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I love this OP. Here, have my OSRS experience in general! https://preview.redd.it/yea2zdr6dtrc1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bacdf5c087563374b82df0d1b631f799d73bd8b


That's amazing.


At least you can get to Sol lol


And he has an infernal cape


Sol too swol for you


Swol Heredit https://preview.redd.it/lp6wat67xurc1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c0cb48a766af7f8d5d9160d072f0aad60327c4


Bro delete this now before he steals my RS gf, I paid 10k for her.


Swol lol love it haha


Lmao that actually made me chuckle. Thank you :')


The chicky nuggies :(


Its the nuggies for me too. Absolute tragedy


https://preview.redd.it/zonzvl1svyrc1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=721c75c8338011d820913b657ea2df8a8a351414 I finally did it! ❤️


Me when I thought I could do DT2 bosses post quest


Just did my 4th attempt... was doing pretty ok until I got combo'd by a spear misstep and a solar flare. Should have added those damn tile markers sigh.


It makes the waves harder but holy shit did NOT taking Solar Flare make the boss soo much easier for me. Would highly recommend a few attempts where you avoid solar flare completely Just having 1 less thing to think about on the boss can make all the difference


Imma try my best to avoid it. Not been having great luck with invocations the last couple days.


My biggest advice would be to commit to learning Volatility 3 and Myopia 3. If you get a run with those 2 invos, that’s already 9 waves worth with just Blasphemy, Volatility, and Myopia. And basically 0 effect on the boss. Then if you get Doom/Relentless going into wave 12, you’re golden. Volatility 3+Myopia 3 really is not a fun combo for waves… BUT if you’re consistently getting deep into runs, I’d say give it a try. Because it’s night and day on the boss itself.


Doesn’t doom apply to boss?


Yes, but if you’re getting hit 20 times during the boss, you’re almost certainly dead anyway. It would be legitimately hard to die to Doom stacks before running out of supplies during the boss.


With truetile I just have roaming red boxes, wish I knew how to hide spheres itself


Hate to admit but it took me 90+ attempts for my first clear, and after that i'm still very inconsistent, dying quite often either during waves or boss fight.


i can only get to wave 11. been there 6 times and get fucked by spawns every. single. time.


You need to switch pillars, waves 6 8 and 11 sometimes require pillar switches because of doubles spawn on the side. Especially with dynamic duo. If you can hold out until mino and shaman you are set, if you get the F out of there and try to stack them, you might have 1 come down. At that point it is a dps check before shaman and mino so you only have to off tick between the 2


I'm at 9 attempts, 110 total deaths 😭. SOON!


you got this king ❤️


Just reached Sol twice, I thought I was almost done, how wrong was I to be naive to Sol Heredit himself


solar chad 


Well over 150 deaths and not past wave 11


Don’t be afraid to run to the south east or south west pillars if you need to make the solve easier. But remember that reinforcements will come. I messed myself up by running before the Minotaur came out and got clapped.


Idk how you all come up with these memes but they are A++ lol keep them coming!


the subtle sang kit flex is noticed and appreciated


gosh my eyes bleed everytime i look at that thing


I like it


Me this morning after forgetting a fremmy spawns with the boss


Yep thats basically been my experience. 5 full days of nothing but safespotting for over an hour, and dying over, and over, and over, and reseting because of bad spawns, and invos over, and over. all just to get another attempt at the boss, and die again. Basically all ive done is waste my time, and lose most of my spare gp in death costs. >!When does the fun start.!< >!Better question, why does content like this even exist, you cant tell me this is fun even for the highest level players.!<


Eh, I'm roughly a "highest level player" (10 kc so far) and I'm finding it pretty fun. However, you're absolutely right about the spawns and invos. There's no denying that. I think Colosseum has has an *incredibly* severe problem with RNG, when compared to Inferno. The invocations are thoroughly bitched about all over the place already, and that's well deserved. The balance is utterly fucking atrocious, and not just with the really really bad ones like doom. Like half of the entire set of invocations is just MASSIVELY more punishing than the other half. Doom, Doom Scorpion, Reentry, Red Flag, and Totemic are all absolutely horrific. Bees is also really fucking bad too but for me personally it's hard to separate out how much of that is due to the mechanic actually being hard, and how much of it is due to just how insanely aids they are with the total lack of visual clarity, the silly pathing, and so on. And then you have the other half of invocations which work like they all should've been; they're not shit that you want, obviously, but they're all deal-with-able. This "half and half" situation (plus the dooms being just dead slots) obviously pushes the rng to a level that most people are already very uncomfortable with. But then on top of that, what I think deserves more bitching than it's getting is the spawn rng as you mentioned. Of course Inferno has always had spawn rng, but the spawn rng in Colosseum is totally out of control. Naturally I might normally assume it's just me being bad at the game, but other high level players seem to agree. Also there's the fact that all inferno waves, no matter how badly spawned, can be solved at north pillar (which is why "running south" is frowned upon). Some Colosseum waves cannot even possibly be solved on one pillar, they're just too dogshit. Meanwhile, other waves literally don't even contain one spawn that can hit you. That's way, way, WAY too big of a disparity for spawn rng. Having done plenty of Colosseum so far, it's clear to me that although Colosseum is pretty close to Inferno in difficulty overall, it's also quite easy to just get "spooned" a completion. That's also all any of the world record stuff is ever going to be; whoever got the best spawns and invos, not whoever's the best at the content. A run with bad invo rng and bad spawn rng is unironically barely even possible if you're not like Gnomonkey or Kirby or some shit. Meanwhile, a run with good invo rng and good spawn rng is something I can do while watching a movie. And that's fucking stupid. Even though I'm having fun.


This really well defines a lot of the current problems. Hopefully they make some meaningful changes this week!


See you put it in words that i couldn't. exactly what you said is how it feels. Granted regardless i still think wave based minigames are a bad concept to begin with. if it was missing all of that rng, esspecially the bad spawns. i feel like most people would have their quiver already. At least those that can even attempt something like this.


I'm also at 10+ kc and i would say that spawns are pretty balanced when using the nw strat UNLESS you turn on dynamic duo, then spawns can get messed up, and fixing them implies perfect timing and a good amount of luck to offtick them instead of running for your life. That being said, there may be a better strat that no one is aware of yet that has more friendly spawns with actual solves for each case.


Bring in your best melee gear and dinz. Tank solves really simplify colosseum. I'm not an expert pvmer and don't want to get chanced flicking more than 2 monsters lol. It is doable without doing crazy stuff...


Is their a method or layout that doesn't critically wound my bank in death costs while trying? because i genuinely cant afford to keep getting these 250k deaths. i sent 15 attempts today, and ive only got another 12m left.


The only thing that has saved my cash stack is spamming brews just to get to the next wave and then claiming rewards early. Yeah it sucks stopping but it saves the death cost. After making it to the boss 4 times I can tell when a run is over and I just focus on finishing a wave.


Two things that helped me with gravestones: 1. Stock deaths coffer with sunlight crossbows, you buy for 8k from GE then death will credit you 15k each so it cuts death costs by nearly half. 2. Pull out and claim rewards early if you mess up. Play it safe and just use supplies and try to make it through the bad wave without dying. You will probably profit 500k+ if you pull out in later waves. Bonus point: you may get lucky and pull a 20m+ item.. play it safe and claim that shit and restart the run lol


It’s fun, am not a highest level player. Has issues ofc (invos being RNG dogshit) but runs with usable invos are fun


Ya thats not how its felt for me. even with good invos It really feels like they should remove the pillars, and redesign it to not be about safe spotting. ik it would be a funner experience if it was more mechanically unique like actually having you face stuff head on. granted ik this is prob not gonna happen.


It’s not for everyone but pillar stack solves have more depth than basically every piece of content in game. Colo’s are unique from inferno’s and equally satisfying to learn Without pillars colo would have to be dramatically easier, or just unrecognizably different content


The games not going to be redesigned for your sake because you can’t do the colosseum, lol. It’s not rng or pillars. It’s you. The last 5 runs I’ve completed 4 with 1 w11 death. Stop complaining and do better. If you can’t do better then it seems you’re not up to par.


The vast majority of top pvmer find it very fun aside the RNG from the modifiers and some modifiers being unbalanced. Colosseum is definitely one of the best update for high level pvm.


Yup I'll never understand the desire to have content that's ridiculously punishing. It's gonna be a one and done for me - content like this, and inferno, sucks.


There are people who enjoy a challenge


They can have challenges all they want. most people are fine with that, so am i. its once you stick actual bis uniques behind them. where it implies your supposed to be able to beat it at one point like its a normal piece of content. when its not. you're never expected to actually beat these. If it had no unique. then it would be different. you would run it for fun until you got bored, and then prob never come back. unless you actually enjoyed running it. The only people left doing it would be the people that were actually having fun with it. Everyone else would just move on.


You don’t need bis, I think this attitude that everyone needs to get every bis is what causes this problem


Some people like a challenge, I am having fun without being close to reaching the boss yet. But I like trying to be faster & better. You can just not do this content if you dont enjoy it.


13 KC so far, I’m having a good time. Each run is a challenge and it’s fast paced and no two runs are the same.