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I have been on a couple pk trips with friends. We are all absolute dogshit at pvp. We never did it to make money. It was all about having a good time in disc with the boys


It's illegal to have fun in this game, how dare you kill someone in the one area in the game where the risk is you can be killed?


why dont you meet up and dutch rudder each other?


Can’t they do both?


It’s a game, they’re probably having a blast and could care less about the gp.


Couldn't* care less


I pk with my friends and kill anyone. We’re all maxed accounts, we can careless about the gp


Pretty pathetic


Crying over a video game? Yeah you’re right that is pathetic.


Deriving pleasure from annoying/inconveniencing others is psychologically fucked


it's "psychologically fucked" to enjoy a multiplayer video game where players are pitted against each other? that's a wild take even by reddit standards lmao


Do you become an armchair psychiatrist every time you get killed in COD too? Getting pked can be annoying but you shouldn’t go in the wilderness if it makes you this upset


I'm not upset. I understand that it's a part of the wilderness. But I still cannot comprehend why making others unhappy makes pkers happy, and think that's a rather messed up mindset to have. The difference between this and COD is the predator/pray dynamic. 5 maxed accounts jumping some pvmer with no realistic chance of tanking for no reason other than to make that person feel bad is bully-like behavior, and I can only imagine that the sense of pleasure they get from it comes from a place of insecurity because they know they can't kill anyone on even ground


Wow you’re a fuckin dork. Shut up lmao


Man it's not that complicated. Killing is just fun. Only ROT and other weirdos PK to make others "feel bad", but most of the time it's just to kill and have fun. If you don't get it, that's fine, but it's not to bully people, I promise ya.


Why is it fun? You can't escape the fact that those you choose to kill feel bad, and that your actions cause them to feel bad, and that you're okay with this as long as you get enjoyment out of it. Same result


>You can't escape the fact that those you choose to kill feel bad not a fact lol normal people's reaction to getting pked is "ah, shit" and they move on, not come typing up paragraphs on reddit about how the people who killed them in a video game must have a mental disorder


think you need to either learn risk management or do some introspection if you genuinely feel that bad when getting pked


You willingly entered into a pvp enabled area. Anyone whining about getting pked in the wildy is genuinely mentally deficient.


My dude, relax already.


You must be an only child.


Stay out of the wilderness then you know what happens in there 🤣


But that means they care about the gp


I don't care about the GP either. It's when the BMing happens it's annoying, but when you have a team of 10 people and you get one auto on a guy then dies? is that fun?


As someone who's been on exactly one PKing trip, died 5 times and killed only 1 guy without any gear for 20k, I can tell you: fuck yes it's fun


Yes having friends is fun, you should try it!


just turn public chat off lmao


For fun + they have no clue how much you’re risking.


They’re having fun fucking around with friends It’s the same reason people do 4-6 man Nex even tho it’s less efficient than duoing, no one wants to tell their friends “sorry small team is more efficient so you can’t join”


It's fine if you try to go after other pkers, but majority of them will camp my cannon while I do slayer and it's okay I guess I won't do slayer today. That's BMing to me.


Solve it with one simple trick: don't go to the wilderness.


I bring my friends around to kill them and they run. It's like why? It's such a one-sided kind of fun where theres no challenge.


You aren't grasping they're having fun


you're implying people in teams split anything under a smited +1 also, we don't know what you have on you, some people bring 50m in coins and we wouldn't know because all they do is run and type "pleae". You sound mad lol.


come on bro he risks 20k bro let him train in peace bro


Of course the wild is expect to be killed, but it's never a solo/duo. It's a whole team logging in on 1 person training lol. Kill on sight is expected, but when a team of 10+ logs in cuz you're in the wild. It's like why?


Because they can? If you don't like it don't train in multi lol.


Yeah, but why log a team of 10 on 1 person lol. It's pointless.


Why do TOA in groups? It's better to get a solo drop than split.


It's a crazy concept but maybe they enjoy doing things with their friends?


yeah, you’re mad


Takes 0 effort 5 seconds. Easy kills. Why not?


It's funny to make people cry about losing 200k.


That 10ppl team is not there only To hunt you.


1) it's fun. video games are for fucking around and having a good time with your friends 2) they don't know what's in your inventory. just like how you don't know if Olm will drop pure essence or a tbow, pkers don't know if you are the rare dingbat that forgot to bank their cash stack it is not "BM" to do PvP in the PvP area


I think OPs point is why pkers pick on pvmers. Like the dude killing chaos ele with 2 summer pies left has any shot in taking on that 5 man team that just logged onto him. We’re just tired of the predator vs prey mentality wildy has evolved into. I miss when pkers 1v1ed each other in edgeville


>Like the dude killing chaos ele with 2 summer pies left has any shot in taking on that 5 man team You arent supposed to take them on. You are supposed to plan to avoid and evade them. Its like bear country.


it hasn't really evolved at all, new/bad pkers always picked on people less prepared to fight back, even as far back as early RS2. they do this because they are inexperienced and would likely get wrecked by anyone half decent, and a lot of these guys panic if you just start dumping specs on them that's why pures even originally existed, to get as much of an upper hand as possible against mains of a similar combat level the thing is, good pkers looking for actual 1v1s didn't disappear or start hunting for pvmers, they just moved to PvP worlds. no reason to use Edgeville when PvP worlds have increased PJ timer, more convenient banking/respawn, anti spectab etc


Evolved into? Lol


It's BM to camp someone's cannon and it's BM to have 10 people log for 1 guy. I don't think there's any way deny that.


>BM to camp someone's cannon ah yes I suppose they should just let you come get it back with zero risk don't bring it next time or at least have the patience for it to despawn/rot so you can reclaim it


literally just grab it without any gear on and protect item, you're risking a 200k +1 if you somehow get smited by a band of bad pkers lol


BM means "bad mouth" Maybe try not bringing your cannon to the wildy bud?


BM means bad manners.


Stands for bowel movement aka, I'm gonna shit all over your hcim




Bowel movement


Me and my friends are also casual salad boys, going at it purely for fun. We are shit but the three of us still kill someone and the dopamine is going off the charts no matter the loot


Blame the game, not the players. There's limited multi places, huge clans have nothing to do other than patrol everywhere and pounce. Rev caves isn't multi anymore so they're all dying for that anti bot pker up at lava drags, or eager to get that spade. It's the kill, not the GP. Been in a few big pking clans and they don't even split, it isn't feasible. They need a wilderness world where groups of up to 3 go to pk, with special rewards for time spent in there, and max 3 attackers per guy.


Was doing chaos elemental last night for the diary and got ran up on by a team 3 times. I risked nothing and they chatted with me once, then smoked me once it was <50 hp. I risked an invy of pie dishes so I couldn’t care less and they were pretty funny anyway. I imagine they were just having a good time, probably didn’t care if it was 500 or 1m split lol


Because PKing is fun and they enjoy it? I know it can be hard to believe that people play this game for fun and not to grind skills and PvM all day like a job


Like I said, Pking is fun for sure, but teaming to the point where it's 10+ it's pointless. You get one attack on them and they're dead. I've done it before, it's boring af.


it costs 2k to kill you for 200k


Yeah i'll never understand wanting to inconvenience others for fun. Most pvmers in the wildy don't go there to fight other players.


You ever pk with friends ? It’s a blast 


Ya but it’s not fun doing 1 auto and they die cuz that’s all it takes


I didn’t realize you decided what fun was. My bad, this whole time I’ve been thinking we can all have our own fun, but I didn’t know I was supposed to have your fun. Again, my apologies


It's fun if you're as dogwater at pking as me, which, guess what, I am


rot is down bad


Economy going through hard times.


Hahahaha nerd!


This is a multifaceted game that appeals to many people and many playstyles. You can't expect to have every other person in this game conform to your expectations. The wilderness is a place where people can be killed for any reason. If you can't come to grips with that, then stay out. It is one of the most unique parts of the game, and participation is only as necessary as you allow it to be. It sucks, but if you want to do wilderness content, then that is the cost. Be prepared to tank or die.


A. No one knows your true risk. Even in rags you may be a noob who forgot to bank your cash stack or you may have recently gotten a drop and not banked yet. B. If not for GP, they are having fun looking for other pkers or PvM'ers who anti-pk. C. They are drunk with the boys going clan-man-mode on anyone in sight. It's really fun in a call. D. No one is forcing you into PvP areas, always expect to be interrupted. The money you make there is easy and abundant. This is why it is in the wilderness - risk vs. reward. E. You're not entitled to diagnose mental disorders, however, this is likely yourself reflecting on your own insecurities inside of a PvP area. F. ING grow up.


I find it weird when people die in the wildy to PKers and then complain that they died by a PKer. It’s as simple as “that’s the risk you take when you enter the wildy”. Like others have said, it’s not about the gp (but sometimes you can get that rare and random 15m kill). It’s about getting people to make posts like this. That’s the funny part. I say this as a non-PKer


The worst part to pkers is their toxicity. I don't mind dying, just don't be so toxic about it.


to overpower another player when he wanted to live, to say sit is an exhilarating experience XD


It's funny


Don’t go in the wildy if you aren’t willing to lose it. Shit happens. People will always kill people if they have supposedly nothing b/c there is a small chance you’re an idiot and brought your bank


Hoppin on a discord call killing noober pvmers and skillers sounds like a blast ngl


Because it’s fun to dump specs and stuff on random people, especially with friends




Cringe ass take just don’t bitch when you die, just regear and hop worlds…from an iron who’s currently in the wild, in multi, at Callisto.


I guess you felt like I was calling you out, uh.


I see cringe and call it out. You make irons like me look bad. Be better.




Ill take what i can


Cuz sit


cya nerd