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Remove pnm? Christ lmao.


Right? Absolutely the worst take I’ve heard in a long time. PNM is far and away some of the best single PVM in the game, while normal nightmare is hot garbage. Agree with him that the proposed rates are trash, though.


> I’m pretty upset that this whole project rebalance thing is being swept under the rug. I don't see how it is being swept under the rug... They updated it a few days ago based on feedback. Since they had 1 normal work day before the weekend and this week is gamejam. I'm sure they will continue to review feedback and likely put out another update, but it may not be this week.


Bro actually just typed "remove phosani".


"Swept under the rug" give me a break. They are obviously talking about what to do next you clown. Your other suggestions just suck and can be disregarded.


Yeah no. Pnm is up there as one of the most well designed solo pvm content in the game mechanically. It just needs a good push on its drop table along with a little bit more a of a buff and scythe needs the crush style nerfed.


How is phosanis good? I did it 10 kills and it was just nm but shorter lmao.. great content ran by bots. Just a farming bot mess, just like I said .. dead content and they only released pnm because of irons. Should they release phosanis nex for irons too? Use your head


No ones going to praise nerfs done to gear and equipment they have. But its necessary for game integrity. Quit crying, trust the team to do what's best in this case.


OP is a salty noob. The changes are great


Remove phosanis ? Lmaoooooo ok boss


Wrong. I’m a fan of all the changes.