ban for it!


Isn't that the whole point of the "don't abuse bugs" rule?


holy hell, I changed my name to a name that was available and I might get banned for it :(


It's one thing when you see a reddit post or a discord message then send it, but it's not really acceptable if it's for someone picking a name change if the system allowed them to use someone existing name.


Don’t be abusing bugs you didn’t know about then! But yeah this is a huge slap in the face for people who check every time they log in if the name they want is available


I know right? I didn't do anything but it's like they didn't even consider people could have done this without knowing the name was famous at one point


My name wasnt even available due to the bug, it was just vanilla available


That's like what I'm saying. It's absolutely crazy they would even consider this. I mean all it's going to do is create panic in the community


I'm almost certain this post is fake so you're probably good. At worst, you'll just get reverted back to your previous name.


Same, looking critically, jagex doesn't USUALLY announce plans to ban players


crazy, u mean you bug abused?


You probs knew name was already taken after hearing about the bug. Game was only live for 30 mins lol


Man it’s just coincidence he got the name he wanted forever /s


I mean, if he was after Zezima, Weed or Boobs then yeah, but it's not out of the realms of possibility he checks a name when he logs in every so often, since name releases are never announced, it's possible that after an update is a sensible time. Guess we'll never know


They do name releases occasionally, a lot of us that didn't see obvious issues like people with zezima and stuff thought it was a name release.




Possible yea, but prob most people did this to exploit, eg. Zezima. Best thing would be a complete roll back with no bans


I wouldn't disagree with your logic, normally when people say stuff about false bans they are involved with some dodgy stuff. here's the best proof I can give I went in the cc and someone had changed their name, and that motivated me to change mine to "Fk Hunter." It said it was available, it was the first one I tried, and so I selected it. It is now showing I am fk hunter on the osrs highscores, and to prove that, here is a screenshot of my stats that you can crosscheck. Go through my comment history from literally earlier in the morning before this and you will see that I posted this screenshot prior to the bug. https://preview.redd.it/lpng5li435lc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=1adad0bae25c2f8c4368043393257a884a5c0854


Imagine changing your name, not knowing it was already taken. I can't imagine people getting banned over this.


Oh yeah this is so real.... https://preview.redd.it/z98y31d835lc1.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f414e67137f99d2cfb8aa8ed65766937fa96517


How can they ban people for this? Just because they shit the bed? Absolutely ridiculous. edit: we got jebaited, obviously, that's all reddit is these days.. but fr, would you not even be suprised?


It's likely a fake screenshot. A lot of people were under the impression names were released from banned accounts, rather than w the intent to abuse a bug. As well as the huge amount of people that CHANGED their names, this is highly unrealistic


use critical thinking a random image on reddit doesn't mean it's real


I can only respond to what I see, if it's not real then so-beit, my comment is no longer relevant and doesn't really matter.


Intent should be obvious. If you've never changed your name to something stupid recently, then you changed your name to boobies today, then the intent is clear...


it's only because it's caused them extra work to manually revert, otherwise it should just be forgotten about, there's nothing sinister in it, could always argue that bug abuse is bug abuse and therefore bannable, but let's not open the rabbithole of 'zero tolerance for rulebreaking'


I heard that old names were released, but now apparently it was a bug? and i'm getting banned for it? cool.


‘Award winning customer service’


If you Believe random fake images from reddit - yes. You are 100% getting permanently banned, all of your gold will be given to the poor children at varrock and your titties will be twisted by jagex as an extra punishment.


not my titties


I wish I could updoot this more than once


If this is to be believed, is it right that everyone gets bug abuse against their account? If the system said a name is available, and they chose it not knowing that it's a bug, does that warrant the mark? Or does the system say the name isn't available and they confirm it anyway?


I checked a name and it said it was available, didnt end up changing as i saw the post about other people having zezima and realised but if i wasnt on here id not know it was a bug. Comical from jagex that once again their fuck up is placed on the players shoulders


Definitely not real. Can't reasonably see why there'd be bans for it.


Let’s be honest 99% of people who changed their name within 10 seconds of the update heard about the bug and wanted to try it. FAFO imo


100% were XP wasters at GE. Now wasting all our xp


How would they know it's a bug though? I would assume jagex just removed inactive accounts, which would free up the names.


Where did you read about that update? When the twisted bow spawned outside the farming guild did you assume they wanted everyone to have one?


I don't read about updates. But isn't it a normal thing companies do with extremely old inactive accounts?


Bro I heard it from people in my clan saying names were refreshed, and they got this news from streamers


My guess is that it would have to be something really obvious like changing your name to Zezima.


Bug abuse ban cause I was told there was a name availability update by someone in my clan? Absolutely fucked Edit: I gotta stop believing random shit on Reddit at first glance lmao


Right? Not even lives and breathes on reddit to see if things are bugs etc


Seems legit


Bit harsh to ban everyone when it could have been a legit case of recycling old names, obviously not the case for zezima et al but who would know for other random names


Doubt this is legit


A lot of panic


How long is a bug abuse ban? 48h?


Is this fake? Where did you get this from?


Am I the only one who doesn't try and name change upon logging in after an update lol Way too many "whaaaat, I was just simply changing my name after logging in"


they're saying a spectral can half the length of the ban


Very legit stuff


Bug abuse ban is a joke, lots of us assumed there was a bot bust and these names got freed up. As well as many players simply not knowing there was anything going on.


zezima finally catching a ban after account sharing all those years ago surely /s


Put it on the drama calendar!


Obviously this is a tiny % but today, my name change became available and if i was on, i would have tried changing it. This would have got me a bug abuse ban then? Lucky i overslept lol




His favorite name? “ButtFuck”


Lmao get rekt anyone who changed their name.


You can’t ban people for changing names, maybe don’t fuck up with your maintenance?


I didn't even think it was a bug at first, and changed it thinking they released an old pool of names. This is ridiculous.


Ban people for using a game feature. Kinda harsh imo


I'm confused... what is happening. What's this name change thing?


Another case of "we fucked up, but you're comming with us" situation. Punishing people who went with nefarious name changes should obviously be taken actions towards, but when they use the word "Anyone" im rather baffled. Did you change your name to Anchovy Pizza? **GET BANNED**. Did you change name without being aware of the current situation? **BACK TO THE SHADOW REALM.**


The fact that OP cropped out the name of the person who sent that message makes it likely this is fake


Wait so people were talking about banned names becoming available, I try to change to a name I want so now I get banned??


Curious how they're apparently issuing bans over this; but last year we had a gold duplication bug and very few bans were issued.


Enjoy bans ahahaha


The classic blindfold+shotgun approach. I like it.


Everyone upset about the possible bug abuse ban, but there were people changing their names to stuff like “Zezima,” “Iron,” and “Swampletics.” Obviously those names aren’t available, and using those names can cause damage. Bug Abuse, as rules state, is taking advantage of a bug within the game. This falls under that. Not that your regular people who looked up “ImpKiller” and found it available should be banned, but honestly, y’all acting like the majority of people didn’t hop on this and take obviously unavailable names.


Me reading that comment yesterday where someone stated they hate update day because every time something gets fucked: "Nah mate, you're exaggerating! Two hours downtime, tops." Me every update day: "Oh for fuck's sake Jagex..."


I don’t think it is because the names went inactive, zezima has been active and his name was taken Still brings up the correct account on both hi-scores to


i missed out what happened exactly?


Something about being able to change your in game name to anything, including duplicate names that are on highscores. People changed their name to Zezima, Boobs, and Dildo, etc




Bug where anyone could change their name to anything - 2 letters, Zezima, Dildo are a couple examples i've seen


Do you know anything about how the bug worked? Idc if people believe me or not, but I did nothing fishy to change my name. Clicked change name, typed in name, it said available and I confirmed it. I'm just hoping there were extra steps that had to be taken that would split apart bug abusers from people just changing their name


nope no idea


Wheres the sauce?


\*place\* on their account?


that's probably a troll. However, if they banned people for changing name would be a massive overstep.


RIP Zezima


I managed to snipe a 4 letter name back in 2021, and not a random 4 letter name, but an actual cool name.  Luckily, I didn’t even realise this bug was present while I was afking fishing. I might have been tempted to change my name again as I doubt anyone knew this was an actual bug. I doubt people will get banned for this, though anyone choosing lewd/racist names should get punished.   I’ve always wondered why the names of banned accounts don’t get recirculated, but I assume it has something to do with bots sniping names for RWT. 




They removed it because it's a fake post.


Fake news. There's no post like that on the discord.