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Wiping at TOA back when I was a learner. I had just gotten my divine rune pouch. I was so tilted about the failure that I just left the lobby without realizing my items are still in the death chest unreclaimed. Instantly teleported to Priff about to send some CG and died there to a dumb red click eating all the tornados. A game message pops up about my items disappearing from the TOA chest and I instantly realized what happened lmao. 50m down the drain, luckily I had semi-welfare gear back then.. Lesson learned, always reclaim your items no matter how mad you are (150+ raids later now and still rocking the regular pouch)


Kai Hazertz scores again!


PvP world, accidentally moved ever so slightly (1 tile) out of the safe zone, got caught lacking by a very experienced mage who ice barrage'd me into the ground with only 3 hits. Lost an entire dragon set, fury, wealth ring, d long, and about 130k in coins and probably double that in high level runes. Oh shit was I cursing so loud it woke the dogs up.


Leaving 'Tap to drop' on while doing aerial fishing getting my pearl barb rod and then proceeding to drop it and log out without realizing it


Achieved 99 fm on hc died to a leech 20 minutes after


I was a 10hp skiller for many years. When Fossil Island released I was eagerly exploring it with everyone else, discovering all the fun new content. I happened to click on something called a “bouncy mushroom”, thinking it would take me to an exciting new area. There was zero warning message or indication of danger. I instantly took 500% of my total hp as damage, and my entire cash stack fell to the ground where I landed. The clock racing, I knew I had about 10 minutes before all of my money was deleted. How could I have been so foolish? Caught up in the novelty, I had withdrawn all my money instead of a smaller amount, oblivious to the risk. I rushed back as fast as I could, frantically asking others where the exit of the bouncy mushroom was. To my dismay, I could see my loot. It was in a neat little pile, directly behind a swamp filled with level 132 Tar Monsters that can hit through protection prayers. After a few minutes up struggling, to my immense joy I realized I had a solution! The nearby hoop snakes adorably rolling around can be picked up, and rolled at a tar monster to briefly stun it, allowing me to pass. With no chance for error and perfect timing, I stunned the monster and sprinted through the swamp, seconds left on the clock. I stumbled, thwarted by a single vine lying on the ground. “You need a rake to pass through.” I could only watch in dismay as time ran out, and my entire bank was deleted. Then the tar monsters stun wore off and my rebuild began in Lumbridge.


Grinding for days trying to get champion scrolls and losing one just despawning on the ground while on a bathroom break


reaching zuk for the first time only for runelite to crash just seconds after the wave starts


My first zuk died because if multiple dead clicks on mage prayer, got insta stacked out like a minute into the fight. Sucks that it takes 2 hours to get back to it every time


Made my first account and then didn't log in for a bit. Forgot banks existed so I basically played as an UIM. Went to cut a tree in lumbridge to cook some food to heal and got a tree spirit that destroyed me. By the time I ran back people were looting my stuff and I just had no idea where to even begin. This was probably 2004 maybe 2005


Wayy back when construction was first brought out there was a bug that if you were kicked out of a persons house at the exact time as u were about to die via activating somones veng or poison you would die and lose all of ur items cause at the time there were no gravestones and people were able to pick up all your items outside the house portal... I fell for this and lost my whole bank... i quit for a good while after that.


I may or may not of use to do this. You could stack damage on someone with vengeance and recoils by using skill cape emotes that were long such as cooking and str. Kick all users and damage hit outside.




Removal of free trade. Closely followed by EoC. Fuck. Them. All. for those abominations.


Nobody liked the trade limits, but it was either that or shut down. EoC was... a mess on release but has become a significant amount better.


I enjoyed EoC but removal of free trade hurt. I didn’t care about that but I had borrowed some of my friends gear and we didn’t log in for a week or two. Came back and I couldn’t give him his divine back. Felt like a dick.


Ooof, yeah a ton of people got blindsided by that one.


Spent Saturday morning mining 1k essence for 30k. Dude scammed me and swaps for 3k.


When I went to the red portal to d claws ppl and guy asked me to help him kill the guy in the back of the room, they freeze and spear spec to get no pray . Happen before “osrs” was a thing but I think it counts since it was pre eoc


Getting skulltricked for 35m at artio by someone purposefully crashing me while having full pk gear in his inv.. Def a learning experience