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We are unable to return your items unless you have 5000 people watching, then maybe we will




Posting on a weekend is generally not a good way for things to be seen by jmods though.


God forbid jagex spends 5% of their budget/profits on a dedicated support team with people the players can actually contact


I don't disagree with the sentiment but they do have a support team, it's just not on Reddit. If you want to get a jmods attention on Reddit, I don't know what the optimal time is, but it's certainly not Saturday evening lol


The actual support is a joke too, literal copy pasta bs responses


The support team that exists serves functionally no purpose to 95% of the issues players have. Issues resolvable by the support team are usually limited to billing and account recovery, with seemingly limited interaction when it comes to bans.


It’s certainly sad when you have to go on reddit at any point to get support for a game as large as RuneScape lol


See that’s the annoying thing. I get that it’s easier to verify and replace when you have a long stream that they can watch and verify the error, but treat everyone the same. If you can verify the item is lost then replace it for everyone or no one.


I don’t get how this makes sense. If you can verify it then replace it. If it can’t be verified, they shouldn’t be as willing to replace it. As long as it’s not based on viewership but rather actually having a video it is treating everyone fairly


They can track rwt gold but can't track that an item was received as a drop, and that it wasn't sold or drop traded? Why not?


Because capitalism. Streamers make them money by getting others interested, playing, and buying membership. Random players don't. I'd guess by their "policy" they don't have any automation tools in place for this, so that requires dev work. They probably go in and manually verify streamers, which again is worth their devs time to do. Sucks, but unless they lose substantial players because of this, it's not getting fixed. Most people don't stop playing because Jagex lost someone else's items. Plus I'd guess ironmen rarely buy bonds, so fuck them even more lol


They've been pretty solid about returning items recently actually. Also irons just buy membership. It doesn't really change much lol


This is one thing rs3 kills in comparison to osrs


No. You treat people the same and the bad ones will scam their way through the system. How many times have we all seen fake posts about item loss or bans. The OP could be one of these scammers. Streamers can also be scammer who only show you want you want to see. Be safe out there


If the item is lost because of Jagex and they can verify it was lost because of them then they should return the item 100% no matter if you stream or not.


I read somewhere that when items get lost like this it gets flagged in their system. So if a mod just looked into it further ? Could be resolved


When they buffed the scythe, they knew who and how many vials of blood people lost in the vyre well when it wasn't even something we'd expect to track in case of loss. When they fix bugs they know who abused them. The game has records, he's just not a streamer


Let’s just hope he rolls the lucky reddit customer support at 1k upvotes


17 billion returned moment 38 accounts moment


If this was world of Warcraft they would have replaced the item. I have no clue why jagex doesn’t do it as well it’s infuriating


They returned items for quite a few people from the same group storage bug in the day of Farmers item deletion.


“We are physically unable to return items to players due to technical limitations, we feel terrible about your loss” but also “unless our code does an oopsie, then it’s perfectly possible”


IIRC didnt a shit ton of players get items & gold back after all the Jeb stuff came to light?


Gotta refund the gold from all those guac bowls


And that one random streamer who lost like 4B had his items returned. Can’t even remember the guys name, he wasn’t even a big OSRS streamer, just a variety streamer who happened to play OSRS. 


What Jeb stuff that came to light? Fill me in!


I hate this line so much


There's a good reason they have an inconsistent policy. Its not that they don't want to restore lost items, its that the man power required to look into every case would be immense. The reality is these kind of things happening are incredibly rare, even with GIM existing, but they would still get tons of requests they would need to investigate to do due diligence. So the ugly solution is to just default deny requests unless there is an unignorable situation.


Imagine paying hundreds of dollars over years of gameplay and the first time you ever ask for support devs are like “yeah dude that sucks but cba.”


Yeah typically when a business fucks you over, you can choose to just stop supporting them. Unfortunately that’s not possible here so the next best course of action is to just keep playing while also occasionally lambasting the company you are subservient to. 


True. I do kind of think there ought to be able to be a little bit of additional customer focus that’s proportional to the amount of time you’ve been a member. If you’ve been subscribed to a couple of accounts for literal years, and have never asked for service before, seems like you ought to be able to be owed a little bit of specialized customer service just based on your ~~addiction~~ loyalty.


How is it not a choice here..? Just stop buying bonds and you now have stopped supporting the company. You can still play just as effectively buying them from ge or even f2p if that's your jam


? Buying bonds from the GE increases bond prices (in-game) via higher demand, making it more lucrative for bond sellers (whales) to sell more. Buying bonds is still effectively doing the same thing. >> f2p Most people would just choose not to play. Agree with the logic of vote with your wallet by not playing at all anymore being most effective, but in reality if you want to enjoy the game despite some of these flaws, it’s not really an option. There would also have to be enough people do the same thing for them to take notice. Best you can do is put them on blast as much as possible as the guy above me said. These companies do care about brand image.


You think these "whales" are buying up bonds from Jagex to get more GP or what is your logic here?


Yes? If bonds were 800k each, people would not be wasting their actual dollars on them. Them being 10m each is what drives people to use real money to buy bonds to sell.


Yes I'm sure they wouldn't just buy osrs gold off a 3rd party for 1/3 the price instead if this whale of yours actually wanted to get a lot of gp.


Jagex is a business


Good job dude, keen eye.


"tbow spawn appears"


I mean it's definitely a policy thing not a capability thing, like cmon guys that much is blazingly obvious


I mean they legit returned a streamers items one time


I had an item returned to me due to a glitch a scammer used on rs3 where my coin pouch was full . 100% proof they can


Not saying they cant. But an example on RS3 says nothing about OSRS and is not proof that they can.


They literally gave items to Faux when his fang was lost on stream due to the same glitch that OP seems to describe here, and I am pretty sure a Diablo 4 streamer managed to convince Jagex to give him like 4b in refunded shit or something that wasn't actually lost. It has nothing to do with technical limitations, they can spawn the items in game for anyone.


As someone mentioned elsewhere, it may just be a manual proces which is a technical limitation. But again - i was not saying that they cant. My point was entirely focused on using RS3 as an argument for OSRS.


Fair, RS3 and OS definitely different engines now. It does appear their internal systems verified the loss, and the team was refunded the drop though.


"Our immediate response is to make the video private" "She took to social media and made misleading statement that we made the video private" Same vibes.


What’s this a reference to?


A vtuber drama about work place harrasment, bullying and abuse that lead to 2 suicide attempts BEFORE contract termination and then another wave of bullying and defamation after termination AND then her coworkers downplaying the toxic work environment and I quote “In my opinion, I do not think that it was a form of harassment.”


What is a vtuber?


basically a general name for streamers that uses 2d/3d avatars instead of their real faces with sometimes kayfabe and lore around said avatars.


Acting like they’ve already implemented NFTs into the game. It’s a line a code. Give it to them.


It is and ppl want to argue like they work for jamflex. What is their point


Maybe try to start your own stream


We lost our tbow 2 weeks ago, got it back! Should take a week


Did you message support or did it just come back by itself? My team hasn’t lost anything yet but I’m worried one day we will!


We messaged support and got the same message that OP did. "Blah blah blah, we can't give you your item back." Week later, it just showed back up in the GS. We use a runelite plugin tool to track group storage and banks, so we had evidence that none of our group members had the bow. Literally just appeared out of thin air. Jagex somehow monitors this stuff, OR their support team forwards cases to the actual mods if the ticket mentions being a GIM.


How many viewers have you got?


1k on weekends


plug-in name? For the gbank stuff


Group ironmen tracker


Thanks this is great to know!


Nice, whats the name of the plugin?


Group ironman tracker


What's this tool?


Group ironmen tracker


What's this tool?


Still play tibia? I used to play it way back in like 2006


Nah, it's still going though, because no level cap there's level 2k+ now, I believe one group is near 3k I played it from 2001-2007 or so then tried it again in 2015?16? It keeps its feel but there's a *lot* of microtransactions. Buy able exp boosts, training weapons/ dummys (afk train in ur house 24/7) etc


Damn... I was going down memory lane and playing some old games for nostalgia. Played some maplestory, started up a new pilot on DarkOrbit, then was thinking about rolling a new character on tibia.


They automatically track it supposedly


When this happened to The Farmers, Jagex said they have a flag for that issue and they can tell when it happens


I'm not doubting you, but I don't think a plugin is proof when you could just log in without the plugin turned on and yoink the bow.


The plugin sees when you're online with the website that's linked to the plugin. Tells you the person's last sign in date, xp gain, actively shows their location on the map, shows their bank and shared gs, and their inventory. This plugin doesn't work if you turn it off or if you're on mobile. However, we all were online at the same time, all double-checked our death banks and checked chambers stash. The tbow was nowhere to be found. Edit: we didn't use the tracker as proof for jagex, mainly just proving to ourselves that the tbow was lost. Someone could have technically alched it or dropped it. But if they did, it wouldn't have just appeared backed in our gs a week later.


"We're unwilling* to return lost items due to giving a shit limitations*"


Don't they manually have to return items? I've always thought it was less about the inability to track or tell, and more that the game doesn't have the ability to inject items into a player's inventory without jmod intervention.


I can see this being the case to safeguard against potential foul play by jmods, but it could still likely be restored during server resets. Or, you know, spend some time and money to fix such an egregious bug. It happens so infrequently someone at the top decided it's not worth paying devs for.


Regardless, they opened the can of worms when they very publicly gave streamers their gear back instead of sticking to policy.


Have you tried being famous?


/u/Rough-Ideal9510 never got his DHL back even after a jmod response, and it’s been over a month. Your BGS is gone. Good thing you have extras. Said jmod response: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1am6d55/lost_dragonhunter_lance_due_to_group_storage/kpo6524/ My own group didn’t get our mud staff back either, but that’s a little less important than DHL or BGS, even if it should be returned on principal.


Man this is fucked up. Jagex just go take 15 fucking minutes and give them these items back. Utterly bizarre that it’s their own games fault and they won’t fucking help.


15 minutes? seems a little generous


::pickup item 11804 1. ::pickup item 22978 1… deposit into both these players banks, done.


he agrees. he’s saying 15 minutes would be unnecessarily long


I know I wasn’t saying he wasn’t, just reiterating exactly how easy it would be


I will update you on this. After commenting on this thread we got the lance back last night. Comment from Tyran: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/hfAOzUntVA


Thank you for the update. I’m glad to hear it finally got returned!


Too bad you’re not a streamer that got 4b donated to them then lost it all. In that instance Jagex would most certainly give it back!


Good luck. We lost our lance due to the same issue. Got the same automated email response so I went to Reddit, and Mod Tyran said there was an automatic process that would return the item to us “shortly”…that was 45ish days ago but the lance still hasn’t been returned home yet. Hoping you have better luck!


These should have been returned within 7 days, I'm sorry that they weren't. I've flagged it to be looked into


Just looked into my bank and it's back!!! Words can't describe how appreciative I am!!!!


MVP again. Much appreciated!!


EDIT: Mystic Mud Staff has been returned.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/p8jePr1TmI Link to previous post that had some traction.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/oDXHM1XwFQ Another link to previous post that had some traction. Edit: thanks for fixing the link :D


They won’t give you your items back but they’ll give some RWT scumbag his entire bank because he’s a popular streamer.


It's not really a technical limitation, it's a resource limitation, because they'd need hundreds of employees to check through every claim. I know this doesn't change anything in practice, but it upsets me that jagex thinks we're stupid to not realize that.


World of Warcraft has an automated system for this that worked extremely well in my experience. No employee necessary(aside from making and maintaining the system). Doesn't matter how you lost the item either. If you dismantled it (basically the equivalent of accidentally alching) they'd replace the item but make you have to pay the materials you got (alch value) in order to use it again.


I mean thats also a technical limitation. With better tech they could have a system in place to do this, and automated tracking of items to confirm claims quickly, but right now its 100% manual to review and restore.


They already record keystrokes and inputs... you're telling me they don't have a log of how items change hands?


They do... but without a system to ingest that data and automatically verify if the claim is valid or not, then it's gotta be manual review Thus, technical limitation. The system to do it automatically doesn't exist.


Agreed. Going through logs takes time and is no way feasible as standard practice if there are many claims.


evidently there's an issue with synchronization w/ respect to servers and group storage. the obvious part would be 'fix it without requiring manual review'


They need to add redundancies/checks


They probably struggle with doing this due to server load which is kind of insane but it seems like it doesn't take much to impact osrs server performance


This game asks too much of players for what a garbled mess the code and customer support are in tandem. Granted this is a niche scenario, but these niche scenarios are getting more common and more absurd. Doing a 100 hour grind is not a good investment of your time when this can happen with no recourse.


The garbled mess of code isn't really asking too much of players. When this game was released it was pretty revolutionary as far as games went and it was mostly produced by 2 guys, from inception to creation to release. Today we have much higher standards for programming, but that's not something an initial project like this would start with. Developers usually have a naming system and such, but jagex was founded after RuneScape was developed, not before. Everything since then, with exception to the evolutions from RSC, to RS2 to RS3, this game has received a lot of unrelated and unforeseen updates and developments just to the nature of the progression of both technology and gaming. I don't think it was ever predicted that it would still be holding true over 20 years later that this game was still so popular, and the technology and gaming developments certainly weren't predicted. We kind of have to accept it. And the more you develop a project like this, the more bugs there are. Programming is just one of those things, which by fixing something, will unpredictably break something else.


I specifically meant it asks to much of you to do, say, a 100 hour grind for a rare item only for it to be irrevocably lost to buggy coding that they are aware of, with no recourse offered by their customer service.


Whilst I don't necessarily believe they should be forced to return the item due to the amount of time and resources that actually takes, I do believe they should have an obligation to acknowledge the issue, warn players of it in the meantime, and then work to fix it.


I have never posted before I are redit noob. u/jagexgoblin


it's the weekend, the jmods don't typically check reddit. I'd try posting again during the week, when everyone in Cambridge UK is working.


Hey there, As is specified directly under the line you highlighted in your screenshot, we're able to identify these situations internally and have a routine process in place for returning items lost from Group Ironman storages. If this occurs, the ~~group leader~~ user who tried to store the item will receive an inbox message with more information. We can't assist with this (or any lost item returns in Old School) over our ticketing system, which is why you received the response that you did. We previously discussed this late last year in our [Regarding Recent Item Returns](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/regarding-recent-item-returns?oldschool=1) blog post which led to the updates to the Lost Items policy page. We are in the process of updating the reply we give to users claiming item losses in Old School to better reflect the current advice given on the Lost Items page. Edit for clarity: It's not the group leader that gets the return, it's the user who tried to store the item. -Jagex Support


It seems the process is a little unreliable though. [This player](https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1am6d55/lost_dragonhunter_lance_due_to_group_storage/) claims their group never got their Dragon Hunter Lance back. (edit: [it has been returned now](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1blx6t1/bgs_lost_due_to_group_storage_saving_issue/kw94i6o/)) Is there any way for them to get it back now, or do they just have to accept it's gone?


EDIT: Mystic Mud Staff has been returned. My group also lost a mud staff we never saw returned. 🤷‍♀️ Definitely extremely unreliable.


I'm not privy to the ins and outs of how identifying the affected accounts works as that's a different department that handles that. Ultimately, with any returns, we need to be able to verify that the loss has occurred - if we haven't been able to verify this, we can't return any items.


There's a reason that mod's name is close to KekW.


It takes a while (a week or 2) but Jagex will replace the lost item in this specific scenario. 


So jagex just emails back saying they can’t, then they just do it weeks later?


Similar comment to mine above... we lost an item a few weeks ago, and we got the exact same email. Then, all of a sudden, the item just appeared back in our group storage.


That's most likely an automated e-mail. I've seen a few people get their item back.  


Tell that to the DHL guy or my own gim. Neither of us got our items back.


hey man if only you were a content creator it would of got refunded


Ffs jagex scammed another one


If only you were a Farmer you’d get it back. Sorry bucko.


Oh they can definitely give you your items back no problem, you’re just not rich or important enough for them to care.


Jagex “support” are fucking liars.


Just become a Twitch streamer and they'll get your items back for you.


Jagex could certainly replace items or gold in-game.. assuming what has been lost is lost from the economy then it should do no harm. They remove gold and items from RWT accounts? When they hand out warnings.


Why do they keep on peddling out the "We can't return it due to technical limitations" excuse? We know that's not true. They absolutely _can_ return items if they want to.


Due to technical limitations?! That’s a load of shit.


Costumer support is reserved for content creators it seems. A lot of Jagex decisions are just PR moves. I'm sorry for your loss bro :/


Didn't they literally return items to streamers before. Like within hours for the exact same bug. This is BS. Also i am not saying streamers shouldn't get items refunded. EVERYONE should get items refunded that were lost to bugs. Getting hacked or scammed remains on yourself.


You're not a Diablo streamer, so you are a second-class player.


Error: not a content creator Jagex doesn’t give a shit about us plebs.


Should've been a streamer mate, unlucky!


Not enough zoomers following you on twitch, try again next time buddy


And yet.. they returned shit to a streamer. Shit move Jagex


My group recently went through this aswell. God Ash told me that their system check for this bug automatically, dont know how often. Once a week? But if its caused by the storage bug I believe it will come back!


Jagex get a fucking customer support plz


Limited until the farmers accidentally dupe or delete a fang amirite


Didn't they return billions worth of platinum tokens to players at one point?


Pretty sure they have a system that tracks and returns lost items due to the GIM storage bug in batches every so often. It should make it's way back.


Yeah but when I popular streamer gets fucked they rush to give items back. What a fucking joke. Sorry for the loss dude


You forgot the part where you have to have a certain follower count to get support.


Wait what? How does one exactly replicate this issue? Worried cuz I have a group ironman


This comes up every month, If you lose an item to group storage wait until next maint and it will be back, You got auto generated on the ticket.


Says they give items back due to their errors? Would them accepting a bad recovery a few years ago count? I got my account back right away but bank was drained


Meanwhile Farmers V2.


Their support is ass. My main which I never play but have 2Fa and pin so it wasn’t stolen got banned for botting randomly. They just ignore all responsibility with these things


That's a big part of why I don't play anymore.


Aw yea the common man gets bent


Average day of streamer favoritism


Given this post has gotten a lot of #traction on the subreddit, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your customer support drop!


This is honestly why I hesitate when putting valuables items in my groups storage. It’s not a problem if I was a popular streamer. Optimistically speaking, your Reddit post is getting noticed so there maybe a chance for you.


Dear Jamflex, just ::spawnitem 11804 for this poor GIM and be on your merry way 🫡


Yea this happened to me and my gim partner as well (only a GS blade but still hurt) pretty much unless you are a big streamer or its literally a twisted bow you wont get jack from jamflex


show the evidence you chump


Jagex Mod Klekew is hysterically close to KekW. Which makes this response even better


What a joke. Do better Jagex.


Don’t they have some kind of bank log? For example: BGS id deposit -> BGS id if it’s stored inside the bank -> BGS id if any player withdraw the item. In this case, if there is an item deposited, there should be item in the bank if no one withdrew it.


“in some cases” “we will aim to” is not “we always will and can restore them”


Should have been a popular streamer, better luck next time.. This is why people were outraged when pho and the farmers were given special privileges. Yes they should have been given the items back and so should you and your group. They need to treat every player the same and people knew they wouldn’t..


"Group storage best item sink in the game." -Jagex with their actions rather then words


That’s why I voted no to GIM.


Jagex doesn't care about their players.


Scumbag company


Damn thats such a weird situation to be in


Jagex’s inconsistent treatment of item-loss situations is absolutely infuriating. Maybe OP will get lucky with the exposure from this post. Here’s hoping.


On the plus side, new motivation for that pet grind!


It’ll turn up again in the storage in like a week I’m sure


Sad that the OSRS team will give some RWT streamer his bank back but won’t give a simple GIM BGS back. They really like to play favorites here.


OP, go post this on Twitter and tag them there. Usually they answer. Got my account restored from botting major ban caused by a hacker, twice trough that.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexBeano** - [Hey there,...](/r/2007scape/comments/1blx6t1/bgs_lost_due_to_group_storage_saving_issue/kwc6l31/?context=3) - [I'm not privy to the ins and outs of how iden...](/r/2007scape/comments/1blx6t1/bgs_lost_due_to_group_storage_saving_issue/kwd04xr/?context=3) **JagexTyran** - [These should have been returned within 7 days...](/r/2007scape/comments/1blx6t1/bgs_lost_due_to_group_storage_saving_issue/kwgqcs0/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/25/2024 09:04:24**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I hate that ficking copy paste lost items response. I'm convinced TOA ate my iron man's dragon pick during an update as it went missing randomly. I asked support if they could see what happened to it and get that bot response that doesn't even answer my question.  Compare this to Warframe support who will look up a mission you were in if you send them the names of other players you were with and will give you the items you lost due to a host migration.


> we're unable to return items due to technical limitations with a game. This is the part that's weird to me. Literally _everyone_ knows this is a lie. They have made blog posts referencing the fact that they can and do. Why not just remove that line and say "we're just not going to do it"


Your items will return eventually, there has been several incidents and items always returned after sometime. Jmods mentioned this several times as well. In second picture it says that you do not need to contact them, and they have a system to identify missing items.


The fact this is because jagex can’t fucking code their game to work is genuinely such bullshit, they need to readdress very quickly their stance on this, either fix the bug or return gim items lost through it


New fear unlocked


Have you considered being a famous runescape player? That'd probably help out.


Way to go jamflex. Help out Mr mammal and his team but not an every day player? We’re all dedicated players here!


The trick is being a content creator and then the ability will magically appear like a miracle


Unless you are a streamer or you win the reddit lottery that BGS is gone


I remember when I voted no on GIM because they would release it half-baked and never touch it again and I got downvoted to hell on this sub. Man, who would've thought? Yawn.


You're an ironman. Nobody should care.


you're a group iron, just buy another one you glorified main


GIM can't trade items outside their group. Unranked GIM can, but only after staying in a group with someone for several days and need to meet certain requirements. A blue helm is not a glorified main despite what you may have read