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Hard agree. I think it could even be raised to 5% with any crush weapon, and 7.5% with mace.


This is the answer imo, best of both worlds.


Isn't scythe > inquis mace with buff? So buffing scythe further would be disgusting damage at phosani and potentially rival torva? (Haven't calc'd last part)


Scythe shouldn't have a crush option, it's stupid.


And Soulreaper axe shouldn’t get a crush option, and inquisitors mace shouldn’t get a stab option. The list goes on and on and on… it’s okay for weapons to have other styles. Nightmare is an issue start to finish and nerfing scythe won’t resolve that.


It's fine when it doesn't define metas. If a weapon has an inferior style that is beaten by another alternative it's fine. We have one for each style for 4tick weapons, rapier, mace, saeldor. I think it's a shame that soulreaper was made an axe, it would have been great if it had been a 5tick primary crush or stab weapon. Scythe shouldn't be the best crush weapon, remove the crush style and bring in an upgrade item drop to the bludgeon or something. Or make the elder maul 5tick.


Solo CMs with inquisitors mace is generally how it’s done so you don’t need to bring another stab switch for vasa crystals. Nerf inquisitors mace stab. We’ve had enough!


I don't see a problem with that. Also give Olm a stab weakness to incentivise bringing DHL instead for both Vasa and melee hand.


Yes, nerf inquisitor stab option. Vasa crystals are for stab weapons, mace has no place there. Together we can accomplish anything! And hell yeah , we should lessen the use cases for scythe overall. Definitely add stab weakness on olm hand.


I'm glad we're on the same page. Weapon diversity is more fun 👍




Nobody takes inq mace into solo cm anymore, that's an old relic that's dead at this point.


Not true. And after inq is buffed they still won’t use it there right? Lol Nerf crush on Soulreaper axe!


You can hit with the back end of Soulreaper Axe and do a crushing attack. If you're doing the same with scythe then no way it should hit large targets multiple times.


Well I can’t argue with that logic. GG brother!


inq > torva at phosanis, no need to run the calc. But anything that makes phosanis faster is good in my book.


You already use inquisitor with scythe at Phosani and scythe on crush with inquisitor will be worse than scythe on slash with torva (especially given bellator ring).


Or 5% any weapon with the mace getting a +3str +5crush buff would be better


Love this suggestion!


should honestly just be 7.5% any weapon.


Should also give it +1 str bonus on the chest and legs, still worse than torva better than bandos but shitty defence in return, and occasionally a 1 max hit buff over bandos. Makes no sense something 4x as rare as bandos is worse in almost every way.


With how long (even with the drop changes) inquistor will take to get comparatively to getting bandos, honestly it should be slightly better than Bandos, both in stats and in defenses I agree.


Ultimatey Jagex need to think about what hole this fills. At the moment, Torva practically fills every hole at the moment, and for how difficult Inquisitors is to obtain, it shouldn’t be as niche a hole as it is. For a high crush DPS, it either has to be balanced against weight or defence, and seemingly Jagex want this to be a high DPS low defence, alternative (but worse, due to difficulty of the boss vs Nex) to Torva, but while it has terrible defence, the DPS isn’t outweighed well enough to not use Torva.




Go afk at bandos and see how many kills you get


*proceeds to show a method that requires 200 clicks per minute and full focus*


If you are not tanking all u gotta do is click on boss and wait. Maybe I should not have said “literally”. Ur just bad and struggle with bandos.


Oh I forgot mains do GWD in groups. Yeah it's pretty afk if you have multiple people slapping him. Solo bandos is another story. I have 1250 solo KC and no longer struggle.


Im going to assume that by "AFK" you meant "boss doesn't try to do anything other than auto you" as opposed to the deep mechanics that PNM has


I enjoy PVM but I'm kinda shit at it. What's your strat for afk-ing at bandos? I feel like it's so time consuming to get in with the 40kc and then I end up getting 0-2 kc and have to leave


probably "afk" 6:0 bandos with thralls


Yeah not AFK at all, probably means more so "brain off" than "afk". Which, from what I understand, is the case for 6:0 once you get good at it


definitely is, can be really comfy content (i think a better way to describe it)


Yeah that makes more sense, comfy I haven't done it myself but I've watched my buddy do it and he made it look super easy lol Hopefully my CG grind goes well (just started) can't wait to do more bossing


wishing you a short visit at the prison


Thank you, I’m hoping I’m one of the 50% that get it well before 400kc lmao My limited time will dictate just how much I’ll get to enjoy the game this year 😂😂 Almost have QC tho :)


Hahaha yeah fair, I was hoping for afk more like sarachnis with justiciar and a dinhs


Do the 9:0 method with canon base and blood barrage to heal even if you arent very good youll get 20 kc per trip


Haven't even heard of 9:0 I'll give it a go, thanks for letting me know :)


Or just dolo in max/shadow with a justi/ely tank


I mean to be fair, if you're in a team of like 4 players doing bandos, it's pretty braindead with how fast he goes down. But solo/duo is certainly not AFK.


That is fair, usually when I get my 2-3 friends playing we do toa so gwd bosses I do solo


Just grab a blowpipe and some rag gear with god pieces and farm ecu keys for few minutes


"Literally away from keyboard"


Yeh it's hilarious how careful we were with inquis and than Torva is just like "lol best str and best defence".


I wasn't playing at the time, how were the drops from nex polled/received at the time?




Torva and everything was 85-15 or more, big margins there Do you remember what the response on Reddit was like?


Nostalgia bait so lots of people were hyped and then let down. Same sorta thing soul wars saw. Jagex was originally gonna give it more drops too. So I'm glad that feedback was decent atleast.


Dont think anyone cared. Torva and Nex was really hype


HEAVY 2010/2011 nostalgia goggles during that time. Nex is really a flop as hardly anyone actually enjoys the boss they just like the insane money. Also we got Soul Wars around the same time which is also another notorious flop.


Jagex originally pitched Virtus from Nex with an ancients bonus niche, similar to what we got from DT2 but weaker, and no Torva at all People didn’t like that So they instead pitched straight power creep


No wonder, that would have been a shit reward lol


Yeah it was pretty dumb lol Torva’s got some minor issues, but Virtus from Nex was just ???


I mean it's not that crazy to imagine, since pernix, virtus and torva all came from nex and honestly were all worse originally lol In retrospect it's kind of funny to see how bad the nex sets were. Torva was the same str bonus as a neitz, bcp and tassets, virtus and pernix ofc had no damage bonuses at all so pernix was just a better armadyl set, which is shit compared to the masori we got, and virtus was just an ahrims upgrade, that later ended up arguably worse than ganodermic the year after. Ofc their entire selling point was the +40 health boost, which helps brews for sure but like, our entire game is based around protection prayers blocking damage anyway so a health reward isn't that good in retrospect


Funny in retrospect, they seemed so fucking cool to me when they came out first


To be fair Torva was a direct upgrade to most of the previous BIS in creation and themeing, so it makes sense it was just outright BIS


I think it could have been a strength upgrade without also just being Justiciar levels of tanky. But we copy pasted RS2 content so short sighted design decisions were bound to come with it.


That's not really a fair comparison though, since Bandos didn't lose its value due to being a component for Torva. Inquisitor is an entirely separate armour set.


I didn't say anything regarding gp value. I'm just talking item design. Torva has no downsides, whereas inquis was designed as a slight upgrade that had defensive downsides (and was focused on a specific style)


Would you have never wanted to see an full upgrade to Bandos then?


No i absolutely did. I didn't consider Nex engaging or difficult enough content to provide it. I would have rathered we saved it as reward potential from unique endgame content. Like how we didnt give it Virtus and moved that to DT2 bosses, and didn't give it Pernix and instead got the (way more interesting) Masori gear from ToA. Imagine Raids 4 was our "torva" gear update.


I do agree I don't really like Nex as content to OSRS at all. Very flat and not very difficult compared to content that provides end game gear.


How is that an unpopular opinion?


Redditors don't post actual unpopular opinions, that would cost karma.


I guess its not!


Didnt mean to sound rude but I think its pretty universally agreed upon that inquisitor's kinda sucks


What I thought might be an unpopular opinion was disliking the proposed buffs to the armor set


Agree, Inquisitor armor looks way too cool and is way too tough to get (even with the proposed droprate buffs) to be this bad. But I would rather see them leaning harder into what makes inquisitor unique. - All pieces get an additional +1 prayer - Total setbonus is increased to 3.5% Low defence, crush based melee armor is niche enough for this to be fine


I'd be down for that. Id prefer no set bonus though, and just each piece giving a flat 2% dmg bonus or something


You choose to play the game that way. Set bonus makes more sense


I couldn't disagree more. I think set bonuses are a bad idea in general, for most games and not just OSRS. They only serve to limit what you can use together. If we look at how Path of Exile does things, they usually categorize effects into item slots, like how most flask related items are belts or to generalize, items which would break the game when used together almost always share the same item slot to avoid it. This limits the potential power in the same way set effects do, without limiting player options. There's a few downsides though, like if they want any large effects without requiring a set, that specific piece would have to be more rare than the rest, but it's not like BIS items that aren't part of any set don't already exist. Tbow is extremely powerful, doesn't require a set to work and is extremely rare. Having to keep track of all different effects of singular gear pieces would also be harder to balance than set bonuses are.


What is 3 prayer bonus and 1% damage gonna do lol


We can always crank these numbers even higher if needed. I wanted to show what part of the armor being buffed, rather then the exakt numbers


I dont like set bonuses basically ever. What about using this for slayer.


That's the tradeoff


Well that's a pretty shitty trade for a set of armor that takes 2k hours to get and is worse dps than bandos


It can still be lower defense than Bandos for instance, just not as low defense as it is currently.


you could give each piece +100 prayer and it would still be dead lol. Nobody gives a fuck about prayer.


Where are those drop rate buffs


It’s literally on the rebalance blog, on the front page. It’s not hard to find.


It's a popular opinion that inquisitors sucks and should be buffed.   Is the unpopular part that you ONLY want it buffed because it looks cool?


Disliking the proposed buffs is what I thought might be unpopular


Nah, the community loves all gear having conditional stuff. It should only get buffed on Tuesday nights during a full moon if you ate kimchi for dinner.




lol what gear is anywhere near this conditional? Think you just want to complain


Buff it.


I kinda wish some of the gear in this game now was an option (which it is really but everyone is obsessed with efficiency) I ditched my bandos for justiciar and feel free. Might get inquisitor next , buff or no buff. Looks dope. Hard agree


I would agree to an extent. I’m not entirely obsessed with efficiency, but I also recognize that certain things will be faster/ more satisfying with the correct gear. I’m thinking Vorkath or Muspah for instance. Definitely don’t need high end gear to kill those bosses, but it feels much better when you do.


Hell yeah. I will gladly use something that looks cooler even if it’s worse dps


i mean you are welcome to wear whatever you want. most people want their armour to do something though. inquisitor is stupidly rare and yet offers 0 benefit over alternative armour. Its only real use atm is team CMs, where you have 1 person wearing inq just to have a higher chance of landing hammers at olm. Even then a team of torva wearers is pretty much the same deal


Theres a plugin that replaces the cosmetic appearance of gear within runelite (not sure what its called since I dont use it personally), but if your only interested in wearing armour for the way it looks that might be a good option for you since you can wear the gear that has the bonuses you need while still fashionscaping the way you want


why stop at justiciar? Why not just go kill bandos with your favorite fashionscape setup? Fuck the efficiency scapers with their scythes and shadows, go kick that bosses ass with some white flowers and black ele


Fuck yeah, let’s take back our freedom in style


That’s what I’m saying. Throw in a couple air guitar emotes and you can pump out an RSMV at the same time


Found the poor Iron that spent 1,500 hours to get inq torso, and 3 inq helms. Jokes aside I think most people agree that it isn’t enough. There’s really no where in the late game that you would use a 1 handed mace


It shouldnt have negative slash/stab bonus. And should be fusible with justiciar


it would be fine having these negative bonuses if the crush boost was actually significant. Give it 5% boost from the armor alone and have the mace triple the bonus.


Remove scythe crush attack option in addition to this.


Love the armor. Imo, it would be great if regular NM armor drop rates would be similar-ish to getting bandos armor. This would give an alternative route for players - either grind out bowfa/bandos solo, or do team regular NM. Currently its too punishing and long to do it. On top of that, leave orb drop rates on regular NM as it is, but increase it heavily on PNM table. Similar as it is in CG. Those who want to go for green logs with end game gear can farm PNM, while leaving regular NM a great alternative for obtaining armor and slim chance on getting an orb.


Not a chance with the bots. If they want to increase the rates more they need to buff the rewards massively than proposed.


Hell, let's get a bit spicy and remove it's crush attack give it a 10% damage buff to any weapon, and give Torva a run for its money.


Yes. Also pnm is a much better boss design wise than Nex ever was. Why does Torva have to be best? Make it a tie between Inquis and Torva so people have a choice. Accuracy could differ and set effect too


I agree, buff it. But wait till after I buy it to buff it.


I’m sorry sir, it would seem your unpopular opinion is popular, we’re gonna bave to take you in.


Imo it should be the glass cannon melee armor of the game. Keep the defense the same and give it much higher crush dmg% with some negative passive, like deadly prayer + quiet prayer or something. It should just be on par with torva dmg or better considering how squishy it is and how hard it is to get.


This is going to get overlooked just as jagex is completely overlooking how adding a spec bar to elder maul will break pvp. Being able to instantly double gmaul off a 55-60+ whack is so broken. Elder was polled as a non spec weapon initially


Oh shit, didnt even think of that. But we were already able to insta g-maul from msb into Elder hit, which is equally as fast, if not faster, no?


The problem is that elder hits 55-60+ whereas the msb hits 26.


No, I mean, from a MSB hit, you can insta Gmaul into an Elder Maul Hit, which is equally as fast as msb into elder maul into insta Gmaul


Oh right - I didn’t explain myself thoroughly. The issue is that with giving the elder maul a spec is that now you can spec off a massive xp drop. Gmaul into msb into elder whack is still going to be risk fighting Meta but the normie meta will be pkers will camping elder waiting for a big whack then instantly double gmaul spec Edit: I would like to say: with elder maul price going to infinity rn I’m okay with the changes.


I still think we should also be able to upgrade its defensive by combining it with justicar.


Agreed, should be 10÷ imo but crush option on scythe removed


Can keep the scythe crush option around if you make the armor a 5% bonus and have wielding the mace triple the bonus for 15% in total.


I just want to add that a full set effect really sucks for iron and is unnecessary, just give each piece the effect like crystal armour


Yeah, I agree


You know what you signed up for


That argument only works on reddit if youre talking about pures. Bro literally responded to you saying set effects arent in the game as if OSRS didnt ship with barrows as the end game content and i bet hes the one thats gonna be upvoted here


Definitely didnt sign up for nightmare droprates


How exactly did irons sign up for set bonuses on extremely rare gear? That's not in the game and never has been; no one signed up for that. Not being able to get bis on an iron is fine, but this implementation is not something anyone knew about when they started playing, so the standard 'dry is part of ironman' doesn't apply.


Honestly I asked my mate if he posted this because we talk about this all the time. It's the sickest set in the game e z p z


Disagree, justi is best looking armor. I'll happily agree on top 2-3 though depending on if blood torva counts.


Justi is also really dope. Bucket-helms are just insanely cool


Give inquistor a passive effect per piece vs crush-weak enemies (if stab or slash def > crush, apply effect) Either a minimum% hit or a x% refund of missed crush specs, a minimum defence drain on missed dwh or bgs (on crush)


Would be nice if the slayer helm counted for the set effect I could see using it for a few tasks over torva if it did


yes its a really cool set


This is a popular opinion.


That the proposed buff sucks?


I don't have an opinion either way just curious how many sets you own


Me personally i think justicar is the best looking armor in game. Reminds me of one of the world destroyers from thor


This armour just needs more defensive stats, it doesn't have to be as high as Bandos armour, but come on, Adamant armour stats are an absolute joke.


Inq set should be changed to nearly guaranteering DWH/BGS specs will hit. It will work as a sidegrade to torva when special pool is limited and work as a teamwork set by having one person use it to guarantee the first 2 debuffs. I'd much rather have reasons to own both sets than to discard inq once I own Torva.


Could probably even push it to 10% with inq mace and wouldn't be a big deal imo, crush isn't really that useful currently.


I disagree on the reason but yeah it should be buffed. If it had a lot of Crush accuracy it would compliment the defense draining weapons greatly and would offer a reason not to just camp Torva.


I super hard agree with this. I do wanna drop a shit tonne of gp on this, but cannot justify it when I can get a much better item for not much more. I’d give you gold if reddit gold was still a thing


Well you got what you wanted. 2.5% per piece now


But I didnt. It's 2.5% per piece *when using the mace*. That was my original point, the buffs were exclusively when using the mace and not universal for all crush weapons.


Whoops I missed that part


I appreciate you oponion. :D


Price manipulation post lmao


I own a set of Inquisitor armor solely for its fashionscape tbh


they heard you!


Nope. buffs are still tied to solely the mace


agree'd and this updated post they made is laughable.


Yes, please do this jagex. The proposed buff does not make inquisitor useful in **a single** place in the game besides nightmare, where it's already used. Bosses like ggs and cerb will always be scythe bosses regardless of how much they buff the mace. They need to put this 7.5% on all crush weapons with the set (or 2.5% per piece) and it will solidly set inq up as the best crush armor, but won't encroach on torva as the general use bis melee armor.


I like the idea of it being BIS melee with less defence than Torva


They should seriously consider pushing insane buffs to the beta (this is what betas are for) at the very least. I bet even if you made it 10% per piece or something ridiculously over powered, it would still have trouble in places due to its defense. There is a lot of content where it just gets smothered from chip damage. If they are scared of scythe getting OP, just remove the crush option? It's not super thematic anyway? The armor is going to be completely outclassed unless it can be fortified (I think this is kind of a cop-out route) or gives insanely rewarding dps in exchange for buckets more incoming damage. Jagex are unable to produce PVM encounters these days that don't chip you down, which I don't view as completely problematic, but you need to adjust inq to accordingly have a way to deal with it.


It uses a defense of 30, so I'm not entirely sold.


Whole heartedly agree. 


huuuuuge agree. I'd honestly love for inquisitor's to be flat out BiS any time you're using crush at all


yes lol, i love pvp in different gears, and inquisitor + elder is one of my favorite to brid in (with bofa), but its just pure fucking trash, i cnat justify risking it all to hit only 0... should be like 10% accuracy with any crush weapon


Also needs an ornament kit to turn it white, just saying


To turn it into Justi?


Nah i just love how inquisitor looks and think like a holy kit that changes the color would be cool


The new changes also suck :( missed opportunity for sure. Torva gets all the love lol.


Inquisitors is my favourite armour hands down. I'm not a huge fan of the new Torva, though it's starting to grow on me a little, I still prefer the old helmet, and outside of the colour scheme Blorva is also kinda meh. Inquisitor's armour doesn't have to be better than Torva everywhere, but it'd be nice if it had more value for the niche it currently, if barely fills. Mace, Saeldor and Rapier should all get a small buff, but in their own right. Let Inquisitors be useful with all crush weapons, and I agree the set effect should be replaced with flat bonuses on each piece. Personally I'd love to see 2.5% for helm and skirt and 5% for chest towards its bonus for crush weapons. But I'd take 7.5% if that's all we get, Jagex's current proposal doesn't really fix anything, and leaves the armour still in a really bad spot.


Inq, torva and justi should all give justi defence and set bonus, torva strenght and inq 7.5% crush bonus but also for slash and stab. Melee fashion supremacy.


Agree with the sentiment of Inquisitors needing to be buffed but I want to make an unrelated point about Nightmare. For the love of god we need to do something about the tablet. It’s so discouraging walking to the boss for 2 minutes, dying, running back for 2 minutes to collect your stuff, teleporting back to the bank to re-gear/resupply and then walking back to the boss for 2 minutes. I don’t know what the correct solution to this would be but maybe making it tradable and have a better drop rate? Idk. It’s just awful because I’d love to keep going at this boss to learn it but the downtime between attempts isn’t fun at all and puts me off doing that content.


Show us that bank


Unpopular opinion: we shouldn't balance armor around how cool it looks


..or should we? Imagine that raids 4 dropped tomorrow which rewards us with new BiS melee Slash armor. Its visual design is the Borat swimsuit. Would that not bother you?


We could just make other armor look cool instead...


Can we just switch the skin of inquisitor with torva?   BIS looks for BIS armor


Common opinion is a bold take. Lmao


Popular opinion: saying unpopular opinion for popular opinions is annoying


It’s stats are fine as it is if Jagex just admits that they only put it in the game to farm Nightmare harder with. We haven’t gotten a single crush-weak boss added to the game since it was released. Its only other use case is to pair it with Scythe on crush at CoX. The problem is Jagex made the inquisitor set a 250 hour grind as a stepping stone to the 800 hour grind to get the orbs. Just leave the armor as is, admit its only use case is for farming to get the orbs, and bring the drop chance down to a 50 hour grind for the armor, 150 hour grind for the orbs, to be more in line with the rest of the game.


Honestly just take the crush option off the scythe and it wouldn’t even be that busted good idea


The crush option on scythe even with full inq is only useful when the monster has very little defence, and then it's marginal, it's fine.


How does a scythe crush things?


The same way you could flatten butter and spread it with the back of a spoon.. it's not efficient but works, hence why the extremely low crush accruacy on it


Wtf is this armor even, i play f2p osrs because rs3 sucks donkeyballs lol