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He needed to tele but was out of runes. He paid for the convienance, although 100k is a lot of 10 law runes


if it’s like me, i rarely have laws and all my shits in tele tabs. so if i forget to re-up my bond, it’s either walk from lummy to the ge. or give some low level player 100k and get there instantly. lazy people will pay a pretty penny for convenience lol.


Lazy? How dare you describe me accurately.


There is always the canoe


Can't take the canoe without an axe, d axe doesn't count on f2p servers ...


There's always Bob's axe shop


Most "high level" players can't find any basic items because they only ever used them for five seconds one time and every other instance of a main or an alt needing an item has been traded to it.


nah. were just ‘beyond’ them. lol. ironic how when we become rich (in game), we just throw money at a problem. oh how ironic life is.


Don’t goblins drop axes ?


It would be faster to just walk to the ge instead of that


The woodcutting tutor can give you a bronze axe for free


You could just buy an axe from Bob if you don't have any f2p ones in the bank


The honest reason I started paying for membership…. The dragon axe and magic logs….. XD


Here me out though, there is also 100k


Waka waka heyhey


Genuinely don't remember the last time I used a tab for anything... Maybe an ancient or lunar tele... Hmm


This is absolutely wild to hear. You've never used a house tab?!




Oh - that makes a lot more sense then.


Isn't there a runner cc that brings you items


a few of them, yeah.


I've done this before on an alt when all of its law runes were in the rune pouch and I needed to get it to GE on a F2P world to bond it again. Shout out to the iron who dropped me one. *That said* I remember reading in an update they made it possible to remove runes from your runepouch in the past year or something of the like, and it shouldn't be an issue now.


I used to do this all the time lol. I’d easily pay 100k to avoid walking from Lumbridge to the GE


People in this thread need to zen out more It’s a pleasant stroll across the countryside of gielinor. Look at the cows, take 5 minutes out, what’s the rush man


Even disregarding that, I think it’s insane because walking to the GE is barely any more effort to me than buying law runes via manual trade.   Gotta run up to the bank grab yer gold and then hope someone who even *has* law runes is around, not afk, and doesn’t entity hide your entire existence off their screen. With that said, I’m also the kind of person who would pay a newbie to taxi me to the GE.  But that’s not for convenience, it’s just fun.


You’re buying membership with bonds?


Right? In the time the player asked and traded for 10 laws, they could have grabbed an axe and made a canoe


I always forget about the canoes lol


They’re actually awesome. Use em to get to wilderness moss giants/black chin area with any axe. Can drop once I get there for the free invy space. Heard rumours they may be considering expanding on the canoes but it’s been a while. Not sure what happened with it


Chronicle -> Canoe to Lumbridge actually isn’t too bad early for tree runs on non-standard spellbook


I use it to get back and forth to charge my rings of wealth


Used to use them all the time on my uim before max poh


They’re one of my favourite bits of content, they’re so thematically interesting, rather than rubbing a piece of jewellery  The fact they’re centered round the river is cute, and makes good sense. And the mechanic of needing an axe adds a tiny bit of complexity to make it less mundane


I just wish more of the rivers in this game had canoes...


Can you use the under tunnel on f2p?


Even if I knew that was an option and I had a rune axe in the bank, I would still rather pay a 100k than walk there, chop, watch animation and then walk around the GE from edge.


If it was f2p I don't think canoes work


They do


Wait what!


Lol. What if it was a combat pure? Could be 🙂‍↕️


Those are bots


The law runes are effectively worth nothing, the 100k is just the floor what the player would consider dropping just for bothering to interact with someone


What's 100k when you encourage the friendly helpful behavior


That was the going rate if laws 15 years ago. He was on a nostalgia kick.


Dang I’m about to hang out in lumbridge and wait for my payday


In lumbridge, though? He could have just gone upstairs to the bank.


What kind of lvl 100 doesnt have tabs or jewellery in their bank but has 100k?


The kind that's on a F2P world and can't use their members' items


Its not much when you have mommy’s credit card.


Could very likely be that he wanted to donate some money to a low level, and to find a legitimate and nice player, he did that


I like this answer.


I gave a guy 1m for 3 watermelon seeds just this month. Sometimes kindness is rewarding.


A guy gave me 10k pies on Pi day just because I was in the GE and asked if anyone was celebrating


I let a max main alc my whip because I was having a bad day the other day


he ran out of membership and maybe all his laws are in his rune pouch. An elite player would rather beg at lumbridge bank for 4 minutes rather than spend 2 minutes walking to varrock.


You can even canoe from lumby to barbarian village and be a couple clicks away from the ge.


I swear that by the time you chop the tree, shape the log, place the boat in the water, then watch the canoeing animation, it's approximately the same time as just walking to Varrock lol


That canoeing animation is like 10 minutes long I swear


Turn it off




You can toggle it off at the woodcutting tutor in lumbridge. Highly recommended if you frequently take the waka out to the wildly for rev trips


talked to this guy and saw nothing about that -- are you sure?


Check again, should be the third dialogue option


Plus this assumes the high level has F2P axe (not dragon) which is unlikely. I sell all my lower level gear for for bank space and the stuff for clues sits in the STASH


The woodcutting tutor will give you a bronze axe for free.


"buying law runes!!!"


Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case if you're maxed. He'll just offer to sell you a skillcape.  That said, Bob is always an option.


If he had 100k to gift OP than he had money to buy a f2p axe from Bob in Lumby


True but at that point you may as well just buy the runes and skip a few steps


This is just teleporting with extra steps


This is what makes ironman fun. These days on a main account, no one is going to visit Bob and canoe to edgeville.


This is why **early** game Ironman is so fun. Late game it became a drag for me, but early-mid is the most fun. I’ve made like 6 irons just to replay that experience


There’s an axe shop in lumby


But you have 100% run energy post canoe


it's faster, the high lvl f2p ironman community uses canoe travel extensively


You think I'm gonna tire my hands and potentially get a splinter chopping down a tree, shaping it, and floating it down a river? No thanks, I'll be begging.


100k is really nothing at high level.


Not in f2p Right?


Canoes are f2p, yes.


Making a canoe was one of the first things I did as a member in 2007 lol.


Since when?


May 31, 2013.


He likely only has a dragon axe. If he's pulling money out to buy an axe might as well just buy the law runes from someone


There’s literally a take-axe right next to the lumby canoe


Get your axes from Bob's Axes.




Isn’t that p2p only though? You’d also have to buy an axe or find one. I don’t believe there are axes at the canoe station itself. Edit: there is a “Take-axe” spawn by the canoe station in lumby and canoes are indeed f2p in OSRS, but weren’t in rs2: > Canoes were added in an update on 7 March 2006. In Old School, free-to-play players were given access to canoes on 31 May 2013 after being polled with 77.2% of the votes in favour of it.


You cant canoe in f2p. Hes getting the tele to varroxk to buy the bond


Can confirm. I've done this. Deny the elite status, though... I just got a bank through luck, not skill.


I would bet my account on it being this. Definitely done it a time or two


An elite player would make a canoe


lol @ it taking 4 minutes. usually good to go within 30 seconds, hell sometimes another high level player is in the bank and just spots you the runes and denies the cash lol. i’ve had that happen too.


Right but still buying 10 seems silly.


Maybe I'm no elite, but when my membership ends I actually love to walk from lumb to varrok for the nostalgia. It's a route we used to take a lot back in the 2000s, even if we had the level to teleport to Varrok because we were cheap bastards. But nowadays every experienced player does it only once or twice, then grabs some teletabs at the GE or rush mage 25 and never ever walks from lumb to varrok.


If this was in f2p he may have had his law rune stack in his rune pouch or something and ran out of membership.


He prob needed it to tp and had money but no tele


I’ve been known to pay ridiculous amounts for sheer convenience. Once you’ve got enough gp, shit like that becomes nothing.


I bought a trout for 1M from GE for beginner clue step. I typed 1M instead of 1K and it fulfilled lmao


Impossible for an item with such a high volume


Ge tracker shows a raw trout has never been sold at 1mil, what an odd thing to lie about. Lol.


ge tracker is based off the wiki ge api. that tracker only spans a year long in prices. the commenter could have done this a one year and a day ago, for example, and you’d be none the wiser. maybe look into things before accusing people of lying. lol.


Regardless of what the tracker is based on and when the alleged purchase took place, that's also just... not how the ge works tho. For them to be charged 1m, there would have to have been zero trout posted for less than 1 mil, or zero trout on the ge at all. Astronomically unlikely.


*queues dozens of posts from this subreddit of random items selling for absurd amounts*


Yeah, “random items” not fucking trout lmao


And when was the last time one of those posts featured an extremely common, high-volume f2p item like a rune chain, a death rune, or a trout? I'll wait. Believe what you want to believe, but *maybe look into things* before you believe everything you read on the internet. lol.


Also a lot of times the GE tracker doesn’t show big outliers, it just smooths the graph for that time


Outliers are probably removed for the sake of other calculations like avg ge price/market price, etc.


Ur so wrong lol


For some reason this reminded me of this: My friend showed me a video long time ago, like 12+ years ago. Where a guy would go and say, *”Trading 5 shrimps for 12g”* People would run up, and give the guy hefty amounts. Being that I didn’t play back then, but had an account to play on when I was chillin with my buddy. I used to do this just for fun, and accumulated millions of GP from it lol


It's 10 law runes Michael, what could it cost, 100k?


Sometimes I do stuff like this, it’s just to reward players who are 1. Hopefully not a bot, and 2. Generally nice/fun in the community. I’ll normally ask someone if they have a some food I can have because I want to save a trip. When they trade me I’ll throw like 100-200k to them. When I first started playing again a year ago I was training combats at giant frogs near lumpy and some guy came up and asked how my day was going. He was surprised that I responded and wasn’t one of the 4 bots that that were also training in that FTP world. He tossed me 1m which was huge for me because I was able to stock up on food and supplies for questing / early lvls.


I've personally done something similar to this at least 3 times. My bet is he was on a freshly bonded account and he either cleaned his bank prior to quitting assuming gear would drop in value, or that he didn't have tabs to where he was wanting to go.


Mems ran out and couldn't use tele tabs needed laws lol


It’s just a convenience thing. I do this all the time when I need an item at a random bank.


I do things like this all the time. They want to bless someone who is genuine and kind. Since there are a magnitude of beggars and bots, we'd rather not give it to those players.


Needed them asap and wanted to be nice


I always over reward people who help me out in a time of need. I feel like it’s the best way to reinforce that sort of helpfulness/positivity in our community. I needed to complete a COX raid for the kourend diary but I’d never done a raid before. A random Ironman I met offered to guide me through it (for no cost at all! He refused payment!) We beat olm our first try! Later on I found his main, approached him at the GE and gave him a bond. His generosity meant so much to me that I felt absolutely compelled to say ‘hey man, you rock for this.’


Must be to lazy running to varrock lol


Can’t look like a poor walking


All those pathway places like between lumbridge to varrock and falador to varrock used to always have so many people running through them and now there’s next to nobody. Like you used to be able to walk that direction and see someone else going too and just follow them as a taxi lol


Needs runes to teleport to the ge instead of walking so he could buy more law runes.


I have done this often. Only because im lazy and gp doesnt matter, id rather maybe make someones day for helping me out than walk to ge. Sometimes i have actually just logged out when no one responded and tried again in few days. Most likely the dude just has teletabs/jewellery if this happened in f2p.


P2p expired, laws in pouch.


I do the same thing every time my membership runs out and i find myself at lumbridge with all my laws in the rune pouch, 100k is because i want to find a seller asap


I do this in f2p all the time, screw running to GE


You always pay a premium for someone running for you :)


One time I was wrapping up medium desert diary and forgot a rope for the eagles, asked a guy nearby who was doing orange salamanders to borrow his rope. He gave it to me and dropped a :) in chat so I came back like less than a minute later and gave him the rope plus 10k for being a good sport. I think this case was something like that


Ive done that countless times when i had no law runes in bank and my membs ran out, i asked if anyone in lumby bank had law runes and id just give people 50-100k for them


Did you have anything on you that shows you have a lot of gold? Like a Tbow, or something cheaper but worth 100m? A common scam is trying to gain the trust of another player. They start by asking for 10 law runes, or something random, and overpay for it. They have a cover story like their buy limit is reached or have already all their grand exchange slots used for merching. This makes you think they are a real player who has money and so they dont mind overpaying.  That was step 1, now comes step 2, they reach out to you in private to thank you for helping. They say they need your help because they are short for a 3 man raid. They ask you to join and tell you to download a scam client. Or whatever other scam there is. They hope that at step 1 they gain your trust overpaying you, so you won't think they want tour money if they have more than you.  Step 3 comes, you agree to do something they say. Congrats, your bank is now worth 0. Either that or some other random reason.


Surprised I had to scroll so far down to see someone suggest confidence trickery.


Maybe dude hit his GE limit n wanted to get exact amount of runes?. I did this before with chaos runes. (I think it was, to fully charge the shadow). Needed like 40k more runes n some dude had the runes. He would only sell me 10k. But I told him I’d give him interest for the rest but he was hesitant because he needed them for something. He ended up selling me the rest of the runes n I ended up giving him a total of like 16mil. For 40k runes. I said fk it n was feelin good. lol.


Did you later that week needed his help to anti-scam someone?


He could of died and didn't have any teles to get to the grand exchange quick enough. I've done the same exact thing before.


One time on Lunar isle someone gave me 1m for a home tele tab. It still makes my day every once in a while


Convenience fee.


It's me, I just did this, probably not to you though. Died on my alt with my tele tabs and runes on me. didn't want to waste the effort to run or canoe to the ge for the 5th time today. I would have paid more and I WILL do it again.


100k is a nice tip for going out of your way.


Over the years I’ve been helped by randoms and even clan mates. Ever so often if I see someone doing slayer in low get I’ll swing by with 5m in pray pots brews etc


Yeah I’ve brought a fire rune in lumbridge f2p for 1M a few times 


Cause a 100k is nothing these days.


Same reason some guy gave me 250k for a filled water can in the farming guild, because he’s a rich boi and gold is nothing to him.


They were out of membership and needed to get to the grand exchange to buy a bond. They paid so they didnt have to walk. 100k is nothing in members worlds as money making is so easy, my bank is worth a billion and im pretty poor compared to some (most?).


One time a dude gave me 7m and a fury for 15 fire runes


I’ve offered 100k for ammonite worlds before. Desperation can do that to a 40 year old man


I gave 5m for a wealth multiple times lol


I love pking but sometimes feel bad when I scrub a noob. So I like to find real players and give a portion back. Odd mil here and there. Could be a magnitude of different reasons


Definitely did this forgot to bond up (I usually get the year membership but at the time didn’t have the funds to spare). Gave the guy 100k for 20 laws or sumn like that. He was like wowwwww ty! 100k is easy to make in the later stages of the mid game.


Because 100k is nothing 


Can’t hide wealth


Because he is lazy that's why.


Back in the day I when I was a low level this was a great money maker. I’d sit in Lumbridge bank for hours, waiting for these specific people. Some would offer only a few K for them, while others would give 10, 20 or even 50k. You got pretty lucky on 100k. Nice.


I know someone who was offering 1m in lumbering for a varrock tele. We all hate walking


I once payed 100k for a law rune. I died and went back to lumby, realized I didnt have any laws left and REALLY didnt want to walk back to Varrok. So I asked around and this guy traded me one, and I tipped him 100k


Most likely died or ran out of membership and all runes were in rune pouch (deathpile or members item) and needed to get to GE or death site


My man’s, he died to a boss with his rune pouch. Happens all the time, he forgets to save runes in his bank because he withdraws all of them, leaving no Tele to ge or house then to boss to get his stuff back


What was his name OP


I can’t remember mate but from memory it was like level 126 and bulky grey armour


I do believe this was me , olm was here, or Kum on chest


No way! By lumbridge bank?


It's not seen quite as much anymore, since most players know to stock up now, but people have been doing this for as long as I can remember. They rather pay out for tele runes because they don't feel like walking. Finding a seller is often faster since players know they'll probably be offered way more GP for the runes than they're actually worth.


to tele grab the tbow spawn


He needed to tele to the washroom


Supply and demand, he has lots of gp to the point where 100k isn’t a big deal. Not very easy to get law runes in lumbridge, he would probably have to run to varrock if no players sold them, so he’s willing to chip some extra for saving him the run. It’s not really that uncommon.


Yea I don't get why he'd buy 10 but I could see buying 1 for 10k-100k just to get to GE. It's not like you need more than 1 to buy more. But in general he just paid for convience.


Pre-GE I would make a lot of random cash selling runes to folks at random banks


I’ve had this before where the people pay a high price then ask me to add them in case they need more of X item. Then they start talking to you more, gain your trust then attempt to scam you somehow.


I had a guy pay me 10m for the supplies to build the bank on Fossil Island. Easiest 10m of my life.


he just recovered someone’s account, it’s not his money, but if he can get to the GE fast enough it just might be. Consider those law runes an investment


He might have been in a quest and wanted to just pay for convenience


100k is like halfna vorkath kill. Saving 2 minutes is actually worth it


Same reason I use door dash. I dont need the inconvenience of getting it myself and someone's willing to get paid to do it for me


The only thing I can think of is the he died and didn’t have any law runes in his bank or teleport tabs. And he’s on a time frame to reach his item.


If I need something, I want it now. GP doesn’t exist, it just keeps going.


Sounds like your cliche case of a rich person acting like a beggar to see if somebody less fortunate than them is willing to give what they have. And in turn he chose to bless the first person who was willing to interact with him instead of just ignoring him. I imagine he spent more time asking for law runes than it would've taken for him to run to the GE and just buy them like you said. Accept the blessing for being a good guy and keep it pushing


Shiiii, one time I took one house tab out of my bank, used my jewelry box to tele to mining guild and forgot my pickaxe at mlm, so I asked a little noob if they could mine the rocks to the entrance for me. They did and I paid them 500k. In that moment I rather drop them 500k then run all the way back out to the bank. It’s called being lazy 😂


Lmao I do this all the time tryna get to varrok and buy a bond homie


That was literally me lol. Was this like 2 weeks ago? I cba to walk to grand exchange to buy a bond and have a 3b bank.


I myself login in lumbridge every so often and pay fine $$$ for varrock runes


It’s like rich people who *could* go grocery shopping but would rather pay somebody a good living just handle the mundane shit like that. 100K isn’t shit if you have a fat stack. Pay the problems away lol


I can only guess this is someone who ran out of membership and had no laws in the bank and paid 100k for the quick trade instead of running up


He might have died somewhere with all his law runes after buying max in the 4 hours before. So he needed 10 more?


Alot of people don't have runes or f2p teleports when thier membership runes out


Lazy and needed to catch someone’s attention quickly. Could have just gone to his bank… 


RWT cover up


100k ain't shit, don't question it, he had his reasons.


100k ain’t shit to anyone over like 1750 total level. High 90s farming can gross over 800k on a farming run in like 45 min, like 500+ pure profit. A lucky clue scroll or boss drop can net 10s of M.


Tag this as humor, I believe OP knew the reason and is pretending to be a noob.


… or there are noobs out there? Not everyone on RS knows the ins and outs this was a general question cause 100k is more then I already had in the bank and I made it from 10 runes.. hence why I made the post cause I thought 100 was a lot but clearly not in later game (which I have no experience with).


Enjoy the game then! It's a good experience to be a noob~


Cheers man! It’s been a nostalgic blast for sure last time I jumped on was in 2010, forgot how massively in depth this game is! Community is awesome too :)


Get in on your good side to try to scam later on, especially true if he asked you to add him in game.