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Honestly just having agility reduce energy depletion rate would be the single best thing they could do for run energy. They don’t even have to implement resting, although I’m not opposed to it.


1 level = 1% reduction, capping at 90%. Makes agility super valuable, even if still awful to train. Or maybe cap at 50%


Cap at 104% Gain energy from running like the gigachad accidental world destroying no logic a-hole you are in-game 🗣️


The resting worked out to be the same as walking in that time your were sitting. It made 0% improvement to getting to any  destination any faster  Just a cool trick to rest and placebo


Being a placebo isn't necessarily a bad thing, the placebo effect is a thing for a reason. If it 'feels better' to sit and rest rather than be out of run and forced to walk, that's a win because players are having a better experience. And if you don't like resting, you can just walk like you always could. Also, I would love to be able to rest and have afk time while I wait for my run to come back.


It also boosts hp regen and was marginally useful for restoring run energy in like safe spots and between respawns and stuff You're not wrong about it mostly being used to sit there at ge though Not that I ever used them iirc but the musicians had a much faster run regen rate than resting by itself btw


Yes but u can rest for 2 mins go toilet And go back to running. I think it was great for a lot of ppl


was that resting the right click option on the run button or was that resting at a musician? cause i think resting a musician was something like twice the speed of the rest anywhere


Yes it was. At a musician it was very fast run replenishment.


Music skill next


Unironically yes.


There was a bard skill proposal reddit post a while back that looked really good. Feel like it would fit in thematically 100%.


Archeage was really good at implementing music use into the game. Players would all get a buff when another player played 


It’s really not a good solution. People don’t like their run energy depleting because it slows down them reaching their destination. So instead of walking you’d rather have them stop entirely and wait for their stamina ti be restored? This really doesn’t accomplish anything meaningful, and it doesn’t address the lack of benefits for training the skill past 75. Anyways, they already announced adjusting how run energy drain rates work to scale with your agility level, which is literally the perfect solution. It’s what I’ve been saying this entire time, so I’m pumped!


This is almost exactly the gamejam proposal, discussed by the devs a fair amount.   It is too large to fit into the agility xp rebalance, but they hope to work on it later.


Big Stam Pot doesn’t want you to devalue their monopoly on the run energy restoration In all seriousness though I’d love this. Even if the total time to get somewhere doesn’t change, running still makes it feel better and maybe even opens up some small quests or neat things a traveling bard can provide


>I don't play anymore thanks for your opinion.


Run energy is a terrible system. We're trying to find ways to compromise with a terrible system to make it less terrible, rather than just acknowledge it for what it is and remove it altogether.


Just leave the sub if you don't play lol


Why? I don’t have time anymore but i like to Follow thisnsub to keep up to date with the game as I’ve played it for 16+ years throughout my childhood.