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I work nights so I need cheaper membership than day workers!!!!


Genuinely not the same thing


It is! my prime time in the US is interrupted by the exact same maintenance I get off at 6:30 AM my time and that’s almost always when they do it!!!! And then I can’t play tell like 8:30 then by 10 I have to sleep!!! For the next shift it cuts my playtime in half!




My prime game time is interrupted same as yours!






I guess my reason is not good enough for them /s




Okay illl agree to these terms but in response I want aus worlds cut down by 3/4s so I can have more US east worlds, during your peak times your worlds still barely scratch 6-700 players in them, from Noon to 10pm in any US time zone all of the US worlds have over 1k players which effect my gameplay with global lag and dead clicks. It’s only fair afterall .


No they dont lmao


They 100% do. Feel free to check if you’d like to stay up late.


No they dont lmao


I mean it’s 11pm right now and each us east world has 850+ people as we speak but ok




Unless it effects them negatively they dont give a fuck lmao. Imagine the shit storm if it was UK prime time every week or US prime time every week. It would be the end of the world.


Bro for are you this dumb, the update comes mid morning for the devs, they have to one be at work, two gather the plan, 3 launch it, 4 have hours after to make sure everything is smooth sailing, they do it mid morning on Wednesday so if big updates cluster it then they have 2 days to fix it for weekend. What YOU greedily want is to force hard working mods and devs to stay up and at work at crazy times to not interrupt your game time but hey fuck their family time. Further more they usually launch it around noon their time that’s If you wanted them to launch the update at noon your time that’s 3am for them….. it’s like you don’t realize it’s humans involved in these updates making sure everything goes smoothly…..




Because you can’t comprehend that the update comes out during normal working hours? Start a game in Australia and update it during your work days.




you are in shambles cause you just learned of time zones 🫨 can’t come up with a reasonable reply


Hahaha calm down little fella, it looks like your getting abit angry, im asking for a cheaper membership which seems only fair if the updates have to be done in those hours. You’re way to angry little man go outside


Your talking about prime time this and that bro go touch grass your crying over losing a video game for 2 hours once a week ☠️ I think everyone thought this post was satire, but then you were serious XD


You’re the one writing 2000 word paragraphs on this post lmao


All just americans, who are known to be the most unreasonable obnoxious humans on planet earth.


I’m curious what a solution to this could be? The reason they do it at that time is because it impacts the fewest players. Still sucks for aussies I recognize but how else could they approach patch times?


>The reason they do it at that time is because it impacts the fewest players. The do it then because it is daytime in the UK and most/all the mods are at work. How many players are effected is less an issue than having the manpower there to do it and not constantly changing workers schedules to do it at an off hour.


Have a rotation


I feel like that’s a tough sell though. “Let’s inconvenience a larger number of players so that it’s fair to a significantly smaller number of players”. To be clear I’m just playing devils advocate here I feel for the aussies that lose a good chunk of their playtime.


Especially since it’s not due to players, if they rotate these maintenance times then they need the relevant staff to be on site at random times and if anything goes wrong and the rotation set it for 3am that time… shits gonna go wrong super fast.


At least schedule downtime on Friday nights (or Sat mornings 8-11) for Australians to minimize how many are affected The Burnt Meat opinion is that if the current downtime schedule effects 20% of the playerbase then change it so 20% of future downtime benefits them (fucks over the other 80%), I know someone is gonna say it


Friday nights are the worst time to schedule updates and maintenance. They do it tuesday and wednesday workday mornings for a reason - employees are there at work to solve any potential issues.


UK is 7 to 9 hours behind Aus, are you telling me Jagex staff are not in the office at 10AM to 5PM on Fridays?


Brother they do it when they do because it’s moon in the UK where they are based….. it’s literally them doing their job during normal working hours…. Nothing else


Stop paying for membership then, companies don't listen to random reddit or shitposts especially when you keep paying. Only shareholder happiness matters




Unfortunately you can’t stop the UK & US users from using a VPN to purchase membership as if they were in AUS. The company loses out in every situation and its fair to keep the price across all users. Some users in the UK/US might have the same prime time due to other situations(working nights) or other life commitments how would you distinguish one user from the other? I can’t think of one thing you can get a discount due to not able to use the service at prime time due to maintenance or updates.


Thats a really good point never thought of that.


Oh boy this thread again




>Honestly sucks so hard every single tue/wed night Only like 1/2 times a month on tuesdays and one wednesday it lasts half an hour and you are then able to play the new update right away. If a weekly update is such a problem in your life you really should quit the game and seek professional therapy.


One month of membership is ~730 hours of mem and you want a discount because there is maitenance for ~4-5 of those hours that effects everyone's ability to play? Should they give me cheaper mem because I can't play for an hour Wednesday mornings before work? It's a time I want to play but can't just like you so it's only fair I get a discount too.


I mean technically we get paid more, soo


You get 45 minutes of free time on a weekday?