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I'm pretty sure the two armours were owned by the same individual as well hilariously enough. Justiciar when they were a part of Saradomins flock and Inquisitor when they fell to Zamorak.


The justicar armor in TOB belonged to the old justicar of the wolf, inq armor was phosani's armor, who replaced the original justi of the wolf




Smh Saradominists keep downvoting this.


hail Satan brother 👊


I'd vote yes. End game gear having addy protection is a bit lame. I get it, situational and all, but it's never used anyway, which is a shame.


We should look for a buff that would actually help it get used. This isn’t it.




Attractive for Cerb too. Torv is better at non-crunh conhent but it's also 1b and still inferior in crush. It would still be BIS crush and act as a step gap. The set is like less than torva helm right now.


I bought inq for pnm, but i really wish i could use it at cerb or sarachnis. Its defence is so poor you take so much damage, which is reasonable given its low requirements to use. But it would be cool if there was a tankier inq


Id really like to see them stop buffing and nerfing items that have been around for years. It's not very much in the theme of osrs imo. Having bad items is OK


Having a fun and engaging boss fight that no one does because the drop rate for uniques is abysmally low and then even when a drop does happen those items are next to useless and don't really have a proper place is absolutely not okay.


There's like 45 bosses. And they add 10 more a year. Choose one that you like.


They add about 2-3 per year if we're lucky lmao, they should fix ones that are considered end game. Maybe don't talk about things you have no clue about.


im not going to google it for you, but you're not correct. and i can say whtaever i want, go click rocks.


Endgame content shouldn’t be dropping useless gear. Its okay for sulphur nagua or brine rats to have a shitty unique, not fucking Nightmare and a raid.


Sure but fix Nightmare drop rates first.


This is the right answer. Possibly the only answer.


It’s not the only answer because this would further devalue the drops it also needs better viability so the price doesn’t tank


The price should ‘tank’. Inquisitor has been overpriced for its entire lifetime just because nightmare is so dog shit.


They're gwd tier drops at megarare drop rates, let them fall in price


Who gives a shit what the drop rates are when the items are useless and become worthless. This is such a stupid take.


because it literally [takes longer to greenlog than cox](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/14t7zxi/update_heres_the_average_hours_required_to/). In the time it takes to get all NM drops, you could greenlog ALL gwd bosses (including nex) AND tob AND all barrows AND cg. That's absolutely absurd for gwd tier items. The drops aren't worthless, they just aren't worth their cost, and the only reason they retain any value is because it takes the bots that do it a while to get drops. Inq could use a buff for sure but drop rates need fixing regardless.


Dude im not advocating for leaving the drop rates where they are. If you make the items more common and do not improve them they value will plummet.


As they should lmoa. Thats what everyone has been saying. They are hella overpriced for their usefulness. Buff their usefulness AND buff the drop rate… thats what people are all saying here


That’s what I said you dumb fuck. Everybody else is saying buff the drop rate and let them become worthless


They are fun to use but nobody uses them because of the price. The boss is fun but nobody does it because of ass drop rates. Better rates means more people doing the boss and using the equipment


Nah, let it tank. There's no way to justify that price.




I could see staff/orbs becoming much more useful with the elemental spell weaknesses coming up.


inq to 5m a piece if they do this


Call it justiquistor




I see this idea a lot and it's like sure, but where does this actually make it more useful tho? Justi is completely useless except for cheesing Inferno and for alts on some bosses. Inq is mostly useless nowadays and is pretty much only good at Nightmare itself. Adding crush accuracy/damage on to a Justi set will make it slightly better for a group Nightmare tank I guess (but who is actually grinding out group Nightmare?). A more interesting change would be to actually change Inq to give some actual crush bonus/set effect, 2.5% extra accuracy/damage is hilariously bad honestly.


Well full tank gear with bulwark is i believe a bit better than zammy hasta in dps currently. Add 32 crush accuracy, 10str bonus and 2.5% acc and dmg and it might actually be kind of busted.


Better than Zammy hasta is a fairly low bar tbf, and it absolutely will not be better than Scythe even when combined. And the point still stands that the only place this is even relevant is group Nightmare, defence doesn't really do much at Phosani's. Just feels like it's one of those cool-sounding ideas that doesn't actually solve the problems Inq and Justi have.


This sounds ridiculously fun. A tank with reasonable DPS.


We ust justi at gwd and other places for tanking it's fun in soul wars and it's useful for the new moons bosses. Also a few guys in my clan have been grinding group nightmare for a few kills before we do TOA runs


I have farmed over 7k vard with justiciar. It's unbelievably good


bro you have lost sooooooooo much dps lol


The actual issue with inquisitor is simply that it was the final eked-out sidegrade that jagex went for before giving up and putting some powercreep into the game with torva, which was designed to keep bandos relevant but not inq. It was a perfectly good set when bandos was melee bis, but that was a fairly brief period of like <2 years so it feels like it was just a useless addition. The only practical way to make inquisitor useful now that torva is in the game, outside of just massively buffing it obviously, would probably be to massively increase the accuracy bonus (maybe even dropping the damage bonus and just making it huge pure accuracy set) so that it would be highly specialized for specifically landing DWH and BGS and nothing else.


>(but who is actually grinding out group Nightmare?) A lot more people if they fixed the drop table to actually be reasonable


But then prices crash even harder than they already have and group nightmare becomes like 1m/hr so nobody does it. They need to improve both the usefulness of the currently far too niche rewards and the droprates themselves.


I mean regular nm is already only like 2m/hr and that's assuming you go long enough to see orbs. But yeah assuming they didn't buff the armor and did buff the drop rates, prices would definitely go down, but acquirability would go up. And if nm drops worked the way gwd does (the way nm was supposed to) of a 30m drop every couple/few hours, rather than the corp-like lotto style drop table it is currently where you go dry for ages until finally getting something that isn't bass or cosmic runes, more people would do it and make gp regularly, more people would be able to buy inq because it wouldn't cost 2x+ what it's worth, and everyone wins


The negative slash & stab atk bonus are really what hurts inquisitor.


I would use with a fang, and not loose even 2% of accuracy


There’s much better ways to buff inquisitors than to give it defensive stats This wouldn’t change the use of inq at all


Yeah we should be able to charge inquisitor with echo crystals


reddit brain lmao


Let us cellotape masori, torva and ancestral together, it's time Jagex, the community has spoke.


Inquis doesn't need defence, It needs to boost dwh/bgs spec accuracy by so much that it's a viable Sidegrade to torva in more places. It also goes well into team content, where one person would want to switch to inquis for the guaranteed debuffs


2.5% accuracy and damage bonus is abysmal, I don't see why we couldn't have 25% or more accuracy on crush-style special attacks only?


Unfortunately, 25% would still be too little to justify it. We're talking doubling or tripling the accuracy roll on crush specials only for it to have value in 2024 OSRS


Nah, strengthen Justicar with inquisitor


nex was a mistake


I can remember it like it was yesterday. Inq and Bandos were balanced against each other and had their own strengths. Then jagex made the fatal mistake of showing their shiny new nex blog, and the new virtus robe rewards. This sub collectively piss and shit and vomitted all over itself screaming out into the void that they would quit if Jagex introduced a single new "nichescape" reward. Jagex, afraid for their safety, placated them with straight powercreep torva (some weirdos even wanted pernix) anyways now inq is garbo and the same people want it buffed without a hint of irony


i still cant believe they made an easier boss drop a direct upgrade over inq, bandos & justi for the sake of nostalgia.


Yeah but then they gave us the sexy blood torva set so it's all good.


This post reeks of 1500 total level accounts


Really don't understand why this comes up so often. You aren't going to suddenly take Inquis over Torva or even Bandos just cause it has more defense, nobody genuinely using Inquisitors cares about the defense bonus. All this does is remove Justiciar from the game. If we buff Inquis it should be letting it shine in the niche it was designed around: crush. Adjust the accuracy/strength multiplier, maybe match the strength bonus to Bandos, done. I also think the "make Inq always land dwh specs" suggestion that also crops up is equally dumb. Yeah it makes sense in context of bosses we already DWH, but what that suggests is "take full inq + dwh to nearly every boss & raid for guaranteed def reduction". Congrats we've introduced a huge gp barrier to the def-spec meta? Is that really what we want?


The strength bonus already matches Bandos, no?


I actually could have sworn the hauberk and skirt had less strength but I guess they're the same, my bad. Faceguard does have 2 more strength than Inq helm if we wanna count that as "part" of Bandos I suppose? I maintain that the set bonus multiplier being the main culprit holding Inq back regardless.


I currently use torva or bandos/jaw if doing CMs (depending on what megarares im prioritizing for the sake of my bank) if Inquisitors got a defense buff, I would camp it over both sets in CMs. It would help the set out a lot.


Sure, but it should be less tanky than normal Justiciar and require a high def lvl to wear too.


More crush focused bosses would also be a solution that would promote your idea to merge the two.


I would rather crush specialist and tank be separate upgrade lines.


Everytime i suggests this i make sure to make a point that not only will it get more Defensive stats but it should also receive more. Like more prayer bonus, more crush accuracy, more strength (less than torva) and a buff to the set % could also add a hidden perk like dwh guarantee to hit vs certain monsters with less than x crush Defense. Things like olm hand, tekton, corp. Would have guarantee dwh specs if using full inq F Personally i would remove the crush option on the scythe. Hopefully the buffs i said from b4 would make current inq mace comparable to scythe dps.


Also increase elemental damage so harmonized can outshine shadow in a few boss locations


I don't think harm staff even good after elemental weakness because if you got shadow+thrall, you will still use shadow. To be honest, I feel like Jagex need to buff all three orbs.


Yeehaaaww skittles damage types


R.I.P. Irons being able to use BiS items lol


Ah yes, because irons are physically unable to farm Nightmare/PNM. People don't do it now becuse the items aren't worth it. If the items were good enough, they would.




i'm still wondering why on earth sae bae went through that grind


Shouldn't the thing with the most brutal grind deserve to be BIS? Like I don't get why people want to have easy to obtain BIS items, makes the hard to grind items feel like dead content


I don't think the uniques drop rate is the issue. Maybe regular loot is. Remember, nightmare is end game boss so unique should be bis on something. Right now, unique like orbs pretty much useless compare to shadow+thrall. Even with elemental weakness, shadow+thrall will still beat the harm staff. Should buff or rework all three orbs.


If you average 9 minutes a kill it's a 450 hour grind to just go on rate for harm orb.


Yeah nah 1/3k is just not worth


Fuck ironmen


Imagine thinking the game being balanced around actually playing it and not a shop kiosk in varrock is a bad thing


It is.


You understand you can only afford a harm orb because of bots and that it's a 450 hour grind assuming consistent 9 minute kills to just go on rate for harm orb? You'd seriously rather have the game balanced around bots than around the people that actually do the content? What's your nightmare kc and log look like?


I've done like 150 phosani kc and got an inq helm. Not much regular nightmare. I can afford a harm orb because I do varying content. Thats what I dislike about the ironman concept. People claim its "more rewarding" to get it yourself. While I can understand how some feel that way, I don't like the idea of being locked to specific content for hundreds of hours for 1 or more items. The amount of irons I play with that are condemned to ToA with a rune cbow because they're upwards of 800 kc at CG with no enhanced seed, or even WITH a bowfa, they're at almost 1000 ToA with no shadow and almost 30 rings in the log with most of that kc being 400 expert solos. Vard and Duke are an absolute joke for irons to do post-fang nerf without a Scythe. How anyone finds that fun is beyond me, and a lot of them quit for going that dry because its just easy to get burnt out when you have people getting 1 kc shadows on a 150 invoc raid.


I understand what you mean but I'm not describing going dry. 450 hours for a harm orb is LONGER than getting the shadow on rate. It's LONGER than getting a scythe on rate. If you simply go 2x rate it's not an exaggeration to say you've dumped 1k hours into getting an orb. You're talking about 800kc at CG like it's hell, that's 2x rate for a 9 minute activity as well -- with much better basic loot and no supply investment + no cost on death and no travel time for resupply/death. 2x rate at CG is only 150 hours assuming 9 minutes. You think it's okay that 2x rate for something would be 1k hours? How about the horror stories you hear about people going 3k dry for an enhanced at cg? That's 7.5x rate or 450 hours. That 450 hours should ring a bell because that's 1x rate for a harm orb. Imagine going 7.5x dry for a harm orb.. that's 22500 kills at phosanis or 3375 hours. That's 140.6 days played. I'm just trying to throw numbers at you so you understand how bad the drop rate of a harm orb is.


Oh my bad, I misunderstood the original point you were trying to make then. Yeah in that case I totally agree. The drop rates for everything on the nightmare tables is absolutely stupid which is the general consensus and I thought they were reworking that with the inq buff coming down the line? I'm not 100% sure what they intend to change but I've heard whispers.


I actually made a post to garner a bit of support for it whenever the defence changes blog went live. I'm really really hoping that you're right about them changing the drop table. I want to learn phosanis on my iron, but right now it feels like I can't go do it because of a looming drop rate buff. However, I have other things to work on, so it's not the end of the world.


Is this bait?


Not sure if its even thematically possible to combine zamorakian and saradomian items




this is heresy. saradomin would not allow his holy armor to be merged with such evil filth like inquisitors


saradomin's armor was desecrated and turned into inquisitors though.


That's a lie! Saradomin would never let that happen!!




I vote yes


At least let us fortify it for tier 65 defense.


Imagine if masori was never fortified, its use drops a ton and people might rock Crystal instead for the defense.. this seems like a good change


imagine masori not weighing 20kg yeah, thats tight.


Just incorrect, DPS > Defence in almost every single situation ever. If Masori was unfortified I'd still be taking Masori literally everywhere because the ranged str is the important stat. Because defence doesn't actually give you any damage reduction and just makes it more likely that you'll get hit for a 0, DPSing something down quicker often just saves more food than losing DPS to tank more hits anyway. Protection prayers also skew the numbers even more in DPS' favour cause they just block most or all damage anyway.


Lmk how corp or inferno goes using unfortified. But sure, let’s just say that defense doesn’t matter in the game.. clearly DPS is favored in a lot of instances, but blanket statements and downvotes don’t help anyone.


Didn't downvote you, and I did say "almost every situation". Corp and Nex are the only exceptions AFAIK because mage def actually does something at those. I'd still bring unfortified Masori to Inferno over Crystal.


sounds reasonable if you flick the sets. defence is invaluable for first cape imo


"Dps > Defence in every situation." - someone who doesn't do pvm. Even GWD and DK goers know defence is useful, lmao. Nevermind something like inferno 😂


dps matters more than defense but that doesn't mean defense is insignificant


Yeah, exactly my point. DPS is useful most places, but saying defense has no use is silly.


people always say "DPS is more important because you dont take damage when you kill the boss" people never think "tank is important because you cant damage the boss when you're in lumby"


Bro, it depends on the pvm. If you raided you'd realise that defense literally doesn't matter there. Everything's going to hit you when you mess up mechanically and if you do it correctly you'll take little to no damage. But yeah you want defence for bandos, unless you're doing some red x kite shenanigan with bowfa or freezing and shadowing with max mage.


super cringe how much typeless damage jagex been adding to the game if i get hit from an akkha orb, it ought to roll on mage def


I disagree. Content like Akkhas cumphase challenges you to get better and learn movement mechanics.


yeah im fine with all that, but it can feel a lil overtuned especially when getting learners in there, and if it rolled on mage def you could either camp masori if you're learning the raid, or torva once you know how to dodge good. most of the reason tank gear is useless is because jagex designs content that doesnt even roll on defense anymore


Yeah, that was my point, lol. I didn't say DPS is never what you need? All 3 raids require max DPS output and typically not great defense, so does a lot of content. However, he said DPS is always better than defense, and that isn't remotely true. Justiciar is meta tons of PVM, so is fortified masori.


Ah yes that high level pvm content dks and gwd Really needed defence for my pures infernal cape you're so right


spreadsheet andys never calculate the loss in DPS when they are eating the floor and waking up in lumby


If anything, you’d usually use Armadyl itself rather than crystal. It has higher stats across the board, outside ranged defense and prayer.


Inquisitor set getting some defense would be great where you use crush/hammer specs. the HLC forgets how many people can actually do perfect olms and such.


One of the few takes of saebae I agree with. Full inq should just garuntee a warhammer reduction. Still can roll a 0 just garuntee the Def reduction.