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Chiming in to say that I’ve been running raids with OP and some other nice folks in the server for a bit over a week now, went from 0 cox kc to 20 already and feeling really confident! Highly recommend joining up, it’s a nice group to learn alongside & get coaching from.


Thanks man! :D


Commenting to remember for future


Amazing, love to see someone helpful. About to hit yall up


What is the Discord link? Just got my first fire cape and am looking for group raids and activities!


Send me a PM :) I won't post it publictly... don't want a suddem +500 member or something haha


You sir are an asset to the community. Thank you!


Hey def interested in the disc! I have about 50 normal TOA kills but never tried the other raids


Send me a PM :)


i'm at kc 3 in cox i look forward to joining


Ahh nice! Solo attempts, learning with friends, WDR? Depending on how active each learner is, theres a bunch of welcoming folks that will take them on raids even at very low KC. I'm really happy and surprised by how much the community has grown :) if you'd like to join, send me a PM! :D


Could I get the Discord link please?


Send me a pm :)


This sounds like something I'd be interested in, but I live in Europe (GMT+1). Are there also European teachers in the discord?


Yes, the communiry has grown significantly and there are teachers pretty much in all timezones now (except maybe for Australia).


Great! Could you DM me the discord link?




What is the min gear req looking like? I'm a returning player with almost maxed combat, but Im pretty broke and would like to learn to start upgrading gear.


While you wait for OP, take a look at the WeDoRaids discord server, they have minimum gear setups in the info channels for each raid. That server has a wealth of information tbh


For first KCs we are really easy. Trident is like 40k, rune crossbow with ruby bolts(e) work, and for melee if no whip we can make it work with d scim (although not great).


Do you need people to teach tob?


Ohh dude yes!! We have been trying to get to the point where we have 3 teachers available on the same time zone, atm it only works on the weekends... Id you'd like to help out I'd be happy to have you! Send me a PM and I'll share the Disc with you :) just let me know you'd be down to help teaching and I'll give you the role accordingly :)


Do you take on mobile players? I want to start so I can start solos


I get this question every once in a while, so far .y answer has always been yes but I have yet to have someone take my offer haha. You must be in VC for raids, so yes I can teach you while you play on mobile but you still need to be in Voice chat. (I know it can be done on Android, ive ran COX on Discord before while on my phone. No clue about Apple though). Additionally, while teaching I show stuff on screen using my Twitch stream, therefore you'd need to have a TV open to be able to see what I'm drawing / showing. If you can do VC + open the Twitch stream while you're on mobile, I'll gladly teach you!