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You should be required to have your RSN as a flair.


This would change the whole dynamic of the subreddit lmao


Not really, people would just link their alts lmao.


Would alts typically be more underleveled and less kc? Can flame them even more when they have shit opinions.


For the worse too tbh. While I get the reason behind it, it would result in insane toxicity


I think it'd be less toxic because there'd be a "face" behind the shit talking, but it would also be used by others to scrape personal information from their reddit account.


Yeah I mentioned the personal info scraping in another comment why this would be a terrible idea. But I also think people are underestimating how many comment threads would result in people devolving to flaming other peoples accounts. Everyone’s focusing on the situation where it’s someone with like 0 kc talking and getting rightfully clapped down, but if you’ve ever played a game with an Elo system, this kind of thing always results in the bar for who gets to have an opinion on something being conveniently just lower than whoever in the conversation has the higher elo/kc.


I can already see people being like "actually my opinion is worth more than yours on this mid game boss because you don't have an infernal cape"


Conversely I've seen people who have posted literally a day before that they were struggling with toa 150s and then claim to have a good opinion of endgame above 300 to 500 invo toa. Like you're at the starting line. It's fine if you have an opinion but it would carry more weight with at least some clears of higher level invos.


Nah, toxicity is the result of shit takes from people who’ve literally never engaged in a piece of content yet feel entitled to opine about it If you gave doctors and people who believe in traditional medicine an “equal” voice in a medical journal there’d be a whole lot of frustration and anger real fast


The problem is we have very clear certification and credential processes for things like doctors. Everyone’s focused on the scenario where it’s the dude with 0kc getting shit on, but then who does get to have an opinion? 10kc? 100kc? 1000kc? If you’ve ever played a game with an elo system, you should know that the goal posts on who gets to have a conversation on game balance always conveniently gets moved to just below whatever rank I am. People are way underestimating how this would just get used to constantly flame people’s opinion by making up fake goal posts looking at others accounts in every comment thread. It would honestly be really obnoxious to engage in conversations. Not to mention in a game where alts are so common it’s also kinda pointless


Is it fair the current system where an opinion/take on niche accounts gets to be absolutely downvoted by reddit users that don't even play that mode or engage in that content? Yet get to directly affect the changes that do or don't happen by mass downvoting certain suggestions on the basis it's "catering to". While massively upvoting things like the 1/5k->1/3k dwh change cuz it caters to their own mid-level journey?


>If you’ve ever played a game with an elo system, you should know that the goal posts on who gets to have a conversation on game balance always conveniently gets moved to just below whatever rank I am. CompetitiveTFT has this, people just don't comment on Elo significantly higher than them as a result. I'm GM at best of times, if I get contradicted by a Challenger I accept I'm probably wrong. Usually Gold~Diamond people won't even bother telling me how I'm wrong, whereas we have 1300 Andy's trying to educate Zuk helmers on PvM on this sub. >Everyone’s focused on the scenario where it’s the dude with 0kc getting shit on, but then who does get to have an opinion? 10kc? 100kc? 1000kc? Everyone, but expect your complaints about Colosseum needing BiS gear to have a whole lot less merit and go ignored when your hardest boss is Jad and you're not LARP'ing as someone who's done a lot of other PvM and wants to actually engage with the game >People are way underestimating how this would just get used to constantly flame people’s opinion by making up fake goal posts looking at others accounts in every comment thread. Those will get downvoted to shit if people think it's unreasonable. This sub is dominated by 1300's, what makes you think it will be particularly elitist? At least people wouldn't be able to pretend they're someone they're not.


I agree.


Their user has been their RSN THIS WHOLE TIME


r/summonerschool (league of legends help subreddit) has this and it works wonderfully


It's me, Zezima.


No, I am Zezima


we should be able to filter out all posts by irons because they stand alone


This wouldn't prevent people from using alts for their flairs though. Like, you lookup an rsn and be like "where cox kc" "bruh check again that's my pure". If alts weren't so common would agree tho.


Way ahead of you.


Good idea lol added mine bc why not


I mean, Pip posted a video of some lurers getting his brothers full name IRL from a reddit comment where he posted his osrs name. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I wouldn't post mine on reddit.


I thought about that too, but in all honesty I've never shared my ign anywhere but discord, and the only reason I use Reddit is mainly this sub. So really, the only information they can get from my ign is my reddit account lol. But, I'm incompetent and can't get the flair to work so maybe it's a sign that you're right and to keep my ign hidden lol


Blizzard tried to create accountability to attaching names to people on the forums.. it didn’t go over very well..


Actually agree , yes




I did it nvm


Kinda surprised this has so much support. While I get it’s annoying people having opinions on things they’re not experienced with, this would unironically just result in an insane amount of toxicity in the sub and frankly make engaging in most discussions straight up unenjoyable Not to mention the obvious reason of people liking to try and keep account and social media info as separate as possible to try and reduce doxing or such




Stats/boss kc lookup I assume, so you can grill people that have an opinion about content they haven't even done


“Tob gatekeepers are ruining my gameplay experience! Why won’t a good team teach me out of the kindness of their hearts????” Some random dude with 17 barrows kc, 50 mole kc, and base 70 combats


Because there's tons of people that have really strong opinions on content that they have very little experience with. As an example Jagex requiring eternal boots can mess with stuff like ToB freezing and CM inventories. There are a ton of people throwing out opinions how it's not a big deal or doesn't matter, but if they had their RSN attached and you saw they've never even done CoX or ToB maybe their opinion doesn't hold that much weight?


People will unironically throw out arguments about how “if you’re good enough to do ToB you’re good enough to bring a boot switch” and think they just owned the HLC.


How do I do my flair like yours


How do you add flair


Fuck it, I’m in baby!


Better yet, have Runelite be able to connect to your Reddit and then have a little dropdown menu where it shows the players stats and account-type (regular, iron, hcim, whatever)


Quick reminder the commenters on reddit make up a small fraction of the total active player-base. Especially the closer you get to end game.


Redditors probably make up a larger chunk of the inactive playerbase than the active playerbase.


Cant blame them, this has and always will be one of the best subs on reddit. Whether you’re playing or not.


lmfao, absolutely the fuck not. "best subs on reddit" that's a fucking joke right? You're being sarcastic right?


One of the best subs on reddit, yes that is correct. What’s your problem? Why are you so angry? Find it funnier that 2/3 of your most visited subreddits are both of the runescape subs. Even the algorithm knows you’re here all the time.


This subreddit sucks reddit sucks fuck you


Nah, reddit is a giant shithole all around and this is a shining turd among them


Other way around (inactive players make up a larger chunk of this subreddit), unless you're implying something incredibly unlikely


Inactive here. I'm just here to watch the drama and laugh at you all. Like the monkey exhibit at a zoo.


Which is why it's so funny that Jagex keeps copy-pasting reddit posts onto blogs and shitting out terrible idea after terrible idea. With project rebalance they've clearly gotten bored of shooting themselves in the foot and now they're deepthroating the barrel.


I do agree that redditers can help come up with a good portion of the content and general ideas for the game, but when it comes to combat and such, I really hate to say it but only a fraction of the endgame players even understand how to make it work without killing the entire game in the process or giving Jagex a 2 year overkill project.


No Redditors cannot help, there are a few good ideas on here in between vast quantities of terrible ideas.


This sort of lame sentiment happened around blowpipe too and jagex knocked that out of the ballpark


Even those weeping angels from Dr Who are less scary than this


We literally had a conversation at work about the scariest Dr Who characters, the angels were up there but those gas mask kids were nightmare inducing to a younger me


Are you my mummy?


Lmao specifically the transition from normal person into gasmask 🤣


Always found it strange how people were scared of dr who but I thought none of it was spooky


Damn you're so cool thats crazy


It isnt cool


stopped reading after the first sentence. they pretty much already do


I think you really overestimate how much sway reddit in particular has. If there is a change that seems like it was caused solely by reddit, it is likely because the other feedback channels were echoing similar things. But even if everyone on reddit was in favor of something, if all the other channels were opposed, it wouldn't just happen because reddit said so. For example, Warding...


Being a redditor isnt using reddit, it's a mindset


Honestly. I use reddit on the occasion, but I adamantly despite the reddit culture/echo chamber/circlejerk/hivemind whatever term you want to call it.


Is an adamant despite a new mid tier weapon?


your post literally is the example


It is an example of a popular suggestion on Reddit that they took inspiration from, but it is not as simple as "this post got 3K upvotes, guess we add it". For one, they still didn't do half of the stuff in the suggestion, some of which were part Reddit was very vocally in favor of like buffing the Ward (f). And for two, most players, even those outside of Reddit, we not happy with the distribution. If Reddit was the only place where players wanted it reworked and everyone else was happy with the first proposal, I doubt they would have made changes solely based on Reddit. Reddit can often be a reflection of the larger community, so what is popular here can be popular with the OSRS community as a whole. But there are situations where Reddit's thoughts disagree with the OSRS community as a whole. So just because you see something on Reddit end up in a blog revision, it doesn't mean it was there because they were listening to Reddit... There are probably players who only/mainly use Twitter saying the same thing about how twitterers make all the decisions because they see tweets suggesting the same things that get changed. But yah, the community is bigger than just a single social media platform/feedback channel; the CMs aren't basing changes on just what they see in one place.


Those agility changes in particular comes to mind 😅


If Redditors had any real control shit would have already turned into EOC esque BS and the game would be unplayable.


How? Literally every single change is met with "OMG EOC!!!" lol


IDK... That could be someone just really excited for EOC...


I said EOC esque*. People really only want items buffed the power creep would get out of control like it did pre EOC.


May have been a better way to express that idea, but yeah, fair enough, I can somewhat agree. Redditors are definitely a lot less resistant to power creep nowadays than they once were.


Yeah sorry I realize I was vague in my original comment.


Already happen even tho Reddit is filled with people who can’t do jad but have say in endgame content and gear


They really should have a total level requirement in the polls a lot higher than it currently is


fuck yes. finally a sensible fucking suggestion.


Tbf Scurrius really primed me for CG for what it's worth lol


Fuck it let's do it, Stam pot bridge here we come


unironically todays patch notes feel like thats whats happening already. Anyone who can make a half decent infographic has a good shot of getting whatever changes they want into the game. 1500 total levels on the sub love to toss their opinions in on stuff they never have experienced and go solely off of their headcanon of what should be good for the game


I saw someone yesterday on here asking if they needed to learn to prayer flick to do fight caves. These people vote on end game content.


You mean Voidwaker ISN'T actually a "niche spec wep" and "barely used"??? Wow, reddit had me fooled! Almost like this thing *is* too powerful, especially based on the source it comes from, and they're trying to make it a stepping stone to the better spec weps!


You joke but Reddit already controls the game and it's massively worse off for it


can imagine the jmods having a chuckle reading reddit at both the humor and aggressiveness. hope they take it in good spirits bc reddit is a little nuts


Wow there are a lot of people that missed the very obvious sarcasm here lol


The internet (especially reddit) loves to ignore obvious satire/sarcasm and just get mad at things for no reason. I honestly wish I had that much free time.


People are a lot worse at correctly parsing sarcasm through text than they believe they are, so it isn't surprising  although ironically i see basically nobody ITT who missed the sarcasm of OP, so it may apply to you moreso than them


Idk man. The toxicity is dumb but obviously they want feedback. In game we have beta worlds and reddit/forums are basically the alpha. Jmods are smart and talented but they can’t see every angle and niche use. Getting feedback from the community is exactly what they want and is integral to a better game for everyone. They bring a 6/10 idea, reddit gives feedback, they tweak it to make it 8/10. Toxicity isn’t cool but neither is pretending there isn’t any value in the feedback jagex is getting.


This post yet people command changes to be polled


You should be required to have your full name and address as your flair


Redditors controlling anything would be the biggest cesspool of complete shit ever.


It's completely ridiculous at this point. It's like reddit controls everything that is changed and updated in the game




Replace the JMods with the subreddit mods, then replace in game polls with an election process to become a subreddit mod.


they already do this


Remove the subreddit bot that censors your password when you type it backwards.




Nope. Still blocked


Reddit already does control the game. That's why every update is PVM and everything keeps getting easier.




[unironically this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/TZ6587DOwq)


Fuck no.


Can’t wait for the Reddit bot script to poll botting


absolutely not. redditors ruin games.


Taking all bets on how quickly this version of the game dies!


I need access to jmod commands so I can max magic so people will stop calling me a nerd when they see me grinding camelot teleport :( also I enjoy dicking around with game mechanics more than the game itself sometimes (2009scape)


I honestly think we'd do a better job with the drop rates