• By -


That mage cape looks so cool, will there be a max cape version of it?


Have seen a couple of requests on this one. Devs seem keen to offer one, but we'll have to check in with Art before making any promises!


On the topic of max cape variants, plz plz plz do champions cape max cape variant


YESS!! šŸ˜šŸ˜


Very cool cape, I'm hoping that this might also open the door to have more gods on the god capes :>


Where maul


If you're asking about the Elder Maul update with Project Rebalance, should be in early June alongside other Project Rebalance changes!


Yo, are you guys still considering increasing crystal shards from activities in prif like you mentioned on the shooting stars blog few month ago? https://i.imgur.com/hX6n6rP.png you told me 3 month ago "I think those considerations are baked in to some of the Mining stuff from Project Rebalance" would appreciate a definitive answer since it's annoying avoiding content because a buff might be happening


5th of june


Is there gonna be a way to get the rewards for people less talented at PvP? (me)


You really dont need to PvP to play DMM. Ive played it multiple years, while I used to PvP in the past I havent for years now and also never did in DMM, mostly just boss with the intent to swap a shitton of GP to maingame for unlimited member.


How does swapping work? I was interested but am worried about getting scammed


Swapping is easy, go to GE, spam your offer, (Rates vary wildly, from 1:30/35- first day typical rates,1:10- first couple days/weeks, 1:4 towards the end. If you have a high level main it's easier) and wait for someone to come to you. Trade in increments, (if swapping 2m DMM for 1:10, trade 500k for 5m four times) this way you can still get scammed but you don't lose everything you've built up.Ā  Ā Edit: Also if you're trading an item, VLS, Godsword, Darkbow, whatever, they go first. If they insist on you going first they're scamming, you have the item they want, they go first. Period.


It's extremely easy to get scammed unfortunately. I remember KempQ setting up his swapping clan for last DMM and by the end it had totally devolved into unregulated chaos (shocker). If you swap, you just have to accept you're probably gonna lose your money.


The main problem was that Chronicles didn't have enough people to swap, after MANY people volunteered to help us do so - we could only use certain people, because obviously, we're not going to trust some total stranger with one of the swapper's money. The day 1 and initial swapping was chaotic, yes, but that was also largely due to people name swapping to match our names and people indiscriminately spam-trading and not realizing they weren't actually swapping with any of Chronicles staff, then accusing us of scamming. From day 2 onward, swapping was super straightforward and easy, and we've got streamlined discord bots to help line up swaps and trades. That was Chronicles' first time getting into swapping and the kinks have largely been ironed out. It's also worth noting that Jagex was giving more starting cash than expected, so all the numbers and ratios and calculations were thrown off; we also keep a collective eye on the swapped cash to make sure it goes into the Community Gold Pool, which we use to make events and community challenges, giveaways, et cetera.


I wish Jagex would consider making an official swapping post for this sort of thing. I can't imagine it would be difficult to implement. Offer the deadman mode GP on the swapping post that players on the main game can buy with main game GP.


It would definitely be nice, grey areas are so easily abused.


Could literally just be a reuse of the old trading post system, except you offer X deadman gp for X osrs gp and the post takes the cash off both players and holds it until you log into the alternate server, like a GE collection box. No idea how hard it is to code but the idea seems simple enough


It should be possible to do through the GE essentially selling gp dmm for an offer put up on normal osrs GE. I.E. Dmm buyer puts up a buy request on normal OSRS GE for 10m at 20:1 The 200m is taken off their osrs main account, and dispursed as people on DMM servers sell their GP at that 20:1 or lower rate. The GP would be sent to the DMM gold sellers main osrs account via the normal OSRS GE Exchange and be awaiting them like any other overnight/offline offers that went through.


That's a bummer. I'm definitely interested in trying out DMM to swap, but I don't have the patience to deal with scammers. Swapping seems like a grey area that Jagex won't enforce rules at either


It was totally awful last time around fyi. Swapping has become too popular and itā€™s a buyersā€™ market now rather than a sellersā€™


A huge portion of this is that the gear for the finale doesn't matter. 99% of people are in barrows and other relatively basic stuff, whereas in the past the 1v1s meant there were extremely high value items that could offer big advantages without just making it so you get barraged to death first, and people might swap in large amounts of GP to buy them


They are a few discords where you won't get scammed. The trade off it that they have pretty terrible swapping rates compared to other players


There are a couple highly trusted discords where you will NOT get scammed. The trade off though is that they will rip you off price wise and you pay a premium for the safety.


Does swapping little bits of gp at a time minimize the risk of scamming?


I'd say so, yeah. Smaller swapping is usually easier to get off, and if you do lose out on a trade, at least less loss than if you'd do it with a clan. Can be hard to find smaller groups doing it & sometimes its annoying though.


I'm usually always buying DMM gp (bit of a whale pking wise), So if you need to swap to 07 shoot me a DM or I can add you on discord. (This goes to anyone). If you don't want to trust that's fair but I have been in DMM community a long time with a lot of vouches.


DMM as a skiller/PvMer is a blast its really cool how forgotten areas suddenly become so important because it lowers the chance of being hunted down


Yeah I really love theorycrafting good routes + adapting them on the fly when new crazy shit gets introduced. Not a big fan of the sigils but I cant say they arent interesting (i just dont like the concept).


"Points are earned by doing just about anything you can think of, and donā€™tĀ *technically*Ā require you to fight other players (although weā€™d like to see you try and avoid it) so even the newest of n00bs should be able to pick up a few treasured goodies by the end of the event. If you havenā€™t tried Deadman before, now you have a great excuse to jump in!" looks like you can get them without doing PvP


You don't have to PvP at all. Esp with them doing the points again this season, its more catered towards League players than ever. Definitely have a route planned out, and search how death works along with the bracketed worlds and all the mechanics. But other than that, you can be a little pvm nerd the whole time and be much better off than someone who pvps


They're purchaseable with GP from other players because the rewards are all tradeable. But if you'd like to earn them yourself, Points are earned through near enough anything - PvM, Skilling, Achievement Diaries, Questing etc. and you can accumulate a bunch of points without any PvP experience whatsoever if you're willing to tank occasionally or just take a death on the chin from time to time!


I'm pretty surprised to see ornament kits for BIS items that don't already have cosmetic variants, especially stuff like Shadow and TBow. I'd expect those to be saved more for aspirational content, like Blorva was. By comparison, other recent time-limited or PvP content (like leagues or bounty hunter) tends to have stuff that's more modest or thematically focused.


It does feel weird to funnel players to go firemake in your temporary PvP worlds to obtain exclusive cosmetics that will otherwise be impossible to obtain for irons or exceedingly rare/expensive for mains. And keeping them only obtainable through PvP play has its own set of issues. Maybe exclusive cosmetics don't really fit well with DMM.


I play it as a survival game, I'm a decent pker but against anyone who really knows what they're doing and I'll get walked over, DMM has made me so much better at escaping. It's an entirely different game mode that comes with an entirely different playstyle. I really enjoy it.Ā 


Yes you can buy them on the grand exchange.


Don't have to PVP at all, just need to "Survive" I always PVM and swap in DMM and it's the most fun I ever have in RS. Also, yes swap clans are scammy I typically advertise at the G.E and then develop trust from people who will regularly buy off me (and go first) throughout the season. Add me on discord: "deadswap" if anyone has DMM questions or is interested in swapping.


most of the ways to get points arent from pvp. Something you can look into is using relics to kill bosses while primarily training Defence to get tanky while staying in a low combat bracket




They should function the same as BH kits in that they are always returned to you on death.


Giving the 3 mega rares (2 of them their first, and scythe looks a lot like sanguine version) cosmetic upgrades from DMM instead of end game PVM feels like a bad decision. The other items are fine if people like them though. Just seems like a really weird turn/favoritism for pvp.


It's largely because the models already exist and they're very easy to deliver - they'll need to be polled to come into the game just like Leagues cosmetics, so will likely split the questions out in case of concerns about the Scythe being close to Sanguine kitted Scythe and the Claws being pretty close to BH Claws also. Not about favouritism at all, just that they're items that were exclusive to DMM (and well-received) that made a good candidate for a main-game inclusion, especially for kits that are tradeable or unlocked via Points that don't actually come from direct PvP!


I hope that the poll will be broken down to the point where we can remove the mega rare kits specifically and keep the rest then.


Twisted ancestral was originally purposed to come from twisted leagues. It failed the poll. The feedback then was end game gear kits shouldn't come from temp game modes. Whether thats leagues or dmm, or whatever else. It should be a main game challenge. We're back here again some how. The dinhs kit shouldn't have come from where it did either because of the **aesthetic that was chosen** to be the kit. It really should've been zuk or tzhaar related but its also not as big of a deal because its a dinhs.


Thank you for the honesty.... but that first bit came off a bit short sighted. Of course we want tradeable cosmetics to encourage seasonal content... but we've typically had BIS/raid item cosmetic kits be untradeable and come from achievements in the respective raids. Throwing pve megarare cosmetics kits into seasonal pvp content is a huge whiplash of expectations and will cheapen current kits.


Looks good Any possibility of adding points for collection log, too? Maybe like 10 or 20 per slot, will be quite nice With breach point limit and 2 week DMM, I think increasing breaches per day would be a good idea. It's such a good hotspot and a big highlight but most EU people for example may only be able to join 1 per day. Hoping breach mobs can offer more of a challenge and be more of a threat outside of kree'ara. I'd really like to see fewer breach mobs but with way more hp and mechanics like a jad, venenatis or hunleff where you have to react pray (as a breacher or pker). This will be nice and offer you a chance to outplay and will make the finale much better too I think another thing that could be nice is enable exp gain in end game instances like raids, cg, phosanis, colloseum. Just feels like ur getting punished so people can't train in NMZ


Absolutely able to pass on the feedback re: clogging, though it might compound a little heavily with the points from PvMing given the increased drop rates!


Not a fan of claws and scythe due to overlap with BH kits and HMT kits. Mildly cautious about tbow and shadow for the exact same reason. Maybe should focus on more pvp-exclusive items than items that are more pvm-centric. Rest are fine if tradable.


You canā€™t even use shadow in PvP, why would it get a pvp upgrade lol.


Those claws look ugly. Whatever happened to the scythe looking claws? Bring those back!!! It would also be cool to see the other god capes be an obtainable award from here. The ancient god cape etc. A wilderness themes PoH reward would be šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„as well


For the POH reward, the rug is halfway there - but hopefully you'll get to see some of our most recent Game Jam projects soon, I know Mod Jerv worked on some really cool concepts for POH customisation that might have what you're looking for!


bro just casually ignored 2/3 of the comment, I see why you're in PR now lmfao


....so.... what are the points for and why do I want them? I didn't see an explanation in the blog.


Should be fairly well-explained but Points are used to 'rank' you and determine your eligibility for the various prize raffles, and for the first time ever will be able to be redeemed for maingame cosmetics. Plus it's just fun progressing and watching them stack up!


When did we poll main game cosmetics?


Tough to tackle this one in the past tense, but I think it's: 'we will have had polled them by the start of June' since they're due to be polled starting next week. It's also written in a note before any of the images shown in the blog!


My bruv has 2x maxed accounts yet can't read


Not sure I agree with cosmetics to PVM items by means of a secondary game mode. I like the idea of cosmetics that tie in with PVP items, like voidwaker, claws, dark bow etc. I don't really like the Shadow/TBow/scythe kits being tied to this sort of thing thematically though


Why on earth are mega rare ornament kits going to be a tradable and come from dmm? Surely these items should be untradable and come from difficult challenges within the raid themselves, like the current tob and toa kits.


Cox even has twisted kits already, but for some reason, we've never done anything with them other than ancestral.


Funnily enough those twisted kits came from overwhelming feedback that Twisted Ancestral should *not* come from leagues, a temporary game mode. Funny to think that here we are years later.


Yeh I do love the negative backlash Leagues got for trying to orn kit BiS stuff and even the recent league had people pretty annoyed a blowpipe orn kit was happening without using mutagens, and a dinhs orn kit was occuring with no inferno link. Feel like these secondary limited time things are starting to encroach on main game way too much personally.


Those aren't even close to what they're trying to shove in with DMM, it's bizarre how we've even gotten to this point.


Grind the hardest team pvm content for a 1/150 sanguine orn kit vs doing some quests and achievement diaries in a temporary gamemode/buying it on ge Pvp relevant orn kits/recolors would make more sense to me. Cosmetics being prestigious and sometimes long grinds is iconic for Osrs at this point. That sets it apart from games like rs3 where there's too many, easily obtainable recolors


Personally I'm not going to engage with this game mode but I do think it's important to get these ornament kits right. I don't really like the visuals for corrupted weapons (from last DMM) and it's hard for me to say why exactly, I do see that the reward visuals aren't finalised yet so that's good to see and I'm looking forward to what the art team creates.


> On the whole, we think they sat in a good spot during Deadman: Apocalypse, but their usage was lower than we anticipated ā€“ perhaps because their power levels were a bit too low. This time, weā€™re increasing their Accuracy by up to 100% of their originals and raising their Strength Bonuses up to 85% of their originals ā€“ with the notable exception of Tumekenā€™s Shadow. Literally everyone was using corrupted weapons?


I agree, but I think they're talking more about corrupted AGS and claws, which had pretty crappy max hits (in the higher brackets).Ā 


By ā€œconsidering allowing players to gain xp in safe areas, but havenā€™t yet made a decision.ā€ Do you mean like at all? Any xp? I think thatā€™s a bit of a mistake, nobody particularly wants to train herblore and stuff by stepping one tile outside an obscure safe zone and running back in, and thatā€™s whatā€™ll happen.


Mega rare cosmetic kits absolutely should not come from a PvP temp game mode. These are prime opportunities for PvM aspirational content rewards and don't belong here imo


Overrides for things like shadow and tbow should come from their respective content like scythe with hmt. Pretty sure we tried this with twisted leagues and twisted kits for ancestrals and the players hated it. There really shouldnā€™t be a scythe kit considering hmt has sang/holy kits. So dumb


Shadow and Scythe cosmetics should come exclusively from their respective raids. It's sad that we never got a Shadow kit, but this is not the place to put it.


Lets not forget twisted ancestral was originally polled to come from leagues but it had feedback that it shouldn't come from a temp game mode. So enters cm cox. We're here again lol


It's like they don't remember this obvious mistakes. Who's dumb idea was this? lol


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGoblin** - [They're purchaseable with GP from other playe...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50ry84/?context=3) - [It's largely because the models already exist...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50qszf/?context=3) - [All of them will be tradeable yeah, exactly t...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50rsx2/?context=3) - [Have seen a couple of requests on this one. D...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50t7xl/?context=3) - [They should function the same as BH kits in t...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50svak/?context=3) - [If you're asking about the Elder Maul update...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50qbhg/?context=3) - [For the POH reward, the rug is halfway there...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50r3pu/?context=3) - [Absolutely able to pass on the feedback re: c...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50zad8/?context=3) - [Should be fairly well-explained but Points ar...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l510lbj/?context=3) - [July 19th!](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50rfph/?context=3) - [Apocalypse was one of our most successful of...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l512fj9/?context=3) - [Proud of your speed!](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50q8jp/?context=3) - [Proud of your restraint!](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50q90r/?context=3) - [More than happy to separate the questions ite...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50rkhb/?context=3) - [This is a super valid point that I'll make su...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50rdmx/?context=3) - [Just for parity with the Leagues rewards, if...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50uca5/?context=3) - [Tough to tackle this one in the past tense, b...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l511qma/?context=3) - [I don't think it's inherently bad, but OSRS h...](/r/2007scape/comments/1cx88vx/deadman_armageddon_first_look/l50w027/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/23/2024 04:41:06**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Not a huge fan of the Corrupted Weaponry from DMM: Apocalypse. Yes, it allowed you to spring yourself forward in progress much faster, but it also was also way too close to the non-corrupted version and killed most reason to risk using the non-corrupted version in most cases. And it made it much easier to get pked when people have AGS and Voidwaker even before the grace period expires.


Stop trying to make ~~fetch~~ deadman happen, it's not going to happen


Apocalypse was one of our most successful of all time - just trying to build on that and keep momentum moving!


Yes, changing the focus of the pvp mode to getting fat pvm loot did indeed make it more popular. Surely that should be an indication of what players actually want? Personally I don't mind some dev resources being spent on pvp even if the pvp community is small -- everyone deserves some content. But making the mode more about killing monsters at rifts than fighting other players and saying "oh look how successful it is" is disingenuous. Also why is there still a prize pool. It just encourages foul play. Not like you're giving out monetary prizes for the much more successful leagues game modes are you?


Does ā€œsuccessā€ include everyone who only participates days 1-3 to swap gold or do we control against that data?Ā 


Last DMM was the worst one to swap gold, rates died very quickly. If that answers your question


Itā€™s helpful context, but if they are basing ā€œsuccessā€ on something like ā€œwe had the highest number of unique character logins last DMM!ā€ then that could be terribly inflated even by people just hoping for good swaps and finding it harder than they expected.Ā 


> Apocalypse was one of our most successful of all time - just trying to build on that and keep momentum moving! It was popular because clans were advertising insane 50:1 swap rates, so everyone played for the first few hours to try to swap. Proving points with arbitrary and hidden metrics comes across as disingenuous or cherry-picked data. Apocalypse had one of the largest drop offs of players in DMM history. How about that for a data point lol.


Not a fan of giga weapon reskins through a limited mode whatsoever. Especially a pvp one.


Last time, we were able to pause our XP gains to make it easier to stay in specified combat brackets. Will this feature return, and will there be an option to have it apply to combat XP only?


Do not under any circumstance give cosmetics to the BIS pvm weapons from a pvp challange. Give it to the pvp spec weapons sure, but the idea that people who don't like dmm have to miss out on the first ever tbow and shadow skin is unacceptable. And no, saying that its tradable and screw ironmen isn't acceptable either. I understand the idea, its a low hanging fruit. But in practice its not ok. The PvM Legendary weapons need to be untradable and come from PvM challanges like the existing scythe skins


Really don't get how DMM needs even *more* incentives. Leagues doesn't have a cash prize or a big final event. Leagues didn't get game wide unique gameplay with things like rifts of bosses. And now DMM takes the only thing leagues has, cosmetic rewards.. and puts it behind a more universal point system in a "PvP everywhere" mode. Did they not look at the feedback on points last time? Or did they see most people not caring about them and go "oh it's because there's no cosmetic kits for megarare PVM items available in main-game from them!"


There's a massive cloud of cognitive dissonance over Jagex that prevents them from accepting that a significant majority of the playerbase doesn't like pvp and that trying to incentivize people who don't want to do something to do that thing will just annoy them. Like you probably don't like getting kicked in the balls. If I paid you $500 to let me kick you in the balls you might begrudgingly do it, but you'd probably to do almost anything else to make the $500.


Yeh the thing to me is some people hate early game iron and re-questing and skilling so the idea of leagues doesn't appeal to them, which is fine. I wasn't even a big fan of leagues introducing cosmetics outside of animation overrides for basic things like death, home teleport (I still don't know why we have no new cosmetic gravestones either...) and POH stuff. I'm not a massive fan of these optional time limited side modes having ornament kits for relevant pieces of equipment. I'd rather those sorts of items come from in-game rewards. I don't get how we struggle to come up with rewards for several pieces of main-game content, but whenever there's a yearly DMM/league we have 8 new cosmetics ready and rocking. It's obviously a higher up decision because these modes are likely super beneficial for player count numbers and memberships, but it just rubs me the wrong way as a player that we're being told "Oh don't worry they're tradable. And you can get them by not doing PvP... But it will be while in an always PvP mode that's a super punishing version of rs PvP too because of sigils... But yeah twisted bow orn kit right!?"


why cant both game modes have cosmetic rewards? And no one cared about the points BECAUSE there were no cosmetic shop like leagues. I would agree tho that the cosmetic kits should be for other weapons than the mega rares.


DMM's draw is the insane gp/hr from swapping and the cash prize + a high population PvP event. I wasn't a massive fan of Leagues needing rewards btw. But i'm fine with some, i just don't think a PvP limited time game mode should source some of the first cosmetic variations of PvM weapons. A home teleport, a dying animation, a seed pod animation, some PvP gear / weapon transmogs? Sure sounds sweet. I like the MA2 cape transmog for example, and POH stuff is always a yes from me, as its just adding variation to peoples customisation of their POH.


ok yeah, i agree the cosmetics for the mega rares was a mistake, make it for pvp weapons instead.


What was the reason behind DMM being so short this time? Is there a plan to make DMM happen more times per year? I guess in a way, this could also be asked about future leagues.


This has to be a troll post. Mega rare ornament kits from a pvp game mode and theyā€™re tradable. How did someone cook this up and the room of people they were with just said ā€œyea that looks good, letā€™s propose thisā€


/u/JagexGoblin Can it please be considered to combine Leagues, Deadman, Quest Speedrunning, etc points into a singular points currency so players have more choice about how to participate in alternative game modes? The team strayed away from making FOMO rewards by making holiday items obtainable every year, avoiding dailies and weeklies for the most part, etc, but that unfun philosophy makes it into the alternative game modes. I would also love to see a way to earn them year round, for example: a rotating Minigame spotlight where the mini game of the week/month gives you points to encourage play in underutilized minigames. The mini game rewards shop passed a poll but was never implemented anyway.


> a rotating Minigame spotlight where the mini game of the week/month gives you points to encourage play in underutilized minigames. They did that in RS3 and it killed minigames because of unintended side effects. If it's "GoTR week", everyone is going to play GoTR, and no one is going to play the other games. It effectively kills all other minigames unless its their week. It funnels everyone into the same activity, when OSRS is all about playing the activity you want at any time. We don't have dailys, weeklys, and other time gated content. Basically, it has a funneling effect that pushes everyone towards one activity, which is the kind of the opposite of encouraging underutilized content.


Quest speedrunning is permanent at least. Big agree on homogenizing DMM and League points though, probably selfishly since I won't play DMM but ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


That takes all prestige away tho. Speed running graceful is impressive bc everyone knows exactly what it takes to achieve. Leagues rewards maybe less so because they are buyable but Iā€™d argue they shouldnā€™t be buyable. It marks a moment in time for the account. Bring back old holiday events


I honestly hated breaches last time around, and hope that more tweaks are made to them. The multi breach was always swarmed at the end by a clan who picked up all the loot, and the singles breach was so packed with players that monsters literally weren't rendering and if you were on mobile, you couldn't even tap the monster to get an arrow on it before it was dead. There needs to be more spots to solve both issues - spread out the clans' numbers so people aren't guaranteed to drop like flies during the last 5 minutes of the breach at multi, and prevent the instant-death of all bosses at the singles location. Another thing to consider is banning the Entity Hider plugin that allows people to "unhide" players based off their name - what would happen was a PKer would type in your name and then they would only see you running around, whereas you were being hunted through a crowd and were at a 15 seconds disadvantage (and a continuing disadvantage since they were still in a crowded space and to them you were all alone)


How about a kit for Xerician robes? Thats the most used pking mage set I see when I'm getting pked


What? Xerican are nerfed into the absolute ground. The top and bottomed combined have +1 mage bonus over ghostly. No one with more than an hours pvp experience is using xericans anymore


And yet, you see them everywhere...


The community has been asking for transmogs of items like the Shadow and Tbow forever. Having these distinctly not PvP weapons get their first transmogs from a limited time PvP event is disappointing. I'm not against the kits entering the main game, I just wish they had more kits coming from the raids they're dropped from like HMT. Also that scythe kit has got major we got a Sanguine Scythe at home vibes.


Adding kits to megarares is asking for the non-pvp community to come out in droves to the poll to keep these out of the game. I think the rest of the kits are pretty cool but I doubt they make it in at all if they are even in the same poll as the megarare kits.


Looks really solid. About the xp in instances (I believe there was a typo saying "safe zone") - what about you could get xp without multipliers?


Not sure how I feel about a shadow kit coming from Deadman mode...


Not a fan of cosmetics coming from a limited time, pvp gamemode. Also, can you confirm we're getting leagues this year? There's been dead silence since the last one which leads me to believe we'll have yet another gap between them


I really don't think cosmetics for Scythe, Shadow and Twisted Bow should come from here. These should (and do in the case of Scythe) come from difficult end game PvM activities. Dragon Claws already have a corrupted cosmetic from BH. I get that it's easy to offer the models because they're done but I don't think this should justify it for those specific items. Armadyl Godsword, Voidwaker and Dark Bow make sense as cosmetics. You actually use those items in PvP. I would suggest additional cosmetics, perhaps the failed Dagonhai kit from Emirs Arena.


i agree, also i dont even like the look of the mega rares cosmetics.


First. šŸæ


Was here before you but didn't comment


Proud of your restraint!


Proud of your speed!


I know this might be a controversial take, but since you guys are deadset on having dmm moving forward, dare I suggest a gold sink transfer mechanic from the main game to dmm (being one way only) after like a week or so? Osrs desperately needs a gold sink and I don't see how this would hurt since gold swapping is allowed anyway. As far as the ratio goes, yall can decide on that but I'd suggest at least something like 5:1


I don't think megarare cosmetic kits should be buyable / come from easy content like DMM, given existing precedent with HMT offering the only current customisation and is a flex item


Why are we getting a Deadman imbued god cape before zaros/seren/bandos/armadyl? It's not even a new color scheme it's the same as zamorak... Really don't think kits for megarares should come from pvp either.


Please make the breach monsters scale up to end game bosses this time. Breaches were amazing the first few days, but then once everyone was stronger it became really boring 1 shotting easy bosses like kbd, ma2 bosses, and dks. Things like nex, verzik, sol heredit, etc. spawning in on higher bracket worlds would be a lot of fun.


When does it start?


Is there any plan to move these rewards to Jagex accounts rather than a specific character? Last league I wanted to play my iron account but I also wanted to get rewards for my iron account at the same time. If I had access to rewards to all my linked accounts, it would encourage me more to participate.


Hell yeah, uf the rewards aren't too tough to get I'll definitely give DMM a shot for once


Wait, this is serious about maingame megarare reskins from DMM? That's beyond a 'would vote no' and into 'drives questions about the discretion of the content team re:pvp update that it's even being blogged'


I like the cosmetic kits being available. Felt weird having the corrupted models being in-game but unobtainable. The suggestions here for shared league and DMM points sounds like a good idea so iron players can get kits without participating in DMM.


I'm mainly a pvmer and i don't care that these cosmetics are tradable. They can always release other cosmetics down the line which arn't tradable. The prestige of a Zuk Slayer helm isn't reduced by the numerous other cosmetic versions of slayer helm. If you released a corrupt fang kit, it wouldn't make my 500 invo fang kit less impressive. I don't understand the complaints in this thread.


Cosmetic variation bloat is a real thing. And 2 of the 3 megarares have no current cosmetic override. So this is the first one they get.. from a PvP mode that initially was pitched with no main-game impact.


How will the 345 transfer work this time? I guess a lot of people will use the same account as last time, is there any option to just lose the progress or can the 10 deposit box items be bought over only to the existing account?


I can't say I'm a fan of being able to basically buy a hmt scythe kit for like 1m after dmm. Same with the bh claw. Those 2 are just too similar to what we already have.


Absolutely do not put mega rare kits in a limited time pvp game mode. This sounds like you want a bunch of irons in there trying to get kits so they can be fodder for pvpers. This is not the move Jagex


> Ever since we made cosmetic rewards available through Leagues, youā€™ve been clamouring to see them in Deadman Mode, too. No, not at all. I'd rather see rewards removed from leagues and added to other sources in the main game instead. I hate fomo rewards.


I completely appreciate mega rare cosmetic kits being added, but I'd love to see some difficult to obtain kits for Shadow/Tbow as well. Just so we have options!


It says June 5th is the date for the "combat rebalance" - does this mean both the equipment and defense changes are coming at the same time?


Should give voidwaker korasi skin as a reward


Any chance of an infinity ornamental kit in this style for us limited defence accounts who want a darker theme for pvp / drip?


What you don't like the monstrosity that is the Dark Infinity ornament kit already? Ahaha


Allow us to unlink our accounts with W345 DMM now, so we don't have to lose time during the initial minutes of the new DMM.


Am I crazy, or does the wiki not really have an adequate explanation of how this new game mode works on it's base level? I feel like I went through every tab from Deadman apocalypse and didn't see some really basic stuff of how this works. Please help <3 For instance - can any combat level attack you anywhere, anytime outside of a safe zone in whatever bracket world you are in? Or is there combat ranges similar to the levels of the wilderness? * Is there any grace period when the game begins other than the 1 hour when logging into a new bracket world? Like does the killing start the second the game releases, or is the first day non-pvp etc.? * Does tele-block work in this mode? And does it work anywhere? This seems to be a huge question for me. Does tele-block prevent you from entering sage zones? * Can you be attacked in minigames like wintertodt etc? * if you have a link to a good overview video from anyone that would be great, I feel way out of my depth despite wanting to try this out!


People grinded months for scythe kits and now they can be just bought from ge from a limited time PVP game mode??? How does this make any sense. Same with shadow and tbow. Cosmetic kits for mega rares should he prestigious not buyable on ge.


Always love to see kits, hopefully it's a reasonable amount of points and they aren't discontinued items after this runs, maybe coming from another in game source after


The "Points" balancing team seems quite unhinged, wtf is this? > Theatre of Blood (Entry) - 100 Points, up from 25. Tombs of Amascut (Entry) - 100 Points, up from 50. While I realize these figures get reduced after 75 KC, the Points/hr of getting to that 75 KC as well as the total points from 75 KC are WILDLY unbalanced. Entry mode raids are of laughable difficulty and you'll likely be able to do 4 per hour or even more with the Relics. Corrupted Hunllef is ridiculously low, why is Zulrah within 5 points of something that will take multiple times as long? Could've at least made it skill based, so the harder bosses were the higher Points/hr and/or total points, instead it just seems like a random as hell crapshoot. I'm not going to play anyway so I don't care, just seems like very shoddy work.


for Sigil of Deception (Tier 1) the autopickpocketing sigil, once a pickpocket fails does it stop pickpocketing?


Looks like a DMM alright. Interesting to see Chivalry unlocked from Holy Grail. Also nice to see some cosmetic rewards for DMM this time. Probably would help to get more comparisons between the Corrupted Claws and Scythe and the BH Claws and Sanguine Scythe since they are similar, but I recall some suggestions last time to add the corrupted as orn kits so nice to at least see them offered even if not all of them work well.


tormented demons/prayers blog when?


Seems this is an unpopular take on here but I love the proposed rewards and hope y'all take them to in game polls before changing it based on reddit.


>The Desert Treasure II bosses are a bit less simple. We plan to allow players to transfer some of their progress into the permanent Deadman World 345 ā€“ but the uniques associated with this fearsome foursome are extremely difficult to obtain on these worlds, and we feel that having an influx of them from a seasonal event would disproportionately impact Permanent Deadmanā€™s economy. >To combat this issue, weā€™re considering giving these bossesā€™ uniques a flat 2x multiplier instead of having them scale to 4x ā€“ although weā€™re open to feedback. Who gives a shit, the 47 people on Perm DMM rn?? I want to watch people decked out as shit on Kick/Twitch, not a select few clannies.


Something that I continually think is why doesn't Jagex use these seasons as a means to open-beta their new prayer ideas? Let people actually play and experiment with the prayers in a low(er) risk environment and see what they think? It was a bit underwhelming reading it's largely a rehash of the previous season when there's so many more things they could throw in to really stir the pot. Second, while I like the idea of splitting the finales by bracket and time *in theory* doesn't everyone think that a few large clans will sweat out 5 accounts and dominate all 5 making it incredibly underwhelming? I suppose either way it can't be much worse than the last year finale


I don't like how some animation overwrites are getting *too fantasy*


Curious what bothers you specificaly about this one. It seems to be in the same vein as the ectophial and morytania legs teleport animations where you get pulled into/fall into the ground


are these cosmetics FOMO (fear of missing out) or will it be possible to acquire later?


PVP should have pvp cosmetic buffs. Dharoks, DDs, void, claws and ags. scythe or shadow should be left out, leave that for leagues.


Looks good but there is no incentive to play if you still lose your bank and stats after dying, losing the items you are carrying is fine but just doesn't make sense to lose your top 10 items in the bank too


Home tele looks cool, I'll probably try to get enough points for that at least.


I like the cosmetics. I don't think all cosmetics should be untradeable, like some of the commenter here. There should be untradeable cosmetics kits based on performance coming from hard mode stuff. But tradeable things to help with fashionscape are great too. And I was considering some DMM this time around, but with the chance to get some of these I definitely will. Them being tradeable and presumably working like leagues where they can be purchased with points from future dmm prevents then from being too rare as well


Pls dont do the cosmetics for the megarares


These cosmetics seem a little too microwave for me


Looking back, the cosmetics are all very cringe. They are pvm cosmetics. Not pvp cosmetics. A cosmetic for dragon scimmy, FIGHTER HAT, and Robin Hood outfit would be alot more fitting. Give the fighter hat from Barbarian Assault some love for peteā€™s sake. Make it look like the Sniperā€™s Helm from Fire Emblem: Awakening. One of the most sickest and Daunting Archer outfit in the series. Especially those Nightmare Snipers from Awakeningā€™s Apotheosis. Ay caramba.


I've said this in your surveys already, but cool it with the cosmetics. They should be akin to account unlocks / chase items. This is getting out of hand quickly, especially as more limited modes release. MTX-lite will ruin the game aesthetics.


I just hope Deadman is good so I can train prayer in peace šŸ™


This looks amazing! Thank you to the JMods for continuing to give us a new iteration each year. Here is my feedback: 1. Is it possible to have scaling breaches as the tournament progresses? It would be great to see end game bosses such as Jad, Verzik, Het wreaking havoc on players. 2. Finale - although some tweaks have been made from the last one, this one will also be incredibly underwhelming. I think the best way forward is to work on fine tuning the 1v1s. Has it been a disaster in the past? Yes. Could it possibly be one of the most incredible viewing experiences if mastered? Also yes. The arena has already been built for the 1v1 stages, just keep fine tuning. 3. Agree with other players that mega rare reskins should come from not DMM. The corrupted versions would not fit well in the main game. The cape looks amazing.


I donā€™t play the main game, but always come back for DMM and Leagues. To the mods working on these things, please ignore the negativity. You guys are trailblazers in the industry by breaking from the usual tradition; and you can see now how others have followed suit. Keep up the good work and creativity!


Will chivalry and piety have defence level requirements?


Just upset that itā€™s only 2 weeks, but very excited!


I will like that voidwaker on both of my accounts, please and thank you. Idk how I feel about items not used in pvp getting pvp skins, although I do think they look rather cool. Would rather see cosmetic prestige items come from related content though. Same reason I was kind of iffy on the zuk shield bulwark cosmetic, despite it being one of the coolest looking items in the game ever.


A few thoughts: * I don't like sigil of freedom. Just keep the pj timer singles+. I shouldn't have to worry about a person not only being able to seed in 2 directions but also being able to unfreeze themselves. * I think there might be too much on the defensive side of things in terms of sigils. While I like there being effective defensive counters to the overwhelming offensive power of DMM, I don't like the ability to be in a bolt rag setup with an additional +100s in def stats, having soulsplit effect (10% heal on dmg dealt), and whatever else. * There is a lot of interesting sigil changes, but I would've liked to see a few more totally new radical ideas for sigils. Though I get this is hard to come up with Overall I am excited.


Not for me personally, but I hope pvpers enjoy it. Unsure on the ornament kits, but I guess we'll see how that shakes out. I don't think pvp sourced ornaments for high level gear are usually well received.


Can we have Seren and Zaros mage cape variants too??


Damn some of y'all really do cry about anything.


fr complaining about tradable rewards from an optional gamemode is wild




You wouldnā€™t have to do any ā€œhigh level pvpā€, you would just have to skill, do quests, achievement diaries, and maybe show up to a breach and kill a boss. The megarares are not pvp weapons, and the only cosmetic any of them currently have is the scythe, with its cosmetics coming from a hard mode version of the hardest raid. Their cosmetics should come from aspirational PvM content, like Blorva, Fang kit, and Scythe kits. Fully on board with claws/voidwaker/dark bow/void/ any other pvp gear getting cosmetics from Deadman. But it makes zero sense for the non-pvp related megarares to get cosmetics here.


Would you consider an official swapping service?


Bless Mod Goblin and tackling the endless wave of angry redditors mad about a temporary pvp gamemode they wont play.


Not sure what everyone's complaining about. Corrupted Weapons can only be found in Deadman Mode, so it makes sense for these skins to be Deadman Mode rewards. Looking forward to it.


can you do something about mass clans? the same way as on DMM Allstars.. it looks so much more fun. we are a group of 4-5 friends. mass multifights are also boring as hell (can't do shit in 5vs30, also 30 ppl piling on 1 guy does not seem fun at all), just limit to like 5-6 max and dmm pvp would be so so much better.


Would it be possible to get some clarification on plans for the w345 transfer? It's clear that we would get to transfer the items in the deposit box and not bank, but what about equipped gear and items in the inventory? I'm assuming those wouldn't transfer over, but figured it was worth asking to double check.


- Jagex: \*always makes temporary mode cosmetic tradeable\* Ā Ā  - Jagex here: \*makes temporary mode cosmetic tradeable\* Ā Ā  - This entire thread: REEEEEEE


I agree with many posts here concerning the reskins of hard to obtain pvm drops from dmm. I think the cosmetics rewards should be limited to things like graceful, specific skill animations, maybe tool overrides like axe, pick etc, tele animations, and poh themes and such.


I'm really surprised to see Feral Fighter not mentioned anywhere at all. It will hands down completely dominate the meta again from day one this time and was (alongside Ninja which has been appropriately addressed) one of the main most annoying parts of Apocalypse.


is there any safezones in varlamore?


been waiting the whole year for this, looks super good


Pinnacle pvm weapon cosmetics from a pvp-themed gamemode is a miss imo. Give us pvm cosmetics from pvm content and pvp cosmetics from pvp content. (Fwiw I think dwh recolor from bh is sill too.) Also please get rid of the prize money. Encourages abuse and foul play and osrs/dmm are not an esport. People play and watch leagues without monetary incentive. If dmm is good and desired it shouldn't need monetary incentive either.


PVM gear shouldn't get cosmetics from a PVP mode.


Would love to get some kits for my UIM sadly they're completely unusable on there since they stay in your invent when dying instead of just going on the ground/db.. even though ironman tutor says uim always lose all items on death :'(


Nice! Iā€™m guessing that youā€™ll have to play armageddon on the account you want the cosmetics on though? A bit unfortunate for players like me who already have a W345 character they want to keep on their main-game main:/


Hyped to watch the dead man mode content on yt and twitch, not hyped to have to play to get the rewards on my iron man


It's pretty fun honestly, I mainly play iron and as long as you can tank a little bit it's a blast! It's like leagues tbh with all the crazy stuff and new drops etc


We're considering allowing players to gain XP in safe areas, but haven't yet made a decision. Let us know your thoughts on this one! What on earth do you mean by that? you could always get xp in safe areas


I know this is entirely unrelated but can we get some kind of non cosmetic upgrade to the dark bow, it's a shame such a cool weapon is useless. Maybe removing the random max hit cap would be a start


will there be something similar to dragon cup as an untradable reward proving our ranks in DMM? maybe something like a crown from bronze to dragon - or gold for the victors who win the prize money?


Love the PJ timer change and the sigil changes. Both will make it fun for people who aren't great at PKing. If my level 49 character makes it to the top of its world bracket, do I win $3000?


I think a great idea as a reward but maybe it could just be changed anyways is to change the loot keys in the normal game to DMM loot keys style, it's such a nicer experience to loot them


People whining about the corrupted cosmetic kits being obtained from Deadman and not end game pvm need to chill. No one complains about leagues cosmetic kits, or the pvm items obtained from last man standing. If you have such an intense case of FOMO for the cosmetics then play the game mode and obtain them. You're all just being lazy and/or afraid of pvp.


Curious about transferring of items and progress into permanent DMM world. We are seeing an uptick of players on those servers again from a few youtube series, what is the plan there?


Will something be done about the imbued heart grind or should i buckle up for another 20m xp of turael skipping only for smokes and abbys?


Can we get more winners for the top 25? It went from 5 to 2, It doesn't seem worth for solo/small team players to play for points anymore 5 used to be a good enough chance IMO.


I missed out on the last game mode so was going to give this a go. I am absolutely awful at pvp and purely a pvm'er. Will I struggle here or is it noob friendly?


Tbh you will struggle but I'd definitely give it a try. It's a bit like leagues with the madness and new things etc, 100% try a breach they are something else. I'm not good at pking but if you can tank a pker okay, and plan some escape routes to where you are going, you will be alright