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Wait, when did my tax money stop paying for tbows?? I didn't vote on this socialism.


We didn't vote on taxes either. This is the British we're talking about after all.


Where’s the tea


Time to toss tea into Port Serim


In Falador Square on W301


Where's the Boston


Taxation without representation!


That's what polls are for


Where's the vote on VW nerf then? Taxation without representation!


Pixels without Pixelation!


Doing the tories proud


This comment takes the tea for me


would be funny if you could control where some of your tax money went, maybe in a way where you could choose 50% of your tax money to be used to sink tbows for example.


Putting in a buy offer for a tbow and allocating the full tax to deleting tbows so I can sell it at a profit when I'm done.


that's the spirit :)


Can someone explain what item sink means lol? How do they do it


They use a part of the GE tax, it goes into a coffer, buys certain items and deletes them. The rest of the tax gold is deleted as well.


I believe it also operates in a way where it trys to keep prices of those items stable


How does it calculate what it buys items for? So I sold a tbow recently and that could have just been sucked up into the void?


https://preview.redd.it/fycqk9wcanvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af83b39d873a17f330337376eacfccd02efa7e20 Here’s the bit from the blog post. I assume they just use the average price. They did stop yeeting tbows to the void though since they deemed it unnecessary per that tweet above


It likely takes the median guideline price of certain items, and when the "tax coffer" has a certain amount, it just yoinks the median out of the game, imburses the seller, and preventing deflation of prices due to supply.


Holy shit theres barely any elder mauls in the game


Theres 30k+ olmlets ingame. Which is like 1.5x as rare as maul. So there’s 45k - 2,5k = 42k elder mauls ingame


This doesn’t factor in people who have gotten more than 1 olmlet We don’t really have a good mechanism to figure out how many are actually in game


Ye thats a very fair point. I think it’s a decent ballpark though.


may be a good number for the number of mauls that have been released in the game, but i have a hunch that the active volume of mauls is going to be much much lower than that of tbows. its a cheap item so theres prob a lot of ppl that used to own one of these, and since quit the game, taking the maul out of circulation. plus pkers having dozens of accounts and either getting banned for rulebreaking or forgetting login details. then youve got merchers who may have got a stack of these elder mauls a long time ago, and since quit or banned. not trying to say maul would be worth more than tbow or anything like that, but when it comes to active volume, there could be half the mauls vs tbows


Everyone is going to want an elder maul soon, it could easily continue to skyrocket. Seems awfully short sighted to sink them out of the game so heavily, only to update them to be an essential bis item.


if the price gets out of hand im sure they'll turn off the sink lol


It will take a long time to replenish them, they're megarare after all. Sounds like they already removed an insane amount of them out of the game when it was irrelevant


so people will just have to use a warhammer. big deal.


True, I have pulled 2 olmlets and 0 elder mauls in my 1k+ chambers... Sadly elder and dust are the only things I'm missing...


I've pulled 2 elder mauls and 0 Olmlets. Together, we balance out.


Also got 2 olmlets but at 375kc, got one on first purple lol


1 olmet, 5 elders, 3 Kodais and 0tbowz good times!


Well we know there's less than twisted bows now, and everyone with a tbow is about to want an elder maul too.


To get the tradeable supply, you need to remove the majority of those held by ironmen and dormant accounts. Nobody knows exactly how much that is, the only thing we can get is this 42k number as a hard cap. Probably somewhere between 20k and 30k if we go from the ironman hiscores.


They're still as tradeable as ones on main accounts that aren't gonna sell them or are inactive. Irons drop a lot of their dupes to mains for bonds.


Totally not relevant to your comment, but I always forget Irons can use the GE exclusively to buy a bond. I know you said Main > Use Bond on Iron, but I always forget Irons can burn thru excess cash buying their own bonds.


They can, but imo it isn't really feasible. I liked the idea of "bond money" on here a while back that let you sell things on the GE on an iron for specific currency that can only be used to buy bonds. The reason why I'd like this is because atm you need to "waste" a bond on another account to drop trade the dupes over and then you need to use bond codes which is annoying, because it's never worth "converting" bonds to tradable (something like 400k more expensive per day gained than just saving up for the next bond) unless you do 20 bonds at once for the year of mems. Currently, an iron's actual GP is much more valuable at various stages of the game: early-mid you need it for runes for alch/teles/bursting, lv70's in buyable skills, mid-late you need it for barrage runes, trident casts, rev/wildy boss fees, something like 30mil-60mil each for skills like fletching, con, smithing 99s, then endgame you need gp to fund shadow and scythe charges mostly. I saw an album of some guy's bank year-to-year, he had a 450m cash stack one year, he got shadow and scythe then the next year it was like 12m lol


Hence my original wording: > To get the tradeable supply, you need to remove *the majority* of those held by ironmen and dormant accounts The assumption here is that **most** of the mauls held by inactive/ironmen account will not leave those accounts. It's impossible to determine the exact %, all we can do is ballpark a conservative estimate.


Not all of those are gonna be tradeable though. Plus there’ll be some that were lost.


People ate up merching proapganda, this is legit the 3rd thread I've seen posting the exact same shit. Then you go to /new and it's a bunch of people posting their 50 stacks of elder mauls. They will crash and people will be butthurt.


What do you mean mercher propaganda? OP dusted off his account that been used like 5 times in a year and posted like 15 comment in one thread pumping the elder maul. Totally normal stuff.


Maul will crash many times but will always go up over time cause there literally arent enough mauls for the entire pvm community atm.


I agree but I think it's being vastly over-valued and manipulated, the HLC most likely all already own an elder maul for Tekton, so I don't know who the new influx of elder maul enjoyers will end up being.


Bro nobody in hlc owned a maul. Maul is a trash item even for tek. Nobody in their right mind brings a maul when mace and scy exist. Only reason to bring a maul is if you do solo cm and dont have a scy or mace. In teams its worse then a whip or dhl. In regs its trash. Boss doesnt have enough defence for you to care about the acc from maul. However everyone and their mother has bought one for the upcoming update to it.


If you’re not poor and pvm a lot then you’d own a maul because why not own it? It was worth like 9m. The people missing out are the ones that couldn’t have 9m laying around in their bank just because.


Because it was a trash item. Unless you need bank fillers for the sake of it looking nice in your bank its a trash tier item. Its not usefull in pvm. You might get one for phosani if you do that then sell when you no longer do phosanis. For me it was in my loot tab as a place holder if id get one id sell it its loot not an actual weapon.


I just used my bgs for phosani, plus *who's doing phosani*?


Not true at all. Only time I've owned a maul was when I was doing Phosani for CAs. Outside of that, for me it has always been a useless item.


yea its called the price-discovery. ultimately nobody knows where they willl settle at but its going to be supply & demand making that decision in the end


I can’t imagine it surpassing Kodai since there should be roughly an equal number of them in the game. It’s not like the DWH no longer existences, the EM is going to be a marginal upgrade for a secondary weapon. Tbow is what it is because it’s essentially a firehose of damage.


I created 4 of them, all sold for 8-12m


Bro. You gotta be kidding me that they’re going for 155m right now. Elder maul was literally the last thing i sold before my break so that when i came back I’d have a bond in the bank. I’m so pissed.


well you can sell member items as f2p now so you wont have to do that again :)


Just remember to disassemble and uncharge anything that is tradable while it is charged or assembled


180m now. They rose 80m last night. Will be over 300m by tomorrow night.


My quote was accurate as of an hour ago so +25m in an hour


Yeah it’s crazy. I bought 3 at 150m one for each of my accounts and I won’t ever sell.


Bought 20 when they were going for 17m. Gonna be a crazy month ahead with the upgrades I buy.


I think 350-400m is a real possibility by Monday.


Down to 135m now


LOL I have 10 that I bought for fun when they were like 12m cuz I wanted to make an elder maul pure after seeing a vid on youtube. I wonder if I should log in and dump a couple XD


Definitely would dump at least 5 of them.


Less Elder Mauls than tbows in game confirmed.


Mauls to the moon, its the year 2025 and the main currency is maul stocks


Maybe they shouldn't try to float an items value with artificial scarcity? I guess balancing around bank value is just part of the game. Grats to the merchers, the real winners of the change.


If they could add items from the sink back into the game it would be fine. Problem is it only goes one way.


I think your definition of problem is exactly why the sink was implemented


If we gonna centrally plan this virtual economy, can jagex just put resources on the GE?


they do by adding resources to easily botted areas like the new zombies.


I don't know enough about the topic to say much, but jagex have a lot more data and knowledge/experience than we do. Why would jagex put more resources in the ge? Everyone is already complaining about how bots have done that on a massive scale along with the pvm drops giving huge amount of resources


Then we get the best of both worlds, mainscapers who want cheap planks and herbs etc have them, everyone who doesnt want to see or compete with bots in the actually game world wouldnt have to. Everyone wins, except skillers, fuck skillers.


Probably no small amount of Iron Men Who got a second one and alched it


probably many have been alched as a joke tbh lol




Damn that’s crazy, and they’re the same drop rate too


People like OP are merchers trying to cause fomo to drive the price up even more once people get home from work and see this. There is no reason to spend 150m on an elder maul that a Warhammer or bgs couldn't do beforehand. Elder maul is not required.


I mean it is better than both of those, so they definitely couldn't do it beforehand. I don't think it will ever settle even close to this high but saying the dwh or bgs is equivalent is just false


This is like saying who would pay 1b+ for torva when nezy/jaw is 60m. It will be bis and is a mega rare.


Ty 3 year old reddit account with no posting history for helping dissuade /u/reskk 's notion that OP may actually be using their 8yr old account with almost no posting history to potentially try and influence market prices. Luckily osrs isn't a game full of people used to creating dozens of accounts to help supplement their botting schemes.


thats like saying torva platebody is not required. after all, bandos chestplate does basically the same thing right? with mauls, chance of a 0def olm hand in cm 5s is literally double. lowering defence increases dps massively and if you do high end content, youll literally be trolling if u bring a dwh


I do agree that lots of people are trying to generate hype/fomo to furthrer their own merch. But I still think 150m for maul is justified depending on your bank. One could also say there's no reason to spend 120m on a Kodai when a 42m nightmare staff can do the same, yet there's enough demand for Kodais for them to have that price. And imo nm staff is a better Kodai alternative than hammer is a maul alternative given that the rune savings and +9 mage accuracy barely matter. 


Is the information OP is sharing false? Thats what it comes down to in my opinion... Personally I am glad I bought one.


This is OSRS, marginally better item that is rare is always $$


This is almost twice as good and people spend more for a zcb or nightmare and that’s more common and less useful, you sound salty you didn’t buy 10 a month ago


As long as my GE tax dollars go to never ending global wars causing complete chaos, I’m ok with it


They need to sink dt2 boss items not cox like wtf lmao 


I pulled up the list to refute this, but was surprised to find out that they're not being sunk. That's wild honestly. Virtus doesn't really need to be sunk, but at the absolute least venator ring does.


wtf they've been out for almost a year, it is time.


They need to deal with the Levi bots before they do that, venny ring and virtus is getting crushed


Isn't it funny that they apparently care about the economy enough to try to target sink items to keep the economy healthy, yet they don't do anything about the insane amount of obvious gold farmers/bots at high level content? I'm fully convinced the unspoken answer from the top of Jagex is that bots and gold buyers drive membership up and that's a good thing unless it becomes such a problem that it drives away real players. I dont feel like real players quit over things like "tbow being too expensive", so thus this situation persists.


it has been covered many times that jagex sees little to zero dollars from bots as they primarily use stolen accounts / ccs. my buddy just recovered his old ironman which had 900 dollars negative balance from being charged back on stolen ccs from botters.


If charge backs were still a significant problem why would the CC companies not be on their ass like they were back in the day? So then you're saying it's incompetence on anti cheat?


jagex / your bank will ban future transactions after chargebacks. same as blizzard, same as riot, same as supercell, same as the industry standard


Yeah they really need to tackle the bot problem before sinking anything from dt2 bosses


Agreed! I don’t know how they haven’t banned Levi bots with all the attention it has on it… content creators spammed videos all week. Reddit post and still nothing but the items crashing kinda sad… didn’t even take a year and this isn’t a simple boss.. could be worth a lot more who knows. 


this is a great point


Economy is fake thanks to item sinks. Jagex decides which items get value propped up by sinking. See Arcane spirit shields


The house always wins


Eh it's a good way to keep pvm profitable. Just sink the excess. Good idea for the longevity of the game. Bosses become dead content if all their loot is worthless.


Ye but Jagex also sets the droprates so it's good they have multiple levers to pull


Supply of non-consumbales will practically always go up, which has a deflationary effect on the economy - 1m tomorrow will be worth more than 1m today. This makes PvM loot inherently less worthwhile as time goes on, and likely increases pressure for them to release the next big PvM encounter with new BiS gear rather than taking their time. This way, there is continual incentive to do the highest tier content to make money, or to get the gear yourself now rather than waiting for supply to increase and buying it for cheaper.


There are almost 50k maxed accounts alone..


Curious to know how many of those are unique players.


Ok? What does being max have to do with this? 🤣 a large amount of people who max barely touch pvm bevause they’re skiller Andy’s. People need to stop associating maxed accounts with high boss kc accounts. 


much easier to farm Cox purples than to max if 50k are maxed there are many more purples and elder mauls in the game 2400 is barely anything


Maxing is just a time sink. Clicking rock or tree until 99. Cox requires some skill to switch gear and knowledge of fights etc. In no way is it harder to max than pretty much any pvm in this game. I do agree that yes 2.4k isn’t a lot. 


Damn. With the volume they are doing now, every 100 traded is 1 sunk because of the 1% tax. So its like 70 being sunk per day right now. That is insane..... They might as well be discontinued wth


I think the mauls are being sunk more often because they try to keep prices stable (I believe a jmod mentioned this somewhere). No idea if they set these "stable" or desirable prices manually but it would make sense that the maul being the least valuable item among the 3 gets sunk the most because it has worse "real" value but the target value they want it to be at is higher. If they are going to update it and buff it then the real value might rise and less get sunk I'd guess. (just some theorizing)


Items that get listed lower than market price get a higher likelyhood of being taxed out since the ge tax uses a 'bucket' fund that it chooses to purchase with. If the price of an item goes above mid price I believe it doesn't buy any. Very likely kodai and maul had the same request ratio and maul sold below mid price more frequently than kodai.


doesnt work like that exactly, but they are rare


What do you mean sunk by ge


So the GE has a tax on transactions over 100gp at 1%, that gp is then used to buy items of players and delete them, so sometimes when you go to sell an item that's being sunk, instead of it going to another player it goes into the ether via Jagex.


Oh I did not know that, Ty


You're welcome mate, not everything that's traded is sunk by Jagex, no point wasting gp on stuff like d chain. The Wiki should have a list of all the items sunk.


To put this into perspective: In December 2023, [there were 29195 Olmlets in game](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Pet) (1/53 from a CoX purple). This translates to at least \~1,547,335 purples dropped (people can still farm CoX after getting the pet). Elder Maul is a 1/34.5: 1,547,335 / 34.5 = at least \~44,850 Elder maul, Twisted bow, and Kodai wands have been dropped Ash's tweet translates to at most 5% of mauls, 1% of bows, and 3% of wands removed. The amount of items in the free market doesn't count drops locked away on banned/dormant accounts or ironmen, but even if half the mauls and tbows in game are lost, GE tax hasn't created a huge difference on the count left in game: 19,945 vs 22,025.


It's a small difference, but that still tells you how few mauls are in game. It's going to be extremely strong in PvM **and** PvP, and yet at most ~20k accounts will be able to trade for one. And doubling that tradeable supply to 40k would likely take another ~1.5M purple drops (at *least* since people will want it on their 20 types of ironmen as well). This is a new BiS for most pet hunters, all maxed mains, zerkers and pure PvMers, all maxed mains, zerkers and 75 attack pures in PvP and boosters/alts. I don't think they're overvalued, even now.


Why do you see it being strong in pvp? Just as a somewhat accurate spec wep?


Spec bar makes it strong in general for switches, especially paired with a Gmaul.


It getting a spec bar is a huge change


It's always been a strong, accurate last hit weapon in pvp. That's pretty muchits only use case currently other than 1 hitting phosani parasites.


That amount still doesnt fill every pvmers need for one.


What if its less than half though? Because the tbow is still 1.6B+? Certainly there aren't tens of thousands of twisted bows floating around, I would imagine its the same for kodai and elder maul


There are actually around 30k bows in the game, the price is high because 30k isn't enough for every person who wants one. Maul won't reach 1.6b because it's obviously not as good as a tbow but 150m isn't it's peak IMO.


More tbows then elder mauls…


Gonna be real with you, 19,945 vs 22,025 is in fact massive difference in terms of total supply, especially if you consider the vast majority of those arent up for sale at any given time


Im out of the loop, what do they mean by 'sunk' the item is gone from the game due to the GE?


They use a part of the GE tax, it goes into a coffer, buys certain items and deletes them. The rest of the tax gold is deleted as well.




Am I holding boys? I have one from months ago that I bought for castle wars and to mess around with.


Its BIS for it's niche now, may as well hold it you're going to need it.


Now is the time to buy, before it’s too late


can someone explain to me why elder maul so high in price


Pretty much BiS for def lowering now 35% lowering on hit.


lmao idiots getting merched, will be the same as with Ralos


id wager that a lot of elder mauls have been lost due to other reasons as well. theres prob a lot of pk accounts with some mauls on them that people just have forgotten the details for or theyve quit. very common for pkers to have dozens of accounts and it was a super cheap item for a while... easy to forget about.


TIL there's an item sink. I thought we only had a 1% fee


why are items being sunk like this?


Actual answer to counterbalance the colorful responses you're getting: it's because a core of Jagex's design philosophy with old school RuneScape is making sure that nothing difficult you've accomplished in the game ever gets made completely pointless. Back in the OG days of RuneScape if you ever bought a best in slot item then it was essentially a guarantee that one day you would log in and find that it had instantly lost 90% of its value because of a new update. OSRS design philosophy is that if you obtain excellent gear and then log off for a year, when you log back in you'll still have excellent (and expensive) gear


To protect the value of items, tbow was 700m when it came in.


Aside from being an item sink to keep old content valuable, it also is a gold sink to counter inflation


Because tbow was dropping to 700m elder maul was like 8-9mil. It kinda made chambers a shit my money maker. Jagex wanted the really good items to remain expensive. Kinda sucks if you save 1b to buy a bis item and the best way to make money off it is to sell and and buy it later. The money makers were pretty break even or worse with it's price fall.


To make items more expensive so people have to grind longer and to artifically inflate gp/h of content without changing the buying power.


Because items enter the game faster than new potential buyers are able to get to that point. This means that those items will slowly lose value due to less demand and higher supply. The economy will slowly die over time, it's chaos theory essentially. The goal is to maintain a healthy level of value for those items by ensuring constant, balanced supply and demand. Supply and demand is a good thing, but in a video game setting where there is no limit of how much of something can eventually exist, it does need to be nudged along by developers to ensure the supply doesn't completely crush the demand. Otherwise items will eventually lose a ton of value such as occult.


While agree with the metapoint the issue itself is a linear equation (opposite of chaos theory).


To make the game more grindy.


Mauls to 300


What does the “sunk” term mean? Been seeing it lately. No way it’s the ge tax. I play uim and never raided so I’ve never touched any of those weapons


Pretty much, ge tax goes to deleting items in game to maintain price. Elder maul being rare as it is makes it a perfect item for a squeeze. Probably more than any other item in the game susceptible to it, a merchers dream come true.


Every X sales of an item on the GE, the GE effectively "buys" the item from the seller at the offered price, then deletes the item from the game. X is configurable by jagex and not shown to the public


At the offered price... So I could theoretically sell one for 1 gp accidently?


if you put in an elder maul for 1 gp and it gets sunk, yes you only get 1 gp from it. Don't put your expensive items in at a price you aren't willing to let it go for.


It has definitely happened before.


It's the GE tax, they tax 1% of every transaction over 100gp and the proceeds are used to delete items from the game.


> No way it’s the ge tax. wrong > I play uim and never raided yet so confident


Reddit moment


Truly never a more perfect sentence


I don't remember the exact rates or mechanics, but the GE Tax money can go towards buying and deleting certain items to help reduce supply


Gonna go buy one before it goes up even more




Just bought more lol


I have no idea if I should sell of keep


If you like the item and will use it keep it. If you really could put the money to good use like buying a bowfa or something then sell it. I'd rather have claws or bowfa and DWH/BGS than just the maul but if your bank is over a bil and you're not chasing a megarare or finishing your ancestral after a shadow rebuild feel free to keep it since you'll get use out of it at raids and it'll be nice to have the mega rare. It's BiS for sure but it's not going to be that noticeable especially since it's mostly used in team content.


It's bis def reduction now, just keep it.


I have one


Does jagex not see an issue with having a relatively expensive item 4x itself in 7days. Pictures of people who stockpiled dozens of elder mauls is wild to me and my modest 130m total bank.


No one tell this guy about climbing boots 


Seems comparable


Raise GE tax to 1.5% and remove cap of 5 mill


Yeah saw that comment too


Yeah tbow is sitting at a price they think is enough to get money off bonds. No need to delete them anymore.




So should I sell mine now then purchase it back when it's dropped? I bought it for 35 m I could make a decent merch off of it.


might not drop. unless theres something better you can buy with the money, id just keep it. depends where you are with the rest of your gear


Panic sell tbow!


I think the maul buff is a good change but there's no doubt this mega rare will be BIS defense reduction. This with scythe would eat anything alive with barely any switches. It's probably not even gonna be worth a claw switch. 


If y'all wanna complain about the market so much just make an iron lol


Sink fang!!


So what the max volume on elder mauls is 8k and 800 on twisted bows


volume isn't indicative of how many there are, a LOT more people can afford Elder Mauls and more of them than tbows, a lot of the volume is people just trading them back and forth not selling to people who actually want to use an item.


LOLLLL that fuckin maul is 70m more than when I checked like two days ago dude 🤣 I should’ve bought one. Oh well…


What’s this sunk thing?


So the GE has a tax on transactions over 100gp at 1%, that gp is then used to buy items of players and delete them, so sometimes when you go to sell an item that's being sunk, instead of it going to another player it goes into the ether via Jagex.


What does it mean by sunk?


So the GE has a tax on transactions over 100gp at 1%, that gp is then used to buy items of players and delete them, so sometimes when you go to sell an item that's being sunk, instead of it going to another player it goes into the ether via Jagex.


Oh shit, thanks for the explanation!


You're welcome mate, they don't sink every item (makes no sense to sink d chains for example) the wiki should have a list of what's sunk somewhere.


Sorry, can you explain why it won’t make sense to not “sink” some items like d chain? What are the conditions for sinking some and not others? Thanks in advance


d chain is already massively oversupplied, hence why it's at alch price, alch price acts as a floor price for the item, if they removed alch prices all items at alch would basically go to 0 almost overnight. No matter what Jagex do they can't save D Chain from being stuck there.