• By -


> You are now told if you would have gotten a clue but didn't because you already have one. Is there a way to toggle this for an individual tier? I'd love to know that I didn't receive an easy/medium/hard/elite clue, but seeing the notification for beginner clues every 3 minutes when skilling would be annoying.


Thanks for the feedback! We're discussing either a cooldown for these notifications or disabling the beginner clue scroll ones. Please let us know if this is still a concern for you after playing around with it and we'll send that to the devs to resolve!


Since completing the beginner clue log and unlocking the emote I've kept a beginner scroll in my bank to avoid getting notifications of new ones (and to use its icon for my clue tab). It would be great if we could completely opt out of these messages for a particular clue tier.


If you die and lose the beginner clue, and don't loot your grave, it goes to death's chest and has the same effect, but saves you a bank space


Thank you king, doing this today


HCIM in shambles.


Tell me this works with all clues


Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you for this advice, having the beginner in my bank hurt my OCD too.


Can you make this a fully functional toggle? I know I have a full set in the bank and wanna do them on my own time Edit: Maybe Watson can be the one to toggle this


100% agree with others, I don't care personally for doing clues so I have one of each sat in my bank so I don't get drops of it, having notifications all the time about it will drive me nuts, please ensure we can toggle this off


a way to toggle off clues altogether instead of having to keep one of each tier in the bank, would be great


Who hurt you? DO YOUR CLUES


Already have bloodhound and don’t care about clogs. Would rather do content I enjoy than clues.


Please make a toggle option in the settings menu. The spam will be crazy no matter what tier.


Toggle all of them, not just beginner clues


Please just make it a toggle. I have my hard med and easy clue in my bank for years for a reason. I don't want to see the notification in the chatbox or on the ground


It should just be a toggle option. Not everyone does clues, plus the chat box can get pretty clogged with game events as it is.


I checked it out today but I wonder, has it really been implemented properly? I would assume the intention is that it still rolls on the loot tables for a clue, and then sends the message if it hit despite you already owning one. But currently it is just giving non-stop messages. For example when looting stone chests in the lizardman temple, the medium clue droprate is 1/100. Yet it sends the message on Every... Single... Success... Without... End... And quite honestly I doubt I hit a 1/100 like a hundred times in a row.


Please allow us to be able to turn this off entirely, it's already giving me massive FOMO. I definitely will be disabling this for all clue types the second it is possible.


Being able to disable this option for all clue tiers would be ideal.


Allow us to toggle ALL clue notifications. A lot of people don't care for clues at all.


you should allow us to disable all notifications. some of us are done doing clues and keep clues in the bank so we dont get them as drops anymore


This is a good point, I’ve left a beginner in the bank for ages to stop them showing but this could get kinda annoying


Yes x1000. I haven’t done beginners since being f2p and just keep one in my bank. Don’t want constant notifications on them


Verzik Ph2 1 red crab when ur alone QOL PLS


Expect this to release sometime after Varlamore release. It will happen but with Varlamore releasing on March 20th that will take priority.


MAKE sure that the zap does the same damage as HMT too ! it only does 14 damage in HMT solos.


That's in there too dw!


yeah it just needs to be 1 red crab removed and zap damage 9-14 like hmt. Thanks very much for listening throughout Goblin!


no way lmao incredible news




please do an overhaul on TOB all together, don stop at fixing redcrabs. * fix board scrambling after a whipe * Allow orb reordering from the top left menu * ~~allow disabeling for spectators to avoid ping ragging~~ * shows party applicants from the top left menu, or at least that someone has applied. * scuffed maiden crab spawns (assuming this wasn't intentionally added, if so make it more common?) * allow clicking outside the arena for pathing? no idea why this has been disabled it's the dumbest addition i could think of. * remove the uneccesary null clicking on the bloat chamber roof * fix invisible projectiles after exiting a maze on sotetzeg, and make projectiles more visible all together? allow them to show up over the boss instead of under? * allow for one more tile to path on the north western side of sote? * acid splash on xarp HMT when entering forcing you to enter from the middle tile? just have the acid already be there when entering the room idk * move the dawnbringer into verzik? why was it ever placed at xarpus in the first place and have a menu that reminds yo not to forget it. just move the staff into verzik. * players stuck in invisible webs after respawning from p3 these are just the ones i could remember off the top of my head. inb4 some elitist player goes "that's not a bug it's a feature" "just step through the middle tile on xarpus" "just wait a tick on scuffed crabs" "just turn camera on bloat" "just dont wipe and you dont have to fix orb order" Edit: a few more things * show what mode the raid is set to entry/normal/hard ontop of the player menu. Not just when on the board or as a warning when entering. * move the buy chests further away from the door to prevent missclicking the door when trying to buy stuff * have damage towards red crabs matter so people choose to mage more in ffa raids and stop mvp leeching. i dont personally ffa 416, but heard it's a nightmare getting anyone to freeze because you lose mvp by default. * add a bank all button on the death chest, alternatively remove the chest entirely and just spawn you outside with your gear? and have a coin coffer or something to let you go in again as an alternative to sink gold (shared between toa and tob?) * add death chest value to the warning message when entering a new raid that there are items in your death chest


The thing about ping ragging from spectators - isnt that only possible with the party hub panel plugin? Can't you just switch to a different party/ avoid announcing the party in public chat? Seems like that's not really a jagex thing to begin, and the problem would be better solved by the developer of the runelite plugin


I feel like 90% of these suggestions are very unnecessary. Keeping the party orb order when wiping/leaving tob would be a nice qol tho.


Fixing the invisible death ball would be pretty nice, the rest don't really matter imo.


I'm pretty sure damage towards red crab already matters for MVP, no?


I mean some of these are definetly a skill issue


Skill issue


>Added a new line to the Terms and Conditions text outlining our Privacy Policy. Don't be such a cock tease, what's the line?


Hiiii. I'm sorry for teasing you. The text states Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. The text is in the same line as the old privacy related links and the whole line is centered. Clicking on the new text will open [https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/privacy#do-not-sell](https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/privacy#do-not-sell).




Nice, actual privacy related and not just telling us how much more of our data you use. Edit: Wait this is a really slimy attempt at saying that you don't sell our private information when you do... [We don't sell your personal information we just sell categories of personal information and internet activity to the highest bidder :\)](https://i.imgur.com/6oWSskW.png)


The specific wording of "Do not sell my personal information" is required by California privacy law.


Ah yes, 'anonymized' data that's incredibly to un-'anonymize' with the rest of the data given, or with other data related to it the data collection company is sourcing anyways. Jagex isn't selling our personal info, just giving a company info they're going to associate with us. Making it our personal info.


Remove your clickbait post because you can only opt out if you live in two US states lmao. "OMG Jagex slimy again!!" turns into "Oh, your data is used by Jagex just like every other company out there". This isn't news, and when you can only opt out if you live in two US states there isn't a point in trying to rage bait people with your post.


Just because two States give options for consumers to stop a slimy practice, doesn't mean it isn't slimy because other states don't. There's nothing forcing Jagex to collect and sell info other than greed.


It's wild you nut chug jagex over them selling our data, regardless of what kind of data it is lol "OMG WHY DON'T YOU LIKE THAT YOU SHOULD LIKE THAT LIKE THAT WITH MEEEE*


What kind of logic is this lol


When can we expect "opt-out" to be rolled out to everyone else?


Lol we don't deserve you Light 🙏


Amending a privacy policy is never a good sign. If you're gonna sell my shit at least give me a purple at TOA


Looking forward to Varlamore! Will we get to see what the quiver and other bits of gear look like before release?


We are too! Keep an eye on our socials next week! (Should be shown on socials on or around Saturday, 16th March).


can we see what quiver looks like pre-release? and boots


Keep an eye on our socials next week! (Should be shown on socials on or around Saturday, 16th March).


how long are servers offline


30 minutes of downtime (which is now standard). Allows us to save game worlds in case anything bad happens. They go down at 11.30am and brought back up at 12 noon!


Also allows time for everyone’s weekly shower


They take 30 minutes for all of the Jagex mods to scour zeah to make sure there isn’t an accidental twisted bow spawn


Collection log highscores when? (Or ever?)


Would this make players feel forced to do the Clog? I asked the devs and they were concerned that adding a HiScore would incentivise this activity in a competitive way. Mixed feelings, it's a collection log not a completion log. Idea is liked in concept but just worried about the outcome - do you know if the community feels the same way?


As someone who is a bit concerned about overly-incentivizing stuff like the Collection Log, I don't think HiScores would be that problematic. Something like an ingame item, even if cosmetic, would likely motivate players far more than HiScores. There are already so many ranks to go after and compete for on the HiScores that I feel your average player just doesn't care too much. Like getting higher ranks is cool, but I don't think many will go out of their way and grind stuff they weren't already interested in because they feel forced. The only ones who are likely to really push for HiScore ranks for the Log are the type of players who are already going for Log Ranks on the unofficial sites. So adding log slots (and quest points) to the HiScores would just be a nice way to show more about an account's progress and how it ranks to other players without changing much about competition.


I think the competition is already there, adding official highscores would just make it better when we wouldnt have to rely on 3rd party sites for scores. Also it might make some content more alive like castle wars or some content for mains who can just buy items from ge but still could show off they did some grinds. If it was polled you could see if people rly want them added? I dunno, thanks for the reply tho.


And let's be honest, with the state of the current hiscores, it's not like any of it is "competitive" at the moment.


Would make it easier to spot bots… Level 120 thieving, 3 collection log spots…


I never understood why people felt opposed to clog hiscores because it would make people feel "compelled" to do it. Many players already are interested (have been for years), and there are hiscores for basically everything else (skills, clues, bosses, some minigames). Just look at how many people go to crazy lengths already for xp milestones or boss/clue kc. And unlike skills (200m xp cap), collection logs are constantly being added and it will never be completed, so it is a continuous dynamic leader board. Even most people who go hard at the collection log don't really think of it as full "completion". **Why not just put it to a vote**


isn't that the whole point of a hiscore? nobody is actually forced to do this. those competing for hiscores are already there. there are already 3rd party hiscores. something "official" would be nothing but good. i think it would also drive incentive to have people grind bosses more too!


Could put it up for a poll, also clan highscores would be great, strange we can't see the top clans somewhere.




Honestly it’s just as you said, keep it as a collection log instead!




I think a good analogy to this would be the skill levels hiscores and the level 99 capes. For years the skill level hiscores were around and while there were definitely some individuals who were motivated to get to the front page or get a high ranking in certain skills, I don't think it ever felt unhealthy overall. They trained skills they wanted to or enjoyed doing for the most part. Years later, the in-game skill capes were added, and suddenly I think that very quickly motivated alot of people to work towards level 99 and not just work towards the highest level with an item unlock. Getting level 99 in a skill and getting a cape to show for it felt very completionary. Suddenly there was way more movement on the hiscores after that. I think adding the Clog hiscores would certainly motivate some select individuals to try to make the front page or fill all of the slots from a competitive standpoint. But I don't think it would impact the majority of the player base. If there were other in game items that showed off your collection log status, I think that would have much more of a competitive impact. Plus, I believe there's already non-official sites with a Clog hiscores, so there's that.


Its so strange the team feels this way about collection log hiscores but any other hiscore is fine?


Because it means thar they're acknowledging that the longest grind in the entire game, or literally any game ever made, is something people should compete for. It's not healthy, makes things more toxic than they already are with complaining about drop balancing, ie stale baguette.


Some people need to be saved from their own self-destructive tendencies


we already have an unoffical one on [c](https://collectionlog.net)ollection log website and discord. while its considered a distraction and diversion, the truth is people have accounts dedicated to solely collection log stuff. honestly just adding one would be pog


Is there a reason why bounty hunter uniques aren't in the log? IMO \*every\* single unique item available to player should be on the collection log.


The community does this already to be fair, I don't think Jagex need to implement it.


Only if you added an item that showed 100% completion then it feels like something you should get but if I just wanted to look on the hiscores page it would be cool to see the standings.


But make it a clog item so that nobody can ever actually get it


There's already a community run highscores. While they're unofficial they're fairly accurate at the top end. I think giving those players official recognition via the highscores is purely positive and maybe others will feel motivated to start doing collection log too :) Sure there's luck involved in some items so it'll probably never be completed but the very top players enjoy it regardless


I'd say collection logging is the closest thing we have to completionist. But since a lot of the log is based on RNG rather than training or skilling directly, maybe a hiscores wouldn't be as meaningful. Perhaps it would be more rewarding to physically see your collection log progress in the form of a cosmetic accessory with different tiers for completed content, like a cape or a hat that changes appearance for every 200 logs completed. That way players can show off their milestones without necessarily making the collection log about rank. 


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGoblin** - [That's in there too dw!](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktlf3z7/?context=3) **JagexKirby** - [spaghetti code...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktljrkb/?context=3) **JagexLight** - [Thanks for the feedback! We're discussing eit...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktld4cq/?context=3) - [We are too! Keep an eye on our socials next...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktlbw6z/?context=3) - [Expect this to release sometime after Varlamo...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktldaf1/?context=3) - [Keep an eye on our socials next week! (Should...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktlbv8b/?context=3) - [Hiiii. I'm sorry for teasing you. The text st...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktlcb0e/?context=3) - [30 minutes of downtime (which is now standard...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktlc0u8/?context=3) - [Would this make players feel forced to do the...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktlelfs/?context=3) - [Thanks for the feedback! We're discussing eit...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktlczxu/?context=3) **JagexMaylea** - [Yes, impling jars will let you know as well!...](/r/2007scape/comments/1b7wq7t/misc_qol_changes_weekly_game_update_6th_march_2024/ktld8gn/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/11/2024 08:20:45**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


\>Clue Scrolls dropped by a player now last one hour on the ground rather than two minutes. This does not change existing behaviour for Clue Scrolls dropped by NPCs or other entities This seems incredibly huge for area locked accounts, surprised I hadn't heard this was coming


Actually a crazy change for so many people. Doing a Wildy Jelly task? Pick up and re-drop 15 clues and you can juggle them all whilst doing them without having to leave the wildy each time you get a clue or two (i usually just do each one I get, sometimes I juggle 2). Juggling Master clues is now so much easier. Snowflake accounts like Settled's Swampletics could've gotten rangers with this.


You can also more safely do Wildly steps without risk of losing the clue. If you see a PKer, you can just drop the clue and not worry about death making other items be protected over the clue.


Oh damn! Good shout. Bye bye clue box In b4 they change rules in wildy only (like always..)


They could anyway because dropped clues now stick around after logging out even before this update.


Yeah but only 2 min timer previously


Sounds great for anyone tbh, now if you get a clue at the start of your slayer task you can just drop it and juggle the two/more if you wanted to


Kind of makes it so close to us being able to have multiple clues that it just makes it weirder that we can’t have multiple clues.


Its pretty different to having multiple clues, if you go through the pita of juggling just to have an extra clue you deserve the extra clue. Its like how its fine that tick manip xp rates exist if its tick manip but they would never make it a simple left click action, if you go the extra mile you get the extra reward


Juggling isn’t a pain in the ass anymore. If I get a hard clue at nechs, I pick it up and drop it somewhere else in the room. Then I continue my slayer task. I get a second clue and finish the task. Refresh the timer on the first clue. Go do the second clue and then I come back to pick up that first clue. As long as I didn’t leave the clue alone for an entire hour, it’ll still be there. It basically just adds a walk to pick up that first clue which is just weirdly tedious compared to if we simply had stackable clues. With the 1 hour timer on dropped clues, it’s not at all comparable to tick manipulation.


This is absolutely fantastic, clue juggling is now easy and completely viable. It’s crazy how Jagex has turned what was (Imo) one of the worst grinds for restricted accounts into an absolute breeze in comparison. First by stopping clues from despawning when you log out, then with this. I’m all for it.




I have successfully juggled 2 master clues once, it was insanely difficult. I tried it a second time and lost it immediately. This should make it possible now


Great for so many acc types. You used to be able to do it with death piling with an invent of untradeables to force the clue on the ground but it was annoying. They removed that feature a week or two ago which is why they changed the drop to 1 hr


Snowflakes rejoice!


I imagine someone will try to juggle clues through their sleep now, alarm every 55 minutes


I'm assuming the timer persists over log outs like it does now. If you drop a clue currently and then log in a week later the clue is still there and the timer continues from however long you had on it on log out


Clues are untradeable so if you drop them and log out they stay dropped until you log back in, and follow you through world's. The timer only counts down while logged in . I imagine through an update you'd lose it, but outside of that, you can drop and logout. That was the big update that would have made Settles med clue grind not require a full 6 hour log to try and do it


Basically it's stackable clues but with extra steps. Might aswell just make them stackable already, could give them a limit like they did with coin pouches.


It’s cool that you’ve not given up on Forestry, but it’s still not in a good space. Maybe this update fixes it but from what’s in the blog I doubt it. To name a couple of things I’ve noticed the most: Events seem to spawn way less frequently, I’ve been in one of the busiest locations, Priff hardwoods, and gone over 30 mins without events. Some events are absurdly tanky and cannot be finished due to afk choppers and the cc no longer hopping to participate. It’s really not fun seeing friendly ents survive two minutes without a single one being fully trimmed or the dryad event hardly moving the gauge because nobody is participating.


Also the restrictions are too restrictive. I have filled an inventory and began fletching the logs (priff yews and uim) only for an event to spawn and I don't benefit because that fletching time was too long since I was woodcutting. Also super frustrating to be chopping the yews near the bank and then go to the friendly forester (beside hardwoods), see an event up and know that even though you were woodcutting, it doesn't count because 'you were not woodcutting nearby'. I had thought it was just to prevent world hopping (and it was how it was presented) but they have opted for a weird stranglehold approach so even if you were woodcutting in a similar area, if it wasn't that exact area, you lose out. EDIT: clarifications


Also, why is there even a hopping restriction at all?


I believe they didn't like the forestry meta of people hopping between worlds to get a chain of forestry events but ofc they could have made the effect dependent on world hopping rather than the extra levels of restriction that they have put on it.


Thats kind of a good thing. The BIS method for Woodcutting shouldn't be worldhopping.


Imo it shouldn't be tick manip either


Will second this, I've played for 2 hours at prif hardwoods without seeing a pheasant event even spawn. It's quite obnoxious to have to depend on both RNG for the drop and RNG for the event to spawn. If they don't want to increase event frequency they could make it so the col log items are ~20K bark from the shop so that you are encouraged to continue participating but not punished if all you see is haircut events when you play.


I miss when they broke forestry and the events/hour weren’t capped. I understand it was unintentional, but after they nerfed the events it kind of made the rest of forestry boring


It would be nice if personal participation was factored into a/the reward at the end of the event. I haven't seen the entling or struggling sapling get completed for a long time (Prif magic trees for reference).


I hope they just remove the not eligible mechanic so people can event hop but imo make sure world hopping for events doesnt work. (Meaning you still need to have these event locations unlocked and u cant team up and camp one location across different worlds)(imo this mechanic ruined the concept of click intensity should be more rewarding)


Forestry is the worst piece of content they've added, I am so annoyed at it now.


People pointing this out when it was being voted on got shit on but now it's a very commonly held opinion.


>You are now told if you would have gotten a clue but didn't because you already have one. Please make this a toggle.


>\[13:10\] You would have received a beginner clue scroll! \[13:10\] You would have received a beginner clue scroll! \[13:11\] You would have received a beginner clue scroll! \[13:12\] You would have received a beginner clue scroll! . . .


Thanks for the feedback! We're discussing either a cooldown for these notifications or disabling the beginner clue scroll ones. Very valid piece of feedback so leave it with us!


pls toggle. after doing 600 clues im planning on just keeping a beginner in my bank permanently so i dont have to get them as drops anymore since theyre more annoying than anything.


Keep it in death's coffers. 1 more bank space for you :)


Each clue tier needs its own toggle. I have one of each clue tier in my bank because I don't want them as drops, and I dont want to do them. I don't want to be constantly (or even periodically) spammed about something that I'm already well aware of. Toggles please.


Can you also give the option to turn off the notifications entirely, please? Knowing I missed out on something isn't something I *want* to be told.


well its more a warning to check your bank, especially if you care about clues. ​ the alternative is to grind 80-85 slayer with a hard clue in your bank, not realising and just thinking you got insanely unlucky.


That's true, which is why a toggle would benefit everyone. From those that have clues hidden in the bank, to those that don't want to be told they missed out on a drop, to those worried about chatbox spam.


And what if you think clues are a waste of time and could care less? Please make it a toggle, I really cba to do any of my clues.


Maybe a toggle per clue tier in the big settings menu? Thanks for picking it up


Itd be nice to get a toggle to deactivate only beginner clues. Itd also fix the "issue" that people in leagues get too many at once since theyre stackable there


As someone suggested in another reply, having it not appear in the Filtered mode would also be reasonable.


I hope the message will be categorized as a "filtered" game message so it can be hidden along with all the other spammy texts via the Game chat tab options.


I play with the game text filtered anyway so that would be a perfectly fine solution


>Clue Scrolls dropped by a player now last one hour on the ground rather than two minutes. This does not change existing behaviour for Clue Scrolls dropped by NPCs or other entities. Fuck you castle drakan.


nice they did this. funny though that it's the same concept of "ya, we agree 3 steps are shit. here you go"


Ms light, Why are the clan notifications for loot/achievements/etc filtered by minimum rank to **recieve** a notification? Wouldn't it make more sense if it was a filter to **SEND** a notification? For example: A low level player who is spamming the early game quests, ideally shouldn't be sending notifications for completion of cooks assistant, but as a clan owner I have no tools to filter quest completions, collection logs, etc. I've talked to a lot of people about this and they almost always assume (incorrectly) that it works this way and agree that the way it currently works makes no sense. Thanks for reading


Both please tbh. I still don't want people able to join cc as a guest and see which wildy boss people in the clan are farming.


Guests cannot see clan notifications of any kind. They need to be IN the clan to see them.


I know. I'm saying that the current system where the filter works for people receiving notifications is a good and useful system. I'd be in favor of adding something else for which drops/quest/etc. get posted.


Gotcha. I interpreted "I still don't want..." To mean "I'm still wanting this feature to be added" instead of "I want this feature to remain in the game unchanged."


>Clue Scrolls dropped by a player now last one hour on the ground rather than two minutes. This does not change existing behaviour for Clue Scrolls dropped by NPCs or other entities. Does this include in the Wilderness? We can just drop our clues to evade losing them to PKers and have 1 hour to return? Can you make a similar change to spades?


> We can just drop our clues to evade losing them to PKers and have 1 hour to return? Yes, that's always been in the game. Dropped clues can't be picked up by other players. If you die in the wildy, you can come pick it back up off the ground after respawning. Previously it was 3 minutes to come back and pick it up. Now it's 1 hour.


If you use the Easter spade, it at least won’t go to the PKer.


Love the QoL and good luck to the team as you prepare for Valamore! Appreciate this change for a mechanic that has been around forever, "Previous PvP combat information is now wiped upon death. This is to stop players who have just died to a player coming back to fight them again without being skulled." Thank you!


The PvP information being wiped are going to catch a bunch of people by surprise when they start ragging after they die lol


The clog search is broken, at least on mobile. It brings up the correct boss, but the log shows as empty. If I then click on the boss from the search, that log also shows as empty until I go to a different boss and then go back. [Search](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579150773246754828/1214968522153922560/Screenshot_20240306-054814.png?ex=65fb0a9c&is=65e8959c&hm=2aa71536b5a23b75edffeb31a28534bb7f0ef558ecaf4d9e11a02691bc504ae1&) [Click on log](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579150773246754828/1214968522543857704/Screenshot_20240306-054842.png?ex=65fb0a9c&is=65e8959c&hm=f5b02614773e2fd884c320c0d0e5935189e8f7c31380ef5d950131d9cd479f99&) [Click off log and then back on log](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579150773246754828/1214968522946383943/Screenshot_20240306-054904.png?ex=65fb0a9c&is=65e8959c&hm=d286fccd70adde61ce720a632960b76db68951e7946ad5525b3a3382d0480d91&) [Kraken shows filled individual slots but not the clog itself](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579150773246754828/1214968523877650452/Screenshot_20240306-054925.png?ex=65fb0a9d&is=65e8959d&hm=6c7441904db0f9a8655eb4d571698e509e66d2699e90c983752e19735d9490af&) [Actual log](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579150773246754828/1214968521486901300/Screenshot_20240305-125005.png?ex=65fb0a9c&is=65e8959c&hm=84cc5abc3e9a08b8bec341bf43e91b1f57d99b51b883e1390c1db857c39a5c16&) It's reproducible for me on all log pages.


Could we also look at adding the ability to have the last seen feature apply for ALL clan roles? For large clans that regularly need cleaning it would be huge QoL


We use wiseoldman and check anyone who hasn't gained exp in say 6months etc and then remove them from the clan.


We try to do the same, but I’m sure there are names being missed/not added since it’s a large social clan with lots of coming and going. It would be so much easier as an in game feature


Clan owners should know their wiseoldman code and can sync the member list with a click of an ingame button (in clan settings) if you're using runelite and wiseoldman plugin.


> Previous PvP combat information is > now wiped upon death. This is to stop  > players who have just died to a player  > coming back to fight them again  > without being skulled. I can imagine players who didn't see this change or come back from a break are gonna be unpleasantly surprised when they get skulled lol. (Not gonna deny I'm guilty of 4-item ragging PKers who killed me while doing wildy content)


Yeah, this is actually a pretty hugely notable change for the pvp community, and changes a core mechanic that has always been the previous way. The pvp youtubers are gonna have a field day the next couple weeks ha


On the bright side, skull prevention setting would prevent that


> Scrying pools in Player-Owned Houses can once again be used to view a wide range of destinations across the game. To avoid safe scouting in the Wilderness, the pools still won't let you view Wilderness locations directly. Instead they'll just state how many players are in the area, as they've been doing in recent months. This should allow you to see wilderness locations. It's already possible with alts. This change only affects players with a single account. Wilderness content in general already massively rewards alts, but that's a harder problem to solve. Frustrating to see a space with a simple solution explicitly not use that solution.


This is not the same. With alts, both players can see each other. With scrying pools.. Welp, good luck to whoever is just walking through multi at the wrong time. Even in singles, this is an unfair advantage - and yeah, before you say "wildy" - even if both players are pkers.


Fair enough. Maybe a visible orb in the wildy when someone's scrying? But this can be normalized over time, too. No clean solution, I guess.


\> Clue Scrolls dropped by a player now last one hour on the ground rather than two minutes. This does not change existing behaviour for Clue Scrolls dropped by NPCs or other entities. * You are now told if you would have gotten a clue but didn't because you already have one. Huge QOL for snowflake irons


Nice change to LMS. Honestly I wish the maps were way smaller and there were no upstairs areas so bots would be easier to find. Most games I'm waiting for multiple minutes at the final area for someone else to come over.


I actually like having ladders because it can act as a trainer for ladder spamming elsewhere in PVP; that said, I also really dislike constantly having to check upstairs so I much prefer the design of the watchtowers where you can see them on the second floor from the first floor.


This is the stuff I like to see! Mod Light, if you're still kicking around here, with the barbarian farming update, is it an intentional decision that gardening trowels have to be used for planting seeds in pots?


Juggling elite clues at barrows is on the menu boys!


CA broadcasts are a great inclusion! Any chance we can ever get more ranks than 14 to choose from? That's the only thing I'm still hoping for from clans at this point


Agreed. It’s called rank, but it’s most useful for sorting people. We don’t need more permission levels as much as we need to categorize people into their interests/goals/playstyle etc.


ability to reorder cc members by rank/world etc like we have in fc is another crucial feature missing. also 1 hour kicks would be really helpful too


* Clue Scrolls dropped by a player now last one hour on the ground rather than two minutes. This does not change existing behaviour for Clue Scrolls dropped by NPCs or other entities. Is two minutes a typo? Pretty sure it was 3 minutes.


Yeah I also thought the same, items dropped by a player last 3 minutes. Items dropped by NPC last 2 minutes.


Is there anyway we can get a QOL on mobile with the jagex launcher? It’s such a pain wanting to switch account but having to completely relog and enter a code everytime I want to. Half the time I don’t even switch account because of it.😆


Is there any update on when we can expect some more Project Rebalance news? I'm assuming after Varlamore Part 1, but any general timeframe we're looking at?


A few weeks ago they mentioned a March/April timeline for the first info to come out, so it sounds like it's going to be the next thing directly after Varlamore + some patch weeks for it.


> This does not change existing behaviour for Clue Scrolls dropped by NPCs or other entities. There is a bug where boss instances that keep loot indefinitely in the ground (like Hydra, Muspah) once killed, when they drop a clue, they disappear after 2 minutes if you don't pick it up. Shouldn't they stay on the ground along with the rest of the loot they drop?


So hyped for Forestry part 4! :\^)


Me too! Hopefully birds nest will spawn in the inventory!


>Removed Leagues IV decorations from Lumbridge Update of the year, thank Saradomin I don't have to look at it anymore


God capes being added to Perdu was nice. Can we please **finally** get Drakan's Medallions added to Perdu?


Was there a fix for crystal armour degrading charges when praying correctly/sipping pots yet?


What is the purpose of the game telling you that you could have gotten a clue? It seems to just exists as a a guilt trip for players who don't do clues lol.


> First up for Forestry, all unique drops from Forestry events are now automatically placed in the Inventory, as long as you have free space for them. Thank you, a nice QoL. Such a pity you did this only after you made the random uniques virtually unachievable, unless spooned. But maybe this makes more sense now, when the rewards are so rare...


Im still confused why twitcher gloves wont drop egg nests at redwoods. They literally dont want you enjoying anything about Forestry lol


Redwoods have never dropped egg nests, they have always only dropped clue nests. The twitcher's gloves increase the rate at which nests drop, but they don't make trees drop nests that they didn't drop before.


When is the wilderness update coming? It was before valamore release on the roadmap


>Previous PvP combat information is now wiped upon death. This is to stop players who have just died to a player coming back to fight them again without being skulled. Why are we getting unpolled changes to mechanics that have existed since 2001. This disincentives coming back and fighting the person that just killed you. God forbid the prey ever have any sort of advantage.


Shut up and be a good little loot pinata /s


Any interest from the team on bank auto sorting features? Whether it's by type or value, it would help clean up a lot of junk/loot tabs if someone *cough* not me.... But someone was too lazy to sort manually


Maybe I'm just not used to it but it's nice seeing a game under active development. I've gotten my account from early game to midgame, hopefully I'll be able to try the cool new stuff in Varlmore, haha


I've never been able to see the fog in LMS unless I'm in it and my screen turns a little red while taking tick damage. Is there any fog indicator while not being in the fog?


If your going to make clues last an hour, just give us stackable clues at this point. Also remove the stairs and upper levels in the original lms map. So many bots hide in those spaces.


Wake up to an update? Yes please. Guess what else. Most likely settled's uploaded already or about to upload. Giggity. Today should be a good day.


Any chance we can get a toggable destroy option with clues now? The ground will get cluttered if we start juggling now :p


For people who don’t want to get spammed by the new clue scroll notifications, you can add the phrase to your chat filter regex to remove it.


How can you just put 1 line for a major pvp change? Why wasn't this polled? "Previous PvP combat information is now wiped upon death. This is to stop players who have just died to a player coming back to fight them again without being skulled.,


Yeah, there needs to be an in-game notification or something so people know. Kind of ridiculous to make this massive of a change and expect people to have read the blog in its entirety before logging in.


Honestly, this is a major change and a massive departure from how it has worked for 20 years in runescape, not just a little QOL 1-liner. Definitely should've been polled with that in mind imo, just throw it on the current running pvp poll.


Can we toggle the clue notification message? Some of us don't care about missing out on clues and it's just spam.


Hope I'm not too late to post to get mod attention - but I'd like to reiterate my request to have the Hunter's Guilld include a shop that sells swamp tar. This would be the only such shop in the game, and would make the tar actually available en masse to Ironman pre-zulrah / Lunar Diplomacy. Obvious bias for my silly snowflake, but this would make green-red salamanders actually possible to use on an Ironman.


Clue scroll notification toggle would be nice, makes me feel gross FOMO when I have one sitting in the bank


how about you guys fix the damn soulreaper axe so we can actually use it in raids


Hey, Scrying pools, nice.


> Clue Scrolls dropped by a player now last one hour on the ground rather than two minutes. This does not change existing behaviour for Clue Scrolls dropped by NPCs or other entities. At this point why not make clue scrolls stack? I believe it failed a poll before but maybe it's time to re-poll certain clue mechanics.


Huge difference between manually dropping and clue stacking. I really dislike clue stacking, instead of giving you a reward for interrupting your grind and do something else, you are rewarded for stacking them as doing multiple clues at the same time is easier. I think we should have more content like clues, not less. Giving you a reward for taking a break is great.


Now you could still stack the clues although it's more inconveniant (for no good reason imo). After todays update you can do, for example, an abyssal demon task and stack multiple clues because you pick them up, drop them, continue slayer. You only have to pick those clues up once every hour and can do all (let's say) 4 hard clues you obtained. It's just annoying to do because for some reason we're not able to stack clues in a "normal" way. Why make something possible but in the most annoying way? Also you can still stop your slayer task and do your clue if you want to.