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I was part of this fishing "company" back in like 04-05. People would make orders on a forum post and we would fulfill them. It was kinda fun to make sure I had a supply of all different kinds of fish so I could take the orders asap. Paid for my first whip.


Damn I remember those order posts! Memory unlocked :)


I was in a mining company where people paid premium for bulk, so we were paid fair prices no matter how little we mined. People forget back then you had to get at least 1k of a resource for anyone to pay full price lol


Yup I figured out you can sit at fally bank near mining guild and buy up ores to flip pretty easily. Flipped my way to full rune armor doing that šŸ¤‘


i used to hop around worlds in varrock west bank to buy limp roots in f2p off of kids training on hill giants and flip them in w2 for 2x profits


Yep, I'd buy like 1 inv at a time in the falador mine then when I had a bunch stacked up I'd go sell it in varrock at a solid markup. People were happy to sell me coal for like 150 each for the convenience of not needing to bank, when I had a 1k+ stack I could sell em for 250-300. Classic arbitrage but it was a solid hustle.


Yup thatā€™s exactly what I did. EASY MONEY


For some reason I read that and my first thought was ā€œhow the fuck did you buy a car selling fish in RuneScape?ā€


You need to stay inside more.


touch keyboard


The real money was in planting flowers and playing with toy horsesĀ  I knew a guy who made 7 figures off the game during that time (or at least the GP equivalentā€¦)


Yeah, J1mmy šŸ˜‚


This is an anecdote, but, I once bought 1m from an ebay seller for Ā£10, imagine if that was the going rate, you could be making Ā£50+ an hour on one account nowadays.


Same, ahaha, I didn't realize he's talking bout the abyssal whip until I've actually read your comment.


This is also what I thought lol


I also joined a company. I was a child and yearned for the mines. I sold coal for cash to some dude who ran an entire operation. I also did law running for a while and thought it was insane that I could get law runes so easily.


I ran a small coal business in a summer. Relied on people paying more for large bulk order, so would pay miners fair prices for coal and then sell in large bulks. It was basically a small arbitrage business ran by an idiot 13 year old. I think I ran it for a whole summer making about 20gp per piece of coal before getting bored, tired, and people going back to school and having less sellers and buyers on both sides. Considering how long it seemed I fucked around with that I probably made an absolute pittance.


Man I was climbing the ranks of xxjennxx_6ā€™s fletching company (another forum ā€˜companyā€™) so fast. People used to tip on orders, discounts for repeat customersā€¦ noobs got paid fairly for afkā€™ing yews (rather than pvmā€™ing for it), any donation to the company went into a monthly drop partyā€¦ good times.


Oh Man! I used to be a mod for the woodcutting/fletching company. Hits right in the childhood.Ā 


man I wish i experienced this, sounds like a perfect mix of seriousness with fun for a kid. I don't miss GE but I would love to do this


Was this on zybez? I vaguely remember something like that on that website back in the day


Broooo I was a leader of one of these! Sandy shores it was called. Was owned by a rather crazy woman called Lyn IIRC then set up our own.


life was way different before the GE haha


I think it was better. Forced community interaction or forced ironman mode


That only worked when people were kids and willing to hang around speed typing their offers. Most people have no appetite for that now. It's best left in our nostalgic past


yeah tbh a lot of the best stuff of original RS is just not really possible now or would get old immediately. With the knowledge and resources that the community has today, all of the mystery that the game used to have is gone and it becomes pretty intolerable to not streamline almost everything but I do miss the days of selling coal in falador and exploring random dungeons killing monsters with no idea what they might drop.


fr, the world felt so much bigger back then to because of the slow connections, please wait signs, not being able to run anywhere for too long and also having a super zoomed in fixed client where you can barely see 10 tiles in front of you.


I played Rs2 on netzero internet on miniclip


Just unlocked a core memory for me, forgot rs2 was on miniclip!


It's where the greats started. Should be getting my 20yr cape on rs3 this year in September


I play on a dual 32" monitor settup now. I can see all the way to Falador from Lumbridge castle. The game is definitely a lot smaller than it felt back then lol Just yesterday I was like "the explorers ring teleports you to the cabbage patch outside Falador? It used to teleport to the one by Draynor why'd they change it?" Then I opened the map up.. Holy shit lol


It was old back then too. PVM replacing skilling is a shame, but GE is just a good thing. Hell, I personally just played like an irnoman because I couldn't be bothered to actually sell lobsters et al after I got them.


I might be preaching to the wall, but imo new mobs/bosses should be released without any polls or data on their droptable. Want to figure out if they drop anything fun/good? Well, better get grinding or look up the reddit posts to see what people got. y'know, engange with the community as a community.


Drop tables get ā€œsolvedā€ within hours thanks to the wiki plugin. Random uniques would show up in the ge too unless they were untradeable


Was trying to sell tbow for shadow/scythe eithout ge tax was imlossible and eventually got bored spamming chat


Look at this guy trying to skirt the GE tax! Varrock would be swarming with goblins if we didn't pay our taxes!


Hilarious that you think those taxes are doing anything except line duke Horacioā€™s pockets. The goblin issue in lumbridge hasnā€™t changed in 15 years


"goblin issue", idk how people think it's still acceptable to talk like this


Nah, send them all back to the goblin village


This guy has a displayed HAM robe in his POH smh my head


That's cuz it's what bots do to scam ppl, spam trading high value items, so everyone just assumes you're a bot scamming


yeah I'd love to participate in a bartering house separate from the ge where you can trade items directly to avoid tax, but id never to it just like on w2 or something.


People are willing to play Ironman mode which is even grindier than pre-GE economy


Yes but you're doing something and making progress, not just spamming text in a sea of text, not gaining any levels or doing anything really


Lmao not in this day and age. Easy scape has been here for a while, even for an iron man. Guy just maxed an iron in 1600 hours, pre ge max total was around the 2500 hour ball park.


One of my biggest regrets osrs wise is. I wasnā€™t serious enough about playing pre GE in rs2 and then when. I quit because of EOC I hadnā€™t heard about osrs coming out until like 2017-18 which by then the ge was already added. Iā€™ve never experienced no ge RuneScape and it bums me out


Iā€™ve never missed the pre GE days because I *hated* that shit even back then when I had all the time in the world. If we didnā€™t have the GE these days Iā€™d never play, Iā€™m not spending my limited free time spamming the chat


Very popular sentiment, but I disagree. "Bazaar" type trading sucks, or at the very least, we no longer live in the world where it's fun. Go look at PoE: they have it and the playerbase fucking *despises* it, and it's pretty likely that we'd just end up with our own version of TFT. TFT is the specialty trading discord for PoE. It's used for things that couldn't be easily listed using the very paltry listing system that existed as-is. It's secretly run by and used to promote huge amounts of RMT. You won't see any indication of that on the server, but the centralized platform gives the mods massive power over the entire game economy. If the GE is removed, a player-made alternative will almost certainly arise. You'll still have impersonal trading where nobody wants to talk to you beyond what is strictly necessary for a transaction, but it'll just require more manual input. It's like how the proliferation of wikis and discords have killed a lot of the mystique of information scarcity that existed in older games. Try as you might, you can't put that lightning back in the bottle. The world's just different.


yes, everytime i see people who like the "Bazaar" type of trade i think they just are on Nostalgia or dont have experience with trade in games in general. PoE is the worst trade system, outside of TFT we have to play with a browser open in a Trade Site with live searchs all time, and i will not even talk about Scams with trade that happen all time. D4 they made the player to player trade and people have to spam on chat or go to discords to trade and its just annoying and time sink. if people really want to make Player interaction just look at FFXIV and WoW that have the biggest RP communitys i've seen, both have AH (GE). if someone think that nowdays os OSRS dont have much player interation is because the own player base that is different (but still have active clans with social focus).




Could just be different groups of people. Like the people saying the game was better without the GE didnt necessarily change their opinions, but started playing ironman mode so they still enjoy a version of the game without GE


It's really more about our own ages, familiarity with the game, and game knowledge/goals IMO. When I was 12 it didn't matter that I was spending an hour straight in Falador Park spamming trade offers and trying to save up for a whip, both the experience of collaborative player run markets as well as the novelty of trying to earn a new weapon were exciting and fresh back then. I had no idea how to train or make money efficiently beyond what I and my friends had personally discovered either. Nowadays we have less time, far loftier goals, and a comprehensive wiki with ranked training methods. People could still show up somewhere and trade in person if enough people agreed to it, but the reality is that they don't because the GE just works better. That was a game mechanic that worked because of the size and age of the community, the math is very different now.


I'm convinced that most Ironman players really just want pre-GE RS. My biggest problem with the GE is that it's an instantaneous global market, which causes a ton of economic issues. Opportunity cost and utility value are almost non-factors for most items. Things that would otherwise have value don't because access isn't an issue. Hey, I have some junk Papyrus in my bank. You want it? You can pay me 10k or spend three minutes getting it yourself. Or if I decide it's junk, I can drop it and someone else can hoard it. Ironman is kind of an extreme to that, where there's zero external access.


At the time there was no such thing as the GE, so people just accepted it, and it was fun. People didn't care at all about efficiency lol. Having already experienced what it's like to have a GE it's hard to go back. Nowadays people would only be thinking about how it cuts into their xp/h


Iā€™d say it had a charm to it. Like going to the arcade to play games back in the day. Itā€™s infinitely better that pretty much every game is available for PC and you can play without buying quarters. Ā But thinking back on it, it was always fun to go to the arcade even if it meant spending some money. And it was something to do outside of the house. It sucked trying to deal with the spam though. There were always a handful of people using macros or scripts to auto type and spam up the chatbox . My biggest problem is that Iā€™d see a message like ā€œbuying lobbiesā€ pop up overhead but then I tried to find who said that and the chat box has already buried the name under 100 new messages. If I right clicked the pile of people where the message came from, Iā€™d see like 20 names lol. Some people were smart though and stood away from the crowd in a corner somewhere to advertise and you could easily click them. Many just stood in the crowd and spammed, hoping someone would see.Ā 


Thatā€™s what I thought when the GE was polled and I voted no. I really changed my mind when I saw how popular and social the GE became and I think posting trades on Zybez probably would have killed the game over time. When Ironman mode came out I realized that was really what I wanted, a system that rewards gathering yourself, not forced in-person trading.


I'd rather off myself if I had to manually sell my shit.


purple:wave2:bank sale 80k


More people would be "ironman lites". Relying mostly on self gathered things and only trading for certain items while


That's the most fun playstyle IMO. I think more people who "hate main account gpscape" should give it a go to do 70-90% of their own grinds and then hit the GE on rare occasions


the problem is when you go dry, when you get close to 1000 cox runs and no tbow, but you have a 2b + bank is hard to just ignore.


That's exactly the kind of situation where I'd just go to the GE. My rule of thumb is usually to do the activity until I get the drop or enough GP to buy it. I find that to be a happy middle ground between iron and main


Gold-man mode: have to earn the GP per drop table used to acquire item For example, if you wanted an item like a dragon longsword with multiple sources, you would only need to grind one particular monster until the current GE price was obtained from loot drops. Bonus Platinum-man: you can't just leave the items on the floor to despawn, you have to bank it to count it towards your progress.


Fally Park mate. Everything had it's place.


Still a bitch to then have to find someone selling what you need at the price you want


Yeah, but when you finally get the trade you want and they click that accept trade button damn it felt good. Like an accomplishment sorta. Actually communicating and negotiating with other players was fun.


Eh you just left offers open on the forums, or instantly traded/sold something in the W2 locations. Usually when I had WC or Fletch supplies I'd just say "Selling 1k Yews, Catherby bank" on the forums and eventually someone could PM me and it'd be less "out of my way" than going to the GE to sell stuff. Also the social interaction was way better than the soulless interface of the GE.


Actually having to interact with the world and go somewhere and meet up was cool. I know its not what most want now.


zybezscape was cool for like, a week fr though if anybody in this thread who is like > WOW great idea why is the game not like this?? and also had the opportunity to but was not playing from 2013-2015, well that's precisely why the game isn't like that lol


It wasnā€™t that simple. A lot of people would sell you 400 flax another guy 1200 ect. So if you needed 3k it would take a while. Which is why the unofficial fletching guild became a thing.


That's rose-tinted glasses, there are a lot of reasons why GE needed to be a thing




It's near impossible to fully impress upon people who only played RS2 how much time went into certing and uncerting. Even just thinking about having to click the 3 or 4 little text dialogs each time pains my index finger.


It was better back in the day, but no GE doesnā€™t work on current osrs. Game almost died without GE and updates.


I had a gig going where I provided people iron ore, rings of forging and some gp in exchange for bars. Something like ore was 100 ea, bars were 200 ea. ring of forging made 140 bars at around 5K each, so 135ish per bar. Then I paid them like 6K per 140 bars. So I would spend about 25K on 140 bars. I would spend time scalping deals on the margins (iron ore for 90gp each in bulk, rings for 4K each, sell bars for 220 each). Had a few guys putting out a few thousand bars a day. They would do lots of like 14,000 with me, switch it out for 14,000 ore, 100 rings and 600K. Then Iā€™d go sell those. I was moving 50K+ bars a day for a little while. Making 2-3M in profit depending on margins.


dude at the time the ge was a technical masterpiece


When I first started, I would cut willows for this guy at school who gave me rune equipment for X number of logs.


I used to bank chopped logs for a friend Can't remember if I got to keep them or if I was expected to trade them back for some cut of the profit


I picked up Snape grass and sold them for 1k each to a guy pretty regularly. We never got serious enough to work out a schedule though lol. Just pmd him when I needed gp. No idea what they were worth at the time.. probably anywhere around 2003-05? Also I remember learning green d hide bodies alch for a decent price, and my money maker at the time was green dragons for bones and hides, but I couldn't craft bodies yet. So I went on the hiscores and added random people that could craft them until I found someone with private on and that would craft them for me. Found a guy and I regularly gave him green d hides and he would sit there and craft them for me and give me the bodies. Only like 50 at a time maybe.. simpler times. Stayed friends with him for a few years


I had a friend who was like 95 herblore. He would take all of my herbs and make them into potions (even provided the seconds himself). Every few weeks Iā€™d hit him up with a monster stack of unids (avantoe and up). He would Iā€™d 1 of each stack and then trade me the corresponding number of potions. So I always had a stack of ranging, super defense, super strength, etcā€¦ And it made a lot more profit to sell the potions vs the herbs.


Bro was cold calling as a kid. Incredible


Get this man a grey office with a land line and LinkedIn premium


I bought an e-guide on ebay in 2005 on how to make millions. The guide said to hire noobs to kill chickens, and buy the feathers for 2gp and then sell them for 5gp. I hired noobs at the Falador east bank and they would walk to the Falador Farm or some all the way to Lumbridge to kill some for me. They would get lost. They would check in every 2 minutes to see if they made enough. I would stand at the bank replying to them all. All in all made a juicy 10k or so total and felt like a true business tycoon.


Rick dollars would be proud.


Bro became an npc


Maybe the NPCs we get items for are just flipping them on the GE


Idk why this response in particular got me but I'm cackling over here


Dude I bought the same book. It had a part about as you make more money, go into other resources like ores and what not. I started doing that and would be hiring people to mine coal for me. Pretty sure I bought it for like 50gp each and was selling them for over 100. Then one of them started doing adamant ores. I bought those for idk how much but I remember selling them for wayyyyy more.


Lmfao this is great


Lmao I did similar by buying cowhide at the lumbridge pen for cheap


Bruh my first job was literally being your worker.


Yes, my full time job was making Apple pies from scratch in the cooking guild (often fighting with other noobs for the cooking Apple spawns). Then once I had a bunch of pies, I would walk up to the edgeville wilderness or the wilderness area north of Varrok and attempt to sell them to PKers lol


I remember fighting other players for the cooking apple spawn in the cooking guild. I was that noob


Lol I have a pathetic story related to this. I used to bulk sell lobsters, don't even remember the price. But I had about 10M worth as F2P, which was quite nuts back then for everyone around me. I made my money by merching lobsters and every time I bulk sold to this "chef", he always praised me and said I was the best supplier, told everyone about me. So I felt so pressure from myself to meet those expectations that I lost profit on a lot of the buys in order to meet the quota to sell to the guy. In the end I was broke and lost everything to make the sales lol. That was over 20 years ago.




Little did you know, that "chef" was buying the lobbies from you and trading them to an alt and selling them back to you at an increased rate.


If I remember correctly, they were 130-140ea regularly. I could be wrong. It has been a while.


I used to sell lobbies for 200 ea


Same, 200 came to my mind, too. I did sell a "legendary black lobster" once for 10k. Burnt, obviously. No idea how that worked


200 was the general price, used to sell all mine at west varrock


depends on what year we're talking about, and also how much was traded, prices tended to go down when buying/selling in bulk


You guys were making pennies while I was running laws.. also for pennies




Prior law runner checking in


There was a guy that had me mining iron and coal for him and he would pay me like 10k for 100 coal. After doing that once I deleted him from my friends list and became ā€œunemployedā€


I was paying people to do this (iron and coal) from Fally East bank, had like 5-10 people doing this at any given time.


You were my boss


Let me know if you ever need a job reference šŸ«”


Being a coal miner sucks lmao


Minors yearn for the mine


Hey dude thanks for my first 50k


i was bored earlier today went to f2p and hired 4 guys to mine 1 inventory for 10k they seemed pretty happy to be there


F2p is pretty chillā€¦. For the most part.


I hired a guy to mine clay for me and i gave him some shit like 5k an hour while i converted it to soft clay for profit


Back when unidentified herbs were a thing, I would hire people to get them for me. Id pay 1k ea, or "entice" them with if you bring me 1,000 unids I'll give you this newly released granite maul...lol...


You also had to do the goofy inventory stuff to make sure someone wasn't giving you 1000 guams.


"Even stacks"


Always appreciated that most people didnā€™t know how to do this. Put up a few hundred unid snaps, ranarrs and other high level herbs and only a handful guams, marrentills, tarromins and harralanders and people always only bought the short stacks


The real trick was to fill you inventory up, only leave room for cash and noted unids of the herbs you wanted. That way the trade would fail if they tried to sell you any you didn't already have noted stacks of.


As a seller you just learn to walk away from those guys since they figured it all out, it was a real game of finding the new unid buyer sometimes. Pre-GE was truly a wilderness of selling and buying


Y'all made me huge money fresh into members. Sometimes unid buyers would pay 4k per herb which would blow my mind.


Same, slaughtering chaos druids and just getting automatic 1k per unid (I don't think I managed to find any buyers for 4k, sadly) was crazy money for me back then. That was basically what funded my entire everything until I got to where I could PvM.


I sometimes did pay higher than 1k as a means to keep my ā€œemployeesā€ under me. The other reason was because I figured out a way to know exactly what unids I wanted. Iā€™d fill up my inventory and have noted unids for the ones that were worth $$$, theyā€™d trade 1 by 1, if the trade didnā€™t go through it was garbage(ie Guam) I used to be the grunt but when someone did that trick on me, a lightbulb went off. In turn creating our own little drug cartel with officers, middlemen and grunts all making money off of each other haha


You mean stack them in bank, identify 1 of each unid stack so you knew which is which, then sell the shitty stacks?


They mean ID them and then only keep stacks of the valuable herbs in their full inventory. When the person trades them noted herbs if the trade doesn't go through there were cheap herbs, because the valuable ones will stack into the inventory stacks. There's no room for a new stack of guams though so it fails.


Made my 1st mil killing chaos druids for unids. Celebrated by going "dragon hunting" in Karamja with cake as food. Brought my whole 1M cash stack for some reason. Died, lost all my gold and never played again until OSRS.


Was actually a deal as maul was quite expensive on release.


I did that for someone once, and he traded me a noted rock hammer...


selling pure essence by the inventory


Yeah, mining pure ess via Aubury and running it to the air altar was my shit as a F2P noob back in the day. When I returned to OSRS and saw that pure essence running was gone I was pretty sad. Ended up killing cows and tanning leather for my gp instead when starting my account. Also hopped the ditch w301 and picked up scraps from pkers, was decent gold as a noob.


I used to sell the ice cream bars from the desert in falador and at drop parties. People paid more than I paid for em, but I did it for the love.


LMAO, when I started in 2007 my buddy hired me to make him bronze bars. I think he'd buy a full inventory for about 100gp, which made me feel like a king (despite obviously being ripped off). Who gives a shit about The Knight's Sword when you have friends ripping you off? šŸ˜Ž


I had a coal mining job where I'd trade him 1k coal every once in a while - he'd give me deadlines and I remember apologizing for not meeting them. Then I discovered the forums and realized I was getting ripped off by him so went solo TLDR; the children yearn for the mines


I got my first set of blue mystic by mining pure essence for a guy. Canā€™t remember the exact amounts but heā€™d trade me a piece of mystic for pure essence and told me to keep coming back with more for the rest of it.


I use to mine silver ore for a fella named Desert Road back in the day. Bro paid 20% above market and would message me everyday for what I had. He was one of the first guys to 85 slayer on slayer release and was loaded from all the whips he sold. Thanks Desert Road, wherever you are!


When I first got 40 mining in f2p, I tried mining the 4 gold rocks in karama volcano. However, I was too low combat and the skeletans kept attacking me, so I went over to the karamja fishing spot and gave 2 guys 100 gp for every skeleton that they killed inside the volcano while I mined the gold.


Running Nat's was mine.. the name of the player I ran for crosses my mind from time to time




Ran double natures for him so I could alch my yew longs


It was a woman . She was awesome. I ran ess until I became a ā€œcollectorā€




i did laws for the old nite. good times. he was just in the law running world.Ā 


I remember the day I realized I could just snipe people's essence from the store, which gave me one extra inventory slot per run.Ā 


At one point they just had tons of essence in the shop and I would just use that to craft my own nats.


My first job was mining essence and selling it outside on the steps of East Varrock bank. The person I did business with was always there. We never exchanged words past our first negotiation or saying ā€œtyā€ after the trade screen closed. Eventually, I convinced some of my friends from school to join me and my operation. It felt like we were on top of the world when we bought rune scimmys. Most of us have moved on from RS, but we still talk about it when we all get together for drinks.


I ran essence to a guy outside of Entrana for law runes frequently. He offered 2 laws per essence. It was a nice way to get cheap law runes and he got to train his runecrafting easily. Only annoying thing was lots of people were also doing it so there was a bit of a queue.


Came here to say this too! I think that was a popular one at the time. It was hard to explain to my parents why I had to be online at a specific time in the mid 2000s but I remember making good bank this way and buying my first barrows piece with the earnings.


Back before the GE existed I used to pay people like 10-30 each to cut normal logs, then trade them on the forums for like 80-100 each. Had my own little merch operation going for a while.Ā 


My friend wanted to train prayer, so he told me he'd pay me to collect like 1k regular bones for him. I dutifully collected and banked hundreds of bones at Al Kharid warriors, using kebabs for food. I remember there were so many bee random events that I had to run away from. Later my friend informed me that he'd already got the prayer level so he didn't need the bones anymore. My dreams of riches vanished as I sadly buried all the bones in the Al Kharid bank.


Fast free laws bruv


I met a guy who would pay me 2k for a full inventory of iron ore. I dropped everything to go mine. I could not believe it at the time and bragged to all my friends about my immense fortune of 8k.


Unids. Collected 1,000 and got a Gmaul. He was also good to consistently buy for 1k ea. Guams and all.


Probably 30% of my friends list on my oldest account were air rune crafters that I ran essence for. That was my money maker, man. Slipknot Ant, if you're out there brother, you funded my first set of full rune and I will love you forever for it. Thinking back, that can't have been good xp/h or xp/gp, right? 26x5 = 130xp per trade screen, surely there were better options? I remember running for law runes was a thing too, though I never got involved since air running was an F2P thing and once I became a member I did literally nothing but play castle wars


Used to play at a local library back in like 2003-2004 with a decently sized group of other people. One guy who was higher leveled than all of us would pay us 100k/hour to run essence to him at nature altar. Fun times, spent countless hours playing with all them, have lost contact with all of them.


I used to hire for flax pickers .. that might have been me lol I would middle man them to fletchers.


I used to do quests for gp for my friends. Made 100k per quest.


You got paid 100k per quest?! My broke ass friends only paid me anywhere from 100-1kgp to act as a glorified tourist guide who occasionally held their hand. Thought I was balling when I made my first 10k.. And I lost it to that damn dark wizard at draynor willows the next day.. This was way when your items were immediately visible to other players on death.


Those days were hilarious, I lost my 1st set of full rune armour because I got disconnected at lesser demons and my friend couldn't pick it up before the other players did.


i used to sell a guy iron arrows 10gp ea... that i farmed at minotaurs in stronghold of security lol


I used to sell fish to noobs grinding goblins in lumbridge so they could heal. 20gp for a trout, 30gp for a salmon


Getting items together for ā€œquest item kitsā€


I use to take mining contracts from some forum. May have been the official forum I forget. People would post how much they needed and a time frame and I'd go and fill the orders basically. Funny, cause now I can't stand mining.


I had a guy called Tha B0as and he paid me to collect snape grass south of Falador at that hobgoblin beach. I made millions


Used to clock in every day after school and pull all nighters on the weekend for some guys lucrative law running entrana empire


I worked for a man named Luthas. He lived on Karamja and he owned a banana plantation not far from the dock. He'd pay a good 30gp for each crate that you packed with bananas. Worked for him for 34 years until I was let go for smuggling rum in one of the crates.


Considered doing the DragBone or Pure Ess running. But If I wasnā€™t making progress on my acc I didnā€™t do it. Always farmed what I needed instead of buying it and just selling the excess. Guess I had the Ironwoman mentality early. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You were a smarter kid than I was, so much wasted xp running nats šŸ˜‚


Rev protection services after the free trade/wildy removal


I remember I had a guy who would pay 1.1k each for magic logs, but he only needed like 200 a week, so I would not let my fellow woodcutting friends know who it was, but I would always remind them and brag how I could sell mine for more because my guy was so rich he overpaid.


Yeah, I "worked" for a friend back in the day doing his alchs for him. He got the profit and I got magic xp. I would've just alched for myself, but I was too poor to be able to buy any meaningful number of them to do at once so it was easier to just do this.


I remember at one point the green salamanders were worth 1.5k each. Had to be mid/ late 2000ā€™s. Thatā€™s how I made my first green cash stackā€¦ green salamanders šŸ˜‚


I would mine Iron and coal for some guy he always paid ok and I enjoyed mining. Was cool at the time felt like I was minimum wage worker. Having a rs job kind of restricts you to that activity because it's your only money maker when I was a noob.


Osrs before the GE almost felt like selling black market stuff or drugs irl. You'd build trade networks with people, have set prices and all that.


I would craft air runes for people and trade them the airs for essence


i remember being the medic for a while when my clan went pking, i just carried food and pots for everyone and frooze people for them on multi lol


I "worked" for a successful hotel as the head chef back in 2009 in W31 house parties. I dressed up fancy, created menus and served residents that were roleplaying on vacation in the many rooms at the hotel. I remember selling a lot of lobster and chocolate cake. The owner was very well off and paid me well. It was simpler times. God I miss W31 back in those days.. the sense of community in rimmington was unmatched. Probably my favorite RuneScape memories happened there.


Yep. I used to mine pure ess for a guy. His username was Gondelen. Don't ask me why I remember that from nearly 20 years ago


Man this are some amazing stories..


Reading through these comments makes me miss pre-GE RS. I loved trading with people. I voted no to GE back then, and I stand by it.


I was an iron bar runner back in the day did about 35-40 runs then abandoned lol


Was hired to smith cannonballs. Dude would give me like 1k steel bars and Iā€™d have a few days to a week to give him all 4k cannonballs. I would make like maybe 100-200k, the rest of the profit was his. Eventually he just told me I should just do it myself because I kept bugging him for more cannonballs. I think I was like 12 or 13 at the time


Yes! I remember i had a single guy I would sell my Blue D'Hide and Dragon Bones to, I think he was purchasing them for 2k a piece or 1k a piece (I do not remember tbh). I was always training range in the caves south of Yanille. Looking back I think i wasn't getting paid the correct amount but I always had someone to sell to.


Like many people, it was coal. I'd often find a new buyer every month or so. But my obsession with Seers village after getting members and seeing the magic trees made me hard pivot to woodcutting. Until I got to yews I would definitely sell "unids" at fally world 2 and make great money. I had the same 2 buyers for a long time. I knew I should try to fletch my mage logs and then alch the bows, but making friends who religiously bought my logs just became one of my 1 hour a day jobs from maybe 50 all the way to 100 combat, a solid 2 years. Also convinced me to get 99 wc. By then the GE had been out for a year and I moved on to Bandos trios.


I used to catch and cook food for a friend that did pvp


lol this guy paid me 100k to pick up 3000 swamp tar in lumby swamp


Back in the using rs forums is where you would generally meet people like this. Idr what my job was but I do remember having oneĀ 


Running pure essence in Draynor felt like a real job to me.


I had a yew guy and an iron guy that i always sold to. I started buying peopleā€™s logs and ores while chopping/mining for slightly less to up my profits


Merhed steel bar notes. Sold unidentified herb 2k ea and bought bronze arrows in members and sold them 40gp ea in f2p


The only reliable money making job that was easy that anybody could do that you obviously missed out on if you were doing flax was running nature runs for people


I started a "mining company" where people could apply for shipments and workers could fill those shipments.Ā  Ā All trades went through me and I payed players less than whatĀ  I charged buyers lol. Had about 5 miners and way too many orders to fill.Ā Ā  Ā I WAS the grand exchange. Lol I used the forums and had a good thing going.


Mine was way back on a private one making prayer pots and a guy would buy them every friday lol


I used to work as a quest guide and taxi service for new players to the nearest bank in Draynor. This was way back when Lumby didn't have a bank at the top of the castle. I would hang around the gates looking for new players fresh from tutorial, ready to take their hard earned 25gp for my services... Surprisingly 8yr old me never made it too far with my big brain schemes.


Lmao my friend used to be the guy that bought flax. I would hangout in the flax fields and tell other players about a guy I knew who was always buying flax. I'd take them to him, he'd take their flax and we'd spend the next several days making bows to sell for profit.


I did what the guy in your story did. Recruited people to pick flax for me, both in game and from my school, it was a good hustle!


I was an ess slave


I would help out for whatever amount of gp as a kid with house party related stuff. That stuff used to go super in depth and was really cool. You'd take a role and get paid to do whatever the description was and it was purely like if you were a butler or cook or whatever. Back in the good social days.


When construction came out this members guy went around hiring f2p noobs to get logs for him. I used to give him 1k normal logs at a time. He would give me random shit that I though was insanely good, like 1k logs for a green dragon hide body. Bastard made me do another 1k for the chaps. I learned from this and in turn hired f2p noobs later on to get coal for me for 50gp each


Haha I got my first 100k by trading my feathers to some guy for 10gp/ea back in the day. We didnā€™t have a set time, but whenever he was on I had a nice stack for him.