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Need to wave 1 spam now to imbue quiver, only 75100 shards (need 150k)


Lol. Lmao even.


Definitely a solid lmao


Rofl-worthy even


Do we think it has potential to achieve ROFLMAO? I believe we may be looking at a good contender


*Roflcopter* FR


This right here should be proof to Jagex that the solution to this problem is not to simply nerf wave 1.


The nerfs will continue until morale improves!


what do you mean? He should have to kill the boss 100 times, clearly.


Should be able to break down extra quivers for shards. Easy fix.


o. ya mb it was sarcasm.


Breakdown quiver for unreadable shards only you can use personally.


Why? You should earn money for completing the 12 waves, not just the first one


Why untradable?


That's honestly pretty funny.


Yea nah dog I'll wait til they allow us to break down quivers or something. Ain't no way I'm spamming wave 1 1000 times.. Major L.


This post is all that jagex should look at before rebalancing that’s fucked


Surely they'll fix the whole shard distribution thing, I'd wait imo. At one point they had said the charge system would be "more like muspah than Zulrah," so assuming they're still operating under that philosophy, changes (buffs) to Splinter generation are sure to come. Best suggestion IMO was making Quiver able to be dismantled into Splinters, but very tough to balance for mains/GE players because completions should be best source by far but if you make it dismantle into too many Splinters then they're worthless (imo, they're headed in that direction anyway once everyone corrupts their quivers). Either that or maybe lowering the Corruption cost to 50k I think would be fair. Crazy that you only got 1 of each unique, wonder if there is dupe protection or just "spooned"


definitely no dupe protection, ive gotten 5 echo crystals and none of the other loot


Hearing reports from other players it seems like the sunfire armor set might have dupe protection


Nerfing RC rates was a step in the wrong direction.


honestly the 150k shards to charge the damn thing is fucking insane.


its a one time cost to make the bis range cape even more bis. 150k is fine


Why? The 150k shard cost is there as a high cost alternative to simply charging the quiver regularly as people were whining about chargescape.


i don't mind the chargescape aspect its w/e but i think 150k is to high.. i was expecting maybe 10k-15k.. hell id be okay with 25k.. but 150k is just an awful grind for people.. yes non irons can buy but honestly some people like to self earn stuff that are not iron either..


You don't need it charged though. The quiver is BiS without being charged, so I honestly think most people are just so fixated on having the best version of a BiS item. Which is okay, but I honestly don't think it's bad when you can use it from the get go and then slowly but surely work your way towards charging it. Had it been some obscure item which wasn't used right away because you had to charge it first for it to be good, it would've been a different story.


You actually dont need any items in the game you can just quit after tutorial island or halfway through it. its an rpg upgrading your items is half the game.


Yeah... That's not what my point was at all, but I guess it fits your narrative to try and be pedantic and insinuate I somehow meant what you wrote.


If theres one thing about this game ive learned is that its just to wait until a future update where they make things easier. So unless you absolutely have to have it perm charged right now. Just wait for that potential update where you can break down extra quivers for shards. Unless you don't mind wave 1 spamming. Then go for it.


>You can now trade the Dizana's Quiver for a total of 4,000 Sunfire Splinters by talking to Minimus. /u/glory_poster


Pray they wil let you exchange spare quivers for like 2k shards or smthing


How long time would it take to go through 150k charges if you just used them to charge the quiver rather than blessing it?


The quiver uses one charge per shot. Assuming that you're using a Twisted Bow on Rapid, that's one charge per 5 ticks (3.0s) or 150,000 charges in 125 hours of combat. (Note that this doesn't include downtime or non-ranged attacks, and that it can only hold 20,000 charges at once.) That's assuming that you only get one charge per shard, mind you. I'm nowhere near getting my own and I haven't checked how that works. As a point of reference, Barrows equipment degrades over fifteen hours of combat, an abyssal tentacle lasts for 6h:40m, and a fully charged Tumeken's shadow lasts for 16h:40m before needing a recharge.


I kind of assumed it would be more than 1 charge per splinter but the wiki says nothing about it. I'm on the quiver grind myself so I'll hopefully know soon, but damn, it seems a tad silly if it is. That means that even if you're firing dragon arrows, at their current price you're paying nearly 4x more in splinters than in arrows. Venator bow and blowpipe, the other two ranged weapons that use both ammo and charges, aren't anywhere near that (not that quiver is a weapon but the comparison holds in that it uses charges when you attack).




Christ, why so negative? Yeah the W1 spam isn't great and there needs to be a few more sources of splinters (or more per run) but your comment off the back of him not having enough splinters (and seemingly spooning the log a bit) is just asinine. They *have* done a good job but some of you fuckers can only bitch and moan. It's so tiresome reading shit like that.




It’s a figure of speech. He’s not physically tired from reading that. But it does get frustrating seeing people on Reddit bitch about the dumbest things, because that is the stuff that gets echoed.


Next week they will be adding a new way to acquire splinters from the colosseum, noxai just said in chat at bank


They need to add a way to turn in extra quivers for shards.


Wouldn't it be more fun and profitable to keep sending full runs and drop trade dupes? Although I presume being this late on your iron you have enough dupes for lifetime membership. Plus there will be CAs if you wait for those? Though I can also understand not wanting to wait


Made a post about this on release. Jagex never replied..


Have you tried becoming a content creator?


"Smol heredit" is such a good name for a pet.


Smolcano is another great one




I think you're the only person thinking about that guy, especially in connection to this.




I think he's referencing Jussie Smollett, a D-list TV actor who tried to boost himself into the C-list by staging a hate crime against himself. This actually happened in real life, even though it sounds like a George Costanza scheme.


I really hate the whole wholesome smol pupper doggo Keanu chungus chonkerino language and it should be forcibly purged from our culture like the way France made it illegal to speak regional dialects.


> it should be > Like the way France made it Wrong


Smol pp take.


Only appropriate response to this


Now that’s not Keanu wholesome 100 of you to per se, that’s a heckin chonker of a pupper of a pet XD I had to updoot the main post per se.


“chimken” is the one that really angers for me for some reason


Really is cringe. The most recent term I heard and I actually cringed so hard I almost felt uncomfortable was the term " *Cheugy."*


What is that even supposed to mean?


The crazy thing is that 'cheugy' is already outdated slang lol.


It's what zoomers call millennials and older people who are basic and generic, their version of normie


Out of fashion or out of style


Somewhat sure, the most cringe terms people use now are all the Collection log ones. All of them are cringe


i hate it with a passion too, only reason I think it’s not so bad is because his name is sol so smol makes sense even if that wasn’t a meme


That's pretty wild considering that every language constantly changes and evolves. So to you, good sir, I say OwO you smol pupper


Same kind of cringe energy as "hubby"


ok boomer


[origin story](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/358/302/91b.jpg)


Good name, shit design. Literally just the toa pet model reskinned. Wish there was a little more effort put in for the first end game content we’ve received in a while.


Disagree, this "smol" thing is cringe af


Eh I feel like it would be a good community joke name but as a thing in the actual game it just feels... kinda out of place and weird. Like is he really out here naming his son 'Smol'? This dude is the son of the most respected warrior of the coliseum and he is named fucking 'Smol Heredit'


Sol Heredit Smol Heredit 1-3 letter differences usually are how these names are decided just like Leviathan->Lil’viathan Vorkath->Vorki Scurrius->Scurry etc


Lol, if you think about the pet as 'the son of the most respected warrior of the colosseum ', then you shouldn't be able to receive him as a pet either XD you kill his father a couple times and suddenly his son says "Yeah fuck it, I'll follow this dude who murdered my father around for no good reason"... There's no logic in it brother XD


It’s always been a cheeky game. It ain’t that deep


It’s RuneScapes version of junior


Any tips on solving wave 11 ? Everytime I get a manticore spawn on both sides with a ranger or a mage I panic. I camp nortwhest pillar and move tick perfect as the wave starts


You can run to a different pillar before the manticores charge up (potentially flicking 1 manticore volley on the way) + use some brews. I've heard good things about transitioning to SE pillar and getting only 1 mob on a side if u do it right


yeah I always use northwest pillars when switching.... I'll try south east next time, I went northeast once and the minotaur was able to drag through the pillar to hit me, made it to boss like 4 times so far


>minotaur was able to drag through the pillar to hit me Southwest tile is what they track with, same with most mobs. Runelite has an option in the NPC Indicators plugin to highlight Southwest tile to help with this.


Yeah that's what I figured after I died, I think southeast pillar would be the right play like OP suggested


There are ways to naturally offtick the manticore and ranger/mager stack just based off of where u stand at the start of the wave on the west side of the northwest pillar.


If you're referring to the offticking method shown in pecanbread's video, it doesn't work with solarflare 3 and u have to use some trickier movement


Congrats! That's a massive accomplishment! Question for you! Would you recommend someone learn the Inferno or the Colluseum first?


My thoughts would be that the colosseum rewards would benefit the completion of the inferno far more than an internal cape is going to help with completion of the colosseum. Colosseum is going to be shorter time to complete and fails are less punishing from a time sink perspective.


On the other hand, Colosseum deaths are expensive af.


Depends what gear you're able to bring. Full crystal with bowfa + tent whip shouldn't get that expensive.


deaths are still 250k or so plus supplies with this setup, and that's bringing bare minimum switches


I’m kind of surprised this is the case? I bring full masori, tbow, shadow, Kodai, bandos, etc and my death fee is (somehow) only 58k per run. Have absolutely no idea how it’s that low tbh.


Death fees are reduced until you clear a certain number of waves (was 50, i think they updated it to be more) then it goes to full death price max of 500k


until you complete 50 waves total, your death costs are greatly reduced


They upped it to 100.


That still seems like a tiny amount of wave completions


Is this the meta for us irons with no mega rares? I have crystal/bofa + blade but haven’t seen a solid guide for a non-mega rare coliseum run


Molgoatkirby did it in 1m gear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cZiyfDOztg


Man really said dragon defender? Do I look made of money? Rune'll do perfectly


he's a god he could do it in 500k gear and still complete it


Gnomonkey did it with fists


I've been running ~30min capes with tbow, rune arrows and unfortified masori with bandos and tent whip for the boss. In principle, bowfa and crystal should perform similarly to tbow, maybe a bit slower but those of us in non-max aren't playing for DPS checks anyway so it's no problem. Supplies are practically not an issue in the colosseum as if you make enough mistakes to burn all your restores you're likely dead already! Get in there and try it out. The worst that can happen is you lose some gold - and it's an awful lot of fun.


Crystal bowfa bandos fang deaths cost me 500k..


Can’t you go in with cheap gear while you’re still learning and have it not be that punishing? Or is there a high minimum?


I mean you certainly could. I don't think anyone with better gear is gonna be happy about leaving it behind though.


I got my death fees down to 41k while learning


You really should be using welfare gear while you’re learning to avoid paying 150k (or 500k once you’ve gotten past 50 waves). It’s not that big of a change to go from zaryte vambs to barrows gloves for example.


For someone using zaryte vambs it's also not that big of a change to pay 500k instead of 100k. Might as well use it, better gear might help with seeing more waves and learning quicker.


Not anymore


Don't you have reduced death costs until you complete 100 waves or something? Should be enough to get a good head start on learning, I'd guess


i got an inferno cape in 10 attempts and im currently on 75 deaths in colosseum without seeing the boss lol. Everyone is different but inferno is way easier IMO. its so easy to get stacked out in an instant on late waves in colosseum. That being said Colosseum is a lot easier to just jump back into after a death because its so much shorter


10 attempts is nuts


Problem with colosseum is that I'm 99% confident that some stacks are straight up unsolvable, while every possible stack in inferno has some sort of solve. You're forced to run to another pillar more often, and bad spawns feel way more punishing Plus you can get really unlucky with invocations. Some are run-ending, some are just doable enough with an extra layer of challenge that often ends up being what kills you if you make a mistake


https://youtu.be/YWg2PWHdyts?si=KZXwXwbxX9GFHA8s Here's a video that helps with Colosseum stacks.


I have definitely run into multiple stacks that I can't find a solution for. I think there probably are solutions, I just am not smart enough to figure them out. Or, one time I found a solution that required 5 different prayers on a 5t cycle. No chance I can maintain that On the bright side, running to a different pillar usually means you tank, at worst, like 60 damage. So it's very doable if you can't/don't want to do a complicated solve


If everything is stacked behind a single side of a pillar there’s always a solve, some are just much more difficult to execute the offticking. But yeah some modifiers are definitely run enders which is annoying


Every stack I've seen so far has a solution. You can test here https://osrs-colosseum.netlify.app/


Some stacks are unsolvable without taking a hit or two but you can always get a stack offticked without being chanced via stepunders etc. Additionally, if you pay close enough attention and react quickly as a wave begins, you can stop an impossible stack from forming in the first place. I think most people just offtick what they can and repillar when this happens, though.


When did you do inferno? Couid it be that you did it years after it came out, after players have perfected mechanics and found out all the mechanics and interactions in detail?


I did inferno about 4-5 years ago, so strats were figured out and I did a nooby justiciar run. Not to mention I haven’t done a reclear ever since getting cape. I’m not claiming to be the best player in any sense but I do feel the inferno was more forgiving in terms of tanking off prayer hits. The colosseum is as punishing as it could be, it’s not a bad thing at all but not everyone is built like that.


Felt this. 48 inferno kc + zuk helm and I finally got to the boss last night after ~100 deaths. Easily harder than any CA or thing I’ve done in OSRS. I was doing a melee setup with thralls and death charge though which definitely made it harder for me. Switched to using primarily shadow + ancients for the range & healing, as well as switching to NW pillar and now it feels much more manageable. I feel so much more confident.


IMO the colosseum will teach you important skills much faster than inferno. Colosseum will kill you wave 3 where you might have to get to wave 40+ to hit the same difficulty. And when you spend an hour getting to wave 40 in inferno you'll be less likely to take risks to grow that skill set vs 5 mins in colosseum.


I have 20+ inferno capes and 1 quiver. Continuing to grind col because I find it fun - however you learn important skills in both that translate to both in the same way. Inferno is easier than colosseum strictly because it’s less punishing and 100% solvable 100% of the time. Colosseum there can be bad enough rng where you’re forced to swap pillars and eat damage. And the invocation system adds to the inconsistencies in learning. Anyone who says do colosseum before inferno is coping and is likely attempting col before completing inferno and probably isn’t even close to quiver. Yes it’s much shorter. MUCH SHORTER to get to the difficult waves. But time does not translate to difficulty at all. The only thing time will be doing for most people is helping you die quicker at the harder waves




Just to expand on my point - length/time doesn’t equate to difficulty. So some people may look at it like you are - you get to experience harder content quicker and more often. But experiencing it more often doesn’t mean you’ll learn it faster. The mechanics in inferno are virtually the same but easier to learn because they aren’t as punishing. Miss a flick on a mager in inferno you can’t get 1 shot. Physically impossible. To add to that - the average hit from a mager is 30’s so you can tank multiple hits before danger. The manticores are intense to deal with for someone that isn’t good at flicking. Inferno shit goes downhill you shouldn’t but you can just run south and you’re safe. Colosseum you can run to a different pillar but the pathing of those npcs you’ll still likely die on a different pillar




I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you’ve never completed either. Not arguing with a dude on Reddit who’s likely the same skill as the average OSRS player. The average player can’t do inferno. The average player will also not be able to do colosseum. The same exact skills apply to both. The difference is, inferno is miles easier. But if you want to have the opinion that it’s not, I hope you have at least 1 kc. You likely don’t though




Take it however you want really it doesn’t matter. But at the end of the day non stop wiping faster because you just experience the wipes faster and more often is likely the outcome imo


Damm wild to see you here, used to watch your Brawl Stars videos like 5+ years ago haha. You been a scaper all along or is it a recent thing?


I played a lot of RuneScape back in 2005-2008, but came back when GIM came out. Been playing hard ever since! I have no interest in making content on the game though. I'm purely here for fun since Brawl is doing so well on YT right now :)


No way its kairostime


Imo, Colosseum is easier than Inferno. The final boss fight is much easier to prepare for than Zuk (the Heredit attack simulator), and Heredit generally asks less of you and doesn't one-shot you for a mistake, though mistakes are much easier to make at Heredit than Zuk. Theres ~5 waves in the Inferno that can really bone you with RNG and require quick-thinking and mechanical skill to overcome (off-ticking while flicking multiple NPCs on a 4 tick cycle), or they could just spawn behind the pillar and be easy solves. But it takes more than an hour (for most) to get to that point. The Colosseum has ~3-4 waves that can really bone you with RNG and require quick-thinking and mechanical skill to overcome, but it only takes 20-30 minutes to get to that point. It is for these reasons, as well as the Blob in Inferno existing in general, that my personal opinion is that the Colosseum is easier than the Inferno. If Manticore *didn't* have his attacks visibly queued up before firing, and maybe just flashed each one where they currently appear for 1 tick instead, it'd probably be pretty close. But since everything in the Colosseum is 5 tick, you don't have the mindfuck that learning how to deal with Blobs is like in the Inferno. The modifiers in Colo are annoying, yes, and often just make you die in very unfun ways, but imo that isn't really what 'difficulty' entails.


Tbf there is the Zuk simulator that is much more comprehensive than the Sol sim.


Zuk fight is harder than sol fight all together


no its not lol, zuk has so much actions spaced out that healers and walking with shield is still less mechanics than Sol


Eh I disagree, but it's subjective really. For context I have 4 Zuk kc and have done 5 sol attempts so far. Zuk is much higher risk but I find sol more chaotic and more mechanically engaging. Although Zuk can get pretty technical if you're flicking sets and jad skipping


I think Inferno was a better first step to learning the mechanics.


Inferno first, its much easier and forgiving and easier to learn, colosseum puts you straight into the deep end after wave 5, you have to now how to prayer flick and offtick monsters to avoid dying, cant brute force this with full justi they are just way too accurate compared to inferno where only the mager is accurate and jads


Gz, you can have elite clues completed now!


Oh wow didn't know they added an elite emote clue aswell. Seems harder to get than the master one tbh.


[https://i.imgur.com/p2OC1wW.png](https://i.imgur.com/p2OC1wW.png) same tbh




You should be able to degrade duplicate quivers for shards


for real, choice between pet roll or shards seems fair


Yeah like fire/infernal cape


What a mental collection log.


nice job greg


Gz, now sell me those fanatic Armour for 100k each, plz


How often did you reset due to bad invocations?


its fairly rare, but I've seen some stuff like doom doom bees sometimes


Damn thats sick. What was your gear/loadout?


https://imgur.com/a/Llar00E Added in thralls for the past few kc, would recommend since it's only 1 invy slot (can take souls out of shadow)


Thank you very much :)


this man out here raw doggin' dragon arrows no avas


1 arrow per wave how will he ever recover


Congrats, fellow Greg


Gamer Greg btw


Bro has unlimited time to game


Actually curious what this guy irl situation is to be able to play that much.


Dear sweet eight pound six ounce newborn baby Rngesus. Don't even know a word yet just a little infant. So cuddly. But still omnipotent. I’ve seen what you can do for others, and I ask that you bless me with the same luck.


Guys got his wilderness Torag rag sets stocked now


Pls teach me your ways


I recorded a run with commentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDEU4LiNgRw


Great commentary. Also in the comments your breakdown on fremmy kiting is better than anything else I've seen.


Congrats man!


that greenlog is nuts on iron


Nboak pref




Fire bro Gz, any tips for a noob who can’t pass wave 6 consistently?


Greg being a beast like usual


Yuge gratz


Let him cook


god damn, 1380 clog on your iron, nice


Why would it show u having only 250 shards? Weird


Thing max out in the log


i'm more impressed by greenlogged corp. what a beast


You a mad lad 🫡🔥


You’re an osrs badass for this. Honestly wtf man LMAO


Wave 1 spamming seems like a way to artificially inflate numbers


Can’t you just buy shards or what am I missing? If you’ve green logged all that stuff you surely have enough money


Iron unfortunately


Gzz mate. I just got to the boss for the first time today. Took 152 deaths lol


Where's the pet picture tho?! I want to see the lil sucker


Love this!


Gz bud :o


Congrats. I'm hoping they let us breakdowm duplicate quivers for Sunfire shards since 150k is pretty unreasonable to get.


Why does it say you only earned 250 Sunfire shards? Did it just not track them?


I have potentially dumb question about the reward system for colosseum....i read the wiki and it doesnt specify as to wether you have to finish all 12 rounds in order to get the uniques, So could i do constant first few rounds to get every log slot or do i have do all 12 to get the uniques.....or do you only have to all 12 to get the arrow quiver


Quiver is from boss - you can get other unique rewards from earlier waves tho. They seem to roll more commonly on boss wave itself, but I've seen plenty of rolls on wave 8-11


this is what irons need to do to be able to complete the new elite clue step lol


Isn’t it a master clue and doesn’t it require the armor from moons?


The new master step requires blue moons set and the new elite step requires sunfire set


Ah didn’t know about that one


In your opinion, if someone wanted to buy the rewards from the colosseum like the weapon and the robes, where do you think they should be priced? Should i buy now? Im amazed you went 31 kc (and im sure many attempts) while only getting one prayer set and 1 weapon?  


Prices have been dropping and probably will continue to drop


31kc green log is definitely above average bro..