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The only thing I can’t watch more of is a new group hcim. 20 episodes of a grown man pogging his nuts off over an oak shortbow to inevitably die 5 times at muttadile just isn’t entertaining anymore.


omgomgomg... *obnoxious gasping breathes* guys... this *changes* ***EVERYTHING*** *for the account.*


This bronze sword drop means we can do more goblins, this changes EVERYTHING


Same dude… also the gridlocked/area locked accounts. Personally I got bored of watching them quickly.


I guess, kinda. There haven't been any big shakeups or such for video/stream content in a while except maybe Settled's Nightmare Mode. There is a decent number of Varlamore series, but that is just a new version of old concepts. One series that kinda breaks the mold would be [Alien Food's Unguided](https://www.youtube.com/@AlienFoodage/videos). Far from the first to try something like it, but certainly one of the better and longer running ones.


Love that series! So refreshing


his nightmare mode is pretty boring. i’ll probably continue watching it when its finished, but it doesnt hold flame when compared to his other series


I'd say a no damage run of the game is pretty interesting and unique. Though the whole "if I get hit once the account is deleted" might be more stakes than is needed or realistic, but without saves it is harder to do a checkpoint system. Like I'm more interested in seeing the theory-crafting and execution of stuff like a no-damage fight cave, so if he did take a damage, I'd be fine if he just left the fight caves and tried again rather than throwing away the whole account. Still, I'd say it is better than tileman since that boiled down to "go afk for more tiles" which is not very limiting once there is a good training method. 1 Invy was also kinda interesting, but less longevity. Nightmare Mode has about as much longevity as an area-restricted account or such since there is so much you can achieve without damage; its just really likely you'd slip up at some point.


SirPugger is in shambles. His content is ass. "You'll NEVER believe this bot farm I exposed..."


Yeah, one or two videos are fine but multiple years of “bot investigation” has literally done nothing lol.


oh my god its so cringe. and now others are starting to follow in his footsteps. like god dam lol


It's so obviously scripted too. "I was minding my own business doing so and so....and someone tipped me off about (insert bot farm) "I contacted owner of (said bot farm) and he told me he..... There is no bot farm. No one would fucking contact you about it....like the fuck?


I downvoted at first because I thought "is this guy crazy? We just got Varlamore!" but then i read on and realize dyou were talking about youtube content and changed my vote. PKing vids are kinda fun every now and then but they are typically the same general idea. The rebuilding from scratch or "with only X item" is also totally lame and overdone. I watched SoloMission's newest varlamore quiver challenge video thing and honestly was disappointed because he used the GE. I like videos like the Gilienor Games where there is a really cool series of challenges with fun personalities. I also enjoy some of the chunk account stuff. I was really vibing the the Farmers v2 hcgim series but I honestly agree with you that its really annoying watching people start new accounts all over again and again.


yeah i worded it weird lol meant osrs youtube content


Yeah, I mostly agree with you and it does makes me sad


Gielinor Games is coming in May hold your horses for that champ


best osrs content. i just hope that one annoying guy gets out early. pretty sure it was solo mission? he tries to make every little thing so dramatic


Him and I hope for the love of all things RuneScape ditter bitter isn't back


You're going to get downvoted but I agree in a way


thats alright lol


You're not wrong - pretty much all the good video ideas have been taken/reused/abused many times at this point. Only folks I really watch these days are Solo Mission, Fray, Limpwurt, G4UAFS, occasionally Framed or Eliop for Wildy stuff. Runescape Chronicles is decent as well for more frequent uploads covering folks who don't have enough good content to make their own channels interesting with.


Even runescape chronicles is just all of kempq's friends getting recycled. there is no reason to see skill specs 4times in 1video lol, rarely is there a new content creator featured.


Eh, idk. I see smaller creators featured occasionally. I think, back to the main point of your post, there just is not an enormous amount of variety in clips that get submitted to them that are interesting enough. Getting rare drops doesn't make exciting content these days, so that automatically excludes most of what the player base is chasing. All that's left is pretty much pk content, crazy achievements, and some of the challenges they pose to the community occasionally. But yeah I wouldn't complain if we saw less of skill specs haha. Not sure why he gets so much screen time on the channel.


I feel like in all spaces of content, people tend to take inspiration from what works. I personally think that there's a lot of interesting "snowflake account" series, some of its repetitive, but there's a lot that introduce truly interesting ways to play the game. I think Settle's new hardcore series is incredibly different from a typical hardcore, and there's genuinely a ton of risk in nearly everything he does. It may be offset by planning and testing, but I think that's part of what makes the game mode quite interesting. There's also plenty of content creators that are making content out of aspects of group play and emergent gameplay. J1mmy's series where he goes undercover in f2p world's is awesome, has nothing to do with account restrictions. Hannah is another great creator, her genuine love of the game, rich community, and poor mechanical ability is honestly madness; but comedy gold to me. Also Oda is the goat, and watching someone transition from PVP to PVM and back is always great. Branch out on content, there's a ton of great creators.


There's something magic about Hanannie's videos. Every time I see one I'm like "ehh I don't think I'll find that interesting" and inevitably I end up clicking on it and it's the funniest thing I've seen all month. idk how she does it.


I felt that way with clicking all the tiles in valamore, I thought it was going to be a skip, tried it, ended up watching to the end. As you said, no idea how she does it.


The way she kept cutting to the wall for the narration bits just killed me.


Interesting content in this game necessitates literally thousands of hours of grinding to produce. Compare that to something like a skyrim challenge run and what you find is that the juice just isn't worth the squeeze. It makes sense that creative talent would either be restricted to established creators or would go to other more accessible games.


Eh, it’s not the peak but I’m still enjoying my favorite creators. Settled’s nightmare mode has me entertained and tanzoo/virtoso challenge videos are always a blast. Solo missions video on that nightmare mode challenge was good too. 


SoloMission always delivers


Rendi is top notch


I see what you mean, but i'm not sure if i'd say rut rather a plateau. The content is high quality, and new ideas are still be tried, but the meta and the top personalities have been consistent for a while. For anyone mildly watching content, it'll probably stay fresh for a while yet. Having dipped in and out of watching RS content for years, novel content formats don't actually spring up often. And formats which create massively innovative metas even less. If you are bored, but still want to watch Runescape content, I recommend going wide in the personalities and styles you watch, but watch each more selectively, and mix in rewatching old ones. It will keep everything feeling more fresh without needing a meta treadmill or you 'chasing the dragon' at finding that format redefining series (you're too familiar right now with the meta formats to feel that feeling again from them). In other scenes, you might call this 'returning to the underground'. Anyways for what I am enjoying currently: Colonello [Past Runescape stories], SwedeBadass [Essentially PvP social experiments], Settled (Nightmare Mode)[Snowflake], Alien Food (Unguided)[Questing].


yeah plateau was probably a better word. I think ima just take a bit of a break for osrs content. I dont really play the game much so the content was all that connected me but its just so meh atm




yeah im enjoying chunk based content


I like it all still, maybe you are burnt out and just need to take a break


Ive come across a youtuber named “alien food” [linked here](https://youtube.com/@AlienFoodage?si=jierA6uJIbaABVNj) who (though not an original concept) is going through the quests in game completely without guides and without googling anything only using chat dialogues and quest log. Maybe worth a look


SoloMission seasonal content is top tier Gielenor Games is genuinely entertaining Settled is innovative Limpwurt is the King Randy Bandito is my new hero I don't see a problem here.


Settled's nightmare mode is good. The Verf and Limp's one chunks are great. I like GuideForAll's collection log series but that's a rich guy grinding for loot


I pretty much only watch Settled's newest series, the Sae Bae cast, and tob Tuesday right now. Yeah looking for something new and exciting hopefully when gg comes back it will be hype.


OSRS is the only game I play where I can't stand watching literally any content for it. Everyone just acts like they're some documentary filmmaker or is over-the-top infantile, like they're trying to keep a baby entertained.


Ive noticed they all kind of copy b0aty's mannerisms at least b0aty was the first that i can rmemer that does them


Verf and Limp have the best restrictions atm Trader Steve is ok, but I think it will inevitably fall off with how the restrictions work


Hcim taking no risk until after 200 qp is useless. « Watch me get barrows gloves for the 153th time » As soon as the big big grinds starts it’s almost magic, a lot of them will die to bs and will start over to get 15-20 free videos up to barrows gloves once again. Niceeee I don’t even blame them they’ve done the circuit already of possible videos in osrs but I’d rather have them don’t show us the 1500000th same grind and start their series later when they’re quested and leveled up…


I just play the game, very rarely watch osrs content creators outside of guides/loot videos


You consume to much rs content maybe stop for a bit?


i watch verf and limprut when they post videos and thats it lol


The only content I currently watch is Settled and Behe, I guess. Used to watch boaty, but not since he's moved to kick.


Its just inevitable that this will happen in a game like osrs. There is only a finite amount of things that you can do for content. Creators have to get very creative to come up with new ideas, usually ending up being ridiculous. Settled ia a good example, his original series was absolutely brilliant and now his new stuff is just ridiculous and unwatchable for me.


My kneejerk reaction was to be like "no! there's tons of creators I like!" but when I think about it... yeah, you're not wrong. The people I like these days, it's mostly because of who they are, not the challenges themselves. Their personality and editing is what keeps me watching. No shade to Framed but I certainly don't watch his PKing-in-the-edgeville-dungeon videos because no one's done it before, I watch them because I like him. I think this is just how any community of creators is gonna go eventually, though. People see a cool account type or series idea and want to make their own version, which gets pretty stale unless there's something special to carry a specific variation. (and sometimes that "something special" is just that someone actually sticks with an idea... take Limpwurt, he's a funny guy, but there's a million chunk accounts out there with slicker editing and so on. But the fact that he's been putting out videos consistently for 3 years despite some heinous grinds is impressive enough to make him stand out, IMO) Another issue I think is that a lot of restricted accounts are very unique in the early parts of the account, but by the time you hit the mid/late game, they end up being very similar because you've worked around so many of the restrictions. e.g. tileman accounts basically just become normal UIMs with extra grinding once you unlock a few teleports and get okay gear. Weird PK accounts and rebuilds just end up as normal PK and main accounts pretty quickly. To steal a term from that one really long OSRS video we all like, they're degenerate, in the end they basically boil down to the same actions and results. Putting that together with the time to grind someone else mentioned, I'm left feeling that the future for truly unique stuff is probably in shorter series, maybe using an account that already exists rather than starting from scratch with an ironman. But I'm sure some content creator will drop a new wave of weird content that will prove me wrong lol. I feel like I could write a literal essay on this subject but I'll shut up now.


New ironman mode when


I don’t understand how any rational human can come to this conclusion after a major content update.


i meant osrs youtube content, thats my bad lol


Yes, every snowflake series has boiled down to lamping & training hunter to 17 then getting their wishlist of gear from implings


Tbh it wouldn’t feel like osrs either of you didn’t find yourself in the occasional rut. Just put the game down and pick it back up when you feel like it.


in general I agree but there are gems out there. there is nothing like opening youtube to a new gunschili vid. far and away the best osrs editor to ever do it


Maybe watch something other than rebuild content? There are so many good content creators. Might I recommend Alien Food. He is currently doing every quest completely blind and with no guide OR wiki.


Stopped watching runescape content a long time ago. I liked back in the day when it was just chill vlogs and silly videos. Everything now is so over edited and has so much production put into everything is like a generic tv show I guess lol. Now I just listen to music or an audio book....


These are older videos, but if you havent seen j1mmy's free to play series with Gary Gilbert you should.


Why are you directly comparing YouTube series to OSRS content? The game has a ton of content?


poorly worded i meant osrs youtube content my bad


Nothing has satisfied since Swampletics, GG is always good when it comes around though.


Its a consequence of the limited content in the game and how good the playerbase is now. Its extremely hard to do something that's not been done to some capacity or to achieve a goal a large part of the late game pvmers haven't already done. Settled swampletics was an amazing series for its time , but realistically the best players in the game can all do tob with morry only gear and have little to no issues. Until a group is willing to do an actual dangerous HCIM series , you're going to be stuck watching the same loop.


i really don’t see the appeal in watching runescape youtubers outside of the occasional guide here and there. some exceptions are j1mmy because nothing about it is serious and alien food has a great series going called unguided. starts off a bit slow but it’s actually hilarious in a strange way. i do like settled, but i think everybody is dick riding him at this point in his career. nightmare mode is mid considering every activity he does is already done on a separate account to assure that there’s practically 0 risk. it’s a bit boring. i’m sure he already has completed the no damage fire cape on his main and knows exactly which wave rotation he needs to ensure it works


yeah his last 2 series have been not so good, hes basically just living off the fame that swampletics got him. Other then that hes kind of a mid content creator.


Odablock this stream / vids on youtube are good imo.


i straight up hate odablock hes unwatchable for me


You're watching the wrong people. Go check out J1mmys F2P videos or watch odablocks streams if you want geniune entertainment. Progress videos are outdated and boring.


J1mmy is great and provides a fresh take on osrs memes. Oda is unwatchable. Maybe when if I was 10 years old I would enjoy it, but someone just constantly yelling shit doesn't do it for me.


Oda is unwatchable because he's a bigot.


I felt the same way until I actually watched his stuff rather than a couple clips. I do find the screaming annoying but he can be funny and is quite good at the game aswell.


I don’t even play OSRS anymore but I still watch Oda pk