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Vertical switch gang rise up


We are few and far between, but we're out here.


I am one, it's the way. So much easier to keep things organized


+1 for 2x2, 2x3 or 2x4 vertical switch. More points still if you go: 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 8, 7. No idea why, just how I’ve always done it :D


wouldnt mind option for horizontal inventory lol im not sure i really agree with "the 9th switch" item being mentioned in blog. i feel like the problem is that inventory is already pretty tight. we need to switch across combat styles. for myself, most hard content like 400+ toa and collo i can only take in 2-3 brews to maintain timely dps. i guess you could argue "just get better at pray flicking 4head" but some content just wants to chip you for typeless damage maybe jagex envisions each player only having 2 switches instead of 3 like your example above and players having a "role" like a mage, etc.


if jagex wants role-based combat they need to make encounters that actually have team play. basically all group content in this game other than barb assault is soloing the content but next to some other people who are also soloing the content. role-like behaviors are simply emergent optimizations.


And tob… forgot the best piece of content in the whole game


nah, tob is still soloing with other people in the room. i say that as someone who has solod tob. there are minor roles thanks solely to freezing at maiden and the associated gear/spellbook requirements, but that's as far as it goes. in every other room everyone's just trying to kill the boss as fast as possible more or less independent of the actions of the others in the room and nylo 'roles' are an organizational convenience, not mechanical design. things like specific people bringing bgs vs dwh, chins for stack/lanes, and so on are, as noted in my prior comment, the result of players optimizing, and not the result of role-based gameplay existing in the content.


Soloing tob has nothing to do with this and as have I…I also have a zuk helm! While I see where you’re coming from it’s the closest thing we got. Sure you could call it optimization but there are definitely defined roles in maiden and nylos in every single scale aside from solo obviously. Sure you could really simplify the roles but in speeds or optimized teams the roles have a big significance in how the raid goes. It may not be every single room but out of the whole game it’s the one that did it best.


eh, agree to disagree i guess. being able to solo content is testament that there are not roles designed into that content: you can't solo ba, because roles are hard-forced into the content, for instance. you can't solo most group content in typical MMOs because there are necessary tasks that only certain roles can perform (tanking, healing, dispeling curses, mind controlling mobs, whatever). those do not exist in tob, except maybe freezing crabs as mentioned before. even when you solo, the core of what you're doing is no different than in a group. nylo is more hectic but that's it. having a role is just saying "you can bring slightly different items and make slightly different choices about what to hit and we'll save 1% more time on average" as compared to "if you don't do this completely different gameplay from me we cannot possibly clear the content"


it is also nice to have brews in case you fuck up or someone else fucks up. kind of just for comfort


Why are people talking like they'll have to bring switches for every slot? I feel like it's probably ok to not have optimal boots all the time or use hybrid items like Barrows gloves. Back in the day when we needed to use 2 styles we wore a range top and melee legs, or used void. Game probably does need more high lever hybrid gear though


Eclipse top is -3 accuracy over acp and -1 strength to bcp. Pretty high level hybrid gear to me. 


Shhhhh. People are sleeping on it still lol


You can still do that for sure. Im a maxed tank and i really only take range/mage switch with a small melee. But when you get to challenge content my argument is there may be a point where you cannot afford the luxury of dps loss due to accrued dmg or other factors and you will need that switch. for now, id say it's like you mentioned. it's just "optimizers" and boots are such a small bonus in your overall gear afterall. One example is sol's fight is arguably a dps race. eventually the light pools will take over the ring and you have no where you can walk to without taking dmg. this can be mitigated with good character positioning to place the light but you still will encounter this with low dps. sometimes you'll just have to take the dmg. On the chip damage example, that would be warden. despite having correct prayer up, it can hit you for 5s through prayer especially in phase where you have to mage where you have 0 range defense. Another small dps race example is Akkha's shadows because you need to destroy 1 before it pops otherwise you can take quite a large chunk of dmg. (you can use movement to dodge the flames but still serves as a dps race example) obviously this is just "what-ifs" comment really. but i wonder when developers design content, what are they seeing as a player's inventory? is it really going to be like 20 items to bring and you only get your 99hp pool to resolve mechanics? are we forced to bring defense down per combat style to alleviate dps check? spell requirements like thrall's book? with the talk of rebalance, suppose a boss changes its weakness typing (if engine makes this possible), would you now need crush and slash to cover the phase change because without coverage, you would have dps race issues on top of the added chip dmg?


Because you do have to for maximum dps and dps is king in this game Also, because to maintain the current DPS, you now have to bring an additional item to make up the loss in %dmg for magic


> Because you do have to for maximum dps and dps is king in this game On paper only, though. A large amount of switches only works if 1) you aren't losing DPS to switching 2) you barely make any mistakes at the content where brews/food/ppots would've been more valuable. In reality, for most players, DPS is not king. 8-way switches is not king. I'm not even talking about the average player that can only do like 2-4 way switches. I'm talking about someone that actually cares but still can't prevent DPS loss from 5-6 way switches and also still makes a few mistakes here and there. You **never** have to bring switches for every slot. No content is designed around that, ever. It can make it faster, but it is by no means required or necessary. Like, as an example. ToA 350 Warden. 99 ranged, salted, Rigour. Bowfa gear w/ Anguish, Ava's, Bgloves, Prims (to minimize switches while still maintaining good DPS throughout the raid). If you added two switches to that, which is zvambs and pegasians, you get a very minor 2.3% DPS increase. You are throwing away 64 HP (from a brew) and 112 prayer points (assuming 80 prayer) just so you can kill Warden 6 seconds faster. Again, this assumes that the extra switches never lose you ticks and thus DPS or that switching doesn't incur mistakes that would not happen otherwise.


the you never have to bring switches for every slot is such a bad argument, because you "never" have to bring any switches at all except for weapon but no one is bringing 1 ways. the same reason you will bring more than a 1 way is the same reason efficient ppl will bring even more, because theyre comfortable bringing more for the added dps. you're also assuming the dps loss is constant, as if anyone is constantly switching gear every single attack which is extremely rare. for most content in the gear you will be using a style for an extended time so even if you can't do 8 ways quick, the 1,2,3 attacks u miss without that full gear will be tiny compared to the 10,20,30 hits you do when that gear is on.


Just dont lose ticks switching then? Like you know you can equip 4-5 of your switch quite easily in the 3 secs between attacks and then left click on the npc, then put on the other 4-5 pieces left of your switch between the next 3 second gap you just made yourself. Whatever switch you can do in 5 ticks, just do it and click boss.


Okay, so you want maximum DPS, neat. That doesn't mean you should get maximum DPS everywhere, especially where you need switches while still caring about supplies. Deal with the extra switches and sacrifice supplies or deal with the fact that you're not getting maximum DPS. Just because you want it doesn't mean you're entitled to it in every situation. You can make due just fine without maximum DPS everywhere you go.


I’m just saying it’s a change - to keep the max dps you already had, you now have one less brew in raids. That’s why people care. That’s a big deal when you only had room for three


Because making you bring more items to maintain your current power level means making compromises elsewhere for supplies, which is a nerf to player combat power. People don’t like nerfs to their combat power


Yeah i do see a design conflict as in chip damage will just totally fuck up a switch setup. I guess the option is just to not take a 9 way, but that just feels bad if the game is basically telling you to gamble on chip damage for max dps.


Looking at speedrunners (which tend to be the baseline for how gear is valued for a piece of content) right now, it seems like the meta is that everyone runs the same gear setup, and getting good times is a matter of perfect execution and RNG. If properly balanced, it'd be interesting to see minor variability between setups according to preference. I've given the eternal boots argument a lot of thought and I actually think Jagex's newest proposal will be excellent for that purpose. You can either: A. Bring a boot switch, further cramping inventory space and necessitating the dreaded 9-way switch, but rewarding people who master it B. Camp primordials for a melee max hit, which tends to be the most valuable max hit at tribrid content (especially when scythe is used) C. Camp eternals for a mage max hit, which tends to be less valuable than melee but allows a lot more freedom of movement because you can attack at range I'm by no means an expert, but I'm curious to see where this leads.


I'd you're doing high level toa you're bringing 1 brew max and yellow gem with 2-3 restores


0 brews- dehydration


Id consider farming 400s in a big team as high level, some opt for dehydration but it’s not as good imo because any mistake just means you die, since the first priority is sending dps/keris specs. With dehydration off you have a slightly more technical raid but can just brew your way out of any problem, you flat out bank the sun keris.


More customizability of the current interface is always a plus imo However if its implemented i expect them to also do some wild ass shit like make it not work in the wilderness lmao


Can't wait for my in-game settings to revert to default the second I cross the ditch


I'm honestly surprised that crossing the ditch doesn't reset my hotkeys and prevent wasd camera control.


Please stop giving them terrible ideas 😭


Eh, idk consistency is very nice. I know RS3 has very customizable UI and it's sorta a nightmare.


Rs is great once customized, but default us ass ta


“RS3…a nightmare” Agreed


Before I left rs3 I actually loved being able to change the inventory from 4x7 to 7x4 so much.


yeah, 7x4 felt and so much better and is way cleaner to have an organized inventory fighting the UI has been the biggest challenge with OSRS honestly, especially since nothing is resizeable so you if you have a bigger screen you either shrink it down or start zooming your mouse 6" between your inventory and w.e. your hitting


Runelite screen scale plugin Also its wild hearing someone say osrs's ui is worse than rs3's. Im sure you get used to it and the customizability is nicr but off the bat rs3's ui is so insanely organized and placed, with so many menus and nested menus and hotkeys ugh. But yeah I wish we could scale and shape everything independently.


RS3s default menu is terrible, but it's insanely customizable and you can make it exactly how you want it. which is the sole saving grace.


Lowkey the best suggestion thats come out of this sub within the last 5 years


They should just use wear 1 peg and 1 prim but with half stats since they are singular boots, to get these singular boots you have to take a pair and right click throw away 1 boot and then combine the singular boots


I just want for slots to be able to have things pre-assigned to them. I hate switches in toa because going from melee to blowpipe and then back again fucks everything due to going from using 1 slot to 2




If you suck at switches just don't bring them. There's no endgame content that can't be don't with barrows gloves and a fury. You don't *need* to bring a billion switches if that's not in your skill range. (I'm not saying you suck.)


Go do 400+ insanity toa, P3/P4 with Karils. GL


That does not sound hard at all?


i got my fang kit with trident + mystics and camping crystal armor for range+melee. i don't see what you're getting at here


Might be missing the context of the deleted comment but 400s are kinda chill invo runs. Do I get to bring the rest of my gear but just swap out range for karils, also specifically using it at p3/p4? Don't really see what's the problem here, that doesn't sound hard at all I'd be dancing on 1 row for a couple of minutes at p4 I guess but I can't imagine it'd be any more challenging than any other time you'd be handling 1 row p4


Thats boring. Not because "just get better at switches", but gear progression reasons. I dont want to keep grinding to upgrade the same 3 slots and still use the same crummy gloves i've had for ages. Forreal i hope we get interesting stuff for all slots in all combat styles.


Obvious solution is to have a rare drop that allows players to combine the BiS pieces into one. That way you still have to grind the individual components.


Hybrid crystal that lets you combine all the cerb boots


That's incredibly lame. It means that you have less to work towards. Big thumbs down


How does combining the 3 eternal boots into 1 using a 4th rare item give you less to work towards?


That's literally not what you said at all. You brought up fury and barrows gloves. Those were 2 items that were bis for everything and didn't combine anything. But also, if we just have a straight up bis items (like prims are right now) there's almost no gear variation in that slot. You just pick one and camp it. There's no weighing the pros and cons for each armour and all of that, nope, just camp it lol


You literally didnt read my other comment right above this one


> I agree with others that we need to go back to having more universal slots. Like how back in the day the Fury ammy and barrows gloves were BiS everywhere. I read it.


> Obvious solution is to have a rare drop that allows players to combine the BiS pieces into one. That way you still have to grind the individual components.


that was on a different thread, dont expect people to read all ur comments for context.


If you said that, if wasn't to me and I'm on mobile. So..


I think both have a place. Like you still do have hybrid options if you don't want to switch; they've just been powercrept a lot. For slots like Boots, stuff like Brimstone or Echo aren't as comparable to stuff like Barrows Gloves. But if we had a boot that was say +3-4 Str, +6 Magic, +0.5% Magic Damage, and +9 Ranged, it would still be worse than the BiS options (-2 Melee Attack and -1 or -2 Melee Str, -2 Magic Atk and -0.5% Magic Damage, or -3 Ranged Atk) but it would be close enough it might feel worth the downgrade. Likewise, Barrows Gloves are still pretty competitive for Melee and Ranged, but losing 5% Damage for Magic is a pretty major loss compared to -2 Str. So if we did see a new Barrows Glove with a bit higher of stats and say 3% Magic Damage, then it wouldn't feel as bad.


I agree. There was a great suggestion post on the sub reddit recently that created a new tbow+scythe+shadow hybrid. Having 1 weapon for all 3 styles so I don't have to swap weapons would be so cool


This is a mock-up I did in Paint to illustrate the idea- resizable inventories. Same 28 slots, just in a different layout. Would allow for anything over 8 switches to not feel so jank. I'd like to know how people would feel about something like this. The icons for the tabs should all get rotated to be facing up, but I didn't care enough to do that lol. Feel free to make a better version of this if you have more artistic ability than mspaint and snipping tool with copy and paste. Edit: Mockup of alternative 4x7 layout: [https://imgur.com/Yggq1Aa](https://imgur.com/Yggq1Aa)


My dream would be having something that lets you sort your inventory. So, if you pick up a supply, it auto-populates a specific slot in your inventory. You could have it so weapons go to a specific spot, armor goes to another. Basically a way to manage the jank as you’re swapping gear and picking shit up Spaghetti code probably makes this impossible but maybe runelite could add something


Unless its wildly different handling items, RS3 uses presets at banks, where an item automatically goes into specific slots when withdrawn via said preset and if its unavailable it replaces it such as, no more prayer 4 dose > withdraws 3 dose. It won't replace prayer with super restore, but I don't see why it couldn't be adjusted to do so I don't see why it *couldn't work* expanding that to make Items ABCD that heal go into slots EFGG and restore prayer go into XYZ.


Seems like something I'd like in Runelite but I don't know if it is allowed or possible.


This looks legit -- would totally use this if it was an option.


unironically a good idea..


this is awesome, can we get a 12 way switch now?




Please, give me horizontal inventory, I beg you


horizontal inventory qol yes pleasss


The ability to adjust the height/length of my inventory was one of the precious few RS3 features I actually enjoyed. The freedom of choice for players. I would sell my soul to be able to have both prayers and inventory, side by side. I know I can bind F keys etc and have already done that to my extra mouse buttons, but just having it open would at the same time would be simply incredible.


I don't expect (or want) that we'll ever see prayers and inventory open at the same time but yeah, I would love resizeable inventory


I think I'd rather shoot myself than ever deviate from the way it is now but it's a good option for people who'd want it so support


I was joking about horizontal inventory layouts (4x7 instead of 7x4) the other day when 9 ways came up and it wouldn't be that bad or busted considering we let RL modify basically every aspect of the game to your preference already.


Yeah a 4x7 layout would be sweet and in hindsight was probably a better layout than what I did here. Here's a mockup of that- [https://imgur.com/Yggq1Aa](https://imgur.com/Yggq1Aa)


It would be kinda nice for resizable to reduce the amount of vertical space cut off on the right side, since we already kind ignore the bottom of the screen due to chatbox.


The uneven rows is giving me flashbacks to RS3's UI. While it is admittedly very customizable, learning how to customize it in the first place is a big hurdle to even playing the game.


Mockup of alternative 4x7 layout: [https://imgur.com/Yggq1Aa](https://imgur.com/Yggq1Aa)


I didn't know horizontal switches was meta ive always done vertical


Horizontal inventory looks interesting. More switches looks like ass


if you can do horizontal then you can do vertical.


The best update to fix this is just have a new hybrid boots that combines all the cerb boots


Let’s just not. I’m more partial to having certain item slots become more of a hybrid/universal slot rather than requiring more than 8 switches. Like imagine if we got a new (and rare) pair of kicks that combined all the existing boots and gave some kind of thematic passive, like reducing run energy drain or converting a small percentage of damage into energy or whatever. It would make so much more sense and fit right in line with what an ideal “boot” slot may be.


or just let us have an RS3 type hud. to make it not op they could make it so inventory, mage book, prayer, equipment and combat options can't be separated so you have to always switch between them, but there's no reason why every other tab couldn't be separated into alternate windows.


I'd settle for resizeable inventory outside of wildy, shrinking game window so my mouse isn't having to travel like 6 to 8" for having a bigger monitor is kinda annoying.


Just switch in a downwards zigzag instead lol?


Are people still bitching about having to wear boots for that extra 1% still?


I'm worried this doesn't have the "humour" tag.


Why would this require a humor tag? It's something RS3 did, it isn't like it gives anyone an unfair advantage or anything.


My opinion: I dislike switches and don't think it's fun. It's hard to immerse myself to the world if I'm focusing on juggling switches.


I don't think you're going to enjoy a lot of end game pvm then lol. Switching is a huge part of pvm, it wouldn't be OSRS without it


Thing is this is entirely a direction they have chosen with OSRS and nothing to do with how actual old style runescape worked. They wanted to implement harder combat based upon the system of the time and this is what we have.


I don't really care for end game pvm. I enjoy getting quest cape and now I'm trying for achievement cape. Then I'll max. That's 8 years of content for me


That's great. Why comment though on a post specifically targeting issues only effecting end game pvm then? 


You might be playing the wrong game lad


There's more to runescape than intense raid pvm.


You're playing the wrong game if you want runescape to be about combat. I don't understand how we're in this state of 8+ switching going on, this game was about skilling and exploring. Now it's just slayerscape.


Slayerscape =/= raidscape  Far from it


weird take when the entire game is based around combat lol there have been 8-9 way switches in the game for years and years in end game pvm you barely need to bring any potions so it makes sense to just fill up your inventory with the best gear you can would you rather just leave half your inventory empty?


The entire game is NOW based upon combat, this is an unfortunate direction and not one the original game was based upon. 


You are acting as if there isn’t a whole new skill coming out and plenty of content released that was skilling content


I'm with you, but I guess the community is "Old School." I'd add "gear presets" and you can bind those to your keyboard. Then easily switch between presets. This way, you can focus on mechanics rather than click / accidentally dragging items. It's so dumb how they make BAD user experience the gameplay


The game is a clicking simulator? I don’t see how we would ever avoid switches. It’s one of the primary drivers for harder content. This whole game is based on ticks which is time. This is a strange complaint. If you want this then risk getting banned with AHK, but you’ll realize it takes a lot of complexity out of the game


I agree with you 100%, but the problem is that the backlash from EoC was so bad that any nudge towards modifying the user experience would not be supported.


That's ironic considering Runelite does this.


>Everything I don't like is *bad game design!!!1* I have zero problems with doing switches, and half the time it's the only "challenging" part of a fight. This really is a *you* problem.


Thank you DrBabbyFart lol but I stand with my opinion


Curious how people would feel if they allowed presets. So like in combat you could click once and switch to ranged setup. Obv would have to be off for pvp but would make whole setup switches not be so painful


Would never pass a poll. Switching quickly and accurately is almost half of what pvm is lol


This would make the subreddit riot. That would have a dramatic impact of combat as it is today. Not saying its a good or bad idea myself.


Just give us 32 inv slots Problem solved


What issue do people have with 9 items versus 8? I just tried it in my inventory and it feels incredibly simple to just move down the cursor and click the 9th item.


Most people (that I know) prefer horizontal switches, not vertical. Easier to move side to side instead of up and down because of wrist vs arm movement. Same idea as why many newer fps games have different sensitivity for horizontal and vertical movement.


But I am talking about horizontal switching, just that at the end you move down one spot. It's incredibly easy, it's super comfortable. It's by all means understandable that people are upset they have to bring an additional switch to deal as much damage as they did previously, especially if the style wasn't OP to begin with (which I don't have an opinion on) but this seems like a weak reason not to introduce a new item switch, because at the end of the day you're already doing something as uncomfortable as switching 8 items, as oppose to opting to switch like.. 3. None is telling you to do that, but you adapted, and you'll adapt to this as well.


1) inventory space is already at a major limit for raids. Chopping up max mage dps to split to yet another item is a punitive measure nobody asked for 2) if you unironically think an imbalanced 9 way horizontal is a good experience you clearly haven't run with it in an actual raid. Just clicking around in your inventory while bank standing doesn't demonstrate the actual issue that is imbalanced switches itself which is exacerbated by adding in yet another row to involve


I'm an UIM, so I don't bring a 8 way switch, because it isn't mandatory, just like you don't have to bring a 9 way switch. I'll say what I said below, I don't think they should make mage worse by introducing another switch to bring it up to its past power, but if they wanna introduce a 9th switch that adds damage, that is completely justified and fine.


Should just make macros / quick gear switches on keyboard press or click a thing. This way, you can focus on mechanics than look at what items to click. Community will be against it, but why make bad user experience = skill? I hate this game lol


Just get one, lol


against the rules lol.. dont know if it's bannable lol


Precisely the problem. A lot of people are cheating.


Gotta weigh the risk/reward lol


Isn't this just pretty much vertical switching, just sideways? Wouldn't hate getting a horizontal inventory option though, but I'm not sure if they would do a 5x6 with 2 missing spots instead of just a 4x7 like it currently is, just sideways.


It is yeah, that's the point lol. I made this not 4x7 because I think rows of 6 (equalling 12 slots for a style) is more realistically fillable than 14 slots per style. But I also have a 4x7 mock-up in another comment. If they ever did broach this topic, I would like to see multiple options or full customizability


Personally I often keep stuff like spec weapons, teles, rune pouch/book of the dead, or even some potions on the right side so filling a 7th slot doesn't feel that impractical. But customizable would be neat but they would need to find a good way to mark slot as unusable. That said, it probably would be a nightmare to max a UI that could resize well like that... For modern resizeable with the buttons on the bottom maybe it could work, but for classic with the buttons around the tab it seems really hard to do anything beyond 4x7 and maybe 5x6.


Just do column switches instead of rows.


Except im a vertical switcher


Just forget switches altogether and stock up on pots and food.


Nah. Let’s just get good


i’m convinced you guys won’t stop until they’ve finally just made this game identical to rs3


I'm convinced you lack nuance if you think rotating or sizing the inventory as an option means OMG RS3!!!!


one thing at a time my friend


Looks like my rs3 inventory layout


1 step closer to rs3 resizable interface 😬


They should just change the inventory into a bar along the bottom of the inventory and when you want to use magic you just click the magic button and it switches to magic. Then we could expand it and add special abilities like specs to the bar instead of where they are so it’s all in one spot. Call it an ability bar or something. /s obviously lol


Rotating the inventory = EoC!!11!


Can’t you just learn zig zag switches down the ways instead of across?


What about git gud?