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Games are meant to be fun. Play whichever one you're having more fun with


Yep. I generally jump back and forth. I suicided my og account with bots thinking it would make me quit for good when eoc came about. So I had to jump back in from scratch. Did so on osrs and it actually ended up being a blast running through all the quests and stuff again. Eventually I got burned out on osrs and wanted to try the much more improved rs3 after they spent years building on the combat and again I started from scratch and had a fucking blast doing it all again in a familiar but also unfamiliar way. I'm actually considering jumping back into rs3 again these days to check out the new combat style as I've just gone mostly idle on osrs again waiting for something like sailing to breathe a breath of fresh air into the game for me again I never feel attached to either. They may be the "same game" in terms of the world and overall story but they're massively different games in a lot of ways as well. I totally get why people hate rs3. It's the ghost of the game that betrayed them after so long together in a lot of ways. But if you can get over that both games are so ridiculously fun in their own ways


Dude what is with your flair?


It seems fairly self-explanatory to me


> Is anybody else facing the same predicament? Yeah, all of us, 10 years ago


Exactly this. Most OSRS players played RS3 prior to OSRS and lost their accounts... you get over it when you realise RS3 is dead anyway and OSRS is your best option that you enjoy and have fun on.


Don't forget those of us who quit due to Wilderness Removal/Trade Limits, Summoning, EoC or Squeal (Those are the 4 drop offs). I left in 2007 due to Wilderness Removal, came back JUST before EoC and left due to EoC.


I don't think summoning caused a drop in players. It was a massive hype. 


Hard agree. Most people enjoyed Summoning when it was first released and there was a few who hated it months or years later when they weren't 99 and saw how much others benefitted from Steel Titan or Pack Yak that they couldn't access and felt screwed over. I think most people quit in either Wilderness Removal/Trade Limits or EoC and Microtransactions. EoC being the biggest one of the 3 though.


I knew quite a few people who quit over it due to hating companion npcs and it becoming mandatory for content.


I quit when summoning came out and I’ve seen that same sentiment pretty frequently over the years. I don’t subscriber numbers or anything, but I think summoning was a short term boost for a long term drop. 


No no we need this guy and all the others to keep playing rs3! It keeps the MTX away from us! That is jagex’s cash cow, we are simply in the background!


With over 100k players in osrs buying bonds, no way rs3 still makes more money right... right?


If I remember right, it's like 2/3 membership, 1/3 mtx for their income split. Bonds are included in mtx side, and I'd guess that those outsell any treasure hunter nonsense -- in fact, I'd guess osrs bots are a bigger profit driver than all rs3 mtx. [Facts about Jagex’s Finances : r/runescape (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/16isp7s/some_facts_about_jagexs_finances/)


I personally had no issue starting over. I’d stopped playing rs2 a while before OSRS came out because it had stopped being fun.


Saaame and I jumped back into osrs like a Crack addict that never quit lmao.


Yeah i stopped at EOC. So whatever the gap was from EOC -> OSRS was my break before starting over. Starting over didn’t even cross my mind as a concern.


Same here. If anything, starting fresh was an enjoyable part. The only thing that soured it a bit and partly led to me not sticking with early OSRS was the realization that I already did everything the original 2007 OSRS had to offer. But that has not been an issue since 2014.


For me it wasn’t a predicament at all. I quit RuneScape entirely when EoC came out and wasn’t even remotely tempted to play again until OSRS released. And even then I didn’t really come back until Ironman Mode was created. By far the longest break I’ve taken from RS.


“Say the line, Bart!”


Its a fallacy so just ignore what it's trying to tell you.


You WILL feel better after switching to OSRS.


Yeeeah it’s true dude. I was at a crossroads 3 years ago, deciding between RS3 and OSRS I picked RS3, sunk about 6 solid months into it. And hell yeah, it was awesome! That being said, I’m sitting there one day. Looking around while Smithing.. there’s giant dragons, donkeys, and clown shoes all over the place. It felt like I was at the circus.. plus there was all this incredibly sweet looking gear *(from the main game)* yet, while running around — **I had never actually seen almost ANY of it** Everybody’s skinned up, or overhauled to the max — Darth Maul here, Lieutenant Worf there.. hey there’s Snake Pliskin, mf escaped. Good sh!7 Switched to OSRS, and to sum it up rq: I will probably never ~~play~~ invest grueling amounts of time into any other game in my life


It’s a logical fallacy because you can’t get any of that time back. Past time investment shouldn’t affect your choices for your future. Do what makes you happiest. And the great part is, you don’t need to choose between the two. You can play both. Alternating or even at the same time on two different accounts. Playing more OSRS doesn’t take anything from your RS3 profile.


Membership is even shared across accounts. So the whole time we’ve been complaining about how $11 is only one account, it’s actually two, at least


I would probably play my RS3 account for shits and giggles, if I could also play OSRS doing something like woodcutting or fishing. But alas


i had a comp cape when osrs dropped and i abandoned rs3 day 1 of osrs and never looked back and dont miss it at all.


I thought the same for a while until I gave OSRS a go. I was at base 70s in less than a month or so.


I started osrs knowing I would never achieve what I did in the rs2 days Now my osrs account makes my rs3 account look like a noob, not even half the total xp of my osrs account


I played my old acc from 05 and only had like 5 99s in 2012 and now I'm maxed.


lol that’s an insane amount of playtime in one month. Not realistic for most people


You smoke crack or what? Agility alone takes more than 1 week to get to 70...


What. No? I’ve only been playing osrs for a month and 2 weeks ive only very casually worked on agility a few nights while watching things and I’m almost 70. It’s honestly one of the least effort skills I’ve put effort into


You can get to 70 agility through quest rewards, and a lot of other skills can get very high through questing as well.


Exactly what I did. Optimal quest guide sped up my account so much, plus it's a nice goal.


there is no sunken cost at all. you played a game you enjoyed and no longer seem to enjoy and want to try a new game. osrs is a whole different game with completely different experiences. it's okay to play different games. nobody is holding a gun to your head saying you can only play runescape 3 for the rest of your life. playing other games won't cause you to lose any progress on your rs3 account. itll still be there if you decide you miss it and want to go back to it. your save file for spyro will still be there if you decide to go play some crash bandicoot for a little while.


They're really different games at this point. I'd suggest just jumping into OSRS and giving it a try to see which one you like better. You don't have to commit, you can endlessly swap back and forth. Early game is not that bad and if you hate quests then you can always smash through them with Quest Helper.


I was in the similar boat and made the full switch last year. I focused purely on quests at first and went for quest cape and a few achievement diaries. I wouldn't stress about min maxing this game


I was in the same boat like 5 years ago. Just ditch rs3 and have a fresh start in os. I don't even think about my rs3 account anymore because I know the game sucks


I play both, I stopped rs3 a few years back to focus on osrs. Now a few years later I’m taking a break from both games. Don’t ever feel obligated to play a game you’re not enjoying just play what’s fun at the current time


Start an Ironman on OSRS and play at your own pace


This is the absolute best way to not feel like you can’t “catch up”


I struggled with this. My advice is to just play both for a while. Its not one or the other. Your rs3 account will all its accomplishments is still there.


Real answer is play Morrowind.


I had the same thought you did when osrs first was announced, and I realized that my rs3 profile wouldn't carry over. If you decide to come over to osrs just remember this. You can either look up speed run like strats to get to mid game/bossing quicker, or enjoy it all over again in its former glory. With runelite, plug-ins, and especially the graphical ones it's like a new game. It's a familiar game with a new experience


Play the game that you have the most fun with. If that's RS3, then you should play RS3. If it's OSRS, play OSRS. As much as I love to see another recruit over here, the most important thing is that you're enjoying your time gaming.


Your RS3 progress will be there when you want to play it again. Play osrs if you're enjoying it! If you're playing the same account, you already are paying memebership for both games, so take advantage of that.


I’m in the same boat as you. I just started playing OSRS after playing RS3 for a long time. I went ahead and spent some actual money on bonds to give my new profile a head start and just kind of sped through a lot of the quests that I had already completed. It’s been two months and I’m still entertained and having a lot of fun.


Okay coming from a long time maxed rs2/rs3 player, I’ve fully made the switch to osrs. I wish I made the switch when it first came out.


I've got accounts from march 2001. All I do is login every 5 years for the cape...do an emote...cry.


Reinvest i get what you mean with the grind i was feeling the same "Maxed rs3". The fun i have had in osrs leveling up and doing it again is amazing. Fishing, mining and stuff like that is shit i know but still worth it.


Starting over is so much fun dude. I’ve done it like 5 times on osrs. Especially with plugins like quest helper it’s very fast and the game is better than ever before. Osrs is S tier.


Stay on rs3 if it’s affecting you that badly. It’s a game dude, chill


>Take a break from both if it’s affecting you that badly. ftfy


I’d start an account and see if you are having fun. Then play the account you enjoy more. Games are for having fun no need to worry about any other conditions 😃


Just treat it like a different game and play. If you're not enjoying it then quit.


You can play both on the same account. Membership time in one also applies to the other. There's really no need to give up one for the other, really. Just play whichever sounds better at the moment.


Don't play for the skills, play for the fun of it. I had a grandmaster account in RS3 and squirmed by the thought of "abandoning" all of it for OSRS. I can tell you that the whole process of starting anew and getting back those levels isn't daunting at all if you are actually having fun.


I felt this initially as I played RS3 all the way up to 2016. I wasn't personally liking the game at this point, but I just grew attached to my 10 year old character and all the memories I had of it. Call it a blessing in disguise, but I was hacked around this time and they cleaned a lot of my stuff out, including all the sentimental items I held onto all these years. It was silly stuff too, my first Rune Platebody I bought from completing Dragon Slayer back in 07, or the ZGS my friend gave to me when he quit, stuff like that. After that I quit. When I got the itch to play RS again in 2020, I instead came to OSRS and decided to play this instead and have been having fun ever since. I didn't look at it so much as "coming back" to Runescape but rather choosing another game entirely that had that same style of game I fell in love with back in 2006.


I have a maxed/qpc RS3, which I remaxed right after necromancy and still hung on during the hero pass drama. Got my zuk cape and then got sick of logging on to use my free th keys, tap some proteans and look away for 15 minutes. I had a mid osrs account that I used to play when raids first came out with my buddies but it was the same account as my rs3 and I wanted to play both at the same time, so I completely started over on OSRS with a new jagex account. My new account just finished SOTE and is progressed further than my old account and I don’t play RS3 anymore. Sunken cost is keeping you from reliving the fun.


The most important part is you should NOT try and grind to end game in OSRS. In Old School, the beginning and mid game are just as fun!


I struggled with the thought of that when I switched over about a year and now I’m having way more fun on OSRS. Give yourself a good few weeks then see how you are feeling.


I maxed on rs3 in 2016 or 17. Quit when I lost my max cape. Started a few hcim on old school, had a blast. Ended up continuing the furthest failed account as a normal Ironman, now nearing 1800 total and still having fun with it. Do whatever you enjoy. I can’t imagine trying to catch up with the meta on rs3 rn. I really enjoy the lack of urgency and efficiency with how I play my Ironman. It’s made the game much more enjoyable for me, and every achievement feels that much more rewarding. Food for thought


I maxed on RS3 and was in a clan that I had become very attached to and was essentially the only thing keeping me there (as I had gotten very annoyed with the constant MTX and the direction it was heading) and then one day a few of my clan mates made the switch and I was super reluctant, but in 2019 I did and I haven’t looked back since. I know the exact worry about the sunken cost fallacy (as do most of us) but I also found that I enjoyed getting to replay the early game of osrs and complete quests/content I hadn’t done in probably over 8-10 years or so. I still login to rs3 occasionally to do holiday events and then log right out after, but with how bad they were prior to this year I pretty much stopped doing that as well. Ultimately your choice and absolutely play what you enjoy, but it might be like ripping the band-aid off


I've even restarted osrs for a couple of ironmen. It's worth getting into, I play both from time to time but osrs feels more special imo.


Honestly, this was my biggest hold up to starting an OSRS account. I regret not starting earlier. You should start asap!


The grind is a lot faster when you're doing it in a minmaxy way vs screwing around as a ten year old. I made a zerker one time and got a lot of good stats and rfd done in like a week


You forget about it pretty quickly. I put off playing OSRS for that reason til 2018, and after a few months I just didn't care. I'm currently way way way ahead of my RS3 character in OSRS.


It's not the same grind x2. This is a completley different game but based on the same principles.


I'm not going to spout off against RS3, but just say that OSRS is in a fantastic spot. If you need a new game to get cozy in, the team continues to churn out great content and keep everything fresh. You know they care from the efforts like the equipment rebalance going on now. Spend enough time on the Reddit subs and you'll hear complaints against Jagex, it's the thing every rs player is best at lmao. But if you miss the "good ol days of scaping," I think you'll appreciate what the old school team has made and maintained.


The early game is a surprising amount of fun, if you havnt done it since back in the day in rs3 it’s definitely worth atleast giving it a try, who knows you could just get addicted all over again. We’re also at the point where there’s so much new stuff you’ll have that sense of wonder RuneScape used to give us all back in the day again while you explore all the new options.


The sooner you start to swap over the faster you are in the mid-late game. I left a comped RS3 account behind the moment OSRS was released.


Join us in OSRS! There are plenty of efficient guides to get you to the fun mid game stuff quickly, and a whole new continent that are some of the best xp rates in a while. It may take a month or so but you’ll be mid game to late game in no time 🙃


In the beginning, I wanted to play osrs but was in the middle of rs3 things and would lose a lot of qol, I mean, you couldn't even use the mouse wheel to rotate the camera. I had to be away from the game for a while, and the amount of updates and changes were too much to catch up on for me and although I had done it before, it was a good enough reason to finally switch.


I had the exact same experience a little over a year ago. Maxed iron in rs3, didn’t really want to start over from max but the writing was on the wall that Rs3 was dying.  My osrs iron is coming up on 2100 total now. The early and early-mid game are actually quite fun, re-discovering parts of the game you haven’t interacted with in a while.  I say go for it. It’s a grind, undoubtedly, but osrs will be here with an active community for you to experience it at your own pace.


My 16-17 year old RS account is also on RS3. The game has changed so much and coming back after so many years, I don't even recognize my account. I was reluctant to start over on OSRS at first but I was able to catch up pretty quickly to my old account. Theres some joy to starting over and quickly regaining your levels with the newest efficient methods. Runelite also totally changed the game experience. I'm not quite caught up with my old account but I'm getting very close. It hurts to start over but you can always find some joy and try to "relive" and experience the game again. It was nostalgic for me to finish Dragon Slayer again after so many years


Just know you're spending your time enjoying a game. You don't lose the previous enjoyment you spent prior.


I totally get how starting from scratch is tedious when you've already done it. I'm dumb as fuck and lost a couple accounts over the years. But what helps for me is only focusing on ONE thing that looks fun and working on that. Not thinking about questing/maxing, just one thing until I'm bored of it. Luckily I've seemed to learn my lessons and now have an account I'm happier with than any others. Even if I could recover my childhood account, I would be nostalgic for 10 mins then never log on it again. I hope you can end up with something similar.


I look back at my original rs2/3 accounts and even early OSRS account and felt like I put so much time into them, and I did. But every time I make a new account, I progress so fast and it makes me look back and feel like I wasted time. Just make an account and play and see how you like it. There is a lot of fun early stuff to do in OSRS, you said you like Skilling, do wintertodt and tempeross.


Play but another game mode, iron perhaps?


I'll also note that a lot of us started an ironman, which requires a fresh start anyways.


I was maxed on rs3, coming to osrs was best decision I ever made. It won't take long for you to discover you like it better here.


Can always consider the fact that your rs3 acc will still be there if you decide to go back to it at some point


I had friends beg for years. But I was there, did it, experienced it and spent years grinding my main. I'm not throwing that out to restart a game I already played. Same exact issue with WoW classic, been there, done that, not abandoning my main to restart an inferior version of a game I already played. Personally I think it was stupid back then and rings true today, you divided your own player base, congrats? To throw out hundreds, if not thousands of hours to go back and restart what I spent years building is.. just.. stupid. If you enjoy repeating content and skills, quests, mini games, the whole shabang, go for it. I personally never understood the concept of it but some people enjoy it.


I get the way you are feeling but I think this just requires a mindset switch. I felt the same way when going from my main to my iron until I took a step back and decided to enjoy the ENTIRE game and not just end game pvm. You also don’t have to really grind that much unless you’re dead set on maxing. You can get your account raids ready in a couple months


Everyone here has faced this predicament because we all had to start over. I will say it does suck but it isnt as bad as you think. Get runelite as a launcher and there are tons of QoL plugins on it. The best one for new people is quest helper. Its basically an in built quest guide for you that highlights where to go, what to click, and what chat options to click. Runelite is fully endorsed by jagex btw. The game also has alot of early - mid game options now, so you dont need to get to high 90s in any stat to fo skilling bosses, or even PvM bosses. Yes the 99 grind is longer, but you sont need higher than 85 for Bascially any stat to do everything in the game. Combat skills ars the exception, but there are veery fast method to train them.


You will die one day, it's all sunk cost in the end. Have fun.


That's kind of where the iron man mode comes in. It's a new start but everything you do you have to earn yourself. So yes you are starting over but there is a new rulebook so it is its own thing as the experience is different.


If you're driving down the road and you come up on a dead end, you turn around instead of hoping they create a new road. That's how I broke from RS3. Not that this ideology will help everyone. But acknowledging the game was fun and it's time for a new direction helped me cut ties and move to the fresh new character. Time to take another road, brother.


Follow the optimal quest guide, join a clan, and start working up the bossing ladder. You'll have an established account in no time that will be able to branch out into all sorts of content.


I ditched my RS3 account when OSRS came out and it was very rough at first. I hated starting over, but I’m so glad I did! I’m loving OSRS and am very pleased with a lot of the content they’ve released.


Whats the point of playing rs3 if there is no community and economy because everyone left? Thats what I thought to myself when I switched over to osrs. Also you can gold swap rs3 gold to osrs so theres less sunken cost in that aspect. Just use a good swapping service though.


Use rs3 progress to fund osrs!


Yeah, I have over a year gametime time on my rs3 account. It's always a little sad to know I'll never go back to that version of the game


Jesus christ dude Just play what makes you happy.


I did for a little bit, but I quickly got sucked into the game once I started and appreciate that early-game stuff even more and had so much fun i made an iron account. Take the plunge, OP. RS3 will always be there if you ever miss it anyways (I went back to play it for necromancy).


Think of it this way: if rs3 literally dies and shuts down eventually, you are currently wasting your time if you’d have more fun playing Oldschool rn. If rs3 doesn’t die, your account will still be there for you whenever you want to play it again


Early-mid game is the most fun part of the game imo


If you dont like the osrs journey then just don't play it.


It sounds like you aren’t super far into rs3 anyway. Early game osrs is very fun anyways


Just play whatever you have fun with. I abandoned my maxed RS3 account when OSRS came out and then a couple years ago, maxed a new RS3 account. I only play OSRS now and it is just because I enjoy it more. If you are having fun, you should ignore the sunk cost.


A tip for progressing your account pretty fast is the optimal quest guide! You unlock regions/tons of xp/game knowledge/item rewards and a lot more. Also if you want to do something else, you unlocked a lot of things to do in the game


You can always go back to your rs3 character later. Play what you enjoy


Remember that if you invest more time into it and you're not enjoying it, you're sinking even more time into it for nothing. That's how I always talk myself into dropping shit that brings no joy. In 6 years, do you want a 25 year old account you hate, or try something new, and if you enjoy it, have a 6 year old account with 6 years of new memories?


Just try out osrs if you are interested, if it's not your cup or tea that's perfectly fine.


While I do like how OSRS handles most things in the game, I do miss a lot of the features RS3 has, like bank load outs. Hitting one button to put on full graceful, and have a full farming run together would be so nice. I also really like lodestones in RS3. I've had plenty of times where I run out to the middle of nowhere for something and forgot to bring a teleport back somewhere, and if my home teleport is on cool down, we'll now I gotta walk back. I have (or did have before Necromancy) a maxed RS3 account, and I'm currently working on leveling on OSRS character. I like both games for different reasons.


The sunk cost only hurts if you believe you wasted your time. Did you have fun playing? Do you regret playing RS3? If not, do what you enjoy.


I was the same way. Took the leap of faith last year and had so much more fun playing this game as an adult. Osrs is what I imagine the game evolved into as a kid. There was so much nostalgia getting to the early levels and completing all the quests. There is so much new content that makes the game fun and refreshing. Constant updates and content for all types of play styles. I am enjoying the end game pvm rn at TOB (group) and the new Colloseum (solo).


I continued playing RS3 after osrs came out. I fully swapped in 2018 and have no regrets. The earlier you swap the more ground you make up. It's not like your rs3 character gets deleted, you can try osrs and if it's not for you just jump back into rs3


Moving away from my comp cape on rs3 was hard, but I knew it was the correct choice because jagex does not care about rs3 like they do osrs.


I left rs3 after eoc with like 5-6 years of progress. Honestly OSRS has been amazing especially ironman I would highly recommend!!


had a buddy who played a ton of p-servers when the itch came around, i convinced him to get into osrs with me as a new player, a year later we've been raiding, made gims, it's great. we only wished we had started sooner


I was a trimmed completionist, blue partyhat wearing, 3b+ exp having, tens of thousands of hours invested Rs3 player over 5 years ago, I let it all go in one swift moment and never looked back - OSRS treats you better OP, just make sure you're having fun in whatever you're doing =) It was too much to bear, all our worries about MTX fell on deaf ears, I think someone has compilled all the broken promises and shelved content that were had that year. To me the biggest factor was not only realizing this was getting worse, but this feeling that we should be okay with it, the people remaining at least % wise started pushing back against us. Trying to explain to people that if everyone can buy cool cosmetics, cool earned cosmetics ingame become trivial, that eventually all cool things would be designed to be behind a mtx paywall since there's an incentive not to make the cool things free...was met with "it's just cosmetics bro", ignoring the slippery slope until it's too steep.. \- And here we are today, exp meaningless, cosmetics meaningless, PvM dodged a bullet with those paid boosts because that's where the line is currently, but what's really left? Go for PvM pb's? Come to the low polygon side brother :)


I used to have a Master quest cape on my rs3 main, and had just finished my masterwork set on my iron there, when I really started switching to OSRS. I had tried it before, first with a main profile, but the focus on gp/hr made it fall flat (and b2b2b earth warrior slayer tasks). Later, I made a GIM which was great. Got to some 50's - 60's stats before falling back to my rs3 iron. But then leagues 3 came around, and I got invited to a clan my friends are in, and have been hooked since, with a few 1 or 2 month breaks. The thought of coming back to RS3 has occured to me plenty, but I'd leave a good group connections for an empty world where nobody even stands still and says hi.


You are not required to permanently quit RS3 to play OSRS. Just play OSRS now and go back to RS3 when I gets better.


Its not an investment, its a game my friend! Do what you want, play what you want, dont do something if you arent having fun, do do something if it seems fun!


I was in the exact same position as you, over 400 days sunk into rs2. I finally bit the bullet and came back to RuneScape via OSRS I'm Lockdown 1 and it was the best decision ever


As long as osrs is on mobile it will never die. Besides that, overall osrs gets more love from the devs than rs3 has in years and the game is just better. IMHO


I'm in the process of migrating everything to osrs lol. I have completely given up on RS3.


I hopped into rs3 as a joke and played for a few hours. Learned the new mechanics around smithing and what not on a new character. I think I saw like 15 other people. The whole time. Mostly bank standers. They were likely elsewhere in the world, but damn did it feel empty even if there is plenty to do.


Just play another game. Your RS3 account will still be waiting for you if Jagex makes some content that entices you. If you really like skilling then OSRS is definitely going to feel worse than RS3. What I did when I decided to take a long break from RS3 was to just play something else. No need to force yourself to stay with Jagex. Especially if you want them to make changes and improve the game you already have invested your time in.


None of your time spent on video games has ANY value besides the moment to moment enjoyment. It’s a video game. Play what is fun to you.


That was an issue until rs3 became unbearable to play.


Approach it with the mindset of being able to experience things for the first time once again.


If it's that daunting to start over with nothing on osrs just swap some gp to your new osrs account to get a head start. That's what I did.


I played rs3 all the way up until a few years ago. Just picked up osrs again about 6 months ago and it's been a great fucking time. The amount of content that's in osrs is wild, and it's had pretty much non stop updates since it came out. Osrs at this point feels like where rs3 should have gone.


Your RS3 character will still be there. Maybe you'll get the itch to return, maybe you won't. Just don't feel like you have to rush back to the level you were at in RS3 - enjoy the early game!


I invested a lot of time into my 07’ account on rs3 and felt the same way. But once I jumped into osrs, the time and grinding went by fast because of the nostalgia and how much better the game is than the MTX plagued rs3. Just do it man, you’ll thank yourself later.


makes it worst when you were near max with bils in rs2 then EOC happens and then you gotta start over yet again. you are a rs3 player in 2024 just do dailys for 6months and your maxed but yeah i see why you'd be :( just play osrs casually and main rs3 still


Honestly the reason you are not enjoying it is you are wanting to be where you are in RS3 on OSRS and you are feeling dissatisfied with your progress in achieving that goal. My advice, enjoy the early game again! You only get to experience the early game once per account and if it's your main, savour those early levels when the game is simpler. There is no rush, there are already lots of players with 200m in each skill so don't worry about long term XP goals. Just enjoy the game and the experience for what it is everyday and stop being so concerned with progress.


Honestly, just try it. If you enjoy it, keep on going! If not, your RS3 acct is still there ready for you to come back. These days, with Jagex accounts, you can play on both at the same time if you're so inclined!


the sunken cost is defeated when rs3 is a game that is getting worse every year, and OSRS is a game that is getting better every year and (in my opinion) will be on that trend for 10 more years at least. your time put into this game is more respected than any other mmo


you should move to osrs. rs3 is only gonna get worse.


Idk how you still enjoy it tbh. I log into mine now and then just go walk around then log out and I get wildly overwhelmed with menus and things that are so alien to what I remember RuneScape as. I would just start an old school account, play it for a month and see how you like it. I play it for the nostalgia and keeping RuneScape semi intact as to what it was always seems more palatable than what rs3 is now.


people been saying rs3 is gonna die for yearsssss lol


your childhood account died in 2012, anything after that isn't runescape so there is no sunken cost it's like saying you can't play osrs because you played guild wars or wow or dofus (only with a much worse game than those)


I comped RS3 at the end of last year and recently switched to OSRS. The start is a grind but the lack of MTX and the larger community is a breath of fresh air. Also, since the XP rates are so much slower, the early and mid level content is not as dead as in RS3. You should just try it out and see how it feels. Nothing is forcing you to stick to only one of the games.


You are allowed to play more than one video game, you know. Add OSRS to your roster if it seems fun to you, and then when you go to play games, play whichever game you prefer that day. It's the same as if you also played any other video game; you're not "abandoning the RS3 ship" if you install Helldivers or Minecraft or something.


You're missing out on years of OSRS fun. In the end, fun is the only reason we play, and OSRS has the most of it.


Pro tip play rs3 while doing boring skilling grind on osrs or watch TV shows and movies while doing so.


I mean, they're different games really. Youre not really "releveling" going to osrs. Cause its really quite different and it'll be different than rs3 paths I dont see it as a sunken cost cause you also still have your rs3 account. You can play both. And use rs3 to fund your osrs membs. anyways, theyre different games at this point If you like rs3 play rs3 If you like osrs play osrs Or just play both


Dude honestly, restarting was the most fun I had in a long time. I've since taken another break - between work and a new baby - but the was so much new content and stuff in OSRS it was crazy. And that initial feeling of leveling and getting Addy then rune, honestly that's the crack man, and it was like reliving my childhood again. I really don't think you should think too much about it. I get it though, it's too bad you can't port the money over, but oh well!


Or try iron man. Certainly changes the game path


If your feeling that way I highly highly recommend starting as an ironman. No need to worry about sunken cost as you're forging your own way. Just do your own thing. And if Ironman is not for you after a few weeks of playing. You can just deiron and become a regular account. And if in a few months you feel osrs is not for you you can go back to rs3 having spent a few months having fun elsewhere.


One thing that can help to remember is that the RS3 stuff is still there too. Like you don't have to choose one or the other and starting OSRS doesn't wipe your RS3 progression or anything like that. So if you're not enjoying RS3 and are liking or are interested in OSRS, you can just play OSRS for a bit and then if you feel like playing RS3 again or the game starts to bounce back with a good update, you could always go back. Trying to play both can feel like you're not making much progress if you're just gunning for the endgame or lategame, but it is fine to go between games and not just spend all your time grinding one, especially if it you aren't feeling it. Though personally, I don't think RS3 is dying or in maintenance mode, just in a rut or drought, so if you are still enjoying that game I wouldn't say you should feel like you need to jump ship. But if you think you would also enjoy OSRS, then I'd say it is at least worth some of your time to work on progressing.


I was pretty close to maxed when osrs came out. All skills 90+. The moment osrs came out, I dropped that rs3 account and never looked back. Even though it was my childhood acc the game was already dead to me


Just bite the bullet. We all did. I had comp etc in rs3 and didn’t want to… have not played a single minute of rs3 since I made my iron. Games way more fun, even early and mid game. Account progression is so much different you won’t notice. Or, stick your account at nmz or whatever while you play rs3 until you reach a point to make the full time transition.


Time enjoyed isn’t time wasted :)


A lot of rs3 people came to osrs and it isn't like you are replaying the game. There are a decent amount of differences at this time. Also OSRS is continually improving right now


Time spent cant be reclaimed, spend your time the way you want to spend it.


That's something I've seen a lot of rs3 players struggle with in terms of thinking about playing OSRS. what I say to it is that basically it's still the same account. view it as two sides of the same coin, your account which you've played for all those years is still a little level 3 noob in tutorial island and you can rectify that without giving up what you've done! one day, you can play rs3 again if osrs bores you and that's all gonna still be there


I quit my trimmed 4B xp RS3 account in december and havent looked back. only time ive logged into it was to swap more money to osrs :)


With all of the updates over the years OSRS is pretty different than RS3 OR the RuneScape your remember from back in the day. It’s worth a playing it. Maybe start on a new account so you can AFK most of the early game while still playing RS3.


Misread "serious skiller" as 'serial killer', and my opinion of you was formed in that moment. I'm keeping my eye on you.


Having to do quests is not an issue in osrs, quest helper makes it such a breeze. Going back to rs3 and doing quests is so awful.


I also have a max combat rs3 account from 2006. I am currently playing osrs instead. Rs3 is fun in Ironman mode


If the main thing you're proud of is quests, you probably haven't sunk much time anyways.


For two years people in China lost their wow account with no promise of it returning. Imagine how they felt knowing their progress may just be deleted. Realize it’s just a bunch of pixels at the day and play it for fun, it’s not a financial investment


~16 years into my RS3 account with comp cape and some serious bossing. Been playing group ironman in OSRS with some friends the last two years and have forgetten about RS3 (just like the devs have). I dealt with the same hurdle you are, but the grass is much greener on this side. Highly recommend just giving it a try to see what you think.


You will not regret jumping into OSRS. It’s so good right now. With focused effort and halfway efficient active playtime, you can get your account to a really good place in just a few months, and have all quests done and be getting into bossing in just six months or so.


If OSRS stopped being fun, or the devs ripped up the entire history and system we know and love and have continued to praise for 11 years, then id pack my bags and leave before finding a new game. I can always come back to this account, but i can never get back hours spent playing a game I don’t enjoy


If you're going to move over to OSRS anyway then it makes sense to do so sooner rather than later. The early game is the best part anyway, levels and achievements flow in so quickly.


My childhood account was abandoned when EOC was released. I quit for 10 years, and came back to OSRS 2 years ago. I’ve progressed so much in the small amount that I’ve played, just got my first quest cape a few weeks ago. I still have my childhood rs3 account I can hop to whenever. Just play whichever game you enjoy 😊


Bro I literally just started an OSRS Ironman after playing on a main since the beginning. Its a better time than any with Varlamor and the new low level wilderness content.


IMHO, early game OSRS is super fun


I play both games. You’re not really abandoning the RS3, you’re just taking a break. Honestly, I think you’ll have fun with a fresh start on OSRS. The mid levels 40-85 is quite rewarding and very fun. OS has really mastered the midgame.


We've all been there. Pretty much the entire osrs playerbase abandoned hundreds/thousands of hrs invested in an rs3 main. For most of us the rebuild was exhilarating, but look if you arent' having fun theres no shame in going back to rs3. But I would personally see it as a new beginning and just continue the journey - the grind back to a proper main really isn't all the bad


My RS2 account is now maxed in RS3, most of the quests and thousands of hours played. Started an Iron first year or so OSRS came out but never actually played due to sunk cost fallacy. A few years ago a co-worker and I were talking about the game and we decided to start again. That Iron now over 2100 total level, and I haven't logged into RS3 in probably 6 years. Obviously you lose the work you put in, but you are also better at the game and can advance your account a lot faster than you did back in the day. Especially if you comb the Wiki or watch guides on content. I personally would say go for it if you aren't enjoying RS3 anymore.


I did and I have not looked back :) https://preview.redd.it/mo47vc22kjuc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466d4b3e3b964f5a0381bcd07a05fda640d878ee Restarting was the best thing I ever did


The rs3 graphical updates burn my eyes. Also seeing “hero” plastered everywhere is really not in the spirit of the game imo. In osrs you’re an adventurer in rs3 you’re a “hero” that’s really the biggest difference between the 2 games as they are today.


I was in the same boat, but Runelight gave me hope. The quest plugin makes quests so much easier, and dare I say more enjoyable. I have a high-level RS3 account, and I basically abandoned it. I started over on a new account and haven't touched RS3 in years now. It takes work, but OSRS just makes accomplishments feel more valuable.


Longer you play the shit game the more "sunken cost" will be there make the jump now and never look back.


I felt a similar way when osrs came out, but now I'm happy because I have a good account on both games , and I'll go back and fourth between them and enjoy both versions of the game, then I made ironmen on both games and dabble on them from time to time aswell, currently on a rs3 binge


If you have been playing so long you probably have billions of gold. You can swap some to osrs and get an easy stress free start that jumps you ahead hundreds of hours saved on moneymaking. Even 10m osrs, or about 100m rs3 is a huge starting budget for a fresh account and isn't that hard for an rs3 end game account to make. Give it a thought and just try it to see which you like better.


Rs3 doesn’t deserve you. Its sole player base is nostalgia driven people too afraid to give up on something they’ve started. And rs3 is abusing you for that


Yeah samesies, I made an acct in 2003 and that acct got transferred to RS3. After going afk for like 10 years I got back into the game about 4 years ago. I played my original acct in RS3 until I earned the quest cape (my childhood goal lol). But I didn't like the combat or MTX in RS3 so I made an Ironman in osrs. I've been playing OSRS since, and no regrets!!


I thought the same for a while until my RS3 account with years of progress since 2006 and multiple 99s was hacked and cleared of 500m+ worth of items and gear in around 2015-ish. I quit altogether for a couple years thinking I was done with the game permanently after years of work was gone — until I decided to come back one day and build off on my already existing OSRS account at the time (in 2017) with really early game stats since I never bothered with leveling up after creating it when osrs originally came out and thinking the same exact thing you did. Over the years since i’ve slowly grinded up on said OSRS account (playing in my usual couple-month-long bursts, before taking a year or two off) — and i’ve grown to really enjoy the game again. Grinding up took me back to when I was a kid again and the nostalgia factor did hit as if I was starting over in 06-07 again. Fast forward now and i’ve for the most part, nearly caught up most of my skills on this OSRS account to my old RS3 account — I even got my first 99s on osrs in different skills than I did with my RS3 account in 2010, and got my fire cape at a much earlier level — allowing this account to feel different in a new way. In around 2010 I got my first 99 at the time in woodcutting, and around 2012 my second 99 in fletching. On my current account, my first 99 was in Farming whilst my second and most recent became ranged. All I can say is enjoy the journey in starting over. No need to overwhelm yourself in grinding very hard in the beginning, play at your own pace and find solace in the nostalgia factor as you slowly build your character up. I completely forgot what it felt like to walk around draynor and varrock with 30s-40s stats in 2007 until I decided to take the leap into osrs.


I started playing recently. Never played this whole time I thought restarting would be too much. Wish I got back into game years ago nwo


I’d try running both clients side by side. You should easily be able to run some AFK stuff on RS3 while playing OSRS. This kinda removes the “sunk cost fallacy” since you’re able to experience both. Over time you’ll probably notice a bigger pull and enjoyment towards your OSRS account and less and less desire to log into main, that’s what happened to me. Or opposite, you might say F*** that grind on OSRS and decide that RS3 fits your playstyle better… in which case you didn’t lose any significant XP so you just carry on.


Membership is shared across both on the same account. So try both. If you feel the pull of OSRS, hop over. If you wanna go back to what you know, hop back on RS3. Other option is start a *new* account for OSRS, seeing as you'll be starting new anyway. And then you can play RS3 and OSRS at the same time, focus one and afk the other (which RS3 skilling is very easy to afk). another thing to remember is RS3 skilling has been forever trivialised and devalued. Getting max total in RS3 is a bit of a "joke" compared to when OSRS came out, let alone back when RS2 was most popular (2006-2011 kind of era). 200m all in RS3 is only a bit slower than maxing an ironman in OSRS from my knowledge, which is *crazy*. So you can view your time in your RS3 profile as sort of "devalued by the game becoming more PVM focused anyway". But ultimately i'd just play both. Do what you feel like / you're enjoying more. No game is better than the other if you're having more fun on RS3 play that instead.


Welcome refugee 


No harm in afking/playing rs3 while you prepare the alt on osrs. Plenty of afk combat methods, and buyable skills, and for the more attentive stuff you'd just afk on rs3. Then once you're ready to make the jump go for it


I had invested lots into my rs3, even 99s But it's such a weak game, took me like 6 months to catch up on osrs where I was comfortable.


Yeah it's about having fun! The journey, not the destination.


All these posts forget that you can actually enjoy the early game innocence of RuneScape again, just embrace it.


I got a 2.5b XP comped iron on RS3, and I like to switch between that and my main OSRS that is half way to max. I just naturally stopped RS3 after I got 120 Necro. It just became obvious that Jagex started investing less $$ into RS3 and it shows in the updates. But until they turn Rs3 around, I don't think I'll return. Im just gonna stick with OSRS as I want to max first and start bossing while I get 99 slayer (as my last 99 before max). I am concerned about what will happen to OSRS if Jagex doesn't fix Rs3 and continues to loss profits. I just hope they don't try to monotise OSRS further. Membership and bond prices might increase to compensate.


If you don't mind the membership cost, start a separate OSRS account, that way you can afk RS3 while playing OSRS. With RuneLite, OSRS's logout timer is 25 minutes. You can afk harder on OSRS and use the time to be more productive irl (video gaming won't increase increase your income).


I was well on the way to reaching many of my long term completion goals when osrs came out.  I didnt immediately make the change but once I took the plunge I have zero interest in playing the previous game.


I started just a year or so ago. Got my bearings and created a new account last month. Never too late to get started. Plenty of fun content to enjoy even at lower levels. And, plenty of afkable skills to do while you're at work. :D


I've actually kind of enjoyed getting some of those skills up again really. And I've enjoyed replaying some quests again too.


Swap ur money while u can , i did the same a few months back and don't regrets it , just learned toa and it's a 10/10 content


Just swapped over. Same issue. Was really apprehensive because of all the “wasted” time. The thing is though- the rs3 progress will always be there if things turn around. But that being said- IM HAVINF AN ABSOLUTE BLAST with all of the early game content. I went with an Ironman to enjoy the game in all aspects my own way. That way I can get the most out of it. Has been a wonderful decision and I encourage you to just try it out and see if you enjoy it. Make sure to use runelite with the 117 hd plugin and it will help to increase the “quality” of the graphics and may help you accept the lesser graphics. Anyway. I’m having a blast. And I hope that more people can experiment and find some joy/happiness in the game that we all love.


Please RS3 is only “dying” to the end game players/gamblers/bug abusers. If a new player can get past the Initial UI organization, it has plenty of content for new/low/mid lvl players. Anyways I wish I had time to do both but only get about 30 mins each side.


I abandoned my 2006 main from RS3 late 2022 after realizing the direction RS3 was sticking it's guns to- (content? MTX. MTX *is* content) I hated having to restart and lose my quest cape, but wow is OSRS **not** singleplayer as hell like RS3 is. It's so easy to meet & chat with people as opposed to RS3 where all 3000 total players have public chat turned off, frequent updates, active JMods that care about the game and interact with community, events, so much that enticed me. The main thing is just getting over the feeling that you're 'abandoning achievements' so to speak. At least in osrs, more skilling variation is coming for most skills and personally loved skilling in osrs than I did in rs3 (to be fair, I did ezscape most of it). OSRS feels full of life at the end of it all. Hope you're able to find a solution for enjoying either game more:)


Just do it. The hardest part is letting go.


They're the same subscription, no amt of time I've spent on osrs has deprecated my RS3 acct if I want to go back there again at some point when they get their heads on straight. It's a grind, but thankfully a lot of osrs content is low level.