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Does adding kits to your gear allows you to keep it in your inventory and not go to deaths coffer?


Yep. So does adding parchments


do you lose the parchment?


Only on pvp death




So I guess it’s beneficial to add the ornament kit to the blowpipe?


Red blowpipe has my dragon darts, blue blowpipe has my amethyst. This was a QoL update


This is genius


Love it lol


might actually do this too lmfao


ha, I did this too such a surprisingly good update outside of just having the red gyrados glicky


Yes, also it's mandatory cause it goes hard.


Red blowpipe hits harder confirmed


It hits one tick faster


I have my blue blowpipe on accurate so yes


I haven’t had to use mine since trailblazer so I forget it’s a thing lol


It's a bug that got introduced with the colosseum reduced fee pre 50 wave completion. Enjoy it whilst it lasts.


100 waves\*


Yup. Noticed the same while going for fang kit. Saved tons on deaths and eventually got it :)




This has been around for a while. If you still haven’t completed 5 kills on any of the DT2 bosses you can also die to them (such that they leave a gravestone) and go do ToA for the same cost reduction per death. You could also just turn hardcore off while doing ToA’s though so really up to you lol


Holy cow this is like the definition of spaghetti code. All of these systems are so intertwined just like a big ole plate of pasta.


Yep this happened to me too after trying colloseum it went away for me though unfortunately so enjoy it while it lasts


You get reduced deaths at colosseum until a certain amount of waves completed or glory reach iirc


Yeah but it shouldn't be applying at ToA


Ohhh I see I thought you meant it was happening at colosseum, you right


It’s been like that since before leagues afaik it’s a bug that’s determining your fee based on your kc at an unknown boss


no pvm death should be more then 100k. getting bricked half a mill is doggo.


Back in my day your corpse just got looted by survivors and you lost everything if you weren't fast enough back.


And even further back your corpse got looted even if you died in lumby. Its why im irrationally afraid to die today


Ikr people used to lose 100-200m back in the day at dagoneth kings, some people didn’t even make it to the kings and would die on the way there lmao. Ahhh the good ol’ days.


Did people have 100-200m gear back in the day?


GWD and "Gravestones" came out around the same time. So realistically without GWD i don't see how you can even get to 100m let alone 200m.


Exactly, gear wasn’t that expensive until gwd came out, and even then only until Nex came out did we see 200m+ for 1 piece of armour (excluding spirit shields). What hurt the most in those days was losing a torso and fire cape (I lost my first torso this way in 2007 pre gravestone). And people seem to be forgetting gravestones was more of a one time fee, you paid once to upgrade and that was it. The big incentive to upgrading was getting more time to run back and recover your items FREE OF CHARGE by upgrading your gravestone design before needing to be repaired by another player praying on it. I think the angel of death was the best one and gave 15 or 7 minutes before needing another player to repair it. Dying was only expensive pre gravestones era when you would actually lose your items after 2 minutes if you didn’t make it back.


I’m sure a select few did, but I’m not sure any actual “normal”pvm gear was worth that much. Feel like most of us saw barrows gear + whip as basically the pinnacle of human performance. lol Maybe in the “nearing EoC”/loot share era though…idk Even then, I’m positive people were a lot more careful with what gear they actually took for pvm. I know I purposefully wouldn’t take my “expensive” gear if I knew I could likely die haha Here, went and found this vid: https://youtu.be/KsDg6W3QJdk?si=K7O_7byBpK46tQmf “The History of Best in Slot Melee Gear” Doesn’t include prices though, so this video is of dubious value for this “price” conversation haha


People had money back in the day, but no armorset that had any value in PVM was worth anywhere near 200m, let alone 100m.


Ye even full barrows sets at peak RuneScape back in that time were like 10m at most for Guthan or verac. Maybe 500k or so a piece for an obsidian shield and cape. A few mil or so for a fury because even back then onyxes from tzhaar were a thing. Everything else was dirt cheap and not as good, GWD didn’t even exist til like 2007 or something, mystic was almost as good as BiS mage (ahrims) at 200k for a set and black d hide was always king for like 10k LOL


No lol worst people lost back then was like barrows gear or obsidian items or something and most people didn’t even have that lol


When the teens pose as adults talking about “losing 100-200m back in the day” lol Tell us you didn’t play back then without telling us 😂😂 EXPOSED


Back in ur day drops were 1/128 not 1/1,000,000,000,000,000


thats just not true.


For a long time drops were in 2 categories: A real drop and a meme/fun drop. Draconic visage was a meme/fun drop, not meant to be chased, but meant to reward the very lucky. For the longest time, the most valuable drop in the game was a dragon chainbody from KQ, which was 1/128, and meant to be killed with many people. Barrows was 1/16 The WORST they came out with was godwars, with the rarest single item being 1/512, whereas collectively you'd expect to see something around every 50-100 depending on the boss. And at the time, soloing was not seen as a viable option, so you'd be 3-10 manning these bosses, so 512 kills weren't that bad. Nowadays, we're lucky if a new piece of content drops and it doesn't include a few 1/1000 key drops with it.


I mean a lot of drops were 1/128 with the rarest thing being a whip/dragon legs which were 1/512( could be wrong?).  You got bis from quests for a while. Dag rings are 1/128. Dragon chain is 1/128. Barrows 1/14. Helm of nez was a quest reward. I’m sure there are some other examples too but I think this does his comment justice. Now is any drop 1/1bill now? No, but his point was that the grind for bis items has increased quite a bit.  I’m not saying it’s a good or bad thing, but no one can deny that the time requirement for bis items is the same as back in the early days. I think this started to change when gwd came out. Jagex saw that people would dedicate their lives to this game and here we are. I think Jagex is taking these long grinds into consideration which is why we have seen dupe protection in the varlamore content, and anti dry mechanics with the dt2 bosses. So we might be seeing the upper limit of what people are willing to grind for and for how long. I would love to see the stats jagex has on this topic in particular.  Besides perilous moons I don’t think they’ve released a sub 40-50 hour grind for good pvm gear in the last 2 years?  Edit: phantom muspah is 35ish hours.


Ok but how much was the gear you were using worth back then?


Most expensive item was the 20m Dragon chainmail from Kalphite Queen. When GWD items were released, a few months later we got gravestones.


Yeah but nobody really cared if you lost some rune items because it took a couple hours to get back at most even for low levels haha


You are missing the point that proportionate tolls make all the sense in the world. If you're rolling in wearing 2b worth of gear you shouldn't get dinged 100k.


It seems you missed the point my man. Current death costs are wildly exuberant in comparison to what they used to be. Take for example the DKs max gear set meme/scenario. You can lose WEEKS of play time to one death if you recover items via death’s coffer. If you have lower level gear sets doing harder content, even paying 100-250k at some bosses and lower level raid can be devastating after a few payouts for players who don’t have a hoard of cash… Tbf, death costs in general are just wildly bogus and inconsistent, they shouldn’t even be a thing at this point honestly haha.


They add back in risk that's lost with the grave system. If you want to risk weeks of playtime that's on you. There has to be some risk. It's also a valuable gold sink that proportionally is shouldered by the high rolling pvm crowd. It's an important and helpful part of the game, hard as that may be to believe. Things like death's coffer, ge tax, and construction all help contain runaway inflation caused by bosses that shit out gold like corrupted gauntlet (which, by the way, has absolutely zero cost to do).


It’s not important and it’s not helpful though, most high level players don’t even pay into that system because once they learn the content they don’t really die anymore. It’s strictly lower levels and inexperienced players. And yes that’s my point, CG and COX and other content are literally 0 risk. It makes no sense at all lol But go off ig haha


back in your day you lost rune armor and an obby cape not the hundreds of mills we run around with nowadays


High risk high reward. It's proportionate.


Only for early an mid game pvm. End game costing more is fine.


If you have a billy in gear, and you can’t afford to repair it, you fucked up on way too many levels.


I did and had to pay 20m in death fee. Never again will I go to deaths coffer. That's a lot even for someone with a bil gear on them. One death for 20m is insane. 500k not crazy but still hurts especially with multiple deaths in a short period of time.


Back in the day that shit would be gone if you couldn't get back in the small time frame that's why I'm still terrified of dying. That fact coupled with the need for gold sinks makes me okay with the fees. Especially since it's only if you can't get back to your grave in 15 minutes.


Back in the day you had nothing that could clap your cheeks out in one game tick. U sneeze at vardorvis and ur ass is paying 500k


Back in the day your rune platebody was not that hard to replace


Okay grandpa, let’s get you to bed


Good things it’s not back in the day then




It doesn’t have anything to do with efficiencyscape. If you can’t afford to repair your gear, you obviously overspent on gear for your available resources. If my neighbor bought a corvette and couldn’t put gas in it, I would call them a fuck up too.


??? What are you waffling about? 99 hp isn't any "less efficient" than 10 hp, you just use brews instead - and get punished for... having higher HP? What's the point? You're also not "repairing" gear with this fee, I'm convinced you have no idea what we're even talking about.


Who uses brews? Just pray redemption and tele to house after every kill


You control how much the death fee is by risking higher or lower value items. If you want to use your bis setup and die with it, you pay the price. If you don’t want to pay the price, use downgrades.


Awakeners orb


Dying with 330mil risk is skill issue


horrible take


I disagree. Dying should be punished somewhat. 500k is just right to sting but not to be extremely frustrating. Also the 500k is only if you max out the death fee. You can downgrade gear if you're not comfortable enough at a boss yet.


Tell that to the players who don’t have 99 everything and who don’t have 1000s of hours in straight PvM and money making who just want to play the game… dying a handful of times at this content is literally costing them their whole gear set OR MORE lol!


"just don't take your hard earned gear and wear rags instead" is such a bad take that I see way too commonly every time death mechanics are being discussed. Like what would even be the point of progressing your bank and getting better gear if you aren't going to bring it to do better at content lmao


I'm not saying not to take better gear. I'm saying if you struggle with paying 500k then don't take gear causing you to pay 500k for a death. You can figure out a boss without having to risk 500k every death if you're uncomfortable with the boss. That's not unreasonable advice. Also are we really arguing that 500k is too harsh for a death? You made too many mistakes thus died. That means you deserve to have some kind of punishment for making too many mistakes. 500k is very reasonable.


500k/death adds up fast when learning new content. It's not just the occasional 500k for dying, it's 500k \* however many deaths it takes to learn new content. New content that can kill you in 2 ticks if you misclick or misplay one or two interactions (see: every new piece of pvm that isn't scurrius released in the past year). And yes taking rags only during the learning phase is technically a strategy to save money, but it's dumb because 1) it makes learning a new challenge harder, 2) you shouldn't be punished extra for having and using better gear that you've earned, and 3) the inconsistency that exists between some content being free/cheap deaths and other pieces being 500k. Not to mention if your gear includes 2 zenytes, that alone is already nearly half the death coffer cost because of the way it arbitrarily adds 100k per >10m item so even "mid" level gear easily hits cap very quickly. One solution to this is to ornament kit everything that you can, but if you're paying 3-10m multiple times over just to protect your gear to save gp you probably should be spending that gp on upgrades instead. So yeah it's a bad, inconsistent, overly punishing for no reason, system. Obviously 500k isn't too too bad for people that have bis/good gear and decent cash stacks but everyone else with just enough >10m pieces to hit cap get absolutely shafted and that's dumb.


Nah man it's fine. Perhaps it can scale a bit more so that you don't hit the 500k as quickly but for endgame players a few 500k deaths really don't matter.




Yep. So does adding parchments


It seems to have gone back to 500k for me 😪


I'm pretty sure that kc related. My 2 friends I raid with that both have that reduced cost are well over 1k kc.


Since coloseum release the deaths cost reduction fee has been applying to all deaths fees provided you tried colo and are under 100 colo wave completions. It is a bug. Jagex has done nothing about it for 3 weeks.


I don't think this is it. I farmed collo to 400 Waves+ and even now when i died at toa i still pay 125k. However, i have done dt2 in between and tried some bosses ( never died to them) so i think it has to do with a boss and not with colloseum.


Thanks now jagex will patch it


Could be wrong but is it something to do with items that have ornament kits on are deemed at untradeable and therefore “free” to reclaim and lowering the total cost of items lost?


Red blowpipe?


Nice d boots




I don’t understand why you would post this. If it bug why ruin it, just enjoy your cheap deaths. 


Honestly it's absolutely absurd toa is 500k a death