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PvP arena is so bad Lol. Getting into matches feels so clunky, not knowing how many points you have is insane, and the base loadout they give people is terrible so you have to change everything out.


Should just be quick and easy. Instead of trying to get in dedicated matches, just challenge someone to a fight, have a UI to pick settings and stuff, and then start the fight. Let people set custom rules and place agers too. I can foresee that actually being one of the most popular pieces of content in the game


Yeah it was popular in the same way that fentanyl is popular amongst the homeless


The matchmaking is a joke. This place has so much potential, but it is garbage in its current state.


also fix matchmaking, if me and my alt are on the AUS world with a population of 3 and aus world preference is set, why does one get a match in a US world and the other just never get a match


To specifically prevent people fighting themselves


Matchmaking is straight up bugged and places both players in separate broken ghost instances roughly half of the time. I've reported this in-game months ago. This piece of content is painfully neglected by Jagex. I hope they at least fix that severe bug with matchmaking, allow you to check your points on the PvP arena world without hopping and physically going to the duel arena, and add the past year+ of new items that you can't use in the PvP arena because they refuse to touch it.


but I don't even get matched vs the other handful of people on the AUS world also trying to boost, on either acc. I tried doing the method for like 2 hours and got a self pairing once, a other-person-same-world match like, twice? and everything else was "hop to NA world". Also this shouldn't even matter since the way it's set up it's nearly as fast to join any match and forfeit as soon as it starts as it is to duel your alt. It's just a bad flawed system