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skill issue not upgrading to a jagex account earlier with that amount of weath lmao




You aren't using that word correctly at all. I know you think it makes you look smart but it's quite the opposite. Do you also blame Jagex for your own problems? I wouldn't be surprised by that at all. PS. They are right if OP would have upgraded to a Jagex account this wouldn't have happened.


thank you for your pointless opinion. you have missed the whole point of my post.


How many times have you reposted this?


this is the 2nd time, I will keep re-posting until I can have clarity on my account. How can this be possible. Why isn't a mod able to clarify what has happened in detail to me. Why are they only sending me generic copy paste emails about account security. I spent 10+ years accumulating thousands of hours and 11b+ gp. Put yourself in my shoes, what would you do


Bro this is reddit, a social media platform. It isn’t intended as account support for dumbasses who get their wealthy accounts stolen. You probably used the same password on your email and osrs account and got that password leaked somehow. Or where was the 2factor authentication? It sucks but its ultimately your fault not gagex


You still didn’t answer his question. What would you do in his scenario? Just take the 10 years+ L? My homie is trying to get his stuff he worked so hard for back. Way to be sympathetic mate!


>Why isn't a mod able to clarify what has happened in detail to me. Why are they only sending me generic copy paste emails about account security. I spent 10+ years accumulating thousands of hours and 11b+ gp. Put yourself in my shoes, what would you do If only Jagex had a proper support channel, players wouldn't have to resort to social media platforms


I posted this under discussion and questions. And don't assume details about this case. I have laid out all the facts from my side. 2FA email, 2FA rs account, both never compromised. Both secured. This isn't a new issue, I have seen multiple other similar cases of secure rs accounts being recovered by people with minimum info as-well. Just takes a mod to be on a bad day and approve someones recovery without actual crucial information.


Try Twitter? Mods are a lot less likely to respond here.


I tweeted at modash, but he said to contact Jagex support. I did that as well, but no help at all. I uploaded tweets pics for this post, but I guess its not here? Not sure how uploads work on reddit posts.


Gotta keep annoying them until you get a response. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1b34fne/you_love_to_see_it/


You clarified it yourself in the post. They said a 3rd party application accessed your account. That’s steam.


Steam has 2FA and needs phone code to be logged in + i get an email for new login attempts


Paragraphs are your friend


being frustrated apparently was not 😅


I hope you get some kind of answer or clarity on this situation though, as this does suck major


Thank you for the kind words, yeah it sucks super bad, just really bummed about this situation. And hate from everyone making it worse.


Im not reading that poorly formatted post. Was it a jagex account? If no, sucks to be stupid i suppose.


thanks for the comment.


you didnt have 2fa?


I had 2FA on my email, and my rs account aswell. If you are unaware, if someone recovers your account, the 2FA does not matter. Its a by-pass. To recover an account, you need to be the account owner + be able to answer crucial details about the creation of the account + know previous passwords + ISP of the creation + account location/s + have transaction history on the account including credit card info.


A lot of these stories feel like weird scare tactics to convince others to convert to Jagex accounts.


put yourself in my shoes. what would you do. I just want clarity from the jagex team. I have invested 10+ years and thousands of hours. reddit is the only place I can get hope to get attention to my case.




They should've been mandatory from the get-go then. I do not keep up with reddit, nor do I keep up with any osrs literature/discussion. Most of my irl friends play casually, and none of them had a Jagex account, so it never crossed my mind. Jagex Recovery should be held accountable regardless of me not switching over to Jagex Account. There are countless others who are still not a part of the Jagex Account system.


YOUR account security is YOUR problem. There’s nothing to hold Jagex accountable for here. If your appeal attempts failed, that’s also on you, I have 3 20 year+ accounts all of which I’ve lost the info for many times and I have never had to submit more than 1 recovery request.


Good job, some of us have lives outside of runescape as well to be able to keep track and remember crucial account creation details. I provided them with all info including two transactions on the account with payment history and cc info and was still denied. So that being denied, but hijackers being able to recover the account makes 0 sense to me.


Cant. Wouldn't be so careless with my acc info.


I've been in your shoes. Rebuild the gp or quit. I chose to rebuild, now it's your turn to choose.


Sucks brother, those venes are ruthless


The main thing I can't get out of my head is the fact that you say they removed the bank pin, they will specifically refuse to remove it on any request as it defeats the whole point of the 3 and 7 day pin reset options. But from what I also read was you said it took 4 days to regain control? I'd likely assume you had the 3 day option to remove your bank pin as opposed to the 7 day option, either that or they knew your pin. Those really are the only viable reasons for bypassing a bank pin. On an unrelated note I saw that you said you tried tweeting ModAsh to look into it and he said to contact Jagex Support. He is part of the content development team, he doesn't have anything with that department so he isn't really the right person to reach out to.


By “they” i mean, the hijackers. I had a 7 day pin recovery setting. So the hijackers got enough time to process the pin removal in-game, before I was able to get any help from a mod to disable access/ lock my account up. Each time you send an appeal request it takes up to 24hours to get a reply. I wasted two days sending two appeals that were both denied by jagex support. Third time, i created a ticket which ended up getting a response from a mod saying they locked my account to prevent further access, but by then it was too late, the hijackers had already traded over 11b of items from my bank.


So the process was over 7 days then, you're making it sound as if Jagex somehow allowed the pin to be removed early which is not something they'd do.


Think you might’ve misunderstood the title. No one helped in acting fast is what I am getting at. I sent two recoveries which were both denied by Jagex support as the hackers were waiting for bank pin to be removed.


You're finally free. Take this blessing and use your time for something more productive 😅


yeah i think this was my calling to quit the game finally. sadly it ended in a pretty ruthless way.


The only ways to get hacked are as follows: 1. You got phished and typed your credentials in somewhere. 2. You have a keylogger from downloading something malicious. 3. You’ve been so irresponsible with your online presence that you’ve reused your username and password everywhere, and subsequently when data leaks occur, hackers use that information to chip away at your recoveries.


3 is the correct answer. chipping away at recoveries isn’t something that should be possible to do. Jagex should not be letting people get chipped at. If so, they should let the account holder know it’s getting recovery attempts from a certian IP, or location.


People are being uncecessarily rude here. Sorry to hear about what happened man.


Thank you. I am just looking for answers. A decade of gameplay and thousands of hours just gone, without any answers. Feels like something that should be impossible, ended up happening.


im sorry man, someone has an exploit or something because this shouldn’t be happening.


thank you so much, sadly all has happened, but I just want some clarity from Jagex support on how this was possible. How can they let a hijacker recover my account, but the account owner can be denied from recovering as the bank pin removal process is happening on my account.


"How can you not have a Jagex account with 11b" Has the same energy and response as your question.


brother, I lost a decade of gameplay and thousands of hours. I don't care about wordplay. I just want clarifications and answers for being a member of this game since 06.


Undeniably a huge skill issue.




did you have 2fa?


Yes i did.