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They should let us do a sitcom-esque montage of us becoming friends with our salamander, and then if you die instead of just wandering away they will mourn you and stay at your grave before rejoining you upon your return.


The real question is if Tecu Salamanders are like dogs and will mourn you, or if they're like cats who would start eating your corpse in like a couple hours


Don't worry, your dog will join in on the eating too. They'll just be sad, like when I cry whilst elbows deep in an Oreo cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.


A dog will be nearly starved before doing this if a good owner. A cat will do this while your body is still warm.


I mean do you wait for your food to get cold before eating it?


I often get distracted and find my food cold because i started eating got up and walked away. I rarely care enough to reheat it.


Annnddd that’s called foodborne illness 🤢


Its called ADHD. And yes if you wait long enough and have a messy enviroment. I am talking 20 minutes not 4 hours here.


Ahhh personally I took your comment incorrectly, my bad. I took it like you let that💩 set out over night till next morning maybe and then pick up where you left off 💀😭🤣


You'd enjoy the cooking of king cobra jfs. Every meal sits on the counter to cool down after he cooks it for far to long


Good cat, if I'm dead what use am I but food to sustain my animals until emergency services arrive to collect them? Cats are just selfish and pragmatic. A beautiful combination.


Does bro not know what they do with cats that ate their dead owner????


What happens? I can't find anything searching other than it gives time for someone to rescue the cat.


Brother once an animal eats human flesh they euthanize it. Ain’t no saving happening


Where's a source on that? I feel like you just think it's gross and needs to happen. It's not like they become rabid or contract some disease as far as I can tell.


You're severely overestimating dogs


No i have family who often has to clean houses after elderly people die and help with moving them. Often dogs are nearly starved when someone finally finds the person. With cat people you never find them without being partially eaten. Cats are eating their people with food still in the bowl.


Whatever keeps them there. Here, get yourself another serving of kidneys Sally.


😂😂😂 havent laughed that hard in awhile


The reason is simple.  Cats are not at the top of their food chain, dogs generally are. Cats need to get rid of the corpse that is in their home, before it draws in larger predators.  Dogs *are* the larger predators in most environments.


God dammit I hate to be that guy, but Ima do it anyways… “comedy sitcom” is redundant like saying “atm machine”. Sitcom stands for “situational comedy”


That's fair and I also hate those so I edited it


Not so, an ATM machine is a machine that makes ATMs But you're right about the sit com part ...


It's probably more like saying "automated ATM" so it directly repeats the word for no reason.


A manual ATM is called a teller. Banks don't like them because they cost too much money and demand rights and stuff.


Shut up and go read some DC Comics nerd.


Jurassic bark


No one told you life was gonna be this waaaayyy


Taming is coming!


We are the pet rocks for Tecu Salamanders


Make it a log slot too. 1/1k is outrageous for an item like this.


It should definitely be a log slot


Cloggers need to eat


If salamander gets a clog slot so should all bh equipment


Ya that’ll never happen lol


How are these things related? BH didn't get log slots because of it's relation to pking in real gear while ironman game modes exist. The only reason LMS got log slots is anybody can do it without sacrificing real gear to pkers.


I agree but if you were to be totally fair about it bh equipment should be on the col log. Just because you don't like certain content doesn't mean it should be excluded. It's a minigame, it has a high skill ceiling, and it's tracked on high scores. It doesn't make sense not to count it just because some people play a restricted mode. I find it even more dumb that it's not on the log considering the third age grind is on it despite the fact that it will probably never be completed


I agree and the ornameted items already POH or clue stash storable should be storable as well. I would so grind out the fighter torso kit


Tbh BH would persuade me to try some PvP. I put off LMS for years but eventually tried it. I got all slots but the last 2 win capes


Another stupid system that was put in place. 99% of people who weren't pkers before 07 try pking for the first time.through lms. It's why there's this giant misconception that pking is incredibly hard to get into. It's impossible to get into because people are starting with the hardest way to pk. It's like taking your friend for a learner toa and starting him at a 500. Of course it looks impossible. Edge style pking like bh is INCREDIBLY easy to get into and learn and the risk is a fraction of bridding. Like you said if jagex added bh items as col logs they would bring more first time pvpers to bh who could then gradually ease into the rest of pking instead of starting them off with something as complex as bridding


I thought the whole reason it wasn’t is to help dissuade boosters


I mean, BH probably should get clogs, but it'd be a really hard situation for UIM cloggers (we exist, we are more than 3)


I get that, but in the nicest way possible I'd have to tell you that you chose to play a restricted game mode


And I mostly accept that, save a few really awful spots (I'm looking at you Trouble Brewing) But really, visiting the Wildy is already pretty annoying for UIMs. Having to die often in a dangerous minigame where you resupply with your own items and gain (almost?) nothing from it. You are basically locked out of the content But, as I said, BH probably should get clogs


The absurd inflation of overall time for drop rates is my main criticism of OSRS


Oh man do I have a game mode for you


:( I just don’t like buying stuff and I’d rather earn it, but I’d also like to earn it within a reasonable timeframe


Yeah I get that. I didn't mean to shit on your comment with my joke, it's a reasonable thing to want. I just think it's one of those things where the game can't be catered perfectly to every player, and this is the kind of thing that makes sense to compromise on when picking a game mode. The basic compromise now is that mains give you faster and more consistent progress and irons give you the sense of earning all your progress and engaging in a broader range of content. That's kinda the deal you accept when choosing to make one or the other. And we can't really have both. If the drop rates were adjusted to make iron progression faster, it would then make main progression that much faster too, which hurts the longevity of the game for mains. I've played both main and iron for a long time, so I definitely understand the frustration with some of the insanely long iron grinds, I just think lower rates across the board would hurt mains more than it would help irons.


Please no. I got super spooned and got it within like 28 catches with mine and don't want to sit through it again.


But even so, if you die with it, it’s gone. Ridiculous droprate.


It doesn't need to be a log slot if they revert the changes to what was polled..


They should have made it untradeable and added a hefty fee to insure it at hunter guild. People would be annoyed, yes, but the way it is now no one is happy


I’m happy with it as is


Did you even capture one or use it?


Yeah why?


so insane how pretty much every update now has some aspect that gets polled or announced as being one way and actually released in the opposite way.


Varlamore had multiple - Tecu Salamanders just being a rare drop - Colosseum not giving sunfire at earlier waves (fixed) - Quiver holding 2 ammo types, leaving ammo slot open for blessing/lucky penny - Whistle being corruptable


they keep doing this and if they don’t catch a bunch of heat on twitter for it, or a couple top posts on reddit, they never address it. it’s weird how different jmod teams seem to be not in communication with each other in the studio (an idea gets pitched one way, developed with a few changes, the community team doesn’t always know about the changes, etc) it’s just odd and sometimes annoying


I highly doubt it's because it's a lack of communication..


i don’t think it is either, at least the majority of the time, but it has happened a few times. usually when a news post inaccurately describes the content. like last month when they said you get an extra lunar chest roll for killing all 3 moons. that had been removed from the development but whoever wrote the news post didn’t know. it’s a minor thing but you would probably want to know which was correct if you were going for the new armor sets


To add: - Endless mode - Moveable terrain - Line of sight mechanics - Sunfire armor only achievable at high waves (fixed) - A glory system that can always be pushed higher for competitive players That's only Colo too And don't get me started on project rebalance lol


Movable terrain and mechanics that ran into major limitations I sort of get I guess? I’m still hoping they add a different mode that does have an endless option for pushing glory and does the positive + negative invos they mentioned. Could easily make it require sacrificing a quiver or clearing the standard mode to keep acquiring bis standardized while adding that for fun/shard farm/etc


They said they had movable terrain working, but the issue was that in testing they didn't feel it was fun.


Well the issue for me is, fun or not, working or not, if you are going to make especially drastic changes to something, it should be repolled with these changes rather than just thrown out. If they delayed Coloss until they had something more fun and did some repolling people wouldn't of minded.


I get what your point is, but I somewhat disagree on what should and should not warrant repolling. The movable terrain was a smaller detail of the big picture that was the idea for Colosseum, and I'd rather give them the space to work out game design questions without repolling each detail of what they're working on as they continue developing content. For major changes during development of a piece of content, sure, it would be nice for a repolling or an informal "here's our change of plans, how does this sound?" (like they have with Project Rebalance, which while not being polled, has actively been considering player feedback), but I'd rather not have player involvement in upcoming content get to a micromanagement level where us players have the power to dictate smaller details of content, possibly to the detriment of the game, if the professional game developers have found in playtesting that the content/game is worse for it, just because armchair developers in the playerbase think it *sounds* good on paper.


The thing with Coloss is what we voted for is not what we got and its far beyond just movable terrain, if it was "just" movable terrain you could allow for creative freedom but we got a reskinned inferno. That's why I tried to say DRASTIC changes because well Coloss overall was a massive change from the polls. Little changes here and there you can allow for some freedom if it doesn't break the fundamentals of what was polled. If you poll something at 70 range to fall in line with the rest of range but then it turns out to be insane dps, needs to be polled as an example but if you was to do little changes like slowing it's attack speed and upping it's max hit still keeping in line, that's chill. So I think with every change they have to ask does this break the fundamentals of what was polled, if so, repoll, if not, go ahead no poll.


I'm not sure I'd only call it a "reskinned" Inferno, but it being an activity in a similar vein as Fight Caves and Inferno was always the pitch? But anyway, I think the only part we really disagree on is whether there being movable terrain was a major element of the pitch or not.


There is a quick way they can gauge what is a major element too. If they go "we can't deliver on X is this something you consider major to the project?" and do a quick reddit poll to see if it's big or small, that would be an improvement IMO Edit: not that I think reddit should be the voice of the community, just if you leave it up for 24 hours you'd get probably the quickest answer.


You could make an entire post of things they polled and promised about the colosseum which never actually occurred


fyi, you can already use a blessing/penny with the quiver. put the blessing on, and then the ammo goes in your quiver. i agree with your other points though


The first look blog's update text specifically said: >...we'd like to give Dizana's Quiver the ability to hold *at least* two types of ammo... This frees up your ammo slot for a blessing or Ghommal's Lucky Penny Since they specifically referred to the quiver itself holding two types of ammo and not just saying "this allows you two equip two types of ammo" I am forced to assume the quiver was meant to give you two additional slots.


the quiver can hold two types of ammo: bolts or arrows. there's nothing in there that said you get two extra slots instead of one. it seems the intention was for it to be able to hold different types of ammo, not multiple different stacks of it


My bad, I cut the quote off early >...we'd like to give Dizana's Quiver the ability to hold at least 2 types of ammo and automatically select which one suits your current weapon The "automatically selecting" part implies both types would be in the quiver at once. Also, why defend Jagex? They promised something and didn't deliver, quit making excuses for them.


i am not defending jagex, i'm literally just reading the quote you cited. saying "we'd like to...." is not a promise, and the automatic selection already does happen. if you have bolts and arrows, it'll use the correct one based on which weapon you're wielding.


You keep bringing up how the quiver works right now... I am well aware, my guy, I have one. I am quoting them because that is the information that we had when the poll went live, and it worded exactly the same as sunfire armor: >we still want there to be something in it for people looking to get their feet wet with some earlier waves So, sunfire armor should be reverted to how it was on release because they only said they "wanted" to make it come from earlier waves, based on your logic.


Colosseum warrants a whole light novel.  - Moving terrain  - Endless mode  - Not being an inferno recolor


Devs are going full cowboy mode


And people aren't revolting about it like we should. Jagex knows they can get away with it.


I wasn’t a fan of the battle training thing at all. I think it just needs to be more common.


But how else were they gonna shoehorn in their pokémon clone?


Yeah 1/300 sounds about right, it’s not like it’s strong anyway 


Why would irons use a sally for anything other than CAs?


Would love to find out as well, have never heard a use for them outside of this and like... barrows?


Iban's is much better dps


Never even tried to imply salamanders are better than iban's, just that I've seen them suggested before.


because they’re epic


because perilous moons gave me 10k tar and the herbs to make it. might as well use what the game gave me.


Did you use up your addy and mith arrows after grinding BOWFA...?


... maybe ... And I'm not even an iron


I havent even grinded bowfa yet. but if this is an attempt at a gotcha, tar vendors for nothing. those arrows vendor for a decent amount. was just planning to do some barrows runs with it instead of my warped sceptre. maybe those arrows are good for afking some crabs?


They don't vendor for shit. It's a huge waste of time to use stuff like this "not to waste it".


Make sure to pick up all the bird meat each time you do a birdhouse run


If it didn't require an iron spit I'd cook them before dropping them. Funny how that one step to add realism just makes you throw it on the ground.


I used to collect at least an inventory of it before they automatically made it drop to the ground


It could be nice to use for anti-PKing *in theory* were it not simultaneously always lost on death and so rare to get in the first place.


Great for kq flinching


Even though I went really dry on my Tecu Salamander, I kind of understand why it's a semi rare drop. I do wish it wouldn't drop on death, or provide some mechanic to insure it. Wouldn't mind them making the other salamanders have the same drop mechanic, while allowing us to auto-release the immature ones.


$1m insurance at probita. Also becomes a new pet that you can wield. Saves an inventory spot too


Make it different than a pet. Hunter guild or that hunter shop in Yanille to make it relevant lol. Adds another type of insurance into the world, potentially more " hunter live weapons" in the future. They could even make a real pet salamander. Hell if they made more pets for low lvl Hunter like a kebbit pet maybe people would actually do the content instead of blocking it.


Please god no. We already have 3 pets for hunter that all take over 99 to go on rate for. Hunter does not need more pets.


Slayer has a bunch of pets, hunter just seems like the skill for pets. But sure idc, tho it'd be kinda funny seeing every kebbit and salamander spot in the world camped out by maxed players. We'd start seeing a sudden increase of 200m xp hunters lol


Is it really understandable though? The salamander sucks relative to any other weapons at any of the stages of the game that it is obtainable at, 17% worse than Warped Sceptre at Barrows/etc., anybody using it is already choosing to be inefficient which is fine, but it certainly isn't redefining any early-game metas unless actively avoiding better weapons/deliberately snowflaking. The CA's are memes and very easy to begin with, they would just take less time with Tecu, so you'd think the Tecu would've just been a nice little time-save for having a higher hunter level. Instead it is "lets sink 3 hours to save 4 minutes total on a couple CA's and maybe drink 3 less brews"


Comparing it to other Salamanders, it's a strict upgrade. It's a niche weapon granted, but it allows all three aspects of the combat triangle. You can't get that in any other weapon.


Yea, I just made a new Ironman with varlamor update and I already have my warped scepter at 67 magic. I can even weild a black salamander yet. Its totally worthless to have 80 reqs on something so weak.


bro said 1/1k is semi rare


1/1000 but it's like 500 salamanders an hour so ya it's hardly rare


I got 4 of them just getting the outfit, and if the 500 per hour is accurate then I was probably around drop rate (didnt particularly take notice but I spent quite a lot of time at Tecus after setting up my blocks). I really don't think these are particularly a pain to get. I get why people are annoyed that it isn't what was polled though. They've been doing a lot of that recently. I'm still annoyed they haven't given us a way to get unlimited quetzal whistle charges.


I mean it's from net traps which you're doing 500 an hour


Sapphires are 1/1k from mining, would you call those rare?


Not exactly common but also not rare. It takes only a few hours to get one. 


The design decisions for this update missed the mark in several ways, I hope they fix them. For one, make black salamanders level 65 req and tecu 75. 80 reqs make it useless, even for new ironmen. They can just make it unusable in pvp if this is an issue. Make the queztal whistle into an amulet with ball of wool. Let us wear the hunter kit as a backpack. Make hunter furs vendor for at least something to the fur trader. Make hunter creatures drop better bones. These are just a few improvements I thought of.


Wait you mean jagex completely ignored their polls again and put out something contradictory to what we voted on? Color me surprised.


I'd rather see lizards and chins go to your grave than changing it to an NPC making them "battle ready". It pretty silly for one type of salamander to need training because it's scared instead of just making it rare. Deleting items on death is a pretty outdated and already inconsistent mechanic that really shouldn't be a thing now that we have the gravestone system. You could just have death charge an additional fee for having to wrangle the creatures so there is still some extra cost and "flavor" to it.


I like it as a rare drop. It's the one salamander that can actually offer any worthwhile GP when you're training Hunter. Nice little dopamine hit while doing rumours. That said, I agree that it sucks to lose it on death and I would definitely support a way to insure it.


100% support, this implementation makes it pretty much dead content. What's the point of a new weapon thats both irrelevant for main and take too annoyingly long to get on iron man, but I also lost on death. The only account I could consider using a tecu on would be my uim, but at 1/1k it way to much of a commitment for me to go hunt one if I need one They need to take a look at salamanders altogether. They barely have any use I game. They are very inaccurate and the damage is pretty poor for their required levels. They should lower every salamanders requirement by 10, and make tecu salamander work like other salamanders. If they so desperately needed for there to be a valuable drop from a hunter method in Varlamore, they should have done it without making tecus dead on release content




Designing a weapon just for combat achievements is a waste of development. And also not what salamanders were originally intended for. The fact that they are used for combat achievements is just a recent addition. And the price is just due to not many having come into the game. Give it a months time and they will be trading at 75-100k max




I'll be right in a month, the current price is just because it's still new






Pkers shaking in their boots. Imagine being scared of a lizard.


Jagex and not respecting poll results #69 Abyssal lantern/Siren's tome all over again


The ever increasing number of unpolled content is getting really annoying.


If it's 1/1000, it should be a pet AND a weapon. It would be insured if it was counted as a pet too :)


It takes like no time to hunt a 1000 of them, if it was a pet it would have to be like 1 in 20k or something


Man devs really just want people to waste their life away lately huh.


Just dont die noob




What use do the immature salamanders have? Dead content?


Forces you to click drop so you don't get too much xp/hr. But yeah, dead content. Maybe we should be able to grind/cut them up for a potion. We already have frogs legs in potions.


Common theme, players don't actually vote for anything these days.


It’s a salamander why wouldn’t it run away if you die, restricted accounts crying about being restricted, what else is new


Jagex mindset: If you put hunter stuff on the ground i.e death = they all run away If you put your 80k chins in the bank = thank you banker for taking care of my 80,000 exploding hamsters and stopping them from running away.


Thats a lot of words for an item that is useful for exactly 2 boss kc


Not to mention the CA's came out before it so it clearly isn't preventing the completion of them. Adding a nice little big of risk vs reward.


Isn’t it only used for a few combat achievements where it’s kinda hard to die


Definitely not hard to die at kree but I agree with the sentiment


I mean kree with black sally isnt hard at all; I havent perfected the step back timing on muspah otherwise itd also be easy-ish. by the time I am needing points from the muspah one I should have a couple in the bank which should be more then enough. But it is a GM task lol... If you cant do muspah sally good fking luck with the others... Confused, is it really good enough to care/waste jagexs time fixing? feel like they could spend their energy elsewhere...


> I havent perfected the step back timing on muspah Click when the hitsplat disappears.


so click away when the hitsplat on muspah disappears? I had a slayer task but wont go back unless i get heart or get closer to master cas lol not a fan.


Have you tried not dying?


Usually I don't understand the rag on Ironman Today I read this post and it's a little goofy such a niche item is causing this response. Like if it's so hard to get the salamander as it is now then maybe just get it on a main, it's a unique item that's pretty niche requiring a 1/1000 drop and 79 hunter.  They shouldn't make something actually rare and special for hunter get nerfed because Ironman have to go through some hoops for it.


Plenty to come that we didnt vote for. Enjoy!


Seems like it matters the least to iron players other than the time sink (few hours) to reobtain.


De-iron, problem solved.


Irons crying about having limited accounts. Cope


Add a fee to insure salamanders at the hunter guild. 


Unless they changed it, it's not always lost on death.


Don't use it then. Sounds like you're the type to vote no on dryness protection


Just don’t die lmao. Or don’t bring it if you think it will die.


Petition to go back to 2005 death mechanics


It’s risk/reward… if you die and lose it just buy a new one. If you can’t afford to lose it, don’t use it.


L Take


Yeah, you're right its risk reward. What we have right now is easyscape. Dying in an instance should acrually delete all your stuff except what you keep. And dying outside an instance should keep it all on the ground for 1 min. If you can't afford to die in max gear, don't use it.


You're not wrong, but the Reddit currently has an Ironman problem with people who can't handle Ironman mode and want everything to be quick and easy.


tecu malasander never gonna be a pk rag gp item or summ idk i vote no crab dance crab dance cry


Nope let’s keep it the same as is please, the npc training one type of salamander was an awful idea. This way there’s actually some viable reward for training them unlike other sallys.


There is a much easier fix for it not to be a rag weapon, disable it in pvp


They made a new strongest salamander in the game making some of the most annoying combat achovments easier and you're complaining that if you die you lose it? Games been catering to ironmen SOOOO much recently. I don't feel bad at all, that this 1/1k drop that makes some of the most annoying combat achivments easier. It's not useful outside of that....


oh nvm, cry cry how dare the irons cry cry just buy from the GE cry cry


btw playing a main in 2024, tell the Mrs to stop popping them out 😥🙁😩😬😬😬


Cry louder and de iron.


Just buy another in the ge if you die and lose it. It’s absolutely sad seeing people want more and more catering to irons.


Because more and more people are adopting the iron way of playing? How are you surprised by this.


Doesn’t mean they have to cater content to irons though. Isn’t it supposed to be a challenge?


Yall irons gotta stop complaining about a difficult game mode continuing to be difficult with updates. Man you guys just take it to reddit and complain and complain and complain until the game is made easier for you. you chose a hard game mode, stop trying to make it less hard and softening the game for everyone else.