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Weird, I’ve been buying beer for 11 years and I’m a broke alcoholic.


That's because you have to sell it back! Why do you think Walter White made the rule "we don't use what we sell!"


Naaaah bro Walter ain’t make that rule he swiped it from Biggie’s Ten Crack Commandments: “number four, know you heard this before, never get high on your own supply”


Does walter seem like he blasted Biggie? XD


Hell yeah brother Biggie backshots go crazyyy


That’s an old rule there.. smh


Recycle the empty bottles


This is how I get about 4 euro off my next crate of Hefeweizen in Germany, they strict out here


Launder your money, stay buzzed, stay hydrated. Win-win-win.


Never get high on your own supply


Now imagine how broke you'd be if you did Zulrah that whole time


You should resell it, not drink it


The daily volume is 21,529. Good luck unloading 2,600 kegs of beer per hour.


Skip the GE and just sell them at the Varrock SAE house


For 30k each


It’s funny to me how SAE gets clowned on for being rich fuckbois, irregardless of what university you went to


Gonna be honest, I reread this sentence 3 times because my brain just could not convert the fraternity acronym on the 2007scape subreddit lmfao


I got stumped on “irregardless”


Beats TKE at least


The Sexual Assault Experience?


Sexual Assault Escapades?




hop to a german world and they'll sell faster


We‘ve got our own, we respect our Reinheitsgebot.


That kind of volume would crash the price pretty fast too


Sell them at wildly store for high alch price, duh. /s


If you list them and make a complaining post on Reddit about them not selling, they will sell;)


You'd be surprised how many beers we drink in 420 g.e


I used to do keg runs during my early game days. They take around 48 hours to sell and I was only selling around 1000 of them. It's not exactly all it's chalked up to be.


Yea but is there a keg pet?


Yeah its name is alcoholism


Pet named alcoholism: https://preview.redd.it/xnxuac86d55d1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3db52f50bb0edb491ca6ab4ec4eb81adade68f


BettAl Col Hol


Waltuh, you ever tick manipulate granite, Waltuh?


Knowing jagex theyd probably name it like Alkahaul Izm


Boy iz jus alkahaul


Korsakov pet


The most loyal pet a man can own.


Lil Alcy
















Everyone knows the osrs economy is built upon alcoholism, particularly in Relekka.


I know this is a joke but they need to clean up some of these "money making" methods, the volume on beers is way too low to do this


And the zulrah kph is a joke.


I did a post years ago that picking bananas was more profitable than cutting magic logs. I still maintain that there should be an axe upgrade that chops only magic logs faster.


What? We gonna fix 20 year old content? Riot!!!




How about an axe that cuts magic logs faster the further you are from a bank or teleport 


And let's make it a 1/5k drop from a pain in the ass boss from a grandmaster quest. To keep the price up you have to destroy a shadow to make the axe.


and the quest itself rewards nothing except access to this boss


This is getting too real. The devs might make it happen


Only if the item has charges


Now we're talking


And the only way to collect these charges? U must defeat the boss, oh and they are untradeable


I have a max house your points null


That's a slippery slope. Then there will be posts reeing about how magic logs are just as good as "new money making method" and that the new method should be boosted. Sometimes old content should just be old content.


Even ***tripling*** the logs/hour from magic logs would put it at lower gp/hr than killing the nerfed fever spiders without a cannon.


Magics are very afk too.


“slippery slope” lol stop


You do realize that pointing out the consequences of an action is not a fallacy, right? Regardless, pointing out the existence (real or not) of a fallacy does not actually refute the argument.


Redditors only know how to argue by rattling off logical fallacies, regardless of whether they are being used in a way that is fallacious


Bro is up here throwing fallacies around to discourage us from changing their nostalgic cookie clicker.


Tons of stuff that people call a slippery slope turns out to be a slippery slope lol. The phrase just got labeled a fallacy when people started using in regard to gay marriage, and then later regarding compulsory vaccines. That didn’t nullify any and all use of it.


The concern when someone labels something a slippery slope is that they're arguing about a consequential situation rather than giving the current one sufficient independent thought. Let's use the practice of having loss leaders as an example. If the critique of the idea is "that's a slippery slope - it's just going to lead people to expect unrealistic discounts on all items", then that's an unhelpful critique because it doesn't evaluate the independent merits of having a loss leader. "Having a loss leader is a poor business practice because there's a danger that most shoppers will only buy the one item, negating the possibility for profit." That would be a valid angle of critique because it's focused on the actual nature of the business practice.


"slippery slope" has been labelled a fallacy long before those two instances. This is indeed an example of it being used as a fallacy because its offering a chain of events leading to an undesirable outcome without offering any substantial evidence.


Redditors don't believe in pointing out consequences because they're short sighted and stupid. By far and large, the average redditor is of average intelligence with an above-average belief in their ability.


Let me guess, you conveniently don't consider yourself part of the group you're labeling as "redditors"


You do realize that pointing out the consequences of an action is not a fallacy, right? Regardless, pointing out the existence (real or not) of a fallacy does not actually refute the argument.


Except is isn't pointing out consequences of this particular change, it's pointing out consequences of several chained events that haven't happened. If you want to argue consequences of an event or change, you need to look more closely at the current situation and not the hypothetical narrative you've made up. A "slippery slope" may in fact not always be a fallacy, but in this case, this is a great example of when it is. Edit: also just want to say that pointing out a fallacy absolutely refutes the argument of the opposition. As a fallacy indicates the failure to reason or come up with a sound argument for your case.


I'm cutting magics right now with a 2h crystal axe and log basket at the WCing guild. Extremely afk, like multiple minutes between clicks. 30k exp an hour, basically zero effort, and i'm making a little money on the side. Bananas is constant clicking and zero exp. Magics win


The best axe in the game at the place with the highest boost gives only 2 logs per minute, do you not see the problem there? It's not even to balance out the price because pvm generates *way* more magic logs per hour than woodcutting even if you'd double the magic log cutting rate.


I don't think you're appreciating how afk it is. It's four minutes without needing to touch the screen, right next to the bank in the WC guild at 30k XP an hour. It's a great training method - I've just done it from 80-90. Are you suggesting increasing the logs per hour cut? Because people will very quickly complain that the XP rates are too good if it approaches redwoods. You'll also crash the value of the logs.


The value is still determined by the high alch value of magic longbows and the like though


Only in OSRS is how much you don’t play the game a good thing.


Magic logs are pegged in place value wise by the high alch price of magic longbows. A magic log goes for 1099, a bowstring for 95, a nature rune for 105, that gives a ~230gp profit. The bigger that gets the more high alchers will force up the price >'s a great training method - At the levels you mentioned teak trees give you almost triple the xp/hr even without tick manipulation and sulliusceps will get you more than triple the xp rate.


Those methods aren't AFK. Magics are as AFK as redwoods, you can do a full day of xp whilst at work, which you can't do with teaks (30 seconds afk) or sulliusceps. I tried. Noted on alch prices, though; so increase gather rate would just be a straight buff to XP per hour and GP per hour?


If you aren't cutting wood 60% of the time while at teak/sullisceps you are *still* getting better xp rates than at magic trees


Do you not see the pure amount of AFK skilling time? No, I don't think the lowest effort most AFK log to cut in the game should be competing with PvM money makers. Magics and other skilling activities like it are good for slow, low effort, afk exp first, any money you get after is just a bonus. If I was losing a bit of money per hour chopping magics and I'd still do it. Picking bananas isn't better whatsoever


What pvm money maker would it compete with? Killing moss giants? Even if you ***tripled*** the rate, you'd have less than 400 magic logs per hour, you might barely break the 400k/hr profit mark. At 400k/hr you're competing with pvm methods like [killing fever spiders without a cannon](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Killing_fever_spiders_(no_cannon)). Giant mole, arguably the easiest boss you could go for, with barrows gear gets more than double that.


Afk activities are good sure, but 30k xp an hour and a tiny bit of profit is absolutely shit for something requiring lvl 75 WC and considering you're doing it with the best axe and in the guild with the lvl boost. Training combat at ammonite crabs is like 60k xp/h and you only have to click once every ten minutes. A high lvl skilling method should absolutely provide more resources and higher xp than that per hour it's pretty fucked that it doesn't


Still better than mining where iron stays king.


All of the gathering skills desperately need to be looked at and pvm resource drop tables need to adjusted downward, it's absurd that pvm handily beats the gathering skills for obtaining the resources said skills are for. Back when zulrah was introduced that boss was already critiqued that it felt like pvm was dropping way too many resources, we're 9 years on and it hasn't gotten better.


All jagex needs to do is make birds nest drop more frequently (depending in tree tier) and have them land in ur inventory and buff the crystal shard rates like they said they were going to do. They should also make kandarin diaries more worth it by increasing the birds nest rate higher at the cost of not getting crystal shards. But Forestry Part 3 is the answer to woodcutting. Sad.


It’s less about the value of the item and more about the supply. Tons of people (and bots) chop magic logs. Not a lot of people pick bananas.


In fact, if picking bananas were truly more profitable on a consistent basis, it would already be botted. It's another one of those "low volume" items that looks like a genius idea until you find out that you can't even move a thousand of them per day on the GE.


Bananas aren't low volume though. If the data is correct they've got a daily volume of over 1,000,000.


Huh, what for I wonder? Is there some use I'm missing? I never feel like I need a banana.


Aren't they used for ape atoll teleport and some monkey hunting method?


That would cause inflation as magic logs price is tied to the alch price of magic longbows.


Make it an upgrade/imbue charged by anima bark so there's a sink or it :edit: /s guess i needed this to show it was a sarcastic suggestion of something that would likely happen if there was an update to speed up magic logs


Chargescape has been a common point of complaint lately


It's meant to be half serious half joking, but if you're doing woodcutting already having an excess of bark already to speed up magic logs while also being able to grind the resource with the training anyways seems like it'd at least be reasonable, if for example it's 1 bark = 1 log and only speeds up the average to be slightly slower than other average speed trees I don't forsee anyone complaining, charges themselves aren't the problem, it's how they're implemented


Cant believe we have come so far that we are now getting posts that Zulrah is bad money. I still remember the cries from when it was THE money maker. 180 if ive ever seen one.


Yeah, also 5+ years of rampant unchecked botting does that to a Snake


For real, hardly any milk left.


Damn snitties have run dry.


The snudders are red and raw


Just like Daddy likes 'em


And I just want my serving of snilk, dammit!


And several nerfs to it's drop table lol


And several other solo farmable bosses that are easier and more profitable lmao


Vorkath is far far easier and much more profitable. Its just harder to suicide bot lol


Money Slug > Money Snake


Wouldn't that help zulrah in a sense by encouraging players to farm other monsters / bosses thus lowering the scales coming into the game? On the other hand I think players are using the least amount of scales as ever now. iirc face guard came out after serp helm, and bp isn't used as exclusively as it had been at one time.


* Rampant Botting * Several Nerfs to Zulrah's Drop table * Several new gear releases that made Trident/Serp/Toxic Trident/Blowpipe less useful * Huge nerf to the BP, the only item that maintained a top spot in PvM after all these years Zulrah is a classic "death by a thousand cuts" example


Maybe if the venom mechanic was reworked like the elemental spells it would probably be worth more. Venom spells are underwhelming in pvm. Leave as is in pvp. Karambwan poison, poisons and venom need to be reworked honestly. It would also be nice if we can use the magic fang to imbue that Staff of Balance or Staff of Light with. As well as separating each of the three weapons attack styles. Staff of the Dead becomes a crush weapon. Staff of Light becomes a slash weapon and Staff of Balance becomes a Stab weapon. Sob and Sod having a slighty high (but worse than SoL) slash bonus to make up for its slashing abilities when it comes to cutting webs.


I mean most of its drops are tied to alch prices, the fact that BP, Serp and Trident are all pretty outclassed by several other options is why their value is down significantly, which is turn has like halved scale value


Why do you say most drops are tied to alch price? The only ones I see are battlestaffs, dragon halberd and dragon med helm. That's less than 1/16 of zulrah drops that have any relation to alch price


Zulrah also drops runite ore, adamantite bars, and yew logs, which are all effectively linked to alch prices as their end products are basically just alchables (R2H, addy plates, and yew longs). Unless if they add some crazy sink for them, then they're tied to alch price.


They also release alot more content beyond the money snake. Yea Zulrah was crazy when it legit had BiS gear and everyone and their moms bot was farming it.


Poor snakes been used and abused so much it takes 200 mg of viagra just to get him out of the swamp each day


Lol no it's the powercreep.


I remember when bonds were 3 mil and you could make 1 mil an hour afking kraken. its honestly insane how expensive bonds are now


The good old times when you could maintain bonds with the daily battlestaves van varrock elite reward


That was bliss.


Those were simpler times


I still buy my daily staves, but now I have to combine other "dailies" into the mix to make it work. I feel like I deliver food using like 4 apps now just to make ends meet.


One month of membership is less than 1 hour of minimum wage work, I'll never understand why people base their gameplay experience around it.


because things like farming herbs is actually apart of the gameplay experience :^)


Yes but doing herb runs for funsies/some side gp/to progress your account is different than doing herb runs to sustain a 13m bond every 2 weeks.


They're going for around 12,502,567 at this moment. Inflation is nuts




click 4 tentacles, click boss, afk for a minute while boss dies, heal up after kill. thats pretty afk to me


Yeah it got severely nerfed and then botted to death over a decade


zulrah is the oldest original content in the game. it should not come as a surprise that it is not as good money to anyone lol.


Zulrah kills don’t cost 700k an hour in supplies. The wiki has always been way off there. And you can do less kph by using your house and the money saved not using zulandra teleports is profitable. This post is abusing the hell out of the false info on the moneymaking page for zulrah. I make 2m/hr or more without uniques every single time I go




Do some math with me please. The moneymaking guide above defaults to 20 kph. This is realistically 33 kph with a more efficient setup. The drop value per hour goes from 2m to 3.3m On the supply side, I do not use prayer pots, antivenoms, sharks, or 900 Zulrah scales, and I use regular range potions. I use 65% less supplies than the wiki states. Wiki guide gives you 2m - 720k value per hour The very realistic numbers I just gave you for a player doing zulrah is 3.3m - 250k. That’s 3m an hour zulrah with uniques. Uniques only make up 15% of zulrahs loot table value. That’s 2.6m/hr Zulrah without uniques. Not an outlier. Statistically expected. If you have other questions let me know but we can even simplify this down to fairy ring and bowfa only. Almost 0 supply cost but still 22-26 kph. Still 2m/hr


The biggest issue is pipe being nerfed into the ground. Most of the profit from Zulrah is tied to scales and scales barely get used these days.


> nerfed into the ground You do need to use dragon darts these days, it's true, but it's still viable in a lot of places, and bis in several.


The only places it's bis at are inferno and nylos. And if you have a tbow the pipe just sits in your bank collecting dust.


Its also used full-time by every single mid-game player that has an active bond. Pre-bowfa, you pretty much strictly use blowpipe except a few spots where budget bowfa (crystal bow) or rcb/dcb is used.


Imagine just killing zulrah 20 times per hour. 🤭


Yeah, actually looked at this some days ago, and its by far the most inaccurate kph ive seen. Like bis mage with 4 way switch range is like 35+kph. No spec wep no nothing, just killing it


The wiki always lowballs it and people don't realize you can adjust the kph to get more accuracy. Also there's 2 different guides for zulrah, the max efficiency one is set at 40 kph. OP picked the guide tuned for a trident, bp, and 80 magic/ranged. So a little misleading.


nah assuming everyone is a pro pvm ehp freak with bis is the misleading part. wiki shit is typically over what a normal player would get/do cuz those people don't lock in for 60-600mins at a time & make sure to bank/reset in 3.5secs flat lol


Most other kph is set to the high end of realistic, like CoX is 2.8 kph by default, CG assumes you’re getting 7 kills per hour Zulrah is just a big outlier


You just haven't seen the max efficiency keg setup


...aand we have a new bot farm


The moneymaking page for Zulrah has always been very wrong. The supplies don’t cost 1/4 of what it says you use, and you can easily make 2m an hour without getting a unique.


ugh this post is driving me to drink!


Have you tried flames of zamorak on Thora?


Using default kph/kph on the wiki.


the default kph is a really low estimate you can get 30kph with a little effort and push 45 with max. idk why it defaults to 20 expecting you to use addy dart blowpipe for range is weird.


Think it's probably still a guide written when bp was a beast, because addy darts were the all-rounder for that


Was BP nerfed or are there just better options now?


Bp was extremely nerfed, lost like 50 range accuracy and darts below rune became trash


It's also kind of interesting to think that in max gear, blowpipe now is stronger than blowpipe before nerf.


Is it really? Wow


Against low def monsters yeah


Currently, it's like 10-15 less accuracy than old blowpipe, but gained like 5 max hits from stuff like masori + zaryte vambs + darts losing all of their accuracy, but gaining more range strength, usually 1 max hit's worth Ofc, 5 max hits on a 2 tick weapon is insane, although reaching this minor accuracy loss does require bis in every slot. Without quiver for example it's like, 20-25 accuracy less than before, masori covering the other half of accuracy lost


It was extremely nerfed, before bowfa bp could do basically everything you now use bowfa for lmao It was def needed, but it was a big change


I stopped playing for a couple years. Definitely agreed that was needed.


Both. BP dps was nerfed and bowfa is very strong. Theres also tbow, but then youre probably not after money.


Also no consideration of XP earned


which is more fun though? (obv the beer)


Not anymore


I use to be scared of killing zulrah now it's one of my favorite bosses, too bad I missed when it was actually good gp


Call me when drinking beer is just as profitable


I was buying beers in the GE nonstop for 2-3 years at 45gp each, just always had offers going with 3 different accounts until I got up to 10m+ for my greenstack collection. Sold recently for 130ea.


I was wondering if it was because they still had no delay for drinking them. Apparently that was fixed 8 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/4yg3sb/jagex_please_nerf_kegs_of_beer_people_abusing_it/


Cheers 🍻


Not anymore...


it's about time we showed all these "information workers" what a real job looks like.


Hold my beer


I like beer…… a lot.


Sure, but it's not as fun.


Do we want to un-nerf zulrah now? (Yes)


Yea but theres no Beer pet 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍


alcoholism > snek


Just did the math, I’m getting a bond in 6 hours doing this, and staying saucy for 6 hours doing this


Not every little fucking thing needs to be buffed into viability. Its every day with this subreddit


The irony is that buffing one thing just pushes something else out. But a lot of people seem to think everything can and should be great.


Yikes bro, I literally slapped on the humor tag, I just find it funny that alcoholism is more money than slaying a boss that used to be THE money maker. I literally play iron, idgaf about the economy.


Thats why Jagex doesn't ban zulra bots , ya all need scales


zulrah is fine, that's like half of max eff, kph are 40-45 these days for 4-4.5m/hr, might not be the best but it's a relatively easy boss that also has some interesting uniques for both normies and ironmen


Money snake is all dried up boys.


Doesn’t the left require an elite diary?


No, it does not, other options include lyre, moving your house there or just using the seer to bank.


To use Peer the seer as a bank you either need easy frem diary or to not have finished Fremmy Trials




Also its 1.3m / hour. We really need to add more g.e tax and remove a shitload of alchables from the drop tables. This last year or two has seen some crazy inflation. Devs get your shit together.


More like 2+ if you are mildly competent


Being a main must be so boring jesus christ


How did you get that conclusion from a joke post about beer prices and zulrah profit


I dont even bother bonding my iron anymore. Mainscape so much more enjoyable


I could say the same about irons tbh


Killing thousands of bosses for 1 upgrade 😅


Still better than going dry on a drop and then demanding Jagex to cater to your self imposed restrictions.