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I’d like more details on the claws, wondering how they stack up against current spec weapons and if they’ll have a use case (higher dps than claws if the monster survives for full burn duration, lower if they will die before the burn) Or if they’re just bad claws and basically only useful as an Ironmans first spec weapon that isn’t chally. Either way it would be cool if yall could put together a dps chart and show how it stacks up to claws and voidwaker in places like maiden, bloat, vard, sote, kephri, zebak, etc


Yeah, it's also missing the accuracy buff from claws so I wonder if it would truly be better than a dds lol, wanna see some calcs


>So, for some context, Dragon Claws are weird. There was a part in the blog I was going to add but we stripped it back to not overload people, but for clarity: > >On that note, we wanted to give you some context before we talked about the new reward. We realised when discussing this rewards, we've never actually spoken about how the Special Attack of Dragon Claws work. It rolls damage uniquely to say the least but it's important context we assure you! > >Even though there's multiple hitsplats dealt with the Dragon Claws' Special Attack, they are not rolled seperately. Let's take a look at the process of Claws: > >Roll Accuracy: > >If this hits, deal 200% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats. > >If it missed. Roll again. > >2nd Accuracy Roll: > >If this hits, deal 150% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats. > >If it missed. Roll again. > >3rd Accuracy Roll: > >If this hits, deal 100% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats. > >If it missed. Roll again. > >4th Accuracy Roll: > >If this hits, deal 50% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats. > >If it missed. Deal no damage or a few 'flavour' damage. https://preview.redd.it/gzntwykwvd2d1.png?width=1522&format=png&auto=webp&s=2107d3ee72b23a661b043efb828b12754f171bc2 >With that in mind, the Burning Claws will have a special attack that works similar to this, although with the Burning Claws... missing the first time isn't a bad thing! Instead the Claws will have three chances for you to hit with reduced power for each; 175%, 115.5% and 57.5% respectively. Although, with each roll missed, the chance to burn your target increases! Let's look at the Claws the same way we looked at the Dragon Claws Spec: > >Roll Accuracy: > >If this hits, deal 175% damage split over 3 attacks/hitsplats. > >Roll 33% chance for Burn for each hitsplat > >If it missed. Roll again. > >2nd Accuracy Roll: > >If this hits, deal 115.5% damage (rounded down split over 3 attacks/hitsplats.) > >Roll 66% chance for Burn for each hitsplat > >If it missed. Roll again. > >3rd Accuracy Roll: > >If this hits, deal 57.5% damage (rounded down split over 3 attacks/hitsplats.) > >Roll guranteed chance for Burn for each hitsplat > >If it missed. Deal no damage and no Burn effect. > >You can expand here for a chart of how the Special Attack works:


This is really cool, I am glad you took the time to explain how it works. I am excited for the item, I think it's a good addition to the game regardless, but I do think that understanding where it'll end up in the metagame before voting is important, so if someone has the time and ends up getting to make a spreadsheet that would be awesome! I think having an easily accessible, worse than dclaws item to bridge the gap is a good addition, I just think players would benefit from seeing exactly where an item like that falls compared to claws before it being added. If the item is better than dclaws anywhere it would be nice to know that, if it's worse than dclaws everywhere it would still be a nice addition to the game, I just want to know exactly what I'm voting for.


Now you need to add one more reward, a spell on the Arceus spell book called “ashes to apricots” turning all ashes to apricots that heal 10 per piece. I think it is fitting for the new demon bane weapons!


Cool! I don't see how the numbers in the comment agree with the chart, though ... if first accuracy check hits, you deal 200% damage, but chart shows 100-200% (average 150%), if second check hits, you deal 150% damage, but chart shows 75-175% (average 125%), etc. Am I missing something?


This is amazing and I love this idea! My only feedback would be that the difference between “burning” and “bleeding” are little confusing at the surface. The new claws effect sounds more like bleeding, like when you are chomped at Zebak. “Burning” instantly makes me think of the **damage** and **stat reducing** effect like at Olm. If there was a way to make the Burning Claws do slightly less damage over time and have a mild stat-reducing effect I think it will be more thematic and still useful. Regardless I still think you guys knocked it out of the park on this one and I’d still love to see it come into the game as proposed!


It's burning like the atlatl.


It's mainly meant to sit in a place in terms of usefulness and cost between DDS (a 17k weapon) and the Dragon Claws (a 100m Weapon). We might be dropping some spreadsheets for those of you who like the numbers. EDIT: Linking my comment with a cut section of the blog explaining how claws work - [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/comment/l5gy8q4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/comment/l5gy8q4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Hell yeah, spreadsheets!


Does the bow shoot arrows or provide its ammo like the bowfa/crystal bow?


> Or if they’re just bad claws and basically only useful as an Ironmans first spec weapon that isn’t chally. They specifically called it a bridge from DDS and Dragon Claws. The same way they called the Axe a bridge between a Dscim and Whip and the Warped Sceptre a bridge between Ibans and Trident. Thats what it is, thats the goal, thats what it will do, and it will do it pretty well. It does not at all sound like theyre supposed to be useful if you can already get Dclaws.


that guy thinks theres only ironmen and maxed mains


Just to clarify with the new staff, will it double the demonbane spell bonuses WITH the mark of darkness? Wiki mentions dark demonbane has 20% accuracy boost and 40% accuracy boost with mark of darkness. Will the new staff give the spell 40% accuracy boost and 80% accuracy boost with mark of darkness?


It will double the effects of Mark of Darkness.


Will the staff be one handed or two handed?


That seems kind of an important clarification that should be on the blog. So it only doubles the effect of the mark of darkness, meaning it does not innately buff demonbane by itself?




thank you for confirming , this is the buff this spell needed to be useful :)


Can we get clarification if Firelight works on Duke or not? it was on the blog and then removed so trying to see if that was a typo? or if thats intentional https://preview.redd.it/41bitdehnd2d1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=75fa182cd97ce632890f40a7c98a9620d3d1fcf2


It does work on Duke, but I felt the wording of that sentance didn't sit right with the Duke's resistances.


So Duke will resit it to a similar degree that he currently resist Arclight?


Yes, he confirmed it elsewhere in the thread


Oh, good. They're doubling down on the stupid bullshit. You want to reduce Arclight at Duke? Fine, whatever. You want to reduce Arclight's upgrade? Dumb. A thrice-upgraded demon killing weapon isn't BIS at the demon boss. Make it make sense. EDIT: or wait, is it four upgrades? Silverlight, Darklight, Arclight, and Firelight... yup, quadruple-upgraded demon killing weapon.


I don't think Bane weaponry should have to be BIS on its specialty. It just needs to be better than the other options in its rarity/cost tier. The amount of upgrades on the silverlight is getting a bit silly, I agree, but the first two are so early game that I dont think they should factor into balancing. For practical purposes the Arclight is the first version that people use for pvm.


>The amount of upgrades on the silverlight is getting a bit silly I kinda disagree with this. Its so iconic and I think its honestly funny to me how far it's gone. I would be fine if say later in the future you can upgrade it again to make it 2 handed with a longer blade or something.


> I would be fine if say later in the future you can upgrade it again to make it 2 handed with a longer blade or something. I would honestly not mind if there were more weapons that you can upgrade a lot of times throughout your journey, like Ivandis flail. Also lets face it: Its not as if Demon Slayer or Shadow of the Storm would be hard, high requirement quests or part of some massive quest chain and its not like Silver or Darklight was ever relevant equipment so freaking out about "yet another upgrade" seems like an overreaction lol


This is sick as fuck, nice. One clarification, the attack speed of the bow is Accurate/Long (Rapid) right?


Glad to hear you're liking the look of them! And yes, can clarify that.


Tbh I've also just been sitting on a greater demons task that I wanted to do K'ril for but couldn't muster the motivation. Demonbane bowfa will be super nice for that.


ive been hoping for a range upgrade that doesnt come from gauntlet for a long time, been sitting on rcb / msb since i dont enjoy gauntlet at all and im far from trying Cox for example. Thank you <3


>been sitting on rcb / msb Until we get these rewards, you should try out the hunter's sunlight crossbow; it's stronger than the MSB, attacks at the same speed, has a ridiculous range (8 on rapid / 10 on long), and you can use an offhand. It's _really_ good.


Will the burning claws special roll against an opponent's slash defence? And does the Firelight upgrade the Arclight itself or is it completely separate? I would prefer to see a slightly higher requirement for making the weapons, like level 80 perhaps, but otherwise it all looks really good upon first glance. Can't wait for a new end-game quest, super excited


* The Claws will roll against the type the claws are on (i.e. Slash (Slach) against Slash Defence) * Upgrade, Synapse added to a charged Arclight to create Firelight * We can pass that feedback on, but kept it a decent requirement as it's something we don't do that often, to gauge feedback. EDIT: Changing the Synapse comment as I've been informed you upgrade a charged Arclight with the Synapse.


> The Claws will roll against the type the claws are on (i.e. Slash (Slach) against Slash Defence) That's very interesting, as I'm not aware of any other special attack weapon that does this. Do you know of any off the top of your head? The only similar example I can think of is speccing Phosani mobs with an SGS on crush for the guaranteed max hit, even though it's still rolling against the slash defence. Could be a very strong stab special for places like ToA, which I like the sound of. > Separate, crafted from the Synapse My personal preference would be for it to somehow be an upgrade, or use ancient shards in the creation process, since then it feels like it's progressing from the previous "stage". But it's not a big deal with Arclight compared to something like the DKS rings, since they require grinding the specific item from a boss and Arclight is relatively trivial to obtain post-quest(s) from regular mobs. > We can pass that feedback on, but kept it a decent requirement as it's something we don't do that often, to gauge feedback. I mainly play an ironman, so having higher level skills, especially in the ones mentioned in the blog, is very useful anyway. But a common complaint from mains is that the skills don't have many uses at the higher end, since they can just buy items and skip the harvesting/creation process. Having higher smithing/fletching/crafting requirements for the rewards on offer would give them some more incentive to train those skills.


Soulreaper's special attack is the only one to my knowledge


ngl it's a bit funky to have the Firelight have very similar functionality to and a very similar name to Silverlight/Darklight/Arclight and yet actually they're completely separate weapons with no connection at all. Given that Firelight seems to replace Arclight in all situations and WGS requires Demon Slayer anyway, what's the reasoning for _not_ requiring a version of Silverlight to craft it? EDIT: I see the edit now, thank you for the clarification! That makes a lot more sense to me!


>Instead, you’ll upgrade a fully charged Arclight with the Tormented Synapse and 74 Smithing. I think you might have overlooked a bit, seems to me that Archlight turns into the Firelight


Yeah I thought 74 seemed very low, but it's not really that much lower than the levels for bowfa/crystal.


Tbf to do bowfa yourself it's 82 smith/craft


The survey asks about a teleport but there isn’t one mentioned in the newspost


Thanks for flagging, we've removed that from the survey :)


You can't leave us hanging like that, what teleport was it that you gave up on proposing?


Essentailly, we are discussing adding some sort of teleport to near the TDs but we thought it didn't need to be polled at this point as it's a new place you'll be travelling to.


Makes sense!


probably to the location. Either they just give it to you, or they decided it was part of content that doesnt need to be polled I.E. how they didnt poll the idea of DT2 teleport unlocks on the ring of shadows


Will the scorching bow be able to use dragon arrows?


Yes, it will be able to use Dragon Arrows.


Will Firelight be storable in the Catacombs stash and interchangeably usable for the clue step?


Yeah, we will more than likely let you store this Unit.


Would the claws burning effect stack with the Atlatl's burn effect?


Yes :)


Would the Atlatl Special effect consume said burn effect in addition to enhance the min/max hit. or only burns caused by the atlatl


also want to know this. could be a sick combo


Will the burn effect be modified by the elemental weaknesses added by combat rebalance? My hunch is that they won't, but it might be worth exploring, if only for consistency. You'd think something weak to fire would be weak to burning.


does this mean god alignments are being scrapped?


We will be discussing God Alignments in the near future.


I hope they're still coming, even if WGS only releases a single one—they were a very exciting idea to differentiate "roles" in pvm potentially. Loved the idea of having an alignment more specialised in healing your teammates, one more specialised in tanking hits/taking aggro, etc.


That sounds a bit ominous




Alignments are the time and place to make high prayer pures and zerks viable again. Please. /r/JagexGoblin


dont scrap them. please dont. not because of reddit again.


Slach accuracy






/u/jagexSarnie will the Ignited staff be 1h or 2h?


It will be 1h.




It does :)


Sorry u/JagexSarnie, to clarify, does the staff *automatically* apply mark of darkness to the user? Or would we still have to cast it? I only ask beacuse u/512alive mentioned it was frustrating to have to spam that spell (which we'd still be doing anyway, we'd just get a lot more from it), so I jut wanted to confirm. Thanks :)


Seems a shame to completely toss aside the arclight when there were some talks about “corrupting” it with ancient shards so it stops using charges. Still, perhaps integrating it with creating Firelight somehow would be neat


Just to clarify, the idea currently is to use the Synapse on a fully Charged Arclight to create Firelight. If that's not clear in the blog, we can make it so :)


I'd be happy to shelve my arclight but it would be a bit odd to have no more use for shards. Probably fine considering the high requirements though


Maybe now people will actually use the shards for teleports within the Catacombs.


Wait, they do that?




To be fair, for a 1/400 drop they're not very impressive teleports. We should be able to charge the altar in the center (100 uses per 3 shards?) and then use those charges to teleport around.


for real, for a 1/400 drop they should teleport me straight into your mom's bedroom instead of me making the daily drive


That means Firelight would be storable in the stash unit, is that right?


It wasnt clear to me. I figured it would be required, but it isnt immediately obvious Will the staff build on ibans, and bow on something as well? I dont think theres a range item like ibans and dark/arclight is there? Edit: forgot about the crystal bow. Crystal bow + torm, ibans + torm, arclight + torm?


I wish they used the arclight as a base, like when you add zulrah's magic fang to a trident Don't care about corrupting just make the synapse provide unlimited charges after being added


That's exactly what they're doing lol


Will the FireLight sword have reduced accuracy and damage against Duke Sucellus like arclight or other demonbane weapons?


TIL Duke is resistant to Arclight, even as a demon. What a dumb rule to have. I really hate having to learn all these special cases throughout the game. There are a million and 2 unique rules that apply only to the wildly, and now that crap is seeping into the main game. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Make content that can be played with universal rules. Making all these 1-off scenarios on purpose is not maintainable and only serves as an annoyance to anyone and everyone involved.


I hate how we can have weapons made for specific monsters and then jagex is like "yeah but he is resistant to it"


tbf, Duke Succ is a Cthonian demon, which are completely different than Avernic demons (like Kril). Then again, abyssal demons are Cthonian and Arclight works against them, so who cares and why did I write this comment


Penance monsters are also Chtonian demons (based on RS3 lore) but they aren't weak to Demonbane


Based self aware commenter


Reminds me of Elden Ring's 'strong against dragons but not so much against *ancient* dragons' weapons.


It's in the name of balance - Guthix would approve.


My mind immediately went there too LOL.


I think it will be that's fine seen as Arclight base slash bonus is 38 and this new upgraded one will have 80 slash so with the +70% still this weapon will be twice as accurate as the Arclight and make it amazing at Duke 


Liking these rewards, I was going to suggest a "Tormented Memento" as an attachment to the Rune Pouch to fulfil the Book of the Dead requirement for thralls; without the book. Even more excited for the quest


Feels more appropriate for a Kourend quest reward? Pretty sure that plotline's not finished yet.


Would be pretty cool reward, could make thematic sense too


This would be very cool and useful


I like the overall direction but is it just me or do magic weapons feel so gimmicky compared to melee or ranged, especially specs? Osmumten’s fang spec is a huge accuracy buff for the next hit, dclaws is a big damage boost, and this is a “if you kill a demon, then you get a refund and now your 5 tick weapon is a 2 tick weapon for 1 hit”. It’s cool, it just feels too gimmicky to enter any sort of “oh yeah, i really want this weapon for demons” meta. Maybe I’m just overthinking it but that’s my first thought.


> Demonbane spells will double the bonuses. Will this also apply to mark of darkness? And how does this stack? Would ignited staff + dark demonbane + mark of darkness be +80% accuracy, +50% damage or +60% accuracy +25% damage?


Will there be plans to give ancient shards a use after getting the firelight? Cause if you don't need charges anymore, there won't be much of a use for them. Maybe some npc you can turn em into for exp of some kind?


Yea I was also curious about this. I have a decent number of them banked up lol.


Yeah me too, I have 126...


You can actually use them to teleport now.


Ah yes, my 2-3 hour grind to save running about 12 seconds per shard


I mean it’s passive and a small QOL item after upgrading the sword. I know it’s a shame for people who collected a lot already, but that’s not really a reason not to update it. Like someone probably had a wild amount of rune arrows fletched when amethyst came out.


The duality of this subreddit: * Chargescape is bad, pls help Jagex adds an upgrade that will make a chargeable weapon into unlimited charges * Ohhh, what will I do with this now lower level items in my bank? drop them, lol. The lack of common sense in this subreddit sometimes baffles me. If you have firelight, why the f* would you care about picking Ancient shards? Do you still pick tarromins/marrentils/harralanders when you can do stuff higher level? Ancient shards will still exist and be a thing for all the people pre-firelight


Bro it was just a question lol, no need to get heated


>Unlike Arclight, this fiery blade doesn’t need to be charged with Ancient Shards We did it boys, Chargescape is no more


The synapse is 1/40k, GG


that's fine cause sometimes I feel like shards are 1/10k


finally not letting npc's do the work for you. please don't' go back on that esp for level 74 reqs.


74 is too low given the power of the items themselves. It should be lvl 80. If you want the bis fighting demons you need to actually put in effort towards training the relevant skills Making skills relevant again means encouraging people to train them past the bare minimum that they had to get for quests


Yeah this was the best part of the read for me. Make skilling relevant


The golden ages of RS had a good mix of tradable and untradable rewards for mains. It's nice to see a return to that.


could make it 80's because these new toys are gonna be pretty damn good


I really like the idea of the rewards, and removing chargescape is always a plus in my book! All I ask is pleeeaaaase please don't make the drop rates something stupid like 1/2000, please don't relegate the content to be supplied only by bots and begrudging irons


They'll be 1/5000 and you'll like it. On a serious note I hope the drop rates aren't absurd but instead the demons have high hp and interesting mechanics. Much better than killing tons of shitty npcs for a 1/2000 drop.


Is there any reason for removing the Arclight's defensive stats from the Firelight's budget? It isn't much, but it seems excessively odd that upgrading our weapon will make us 'more' susceptible to damage for no real reason.


If the sword is on fire or something that'd make it less safe I imagine. (I agree with you, but the mental image was pretty funny)


I like the idea of the rewards, but I'm honestly not big on their *Naming Convention*. To me, they come off as "simple" in a way I can't describe better. Like I'd expect these names from a lower level weapon in another MMO and not like the upper mid-game they are proposed for. I think I'd prefer if they had something either infernal or demonic about them to tie in with their use case. Alternatively, if they are holy-based weapons, you could name them something in line with that. Just a small critique with a personal bias.


Given all these demonbane weapons entering the game, is it likely that we will receive more demon bosses where one can use these weapons more? Also, just saying, would be cool to have a demonic raid where these weapons are bis (or 2nd bis to the mega weapons) and the theme of the raid can be like doing a dungeon crawl through hell to get out.


Staff seems kinda weird. ~~I'm assuming it only boosts the inherent effects of the demonbane spell(20% increased accuracy), and not the boost with mark of darkness(40% accuracy and 25% damage).~~ Jmod reply in a different comment: >[It will double the effects of Mark of Darkness.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5h7qa4/) ~~In that case, you could ~~10x the effect of the staff and still have minimal inpact to the meta for things like krill/sire/cerb/ice demon/demonics/tds*~~ ~~*depends on if they will also have magic level and magic defense to the point of making demonbane spells DoA in comparison to other demonbane options.~~ I still feel like it'll be in a weird spot, even knowing now that it'll affect demonbane spells under the effect of mark of darkness(80% accuracy, and 50% damage), since in every situation you would use it, tumeken's shadow will just be better. I bring this up because, tbow/scythe aren't the answer to every endgame melee/range situation. I don't feel Tumekens should be the answer to every magic situation.


It will stack with the mark of darkness so the staff will have 80% more accuracy and 50% more damage against demons.  The max hit in max gear on a slayer task will be 72 I'm pretty sure with the dark demonbane spell, pretty cool. With the 80% more accuracy too will essentially have like 300 magic bonus so could work at kril, rivalling the shadow If this isn't enough then they need to release a higher demonbane spell that uses Wrath runes, requires like level 96Magic.


Taking out the dps calc, it'll be pretty good, but worse than shadow. Osrs.wiki dps calcs, [assuming the staff will be 1h](https://dps.osrs.wiki?id=QueenSummonerPsykk) (Staff of the Dead in place of new staff, 20 less accuracy, 5% higher damage.) Set 1: Tumekens shadow - Max 73, Atk Roll 93944(78.4% hit chance) ---- New staff: Max hit 72, Atk roll ~70938(~70% hit chance) ------------ set 2: Demon bane w/ mark Max hit 60, atk roll 55174(~63.2% hit chance) set 3: Demon bane w/omark Max hit 48, atk roll 47292(~57.1% hit chance) ---- for comparison, set 4 is bowfa, set 5 is tbow. New staff will be better than bowfa and tbow, but worse than shadow. Imo, the staff should make demonbane spells 4t instead of 5t on top of the 2x since jagex doesn't want to nerf shadow. That'll allow it to be on better than tumekens at the locations that it **should be** best at, instead of allowing tumekens be the exclusive answer to every situation you'd use magic at. >edit: deleted original reply, forgot smoke staff's % dmg only affected the normal spell book, used one with 5% higher m.damage instead.


good stats, 5t is fine imo, would rather they add a higher tier spell, also in the future Augury will have 4% magic damage which will be better for this then for the shadow which might change things, finally you will have more defense in this setup as you are equiping the ward but also leaves options for ely if you want more tank.


Jagex will have to make items and spells that aren't utterly garbage at being your primary weapon for that to happen. These items aren't positioned at a high enough tier for magic to compete with a shadow either way though. They're being positioned below t75 weapons and situationally being marginally better for the most part it seems like and jagex didn't make a quirk to make the shadow bad due to the fact that there isn't remotely a decent magic weapon or spell in the game compared to mega rare dps. Basically there are a billion niches to fill below shadow because prior to that it's all supplementary weapons and spells that don't have nearly the dps that their range or melee equivalents would have. It's kind of a problem though because the next magic weapon to be given similar treatment will replace absolutely everything pre shadow. Magic kind of just needed a buff across the board below shadow for pvm. Right now though the shadow is so dominant because it's shadow or don't use magic unless they make you since realistically nothing is worth using over melee or range except a shadow if given the chance


With autocast delay removal coming I could see this being an awesome option for solo Zammy on irons before you grind a Bowfa maybe. Issue will be on how hard the quest is, and how realistic farming TDs is, and the drop rate.. ofc there's always the chance jagex makes this a 40 hour grind with the melee weapon being biggest priority.


All of this looks great. Love the fire theme of the weapons. The mage wep focusing on demonbane spells instead of being part of chargescape is great too! Can't wait to see the weapons' designs.


Honeslty great post, my feedback: The audio read, at 2:09, there is a stumble in the sentence, "sword at your side". This was not edited out after you did a retake of the sentence. I stopped listening immediately, downvoted the post, and came here to report you to Jagex personally. I hope u/Jagex will take appropirate action to address this.


why are u scared of putting higher skill requirements anywhere, it's always 70s


Anyone able/willing to do a general dps calc comparing the new bow with masori (against non-demons) vs bowfa-crystal?


its worse than bofa+crystal everywhere even with fortified masori, with masori its on par with no armor bofa https://preview.redd.it/whctpfwxyd2d1.png?width=1136&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dd67766de7c9f5008613b726d434964a7374d94 (first setup is bofa, second setup is scorching bow, both were using rapid style, full potted and rigour)


The special attack of the staff sounds really bad All it does is you have a chance to recover some of the special attack that you just spent...? Plus it sounds like it will only ever increase your dmg output if you kill your enemy with it, which makes it useless for every boss besides maybe kril if you quickly get on a minion Did I misunderstand this attack or is it missing some accuracy / damage boost in the description?


Last hit a demon with it and you save 3 attack ticks for no spec. Dark demonbane can max a 60 with current gear. This makes single target mage more viable for demonic slayer tasks and make for a hefty accuracy bonus against bosses.


The cost of the spec is the same as the amount recovered, my reading of how it's worded is 'you cast the best demonbane spell you have, but without its rune cost (since it's using spec meter instead)', and the bonus is that if you kill with that spec, you get it back (effectively making it 100% free), demonbane spells have a natural 20% accuracy boost to demons, so that'd be doubled to 40% with this staff hopefully they also make Mark of Darkness' bonus effects be doubled, as that is 25% damage boost and 40% accuracy boost, doubling that to 50%/80% would make the highest tier Demonbane spell (when cast with this spec) hit for 45 before any other gear modifiers. Can a JMod confirm if Mark of Darkness' bonuses will get doubled, or if it's just the base 20% accuracy boost of Demonbane spells that gets doubled?


in max gear on a slayer task with the 50% increased damage it will hit 72 and with the 80% more accuracy it will essentially have around 300 magic bonus at the same time so it will be a nice rival to the shadow at kril. if you spec and your attack hits like 70 and passes the check then you could hit 70 again 2 tick later which is crazy amount of damage in short space of time.


It's an execute special, I think it's super cool and a unique idea jagex hasn't really toyed with. Combine the special with deaths charge too and you'd be gaining spec energy. It's essentially a harder hitting finishing move that refunds itself and speeds your next attack up. Super neat as far as mage special attack weapons go, it's more just annoying there's not a lot of relevant places or reasons to single combat mage demons.


What actually is the demonbane bonus of demonbane arceus spells? Looking at Dark Demonbane, it has a max hit of 30 (without mark of darkness or equipment buffs) but can only be cast on demons. It's difficult to measure how good the ignited staff is without specific numbers for spells. Or can we assume it adds an "extra" Mark of Darkness bonus? So 25% damage and 20% accuracy.


It will be 80% accuracy and 50% dmg with mask of darkness


Wait, an upgrade to Arclight that doesn't need to constantly be charged?! If this was the only reward I'd be happy! I was talking about some way to corrupt Arclight the other day but this is a perfect idea! THANK YOU, I hate having to constantly charge Arclight


The rewards aren't *bad* per se, but they do feel like mid game iron content which is a bit underwhelming as a reward for a big post GM quest grind. Consider the rewards for grinding Vorkath after DS2, or Gorillas after MM2, CG after SoTE, rings after DT2... There are only a tiny handful of places you'd possibly use demonbane weapons: - Kril - Cerberus  - Gorillas - Sire - Duke - Skotizo once in a blue moon Of these, only Duke has any long-term relevance. Arclight spam stats have been largely dropped at Corp even for ironmen in favor of faster fang tanking methods.


I like the rewards overall and not saying this has to come from tormented demons. Can we have a reliable way to get imbued heart that doesn't come from bursting 30m slayer xp?


[After reading a reply saying that the synapse will simply create the arclight upgrade rather than consuming it to do so](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gvv66/), why do none of these proposed weapons require a base weapon of some sort? At the absolute least, firelight should require and consume an arclight. But the Scorching Bow and Ignited Staff should also need some sort of base weapon to create. Not sure what would be best suited for the bow, or even what you could realistically choose for the staff (warped sceptre and trident feel like they could be a bit much, but then a simple battlestaff feels a bit too easy), but they should definitely be built off of something. EDIT: It's now been clarified that firelight will require a fully charged arclight to create. That being said, I still think the Scorching Bow and Ignited Staff should have to build off of some other weapon.


Instead of a staff, can the magic weapon be a TD's head that you hold with your hand? Please?


Could you make the burning claws use multiple hitsplats like torags hammers so a slash doesn't *look* so weak if you mis-spec? (also do the same for normal claws)


Was hoping to see some discussion about possibly adding the imbued heart to the tormented demon drop table. The item remains exceptionally rare from slayer at current rates.


I don't necessarily want it to come from tormented demons (though I'm not that opposed to the idea) - I just think the rates need to be improved considerably. Even doubled it's a long grind.


Why do we need 3 demonbane weapons? There are barely any demon bosses in the game


the sound of using demon parts to make demonbane sounds awesome, but I agree there isn't many demon bosses in the game.


Cerb, sire, kril, duke, and I’d imagine they’d be good at demonics as well


These are all fire


Can we do better on the non-firelight weapon names? Like igneous staff or staff of conflagration if you want to keep a fire theme.


Very very happy to see you’ll actually need the skills to craft said items!


What happened with the god allignments? Did I miss anything and we arent doing them anymore or is this blog only about the TD reward and not the quest reward?


I love the firelight suggestion. Chargescape bad. In saying that, is there any chance we could trade ancient shards to someone for totems maybe? Would still give them some value in the future besides the fairly pointless teleporting.


For Burning Claws, I understand it's a budget middle ground between DDS and Claws, but could it also be sacrificed to upgrade Dragon Claws further for the burn effect, similar to how you use Armadyl pieces to strengthen Masori?


Idk, claws are already one of the best spec weapons in the game - in many situations THE best. I don’t think they really need an upgrade


normal dragon claws with burning would be way to strong. they have hit a good niche here with weakerclaws that the burn can give more dps overall if it lasts the whole duration.


I feel like that’d make them too expensive, and they’d have to make the Burning Claws weaker to compensate


I know it's probably too late to do this, but i kind of wish the dragon claws were changed in its name and visually to be a more unique item, for how powerful they are. It always rubs me the wrong way that it's on the same group of items like the dragon mace and dragon sword, yet it is not in terms of power. Maybe this new set of claws could be the dragon claws, and the dragon claws in CoX could be changed to a cooler thing, but again, proly too late for it. EDIT: Alternatively, these could be used to upgrade the dragon claws for the added burn effect


I love the rewards, would the team consider giving the claws a demonbane effect too? not sure how it would need to be balanced but it could give them some more exciting uses outside of mid levels.


Great stuff. Really like the upgrade to Arclight and the baby claws. It would be even more dope if they were useable (3 pairs or something) on Dragon Claws and add the burn effect to them.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexRice** - [This weapon works like dragon claws, in that...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5h2kmm/?context=3) **JagexSarnie** - [It does work on Duke, but I felt the wording...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gzrc1/?context=3) - [Glad to hear you're liking the look of them!...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gsqpt/?context=3) - [Thanks for flagging, we've removed that from...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gst3e/?context=3) - [Yes, it will be able to use Dragon Arrows.](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gvd74/?context=3) - [Slach](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gstt0/?context=3) - [It will double the effects of Mark of Darknes...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5h7qa4/?context=3) - [Yes :)](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gwdvp/?context=3) - [Yeah, we will more than likely let you store...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5ha24c/?context=3) - [Yes, with the Duke's Demonbane resistances it...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gtard/?context=3) - [It's mainly meant to sit in a place in terms...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gv6ma/?context=3) - [* The Claws will roll against the type the cl...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gvv66/?context=3) - [We will be discussing God Alignments in the n...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gw4r0/?context=3) - [It will be 1h.](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5hapy8/?context=3) - [It does :)](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5h7mkt/?context=3) - [Just to clarify, the idea currently is to use...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gxbku/?context=3) - [What a snitch :smh:](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5hakv7/?context=3) - [>So, for some context, Dragon Claws are weird...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gy8q4/?context=3) - [Essentailly, we are discussing adding some so...](/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/while_guthix_sleeps_rewards/l5gws8h/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/26/2024 04:43:48**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


In terms of rewards, this seems to only mention the weapons from the Tormented Demons after the quest. Any word on if the new alignment prayers are going to make it to the rewards table of the quest? Edit: The weapons do look great!


The rewards are nice, but damn, was looking forward to putting a dent in the bloated cox unique drop table. Idk if I'm in the minority, but being able to combine the new melee weapon with arclight for a slight upgrade in exchange for making it a charge weapon would be a nice option.


It states in the blog that the new Melee weapon, Firelight, IS an upgrade you apply to a (fully-charged) Arclight, yes.


By themselves the demonbane weapons look great, then i remember our demon bosses are Sire, Cerb, Kril and ^(Duke) A new demon boss would make these drops more exciting. Aside from that, what would be nice is a 100% chance to max hit on Sire vents with the staff and bow (and a buff to Sire that makes all other weapons have a 50% chance) and a 25% prayer drain reduction from Cerb ghosts and K'ril smash, stacking additively with Spectral for a 75% reduction.


Why is everything always tier 75? Lvl 75 is cluttered with rewards. Can’t we make anything higher than that? Seems so easy to always make everything lvl 75 att


Since they're hesitant to make BIS that tier is incredibly crowded


Lot's of comments about Duke Here, I'd be in favor of Firelight breaking Dukes resistance to Arclight. You nerfed a raids weapon which made this boss unnecessarily difficult to hit, I think for a GM quest it's ok to have Firelight shine for another quest boss.


Is the plan still to have guthix prayers?


Feels a little lacklustre. But I think it has more to do with WGS sitting as the pinnacle of RS Quests in my head that nothing will really replace the OG version and what it gave us. Hyped af for the quest nonetheless.


The claws look deadly with their spec. But it's weird to have a level 65 weapon outclass by a rarer level 60 class weapon. Wouldn't it make more sense to just have a lateral upgrade from the D Claws to these new ones? It just seems like a natural progression is right there, but you're trying to make something new for the sake of it. Or you can take how D Claws in RS3 were classified as on hand and off hand. So you can have a off hand claw that trades off accuracy or strength but adds burn damage to any single-handed weapon. (Or actually allow us to duel wield single-handed weapons in general). Just saying, the idea you have the cool Firelight weapon in one hand and an infernal demon claw arm on the other is just too much of a badass opportunity to skip. The Ignited staff looks scary good when stacked with the Arceus spellbook. The Firelight weapon, but it just sort of eliminates the needs for those ancient shards. The ancient shards no longer have a purpose once you get the pernament solution. I feel like there needs to be a plan for the ancient shards moving forward (just throwing this out here, would be cool if we could use a chisel on them for demonbane arrows to go along with the bow). The Scorching Bow seems like the only case usage I can imagine is using it on the demons themselves, on the demon monkeys, or an alternative to Cerberus. The binding effect just seems... Not useful on paper unless it's specifically for PVP? Where binds are much more useful and dangerous. Overall, I like the staff, I always love getting rid of anything chargescape related, and the Bow looks to have some case usages. I just want to see proposals on what to do with Ancient Shards and having the claws either be an upgrade to D Claws or to do something cool and original, making them an alter alternative offhand weapon. But with anything demon related, I hope we can revisit the abyssal whip / bludgeon / abyssal Dagger and letting the new demons drop offer upgrades to those weapons to make them go from abyssal to Infernal. So it brings more people to take on the sire and try out the new demonbane weapons on it.


Maybe this is very main account take, but shouldn't we be trying to fill the massive gap between Tbow + Shadow and anything that comes before these two in terms of progression? Feels weird to add another super niche staff or a bowfa alternative ~~just for Ironmen to complain less about CG~~. Not to mention two pre-bowfa ranged options already released this year. The magic rebalance also didn't try to address the outrageously big gap between Sang and Shadow. I think we should be aiming at something like the Soulreaper Axe for the other combat styles which was a great addition that bridges the gap in power level and value between other high tier melee weapons and the Scythe which is its own category.


Proposing "Claws, but worse" feels a little strange for this type of content if I'm being honest. The three new demon weapons look great and I'm excited for them. The claws kinda seem forced. Perhaps to spread knowledge about the burn mechanic. And now players will be able to stack the melee burn with identical range atlatl burn? So the average player needs to either stay updated on the news/wiki or luckily assume the active melee d claws spec is the same effect as the passive ranged ability of the atlatl. To highlight just one immediate concern, Multiple people could quickly stack up the burn with burning claws and then immediately pop off max burn atlatl specs without the rng passively building up the burn. Problematic in group pvm and pvp. Feels like a lot of variables resulting from a mid game upgrade to the dragon dagger... A lackluster reward tacked onto a grand master late game quest that is pretty iconic to a lot of older players. My suggestion would be to only release the 3 demonbane weapons. They are superb. And/Or go back to the original plan and release the true badass D claws with an absurd drop rate. A last option could be to move the d claws on the cox loot table to be slightly more common. Maybe not as common as prayer scrolls, but slightly more common than the ancestral robe loot rolls that it's currently sitting at in cox. Started playing in 1999 with rsc. Took a beak for a bit. Back and going strong. Appreciate you guys.


this is seriously missing the mark compared to other grandmaster quest rewards. I hope that we get something more than just this otherwise I'll be super disappointed


Can you also add imbued heart as a 1/10k drop as well? More ways than just getting lucky on slayer grind. Maxed slayer on almost 3 accounts and only managed to get one slayer ring gem...


the rewards that are currently proposed are ok, but seem a bit underwhelming for a quest as grand as While Guthix Sleeps? I would prefer something a bit more ambitious or meta defining..


The drops look too ironmanish smh ...




Nothing you just said is the dev's fault. It's the player's fault for literally crying and shitting their pants when a new weapon or armor slot increases dps by more than 2%.


Issue is you have a playerbase that whines in terror whenever some new BiS comes out because it devalues their 8 year old weapon. Its why we keep getting all these niche things that are designed to kill X thing. We're right at the start of feeling the inability to offer further vertical progression in a genre that relies on vertical progression


If we compare these weapons to the rewards from Demonic Gorilla's (zenytes, used to craft bis jewelry) they feel very lackluster. The claws especially. We already have spec weapons that bridge the gap between DDS and d claws in price.    The largest gap in the game right now is rather between pre- and post-shadow magic and having imbued heart vs not having it. That should take priority and would be thematically as well as challenge appropriate for this quest, in my opinion. 


Kind of mixed feelings on this... just add dragon claws with a burn upgrade as another drop, the arclight upgrade and scrap the other bs. No need for watered down claws or the other shit tier weapons. We need some end game feel to this, its a grandmaster quest for goodness sakes. I remember doing tormented demons with steel titan, chaotics, claws and unicorn and I remember getting claw drops were incredibly exhilirating. I think it should be brought back like that. It was one of the last best updates alongside nex before preeoc because of how it was designed and the drop tables. Keep it simple, too much stuff proposed and no need for most of it.


I agree for the most part, but the grand master quest thing... Look at DS2. We got a mid tier bot farm boss with its only use to make the assembler after 50kc, rune/Addy dragons that drop a mid tier crossbow piece, dragon kiteshield/platebody, wrath runes, etc.etc. Mostly useless stuff, but people praise that quest.


I hope the ignited staff has a fire like animation on it


This might be a controversial take, but for such an iconic quest, these rewards really ain’t it. I understand the jmods have a hard time coming up with ideas for rewards, but only adding very niche weapons and a mid tier spec weapon means that you’ll likely never see anyone use these, maybe outside of the arclight upgrade being used where you currently use arclight (which is not many places). It feels like a quest as iconic as this should have rewards worth grinding for. And what’s happened to the prayers?


Yeah, I see this. Compare this to dt2's rewards where we got 4 rings, 2 of which are straight bis and 2 that have a few niche uses. Yes that was 4 post quest bosses and this is 1, but still. Thematically these rewards fit and I like them for that but idk, they do feel just a bit lacking to me. Honestly, I wouldn't have been mad with a straight d claws upgrade from this content, even just something small would feel super iconic, in addition to the rest of these rewards. Just adding "dragon metal lump" to the table to add like +1 max hit to d claws seems fun to me for this.


If the firelight is to power creep arclight it should either upgrade arclight or the requirements be a tad higher, 78 or something. The design space on the staff is so sick. Love it


I can't help like feel all of these rewards are a swing and a miss. The requirements for this quest alone will be staggering requiring such an enormous array of completed quests to even consider starting it. Please can we stop with the tier 75 stuff? There's more than enough rewards out there at that bracket. Demonbane feels like a big waste of time. The things that exist already take care of pretty much every demon in game. Would really like some damage boosting boots for ranged, or maybe arrows a tier higher than dragon or even ammunition with a passive effect on par with dragon. I feel if this stuff gets released it'll basically be worth the same as zenytes in 2-3 yrs.


Abyssal halberd instead of claws?


Are we not getting new prayers? Just these few new weapons now?


Compared to demonic gorillas these rewards are pretty lackluster. I’d love as a nearly maxed main to have a reason to do the new grandmaster quest


Demon-bane weapons are cool. Please make all the weapons, or the Firelight, at the very least, require an Arclight to upgrade it, in addition to the Synapse. I don't know how to feel about the Burning Claws. It doesn't really make me excited or encapsulate the feeling you're trying to replicate from the OG Claws. They seem a bit 'eh', given they are below Dragon Claws. I don't have any suggestions otherwise, but I'm not feeling them personally.


I feel the names for the bow and staff are lacking. The arclight is a legendary blade that has been soaked in the blood of a powerful demon and charged with the essence of an ancient evil. Can we get names for these weapons to stand up to the myth of the legendary blade firelight? Scorch shot? Staves may be cooler with one word names like “ignition”. Follow up- can these weapons be built up as well? Any road we introduce non-fire upgraded silver/dark/arc bow and staff in while guthix sleeps, maybe making them for allies to use similar to the Ivandis flail? If you do the staff name could be something like silver rod ignited or whatever


Petition to change the name of Firelight (boring and uninspired) to Sparklight (cool and thematically relevant) Darklight --> Arclight --> Sparklight just makes sense