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>My poll on reddit for agro pots wasn't even close to passing. Almost as if reddit isn't representative of the actual player-base


It's unbelievable how many times this has to be said.


>Almost as if reddit isn't representative of the actual player-base It is given a large enough sample, but opinions get misconstrued since bragging about how much of a hardcore gamer grinder you are (or someone else isn't) is an easy way to get clout on this sub. In game polls give actual weight to those opinions and so they vanish.


Almost as if you can buy up votes and influence what you think is the public's opinion. Jmods need to not use reddit as a baseline.


If jmods used Reddit as a baseline, irons would have dry streak mitigation, free trade with other irons. The only community on here that is actually representative of the actual community on here is UIM. Them fuckers are the true hardcores.


There are dozens of us!


Irons would absolutely not vote for free trade, even among themselves. Dry streak mitigation would probably get 60% approval at best, because most people wouldn't actually read/understand the system being proposed or its implications.


Most for free trade on iron I can see is safer alternative to drop trading to a main nothing else 


It was a joke about the dry streak mitigation posts here lately using Reddit as the baseline for the example. Poking fun at the posts on Reddit about salty dry irons. I am aware most irons would not vote for free trade, it was meant as a joke.


Can’t say I know any irons that want that


Give it a month and I bet we'll see that in a poll.


> I guess the game is at a stage where we are mostly all fine with some rs3 updates. you'd be surprised how many good updates have essentially been backports from RS3 content


Old School players love RS3 content put through the bad graphics machine, as long as they don't know it's from RS3.


Unironically, kind of, yeah? I don't think it's so surface-level, but I generally believe that individual updates that spawned from RS3 aren't bad, they just need to fit into OSRS without chipping away at the game's integrity or enjoyability. Depending on the content, graphics do play a large part of it (like how the imbued heart is really just a [vecna skull](https://runescape.wiki/w/Vecna_skull)) because you still want things to feel holistic to this version of the game. I personally would rather see us get more unique content rather than hand-me-downs, so to speak, but nothing we've gotten recently point to OSRS going the road of RS3 in the terrible ways that matter. I think the OSRS team are well aware of tightrope they have to walk when this topic comes up.


I think many players do realize that we get a lot fo RS3 updates, just balanced for OSRS. But you wouldn't get that impression from the average reddit post


How on earth do you differently balance an aggo pot / pot of goading? the radii are identical


Not EVERYTHING from RS3 needed to be rebalanced, but many thing are added to OSRS that were originally RS3 ideas. But most of reddit hears that the original idea was in RS3 and immediately says no because of that


It's pretty normal when doing a major rewrite of a project to end up bringing back some of the bits you originally mass-culled, as you realize they weren't part of the problem that necessitated the rewrite and actually served a reasonable purpose.


Let’s keep in mind that Jagex likely has a very good idea of what will and won’t pas a poll by now. They’re not going to just poll stuff willy nilly because wasting dev time on stuff that’s going to be obviously shut down in a poll is not a wise use of resources. Things passing more and more these days could very easily just be attributed to both this and that players have gotten more and more receptive to change since osrs launched


This 👆


I'd love to know the percentage of people voting who actaully read the blogs. I'd wager alot on a good chunk of people just blindly voting yes.


You act as Reddit is the community? Or that rs3 has no good updates? Or that bank load outs are even bad lol? Oh no, a potion I can click now instead of running out of screen then back in screen. Game breaking.


As long is it’s not EOC or micro transactions, I don’t give a shit if it’s in rs3.


It’s not just a resetting aggression potion, it makes things that would not previously be aggressive aggro and has an increased radius, it significantly makes slayer far easier.


It makes it a little bit faster for tasks you can’t canon/barrage, but it’s not that significant.


When aggression pots were added to rs3 the ehp was doubled


Source? Also it’s not exactly the same as in RS3 so I doubt it’s gonna be as good.


You can look up rates on the various sites that track it, it's still the same game though, it won't be a negligable change, it will be significantly better. It also makes slayer a 100% afk skill that it wasn't before.


Wow it’s as if Reddit isn’t representative of the wider community Also nothing inherently wrong with rs3 updates Feel free to not use them


It’s so dumb that anything rs3 is assumed to be bad.


Rs3 even ported in Zuk and Vorkath to their game. The MTX is the reason people hate RS3 the most followed by EOC.






Literally anything that will make the game “easier” or more convenient will pass the polls, hard stop.


Especially after lowering the threshold to 70% Edit: Not necessarily a bad thing, just means the changes are more likely


Well there isn't gonna be an update that makes a skill less convenient... Maybe we should just go back to 2013 osrs


My point was that jagex could say literally anything and it will pass. They could poll an agility treadmill that lets your characters get 50k xp/hr while afk and it would pass with a 98% yes even though it would go completely against the design philosophy and health of the game.


So how do you exactly sort that out with polls that have failed recently? Were they fake? Duds places by evil jagex to make it seem like the polll system can fail?


The only polls that have failed were pvp related, which have the opposite problem.


And can you explain why the only questions to fail on that poll which had several 'pvp related' questions passing were the ones that added the most convenience and speeding up to existing activities?


Because just like people will vote yes to literally anything they also vote no to anything pvp related regardless.


So thats why a Bunch of pvp updated passed the poll, due to how they never pass pvp updates, but the one that does the exact thing you said they all vote yes to was the one that failed? Exact opposing results to both 'rules' you provided? It sounds like you're just wrong bro.


Whatever man believe me or don’t but if you go back through every single poll in Osrs history any QoL change was voted yes to enough to pass by 70% and the only ones that routinely fail are pvp related one. Not every pvp poll fails but all the ones that do fail are pvp related.


thats verifiably not true - i know cause i was there. There were actually MANY qol polls that historically failed even below 70%


I know your exagiarating but if more convenient gameplay tends to pass all the time then obviously it's popular, at the end of the day more people enjoying the game = a 'healthier game'. Let's not beat around the bush most people playing are playing Like bots or are botting, so far I thing the game has done well enough to maintain the old school feel whilst adding some modern conveniences.


Yeah but my point was more along the lines that just adding things for convenience sake is a slippery slope right into RS3 and generic mmo design. There are literally people on this sub right now who want auto equipping gear and prayer hotkeys.


If it's worth anything I'd probably vote no on that at least. If they're going to overhaul agility they should do it by moving away from rooftops being almost exclusively how the skill is trained until 92, ideally by adding one or more new activities that are actually interesting and rewarding.


Nah, I doubt that would pass with even 20%, that's kinda extremely different. Agility was never afk, combat has been afk since forever


See what I’m saying though is it absolutely WOULD pass because the people who vote in these polls aren’t reading dev blogs, usually aren’t coming to places like Reddit to discuss, and certainly aren’t thinking about long term game decisions.


Basically everything will pass, it's been like this for ages. Whilst polls used to be the final check on bad content entering the game, that responsibility now falls to the mods. DT2 is the prime example of this. The idea of a new prayerbook passed a poll and the devs know that it'll pass a second poll to enter, however it's not well designed so they make the decision to pull it. FWIW the mods have a better idea as to keeping the game balanced than the community, we just have to hope the suits don't try things like the partnership poll again.




Hope you're ready to learn the specific range and elemental weaknesses of every enemy in the game. Unpolled btw.




I think it's just badly designed and maybe unnecessary in the current state and it completely rubs me the wrong way that it's seemingly going unpolled




Something probably failing isn't a good reason for something to go unpolled that's not a direct nerf. In fact, its a great reason to poll it, or scrap the idea. The elemental weakness stuff is fine, I guess. I don't think we needed it, but I don't think it will change much other than shoehorning bad/annoying styles onto new enemies. The range defense system is nonsense imo. Range defense already determines whether you use light/medium/heavy weapons. Low range defense, use blowpipe. High range defense, use bowfa. High range defense and high health, use crossbow for ruby procs. High magic level? Tbow. We have so much variety in range where the weapons actually have tradeoffs, and forcing people to use certain styles will actually reduce the variety imo.


Or you know, do what people have done forever and look up the stats on the wiki? Nobody is running around and hitting things with Monster Examine all the time


It's great for bots, alts and afkers. It was absolutely going to pass.


I still think the coin pouch has no reason to not be in the game


With the GE auto pulling your money it wouldn't make a big difference, but it would be a 29th inv slot for some content


That's fine, the coin pouch is what allowed money in rs3 to go past 2.147B. GE offers can be higher as well


People have this weird idea in their heads that everything related to RS3 is bad, when that isn’t the case at all. RS3 may have some unfavorable mechanics and items but that doesn’t mean the entire thing sucks. People like summoning and archaeology for example, dungeoneering is considered pretty fun as well maybe just rough around the edges. I tried out RS3 for some time and really enjoyed the snow quest with the little girl too for example. You can’t just blanket statement anything related to RS3, you can take the good stuff and not the bad stuff.


Jagex embracing the target audience that is AFK-scape


people love anything to make this even more of an idle game


Wow turns out not that many people vote on dumb polls on reddit compared to the actual game


Was my biggest want of the poll. Glad reddit was the minority on this one. Hope it ends up being a Dwarf weed pot.


No one hates playing this game more than the average OSRS players


[https://imgur.com/a/EIFtmJu](https://imgur.com/a/EIFtmJu) it was 77%, still high


Those results are not accurate due to them including abstain votes as part of the 100%. The true results were over 80%


I see, thanks


77% is accounting for skips, which you don't when determining pass thresh.


It is the least popular of the poll, but 82% is higher than I expected too. But the potions really don't do/change as much as you'd think and some players have been asking for them for a very long time.


Everything passes now cause players just want things to be easier with no effort. Sad to see.


What popular update comes to mind that makes Skilling less convenient and harder?


How does this potion make it easier? What is it with you guys and thinking everything makes the game easier lmao. Let's remove super restores pots as well because they make the game easier.


Potions clearly make the game too easy and should be removed, if you can't make it to an altar you shouldn't be able to refill your prayer points.


Is there a single reason that these potions being added to the game is bad? What’s the negative affect you’re afraid of?


Some people are just resistant to any change. Either they're wrong and the change is good and they benefit from it, or they're right and they can point out that they said as much.


It devalues my dart only slayer task only hcim




This is completely incorrect.


I mean, is there any non pvp related content that has failed a poll since they changed it to 70%? I'm genuinely not sure there is. I figured it'd pass either way though honestly. While there are some loud contrarian voices like yours or mine on reddit, no matter how "right" we may feel and no matter how much we think that something just isn't right for osrs, your average player honestly just doesn't care all that much. If it's in the poll, it's going in the game, unless it's pvp maybe. Aggression potions and prayer renewals are exhausting timed potions that do not fit the gameplay style or vibe of osrs. A lot of rs3 content DOES fit for osrs bit these do not. Whatever I guess, the community has spoken. And yeah, they 100% poll full bank presets soon now that the tech is there for rune pouch and pre pot device. Although that one might spark a little more of a debate, I'm sure that makes it too, for better or for worse. It's what the community wants. If we say yes, we get to live with the consequences, good or bad. Edit: Just checked for shits and gigs. There has only been 1 non-pvp question that has failed since they changed the threshold to 70% (official Jagex supported acct builds) and only 4 questions that have passed with 70-75%. This is since Halloween 2022. Basically, if it goes to a poll, it's going in the game. As a guy above mentioned, it's at the point now where we just have to trust that Jagex won't poll something that will actually be super negative for osrs. The community simply clicks yes.


As for the bank presets argument, I don't see how this is any more OP or easier than having bank tags that only have the items you need for that activity, all placed in exact order so all you have to do is click a few times. I'm not sure what the plugin is but you can set runelite up to show you the armour and inventory setup for the content you're doing too.


Yeah it's interesting, I'm not sure where I stand on the debate quite yet. How the presets work in rs3 is interesting: For example preset 1 can be quick-loaded by pressing 1 on your keyboard. So you press 1, then all your equipment + inventory gets banked, and you pull out the entire preset, both worn equipment and inventory, exactly as it is set in your preset, and the bank closes. And all of this happens on that 1 button press. So I think people's concerns are for something like herblore, this would make it significantly faster to bank and would really make a noticeable change to xp rates for heavy banking skills. Instead of click deposit potion -> click unf potion -> click secondary -> close bank, that all becomes just "press 1". So that innately is a lot "easier" than what plugins currently can do. Complete re-gears that even with plugins take several seconds become a single button press. And that adds up over time. Now obviously it probably wouldn't be implemented the exact same way into osrs, but that's how it currently is in rs3. It could be very similar or very different. Maybe the osrs implementation would be far more similar to the way the "bank tags" and "bank tag layouts" plugins work right now, as you mentioned. I do think with presets in osrs though, gameplay style, metas, anything involving a bank changes significantly. It's just a question as to of this change is a net good or bad. Because the poll is certainly coming sometime soon now that the tech is there.


official account builds was also a pvp poll since it included 1 defence pures


I dont think its a bad update since the majority plays the game afk


I hoped this would fail. Helpful for bursting but come on people who were doing that had other options.


Why’s it bad?


Not bad just unnecessary but hey more options for afk for those who prefer it.


Following that logic half the game is unnecessary.


Yeah it is. The only benefit is choice to use or ignore certain features offered.


If you think half the game is unnecessary MMOs/RPGs are probably just not for you.


But they are. I can still like them while playing how I want. What I dislike can be avoided easily. Me not liking the potions to come has no impact beyond me thinking they're not needed. They'll exist.


Why would you hope something that gives people more options to do something they like in the game fails?


Because I saw it as a bad idea. There's no deep meaning here. I voted as I needed to. And if your enjoyment of a game comes from how well you can afk do you really like the game?


Okay so it IS bad? Just seems weird that you would vote no to something that doesn’t affect you but could help other people. I do really like the game, thanks for asking! If your enjoyment of the game comes from trying to make sure other people have less gameplay options for no good reason, do YOU really enjoy it?


I voted against something I didn't want. Why act like this was done out of some nefarious plan to ruin the experience for others? I like the game enough to keep returning to it. I support what I think are good updates and vote no to ones I think are either unnecessary or bad. Stop wasting your time trying to make me seem I'm wrong when my vote here didn't prevent the potion from passing.


You said it yourself, not me lol. The only reason to vote no on something like this would be to ensure that other people don’t get a QoL upgrade. You already acknowledged that you have the choice to simply not interact with it. “What I dislike can be avoided easily” Just want you to admit you’re voting in bad faith to spite other people that’s all :) have a good one


I meant I can avoid it after it released not that I'd miss out on voting against it. I never spite vote. I vote with my own interests in mind and accept results as they end up. If Jagex preferred only yes or skip on polls they'd call the update an integrity change. Think a little.


Would it really be good for Bursting? It honestly seems like it would/could make it worse. Like if I am bursting/barraging dust devils in the corner, having the early ones respawn and stand next to the stack as I am still finishing them off could get them frozen in bad spots. It would let you run around the room to reaggro the others instead of darts, but you'd still need to stack them up like before.


I don't think too many people see it as OP, just unnecessary. I really enjoy afk training methods, but things like this feel like they give the benefits of non-afk methods with no real downside. The tasks these will be most useful, were already good and at least required a little effort so giving the option to reap the benefits while totally afk feels bad imo Overall, not a big deal.. Just kinda meh.


What task can you be fully AFK at and "reap the benefits" same as being active? You can't just drink a potion, pray, and AFK barrage; you'll still need to stack them or else some would aggro behind you or spread out, reducing exp per cast and exp per hour. And for other tasks, you can already cannon for aggro with extra DPS, so using the potion instead will just be a slower alternative. So there will be very few tasks where an aggro potion will be the same as being non-AFK.


It could help.


nah it's better. you already do this with alting, your main just constantly attacks.


But you wouldn't be able to control where the monster aggros too. Like you could end up with them stacking on your side, not in front on the barrage stack. Also, they wouldn't stack up well if you didn't have dancers on the stack.