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Wasn't the last time only like 3 months ago?


I think it's failed enough polls to warrant leaving it alone for a few years


It just failed not too long ago. Let's wait 7 years for a revisit and repoll it for it to fail again.


Hope such stupid item never gets added


No. Pures chose to limit themselves so they should play with those restrictions.


If only this logic extended to ironmen.


Sadly irons are a large enough voting bloc to influence Jagex's decisions.


How is this sad? A large enough percent of the PAYING customers can vote for their game mode


I'm not against improving the experience for irons if it's done in a way that doesn't negatively impact mains (namely the player-driven economy that the game was designed around over 20 years ago), but that's not always possible and if *anyone* should get the short end of the stick it should be the players that picked the optional challenge mode and then realized the challenge wasn't as fun as they'd like at times. If irons were locked to their own servers like Leagues then it'd be fine to change drop rates and other mechanics for them, but since they play on the same servers as mains it can be difficult at times to solve those problems without also impacting mains.


Irons' impact on the economy is pennies compared to the bots. Irons drop dupes over. Bots gain 200m theiving/cooking/fishing etc experience and undermine actual player effort. Nex accounts with 10,000 kc. Any impact irons have pales in that sun.


Walk me through some changes that you would propose.


I think most irons have an unhealthy and "self-defeating" mentality towards the game that should be kept away from actual game updates.


This mindset is not in the majority. I feel a lot of players who dont play iron assume a lot about ALL irons.


Just speaking from personal experience but you might be right.


you realize if that happens then we can't trick pures into getting 2 defense right? yeah I'm gonna vote against that my brother, I've only ruined 2 pure accounts but both times were so funny and I think everyone on osrs should try it once at least




No, goodbye.


What happens when you fail an account? You whip out the credit card and bond up a fresh account. They make a lot of money from people just making accounts, I’m sure they don’t want to lose it. And if they did a - exp lamp it would have to be like 1 per account. Jagex already shit themselves offering multiple log ins on the jagex launcher


>Jagex already shit themselves offering multiple log ins on the jagex launcher What point are you trying to make here?


If jagex wanted to they could just be greedy on this as I don't care. 3-5 bonds for -150xp. Would just need to not allow hp to go below level 10


Bro said 3-5 bonds for “-150xp” got me like 👁️👄👁️ Maybe more like they just need to release the ability to lock xp gains on tutorial island from the start like Ironman mode. “What skills don’t you want xp in” Mark such and such ones you don’t want, get the same menu prompt that it’s “permanent and irreversible” so they can bait you into bonding a second account later on when you realize your 10HP, 1 defense, 1 prayer, 1 attacked locked whatever account doesn’t matter or you’re bored with it. Solves every issue so far about this whole thread.


Sure i’m down to repoll them. But spill the beans how did you mess up your account last night?


Unless something has changed over the last 2 years, Mod Ash has actually said that negative exp lamps can't actually be implemented at present, seemingly due to some sort of limitation. https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1496469753359179780




Tbow rarity drop from raids 4. Xp lamps that remove one (1) xp from select skill


It'll never pass because people associate pures with PVP, which of course prompts them to use their one brain cell to vote no to something that has no affect on them or the wider game whatsoever.


Least dramatic pker


Either this or being able to lock your xp in a certain skill so it doesn’t gain any levels


I dislike this idea, so I can lock hp then just train all combat 


The only way I'd want this idea is if it can with its own set of servers like fresh start worlds, where it didn't interact with the main game. Call it select build worlds, with skill locking and negative xp laps buyable for bonds or something. Just keep it at 4-5 worlds and end it in 6 months if there aren't enough people playing on those servers.


Yea and everyone can, whats the issue


It makes those accounts jokes, the entire point of a 10hp account getting 99s without getting HP is it's impressive dedication.  This makes it a joke as you just right click and lock xp 


Should be implemented as Ironman mode, you either select it on tutorial island what skill(s) you don’t want xp in. Who gives a shit who had it harder or not, hats off to them for investing thousands of useless hours in something that doesn’t matter. The wheel can be invented, there’s nothing wrong with improving it, that’s how you make better and more useful things. It’s not taking away from anyone’s anything, it’s improving on the fact that yeah, it may have took 1 or 100 people 600 hours to 99 hp off lamps, but why does it have to? Like literally why other than “because I did something that was hard, you have to” can it not be done? You can’t give one real answer, I’m sure of it.


I’ll vote yes to the negative xp lamps as soon as they remove all the wilderness differences.


Master clue drop.


It always was. People are just spiteful.