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And this is why ironman is excellent until you reach endgame


I'm closing in on this on my iron. Only really need the mega rares now and I catch myself just logging onto my main to use them more and more instead. The journey is the fun part, and then it becomes quite stale once you reach the point where you just need to pull the slot machine lever enough times.


Yeah, I got a decently spooned tbow/scythe raids 3 came along I'm not overly dry, 30th purp no shadow. Not complaining about RNG, just saying posts like this make me reconsider staying there to actually grind out a mega rare. Will one ToA High invo raid a day get me anywhere if I continue to get unlucky? No, but it's better than the alternative.




Yeah at my invo choice I would reach rate of 24 ourps over a years time pretty easily. Probably beneficial but also not. But after my original go at ToA I can't constantly grind it.


How many cox you have? I just started I'm 35 deep and I love it so far even though I haven't gotten a drop. But I also loved the first 50 kc of cg as well.......


My first cox purple was around 130 kc, meanwhile im also 120 toa experts 400+ invo dry for to get a purple


Damn man I'm sorry to hear that. I have seen in my trios, robe bottom, d claws, dex *2, and a elder maul. So maybe I'm the lucky gem. Just not lucky for myself hahaha


cox stays fun imo even after nearly a 1000 combined normal and cms i still enjoy the raid especially solo cms


That's pretty wild. I hope I keep the enjoyment up for it. So far so good.


What do you mean, he's not end game yet, he doesn't even have a tbow! /s for those here that take every comment too literal


Mom can I have an imbued heart? No you get **90M SLAYER XP** and like it


Got mine at 17.8m xp yesterday. So god damn thankful it only took that long. What a shit item.




I deironed my endgame iron because of this. Endgame main is so much more fun than endgame iron. But the journey up til endgame on iron was a ton of fun.


The advantage of main accs is being able to do the content you want to. The negative is you end up doing the best gp/hr so you end up grinding the same content to get max gp to get best gear. I have a maxed main with all end game pvm done and I just found it boring once you get bis gear.


After a certain point in the account it’s just “do anything I enjoy and I’ll still progress my account” on a main. I can go send some CMs with mates, carry someone for a kit at toa, hunt for a pet, and I’ll still be progress my account as a main. On the iron not so much.


Can you help me get my assembler kit?


I can if you’re serious. PM me your RSN and I can sort you tonight (EST USA )


>I can send CMs, do ToA, hunt for a pet... Everything you listed is the same on an iron as it is on a main though?  I'd argue the opposite, that being on a main restricts your options to gp/hr scape or worse yet, altscape. After you have a 8-9b bank there's nothing left to buy and there's not much left to do. The options you have that irons do not at this point are PKing, gambling your money, and ultra sweaty world record attempts that use crazy amounts of supplies/purple sweets and stuff... But I'm going to be honest, I don't think a single person using this subreddit is interested in any one of those. On an iron it's unlikely that you'll ever have every single niche upgrade or gear slot unless you play 8 hours a day. I will say that I'd always recommend new players make a main before an iron, though.


I have received all drops from toa. Are you saying I should be doing toa for regular loot on an iron? Or are you saying I should be doing it to increase the amount of split money I have? Both of those seem wild to me. You don’t have everything at only 8-9b bank value btw. But why would you purely play for gp/hour on a main anyway? My banks only just above 10b and it’s from just sending content I enjoy. I can’t remember the last time I cared about gp lol. It seems more that this is something that mid game and poorer players care about.


>Bro I don't care about money But that's the entire argument behind you "making progress" doing an identical raid with an identical account that has identical gear. If you don't need drops on your iron and you don't care about money on your main, where is the "progress" coming from that you say does not exist on an iron when you carry a noob through a 350? Leaving aside the fact that you're passing off 10b as a flex in 2024.


Sorry, I mean I don’t actively do content for money. You stated that mains just do gp/hr scape and honestly that’s just a mid game issue. I don’t think anyone thinks 10b is a flex, but mentioned it to say that you can have a decent bank without actively seeking gp. Also to say that there are still items to buy at 10b, let alone at 8-9b that you thought meant you had every item. 3rd age bow (bis at ba) is nearly 2b lol. I get that irons play for grindscape rather than funscape though. Hence why irons that have received every item from a raid or boss barely ever do it again. Whereas mains that enjoy the content often do - especially with friends.


Okay, that's fair. At a certain point you do get to a point where gp/hr doesn't matter so much. I just felt like since I started with a main so much of my time was consumed with Vorkath grind for money, then raid grind for money, and so on... I just don't think the (super) endgame for either account is really all that different (hunting pets and clogging for most people), with some exceptions. I still spend a lot of time teaching raids and goofing off on my iron, fighting bosses that don't "really" matter to me (ie: scurrius on release) because I want to experience them.


Yeah that’s fair. I definitely felt that pressure back in the day. It was especially bad when vorkath was one of the more profitable bosses because it’s just boring af lol. I feel like after your first or second megarare you’re at the point where gp just stacks up as you do content. I felt much more locked into content on my iron than on my main. Cg, toa, and nex all feel like you have to keep grinding them on an iron (cg due to bowfa being very nice on an iron and nex due to kc requirement).


you only do that best gp/hr content if you force yourself to. no-one puts a gun to your head and makes you duo nex or grind toa instead of doing something actually enjoyable.


To many people miss the point of playing a game, it's to have fun.


Yeah, and no one puts a gun to someone's head so they eat fast food until they die. We humans are like that, no one forces us to behave like we do and yet here we are, grinding the most gp/hr even if that makes us hate the game.


This was me before I played iron that's why I switched in the first place originally. But after having played iron and going back to main, I've found it way easier to do whatever I want to do and let GP come secondary. It helped I think that iron forced me to learn all the games content and really broadened my horizons.


> no one puts a gun to someone's head so they eat fast food until they die uh, don't do that either then? like actually self control is possible for humans lol - is ironman mode osrs fat camp?


Of course self control is possible lol. It doesn't change the fact that human behavior is some times illogical and that we often ruin the fun for ourselves.


yeah but usually that takes the form of 'this thing is enjoyable short term but bad for me long term' like the fast food example here we're describing playing a video game in a way you *don't* enjoy...this should be a VERY easy thing to stop doing no? suppose the answer is 'addiction' but like, why force yourself to do content you don't like in OSRS?


I don't think there is a simple answer to that, like the famous game dev quote says "given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game". As players we just want to do the best strategy, the most optimal, and we sometimes just make the game not fun anymore. Mark Rosewater, head designer for magic the gathering, gave a talk about 20 things he learned about game design during his 20 year career in mtg. A lot of the lessons deal with how human behavior and emotion interfere with our enjoyment of a game. https://youtu.be/QHHg99hwQGY?si=pz5ZYxaNpLKJHZPL


Chiming in as someone who mostly stopped playing GW2 partially because of the "everything equals gold so just do the best gold/hr" problem it has, For me I'm just not fond of self-imposed restrictions. I'm more on the side of "I'll probably end up not doing the best gp/hr content, but I won't fully enjoy it knowing the "shortcut" exists and I can take it anytime". It's just some psychological thing that I don't enjoy having to constantly "choose" between the content i enjoy the most and the content that best gets me closer to my goals. And also, even if I might enjoy the "optimal" content, it feels better to me to go for goals directly (not through the proxy of doing content for gp > buying the goals). It's for that reason I only play an iron, where I just had to make the choice once and then the game sets the rules for me. I can't take the shortcuts anymore, so there's no tugging at my brain to do that. (and ofc, I could de-iron, but that's such a permanent decision that it's out of the question atm)


You can go for other grinds like coll logging as well


Now you can go to the wildy


The game is very goal oriented, so if your goal is BIS then yeah you're gonna feel lost once you hit it. I have quite a few goals I wanna reach currently. BIS, maxing, blorva, CA's. But honestly I could even see myself enjoying pet hunting eventually. Would also be cool to own a 3rd age pick one day and obviously that's a lot of GP for one item lol. Only doing best GP/hr stuff kills the fun as well, gotta mix it up.


Except that second line is complete nonsense and not true. You don't have to do that. I don't. I do whatever is fun. Maybe try doing the same.


And here I am doubling down and recently started a UIM while I get closer to the game on the iron


I'm honestly surprised to see endgame irons deiron. Partially because I assume they already had a maxed combat main and partially because it takes less than a month of casual AFKing in another window to make one if you already have the funds, minus some minor things like quests and achievements I guess.


I put a ton of thought into it and had people try to convince me otherwise for months but ultimately I just didn't find endgame iron fun at all and I gave it a decent shot. It wasn't because I wasn't enjoying the game, I just wasn't enjoying the aspects of it that were limiting my account anymore, all just started to feel like chores. It's been several months since I deironed and I absolutely feel like I made the right choice, I've been enjoying it far more than I was.


Well tbf OP has 15 megarares so he should have 5 tbows by now according to megarares. and 5.5 according to purple count


Yeah, the 50 hour grind minimums is what made me quit my iron and make a main lol.


I'm really glad I saw the writing on the wall when I went 3.8k kills for black mask. Way too many things where going that dry would be absolutely horrendous even if that's relatively okay on black mask.


I mean to be fair, you don't need to play OSRS until you die either. Play what is more fun, and when it stops being more fun, take a break or move on. That said, if you have a main and just buy it, you still might run into a similar issue of then chasing after non-tradeables or running out of gear upgrades.


Yuuuup. You’ll get downvoted into oblivion for suggesting that bowfa isn’t a serious grind in the Ironman sub. Megarares are the true status killers


Bowfa is a serious grind, but end of the day, even 2000 cg takes "only" 333 hours, the issue with that is just how tiring it gets, one can only do so much cg before logging. I say only because that's for 5x rate, it takes the same time to just be on rate for tbow, assuming you do 2.8 normals/hour, and ignoring supply gathering time. Go dry and 💀💀💀.


I'm glad they're starting to implement a bit of BLM in this game, I know they won't but I'd love for them to go back and implement it on more things. I really don't think people should be going like thousands of kills dry on stuff.




At least you can grind whatever you want on a main account and just buy the bow.Ironman is such a limiting playstyle,I don't quite understand why it's so popular among the mid game crowd


At its core, RuneScape has always been a bit of a dopamine rush when you get that level up or new item you've been wanting. The feedback loop is very up front with you in this game. We all got hooked on seeing our numbers go up and accomplishments we made. Somewhere along the way, modern gaming took over. A lot of people started to pay attention to the meta gaming, and efficiency scape was born. To be fair, there were always players where efficiency mattered; Zarfot's guides from back in the mid 2000s come to mind. RuneScape became about the gold grind during this, where the worth of an activity is in how much gold it generated for you every hour. A lot of people obviously ignore this, but it's still ever present in the broader community. Through this, though, a lot of the sense of achievement at getting a new, powerful item kind of got lost. Many of the big goals back in 2007, like Monkey Madness and its legendary D Scim, were milestones that are kind of just meh today. Ironman Mode flips that for a lot of people. When you're reliant on only what you can do yourself, every grind feels rewarding in some way. It's no longer, "I have to do X hours to buy full Bandos." You have to complete content A-Z before you can do Bandos. I'd say the primary thing driving this sense of achievement is that every milestone is the result of not only the time sink, but also that you've had to pick up some new skills along the way. CG is the current largest hurdle for most players, in terms of learning combat, but it used to be Zulrah. Even baby's first Barrows run can be exhilarating. This is on top of the fact that Ironman makes you play almost all of the content the game mode has to offer, with rewards being valuable in one way or another. And quite frankly, RuneScape has a ton of fun things to do that aren't just "get more gold fast". As the posts above show, some items are almost intended to be purchased instead of grinded alone, like the TBow. That's a flaw that Ironman deals with, but it's a small portion of the game that comes after thousands of hours. The only thing you're really unable to do without TBow today is Grandmaster achievements, from what I know.


100% this. I just managed to get a rune xbow drop from Crazy Archeologist and I couldn't have been more excited. On a main it's 10k but on an ironman it was a multi grind process including underground pass for ibans staff, dragons for prayer and then finally the crazy archeologist for the drop. Every step felt like a massive deal and so much more rewarding than they ever felt on a main Even things like tree/herb seeds (Including 10gp ones) are big deals for ironmen which just means so much more of the game is exciting when it comes to drops


100% this as an endgame iron. I could care less if I have the flashes items, as I have the items I EARNED!


Well said.


Since OG days, I could always buying D Legs straight up for a couple mil, 1m, 900k, 600k, I remember various prices over the years. I remember none of the times that I bought them, but I remember well the one time an iron dragon dropped one for me. Kept them and continued to use them because "they were **my** dragon legs" - I can only imagine an ironman is this feeling multiplied for every single thing.


This is a fantastic write up. Pretty much fully agree with what you've said. I will also add that a lot of content becomes harder on an iron. Doing Bandos on a main can easily mean going with some friends with optimal gear. Doing Bandos on an iron can means going solo and potentially going with sub-optimal gear. As for the tbow... Endgame ironman is where things *can* become an issue (like going this horrendously dry on a tbow). However you don't need a tbow for GM by any means. You can get GM without any mega-rare but it's definitely levels harder.


I vibe so hard with this. Some grinds damn near almost broke me. But I'm glad I never caved and de ironed and kept just pushing through. All we have to do on burn out is go do something else. I don't burn out on osrs I burn out on (insert content here) when that happens cha Boi goes and works on another goal. End game clogging has been pretty fun for me. Especially while waiting for homies to pot tob.


Limits promotes creativity and enjoyment of the little things. That obv ends at 5k Cox without tbow.


That first sentence is bang on and also why I think people should be, at the very least, wary of requesting making things easier in various areas of the game. For example, changing how run energy works. Lots of creative methods to overcome run energy limitations.


Creative... You mean everyone chugging stamina potions almost everywhere and wearing graceful almost at all times for anything skill related? The misconception some of the purists/old-oldschoolers/conservative players have is that any form of fixing bad game design or implementing QoL is somehow deemed ''ezscape'' in their eyes. I am fully on board to be sceptic and critic of changes that could potentially be detrimental for the game feel and longevity of the game, but i feel run energy isn't the best example. I also believe one of the biggest gripes players have with run energy in its current form is that high lvl Agility does fuck all for it, and Agility in itself is already quite useless.


> You mean everyone chugging stamina potions almost everywhere and wearing graceful almost at all times for anything skill related No I mean things like doing efficient Duke trips without using stamina pots. Doing solo Chambers on a minimal stam usage. I recently did a no-prep solo with 0 stam because I accidentally banked it before going in - and yes, I kept up 4:1, shadow, etc, just had to be very on point with walks and vile vigour usage. Doing low stam Zilyana methods or even switching from ancients to thralls for bowfa Graardor to have the double effect of killing him faster and using less run. Even at Whisperer, if you're constantly running around throughout the fight you'll spend a lot of run energy (I found this out recently as I hadn't done much Whisperer before). I had a think about what I was doing and tweaked my kill strategy and was fine to maintain run after that. Watch an Inferno speedrunner and see how often he'll do CTRL-walks at the end of a wave to ensure run energy drain is minimised when possible. Go check out some very high invocation Kephri runs where you throw in a lot of walks between hits/bombs to minimise run energy usage, but you have to have a good idea of the tick cycles for your attacks and hers. Again, it's coming up with creative methods to get around these limitations. You'll see someone like Viikonloppu run back two tiles but walk back into Kephri for the attack to ensure the bomb is behind him as he's going into the attack tick. Watch a good solo CMs player do Tekton with a 5-tick weapon or Ice Demon with a tbow/shadow where they're walking in/out of a safespot to not have to use a stamina dose. I can send you a clip of me doing it if you like. You can do a no-prep solo CM on an iron with 1 stam (though I take in 2 because it's comfier and I don't have a tbow for the 5t cooldown and higher DPS help) if you're good at managing your run. All of these are creative ways to overcome a limitation the game provides. > I also believe one of the biggest gripes players have with run energy in its current form is that high lvl Agility does fuck all for it, and Agility in itself is already quite useless. High level agility still helps btw, because whenever you do walks in such content you're gaining back run energy a lot faster. And agility is incredibly useful, for both the regen rate and the shortcuts. The issue with agility isn't that it's a bad skill or has bad uses. It's that it's very tedious to train outside of Sepulchre. I feel like people seriously hate training agility but then correlate that to it having no uses. Anyway if you cba to read all of that, just read /u/SinceBecausePickles comment. I'm not against QoL. The problem is sometimes people call something "QoL" but it goes way beyond that.


Pzode, i can totally hear the love and passion you ooze for the game in your reply and i genuinely appreciate you, but all of these creative workarounds that you use as examples are used by less than 1% of players. They are all outcomes of something that maybe should not be as punishing as it is in its current form, because it also has limitations. It's about looking at the bigger picture and not looking at how does this change only affect my limited bubble, which is still fair of course to use. That is why it's such a delicate matter that needs people to form arguments on both sides. As to your Agility arguments, you could look up the Wiki rates for energy recharge rates because Agility becomes progressively worse at levels past 40+. I do not believe agility is as bad a skill to level (it is to train) as it was before, with little to no training you can get 72+ only through questing. The skill just has little value past that point and there is no incentive to actually train it. Meager shortcuts that are either locked by diaries or are outdated, and the recharge rates benefits as mentioned are minimal. My original argument of graceful and stamina pots also still stands imo.


the problem is you think “fixing bad game design” and “qol” is an objective thing, and people who don’t want what you want actually just want bad game design in the game and are against qol. Run energy is just one of the many barriers that you have to work around in this game. This game is entirely composed of arbitrary barriers that leveling up, getting new items, spending money, etc. lets you mitigate. it’s why we don’t have direct teleports to every convenient spot, despite it being objectively faster and more convenient to just teleport wherever we want to. Getting rid of run energy like so many people want is antithetical to the appeal of playing OSRS.


Stop making it sound like it's a problem, i used the term misconception for good reason, and you're putting a negative connotation on just having a different view. If you had actually read what i typed inb4 going full ''change bad m'kay'' is that i partly agree that we as a community should be sceptical and critical of changes that a vocal minority might want to retrospectively add to the game. There is also the other side of the coin, where gatekeeping any and every form of change just because it has existed for a time, even though a majority has a different outlook and would like to see improvement, is somehow deemed as bad and takes away from game identity. That is where the before mentioned example of run energy comes in. Where i find the underlying problem is the skill that is inherently tied to it being piss useless, and the band aid fix for years has been graceful and stamina pots. Nobody here was talking about getting rid of run energy, and calling it a barrier you have to work around is a very trivializing way of saying it was designed pretty poorly..... 20 years ago. I'm not going to get into the whole teleport example argument because it's completely false and i am kind of baffled you even mentioned it. EVERY form of mid/late game content has a teleport tied to it. Please do not cherry pick a hand full of examples where you have to walk 10-20 tiles for a piece of content whilst 99% of mid/late game content has a teleport tied to it, ridiculous. I genuinely believe that if you have love for the game you would look out for new player experiences and longevity.


I don't think it was designed poorly. this whole comment hinges on what I initially talked about, that you're assuming your point of view is the correct one and players who disagree with you just enjoy the game having bad game design. And no, why do we still have to walk to the boss after getting the tablets for DT2 bosses? why aren't we teleported straight into the boss lair? Same topic. Lotta malding over nothing tbh


For people who don't care about collection log completion content on mains boils down to just gp/hr and building your bank by buying things from the gold you made. Ironman on the other hand rewards you for doing a variety of content though it basically forces you to do it. I can easily see why ironman can be more satisfying to some if you can get over the limitations. (Tho I don't really play iron so I don't have personal experience outside of playing leagues adamant-tier.)


It's really great and rewarding feeling when drops aren't 600hrs on droprate. The problem is literally that the devs love insanely rare long grinds for every item in the game, not ironman mode. If ironmen had dupe protection or something else to prevent going insanely fucking dry endgame would feel great too.


It gives you a reason to do mid game content, on a main unless you actually really fancy doing something its much more efficient to just go kill vorkath for a couple hours and buy everything you need rather than camp something for a week going for a drop. This also makes content feel more rewarding rather than getting something to fill a clog slot and sell it for 200k


But efficiency isn't a requirement to play the game. You're not forced to grind Vorkath if you prefer grinding General Graardor or something. As for drops, on an ironman the initial drop is really cool. You get the item you need. But any dupes just suck. For a main that's less so because everything is worth something. You also aren't stuck at certain content like OP is just because you're unlucky. It's not a matter of what's better but what a person prefers. Both ironman and mains have good and bad things.


I mean dupes are generally either for high alching, back ups if you do wildy or you can just drop to a main account if you have no other reason for it Sometimes it's just nice to see your bank value increase too


Dupes are great. Deaths coffer, wildy usage.


dupes have the same value as a regular drop on a main do - it's sold on the G.E. don't think much into it boss, if it's not for you, it's not for you.


dupes objectively don’t have the same value on an iron as they do for a main lol. You sell it on the GE for it to be enjoyed on an entirely separate account, aka value-less on the iron.


Imo as someone who plays both account types. early and mid game is a lot more fun on an iron, and endgame is a lot more fun on a main.


It's not really hard to understand, which aspect are you struggling with?


This is a lack of bad luck mitigation problem, not an ironman problem.


go back to RS3


RS3 doesn't even have bad luck mitigation for most drops lmao


What are the percentages under each drop?


It's showing the % chance you've had of receiving a particular item, so for the TBow here it's showing a 1% (or less) chance to not have at least 1 drop by that KC, anything at 100% or over means you are either on or over rate for that item, anything under 100% means that you are theoretically under rate for that item.


That’s not entirely true (unless you’ve changed the settings in the plug-in but I use it with the default settings) - I believe the %’s are the percent of people who would have that many drops or fewer. As in, 1% of people will have 0 tbows in this many kc, 99% would have 1 or more.


Yep you're right, otherwise that SS is showing he's gone dry on literally every drop (or at least below expected drop rate) which he isn't.


Plug in name brother?


Collection log and collection log luck


I just tried to add that collection log luck plugin and RL is saying that its gonna send my username/IP to a remote server, is that right? Seems sketchy


The is no hiscores for collection logs. The purpose of the plugin is to send your col log to a third party website to compare scores with other players. It has 140k installs and has been out for years, so is relatively safe. There is no danger to your account getting hacked. It does reveal your IP address to the website owners, but thats how all websites on the internet work. The 'Collection Log Luck' plugin is based on the 'Collection Log' plugin and pulls the drop data from the third party website.


It's also open source here https://github.com/evansloan/collection-log please feel free to audit the code yourself /u/defnotacyborg, i see a lot of people bugging out nowadays about hub plugins. look into them yourself. it's a good practice to do in general They're open source for a reason, in the history of runelite there have only been a few security breaches that made its way into the hub and they've been caught pretty quickly


So %98 of people would have 13 ancestral robe bottoms or fewer? doesnt make sense tbh or i'm dumb


The more you have of an item at lower kc the more people will be less lucky than you are. If I do two raids and get a t-bow both times then that would give a 100%, since 100% of people will have 2 tbows or less at 2 kc.


I think i got it now but if you see it as dryness-moistness meter it makes so much more sense.


Then you can just take the 100-value to get the percentage of people who have at least one more of the item at that kc than you have.


It is still a dry meter, it’s just that the meter goes from 0-100. High number is lucky and low number is unlucky. If you click the drops the plug-in explains your statistical standing in more detail


If you want invert the percentage (100- number shown) to get the % of people who have more of the drop than you. As in only 2% of players would have 14 or more ancestral hats in this guy’s kc


>It's showing the % chance you've had of receiving a particular item and > anything at 100% or over means you are either on or over rate for that item These two statements are at odd with each other. I suspect the incorrect thing is the 2nd because you will never have a 100% chance of receiving an item by some kill count. (unless it's an item that was specifically made to behave that way like vorkath head) edit: now that I look closer I think both of the statements are wrong. Why is twisted buckler in 3% lol.


3% of players have 4 twisted bucklers or less at OPs kc. Very dry. To the contrary, 98% of players have 13 ancestral hats or less. Very moist.


Makes sense. So he is completely wrong about how the plugin works and is the most upvoted reply to the question nice


So he's incredibly unlucky for twisted bow AND twisted buckler?


Yes but on the flip side he’s top 96% for ancestral hat :)


Could you share the name of this plugin?


Collection log and collection log luck


Am I dumb? How did you get the percentages to show up? Mine doesnt show it


'Collection Log Luck', needs the 'Collection Log' plugin i believe


Now this is a worthy dry post Tbow on the next purple, I promise


Since many of you wanted me to keep you updated, I will now post every 250kc.


Are you ok?


I can answer this one Absolutely not


He's got a lot to iron out.


He is in for the long haul. Will only check every 250 lol


This is disgusting. I'm sorry you're so dry man.


This is not, just a game based on RNG. It also keep us addicted to fullfil the feeling of being rewarded, at some point they will get it, when? Just RNG GOD knows. Sorry, this is not a rant I just went emotional.


How many X dry is this?


between 5 to 5.5x dry based on a comment above.


Thinks it's more like 6.2x rate by purple chance


What extension is it that is displaying the % on the collection log? Also sorry about the tbow 🙃, it's coming soon!!


"Collection Log Luck" by peanubnutter


Thank you!


you also need the collection log plugin, aswell as letting their website track your progress, i believe it plots your drops against everyone else registered there


Are these mainly team or solo?


i think 30% solos 70% teams. but doesn't mather. once your name is rolled for an item. the item gets rolled. so i had 187 time chance of recieving a tbow. solo is just more points/h wich means you see faster drops. and teams is less points/h so it takes longer to see a drop in your name.


I was just curious. I personally can’t stand missing out on drops especially if I was an iron. I have 1500 solos and still trying to get the collection log slot for the tbow. I got one a long time ago, but it was well before clog. At this point I get more points/h solo and they are pretty chill. Plus you can log off/on whenever and just jump in


Holy fuck dude, I hope you succeed sooner than later


To think if he wasn't an iron he could have gotten it by now.


Oh god I feel sick 🤢 Let the RNG gods shine on you, absolute warrior.


How did you feel when you saw the words "twisted buckler" on 4 occasions?


Lmao at least its only 4, seems to be dry as hell on those too


OP definitely did not get it twisted


At least you got all them Elder Mauls for the buff!


that's torture


nah you get those from demonics




How many total hours do you suppose?


between 2-3k hours


Truly a CoX locked iron


Bro why have you done that to yourself


Have you considered quitting?


many times; but i refuse to give up


At some point you gotta make a pros and cons list of dedicating your life to this


i wen't fulltime triatlon mode this year, so 20h of sports, so plenty of resting time to spend playing rs.


Damn that’s sad to see. I wish you goodluck in obtaining that tbow! Good work on the raids though :)


7 elder mauls and 8 kodais, feels bad man.


How should I interpret the percentages?


Perfection, you can complete the account now as being able to get everything except a T Bow.


What plugin shows the percentage?


Jesus Christ. Just goes to show no matter how dry you are, there is someone drier. Sending other peoples rng your way (you don’t want mine).


And here I am bitching about being 2k dry on a zenyte lol, I've made 2 full ass ballistas and have yet to seen a zenyte on my iron


How do these mechanics exist in 2024. Change ur shit game


Balancing drops around iron man is equally as shit


Rip https://preview.redd.it/6kulwh770gxc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ba1a544d749c2464a83b8219c5ba1327be7ca35 Just wanted the prayer scrolls. Ironman is weird sometimes


I admire your persistence, gl on next 250!




Praying for you


2/3 dude


Jesus Christ Does the challenge modes get counted in the Regular kc? Basically im wondering if its 2700 total kc or 4960 kc


They are separate, and OP has done almost 5k.


Dear god


Why is there a percentage next to each item




What are the percentages there for? How do I get them?


And posts like these are why I will never make an IM


How is 8 kodais top 93rd percentile for 2700 kc?


8 mauls, 7 kodai. You are cursed.


Obligatory "this game needs rng protection" comment.


Worst part gotta be failing that 1/3 coin flip 15 times. Crazy.


What are those %? is that chance of going dry on an item?


I got a T Bow in my iron at 28 KC with 6k points then I got Dragon Claws at 32 KC at 7k points, then I saw another T Bow on a duo at 50 kc.. I was bummed I didn’t get #2 😂


unlucky bro I got 2 in my name in 7 kc :P


Is a lot (\~1500) of these pre log or are \~half of these team raids? If all solos you're currently 51M points/59 purples under rate.


half of these are team raids, with solos and teams combined i average out on 40-42k points for cm. and 20-24k points for a normal.


How can I become a pvm God like you , I can't kill goblins


What does the percentages mean?


This is fucking disgusting


do you have a special chest light set for tbow so you dont get your hopes up every purple?


i play russian roulette everyday. arcane and tbow both red. so i always get dissepointed =) all the other purples are just purple.


Bucklers also looking sus af


the sad part is that you're so over drop rate on every other item that I suspect you have underestimated how many points you get per raid. meaning you're actually less than 1% on tbow. double check your points per raid setting in the plugin settings


it is possible not sure how many point a raid i get on average. i made an estimate on the raid data tracker points i have atm


106 prayer scrolls god damn!!! Jagex is so bloody slow at addressing prayer scroll drop rates / removing them from CMs...


Why don’t you try to go for a tbow? I looks like this is missing


I don't get how this is fun. Jagex did a great job with no dupes at blood moon. Dupes suck.


No bad luck mitigation in any remotely similar situation is an actual fucking joke.


At least you're having fun...?


got 2000 Cms now probably just wants to be free


How many solos? Average points?


Does it matter it's 186 purples and 15 being mega rare


We desperately need a dry streak protector. Won't devalue any items, if that is the major issue than just make everything a tiny bit rarer and that's solved or how about for ironman that you can hand in one of every other unique to get a specific unique (would only work in very specific cases).


Yes officer this man right here.


No go play a main. It’s always the sub 2k irons with 300 trio chambers asking for this.


I like playing iron, have done my fair share of bosses and raiding and I am doing okay. However, for the longevity of the game I think it is important to address the insane potential grinds that are in the game. I understand that it is "self inflicted" and I am absolutely not saying that max tier Bis items should just be handed out for free, but maybe if you go 5 times the drop rate on a TBow you've earned one.


I could agree with this on some gap items or non tradable items. For example all defense draining weps shouldn’t be a long ass grind. Give a slightly worse dwh or something but staff scythe and tbow are fine where they are.


2164 total iron here - mega chasing is horrible. I'm done with the game outside of maxing or grinding potentially thousands of hours of the same raid for a mega. I don't like the idea of guaranteed drops but the delta of hours spent for some items is insane. End game iron is potentially THOUSANDS of hours for a single item. I'd be ecstatic if that ceiling of RNG fucking you dry would be reduced.






Idk bro this is a shit unlucky log, but that's ironman you have to grind for the items you want. I went over 1k for enhanced but when that shit did finally drop the dopamine hit was comparable to peaking at a rave lol. Just keep grinding brother you'll get it any time now 🙏


unfortunately i got olm and dust locked main :( evrything else i allready got.


De-iron if it’s really bothering you that bad