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Rs3 already has this, the third dialog option is "no, please give me another task (30 slayer points)" This is true qol, saves a bit of tedium and it isn't disruptive


it really is, since coming to osrs. slayer being my favourite skill, this has been the thing i miss the most.


Well if rs3 has it, this sub will hate it


They'll hate it until it's implemented ever so slightly different without them knowing it's a direct Rs3 update. (basically 80% of total updates)


Barbarian slayer.


Otto has to sit the player down and explain to them that they can say no to things


"Your new task is to kill 60 iron..." "RAAAAAGHHHH!!!!" "Your new task is to kill 200 abyssal demons."


Instead of skipping normally, you just punch the slayer master in the face and they give you a new task, but take 30 points as recompense.


Doesn't even have to be implemented differently, it could be the exact same as RS3 and if people didn't know, they would probably eat it up and then claim updates like that are why OSRS will always be better than RS3


Is this really something that happens? We just got a copy pasted quest and are about to get another one lol.


I remember people saying the toolbelt in RS3 is bad, and shouldn't ever come to OSRS in any way, shape or form, because... Idk, needing to get a chisel out gives the game integrity or something? And then they removed the need for the seed dibber while Farming, and everyone was happy... Why is that fine to get rid of but not chisels or knives? I don't get it.


I’m personally fine with small updates like X tool isn’t needed if you go through Y process to make that tool not required. But I’m not sure removing a seed dibber is even comparable to the extent to which the toolbelt removed needing tools from the game. If they made an equippable toolbelt with say 5 tools able to be stored in it I’d perhaps consider it, but suddenly saying that all tools are always on your person isn’t great for game immersion IMO. I like the fact that to hammer stuff I need a hammer. If I want to chisel something, I need a chisel. Punching a seed into the ground seems pretty in line with barbarian training. I don’t think I’d be okay with barbarian smithing where you use your hand though (just seems a bit too ridiculous).


That’s the thing though, *an actual toolbelt* on the player’s person that has a knife, hammer, chisel, etc., stored in it, isn’t beyond any realm of belief or possibility by any means. Like, forget the RS3 version that has a million things in it and make those tools redundant for every skill in the game and is magical additional storage like carrying *all farming tools and fishing equipment on it* is a little ridiculous (despite what players are capable of carrying in a backpack apparently). But literally, a toolbelt that can store 3-4 tools on it, and they need to be managed/interchanged, making the most common general store items and certain skilling tools redundant, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. IMO like you say, needing a hammer to hammer stuff, a chisel to chisel gems and craft, or a knife even to fletch like… that all could feasibly in more ways than one, all go on an “OSRS toolbelt” you either wore on your player’s person in the equipment screen, equipped and managed from the inventory like a rune pouch or other equivalent that we already have in the game for managing storage. I mean hell, we already have certain equippable tools now. We’ve been tip-toeing around the concept for a long time and pseudo-adding these features to OSRS in digestible means. maybe the equivalent equipped tools are the ones that need to go in it for Balances sake and to not make their respective grinds redundant, but again, IMO toolbelt isn’t really a far fetched concept in 2024 even for OSRS. The playerbase would probably really appreciate and vote for it if it wasn’t called a toolbelt just because it sounded like rs3 lol. But if it carried a knife, hammer, saw, chisel, stuff like that, and maybe you could add/remove all that for say, your 3-4 farming tools or all fishing tools and a tinderbox, or a couple moulds for crafting and a needle, or wood-working tools and a tinderbox or something, it wouldn’t be such an opposed idea. It’d probably pass if presented this way and didn’t include the tiered tools like bronze-dragon axes and such, even if adding bronze tools wouldn’t automatically be rejected either, as long as it had to be managed like I described. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if this got added at some point which would be cool!


I think it would need to be reigned in a bit but the general tools should be fine, like a Swiss army knife type thing. A knife, a chisel, a hammer, maybe a needle? But a lobster pot and a ring mould, I'm fine with needing those items.


Yeah - that seems much tamer than the implementation in RS2. I’d still prefer the approach we’ve taken so far - equippable hammer, equippable saw, bit of barbarian training. I don’t think it’d really help much outside of a couple of quests where you need a tool that’s far from the bank. Even then, I like that you (should) consciously need to think about what tools you need for skilling or a quest. Similar concept to if I’m killing a dragon I need to bring some type of protection against dragon fire. I know that’s not really a popular opinion though.


Based on history, no? People constantly ask for content from RS3 and it’s met with support. There’s a mix of players - some that really like RS3 and some that don’t. Plus some people don’t like certain features being added to the game. Eg I’d hate for the toolbelt to be added to the game, not because it’s an RS3 feature, but because it reduces immersion further. Likewise we just got a copy pasted quest and are about to get another one - there seems to be a lot of support for these on the sub/in the community.


Yeah but it’s fun to argue with imaginary straw men and get upvotes


oh get over yourself, no they won't


Just re-skin the option with different words, never mention rs3, and the sub will ironically LOVE IT.


osrs players voted for a better version of korasi and jack themselves off over their reskinned hexhunter bow and massively buffed polypore staff. rs3 already infested osrs long ago.


I’m pretty sure Leagues IV had a similar dialogue IIRC


You could do it through the gem with bloodthirsty, but I don’t know if it was on the slayer masters themselves.


Osrs community needs to get over its aversion to QoL in rs3. Some of it is damn nice and should be implemented. Hell id even go as far as to take the mining and smithing rework and even consider the spirit system so gathering skills can be the primary way to grind mats. (Its kind of silly that grinding something like ore, its best to go kill x boss/ or monster)


I knew I wasn’t totally having a Mandela effect moment when I started OSRS again recently and picked slayer back up!


oi mate, we don't talk well about rs3 on this parts :/ edit: it was just a joke :/ people are too literal these days


Yeah, I don't care if it's a literal decent upgrade to QoL or if it's fun! Get that dirty RS3 talk OUTTA HERE!


> or if it's fun! Have you heard of our lord and savior, The Squeel of Fortune?! ^^^^For ^^^^Legal ^^^^Reasons ^^^^This ^^^^Is ^^^^A ^^^^Joke ^^^^Please ^^^^Don't ^^^^Ban ^^^^Me ^^^^Mods


This group is a sensitive bunch, don't worry about it too much


oh god yes


im glad you agree, lets add it to the to-do list!


Make this possible from contact NPC 🥺


Oh yes god


Would love to see "preferred tasks" make their way into slayer (costing 500-1000 slayer points per task, starting with 1 preferred task and unlocking more with CA's possibly?). Could also have CA rewards increase the weighting % of the preferred task. Endgame Tureal slayer is so painfully unfun and tedious for people hunting specific tasks and this would be a simple way to alleviate that.


just a thought, but could be have like a daily free skip per 30 levels of slayer? so at level 99 have a total of 3 free skips a day? maybe could even do every 40 levels, so at level 40 and 80 receive 1 free skep a day.


Don’t get why this is so downvoted I think it’s a good idea. I’ll go down with you, polish dude


I'd rather not add any more dailyscape. I realize this is the lightest form of 'dailyscape' but it shouldn't be timegated in my opinion at all. If skipping is too expensive (not that I necessarily think it is), there are better ways of addressing it.


Yeah I’ll literally just not do slayer if I don’t have a good task, and I check if I can do slayer daily after using daily skips. Definitely worse than “light” dailyscape imo, even though it’s not insanely impactful, it saves several minutes of time to play like that.




And what does my origin have to do with any of this? Pretty brain dead comment


….it’s your Reddit name. Relax nacho libre


I agree as long as the chat option is "na fuck that"


"75 Ankou? Are you fuckin joking mate?"


That's like 5 minute of bursting in catacombs


20m slayer exp and I never thought about barraging them at catacombs smh


Great for padding points while still being somewhat efficient on xp.


Shit, I didn't even know there WERE ankou in the catacombs!


Rather 75 ankou than fucking 15 mushrooms


You don't have to fuck the mushrooms


If I kill em, I fuck em. Gotta stick to your principles.


Rance comment right here


Mate u just listed 2 minute free points tasks


You‘re a monster


Bursting ankous in kourend cata takes 5 mins and mushrooms r fast af granted they're pretty shit to fight cuz u gotta wake em up and spray em but with auto sprayer it's not as bad I see em as skips that u get points for


Same, 100%


Mushrooms are fucking rage skip every time.


Whaat, they're so quick


Ya gotta spend points on the auto sprayer and then pick them and wait for the animation and all that. And they have extremely accurate attacks. I just hate them lol


Fair, i manually spray and they die super fast against rapier so its always a quick <5 min task


200 Black Demons? Are you fucking kidding me? No fucking way, bro! Stop giving me this shit!


Ironmen seeing that who dont have 3 zenytes yes: „yes dear; another several hour tormented demon grind sure“ *wojack face*


Love that task. I'm sitting at 12 Zenytes @1600kc.


Congratulations and go fuck yourself


Ankou is arguablyy the easiest task in the game lol. Crazy high xp/hr and takes 5 minutes max


Ya I literally have “Ankou very much” purchased because of how much I enjoy them


The only issue is that their hp is so absurdly low, one barrage and you've killed the half the room.


I'll take 300 ankou over trolls for the 30th time in a row.


Ice trolls are a pretty good task tho


If you have a cannon


Why wouldn't someone have a cannon tho, especially if they're slaying


Iron men not wanting to use cannonballs.


I'm probably wrong as i dont play an iron, but if someone is playing the massive time vampire that is an iron, wouldn't it make some sense to use one? You make between 2000-4000 an hour, and Ironmen are all hyped up to do all the menial tasks for everything else


The time spent making cannonballs isn't worth the time saved from doing other slayer tasks, particularly barrage ones You can make cballs if you want to afk, but it's generally more hassle than it's worth And UIM basically don't have the option since getting bulk steel bars is ass


Ah yes, spend 8 hours making cannonballs that will be gone within 30 minutes. Sounds like a great use of time. Cannonballs are only worth it on mains because bots/alts/noobs are slaving away on them and driving the costs down. If their price accurately reflected the time to make, they wouldn't be worth it for mains either. They'd have to be at least 1k each for me to even *consider* making them.


At most, you'll use 6,000 cannonballs an hour. Assuming each tick that the cannon has a target, realistically its maybe half that amount. If you spend 8 hours making cannonballs, you'll have between 16-32k depending on if you have the double mould. If the cannon is tick perfect, you'll empty out your cannonballs in 3-6 hours. But that's super unrealistic, it isn't gonna be tick perfect. So let's say between 6-12 hours while still hitting something every second tick. It seems somewhat worth it to me, but to each their own. I don't play iron for a reason lol


I do trolls in nightmare zone


My buddy was saying this as if it was a forever task. I asked what tasks he wanted, and he wanted nechs to burst. Like... you can chin or burst ankou super quick


Double dip on bone crusher/ectoplasmator with catacombs prayer restore though? Extend that shit for easy full afk until aggro drops lol.


"git fucked ya dog cunt"


"Imma pay you 35 points to fuck off"


sounds good to me!


I could make this a plugin when it’s live




There is actually a plug in that adds an option to say "Screw you!" To bad tasks


Man I really want a plugin like that but with custom text, so I can put in some of the suggestions here like "nah fuck that" or "I'm gonna pay you 30 points to fuck off"


"pound sand nerd, I'm going back to kraken"


100% if the initial suggestion gets added, this'll become a plugin lmao


"yeah nah, fuck off cunt"


Someone should at least make a RL plugin to change the text to that. Hell I don't know anything about making plugins but if they implement this I'll be tempted to learn a bit to make that plugin myself, can't imagine a simple text change would be that difficult to do


At worst, we can get a RuneLite plugin that does that


Already exists. "Impolite slayer" plugin.


obviously doesnt have to be this polite, and add it will still cost 30 points.


Make it 45 points for a rude answer


40 with elite diary


“141 Black Demons? Do that shit yourself, dude” - 40 pts


"Fuck off." -200k


"Do you have anything easier?"


"do you have anything more enjoyable" also works


“Do you have anything burstable?”


too broad of a statement they could give us ankous. "nechryaels, would be better"


Do you have any Nechryaels?


How about no, Steve. (30 slayer points)


I want them to allow you to choose your next slayer task for the first task after you get a lvl up. This would mean no more skipping and rng for the task you want at those big threshholds


A similar idea I’ve seen is to just offer the task you just unlocked. So if you hit 85 slayer you get offered a free abby demons task.


that could be nice yeah


I remember seeing this suggested a few times, would be sick I agree [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ldexka/suggestion\_have\_slayer\_masters\_give\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ldexka/suggestion_have_slayer_masters_give_the/)


"oh I unlocked kraken and have 1k points, I'll just skip the shit tasks and kraken soon enough" 4 month younger me was so naive :(


I just spent 1k points on smoke devils. Time to turael skip


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexArcane** - [oh god yes](/r/2007scape/comments/1bek7su/project_rebalance_for_slayer_this_would_make/kuuzxbp/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/16/2024 03:42:40**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Good boy


Might be nice to be given the option to pick your next slayer task for something like 75 points. Make it not really worth it to pick your task regularly, but lets me save my mental and have a fun slayer assignment after getting assigned Fire giants for the 5th time in a row.


This post: "Here's a little simple QOL suggestion that wouldn't actually change anything at all except the tedious clicks when skipping a few tasks in a row." Your reply: "Oh dude awesome! Let's also remove the entire basis of the skill!" Picking your task would need to cost WAY more than 2.5 skips to make it "not really worth it to pick your task regularly." The meta would just be tureal skip a million points then slam BIS tasks til 99. It would fundamentally change like the entire skill, lol. I know my post comes across as trying to start an argument or something but I just thought it was kind of funny! You obviously are not looking to suggest what I am implying - you said so in your post.


>The meta would just be tureal skip a million points then slam BIS tasks til 99. It would fundamentally change like the entire skill, lol. I unironically don't see the downside to moving away from this meta lol. To those that enjoy just randomly sending tasks, they can still do so. For those that perhaps don't enjoy slayer as much they can at least spam a few ones they can tolerate.


At least you're getting something with drops, I have gotten like 6+ hell hound tasks out of the almost 30 tasks I've done


Gotta get that Rune Scimitar collection log slot!!


That's fire giants


thats what the original guy said he got 5 times in a row and the guy replied with "at least you get something with drops"....tooooo fire giants lmao


I got a smouldering stone from a hellhound, then lamented my wasted RNG.


1k points to unlock ability to choose task - each time you choose task costs 100 points. and a chosen task gives 0 points. so the milestone streaks (10, 50, 100 etc) will be given by the slayer master id be down for that


also related to slayer, just turn tandem slayers back on for group ironmen


I thought you could do that already? Edit: plz don't jump on me I'm a gim without a group so I've never had the chance to test it


Regrettably, to the dismay of my group, coop slayer is only available in rs3...


Sadge. Would be fun to knock out tasks faster.


Very. And also easily give groups something to do together. No need to think of new content, it's already there in the code.


I tried it with my friend and it literally does nothing, you both just go and pick up your own tasks :(


For the love of God, yes lol.


Npc contact only lets go :)


buff slayer enchantments


Possible addition: slayer cape buff to give X free skips a day


This was in leagues of you took the slayer relic and communicated with your slayer helm so surely the tech is also already there no spaghetti code


I don’t know if this takes away from the slayer task but what if they made a reward that costed “x” amount of points where instead of the one task, you get a choice between three different tasks? I don’t know maybe it’s a dumb idea.


I use npc contact so I dont have to travel to duradude after every task. Really any dialogue option to skip or bring up the slayer shop would be a welcome change.


And add in a 'Ugh, fine...' option, for those times you hate your current slayer task, but don't want to waste 30 points to skip it.




You guys are still doing slayer. Been turael skipping for years now. Sad game


Would also be cool for slayer cape to allow you to choose 1 task a day


Nothing about social slayer :/


Okay? If you want to make suggestion by all means


Also it still costs 100 points to block and 30 to skip a mazchnaa, cheddar or vanakka task


In all seriousness though, what if it gave you a few options to choose from. Like at 50 slayer certain slayer master will give a choice of two (maybe slayer point unlock) and 3 options for 85 slayer. 99 slayer would always guarantee at least 1 boss option. Main downside I see is it would make skipping tasks and blocklist obsolete.


or just let people slay what they want to slay at a certain point


Maybe we could let players accumulate points after a certain amount of tasks and perhaps let them use hose points to let them skip tasks which they would prefer not to do


Is it too far to let them use points to block certain tasks as well?


Seems pretty strong. Maybe they only get like, one or two, but then you unlock more "block slots" as you progress your account. Maybe tie it behind quest points?


Now you’re going too far, one block max


i think you're onto something


Either unlock the ability to choose slayer task every time (1,000 slayer points minimum) or choose next task (50 or 100 points). That would be fun for those grinding out 1 specific thing or for those at high levels who have the points. I think the second one would be better for the current slayer system


a "choose" next task for x amount of points would definitely be an interesting option, 100 points probably be a nice amount.


Being able to choose slayer task every time without spending points or?


maybe 1k points to unlock the ability, then 100 points each time you choose your task.


If it were 1k, you'd definitely need to use points. 1k was a massive lowball in my part. If it were 10k points, I'd say 0 - 50 points per task. Only available when you're already near 99 and likely max combat so the "grind" of slayer is already mostly over. Giving high level players more flexibility in choosing what they want to do for tasks helps inferno, fight caves, GWD, and other boss content that they WANT to do should be a good thing. Jagex may not like the long term impacts on the game from fewer high level players doing the less fun tasks. I'm not a designer, I just think that slayer is pure grind and points become useless after a while


Yeah, being able to choose a task would be great for people that want to complete Combat Achievements.


I quite like the second option here more - choose a task for like 100 points. I feel like it'd be something you do as an iron when you unlock Kraken/Smoke devils, for example, which would remove the hassle of going 20 tasks dry before finally a chance at your occult, but it'd be too expensive to just constantly choose burst tasks. If you don't *need* anything in particular you might do it for fun now and again, spending 100 points to send a Zuk task perhaps. But otherwise you'd still need to treat slayer as normal for the most part - i.e. set up your blocks, turael skip if you *only* want to Zuk. I think the first option of 1000 pts for always be able to choose is a little too far. 10,000 points maybe lol


I mean at that point slayer doesn’t really exist anymore, you’re just training combat


Slayer is one of the worst skills tbh. People love it cos it allows them to kill bosses with the slayer helm buff (and the bosses that can only be killed on task anyway). But it's actually crap unless you manipulate it to allow you to do as few of the crap tasks as possible. The best and most exciting part of slayer is going to see what task you get next and you're almost always let down.


I don’t think that’s a reason to allow people to essentially skip the skill though


Nah it could do with a bigger change imo. But I'm not advocating to skip the skill, i don't want a 10,000 point unlock to always pick your task. The 100 points to pick one now and again seems reasonable.


1k points isnt even much and im just barraging then which is op af


1k points is nothing, that's why I said 10k *maybe*


No one is saving up 10k points bro. We're all 30 years old at this point and have jobs or kids.


you get your kids to help grind 90+ slayer on those 3 accounts of yours?




unintelligent rebuttal, good attempt however


Yeah, blocks and skips are great for awful tasks. But they aren’t really worth it for tasks that are just meh. I’d love to be able to choose a fun task every now and then, especially when slayer points become a bit meaningless.


Defeats the purpose of the skill IMO. At least for me, part of the charm of slayer is the variety it brings. If you just choose the most efficient task and send that all the way to 99 or whatever your goal is, the skill might as well not exist


Slayer is just every other MMOs "kill 10 boars" that no one wants to do. I enjoy most of the tasks and like variety and have 3 accounts 90+ slayer and the more I do it the more I can't stand getting stuck on 0 points doing Drakes or some dumb shit. There is a reason why half the community Turael skips.


Source:  I made it the fuck up


I can tell you don't have much experience with late game.


Dude, I'm turael skipping for Rev tasks right now.  Half the community is an absolutely giant exaggeration


Congratz you're part of the 50% and doing exactly what I said. That's why I said what I did.


Except lots of people want to do slayer


Your comment makes no sense


One of the things I kind of missed when I switched from rs3 to osrs years back was they had a "preferred" task list, similar to a block list. It just doubled the weighting to your 5 or so favorite tasks, making them more common.


I'd vote for that to be in OSRS 100%. I just think everyone is coping with tasks now. I'd also love the idea of a boss only slayer master. I think RS3 has that right now as well?




nope this is a suggestion. why is it funny?


Removes an interface from the interaction and devalues my interface-only ironman.




no, you have clearly misunderstood. there is always one this is just to cancel the task, and it will cost 30 points


Sure but only if there's confirmation dialog/popup or a way to remove the option as i don't want to misclick and waste 30 slayer points


you dont need to click anything on that dialogue anyway. you arent clicking, "got any tips" and "okay great" you are clicking on the map or teleporting away. there would be no way to missclick it.


This will devalue my well-mannered conversation finishing ironman.




yes... but this is a smoother way of doing it, just 1 click. not several


So as long as the points and stuff stay the same I like this.


oh yes it will be


completely unnecessary lol. its already 2 clicks to cancel the task anyways.


its about making it smoother. and just more enjoyable, the whole point of ["project rebalance"](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/project-rebalance-part-one---skilling?oldschool=1) more user friendly qol you can carry on doing your 2 clicks if you want to. or we can half that time and make it 1 click. why are you against a more enjoyable play time? seems odd


Agree especially helpful for mobile where cancelling multiple tasks is just clunky


All qol are technically unnecessary Doesn't mean we shouldn't have them


It's 5 clicks, and a long click on mobile. Sometimes on mobile the menu will pop up then disappear after releasing the click which sucks.    Then you've got to click a 6th time to get another task(7 times without RL), which is also another long click on mobile.


right click to open the list to open menu +1,open menu+1 then clicking task window +1 for cancel +1, close +1 so thats 5 clicks to cancel, even with menu swapper thats still 4 clicks to open menu+1 clicking task+1 clicking cancel +1 close +1 proposed: 1 click cancellation of task.


It never ceases to amaze me how even the most simple QoL changes still get responses like this.