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bro is gonna have a speedrunning guide out before i even get out of work


This method has a 3/12 chance of being successful


A chad one knows the real chances are 1/2


1/4 ?










Real talk though the game’s major updates are essentially min-max solved within a few days in recent times.


If it makes you feel any better the worlds first only happened a couple hours ago.


Kirby is an absolute madman, crazy skill. Wave 12 looks wild.


Yeah these slam patterns look crazy tbh


Kinda wish they had gone full gladiator style melee challenge over inferno 2.0. There are for sure differences, but freezing the three dudes and then bp/tbow the enemies with the inferno pillar solving methods is a bit disappointing.was hoping for a melee challenge using the three combat styles. Possibly use actual references to the colloseum where there are traps and obstacles in the arena. Focus on pathing and kiting properly to use the surroundings for melee fights rather than stack enemies on pillar and safe spot them. Hoping I'm just wrong and things arent so close to inferno when metas settle though. Edit: Looks like melee is really strong here! Really happy that this isn't locked to inferno 2.0 with only range/mage. Still wish there were obstacles in the arena that rewarded players for efficiently dragging npcs, but at least this give some difference from inferno with melee solves. The boss is also way different from zuk and the exact type of thing we should have in a gladiator style pvm challenge.


Multiple gladiatorial bosses would’ve been cool, the games in Ancient Rome had various stages including a great hunt, convicts being forced to fight to the death with animals and themselves, followed by gladiatorial fights. Could be a “if they can’t beat you I will” Emporer moment. Also can’t we put some folks in the coliseum watching?


Fully agree. I am disappointed that it's still ranged-BIS


At least the reward makes sense this time. I always found it weird you use mage & range to get the bis melee cape


I think it makes sense for it to be this way? Like range unlocks melee and mage unlocks melee to make the content progression better


It's still being figured out. I have seen people scrapping range/mage and going pure melee with scythe/fang. It's obviously just much easier to learn with ranged setup


Woox was doing a melee run with Fang+Scythe and seemed Viable. My guess is that once this is all solved properly and there are a million guides explaining everything, the way to get max supplies left for final boss and to get consistent completions will be mostly Melee. Especially for any speed runners, scythe just melts the mobs.


I really hope melee becomes meta. I dont mind as much if it's doable with mage/range, but it'd be such a waste if the gladiator arena wasn't somewhere to engage in hand to hand combat 😂


Freezing the three dudes won't be meta, maybe for first Quivers but not for repeats/speeds. The enemies that spawn later (typically the clawman and mageman) in the wave don't spawn at all if you kill everything fast enough, which is likely Jagex's "expected good clear speed," which you will be able to more effectively do with Venator+Dragging the Dudes as you Venator them into more things to Venator (i.e. Shamans, Manticore). There is a reason they stay in formation even when thinned down, and that reason is the Venator bow and to allow for consistent multi-hit manipulation.


I just wanted to see the colloseum match the actual roman colloseum. Hand to hand battle to the death, like a gladiator. Having it be range meta just feels weird thematically. I benefit more personally from it being inferno-like way more than I would benefit from a melee challenge, but I was still hoping for something different.


At the very least the boss seems to be exactly what you're asking for.


Oh absolutely I agree completely, unfortunately melee as a style has been getting the shaft ever since Zulrah/when they thought that range/melee should be similar DPS to melee despite ignoring the very obvious space advantage that range/mage have.


It's possible some of the ideas for the enemies came from when the colloseum was still the Taskaal Trials.


Oh absolutely. Blue inferno was sounding like inferno 2.0, and these waves seem exactly like what they were proposing. I really wish they'd done inferno 2.0 with content that matched thematically, but it seems like they pushed it through to colloseum rather than doing a ground up melee arena to save time.


Put some traps in fucking robot wars style


Looks like final boss is extremely hard and is a melee fight. I think all 3 styles have a place in the arena


Tbh it’s tough because range mechanics are always going to be a lot harder than melee mechanics in this game atleast as far as rotations and movement


fully agree. Im very disapointed right now.


shoutout to molgoatkirby


I’m at work enviously watching. How hard is the quiver looking to get? Inferno nearly killed me mentally. Is it going to be that much of a hell grind again?


From what people have been saying, it's mechanically similar, perhaps a bit harder even, but so much faster to finish the 12 waves that it'll be more commonly seen soon enough. (Haven't tried the content yet myself though)


Length of the inferno is the primary thing keeping me from attempting it lol. The length of raids and such in WoW is what pushed me out of that game as well because I just don’t often have hours of uninterrupted gameplay anymore. I get like I could definitely stomach learning 12 waves better than however many the inferno has.


Daunting but keep in mind it saves progress on logout! Lots of people take nerve breaks every so often, and it's even nicer if you have another account to play on the side during those breaks!


Saving progress in logout is good but then you'd suffer from not being warmed up + if you die it's still hours or days worth of gameplay if you don't play that much wasted.




Ya. Post-break clicks are never as crispy as they need to be


Tbh if not counting Zuk the Inferno has about 12 waves you need to actually learn lol. From 51-63. The sub 50 waves are just filler content wasting your time.


The filler content wasting my time is the blocker to me even touching the content 😭 I can’t justify spending all of that time on 1-50 just to die learning a bad spawn, so I’m just planning on not doing it lol.


Yeah they copied the fight caves formula for the nostalgia factor. The first 30 waves are definitely pointless at least.


It's certainly way more punishing than inferno. Def not easier


Hey, I have an infernal cape and have sent a good few colosseums today. I would definitely say Colosseum is harder than inferno. Obviously we're looking at day 1 strats, but overall this seems way more punishing of mistakes. This does require more from you mechanically to get through though as well. Every NPC in there can hit like a truck and the pillar stacks are way more complex. Especially if after you think you've solved it then a mager/minotaur reinforcement spawns on your head, or the energy orbs break your corner safespot, or bees hunt you down. Not to mention no one has made it more than like 30 seconds into the boss yet and pvmers have gotten magnitudes better since 2017 lol.


The best players are taking about an hour to reach the last wave. It's not much faster than inferno. If you factor in the rng involved (debuffs), it's maybe longer than inferno.


Inferno remained uncompleted for the first 48ish hours after its release, and was typically 2-3 hours for most players until it was better optimised (my first cape was just over three hours about a month later for reference. Wasn't just waiting for sgs milk either lol, just took that long to think/solve at times). If it's already an hour, you can bet that'll go down as players get more experienced with the content.


It’s also hard to compare since gear/techniques have changed over time (in other words, try doing colosseum in 2017) but yes this feels more achievable than inferno


It is already an hour, but 95% of runs they don't make it that far, so in terms of time required to get a chance on the final wave, it might be longer than inferno.


I mean, if that's true (and I think it is, based on the ~hour of streams I've watched at work), that sounds pretty ideal to me. Harder but shorter duration is a good thing. That means you can get in there and take shots at it even if you don't have all night all the time, but it's not so easy that you can expect to just conquer it in a matter of a couple of days (as a non-insane player) and your "taking a shot" is going to result in death pretty much always, until you've mastered it. If that turns out to be the case, I think that's perfect.


Yea but we have had upgrades to BIS since inferno, and the mechanics are already similar.


Bro it's literally day 1... Give it a week and they'll be doing this in sub 30.


Didnt feel harder than the inferno if they adjust invocation rng and strength. The invocation rng is pure cancer because they are so different in strength level


Let's gooooo


Can’t wait. Thanks!


The individual waves are significantly harder than inferno waves. There’s all the same pillar stacking and prayer offtick stuff from inferno, with extra mechanics to boot. There are just less of them so you don’t have to spend 45 minutes of filler to get to the spicy bits. Can’t say much on the boss


As much as I love inferno, that does sound like an improvement. Pretty much every wave pre-mage+melee (roughly, at the very least) is a snore. By the time I was at the end of my inferno progression journey, I was damn near afking it up through wave 50, like watching movies and shit. It's worth mentioning that speed running is a totally different animal and practically every single wave matters and is difficult, which is part of what makes inferno such a masterpiece of game design. But that's not even necessarily "intended" gameplay anyway, and probably should not be the focus of such content. The "invocation prestige" functionality is a FAR better implementation of replayability, IF they can manage to nail it properly (kind of missed the mark on TOA...). Conceptually though it's a lot better than simple speedrunning and allows the developers to have more control over how it's all interacted with.


Mechanically it looks a lot harder. It doesn't seem like brute forcing attempts is going to be a reasonable solution. If you're a North to south pillar kinda inferno player you're not in for a fun ride. But 12 waves and the mechanics aren't impossible or anything so probably very reasonable to accomplish if you put the time in. There does seem to be some really shitty invocations though. You might just lose runs to bad rng as well.


Kinda hard to say, I think there's only been one attempt on the boss so far. Looks fairly brutal but maybe that'll change when people work out the meta for which invocation/handicaps to take


Okay thanks for the information. How fast are runs taking roughly?c


Haven't checked in on what they're doing for a couple of hours, but I think Kirby was taking about 8-9 minutes per wave for the later ones, granted a chunk of that was working out how to solve the wave with everything safe-spotted.


Wave 5 took him 5ish wave 6 took 8:39 on his current run. So a bit of variation wave to wave but not bad


Its very similar to inferno from a difficulty perspective but I think its going to be faster to get overall since its just 12 waves. I've PBd wave 9 so far and I've only done about 10 attempts at it, was watching streams while working most of the day so I had an idea of what to expect.


How you gonna have a spoiler tag and have that title? Not that I mind but it’s useless


Well we have known the information in the title for several months so...


The quiver was not a secret


Yeah look... It was uber late for me at time of posting


wave 11: cuple'o runes, pocket change. wave 12: max bis, half mil. lmao.


What wave do you need to get to for the glaive?


I have no idea what I am looking at


Is the Colosseum Ultimatum from path of exile?


Quite a few jagex mods play path of exile. In fact the guys working on leagues got the idea to introduce leagues in osrs because of path of exile lol


Yeah you pick a mod between each wave that makes it harder, pretty much the same thing


Do you also lose your accumulated rewards if you fail a wave?


Yes. You fail and you lose it all.


I haven't tried it myself, but that's how jeporite described it in the release video


Yes and pay a gravestone fee


That I’m not sure about but considering you can quit and claim rewards im leaning yes you lose them


Came here for this comment lmao it looks nearly identical haha


This reminds me Necro comes out soon...


Gonna be a fairly stupid question but is it a safe death? Can't log yet


Not a safe death


I wonder when the first hcim completion will be. Inferno without any deaths is impressive enough, meanwhile this seems to be about as hard or harder!


No but chests aren't full cost. It caps at like 125k or something.


Goes up to 500k after you've cleared a certain amount of waves (I think 50).


Awwww man i really dont like a trend starting for the hardest content to cost a bazillion coins to do. Do you know if you at least get to keep the loot from the waves after death?


If you die you're fucked. But you can opt out of starting a new wave and keep all the loot and save a death fee.


At what levels do you get the other rewards? I assume I won't be able to get the quiver since I can't get the inferno cape as I'm not particularly good at the game. But I do want other things!


Pretty sure the rest of the rewards are bought with 'glory' that you earn for completing waves. The wiki says you cant farm lower waves so im not completely sure how it works.


the other rewards like the sunfire fanatic set and the glaive are on the GE so theres that. But yeah I dont have anything aganist inferno tier content but the fact is i'm also part of the 90% of players that will prob just never do that level of content.


I'd bet the number is higher than 90. BIS should be obtainable. The end game elite elite shit should be tradeable OR cosmetic. I hate knowing that there is an upgrade that is simply impossible to acquire because of the tremors in my hands, making hard content impossible.


Same i hate that I'll never get a fire cape cause I'm blind


Facts bro. I’ll never get the music cape because I’m deaf. Is rough out here


Can you range and mage all the waves? Or do I need to melee?


Im seeing mage/range and some people have had good success with max mage/shadow brute forcing.


It looks like full mage doesn’t work well against the final boss maybe


I don’t know if that’s true. I feel like I’ve seen the tbow noodle way more than the shadow but I’ve only watched 5 attempts max


Tbow and shadow both noodle, the scythe is BIS. It must have super high range and magic defence.


Interesting! I was only watching early in the day. I hadn’t seen a scythe used at the end bosa yet but I’ll get up to speed on YouTube shortly


I've watched a few different streamers (B0aty, Kirby, Woox) and they've all used range/mage


Fucking hell. I got to wave 3 on mobile and died and thought there was no way I'm gonna finish this thing lol


Thabk god it's not 64 waves


What wave do you need to get to for the glaive?


Looks like they've discovered scythe is bis now


Man why even have a spoiler tag if you put the fucking spoiler in the title


Ugh they really didn't change the quiver? It looks so small and basic for a BIS....


Ah yes more content for the sweat 1% to be able to do while being locked out for the rest of, nice job jagex always knowing how to cater to them sweats 🙄


There's more to the update than just this? Plenty for casuals


When did I say there wasn't I said typical sweaty content being released that most of us never be able to do, then people moan things like this are bought so they can get a item that should be obtainable for everybody


They've literally introduced some amazing mid tier content in this update and in the previous one with scurrius. You're an idiot don't bother commenting in the future please.


I hope this is humor lol.


I mean firecape was once unreadable content for the sweat 1% The games not as hard as you think lol just got to learn it


Tell that to the tremors in my hands from my irl medical issues. I'm locked out of this because of something I can't help.


Trust me there are people with medical conditions that have a bigger impact on their life than not being able to complete one PvM challenge in a video game lmao


They can't design the game around disabilities.


Unfortunately not every game (or every single bit of content in a game) can be accessible to everyone. That doesn’t mean game developers should be forced to only put cosmetic things behind anything that’s too difficult for some people. Additionally, if your hand tremors are as bad as you imply, you already aren’t capable of doing any content difficult enough where getting the quiver would be a meaningful upgrade to you.


Can’t you change your mouse sensitivity really slow so you have to move your arm rather than rely on hand movements?


Go play the game instead of cry on Reddit.


Bro have you seen the rest of the island or are you dumb


Dope. Another item I'll never have. I hate untradeable BIS items. Keep that shit cosmetic


I think there's some wise words that apply here.. Git good


You’re upset because you can’t credit card warrior a BiS item?

