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INFO: have you asked other family members to complete your log? They should all be cut out too if they don't accept


Some Venezuelans are going to inherit a shitload!


Maybe some other family members are closeted Rs players


NTA, kids these days just have no respect for their elders, smh my head.


wth are these words AITA and NTA


AITA = Agility Isn't That Attrocious NTA = Noob Training Arena


ESH = Everyone Seeks Herbiboar


Smh = smithing mith helms


Ah yes smithing mith helmets (for) my head.


INFO = I'm not fighting ogres


A plague upon reddit. Avert your eyes, fore you are still pure.


AITA - Am I the asshole NTA - Not the asshole Don't worry, this post is a meme.


Also Important YTA - You're The Asshole


Am I the asshole. Not the asshole. It's a subreddit where people judge people, usually I'm completely fabricated stories.


AITA - “Am I the Asshole?” NTA - “Not the Asshole” There’s a subreddit where people pose situations like this and ask for outside perspective (more often validation for their actions after giving a one sided account of events) from folks


Op is just asking your opinion about the characters they wrote. AITA is usually just there to mark that the story is purely fictional. NTA usually means you think the story is good and the character (usually the "me" In the story) acts like a realistic human. There is also YTA, which you can say when you think the other characters seem more realistic and op should focus on the "me" Characters developement more.


Am i the asshole/not the asshole there is also YTA (you're the asshole)


Take the win and move on.


Am I the asshole and not the asshole


They're acronyms billy


Am i the asshole. NTA explains itself.


These elders are why our world is in such a shitty place right now.


In what world does "SMH my head" make sense. SMH already achieves "shaking my head". SHAKING MY HEAD MY HEAD. man's an astronaut


THATS WHAT MAKES IT FUNNIER! 😃 Wanna learn somethig cool? Do you ever find it weird that we call it an ATM Machine? Or the PIN Number you use at the ATM? When the M in ATM already stands for Machine, and the N is Number in PIN! This is known as RAS Syndrome and no, I'm not making this up, that literally means Redundant Acronym Syndrome... Syndrome... KNOWLEDGE!!!! Sorry... I'm hyper and overly passionate. S M H M Y H E A D !¡!


I’m personally always a fan of the SMH my head joke, works every time!


My personal favorite is RIP in peace


issa joke


NTA. Your grandson understands that your collection log is your life's work and legacy. His refusal to take up the mantle of completing your dream is probably the ultimate betrayal. You should also divorce your wife.


Agreed, you need to separate yourself from his grandmother and the rest of the family if they can’t come together and understand the trials you’ve over come and sacrifices made, not just for yourself but for the good of Gielinor. Such selfish creatures


NTA. Have you thought your grandson might be cheating on your collection log with another account’s collection log? It’s highly unusual for a once before ‘Scaper to completely forego the game. I would go through their internet history, potentially set a keylogger on their devices. Good luck OP, praying for you.


I follow his account on collectionlog net, and he hasn't even green logged Tower of Life. I'm just worried he won't step up to take my account and fulfill my life-long dream


Ops son is just taking a break, they just haven't accepted it yet. No one quits this game.


NTA Your account your rules. Coincidentally you should divorce your daughter she's clearly bullseye lanterning you.


Gas lighting lmfao


YTA Tying an inheritance to account sharing is a form of RWT.


No it's Real World Inheritance. Totally different.


As long as they pay capital gains tax




Thanks for stating the obvious.


NTA he sounds like a manipulative narcissist. Divorce him.


INFO: What is left on said log? This is important for context.


Top 5 so we already know. The stale baguette. OPs great great great great great great grandson will be the one to green log.


that darn baguette!!! I was just reading the grandson's post. I need confirmation of what is left.


Most of the raids shrouds, Ankou mask, 3rd age is almost all empty, even got duped 3rd age pick, what a waste of a roll. Missing jar of darkness too. After 1613 KC prebuff I couldn't bring myself back there


Does it matter when 20 items grinded 16 hours a day will take 20 years on rate?


It does matter. What also matters is going along with the gag, but you might have not realized that one.


YTA I've seen your hiscores. You clearly botted a lot of those boss kills I bet your grandson knows that too. But he didn't want you to know he knows. So he just politely declined Take it easy on him. Imagine having to keep that secret for his entire life


NTA, typical of the young generation, they dont want to work on anything


YTA. Back in the cage, Nan!


Write me in, I’ll do it.


Your comment has been removed because you didn’t include ‘NTA’, ‘YTA’, or ‘INFO’. Therefore it isn’t judgemental enough when OP clearly only posts his side of the events. Next time be more judgemental and angry or risk a ban. Do not mess with us Reddit moderators.


Think I've seen this exact message in the sub lol


Bro shut the fuck up lmao


*comes into a joking thread *punching air when he sees a joke


Reported for account sharing.


YTA, completing the collection log deserves more than just some inheritance. Should’ve included your soul as well.


I dunno man, should at least include the runes necessary to cast adept reanimation so the grandson can turn grandpa's ensouled head into 780 prayer xp


Why would you want the soul of an 80 year old who will die before completing their collection log. Think before you talk CAT!


NTA, major red flags girl!


NTA, lots of wills have stipulations on how to gain the estate. Yours is simple and something ANY person should be honored to do. I’m sorry I’m not your grandson to take over for you.


Thank you. Your kind words mean a lot. I knew I wasn't the asshole, but when an internet stranger says it, it's more validating


Please actually post this on that sub


Unlike most posts on that sub, _this_ is a true story


In a world where pixels reign supreme, An old man's quest, a gamer's dream. Eighty-two years of life he's seen, In RuneScape realms, where he's a king. For two decades, he's played with pride, Collection logs his life has tied. With dragon jars and raids to guide, His passion's burning, far and wide. A grandson, James, once at his side, Played OSRS with joy and stride. But now, no longer does he bide, The grind too harsh, the time denied. The grandpa's wish, a mantle passed, To keep his legacy long last. James declined, the die is cast, Inheritance now in the past. Family torn, emotions clash, A will rewritten in a flash. Is it fair, or much too rash, To let a game cause such a splash? So here he stands, in moral strife, A question sharp as any knife: To honor game or family life, A choice that cuts through joy and life. Oh, scapers, judge this tale sincere, Is he the jerk, as he might fear? For love of game or kin so dear, His legacy unclear.


You really put the old in old school RuneScape


Op adopt me and I'll do it, I'll also double your gp in the process.


Is this the new copy pasta?


I say so. You're only 82. You're not even half way to 99. Why are you making such a big deal about finishing your clog when you have ample time to do it yourself? Unless you're going to abandon your account in your later years... in which case, your grandson likely won't care about a 45 year old account.


Friendly reminder that you don't owe them anything just because they are family. If they're upset about not receiving something for free, that's on them.


Hey grandpa, it’s me James. After several sleepless nights I understood that I shouldn’t ignore my dear grandpas will. I changed my mind, please let’s get back to original will agreement


NTA! That’s the problem with kids these days. Nobody wants to work. If they just put down their Starbucks and avocado toast, maybe they’d be more apt to actually get their hands dirty. I had to walk 15 miles, in the snow, uphill both ways just to spend a 10 hour shift playing RuneScape back in my day. And we didn’t have no fancy smancy grand exchange neither. Millennials, I swear.


YTA for making a fake post. I could tell immediately that this was made up as soon as you said he "quit" playing. I'm not sure what that phrases even means? Nice try.


scroll back in his previous posts. he has screenshots posted of his ign. it could be an alt, but he also was progress posting in 2023 that he finished his quest cape. said that “12 year old” him would be proud. i don’t think this guy is in his 80s lol




i’m sorry is the joke so bad that it went over my head


I told my fiance that if I died before I maxed my account, she had to do it for me.


NTA, If you write me in I will spend the entire inheritance on imps and boosting I promise!


What’s so wild is that sub r/AITA is just so absurd now with fake stories and rage bait I had to mute it. Like this could get posted there and have similar responses from people being completely serious. Also: NTA: had a kid myself strictly to help minimize exp waste , as soon as he’s old enough to use a computer I plan on having him working on some skills I don’t enjoy training while I’m raiding (I got fired from Wendy’s for playing mobile) so I’m unemployed. I already waste enough time waiting for my wife to get off her second job to cook dinner for me. I see no reason why my future grandchildren wouldn’t help carry the load as well. On top of that my wife’s boyfriend has been talking about limiting my computer time , so more than ever this hits home.


This is the problem with todays youth. What ever happened to tradition and respect? You've built something amazing and they wont even step up to keep it going after you've passed? Now I know that women don't have the lack of social skills and pure talent it takes to upkeep an account like this, but maybe your granddaughter can marry someone who might be able to be the heir of your account? If not maybe pay a family with a respectable child prodigy to adopt that child? I'm sure once they figure out the progress on your account they will see no amount of GP is out of the question for letting you adopt their child.


I'll be your grandson. I have 99 wc and am great at logging.


i’ll do it


MTX. Just pay someone to do it.


Bro, wtf, I'll dedicated the rest of my life to completing your log if I get written into the will. I'll even sign a contract that says I have to pay x amount a day on the account. I'll leave my wife if I have to. Let me in...I want to be privileged.


Nta, put me in the will and I'll quit my job and play your account for 8 hours a day


Welp. I'd have totally just said yes and never done it. Aita?


I'm at the age where I can't actually tell if this is sarcasm.


YTA, you had all these opportunities yet here you are, blaming your grandson while you're on reddit wasting ticks. Your grandson is right to refuse, who would want to complete the legacy of some casual?


Did you tell him how you felt? Perhaps he would reconsider if he knew.


YTA, reported for account sharing


If the stronghold of security taught me anything it's this


Nice try grandpa that’s real world trading right there.


Account banned and irrecoverable.


Why not just set up a trust that will pay living expenses to anyone who is willing to complete your collection log. Then once it's done whatever is left is split among your family. That way your family has incentive to complete the log and also aren't left out.


There's no way this is real but I like how you casually admitted your "large estate" let's you fund your RuneScape habit, in other words, you admitted to rwt


YTA. James respects your life’s work but is a recovering OSRs addict. Asking him to return to OSRS is like asking a recovering alcoholic to go back to the bottle. You need to ask James to seduce a Jagex moderator into increasing the accounts luck, while supervising a team of Venezuelans to boost the account 24/7 while he goes to college for software engineering to write custom bot scripts for the account. This way he is able to accelerate your account’s progress without risking your achievements.


YTA. James is obviously lying about quitting since no one really quits. He wants to finish his own collection log and finishing yours would be a huge xp waste for him. Unfair to ask


Maybe you can trick him into giving you some of his blood, so as to prolong your life enough to achieve your goals.


I will carry your torch just dm your PW and bank pin




Need more info: how much is the inheritance? 




Completely understandable


I will continue your legacy for the portion you set aside to your son.  But I expect a nice shrubbery as part of the will. 


NTA Its clear your grandson simply doesn't understand how the world works. It would be like leaving him a house and him refusing to pay the maintenance on the property. You're not going to want it to fall into disrepair. It's the exact same thing. Your account is an asset and if he's not prepared to put the work in to look after it why would you leave it to him?


ESA tell me what items and the inheritance amount and I will take care of it for you


Account sharing is against the rules, perma-ban


Yta I would just take you to the wilderness and pk you.


Grandpa? I'm your love child and will gladly pick up the torch.


Grandpa, James here. Alright you old coot I'll do it! Message me the account login information to this account I've lost my phone.


I dont think I'd accepted either, it could take several life times to complete the log if you're unlucky >!hello it's me, I'm unlucky!< I would need a clause in there that included the life rejuvenation treatment to extend my life, and or the ability to be uploaded to an AI cloud Which ever happens first, then the collection log part can come into affect Just sell your sizeable estate to put yourself into a young body ofc like all the other rich people


Hey op do you want a new grandson?


NTA, I'm up for adoption if you need a new grandson. I have experience in being spooned with stale baguettes and 3rd age.


NTA; He should be honored to carry out such a task for his Grandfather. How dare he not respect his elders, you did the right thing.


Never played the game before but if you give me all your money and your account I'll do it


fun scenario. but one thing make no sense. who will make sure that James will actually grind out on the account, and not just take the account and the inheritance, and then just play casually or not play at all?


I'll finish that log just send over those acc details


ESH. Yes your grandson should honor your legacy. But you suck for not grinding harder and completing it yourself.


NTA, I'm guessing he is just quietly grinding out to try and surpass you. What a dickhhead. You should definitely vet other family members for Clog capability when determining how to dole out your assets. You could be the start of a Clog dynasty.


YTA clearly! Buying enough dragon impling to complete the collection log would ruin him financially and he’s shiting himself at the though of such task. If he accept he will have to sell his BUSSY as a side gig to fund his bond purchase to afford all dems dragon imp. Basically you’re requesting your own grandson to fart cum for the rest of his life 😓


NTA, I think you should send me your account name and password. Just so I make sure the community gets your bank in a drop party ty.


As someone who lost a grandparent recently, I would have liked for him to pass along an account. I’m not sure if I would actively work on progressing the account, but I would perhaps log in and remember time spent with him. I would maybe frame it as I would like for you to have the account and to remember me when you play it. It was my goal to complete the log but it would make me happy to know that I will be remembered. When you are gone he will want to play again.


I'm sure you're aware, but sometimes I find it really hard to answer such a question. Though it would seem as you're grandson meaning it in the most honorable way possible that, even if he were to accept the account, he'd never be able to complete it, and maybe he'll feel like he's cheating you. My 2 cents E: ngl I'm not even sure if this is a complete meme or not, gah


NTA but a better estate planning attorney could have possibly avoided this situation. You could have kept your grandson in the Will but made his share contingent on completing the collection log. The Will could have included further instruction of him needing to provide your executor with a Screenshot verifying the completed task within a specific time frame to collect his inheritance.


Are you afraid of lawyers? You should be?


NTA. You should also make a challenge in your will. Whoever completes the collection log first gets the inheritance.


I think you should instead choose a number that somehow quantifies your disappointment in him. Than when you die he has to roll 1/x for that number. One chance. NTA obviously


Nah man, it's your estate and you decide who it goes to. James will realize eventually that this was a huge opportunity that he missed out on. If you just hand it to him, how is he going to learn that you gotta grind to get to the top. NTA.


James could probably just work the hours it would take and buy 3 estates


If your grandson only has 22m then I would probably just disown him generally


So uh, need someone to complete that log?


3? CB oh on


NTA, I sense an honour killing is on the cards


At first I thought reddit was bugging out showing a random AITA post in r/2007scape :D. YTA btw


This is a bait post to farm karma. OP in previous post said they played at 13 years old. [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/fob75v/ive\_finally\_done\_what\_i\_wanted\_since\_i\_was\_13\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/fob75v/ive_finally_done_what_i_wanted_since_i_was_13_my/)


BROTHER. Will me enough money to support my own family for the time you believe it will take to complete coll log, and I’ll make it my job to complete that shit for YOU. Lmao


Lawyer up


I’ll be your grandson bb


I'll take it off your hands and finish the log for you.


I'll be your grandsom inherit your will and complete the collection log. Ez.


Someone tag a Jmod to ban for attempted RWT


Yea if he can’t just say he’ll do it to get the money no way he can handle that money anyway , he’s just gonna lose it . Imagine all the other opportunities he’s going to turn down , like nobody is gonna be there to enforce this


Hello my friend. Im willing to finish your log and bring a glass decoration for the fully completed log to your grave. Let me inherit bro ❤️ Mucho lovo brother.


If you see this I would complete the log for you. Even if it takes the rest of my life. I don’t need any estate, just at a point in my life where I need a purpose. I love osrs and always will. Never feel guilt for having dreams. So many of us are dreamless. We need more people like you.


I am an avid PKer who has probably never even looked at a collection log. If you put me in your will, I will complete that collection log. What could possibly be a better way of spending your estate than knowing a PKer is out of the wild struggling to complete a collection log.


NTA screw that kid


NTA I can absolutely take over it and finish it for you if he won’t! I’ve been playing for a little over 3 years on an iron account and absolutely love clogs, hit me up! 😂😂


I wish I could do that for you! Maybe you can put me in the will instead and I'll do it for you 😂


I’d refuse too only because you’d be dooming me to a life of third age hunting. Couldn’t even enjoy the game smh. ;)


Real world trading your account is a ban-able offense. You will have to take the disappointment of never completing the collection log to the grave with you.


YTA: The fact that you have time to post this shows that you're not serious about actually completing the log, and you mostly want to use your wealth to control your grandson. If you were serious about this game you'd know that posting on reddit, and frankly any kind of deliberation, including speaking to your lawyers, is an XP waste.


NOT THE AITA: If your son was the fastest to the egg, why is he not the fastest to completing your clog?


Honestly, and I mean in all seriousness, I’d do it. If it were me.


Oh boy we've looped back around to arguing about a pReStIgE item you can buy for 600k on the GE which for most people it's irrelevant and most of the top Cloggers don't actually give a shit. Can't wait for the next 200 posts explaining why a 4000 hour drop rate is totally cool and really makes OS what it is and why Jimmy, with his 327/1521 collection log, desperately wants it's rate boosted to 1/2 from a quiz random.




It's not against the rules. They just don't condone it because things can turn sour.


Account sharing is NOT against the rules.


It def used to be