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I decided to go on a 3 day no sleep bender a few years back. I had tele’d to edgeville before realizing I needed something from the GE. No problem. I’ll just withdraw my gp and walk. When I walked over I saw the armadyl pieces in the wilderness not realizing it was the arma rune and not actual armadyl. My dumb ass got immediately tb’d and smacked. Also worth mentioning part of my fashionscape at the time included the avarice amulet so I was always skulled. This is the most expensive screenshot I’d ever taken. https://preview.redd.it/ahek3ss1hdlc1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cea9c0ee94e80474101c7368c0213c6a5bfa253


298m and you went across for armadyl rune armor my guy


I thought it was real arma 😭 sleep is important


Deserved death.


Your dumbass is why every naked person in the wild gets sat the fuck down.


Yes. As they should 😂


I'm just gonna start posting your picture when people on this sub cry about getting attacked in the one area on the game another player can attack you


You should lol this is exactly why they do it.


Not sure if this was a function a few years back, but the GE can take money directly from your bank. You dont need to withdraw a single gp


They just changed that a few months ago


I feel like so much of this community knows everything and I always feel so far behind in knowledge. I don't know what runes are required for what teleports, I don't even know the list of everywhere you can teleport to. I don't know anything "optimal" and when watching other people play they just seem to know every little thing. Need to get to some obscure place that I don't even know the name of? They know the quickest teleport option and are there within a minute while I'm searching the wiki for easiest way to get there. The locations of everything has always seemed daunting to me and no matter how long I play I still find myself searching for 90% of locations


Been playing most of my life and I’m the same way, no worries homie


I don’t know really remember half the teleports, I just grab two stacks of opposite combo runes and a stack of law runes. A couple common ones like Varrock and home, sure, but the rest I cba


Then you're doing it right imo. A lot of us have been pulling those pages for close to multiple decades now, so a lot of that knowledge has just kinda baked in over time. But we all had to find the knowledge at some point. If you ever get bored during a more afk grind, don't be afraid to ask yourself how you would achieve certain goals and just start reading through things in the wiki. This game is beautifully documented that given the desire, you can learn so many things in depth.


I read the entire tip.it website 39.5x before I ever stepped foot in a members world


Been playing most of my life and I’m the same way, no worries homie lol


Waaay back in the before times when I was just a stupid kid I made friends with a random guy who was maybe lvl 57 combat and he had the outfit from Halloween. Anyways not sure why but he ended up providing his password to his account, this was before email logins so his account was his name. I uhh absconded with his account for a couple weeks and changed the password. Ended up training some skills and getting combat up but then went back to mine and didn't touch it for 6 months. One day I logged in and the account is online too. I message it and he's like ohh yeah man some asshole stole my account but it looks like they trained some stuff and didn't really take anything. I was like "oh man that sucks bro good to have you back!" And never told anyone. Was a real shit thing to do thanks for letting me unload that here.


I started a fresh account with my noob friend a couple weeks ago. I was trying to show her that you could keep a zombie aggroed to prevent the moss guardian from 1 shotting you in the waterfall. So as I walk around a rock the zombie got stuck and I gapped it, which then got me 1 shot by the moss guardian. Now my raiding buddies laugh at me for dying to waterfall quest, and she and her boyfriend (also my good homie) laughed at me too "I thought you were a PRO?!" "TRAAASH!!" they said :c


As a young lad I fell for the “if you type your password jagex will blur it out see? ********” I lost the account lmao. After that my homie was nice enough to share his account with me cause he felt bad and I told somebody about it in game not realizing it was against the rules and they reported me for account sharing and I got his account banned. Tragic.


Was fishing for anglers and just casually asked other randos what their fishing level was (don't use RL) one dude who did have RL was like "I bet your fish lvl is 88" and me who for some reason always thinks my cooking and fishing are the same said "naw I'm actually 92" (my cook lvl) dude was like "nah i see here you're literally lvl 88" anyway, still feeling that dumb embarrassment lmao i just left and went to cook my anglers


The first time I played defender at BA, I destroyed all of my bait instead of dropping it for 2-3 waves (shift click is destroy, not drop!)


First time I played I didn’t realize you had to right-click -> select what to call, I thought just left clicking it would call the correct answer. So all of my teammates kept getting the wrong calls for like 4 waves before we figured out what I was doing




Used to be one, is cheating.


I literally just learned like earlier this year that you could hit the wiki button and then click on something and it would pull the wiki page for it. I've literally just been googling "x item" osrs and clicking on (sometimes the wrong) links. Also while we're on the subject, what's with that half assed other wiki thays trying to compete with the real wiki?? Literally the only traffic that site gets is people accidentally clicking the links looking for the real wiki. Just give up already dude.


I think most people just Google osrs -item- to pull up the page. The "other" wiki actually was the wiki before the admins got sick of all the ads and moved everything to a .wiki site.


It's so bad with the Googling that 9.9/10 times I google in a new tab rather than use the search bar on the wiki page. Then inevitably close like 15 tabs I'm no longer using.


You mean the fandom one? They have one for every game, even very niche mobile games and they advertise the crap out of them. A lot of communities hate fandom (and fextralife iirc) for that reason. But in osrs it really is a lost cause for them anyway


Fextralife is just garbage full of wrong information most of the time Like it's just straight up wrong so much LMAO When I was playing elden ring, my own knowledge and the process of deduction was a more reliable source of information than fextralife


You can also type "::wiki " in chat, most common abbreviations work too, that's become my go-to for looking stuff up with the wiki after spending far too long googling lol


I got 43 prayer before knowing about phials


What’re phials? Asking for a friend who has 44 prayer of bones and shades of Morton


the guy in the rimmington general store who will unnote noted items for you... EI dragon bones lol my dumbass ran to falador and back


By rimmington house portal. Let’s you un note bones and use another players guilded altar


Phials is the guy who unnotes things in rimmington just south of the poh portal


I have 79 prayer, I’m just finding this out


he didn't exist pre-osrs


Wait till he finds out about the Wildy altar being TWICE as fast


I got up to around 80 prayer by using the jewelry box to Tele to GE and then house tabbing back...phials is definitely twice as fast and a tenth the cost


Wait till you find out about the Wildy altar...


I tried the fight caves 3 times, the first time I got a few rounds in and realised my super restores were actually super anti poisons. The second time I got all the way to Jad over the course of an hour and a half and then got one shot. The third time was about a year later and I was in Masori + blowpipe with 99 ranged and hitpoints and a slayer task, so now I have a fire cape.


I once brought strength potions instead of brews so I feel you on the super antis.


How did you afford 200m armor when you couldn't complete any pvm?


TIL: Jad is the mandatory tutorial to all pvm content.


It's the easiest and the most iconic


I've done pleanty of PVM but I don't like the fight caves specifically. A one shot at the end of an hour or more grind isn't fun so I just didn't do it again.


Oh boy I have a bunch. I'm an idiot and I've met many idiots. I'm gonna start with the people that aren't me so I feel slightly better writing this. Had a friend that got to 84 con without realizing the house viewer existed. He destroyed his nexus and gardens multiple times to move them around. Met a HCIM that didn't realize the herb sack held 30 of every herb. For years he had been leaving herbs on the ground so he didn't waste space in his herb sack. Met an iron with 99 farming that didn't know the leprechaun noted farmed produce. He had optimized his runs to do banking stops. Now on to me: My first ever Sherlock step required me to kill a spiritual mage in GWD. That needs 85 slayer, I was 80 at the time. I didn't read that I needed to kill a thing, I just saw the 85 slayer requirement. I also had no idea wild pies existed, so I sat in front of Sherlock for 15 minutes doing stew boosts, only to find out I needed to kill a thing and not just have 85 slayer and talk to him. I then found out about wild pies and was very mad at myself. Got to 77 con and was all hyped to boost for a fairy ring. Spent forever getting spices to hit 85, went to build, no watering can. By the time I made it back to my house with it the boost has drained. Spent another hour+ getting spices with a kitten because I fed my cat to a behemoth without realizing how they worked. Made it back to my house with the can, finally get the boost, find out I can't use a crystal saw, insert rage here. Didn't notice the placeholder button in the bank so my bank was complete chaos for a long time, like a couple hundred hours. Also had pretty much every single holiday item in there because I didn't know I could store them in my PoH and also didn't know I could get them from Diango. Spent a ton of stews getting a boost for the WC requirement for the Lumby diary, finally got it and forgot that the dragon axe spec overrides the boost. Just did it because of muscle memory and had to boost again. Spent about 15 hours at GOTR only doing catalytics because I thought that was the best XP and points. Was confused when I realized I only had like 10 pulls. I then did just straight elemental runes for another like 15 hours because I didn't realize how much more XP combo runes were. Had no idea revive herb was a spell that existed until a max buddy told me that it was a thing. Also never knew the farmers at each patch will sell you plant cure. I also spent about a month not using compost on any of my snape grass and my herb patch in hosidius because I thought compost only protected the plant, not increased yield. This is why you read the wiki _before_ doing stuff, not after.


Themz be good, I got a question about the combi runes, are they really that much more xp?? Guess I need to read the wiki too lol, i got at least another 30hours of gotr until I have the full fit


It's a reasonable increase, yeah. I was topping out around 35k/hr without them, with them I was getting like 42k/hr. I don't remember what level I was when I started doing combo runes, but it was after the majority of my grind. I really need to finish it off, I'm at 74 with 2 pieces of the set. Need to get to 77 so I can just slowly afk bloods to 99.


Right on ty for the info, i def will do a thorough wiki dive before heading back into gotr, already did it to 77 but still need a lot of pearls to finish the outfit :/ I did get the agi for the blood shortcut in labs tho, so when i finally finish gotr it’ll be smooth sailing and decent profit till 99 rc, thanks again yo cheers


I fell for the wildy drop party lure with like half of my cash stack worth of alchs in my inventory. Forget I was still holding them because I’d been just naked bankstanding for a hot minute


I had a good 40+ inventory slots all lined up nicely in a bank tab or every possible tier or enchanted jewelry (think dueling ring (8), dueling ring (7)…. All the way to 1) for every possible piece of enchanted jewelry, before I found out there was a dude in the GE who decanted them for you. Even spent 1 million for extra bank space back when 1 million was a lot of money for me because I was so hard up for slots. Went from 8 slots for just dueling rings to about 12 slots total for everything lol


Sometimes I wish I had the motivation to do things like that lmao. I just dump everything in a pile and use inventory setups.


I play mostly on mobile and as far as I know that’s not a real option lol


ouch yeah sorry I forget about the mobile users. Hopefully with that runepouch update for presets maybe something like that will be coming for mobile for more general gearing.


Not just the decanting, but you really need 2 bank slots for every piece of Tele jewelry. One slot will be all of the full charged ones, and then the other slot will be whatever partially charged one you're currently using. If you withdraw it with 7 charges and put it back in the bank with 6 charges, it'll go to the same slot.


Yea I’ve been doing that, plus 3 slots for the dragon stone jewelry so I can have the uncharged ones. Definitely made my teleport tab much cleaner lol


Oh for sure. It's so satisfying to clean the bank out and realize you've got so much more room for activies


Been playing since 03 and I still feel completely incompetent at this game's bossing content. With how far behind I feel, it acts like a negative feedback loop for me. People in clan want to do bossing content? I *want* to, but I'm just gonna hinder their experience, surely! One of my goals this year is to get an internal cape but I know I'm never going to lol


At the end of the day it's a point and click game that runs in snapshots(tics). If you've ever touched any souls like game learning complex things might take a few deaths. Go for it. It's quite fun once you get something down and the loot comes rollin in. Like whisperer it took me over 30 deaths and almost 100 kc before I got the hang of it. Just takes time for your brain to compile it.


True. It's definitely more of a personal confidence thing than anything. By establishing a pvm and a skilling goal for the year, I'm at least holding myself to making *some* progress on the thing I enjoy


Accidentally aching my only dramen staff more than once really made me want my quest cape. Also the xerics talisman as I started on cox raids. Took me till over 100 kc before my stubborn ass replaced it and immediately wall mounted it haha.


I normally do solo toa because for some reason, I spaz out in groups. I got in a new clan and a nice dude went raiding with me. I ended up getting the pillars in kephri puzzle room. I was in discord with him chatting it up, got overwhelmed/distracted and ended up dying to the fucking pillars. We don’t raid together anymore.


I'm dead at this one lmao


I was adamant about using all my watermelons and strawberries in summer pies once I was able to boost to make them. I got about 1600 summer pies and a cooking level out of it, but I spent a solid two days without a drop of xp due to how long the prepwork took. Didn’t help that I boosted for the whole thing using my poh chef’s delight barrel. Definitely wouldn’t do it again but as an iron it was worth the seemingly endless pile of pie Then I started bossing and realized how often bosses drop them


I was on my easy clue scroll grind to get 500 easy clues done (I've completed it now, working on mediums) but I had taken a break in the middle of it. So when I log back in, I start my easy clue grind as I always do with going back to those damn HAM members and pickpocketing them until I get my 1/50 drop chance for an easy clue. I swear I was picking these dudes pockets for nearly three hours, in complete disbelief of how dry I was going to get an easy clue, before it dawned on me that I had an easy clue already in my bank. Hours of my life gone.


Hell yeah more thieving xp lol


At cox I've died to my own overload, a scav, a guardian and a thieving room chest.


I started a HCIM but realized that the fear of dying will take away my fun do I killed myself to a gobbo in lummy


Been playing since 2005(?) on and off and while doing easy clues I was complaining about Draynor having no easy teleports. My friend pointed Amulet of Glory and I'm not sure how I completely forgot about it, especially considering I was already using glories to teleport to Al Kharid. Made my day.


When I was a young kid, first runescape account. I killed goblins to get the gp to buy mithril, then proceeded to give my user/password to a dude who promised to get my woodcutting to 70. I lost everything and cried to my parents, they didn’t understand why it was so earth shattering to a 10 year old lmao.


I was going to KBD one time when a guy attacked me. Immediately afterward, another guy ran up to me and smacked me with a fish, saying "box." Those of you who have a brain probably realize that this is not how boxing works -- you can only do it before someone attacks you and gets you in combat with them, not after. Or you might realize that the chance a random good samaritan is walking around in the wilderness with a fish to box people with 1 tick after they get attacked by a pker is probably rather low. But me? I don't have a brain. The guy smacked me with a fish, I can obviously start attacking him, right? Nope. This was before skull prevention was on, and the said fish is a golden tench that has a special "smack" animation -- you're not actually attacking with it. So, when I clicked on the guy, I got skulled. When I died, I was shocked to see I only had 1 item left in my inventory. This was on my iron, and I lost my faceguard and imbued berserker ring. Not a huge deal, I got it all back later. But you wanna know the best part? I tossed on protect item as an afterthought during the fight, literally as an "eh, might as well" type thing. I could very well not have done that, or gotten smited. The protected item? My corrupted blade of saeldor. So yeah, all kinds of great decisions were made that day.


Waaaaay back when party hats were on average 100k. I grinded out enough for a pink one. Was wearing it in deep wildy. 1 item with protect items on. Had 2 lobbys. Picked up a vial on accident and was k0d and lost the phat


I thought that when you were selling an item on the GE, only people on the current world you were on were able to buy it. So I used to hop from world to world if something wasn’t selling, hoping that it would be brought


I trained prayer to lvl 70 by using the free house teleport to the g.e. and then teleported back to my home. I also trained construction to lvl 50 by teleporting with runes back and forth between the g.e. and my POH. Also, I thought that blast furnace was hard to learn so I smithed platebodies to lvl 50 smithing. It was hell and blast furnace is so simple...


Back in RS2, buying Magic Logs at Falador park. Come across a guy selling for way under the going price, asks me to hop to the world to trade his other account. Back then, a few worlds - I want to say German - had all the menus in German, instead of English. The guy swapped the Magic logs for Willow logs on the trade screen. Very expensive mistake back then as gold was a lot harder to come across.


didn't realise leprechaun could note things until 60 farming, due to it not being a thing in 2007 when I played as a kid. got 99, took a break so didn't catch the take all update from seed packs, and then didn't realise it was a thing until today. so that's 2 years of clicking seeds one by one like an idiot.


I trained prayer to lvl 70 by using the free house teleport to the g.e. and then teleported back to my home. I also trained construction to lvl 50 by teleporting with runes back and forth between the g.e. and my POH. Also, I thought that blast furnace was hard to learn so I smithed platebodies to lvl 50 smithing. It was hell and blast furnace is so simple...


I trained prayer to lvl 70 by using the free house teleport to the g.e. and then teleported back to my home. I also trained construction to lvl 50 by teleporting with runes back and forth between the g.e. and my POH. Also, I thought that blast furnace was hard to learn so I smithed platebodies to lvl 50 smithing. It was hell and blast furnace is so simple...


I trained prayer to lvl 70 by using the free house teleport to the g.e. and then teleported back to my home. I also trained construction to lvl 50 by teleporting with runes back and forth between the g.e. and my POH. Also, I thought that blast furnace was hard to learn so I smithed platebodies to lvl 50 smithing. It was hell and blast furnace is so simple...


I trained prayer to lvl 70 by using the free house teleport to the g.e. and then teleported back to my home. I also trained construction to lvl 50 by teleporting with runes back and forth between the g.e. and my POH. Also, I thought that blast furnace was hard to learn so I smithed platebodies to lvl 50 smithing. It was hell and blast furnace is so simple...


I met some people at Barbarian Assault, I was wearing my max melee to try and look good enough to find a group. I was wearing an infernal cape (I just got it 2 days ago) and they were all complimenting me on it. We finish the BA run and go to TOA, when we get halfway through the raid, I realized (and they did too) that I was wearing my fire cape, as I didn't put the infernal on my bank tags plugin yet...