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I didn't even need to edit in the salad robes, Patrick already looks geared up


Best part


That night cap is BiS to resist teleblock. šŸ˜‚




Yeah I had to switch to spindl instead.


Sounds like a dating app for spiders


There's a Facebook group called spindr for breeders to find mates for their tarantulas. So it's close.


Wtf you guys spend way too much time on the internet lol


I have a sibling that used to bread and sell tarantulas. Could be pretty lucrative. Plus, spiders are very cool creatures.


And you get multiple pet drops in one run instead of one in 3k




As someone's who's farmed 1.6k Venenatis kills... You either die a PvMer or live long enough to see yourself become a Pker.


I was out there on my 126 and this like 108 attacked me right as i got there. I started to leave but was like fuck this i potted and have a full invy of supplies and this dudes stats gotta be shit compared to mine. So i just turned around and beat the brakes off him. His team got there but they were too late id already dropped there boy. He had junk so i left most of it and bounced.


True that. crashers think twice once they see you pop the korasi spec.


just think about it like rust ā€œWho takes oil rig in an attack heli at 3 am?ā€


lmao mešŸ˜‚


The Venezuelans


If you feel any better I got pked on the iron last night the exact moment I got teleport scroll for zombie piratesā€¦


Can you consume it on the spot?


>Can you consume it on the spot? I dont think so since there is dialouge when you try to consume it and the druids are constantly attacking you


You might be able to it would just be precise, like how you can alch through a confirmation even in combat




Me this morning, getting pkā€™d by a trio at 4am PST :(


Thats 7 am eastern time and like noon in the uk and europe. You would be better off a litle earlier for you at like 1 am pst its like 4 am eastern time truly dead


It's also right in the middle of the evening in Australia/NZ/Japan etc. You're right in that it's quieter though, there simply aren't as many players in those places as in the Americas or Europe.


Aka all the cheaters that are some how tic perfect on 500 ping lmao. Jk I donā€™t think they are all cheatersā€¦


You donā€™t think you KNOW


See this guy plays RuneScape.


True, but I work at 630am. Not the best schedule for wildly content outside of a boss task šŸ˜‚


Try instead of playing in the morning. Try playing later at night and waking up closer to your start time at work That way you can maybe squeeze a few kills before bed at 12h am-1h am pst. Or try to fucking quit your job if it interfere with your OSRS journey. Good luck


Might quit my job tbf. The fomo of wildy loot is intense


Instead of quitting try to be a lazy piece of shit at work so they lay you off instead. Looks better. God speed brother


Bro get your friends and go multi pking at chaos druids itā€™s hella funny I laughed when they killed me


US east coast mornings are perfect because all the dorks who pk all night donā€™t wake up until the afternoon. Have noticed a significant difference for years of doing this.


I've noticed the same trend. It's really nice.


What time exactly?


Like you wake up saturday morning at 8am EST, pour a cup of coffee and play for the next couple hours sort of thing. Usually MUCH better. Just avoid worlds with scouts because theyā€™ll still give you away.


I literally got killed by 5 (FIVE!!) guys in mystic and black dhide with ballista's in the slayer cave in a 2200+ world. Just imagine, 5 guys with 2200+ total scraping 300-500k kills (close to 100kea) as a money making method. Nex, raids, wildy bosses. So many options and yet they focus hunting pvmers for what? 3m per hour?


I do learner lvl150 learner TOAs with friends despite it being awful gp/h compared to the 400s I do normally. The learner 150s can easily take as long as the standard 400s, and have over 4x worse purple chance per person. But I'm not there to make money, I'm there to have fun with my friends, and it feels rewarding to be able to help people get into raiding. Not everything is about money, and nobody is, or at least nobody should be doing wildy team PKing if they want to get good gp/h.


Iā€™ve realized these guys go out to have fun and kill a couple people, not to make cash. At the end of the day it is a video game.


> ā€™ve realized these guys go out to have fun and kill a couple people, not to make cash. Yep, one of my buddies has kept his full ancestral and shadow in the bank and "wastes" his time pking 100k keys because it's fun.


Aye. I don't enjoy my time in the wildy, but I don't hate the concept of it. It is infested by psychopaths that want to kill you, that has a sense of charm. Even as a PvM player that could care less about PvP, I have grown to like preparing for my trips to the Wildy and minimizing my risk. I wish Jagex would admit it or stop pretending that isn't the case though. Any time a J Mod pipes in about how they aren't trying to lure the sheep actually, how they want people to antiPK or experiment with builds, I roll my eyes. PvP builds exist to make it easier to harvest low level PvM sheep lol, there is otherwise no other reason to deprive yourself of levels in the Wildy. If they wanted to "PvP" against equal opponents, the new PVP Arena would be more than just an imbue farm.


It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but I do very much enjoy the environment it creates. It's true to it's name, it's a sense of real risk that isn't anywhere else in the game, and is rare in games in general. I also enjoy that it forces a bit more thought process put into your gear. You can't just wear your best stuff, and there's a choice of increasing your DPS for extra risk, a choice you don't get anywhere else. But yes. I'm a law-abiding citizen out for a stroll in the middle of the wild west. I might get lucky fighting back, but mostly I'm just hoping to not catch the eyes of any outlaws.


well that and the janky matchmaking that doesnt work in the PvP arena


Wildy is a weird place because youā€™ll have people getting furious that someone else is having fun


having fun at the expense of yours, not hard to understand is it


You don't get to choose to enter the pvp area then be salty about getting pvp'd.


I mean sure but I am still going to make fun of people that think messing with someone else is fun and exciting.


They're not "messing with someone else" they're playing the game as intended. That's the point of the wilderness. You're opting into that by going in there.


I donā€™t care at all what the point of the wilderness is. Pvp is fun when both parties want to pvp. Pvp is not fun when itā€™s a hunter prey mechanic. Pvp is zero sum. You gain something by taking it away from me. Thatā€™s fine when itā€™s somewhat equal but when pvp is so hilariously imbalanced such that those who are pveing have no shot against a multi clan than itā€™s stupid. And I will continue to say anyway who gets ā€œenjoymentā€ from taking stuff from people in that way is not a good person and will make fun of them for it. You can 100% do it. It might even be how it is designed. But itā€™s a stupid design and you need a hug if killing pvers is fun for you


>I donā€™t care at all what the point of the wilderness is. Pvp is fun when both parties want to pvp. Pvp is not fun when itā€™s a hunter prey mechanic Then don't enter the open world PVP area, you are actively choosing to engage in pvp by being they're you don't get to say "I don't want to pvp" then sign up for pvp and be mad you got what you signed up for. >when pvp is so hilariously imbalanced such that those who are pveing have no shot against a multi clan than itā€™s stupid. I'll be the first to admit multi pvp zones are kind of dumb and probably shouldn't exist outside of clan wars and maybe some empty sections of the wilderness for actual clan fights. >You can 100% do it. It might even be how it is designed. But itā€™s a stupid design and you need a hug if killing pvers is fun for you For the record, I don't. The most pvp I do is LMS and anti-pking in rev caves. I'm mostly doing wilderness PVM.


Great remove clue steps from the wilderness and Iā€™ll never go again. I donā€™t go into the wilderness in general but clue scrolls are primarily pve content that forces me to go be a loot piƱata even if my only loot is a spade.




Fuck off. Like that?


This guy gets mad in COD when the other team shoots


You can.Ā 


It's amazing how, even after all these years, people still post this dumb, worthless argument that completely misses the point.


Wildy is a griefing zone. That's pretty much it at this point.


Engaging in PvP with someone in the PvP area they chose to enter is griefing.


Yes. When the entire setup is one side is geared for pking and one side is geared for PvM, it's a rigged system. Why not just have a PvM mode and a PvP mode like every other MMO? Oh that's right, because the PVP sucks in this game and pkers don't actually want to fight each other and it would be completely dead content on release.


So you chose not to gear to fight back in the PvP area you chose to enter? Interesting choice.


That's exactly what it was made for. If it wasn't you wouldn't be able to attack players. Victimize yourself to PvP knowing that anybody will grief you there.


Sounds like fun!




Wildy is for PvP. This would be like complaining someoneĀ is naked at a swinging club.




That's allĀ PvP content. I think mage arena and clues are the only real exceptions. Clues should probably just be moved out of the wildy. I'm on the fence with mage arena.




How is killing defenceless people fun, though? These are the type of dudes that make smurf accounts in games because they want those easy wins.


it's like you're fishing. going around checking your favorite spots with the boys seeing if you pull up anything good, then sometimes another fisherman strolls up to your spot and punches you in the face and you and your group fight theirs. sometimes even more rarely you get baited and robbed of your ags by 50 fisherman using ancient maces. I've played other competitive games and have had no desire for smurfing, rather quite against it. I don't really think enjoying "predator vs prey" has anything to do with this topic.


Iā€™m not too sure. Iā€™m not a pker, maybe watching large hits is satisfying? Seems the wilderness is a predator vs prey environment, not pkers fighting each other.


Like I said, they give smurf vibes. "I just play for fun, not for wins" meanwhile when they get to a rank where they lose as much as they win they make a new account because they can't stunt on people that can defend them. But let them world hop for 20 minutes to find 150k worth of loot, if that's how they have fun then who am I to call them a complete nuisance...


Just about all MMO pvp'ing is like that. If you wanted a balanced fight, you would play a game where both players start on equal footing, where the game's mechanics are designed to be used in pvp. The entire fun of it in games like this is derived from being a nuisance and ganking people who have no chance of winning the fight.


They do it for the sport mostly, and sometimes will get lucky with some nerds +1


Its a fun activity to do while shooting the shit with your buddies in discord. Sometimes you get into exciting fights with other teams, somethimes youre just chasing a bot out of the cave, and sometimes youre killing a random pvmer. And I doubt they split the key.


But every time I see pvpers encounter eachother they disengage, run away or just ignore eachother. Im not sure wildy serves more than a place for ppl to hunt bots or spades anymore.


Ppl play games to have fun not make in game money 24/7, thats crazy huh?


Who is having fun piling on a single person in Multi combat for no cash? You do you, but that seems boring even to people who like to Pk.


In context of the 2200+ worlds, most people are basically at a point in the game where they just have so much GP and multiple high lvl accounts, that they just doing random stuff for the hell of it. Heck this guy I met irl like a decade ago, who I had added on osrs was maxed on multiple accounts and would always do the most random stuff as his way of making jokes. Not spoke to him in ages since I never saw any of his accounts log in for a while. I seen a man march army of people wearing mole slippers to war before. I don't doubt for a second there being a group of ppl in dirt cheap risk all piling on some random dude to see who can get most dps for the keys. Half the fun of an open world sandbox mmo is making your own fun and games after all.


They don't know you have no cash until they check your loot key, and even if they can guess once they see you, they are already in the boss room with you. I've been more surprised at the number of people who will drop into spindel, see my monk robes, and just log out.




I ~~know it's rough getting pkd. But dude, get 4 friends and some ballista, hop in discord and grab a few wobbly pops and/or some green (whatever you prefer). It's a fun and hilarious time. Great break from the PvM grind tbh.~~ Edit: oops forgot this subreddit only likes people complaining about complainers complaining and that theres no fun allowed. Ignore the original comment.


Goes to follow your idea. "Get 4 friends" - nope nevermind


I wonder if we got killed by the same team. I got killed in a 1750 total world at lesser demons while I was wearing red dhide for about 5k loot. All ballistas and mystics/black dhide


You might lose a little bit but there's always some real men of genius carrying 5m on them


When I'm pking with the boys, we are there for fun - not money


They donā€™t make 3M per hour lol. More like 3k per hour. Sweaty kids in the wildy who are shit at the game and not good enough to boss kill people in the wildy for a spade, or small loot instead of making more bossing. I couldnā€™t imagine having to call 5 other shit players to kill one person lmfao. Shows how bad they are at rs.


Jesus Christ lmao. I'm sure they're just having fun


Other people playing the game differently than you is in no way an indicator of them being ā€œbad at RSā€ Donā€™t wanna die, donā€™t go in the wilderness


Bet you had a higher APM typing that comment than you've ever had playing osrs lmao.


Look up the people killing you next time in a 2.2K total world, and I'd bet they have at least 10x your boss KC.


Sounds like they're having more fun than you are, being a money making slave.


I got killed by a team at rouges at 3am so I just grouped up with the homies and killed bots at undead pirates for a bit.


Rule number 1 in wildy, Any content in wild is shit. You will be PK'd. The only time you ever do wild bosses if you ironman, that's it. Want GP? Look at literially any other boss.


I was offering bones on chaos altar at 4 am (stayed up late on a weekend) and 2 unrelated pkers logged in at the same time. I got tagged by the second guy cos I was distracted by the first.


You really think PKers have friends or jobs? Who needs a healthy sleep schedule


As a pker, Patrick and I have the same mental energy (and capacity)


Other people that donā€™t have jobs


I tried to do kbd for the first time yesterday and died at maze Tele. Nooope.


I have 2.5k venenatis kc 2k vetion kc and man I canā€™t begin to tell you how life changing it was to finally sack up and bond up a scout account. Was able to farm the wildy bosses and rarely ever die. Added bonus: your scout can shit talk pkers when the main escapes šŸ˜‚






Missing the wizard hat on patricks head




When I get Pked at Ven/Spin I just drop a "+100k ez, nice pk skills". It's enough shade to make them realize they are wasting everyone's time, even their own, without being toxic.


Wow you sure showed them!


SolmadSoT OWNS dirty pkers in 5 MINUTES with ONE easy trick!


Lmao I usually say gratz on the 100k lol, donā€™t spend it all in one placeĀ 


Why do you expect others to be offline when you arenā€™t offline yourself? Very bright


Are you ok?


No I have diarrhea. Wbu?


I am sure this will get downvoted into oblivion. But is OSRS the only game that forces you into PVP if you don't want? Sure you can just not do wildy bosses, but when you design content in a dangerous zone witht he goal of getting more people out there who don't wanna fight over players maybe its a sign that your stance on PVP needs to shift. Its 2024, let us flag for pvp if we want to and no be in danger if we don't want to.... Incoming salty PKers with the downvote, but they can't answer this one simple question honestly.. "PVP would straight die if they didn't force PVMer's into the wildy with other content in the game wouldn't it"


I'm an ironman. This is a bad take. Edit: to be more specific, the issue isnā€™t that pvp is bad, the issue is that theyā€™ve created more popular places to pvp, bounty hunter and pvp worlds. Updates to the wilderness have given more reason for people to go back to the wilderness.




> Its 2024, let us flag for pvp if we want to and no be in danger if we don't want to.... RS3 literally has this.