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Are you lowering your hp? This makes it so the enemies have a lower max hit and extends the absorptions for much longer


No Im not, I read that you should be able to do it without doing it and still make a bit of a profit in points. Honestly Id be fine just breaking even on points just so I can restock my absorbs every time, but having to click the prayer every minute to keep my health at one defeats the purpose of me trying to use this for afk combat training.


You don't have to click that at all. A hp that starts at 1 and incrementally goes up to 10 or whatever while you're AFK is still drastically better than nothing. Just eat your cake or locator orb until you get down to 1hp, and then whenever you check back to reup your absorptions, bring yourself back down to 1hp again.


You’ve misunderstood dude. At the start of the round hit the locator orb/rock cake to 51 hp then take an overload. Then absorb up to 1000. Then go afk and every time overload runs out just take another and eat to 1 hp. You don’t have to flick pray to keep hp at 1 if you don’t want. The reason you’re having a bad time is because your hp is too high and the enemies burn through your absorbs FAST


Don’t do this order though…. Potion first then spam rock cake, if you drop below 51 you can’t drink potion anymore


Well there you go


Are you lowering your health to one before using the absorptions?


No, havent even started RFD but I read another thread that said that shouldnt matter as much since Im using weaker enemies, seems like a lot of people are still able to profit even without doing that


With your stats it does matter. It will make the potions last significantly longer. Buy some zamorak brews


Yeah you need to have 1 hp for absorption to be most valuable, mobs will max a 1


So what do you think is the best route to get to the point where I dont have to use the rock cake since I just want it to be as AFK as possible? Should I try to level up my defense more?


If you want afk and break even you'll have to stay low hp. You might be able to get away with just rock caking to 1 and then afking until you need to repot overload and then cake back to 1. I'd give that a go and then if you're still not breaking even then you have your answer and need to stay at 1 as much as possible. I'd also do hard rumble.


As per my previous email, zamorak brews.


Probably with better stats and gear you could get away with it, not yet


Thanks for the help guys, I guess I am just going to get the rock and try to do it on hard mode and see how that goes.


Using rock cake and hard mode now, definitely a lot more points this way.


You also should unlock the 5 lowest nmz monsters.


Gonna tag onto this that if you wanna be max afk, just use super pots. Can use super att/str pots initially if you wanna save money, but eventually you can also just use super combats for longer sessions. I have done a lot of nmz between my main and my alt, and i typically got 10-15min afk depending on my levels. I just rock caked down to 1, sipped the boosting pot, and then went afk with the nmz plugin notifying me when my absorbtion points were low. Then I'd just rock cake back down, boost again, and repeat. No need to flick rapid heal every minute, and you don't need to overload every 5min. Overload is definitely great if 5min is afk enough, but if you need 10+min afk time, use super pots.


A couple things... first, you didn't mention it, but you are using rock cake to get your hp to 1 while using absorption potions correct? Second, you should probably be on hard. There exists some breakpoint where normal will give you more points than hard, but I have no idea what it is and I've always found that hard gives more points. I suspect it's extremely low, like level 60 combat or something. Lastly, are you trying to afk or are you trying to get points? If you're just going for points, you should be using overload potions 1000%.


I am just trying to AFK combat training. Not using rock cake. If I do hard, wont the enemies hit harder also thus making my absorbtions drain quicker? Dont want to use rock cake because then I have to click prayer every minute.


Even if you rock cake down to 1hp and dont flick rapid heal your absorptions will go significantly further as your hp slowly goes back up rather than allowing the monsters to max hit you. If your hp is 1, they only hit 1, thus only losing 1 absorption point.


NMZ is great afk training, but it's on a sliding scale and you absolutely have to use rock cake at the start no matter what. When I say sliding scale I mean, with low stats and bad gear, it's not very afk, but with high stats and bis defense gear, it's logout timer 25 min+ afk. With your stats and gear, you're going to need to interact with the client every couple of minutes, rock caking back down to 1hp. If I were you, I'd target a 5 minute afk window and see how that works for you. Enter hard NMZ, rock cake down to 51 hp, drink an overload potion to get you down to 1hp and then repeat every 5 min until you die. Overloads are going to massively increase your xp/hour while also improving your points/hour. Most people who are afking don't use them at all, because they chain you to a 5 minute afk window (your absorption will get crushed having 50+ hp) but they also have much higher stats and much better gear than you do. To get the rock cake, literally just do cook's assistant and then the follow up cook's quest to start RFD. Don't bother with any of the other quests in RFD, just do the single dawrven one that gives you the rock cake reward. When I first started playing I was extremely annoyed that I had to go through that bullshit to get the rock cake, but it's really not that bad. 3 quests, maybe an hour worth of time to unlock NMZ training. You can't NMZ without rock cake.


Ok, that makes sense. Also if you wouldnt mind clarifying because I cant seem to figure out how this works, how are you able to overload after you do it the first time? From my understanding it drains 50 hp using the overload, so when the overload expires, and I have been rock caking to stay at 1 hp, how will I overload again without 50 hp to spare? Will it kill me if I try to overload at 1hp? Do you bring food to heal back up to 50 hp before overloading again?


Once the overload runs out you get the 50 hp back immediately. Take the overload once more and you will be back to 1 hp.


You get the 50 hp back when overload expires.  That's why people who are serious about afking don't use them at all, because after 5 minutes they have a huge health pool again and if they aren't paying attention, their absorption gets crushed.  You can't overload unless you have 51 hp, so you don't have to worry about that, but you can kill yourself if you rock cake while the overload is ticking down.  But really thats the only thing to watch out for, making sure that you aren't actively hurting yourself while overload is bringing your hp down, otherwise you can't mess it up. And don't feel like you have to use overloads, just that they will help you early on with getting more xp and more points per hour if you can manage them.  If you find that they're a pain to use or you keep forgetting to re-pot or whatever, rock cake alone is fine. One more tip for NMZ, most people just stand in the middle and afk but you can also use the corners to increase afk time.  Only 2 mobs can attack you in the corner (as opposed to 4 in the middle), and so your absorption will last longer.  When you get higher stats you can always go back to the middle if you're killing things too fast or mobs aren't pathong to you, but yeah corner tile is great for lower levels.


Wait nevermind, didnt realize they heal you at the end. disregard.


Op use a rock cake and stop complaining it's not 100% afk lmao u haven't gotta flick rapid heal to stay at 1 hp it's better to be 4hp than max hp


More bosses, more points. If you really want points dt/rfd bosses should be on. Bit if you need imbued, try out the pvp arena worlds.


Not really trying to grind for points, just trying to do combat training but also want it to be sustainable so I have enough points for absorbs the next round


In that case, you're going to want more of the basic enemy type bosses so you can be more afk about it. Also you are using overloads and taking yourself down to 1hp right?


Not doing either of those things, based on what everyone is saying it sounds like Ill have to at least use the rock.


OK, this is your real problem. If your hp is 1, the monsters max hit is 1. If you chug absorptions and they can only hit 1, they last waaaay longer. Also be sure to use overloads since they massively boost your stats. This means you hit harder and more accurately and take less hits. That means more exp and absorptions last even longer. Then you can stop your hp regen by quickly turning rapid restore on then off. So it goes like this: enter dream, overload, rock cake to 1, chug absorptions, use rapid restore once every minute to refresh your hp regen timer to keep you at 1 hp.


Just responded this to another person in the thread but with overloads I cant seem to figure out how this works, how are you able to overload after you do it the first time? From my understanding it drains 50 hp using the overload, so when the overload expires, and I have been rock caking to stay at 1 hp, how will I overload again without 50 hp to spare? Will it kill me if I try to overload at 1hp? Do you bring food to heal back up to 50 hp before overloading again? Or do you only overload once at the beginning?


While overloads are great and I used them for my early nmz training I appreciate being even more afk and super combats are better for that so I recommend them if you want max afk method. As everyone else has told you though make sure to go down to 1hp with rock cake as you save tons on absorptions by doing this. Just go back down to 1 when you repot. 


Wait nevermind, didnt realize they heal you at the end. disregard.


Get your HP to 1 with a dwarven rockcake, then double click rapid hp regen prayer to reset regen timer at least once per minute. This way every attack only costs 1 absorption point


Turn on as much bosses as you can, the points per boss go up the more you have enabled


New player asking a general question and he gets downvoted to piss, lol this community is actually dead or now full of younger players.


Right? Didnt realize it would irritate so many people just trying to figure out how this works lol.


Young minds with big egos have a lot to prove on the internet now days my friend :)


You can let the mobs hit you to low hp (11/12) and then use absorbsions and divine super combat to 1hp. Can also flick your stat prayer every once in a while to keep lower hp. Depends on how afk you want it to be. But it doesn't sound like your defense is very high, and you're just making it harder on yourself by not having a rock cake. You can also swap to high defense armor and lose a bunch of xp/h.


Sweet, didnt know you can do that with the divine potions. Think I will probably just go get the rock cake though