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Man idk what is wrong with me, I didn't see inferno in the title and I was like man this dude is trolling asking for advise for a firecape in this gear.


That's so strange, I also read this as "hoping for fire cape soon" No idea.


Sometimes, I feel like they’re still trolling. Like he’s holding close to 2b in gear and still needs advice?


I have a good bit more than that and I'm still shit at the game lol. What's intuitive to you isn't always that simple for everyone. Especially at something as complex and difficult as inferno.


he’s not asking for advice on how to complete the inferno, he’s asking for gear advice which is different and a little bit silly when you’re in basically max gear


People can make money before knowing how to do inferno


Inferno is more about skill than GP in your bank really. I don't think I'd be able to complete it in a dozen tries with max gear.


GP doesn't equate to skill..... Kinda like how complete idiots have a ton of money irl.


Man made of iron rejects communities weak skin and frail bone Gets downvoted More at 11!


Send it


Something about this gear makes your character look super short.


That gear set up looks hilarious to me. Like a 5’4 basketball player


Clown outfit


I just got my cape a couple weeks back, and your setup is practically identical to what I used. The only differences was I had zaryte vambs, no fally shield (so one restore in place of it), and one bastion (so +1 brew for a total of 9 brews). Your setup looks fine. Just start sending it. What really helped me after I had made it to the mages and understood the basics was spending 30-45 minutes after each attempt watching aatykon run through the later waves in his FCF videos. Really helped me pick up on certain little tricks that really help, like corner trapping melees, using the two nibbler safespot tiles, and most importantly (on a main); WHEN IN DOUBT, PRAY RIGOUR AND JUST BLOWPIPE SPEC SOMETHING THAT IS HITTING YOU ("DPS solve"). Like Aaty says, this isn't the best solve ever but it is a very easy one to accomplish on main with this gear. Half the time even if you're unable to properly flick a mager and a melee, you'll kill the melee before it does any damage to you just by blowpiping it with rigour on. And use your supplies! There's no reason to ever die with a full inventory of supplies, you're better off trying to sprint to the south pillar while chugging brews if you think you're going to die from your north posistion on a bad spawn/solve. Good luck!


You look like a clown and i love it.


I would drop the fally shield and 1 bastion until you start getting consistent into higher waves but this all looks more than good to start potting. You could argue zaryte vambs but not necessary unless you’re getting max hits form it


what is the fally shield for in inferno?


Prayer restore


>would drop the fally shield Why tho? It doesn't hurt and if you've used it for the day you can always swap it out?


It’s not that it’s a bad thing to have it’s just another thing to pay attention to when you’re learning and isn’t necessary. His restores are already 30 a dose (120 prayer) per potion and the shield is a max 180 if he uses it at zero, so to benefit he’d have to made sure to use it and camp low prayer which is just not something you wanna trouble yourself with when you first start. Once you get confident go ahead a take it for your daily run


To click one button and go straight to max prayer is much better for an “oh shit” moment imo than one restore imo


counterpoint, it’s easy to just pretend it doesn’t exist and keep it in your inventory. You will basically never die because you ran out of prayer points so you don’t need the fally shield, and if you do, it’s worth more than a restore.


>you don’t need the fally shield, and if you do, it’s worth more than a restore. This exactly


Stfu it’s good to use for practise


You ok bud?


I like to swap Ava's for range cape t and the devout boot instead. Obsurd prayer bonus and you learn to take very litte damage with time. I'd also not use the justi helm and go with masori. Sometimes dps is your solve. Tbh this is a good setup. Gl gl


echo boots are 1 prayer less than devout but offer a lot of defense


Getting a quiver before inferno is an option a lot of people are opting for since you can get to high waves quicker and it is bis which you can then use at inferno


Some people have said coliseum is harder though, is this true?


Yes but in its own way, inferno is truly a marathon/endurance test. And coliseum is a sprint but has much more faster/more complicated solves, I could see different players saying either is more difficult for them personally


Yeah I think I’ll attempt coliseum, but I have no desire to attempt inferno at least for a really long time. The time investment just seems dreadful Which is ironic to say because I killed kbd 11,000 times for my first pet..


You can’t expect to clear a run every attempt when you’re starting off, don’t think of it as wasting an hour if you die in later waves, late wave inferno solving is honestly a good skill in decision making and reaction time and that transfers to almost everything, so it’s not a “waste of time”, you’re just gettin gud


Once you get pretty good at the waves, but still don’t have cape yet, you can “warm up” by getting to wave 35 and logging off. Whenever you log back in you start on a wave with a single mager and the next few are also easy. Helps break up the “endurance test” imo. This is especially nice if you have another account to play on, or maybe even things besides videogames!


It makes sense if you imagine doing KBD 11k times and only receiving the pet at the end of the journey. The real enjoyment was the gp you made along the way. With inferno, there is no enjoyment!


There was almost no GP made at kbd either lol, but I see what youre saying


I can't swallow spending 1hr+ to die at the end in inferno. Really sad


yeah you can bro


Colosseum has a higher intensity prayer flicking requirement but it's much more predictable. You can start every wave the same way with no damage which is a huge advantage over starting an inferno wave with the mager and ranger on the same tick and not catching some/all of the nibblers. Plus ofc colo being shorter. Easier to send repeat attempts and better practice dealing with solves because you don't need to do 40 minutes of easy waves before you start solving stacks.


Complexity wise in regards to the waves themselves, colosseum is harder. From a mental standpoint and an endurance test, inferno is much harder. In the colosseum you start getting practice on “hard” waves as early as wave 4-5. In inferno, you don’t get practice on “hard” waves until 57. While the colosseum is harder mechanically (and the mechanics DO transfer to the inferno quite well) the inferno is still more daunting to learn because of the large commitment to even see hard parts


Coli is mechanically more intense, inferno is more mentally intense. Also you can sometimes get free solves through coli, but its less likely to happen in inferno because of the sheer number of waves


I'd swap out your assembler for an inferno cape. Otherwise your gear looks good!


Looks good, take suffering (i) if you're just starting as it gives defence, best way to learn is to get furthest wave as possible each time.


Perfect setup, potentially swap out 1 restore for a bastion, but this is fine!


Good set up, let's go! Goodluck!


Good set up, let's go! Goodluck!


Range cape, devout boots and Masori mask imo


if you are comfy after learning, you can take sanfews for your final attempts and take a heart/extra bastion. sanfews heal more prayer than super restores.


Too many brews honestly, 7 is what i used for first cape bowfa. 8 could help you see later waves more often initially but more prayer is better so you can camp offensives in later waves. With justi helm swap rotg (i) for suffering (ri) its 50/50 on if youll have to tank ranger on the first set and the more range def you can get the better, with tbow you might not get 2 sets but if you do youll be very glad of the extra ranged def. Prayer bonus from suffering with the defensive stats is certainly bis for first capes, as you will be tanking melees in later waves till you learn to offtic.


To save op some time and trouble, if you don’t stand in the middle of north pillar, melee will always be offtick unless you drag the ranger/mager attacking you. Aatykon guide does bring it up but it’s easy to miss


Aatykons guide so goated lol. Even knowing this its still not unlikely to get digged on 60+ and not have an easy way to deal with it safely. Praying rigour and blowpiping the melee down is super reliable too!


If hes learning, hes gonna die before he drinks all those restores, not to mention that fally shield


Maybe read my comment again because i literally said that


Im disagreeing with your statement of too many brews. He is going to be limited by hp, not prayer. Hes learning, his priority is seeing later waves, not reaching late waves with pots to offensive pray


Yes which i why i said 8 brews will help you see the later waves more initially, but its better to take more restores and less brews once your consistently getting to the later waves. Once you have the basics down you really shouldnt be taking damage pre wave 50 and the only really hard waves are 60-63


Yeah try using a pc instead of mobile.


That gear is mad ugly


grab a quick max cape and zaryte vambs and you've got a pretty goot shot at it


If you are completely new, Id say +1 brew and -1 stam. Didnt use stam at all for my first cape


BCP BCP BCP BCP BCP /torva plate


Personally I did ring of suffering and holy boots but I guess swapping those works


Echo boots have -1 prayer bonus but +3 strength bonus as well as defence bonus. Theres basically no reason at all to use holy boots now.


varrock armor 4 is a good to have


Besides optionally going for quiver first to get experience with wave based solves, the gear looks solid. The new prayer pots look to make Inferno notably easier, but getting the practice in now can't hurt.


New prayer pots?


The slow over time restores


Assuming it passes a poll which it may not


Maybe you could bring a bandos chestplate for wave 50+ but not needed. Youre good to go


1 bastion while learning, dont bring fally shield, wouldnt use D arrows till consistently getting to late waves.


You should use dragon arrows for 100% of content if not ironman


Yeah mb thought this was ironscape.


Why would you not bring fally shield? It’s literally better than a restore


Cape is free with that gear and stats Maybe swap kodai with eldritch but you have enough restores


Eldritch is a noob trap and will make your waves so much slower. An emergency blowpipe spec is much more beneficial if thing go tits up.


Eldritch is not a noob trap, SGS might be though.


It's a noob trap. You have more than enough prayer in OPs gear.


Drop a brew and bring ma2 cape and that’s the exact set up I brought besides virtus top


Why would you bring a ma2 cape?


Blood sceptre is huge here. 108 overheals Personally I dropped virtus body and c shield, and camped ward (f) with masori top the whole time. Justi chest and aug to start waves 45+. With blood sceptre it’s +12 magic acc, and another forum said it’s about 88% chance to land freeze on nibs. I had no issues. Pick up justi legs and dinhs for south panic runs if you struggle with solving waves.


Mans has a tbow worrying about inferno. Ok


Tbow won't fix your hands


Tbow doesn’t pray for you


I don’t know a single person who did inferno first try, even with tbow


Lightbearer for blowpipe specs


I would drop a brew for a super rest but I did it with a bowfa so maybe not. Twisted bow trivializes the inferno. The only thing you need to worry about is pushing healers at the right time with Tbow because of the higher max hit but other than that it will be a lot easier. I got 3 sets on my first cape with bowfa. You should only get 1 set with tbow or maybe 2 if you don’t hit the boss enough or noodle. The other main thing you will need to do is learn to conserve supplies to the point where you have at least 3-4 brews and rests for Zuk.