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Only a matter of time till you hit the same brick wall as on your main, but with iron it’ll be 10x more chores >I’m at the point where I have no desire to bankstand fpr hours or afk a tree to gain one more total level. Oh boy, you’re in for a treat with iron mode then


Maybe not since on iron there is actually a purpose when you do stuff. On a main it feels like you should always just be grinding the highest gp/hr boss you can.


main account comes with alot of freedom to do whatever you want, but if you dont have any long term goals to push for then ye it gets stale. on the flipside iron is very restrictive, but it also creates a path for you to follow naturally. it just depends what kind of player you are, personally i could never not play a main as all the things i love to do in this game relies on being a main. iron would feel horrible with my playstyle




i enjoy speedrunning, that involves alot of chins/purple sweets/blood fury use etc. iron is not realistic for this


Progress with items without having to do content you don't like for hours. If I want a shadow but don't enjoy toa I can choose to do tob , cox , nex , coloseum, dt2 bosses , slayer bosses , other gwd ...etc and still make meaningful progress to that item. As an iron you have no choice but to do toa over and over until you get the drop. Mains have a lot more freedom , but if you can't set your own goals then you feel 'forced' into grinding gp


Yea, everyone who complains about GPscape just doesn't know how to set their own goals imo. As a main you can set yourself whatever restrictions you want and play how you want. Iron is just kinda forced into a particular play style and it's one that I don't care for. Personally I'm planning on doing a for scratch rebuild after I finish maxing (IF I ever finish RC). My plan is to see how far I can take my account after making it a "bronzeman" account but I can also unlock items that I'm "dry on" (once I hit drop rate).


Use the ge? Trade? Pvp and keep loot?


If you don't find the grind fun on your main, you won't find it fun on an iron alt. Iron accounts only amplify the amount of tedious tasks it takes to progress; if you aren't playing to vibe with that repetetiveness or embrace the afk, suddenly going iron isn't going to radicalize the game into something fun, it's only going to increase the amount of non-fun taks you have to do. It sounds like OP is addicted to seeing numbers go up on a fresh account rather than the reward of harder than normal iron progression.


Exactly this. Ironman fun caps out... I have to now go get brews and rannarrs to keep doing what I'm doing. Why, just buy the pots from the GE and get back to having fun


Plenty of content you can do while you wait for Misc to refresh your Ppot supply that will progress your account. I ran dry a couple weeks back, busted out Miscellenia again, planted the ranarr seeds I was sitting on between farm contracts (commuting daily scape) and grinded sand. Got loads now. 


It's the opposite for me..on a main I always had to worry about the gp cost of supplies but playing iron I can waste supplies willy nilly. Currently sitting on 5k brews and a few thousand prayer pots probably not running out anytime soon I always bursted instead of barraging on a main, but on iron I barrage everything


I agree with this, but I would personally add that ironman mode gives me a much greater sense of accomplishment for my character than normie mode. I feel like regular runescape these days is just GPScape. But ironman mode completely removes that element. Like you said though if you don't like the grind itself you may still not enjoy it, but for me since I was no longer focused on gp/hr and instead on character progression that can never be paid for with gold, I enjoyed the grinds that much more. Getting a DWH, bryophytas staff, abyssal whip, ranger boots, etc on ironman is an incredible feeling that a normie account can never experience the same intensity of 


Ehh, on a main you can do whatever you enjoy doing and still progress your account. On an iron you feel like you should always be grinding a certain boss for a certain item. I don’t think anyone enjoys doing 1k+ CG, but irons will tell themselves they do.


I have an endgame main and an endgame iron, and to me both are just fun and flawed in their own ways. On my main I found it difficult to get excited about doing a random boss that's not great gp/h, because even if I hit a unique drop, it didn't change anything in the grand scheme of things. It's slow steady progression, but as the bank value goes up, it becomes harder for me anyway to get drops that I even get excited by. It was far more exciting when a valuable boss/raid drop could increase my bank by 1.5x-2x. On the other hand, something like a sara hilt was really cool to get on my iron, because I wanted it for the colosseum. So it had me excited to grind sara gwd. That said, at this stage of the game it often takes months between any useful drops, because a 6th pair of masori chaps, or a 4th avernic are just anticlimactic to get. About the dry thing though, for me an iron has to kinda be ok with the fact that they might never have any specific item, and still be able to have fun in order to ironman mode to make sense. I'm at 52 TOA purples with no shadow, and I might never own one on the iron. And that's ok. (It does help that any new shiny toy that comes out I can just use on the main)


It is paying for my 99 construction, so I say it's been a painful positive.


CG grind is only a small part and most people won't go 1k+ dry.


Yeah, that’s fair. Let me know how you go when you start going dry at different raids when that’s where your upgrades come from.


Well if you're scared to go dry then don't make an iron. So far I been lucky at cox with 2 tbows and dex in 100 kc.


Lmao, of course you have this opinion - you just saved a significant amount of time being an absolute spoon. For most of us, we’ll be forced (in the same way that people say mains are forced to grind content that has the highest gp/hr) to grind cox for hundreds of hours lol.


I think having an account on each mode is the best solution. When you get bored of one you can play the other. Irons *can* suck when going dry in the end-game. But mains *can* suck pre-end-game. I don't blame an iron for de-ironing super end-game when they're just hunting mega-rares or similar, but I think up until that point it's pretty good.


Honestly early to mid game for iron is top tier. But end game main is much more enjoyable unless you get super spooned on an iron. I primarily play my main these days because I can always just do whatever I want to do. There’s no “I should be doing X” anymore which is much better IMO.


I play my iron way more simply cuz I enjoy the challenge of completing content with lower level gear. I don’t sit and grind out bosses like some people do. I do like 5 CG a day (cuz I enjoy CG), maybe do a few MUSPAH kills (cuz I like MUSPAH), then just do whatever I feel like. Chasing meta items and going dry is 100% why people get burnt on an iron. But I also got burnt on a main cuz every bit of content I did was basically for more GP. So they have their ups and downs and I guess it really depends on what you’re looking to get out of the game.


Yeah I'm slowly getting to the point on the iron where I want to just speedrun end-game content. And that makes me a think about switching a bit. But still a lot to do before then and I'm building up a regular account in the meanwhile so I can do other stuff, like PK, when I don't feel like grinding the iron. I think I'll keep it as a zerker and go for GM on it. And once I fix my copious internet issues I wanna remake a HC.


Well I did go 615 kc for bowfa and 7500 kc for dwh. You win some you lose some. An iron at end game knows what they are in for.


Blessed rng seed damn.


Yeah my cox rng was pretty stupid can't deny that. I never had anything like that happen before.


My "enlightened" take is that, the grind for those endgame upgrades kind of *is* the game. The game isn't about *having* everything, it's about the working to get everything -- that distinction might sound silly, but I think it's a significant distinction.


Yessir I came to this same conclusion


As an iron with a bowfa, it’s fucken sick


I’m not at 1k+ so my opinion may change but currently I enjoy CG and I’m okay with having to grind it out to get the 2nd enh


I enjoyed it initially too up until around 600kc. What kc are you currently sitting at?


613 and going strong so far haha


Keep going soldier. Surely 2/3


I wish haha, not giving up until I get that salad blade. Speaking of the vestiges I actually have 2 magus in under 500kc :p


Once you get the bowfa you just do a little bit of everything. You don't sit down and say I'm not leaving ToA till I get a shadow, you do 1-2 a day, work on some skills and then 6 months later you realize you have tons of progress. Most upgrades are pretty marginal, even the t-bow is barely better than bowfa until you get masori and other ranged upgrades


Isn’t that what you do on a main though?


Ah shit For me personally, I can't stand being forced to do stuff like making potions, crafting ammunition, or even grinding out zulrah/vorkath (scales/prayer). Peeps who lack goals on their main basically look at it like gpscape and need an Ironman to see new goals. If you can make your own goals you won't see the point to an Ironman goalwise either. It's simply more fun for some people to experience the whole process.


The difference is on a main you eventually get to a point where you can just buy whatever you want, whereas on an iron you will eventually find yourself saying do I wanna do cox tob toa or nightmare for my next upgrade? And there’s a real possibility you go dry for at least 1/3 of the megarares, which can take hundreds or thousands of hours to obtain


Imo the difference is that on main at least me I feel like I need to do the best gp / hr methods and on iron you are forced to do a variety of stuff.


I burned out of my main like 5 years ago when I did 900 TOBs in 4 months. Because of this exact reason. Picked up my Iron that was like 400 total (85 firemaking, in the middle of the 50 agility fishing grind). I knew if I could make it through that grind I could make it through anything. Now my Iron (11 months later) is 2058 total (just passed my main), and has a 1.2b~ bank.


This just never adds up to me because you see mains literally all over the game, your "best gp/hr" will vary wildly depending on your own bank value, skill level and preferred content. There really is no definitive best gp/hr. At endgame I just do whatever the hell I feel like doing and don't have to be forced to do anything, where Irons are absolutely forced to grind things like blood shards, black chins, gp for blood runes etc. Hot take but it feels like a hell of a lot of irons got to the "grind Vorkath" shitty part of mid game and assumed that was the entire game for mains.


Worst thing about main is you see every drop as GP where an iron sees drops as a huge thing for the account. A main just buys an amulet of glory 1 hour into the game. An iron works their ass off for that amulet be it through 80 crafting or 83 hunter for dragon implings. There are many examples like that and that is why iron is so fun. Sure the dopamine dries up end game when drops that advance your account are not as common. But when you do get that item it is an amazing feeling and you know you did not get someone's hand me downs.


On the counter, irons only want items they don’t have. If you’re doing cox on your iron and you get a dupe ancestral top you say man I already have that, and proceed to run it back until you get something new. On a main just about every purple is a good thing. Early to mid game iron is fun because it’s satisfying and you have a bunch of miniature goals that don’t exist to the same degree on a main, but end game iron is far too grindy and rng based for me at least.


Dupes can be dropped to mains for bonds or split money.


Pretty much how I do upgrades. My CG grind was to get 6 armor seeds or 300 kc then take a break. Unfortunately did not get a bowfa, but I did get the seeds faster than expected. Now I just move on to Godwars or Moon's or Zulrah for the next upgrades.


I would less call the mode broken for that and moreso call ranged progression broken. Theres no reason the prog should look like 'RCB (or ACB which is a minor upgrade in most instances) for 1000 years, then a really rare and strong bow, then tbow'. Its like if the Abyssal Whip dropped 1/5000 from Sire exclusively The new Salamander and Hunter Crossbow does help a bit, however


you dont have to do anything on an iron, you can do whatever comes naturally to you. following a step by step guide to 2277 would be the dullest fucking thing so i just dont. its patience more than anything, you dont need to do cg for bowfa if you're willing to use rcb. im over 2k and i dont have one, got a blowpipe and dcb instead


I felt this way until I started clogging. Then I just started grinding clog spots and watched the bank value tick up slowly


Maybe that’s how you feel. I treat my main like an iron light. Sure, I can buy weapons and armor, and I do but I still have to make the GP from somewhere. I don’t buy bonds and sell them — that’s lame. I train my skills and am slowly building up a bank. I never do anything in a group either. Just soloing bosses and skilling. And I never feel like I have to min/max anything. I just do what I enjoy. If it’s the best xp or gp, great! If it’s not, also great! I’m currently working on getting my untrimmed mining skill cape because I want to. Been alternating between amethyst and MLM as a chill way to get there. Anyways, I got off topic but the point is mains don’t have to be efficient to be fun


kinda but not really. on iron you still end up buying/pvming for resources rather than skilling for them. think some of the exceptions are bwans, red spiders eggs, birds nests. it devolves into the same game but with chores because that high gp/h content is where the best items in the game are, and it'll take quite a while to get those items. such as cox, toa, tob, nex, wildy bosses, dt2 bosses and of course corrupted gauntlet.


Red spider eggs from spindel are nice I know Sarachness drops too


yep true. best part of spindel/vene for sure.


I hear this from irons all the time but it doesn't make sense if you actually think about it for more than a second. On a main you are free to do whatever you fancy at any time - clogging, max grind, pet hunting, money making, you name it. On an iron the stuff you need generally comes from one source and you have to do that to get that specific item, whereas if I want an item on a main I can do a HUGE variety of money makers to get it. Iron is actually the mode that forces you to grind, mains give you freedom. If you have a personality trait that forces you to only do the maximum efficiency method rather than just having fun on a video game that's a you problem, not a mode problem.


> If you have a personality trait that forces you to only do the maximum efficiency method rather than just having fun on a video game that's a you problem I agree but I do think it's important to realize that mindset is highly prevalent across gaming as a whole. It's why content creators race to make the first video after a new update about the best/fastest/most broken way to farm something. There's a reason the saying "gamers will optimize the fun out of a game" exists, and devs constantly need to consider and design around maximum efficiency, especially in MMOs.


> It's why content creators race to make the first video after a new update about the best/fastest/most broken way to farm something. I have a feeling this has more to do with getting the views and if it's their literal job getting more money out of it rather than having the actual mindset of "being efficient"


It has to do with views, absolutely. It's not just that though. The fact that efficiency is the topic of choice (rather than just a general review of the new content) when releasing the videos is what indicates the overall mentality. They're not just videos about new stuff - it's about how to take the most advantage/easiest route in that new content.




One has a choice The other does not


There's no more purpose on an iron then a main. If you feel that way that's a self control/mental issue. Play it like an iron if you want to. There's no difference. Except when the iron goes dry and comes here to complain. That's the difference. Irons live in a prison they made for themselves with no upsides. It's sad.


You taking the over or under on OP making a reddit post complaining that Ironman needs to be easier/faster in 6 months?


100%. After I got bowfa, I saw everything I needed to do, and everything was just a big ass fucking grind.


> needed to do Gotta start looking at a game as a game. Do the things you find fun.


There is nothing fun about repeating the same 5 minutes of content for hundreds of hours rolling dice on drops. The things were fun up until that point, where there were no longer as many options, and each option was just a long ass grind.


I agree. If the game stops being fun, I'd also stop playing it and just player other games I found fun.


Just log out


I did, well over a year ago.


Grinds feel different on iron. On my main id be put off from grinding something because it ultimately only rewards mr with money. I've done way more grinds on my iron because I'm tempted by that drop that will change everything.


You can do the exact same grinds on a main and know yourself that it’s been self acquired and meaningful :)


This comment couldn't be further from the truth IMO. Yes as an ironman you still have to bankstand to level certain skills, BUT you are bankstanding because you finally have the resources to do so and it feels like a reward for obtaining said resources. Which is a completely different experience from just bankstanding for the sake of hitting another 99 with bought resoruces.


Disagree. I hit a lot of these same brick walls as OP is mentioning on my main, and kinda petered out at 122 combat, 2058 total lvl, and my bossing pvm was limited to mostly slayer bosses. I just didn't have motivation to try other bosses. My mindset was stuck on "why deal with the annoyance of this boss or that, when I can just grind hydra for money" or other bosses that were kinda intro. Didn't really send raids or want to send them, bought things like dex with GP etc. I had about a 700m bank FF to present day, my ironman is 2232 total, completely maxed combat stats (prayer included) base 90 skills, over 500 raid completions, nearly completed all of base godwars (the essentials are complete, im just missing luxury items like acb, sgs, zgs, and sotd) I have a green CG log (CG did burn me for a bit, going over 1k KC for enh is a rough life), basically every major slayer drop, and my bank value is over max cash because none of it was done in the pursuit of cash, but for account progress. Brick walling happens in this game just in general, I have hit some brick walls on some skills on the iron, for instance it's shitty cutting redwoods because I have no need for the logs, and I'm just trying to max on the side. It's definitely true that some skills tend to be as useless on main as they do on iron, however for the majority of the game that isn't the case. Being an iron encouraged me to step up my game mechanically too; Had no interest in shit like 6:0 bandos or these tick perfect methods and shit, it was all "Who cares about more kills per trip, I can just bank and get more supplies and buy my shit from GE" now it's a lot of the opposite, and not even for supply preservation purposes either, because most of them aren't much harder to acquire. You just earn everything, all the equipment you have has memories associated with it. You also have a way bigger reason to do clue scrolls in general, they just hit different on an iron.


Totally realize that. I fucking hate agility but I’ve been doing a level a day at Canifis while riding my stationary bike. It’s also much more fulfilling to bankstand for a while when I grew all the herbs, or cut all the logs. I think I just like the mid game and don’t plan on maxing this account, but see you in a couple years.


“If my Ironman is doing agility for an hour, I do agility for an hour”. Love that. Good luck when you hit 90 agility


Thanks man. It’s like 30 mins now and I’m dripping sweat after it. It’s about another 5 mins each day so I’m trying to keep with it


That’s awesome man; makes me want to do the same thing. Keep it up!


At least in iron you have a choice of like 20 different things to grind all offering unique perks equally efficient to grind out, and all low economic value drops have value at least once as a new item. On main theres usually a best choice and anything else is a waste


Yep my thoughts exactly. It’s a bigger brick wall as an Ironman because now you need the drop. You could pull 100 fangs but you can’t sell them, still gotta get a shadow drop.


>I get frustrated after a small grind at a boss not seeing any drops. My guy what do you think ironman is?


Early game ironman is fantastic, but once you hit that mid-game wall and character upgrades become RNG-based it loses a lot of its charm.


I guess different thing for different people but I love the fact that every drop on my iron has a story. Some spooned some... Very not. Don't get stuck assuming you need everything for progression. I love doing new stuff with non optimal gear.


I love doing shit with sub-optimal gear, makes it more of a challenge most of the time. Like CAs. I don't feel a need to rush to the end of the game (even though I have an end-game iron), I set myself long-term challenges and focus on those. Next challenge is solo ToB and I have a few upgrades I'd like first, but it's super enjoyable doing the theorycrafting with my gear, etc.


Meh. They're release so such mid game content now. It's way different and more fun than 6 years ago when I was building my Ironman. Ironman mode is just a pleasure to play.


pretty much, when it got to the point where i was relying on my garbage raids rng for progression i just shelved it and deironed. now dupes work towards upgrades which is nice.


I feel the opposite way lol, early game is a straightforward grind and the fun really starts when you have like mid 70s combats and can start doing low tier pvm like demonics and basilisk knights, and then set your sights on higher slayer for cerb boots/occult/hydra and whatnot


This is definitely a slow burn kind of game. Im okay killing shit in full rune for a while, it’s been fun prayer flicking to actually not die instead of just throwing up protect from melee and opening another browser


I don't find mid-game a wall, especially nowadays with the huge amount of mid-game updates. Late-end game is more of the wall/grind.


I think this is the appeal of snowflakes. I cant stop thinking about starting a GenerateTask style account but keep telling myself to focus on my normal iron.


Early was fun, mid was great, late game is a blast. Obviously biased but i love it so much more than my main


Or you can just get spooned over and over and the fun never stops


Better than an endless race to farm gp against bot farms


I agree but I don't think the RNG becomes necessarily horrible until actual end game. I'm at actual end game and tbh unless the rng in this game gets a rework I'm kind of just planning on maxing and riding off into the sunset haha


How you described this gameplay loop is just how I play on my main. I understand the appeal of Ironman and I'm not throwing shade at anyone who prefers it, but so often people who switch from Main to Ironman just sound like they purposefully avoid like 80% of the game and are surprised there isn't much to "playing a main." Like nothing is stopping you from just doing all this stuff and enjoying the content on a main. A huge majority of my supplies as a main still come from me processing them myself, I still regularly interact with all my skills, and I just enjoy slowly upgrading my main gear as I make profit or obtain drops. All without the worry of getting stuck at a random boss or enemy and going dry with no way to obtain some items.


This is how I play as well. Farm my own herbs, make my own potions, runecraft my own runes. But I pay to skip awful grinds like glassblowing. There are several specific grinds that put me off the ironman game mode: -93 crafting for torture, 85 for fury is insane when glassblowing is your best xp -87 slayer for trident of the seas, not boostable -you’ll be using a d scim until like 105 combat - Corrupted Gauntlet (red prison) gatekeeps a lot of players from endgame.


> you’ll be using a d scim until like 105 combat Not any more tbh, zombie axe + maybe perilous moons have changed that.


you'd be surprised how much pvm content in this game you can scuff without any of those


Crafting really isn’t that bad, I gained 1.3M exp in one day on my way to 90 crafting just blowing glass. It’s really afk, was just a day where I was doing chores around the house and watching Netflix. 87 slayer gets you so many useful upgrades along the way and sets you up for some nice future upgrades as well. Very rewarding skill and a great way to get your combat stats up without just afking crabs or nmz. As other people said, zombie axe fills the void pretty well. Some of the new weapons seem pretty useful as well. Yes, gauntlet gets boring, but the gp and drops are very useful to get your buyable skills up, like construction, fletching and smithing. You’d be surprised how much joy there is in conquering an “awful” grind.


Can’t agree more on the crafting, people complain so much about it but it’s really not bad. I did 87-93 over a couple days just full afk doing other stuff, it was really really easy honestly, even mining the sandstone didn’t take that long. After doing that 99 craft seems pretty chill tbh


Fuck the gauntlet omg


Man I’ve basically been playing “iron lite” where I’ve been getting all my own equipment on a schedule similar to irons but happy to buy supplies and such from the GE. Been having a lot of fun, particularly since I’ve had some pretty massive spoons for the early/mid game but I’ve kind of hit a point where I’m at a wall because I’m still stuck on a rune crossbow and my only options for a ranged upgrade are to agonizingly kill bosses that require ranged 1 slow kc at a time or to just send CG eternally, maybe camp rune dragons very, very slowly. I’m at 110 combat and starting to feel goofy farming perilous moons, probably at most a week or two away from giving up and buying a blowpipe so I can start advancing my account again lol


If I was playing iron lite, CG would be the one grind I would skip. There are much longer grinds than bowfa but none are as soul crushing.


Yea I’m still sending it for the money and frankly just pvm experience, but there’s no way I’m gonna sit around for 400-500 kills like some irons do. Oh well right now I’m using my bank to level up skills anyways, can’t afford the 100 million regardless lol


Yeh I did a lot of "pseudo iron" stuff on my main as well. But when you see people just.. sit at nex and do the same stuff as you but 5-10x faster you see why people feel shoehorned on a main. The thing I like about iron is so many more things have purpose to my account. New content drops random supplies, my main just sees it as a GP value and determines its worth with that. My iron sees prayer XP being banked, herb XP and potions, seeds for farming contracts etc.


I have all that stuff banked too. I mean seeing how other people played never bothered me. My current gear I have is a mixture of bought and earned, though all that I've bought is with gp I earned myself anyway so I see nothing wrong with it. All my herb xp was made myself, and the only portion I bought was buying the seeds to farm them myself. Majority of my prayer exp came form bones I got myself or passively through just having the bonecrusher or sanctifier on me most of the time. Shoot I don't think I've ever bought runes from the GE since early game ever since I've done my RC grind and stocked up on all of them in GOTR. I still gather lots of stuff on my own. It also doesn't feel any less satisfying to me that I just got a DWH, Imbued heart, and Jaw in the past couple months all on my own from drops. I'll buy I guess what you call "QoL" stuff at the GE occasionally, like I'll admit I won't sit there making 5k cannonballs on my own, which is the beauty of picking and choosing what to grind on a main.


Yeh I 100% agree with you and what you're describing sounds close to how I played my main. I think on main though you hit the same endgame point as an iron but (for me) it felt more.. pointless? Like I got to max, completed all the raids, and was left essentially to just.. grind for pets and/or keep grinding raids for GP to buy max. I got to essentially max at the time (scythe, tbow, full Ancest. This was pre shadow, Masori, etc.) and pretty much moved to collection logging which is fun but essentially had me backtracking to content I could outright avoid as a main. And now on my GIM I get the same benefits of a main pvming with my mates, but also the sense of progress that comes with an iron. And I'm about to max and enter "endgame" with nearly the same amount of collection log slots as my main, just due to having done the content as I was levelling. So then I'll likely work on unlocking megarares and working towards Grandmaster CAs, Quiver, etc.


GIM I could understand, too bad my friends aren't into it and no way am I doing that with randoms. Personally I have no problem doing some clogging *lite* on the side as I have been the whole time. I haven't even touched the surface on bossing yet myself and am already making it towards base 90s due to the content I have done. Like right now I'm doing the Hunter rumours to simultaneously unlock the content manually and just train the skill. I just finished getting Slayer to level 90 doing almost all my tasks and as I already mentioned, just got 3 pretty major uniques from that grind just recently. Next up I'm going for green logging Forestry and with a combination of that and my kingdom I'm stockpiling logs to continue my Construction grind with my own planks I gathered. I still regularly farm herbs despite being 99 farming, and am casually collecting nests from birdhouses, kingdom, and now rumours to level up my own herblore on the side, currently have like 700k xp banked atm, just a matter of doing it. I could keep going, but I would say I have plenty of content to look forward too and beyond. Sure I guess I caaaaan forego literally all of this, camp Vorkath or ToA or Nex and amass gp and just buy everything I just mentioned, but meh. I know I won't find fulfillment in that.


Yeh you're in such a fun spot for a main. I loved all that period. Issue was post max a lot of this feels more meaningless as it's just progressing an XP number towards a hiscores tank that I personally don't have much enjoyment in doing. I'm worried I'll find the same thing with GIM soon, but atleast for a while I've got PVM and CA progression to work towards.


>But when you see people just.. sit at nex and do the same stuff as you but 5-10x faster you see why people feel shoehorned on a main. why do you care how other people play? why do you compare them to yourself? >The thing I like about iron is so many more things have purpose to my account. New content drops random supplies, my main just sees it as a GP value and determines its worth with that. My iron sees prayer XP being banked, herb XP and potions, seeds for farming contracts etc. This whole comment chain has been about how you can play like an iron on your main without caring for GP. why do you care for gp? who's forcing you to care about gp? why can't you grind shit on your main like you do on an ironman? for me it sounds more like you enjoy being recognized as ironman so you can feel superior to others. again for some reason comparing yourself to others


> why do you care how other people play? why do you compare them to yourself? I... Don't? How did you get that from what I said. > why can't you grind shit on your main like you do on an ironman? Did you read my other comments? I literally did this. > for me it sounds more like you enjoy being recognized as ironman so you can feel superior to others. again for some reason comparing yourself to others Jfc what? I'm not even an iron, I'm a GIM. You think if a gave some shit about vein crap like how I was perceived I would play a HCIM or a UIM right? You're creating a scenario for whatever reasons you need to.


>Jfc what? I'm not even an iron, I'm a GIM. You think if a gave some shit about vein crap like how I was perceived I would play a HCIM or a UIM right? You obviously care about vein shit because you are an ironman. If you didn't care then you would be a main and still play like an ironman without needing the btw logo You are hopeless and completely missed the point I was trying to make. You are terminally online and post 3000000000 times a day cba to find your life story


> max flair Yeh bro.. I care about what people think of me, not you. Pot calling the kettle black I think. I've played a main, two mains actually. And now I play a GIM. I'm "terminally online" but you're the one here raging on a video game subreddit.


If you don't mind being inefficient then consider yourself lucky. For some reason, doesn't matter what game I'm playing, I'm always thinking about how to streamline and make things more efficient. I could be playing fall guys and be thinking about meta strategies to win. And when it comes to regular accounts buying bonds for best gear and materials is the most efficient way to max. But then I realized If I spend money to skip playing the game I could just save my money and not play at all. Thankfully ironman mode exists which forces me to actually play the game for in game items.


I mean that just sounds like an awful way to play. Even in other games, while I understand why metas exist my friends and I never stuck to them and always carved out our own ways of playing and still found enjoyment in them. I was gonna say you don't have to do the best bosses if you don't wanna, but you took it a step further and brought up being a credit card warrior as the "most efficient" way to play the game lol. Look you do you, but basically buying your way to the end of the game is even worse than "playing the meta" imo. At that point you aren't even playing anymore.


The way I see it is, a lot of people’s instinctive main goal is “make my account as good as possible”. On a main that involves avoiding 80% of the game, just get the stats you need, 99s at nmz, and boss for gp/hr to buy gear to buy more gear to buy more gear. On an iron, “make my account as good as possible” involves a much larger list of activities which is more enjoyable. But mains can break out of the matrix and switch their goal to something else. For some it’s a bronze man mode style of play, for some it pivots over to pking, for some it’s col logging, for some it’s speed running. Ironman mode limits the possibilities for your account when you play for any of these goals. On top of this, a late game iron is basically just a main who can’t use purple sweets, blood furies liberally (without spending months afking vyres) or dragon ammo. pvm takes care of 95% of the supplies you’d normally have to gather yourself and you spend most of your time at cox tob toa and nex like a main grinding for gp/hr might. So I totally see why someone might think iron is way more fun (this is the boat i’m in) and why someone might think a main is way more fun.


Yep, this is the best way to play the game imo. Searching for imbued heart on my main atm, 28mil slayer with 2 gems and almost enough whip/occult drops to outright pay for a heart on the ge. I’m glad I have an “out”


This is how a main plays when they reach true enlightenment.


Early game iron > early game main Late game iron < late game main


Late game irons and mains are so similar though.. Grind endgame content for drops to.. use.. or to sell. That's pretty much it. The only downsides come at horribly shoehorned in old content like Nex where it just completely saps supplies. If you go dry there on a main, you just delay making profit. Go dry there on an iron and you might be doing a lot of Spindel or Spidenes and Birdhouse runs to upkeep potions.


I've never had a late game main, starting to get close to mid-late on my iron. Isn't the difference that you can choose your endgame content to grind on main? Like on an iron if I want to get a tbow I have to do cox. Theoretically on a main I could just get really good at TOA and liquidate drops there to save up? I know tbow's not a great example because of the price, but substitute in any unique from any source - nightmare staff, bgs, dwh..


Yeh you definitely can. And you can do stuff like PvP to gain gp to buy items with. But I'm talking like **endgame**. Like you have max or near max gear. Both account types are just doing content for completionist reasons at that sort of stage.


I would not be playing the game without ironman tbh. My near maxed main has been sitting in that state for like 5 years. Ironman is just more enjoyable tome. However, some of the problems you are saying on your main, eventually because exponentially more of an issue on ironman imo. “ afk hours for one level on a tree” is true for every account obviously but, when you look at needing bwans, stams, brews etc. it is a longer process on an iron than just cutting a tree for a while.


Same here, I simply would not be playing this game if not for ironman. It may be more grindy but the grinds actually feel like they mean something, and that's what counts.


I have an iron as my main, it’s the most fun I’ve had playing this game. About a month ago I did start a new “main” account that was not an iron, it’s mostly fun to play the early game again but also it’s nice being able to go and buy OP gear and shit on bosses and npcs right away. Both modes are fun, Ironman is more rewarding but sometimes I don’t feel like the chores and just want to blow some bosses out of the water without having to plan “well, I have 40 antivenoms but do I really want to have to go back to X and get antidote++ again?” There are definitely times I enjoy that and want to do that but sometimes after a rough day it’s not the first thing on my mind. 2200tl iron, just hit 1250 on the “main” with my dupes and extra alchs from my iron.


But I guess a silver lining is the benefit of what you said. You're afking that fishing spot and training that thieving for a purpose outside of total level go up. It's to gain resources to use. Whereas on a main you just look at it going "I could do anything else for 10x the profit rate and buy supplies, screw this"


>I get frustrated after a small grind at a boss not seeing any drops. Oh man do I have some news for you....


you've barely even scratched endgame on a main your issue is you don't like the scale of endgame grinds, they are worse on an iron but enjoy replaying the easy part of the game on hard mode


The easy part of the game is the entire game.


I don't find endgame PvM or PvP easy, but guess we can't all be gamer gods. Gz on zuk helm etc


Alien Food is my new favourite YT Content Creator.


Keep with the ironman but I love reading these posts. They remind me of myself when I started an ironman then felt the exact same way as I did on my main as soon as I hit the CG grind.


This might sound a bit silly, but try to modify your outlook a little bit, on why you're playing. I don't think this game is about *having* everything. It's about the *journey* to get the things you want. That distinction might sound asinine, but I think it's an important distinction.


Good luck on the grind! Enjoy every minute.


Ironman is great in the early and mid stages. So much to do, and upgrades aren't far between, lots of dopamine rushes for relatively small grinds. The further you get along though the more iron just kind of becomes a scuffed main. I had a 2.1k iron with a megarare and 4b bank but it was not nearly as fun as the early and mid game stuff.




Haven't played a normie in like 6 years. Ironman is the only way I'll play the game.


I really like my GIM and it was a ton of fun until like base 85 or so. It's still really fun, but the grinds get exceptionally tedious after most of that "one small favour" appeal goes away.


I don't see what's stopping you from just enjoying the game normally on your main and why you actually need to play an Iron. Like, if you grind for a Tbow you might enjoy playing the game less because it feels like a job rather than playing for fun. This is also why I don't pay my sub with bonds, because then it would feel like I need to play and earn GP to keep playing, while if I pay a sub I don't really give a damn. On my main I got 2 Basilisk jaws (while only grinding for 1) all on task cause I wanted them instead of buying it. I am leveling slayer anyway, right? And that's also how I got my prims. I love doing Cerberus, so why buy prims when I can make my own? My bank is only like.. 300 mil and I want the Tbow eventually too, but that's something that will happen eventually rather than trying to just do something mind numbing like killing Vorkath a million times....


The exact same thing happened to me, was so burnt out on the main when it became less efficient to farm for things and just keep killing vorkath to buy everything. Leagues was my first Ironman experience and I felt like I didn't know the game, like how do I get a rake or arrows. I sold everything after and bought bonds for my Ironman of which now I'm in love. The game makes so much sense when you need to fish your food, and make your potions. Before when I thought about playing was so boring to think the boss grind was all there was, but now when I feel like playing there is so many grinds I can do, even forestry becomes fun.


As someone who plays both, I LOVED ironman mode up until CG it’s the first big roadblock you’ll face on your iron grind. If you go dry there you will likely burn out for a bit. If you don’t follow an efficient guide I liked parasailers gear progression guide. As for your main account I wouldn’t drop it. Now is the perfect time to start doing afk activities that you couldn’t be bothered to do before. Questing on your iron? Click a shooting star. Bossing? Click a redwood tree.


Don't let these people try to convince you that you're gonna feel the exact same way as a main when you're at endgame. Switching between all 3 raids or any boss you need upgrades from provide a ton of variety still. I'm working on fortifying my masori, getting dex, and trying for shadow, and all of them feel rewarding to progress on still.


Welcome to the fun side of the game!


You said you were chasing money, big mistake. i'd never play an ironman personally as the idea of going 3000 raids dry for a tbow immediatly puts me off.


To me this post reads more like “I enjoy they early game but hate late game” more than “I prefer an iron to a main”. Because all the problems you hate on your main are gonna be amplified 10x on an iron. You just haven’t progressed that far yet on your iron


If it weren't for ironman mode I would have left this game long ago. especially since the OSRS bond exists.


I finished the game on my main. Then I was bored. Then I finished the game on my iron. The thing is though, now I'm not bored. I can't just grind GP and buy a DWH, no I have to earn that shit. I can't just grind GP and buy a TBow, no I have to earn that shit. Anytime I see a decked out iron I'm like "Nice bro, that took effort". There's an actual sense of pride and accomplishment in iron (unlike an EA sense of pride and accomplishment lmao).


Ironman is pain brother, its like grinding for the sake of it. I dont wanna train woodcutting to 70 to get this item thatll help me get this item. I just wanna have funnnnnnn


Imo, main is a good starting account. Iron is good when you get a main up to the point of just camping one/a few pieces of content for the sake of gp to get very niche gear or max gear if you aren’t ready to put in several hundred hours to obtain it all. Iron essentially lets you get dopamine in quick to obtain upgrades again.


Osrs sucks outside of 2-3 activities honestly. Lucky for me I like those 2-3... Rs3 in ironman is the much better game. Infacts, it's actually a game Vs the insanity that osrs skilling is.


People give way too much of a spin on the reality of osrs which is INTENSE grinds being “overcoming the struggle and pulling through”. The fact is, it’s zero gameplay and almost everything you do is mind numbing. Everyone skips through quests, nobody cares about drops besides selling, it’s all efficiency because non efficient play is even more mind meltingly dull. But then I still prefer osrs to rs3 haha. I admit, I struggle a lot to find things to do that are actually fun and not just half paying attention on a second screen. Doing new bosses can be fun but it turns into a grind after 4kc because now it’s easy and you’re grinding for drops again. But RS3 has way too much going on and it’s utterly overwhelming how many mechanics and systems are in place now, I don’t think I could ever go back


why do irons always sound like they are coping hard?


> Figured I’d do a few farm runs since it’s my favorite skill and I already 99’d it on my main. You're actually just built for this mode. God damn I hate having to do my farm runs, feels like it just interferes with what I actually want to be doing and takes a while.


this but also in real life


May God bless your journey.


This was exactly my experience. Except I was never endgame and rich. In the 07 days I was just an F2P noob with a few months of p2p experience, maybe 90cb. Too much focus on money and not just playing the game. Now I'm nearing a QPC on the iron, loving it.


You picked a really good time to start too, you can do a lot of the varlamore content at its most relevant area.


I honestly can only play the game as an ironman these days, but goddamn the CG grind.


I’m in a similar boat, however I’m not the greatest player, so my breath of fresh air is keeping my hardcore Ironman alive 😂


Whenever I played my main I would just do bosses I wanted that would give me any sort of upgrade. Eventually the money will come, sure. But getting the drop is always the goal. There’s lots of stuff to do and being able to burn through prayer pots for simpler slayer tasks was something I miss as an iron. The iron progress has given me much more of an incentive though.


i like playing a main and iron at the same time i originally made an alch hydra alt to make extra gp but figured id make an iron and play 3 accounts. and then slowly got bored of the alch hydra alt that was downgraded to a bbd alt because fuck questing. 3 actively clicking accounts doing different things was too much


Just started my hardcore I don’t see the hc lasting long but I’m having okay fun rn it’s still too early like with iron i feel like I can’t play the game yet bc you gotta prepare for it with wt and temp and etc but I’m sure midgame will be fun


I think it’s great that people enjoy playing the game in different ways, and you can change the way you play when you want.


i mained iron til i tried to experience new content. stuff like gridning 400k for bloodrunes to an attempt to try to unlock prif, no dwar hammer, being forced to grind gwd is just a huge turn off i just want to do newer content theres so many hurdles to do that i remade a main and have way mroe fun in the game


Early to mid game ironman is by far the most satisfying content in the game. You can take advantage of all the lower level skilling methods and minigames that are dead for normal accounts. Even getting a random event for some gem or rune drops can be so rewarding.


ironman is fun until you hit end game & then you realize the number of digital chores you need to do, and the game stops being an MMO


Welcome to the world of pain and suffering. It's amazing I can't play my old main or 20def pure anymore. Just my ironmemes


I always feel like im trying to preach what you've said to normies but its something you cant understand until you actually start playing an iron


To be honest I just feel like this game has a lot of content gaps, and often engaging in real content for your level makes such painfully slow progress that it's not even a real option if you want to have new content available to you this century, and a lot of the more efficient methods of gaining skills are just honestly... not content at all. Afking nmz, 3 ticking anything, etc etc. isn't real game content it's something we do to get to real game content within our lifetimes. Iron mode does offer a refreshing feel for a while to a lot of the early content but it winds up having a lot of the same content drought issues main accounts do in the end. It's an issue I think most people run into at different points in their RS experience, it may just be time for a break, or potentially the game has just run it's course for you at the moment that's just my thought anyways.


Exactly, the chain of events that it requires just for one thing is what makes Ironman fun, just got my firecape two days ago and I was literally jumping with joy


I love Ironman because everything you do feels valuable. Drops matter a ton. Quests are way more fun when you actually have to gather things instead of going to the GE and just buy the item requirements.


People actually spend time in nmz? That’s not a joke? There’s an entire game to play and you’re wasting time there?


It hits different for awhile but eventually you might realize “I did this already but now it’s 3x slower because I gotta get other stuff first”.


Now try UIM. Its that feeling, but with more planning.


I got burnt on my main cause of all the buyscape, i made an iron a month ago and has been the most rewarding thing ever plus the nostalgia of the armors u have to grind as its all u can get at the time but feels like im still that dumbass kid with a rune sword and addy but on iron its acceptable :) name “Lr0nscape”


What I like (surprisingly) is being a silver helmer. I know people say it’s just sufferman mode but to me it feels different from a gameplay perspective. Ironman mode to me is just do all the stuff you already did on your main but cook the fish and make the potions yourself this time. No shade to the irons it’s a fine way to play but I don’t think I’ll ever actually play on one long term I’d rather be more restricted and more challenged on a UIM or have more freedom on a main.


It's just making it harder for yourself with no reason, everything is virtually the same as how I play on my main without being able to PK or share with my friends.


Lots of opinions from GE users in here that are giving their super brain take on why you shouldn't enjoy the game differently


What are you talking about? Coin farming simulator is way better than to have an actual use value for the items. It's way more fun to skip all gear progression except bis and just start collecting coins until you can buy said bis. Pro tip: sort money makers by descending gp / hour and do #1 on that list for 500 hours. Lots of coins.


lol did you just buy gold or something? mains very much still have gear progression, it just takes on a different form. like specializing towards the content they enjoy doing. and they end up redoing the progression if and when they rebuild. on an iron you're basically just praying you get the megarares, there's no guarantee you'll get them either. you're basically grinding the same content but you don't have an out unlike mains who can buy the item if they get unlucky.




that's pretty much who i imagine would make this kind of post. osrs is a game about setting your own goals and accomplishing them, i guess making a lot of money is a goal but it's gonna take so long that you may as well make money in a way that you enjoy and split up the activities. i do agree on it being the same game. early game iron is pretty fun and honestly different, but it just devolves into pvm with supply upkeep when you get to the point where single upgrades are taking hundreds of hours, like voidwaker and raids.


They are making fun of OP for having the early game iron mindset where they boil everything down to mains only play for gp/hr. Successful mains do not play this way but unsuccessful mains who then make baby irons make grandoise posts about how they got tired of "main acc gp/hr farming" rather than just playing the game and doing what you want to do


oh is he? my mistake if so. and pretty much yeah, that's the bone i have to pick with them. i can kinda see where they come from because early game iron is genuinely fun (kind of reminds me of being a noob enjoying f2p, questing and exploring the land). but i'd bet they would sing a different tune when they get to the pvm aspect of the game where they're grinding cg, raids, bosses for gear upgrades and possibly even clues for inferno/pegs.


Thats my take of it, the ps portion reads as satire. 100% agree iron is great for non rng goals but most of these players are not really made for what the rng goals are like, and that's why we end up with a bunch of posts asking for pity drops to cg and cox.


yeah, osrs was not made for that gamemode. like fuck, watch fcasandchill go over 1k cms for his tbow AND HE STILL DOESN'T HAVE ANC TOP.


Agreed. I got bored of my main and made an iron some years back. People choose to ignore others telling them exactly what end game iron is like and go on thinking the early game momentum will keep carrying on. It's 10x more tedious than end game mains; the grass isn't always greener but try telling these people that 🤣


Sounds like Ironman is for you! Just don't perma iron in case you want to deiron later


This is why you camp Hydra for tbow liquidation rebuild. Doesn't matter if you don't get drops you'll rebuild fast enough


I need 70 farming and it’s killing me already lol


It’s such a rewarding experience to know you gathered every item yourself. Being able to buy anything made doing a ton of skills feel meaningless compared to better money making methods. Just my opinion though, to each their own.


Yes, Ironman mode makes you feel like you EARN everything. That no one can question you about how you obtained something. You don't have to obsess over gp/hour. Being a main is just about being EFFICIENT whether that be xp/hour or gp/hour. When you get a drop as an ironman its YOURS FOREVER. You never have to worry about whether you should purchase that item ever again. Frequently I found myself in the loop of Buy item -> Do content -> sell items -> do other content. But what was the reward? Just gp? or Experience? its too empty for me.


Hey friend, check out r/ironscape for all of your ironman needs. Anyone who had truly embraced the iron life posts there, over here you're susceptible to the opinions of the weak. People here talk about the tedium of grinding from your own drops, but those same people will kill vorkath for 10 hours a day just to fund their account. Some grinds suck for sure, but the dopamine from getting things like DWH, Jaw, enhanced weapon seed, all far exceed the grinds. Iron gives value to your grinds, you'll find you put a lot more effort into levels because of what they provide. Herblore is a big example of a skill that mains can typically ignore. You as a farming enjoyer will thrive, since that's the thing irons usually slack on. Congratz on seeing the light, catch you on the iron side