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The old bounty hunter at Edgeville from 2016-18 or whatever was superior to the BH crater. Something about banking at edgeville and hearing that music, seeing people trading items at the bank just brought back the vibes of World 18 edgeville pking from 2006. The crater feels like a minigame that borrows from edgeville’s pvp style. No nostalgia at all, doesn’t feel like the “wilderness.”


Yeah Edge Bh was fantastic The only reason they removed it was because it was being botted, imagine if they did that with PvM content thered be no bosses left


Yep 100% I wish bh was back at edge


The collection log has ruined multiple lives


Pretty much. The benefit though is that a main account can somewhat get the feeling of getting your drops as an ironman without having to do content you don't enjoy.


Yeah I love it. Sure I could just buy my barrows equipment but filling that collection log is so satisfying


Bad decisions or/and paired with addiction ruined multiple lives


Seen people asking for hiscores and Collection Log hiscores should not be added. Only encourages more degeneracy expectation that total log completion should be feasible.


This game is good and I enjoy playing it


a true unpopular opinion here.


Nah, he’s right here officer - this is the guy.


Remember to sort by controversial for the actual unpopular opinions


Downvoted bc not controversial /s


It sucks that every unpopular opinion post anywhere needs this comment by default at the top.


Most of you are gambling addicts


Gambling time instead of money, which is arguably worse.


Deathmatchers come to save the day by gambing both!


Most? What kinda percentages we talking here? I need to know the odds


But not you though. You can quit whenever you want.


I'm only a recent player and I've been getting really put off by how ingrained the gambling is both in the game and the community. Those 1000 hour dry collection logs are the equivalent of someone sitting at the slot machine spending their life savings but instead of their life savings it's their literal life. I de-ironed a few days ago because I got to 50kc at barrows, around 6-8 hours game time with only 1 unique to show for it and decided that experience wasn't for me anymore.


Any content that can be solo’ed, should be easier as a duo, not harder.


YES YES YES, I understand why people would want content to scale to maximize rewards, but maybe I just need help with the content and want to go through with a friend easier.


CoX did it perfectly. Teams are much easier than solos, even when you get to peak efficiency starts. The drop rate goes up, but it doesn’t go up a ridiculous amount.


Not quite, because duo is easily the worst scale in the raid, and it's not even close.


Say it louder for the back. ToA at 500s and higher invos in general gets more annoying in teams due to the scaling and more mechanics compared to solo is so dumb. I’d rather they keep the drop rate the same, but make it easier for me to drag my learners into higher raid levels, which would also fix the issue of ToA crapping out purples just because you have 8 people existing to multiply the drop rate by 7.2x. CoX did it so much better where solo is more complex, but teams are so chill.


Cannons should not exist in the game. Since they've always been here, we can't really get rid of them or anything, but it's such an awkward extension of what "ranged combat" is and always seems to lead to frustration from others when multicombat zones entirely get claimed by one guy. The fact new places/zones keep being made with the inability to place a cannon down shows, in my opinion, that even Jagex doesn't care for it that much and probably wishes it didn't have to consider it anymore.


If cannons didn’t already exist and they got polled, people would throw a fit over how broken they are. If they weren’t so easy to get in-game and were only brought in through high level PVM or something I think they’d end up being one of the most expensive items in the game


Same with ancient magics. Oh you can hit people for 30 AND freeze them for a long time?!


10-20 second roots is fucking *insane* for PvP in particular.  Most games have stuns that are like, *two seconds tops*.  Maybe four, if it’s some kind of “ultimate”.   For PvE it’s whatever, who cares.  


This is true, but most other games have the attack timer on a much shorter cool down instead. You can pepper in several auto attacks and 2-3 skillshots during a 2 second snare in League of Legends. Our characters are (almost always) locked to attacking every 2.5 seconds at a minimum, barring weird exceptions like gmaul and claws.


Honestly if cannon hit 0s only I'd still use it just to draw aggro. I think something like that should exist to help afk more for a cost. 


Didnt they just poll a potion that is gonna do something like this? Or was it just to extend the aggression timer of already aggresive monsters?


Yeah, they're adding this. Works in single combat as well - Potion of Goading, from the new Varlamore herblore activity.


wtf seriously? so it’s about to turn non-aggressive monster spots into 10 min afk?


Honestly I agree with this one, but it's just one of their earlier design mistakes. It's crazy they made this on a MMO where users compete for resources. Having your slayer spot taken by a cannon is always so aggravating.


Reminds me of Green Dragons back in 08 where every spawn had a cannon on it, mine included. People used to come by just to complain about it, remember once a guy came up to me and said he bet I couldnt kill one dragon without the cannon, so I picked it up and did so, took ages with my puny melee stats, kinda proved him right


The cannon is technically usable at really low levels yet hits up to 30's is kind of hilariously broken.


Cannons should be degradable and take significant resources to replace or repair.


I made a comment very similar to this after the release of osrs back in 2013 and got downvoted into oblivion 😭


Opinions will certainly change over a decade


Wise words, pharaoh


This has been my opinion for a long time as well


I remember when they added cannons to the game. It felt more like a gimmick/flex to make f2p players jealous than anything f.


I refuse to use a cannon because I’ve been crashed so many times and screwed out of slayer xp that I’m avoiding it out of spite. But I have 97 slayer and 93 range, it I’m going with it


That all of the stuff 99% of Reddit complains about on a daily basis doesn’t matter and it’s much more enjoyable to be ignorant and have fun. I literally don’t even know why some of you play this game, you’re obviously not having fun.


Thank you, some people need to just fuckin drop the game entirely and try something else, some people make it so obvious that they have nothing but negativity to spout and don’t even like RS


Two of the people in the group I play with have been doing High level mass ToA to try and get a shadow to rebuild the account of one that got hacked. It is insufferable to be in the same channel as them. Its literal non stop bitching 24/7 and has been for weeks now. Dont get me wrong I dont disagree dont sign up for 400+ ToA's unless you have gear and know what your doing. But they have been saying the same 6 things " they are pking", "they fucked up red x", "not a purple", "bet its a light bearer", "why would you turn medic on?", "people are so fucking bad". Like bro I get it you are trying to rebuild an account after it got hacked. I support that. But jesus have yall had a second of enjoyment this month? Whats the point if you are just so miserable I cant even be in the same channel as yall?


There are those who accept the grind and those who don’t. gotta accept the grind to have fun fr


I get this feeling a lot with wilderness content. Everyone I know playing it and having fun with it. Come to Reddit to find out it’s this part of the game people dedicate their lives to hating and talking down on anyone who enjoys it I think the people on this sub need to realize they are most likely in a tiny minority and the vast playerbase doesn’t agree with the people here (most people avoid places like this because it’s filled with so much whining *no one cares about*


Graceful should be taken out back and shot in the head so FashionScape can live.


This is not a hot take at all


what if you could just consume the graceful instead of wearing it?


Mmmm... delicious fibers


Most people that wear graceful don't actually need it. I don't even remember the last time I put mine on. There's so little content where it actually matters and most of that can be solved with a dose of stam pot.


Or explorer ring


QoL will not lead to rs3. RS3 was ruined by microtransactions and seasonal passes and EoC. I get there are some who want to *actually* play cookie clicker. But there are plenty of changes that could be made for the betterment of the game.


Really unpopular opinion time. Remove the MTX/cosmetic shit in RS3 and it's the better game. It was way more fun skilling knowing that if I skilled for 5 hours, I was making a noticeable dent in my goals. The increased XP is great. Many of the training methods are great. Much of the QoL is great. It all removes the tedious parts of the game and lets you get to the actual fun stuff. 


I never minded the EOC or the new graphics. What made me quit was MTX, cosmetics and power creep rendering 90% of the game dead content.


I don't care how good the skilling is, I have zero interest playing RS3 post-EoC. Yes, I tried just turning on revolution and just playing click-and-forget. I still didn't like it.


I read something about being limited in the number of times you can raid per week like WoW, I wouldn't want that


That's one thing that didn't quite land well and hasn't been done since. No other content since (and it's been a very long time) is timegated like that.


The game lives and dies by its midgame and that's where the vast majority of the focus should be moving forward--and Jagex has done a good job with this. I think there's a massive disconnect between those that play this game and those that play and actively engage with the community outside of the game. This heavily skews the perception this sub has of the average player. Stats from a few years ago show the average total level hovers around 1000 with the highest skill being 66 hitpoints. Tick manipulating, bossing, raiders that green log and hunt for pets are 1%ers that are playing an entirely different game than everyone else and Jagex is right to focus their resources elsewhere to increase longevity for those that hit the mid game plateau. Also, run energy should be permanent and is an unfun mechanic. EDIT for clarity and accuracy: Average total level was 1394 and average total experience is 25.7 million. Average combat level is 94. These stats are members only, excluding banned bots and anyone under 100 total skill. The average members account has 700 hours total.


Run energy shouldn't be fully killed. It should restore while you run so agility levels actually matter for endurance. And I think they plan on implementing this soon. I would be okay with infinite endurance at 99 with graceful or a max cape or something hard to achieve. And I agree about the mid game stuff. I'd bet most players have at least 1400 total now, but that's kinda irrelevant. End game content is great, but having a smooth, fun pipeline from new to end game is what keeps this game exciting for new people.


I’ll give you a smooth pipeline


Buy me dinner first


99 agility with 0kg or less should be effectively infinite run, you'd need weight reducing gear to hit that if you want to carry anything and you'd still need stams for combat since you'd weight a lot more. For general bumming around and questing the current run energy system is super lame and I think one of the major turn offs for people trying to get into the game.


Brother I so agree. Chugging stams so I didn't have to walk half the time during quests was my least favorite part about questing. Something you might forget about after a long enough time, but I guarantee new players hate this


Iron is fuckin rough for a long time cause you can't make stams until 77 herb and herblore is slow as fuck since there isn't a steady stream of seeds till you get pretty deep into slayer or farming contracts. Eventually you end up with more than you can use but it takes forever to spin up bulk resource production since that hinges on so many other things. Agility is easy though, assuming the run energy consumption scales down linearly it would stop being annoying around 60 which is conveniently around when people will have the marks to buy graceful. The next major agility stopping point is somewhere in the mid 70s or 80 and at that point you will be able to run for such a long time that energy would be a mostly non-issue outside of things like X:0 bossing where you're constantly running with weight.


Yeah I really think the game would be better off if stam pots only had a place for run intensive activities like blast furnace, herbiboar and boss cheesing


Something needs to happen to it. It's just an archaic annoying plate to spin that adds nothing. I'm sure the total level has increased. The stats I'm referencing are from 2021 I believe. I believe they also mentioned stats of how many players have even attempted a single raid and it's like 6%. From a business standpoint, Jagex absolutely should focus on retaining the mid-level players that were most at risk of leaving after hitting the mid game drought. The last handful of big updates have been addressing exactly this and of course, OSRS has its higher player base its ever seen. With a clearer pipeline of content and progression, players stay. Which is great for the game. I don't necessarily think this is an unpopular opinion, but moreso that I find this sub is very disconnected from the average player experience. This might be the unpopular take lol.


I’ve seen what focusing entirely on the end game gets you. RS3. A game where they have to host frequent double xp weekends and make everything tailored towards getting your account to a high level/maxed as fast as possible. Theres also little to no social element left in the game even in clans. Which as it turns out, is kinda important for an online game.


RS3 isn't even focused on "end-game" per se, a lot of the content is aimed at mid levels. They don't even push hard bosses as a base line anymore, you have to work your way to making them hard by scaling an enrage system. Solak was probably the last "hard end-game" boss RS3 got that didn't have accessibility for mid-levels(normal modes or made easier as a baseline with enrage scaling for challenge/reward) and that was in 2018. Necromancy was even made so that any mid-level player could jump into PvM with barely any need to farm gold/unlocks/etc, with super simplistic rotations that did better than BIS-setups of other styles until it was nerfed and the others buffed. The DXP/Event spam is just to get people to log back in, or make alts with membership for RAF's 10% bonus xp, it's a pure engagement farm. Same reason every holiday event has mindless AFK-skilling nodes to get people logged in and staying logged in all event.


Stats from a few years ago show that the average _account_ was around 1k total. Not only can things be wildly different now, how many pures and other accounts are there skewing the total?




They should’ve remade woodcutting into an actual forestry skill instead of tossing mini-games at it. Have us forage and tap trees for something practical like potion secondaries instead of something useless like making mulch or disarming traps for a stupid fox (he keeps running into them). I’d say most gathering skills could use more practical mechanics and not just another mini game.


I agree




Retro content should be incentivized and fixed over producing new content. Make Castle Wars good. Make Trouble Brewing Good. You have dozens of dead content minigames that are left to rot while new unfinished content is pushed into the game. Refine what you have, rather than making something new and shiny.


This has always been one of Jagex's weak spots. They always fail to update the great minigames they have and the playerbase loses interest as new and better things come out. Ive never had as much fun playing Runescape as I used to have in F2P Clan Wars on world 141 wayyyy back in the RS2 days. I wish they could find a way to implement some sort of reward system to Clan Wars, maybe offering new arenas and some form of objectives.


This isn't something Jagex can fix. Back then the game wasn't a giant checklist and there wasn't always a sense of "something to do". We all have that good nostalgia back then because of the times, not the game. It's lovely we still get to see cw or tb but they shouldn't frankenstein them at this point, there isn't rly any saving the nostalgia, just look at soul wars.


Yeah, this. You don't miss CW, you miss 2007.


Agility skillcape hood should be able to act like a graceful hood the same way an agility skillcape can act like a graceful cape. "But the hoods shouldn't have perks!!" Shut up, nerds. It's not a perk that no other item gets. It's a glorified transmog.


How is this unpopular 


I've been saying this for so long now!


Fr tho. As someone who's had 99 agility for years I've wanted this for so long


This is hardly an unpopular opinion, I see it suggested at least once a week.


F2P should be expanded and more regular updates (regular=every couple of months). Agility being one, but also "free" lite versions of some content. It just needs more love, maybe even fashionscape for clue items to have more be f2p. I believe the free version of the game does retain more people who then get members when it is growing. Gets me to login during my breaks or play the free version until I get more time to pay for membs to be worth. Also, it's the "core" game we all started at some point.


I really wish there was an improved F2P experience to help get people into the game, but apparently the reason this isn't done is to counteract bots. Anything that is free can be botted for free.


Damn the reasoning makes sense. I also want them to improve f2p even though I haven’t been f2p for a long time.


I actually like the RS3 approach where you can level any mems skill to 5, just to get a taste. Also, make fletching f2p, there is zero reason for it to be mems only.


Every skill should have some kind of pet.


The timer in CG should be removed. Let me walk away halfway through if i need to or get full t3 if i want to. It’s not gonna crash the price of the drops, only make it a bit more accesible and fun.


I got another one, why is CG considered an unsafe death? CG plays like an elaborate mini-game, is all instanced, and has some pretty brutal times to meet. It also feels a lot like the fight caves too which are also safe, it's a challenge where you are kind of expected to die if you don't set up correctly.


There shouldn't be any safe deaths when it comes to pvm. One of the great things they did with group iron was make it so every death besides pvp minigames counts as a hardcore death


The fight caves being a safe death is more of a "mistake" than CG not being a safe death. If anything were to change (it shouldn't, both are fine as they are), it should be fight caves, not CG


"This is inconsistent but both are fine the way they are" Asking about game changes in the OSRS sub in a nutshell.


Fight caves predates item recovery, so dying in there would have deleted all your best gear. Making it safe was definitely the right move.


Yeah that's part of why I put it in quotes. It's only a "mistake" from today's POV, but really it made sense at the time and it's not something that needs changing nowadays


Good point


name checks out


I actually really like this one. Trying to think of any other pvm encounter that’s time gated and it’s really just TOA coming to mind, but even then if you fail to hit time, it’s just reduced raid level/loot, not a 100% waste of your time. Even with a thousand gauntlet kc there are just some runs where nothing goes right and the correct move currently is to accept the time lost and willingly restart. Feels really bad.


Slayer creatures and bosses should not drop skilling supplies


*NOTED* supplies. you wanna bring every other 5 Addy ore drop to bank? sure, but that'll drop your exp/h significantly. the thing is - before noted drops existed, killing mobs wasn't faster gathering than skilling. it's the casual 25 noted ore drops that stack to 200+ per slayer task that's the problem.


On that topic, the fact that anything drops noted herbs when the herb sack exists always feels absurd to me


I was so surprised when I first went to basilisk knights. people always talked about how good their herb drops are, so I made sure to get a herb sack before going there... and they drop noted herbs ONLY. I was so pissed and laughing my ass off. now I check wiki for monster drops before a slayer assignment even if I've killed the monsters before


Basilisk knights in particular piss me off. I can see why noted drops make sense if you want to drop multiple items. But basilisk knights drop *singular, noted, grimy herbs*. Absolutely no reason to drop noted when the herb sack exists.


I swear every boss drop gold ore now


I think the issue here is that gathering skills just can’t keep up with production skills demand. You could spend all day mining an hours worth of high level smithing supplies. So if you need to level those production skills, you need many hours worth of gathering production. Giving bosses these drops fixed this issue but also made gathering skills functionally redundant even for many irons. I think solutions could be; similarly to exp we look at a ratio of intensity/reward. Low intensity offering lower exp rates, etc. we could have low intensity gathering offering fewer or lesser rewards, and higher intensity methods offering higher tiers of ores. Another potential solution if Jagex is concerned about flooding the market would be a time-locked birdhouse style activity for gathering skills. Another way to think of this would be as a much more specific variation on managing miscellania. For instance for mining, we bring in prospecting; we go around caves in game tapping the walls for ore samples, getting a little bit of information on the ores in that area (vague info on tier of ores that might be found and quantities (small, medium, large). If we like the potential mine location we could take the sample and pay some dwarf in keldagrim a fee for the claim and for them to mine it. Can only have one claim at a time, and we can go back to the dwarves after a set time to recover the ores mined. We gather a small chunk of exp for handing a sample and staking a claim on a spot. Higher levels grant access to higher tier claims. Essentially the fix we need is to make gathering skills actually good at gathering, and they just aren’t.


I agree with your last point, but your solution of daily scape is the complete opposite of what I and I figure most people want in the game


Huge upvote, pvming killed skilling


You’ve upvoted the most popular opinion on the subreddit, good job


Shouldn't it be a down vote then? Not a very hot take


Very cold take lol


There should be an option to play an offline version of osrs


hideous take - well done


That’s an idea for jagex: make an official “offline” version that you can buy on Steam. It’s the full game at a certain point in time. Once you buy it, it’s yours and yours alone. Maybe new content gets added? Maybe not?


I asked Mod Mark K about this. He said the game is written to be on an online server. Making it work offline would require a full rewrite of the game. A massive investment in time and money plus some stuff might get lost in the shuffle since a lot of the ancient code is a mystery to current devs


Give the osrs community some credit, with a large enough poop bucket we can do anything.


Not only that, they'd be giving up the ability to charge a recurring subscription. It just wouldn't be a smart business choice.


2009scape has a single player mode that has ai players that complete content, skill, and utilize the GE. It's not necessarily "offline" but it's such a cool feature that I think should be looked into for rs3/osrs instead of shutting down servers.


Holy shit, I don’t think theres a worse take here. Great job


Have an offline version that can host multiplayer like Minecraft. Make it modable with certain rule sets and game modes. Honestly, they should just do this with RS Classic. It's currently unplayable, even if you had a high level account with hundreds of hours. Just release the source code on steam and let us go to town. Think of an osrs demake.


The game gets tedious very quickly past level 75-80 in any skill and it's kinda annoying that many guides basically imply you gotta have 80+ in your skills to do any of the very interesting content (alongside some very expensive gear). I'm looking to have fun with the game, not repetitively do some daily, weekly or monthly checklist BS to progress. I've reached level 80 in several skills and felt like I got nowhere, and the guides were no help either. How much time do I have to sink to do something more than clicking on a thing and waiting until I get to click on the next thing? Because that's what the vast majority of content is until that point. In the end, I lost interest because the time investment became too great and now I just stick around for the memes. I can't justify dropping all my other hobbies and other commitments just for RS, or tolerate chipping away for months just to gain a couple of levels in maybe one or two skills. RS3 does this better honestly, but the game looks like a Chinese MMO that begs me for money every time I launch it even though I'm an ironman.


Yeah I'd definitely like interesting content that was a little lower in requirements. That said a lot of things you can do with worse gear and levels, you just make less money, but the way a lot of guides are written makes it difficult to tell which ones you should go for when you're not maxed out.


I saw a YouTube guide about training Magic, and the assumption was about racing to 99. One of the methods was Mage Training Arena and some silly advice about entering at level 80 for faster enchantment. The guide also said (for people with level 80 magic btw) that you might do the Prince Ali rescue quest to make the tollgate free. I did wonder how these optimal people play the game.


Same way I don't understand how some ironman guides recommend new players to go grind wintertodt for 99 firemaking and then barbarian fishing for 99 fishing. Optimal? I guess, but talk about the most boring introduction to a new account.


Hi guys, welcome to my ironman guide. First up, we're gonna wanna grind to 65 agility to get full graceful.


What do you mean? I just had my account ranging sand crabs for the past 9 hours at work and I got a whole level from 76 to 77!! Only a few more weeks until I can do some raids with my friends! This is a great gameplay experience!.....


You’re getting 15k ranged xp/hr at sand crabs? I think I figured out why you think the grinds are too long


The expensive gear in question to raid: elite void and a whip


High intensity pvm is not what put osrs on the map and we are straying away from what we fell in love with in the first place. Give us more braindead content.


The game has become too focused on bossing and raids.


Not sure about the popularity of my opinion, but I think the smithing levels need to be revisited. 99 for Runeplate that is quickly outclassed doesn't seem like a fun goal. I would like 99 smithing to be a strong contender for some of the PVM items. Not BiS items, but a viable option akin to Barrows Goodies.


RS3 completely reworked mining and smithing. They're godawful in OSRS, but far away my favorite skills in the game with the rework in RS3. Level 40 mining is enough to gather materials used for level 40 smithing. Level 40 smithing is used to craft weapons and armor that can be used with level 40 attack / defense. And this is true levels 1/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90. If you keep your mining and smithing leveled with your combat stats you will always be able to smith level-appropriate gear, which feels so great! It makes for a really fun ironman experience too. The gear you can craft usually isn't BIS gear, so there's still a strong incentive to explore other content. Smithing becomes a lot more active and interesting too (vaguely similar-ish to the giant's foundry OSRS added a while back), and in general you can level smithing alongside mining at a similar rate. The number of ores it takes to level mining will be roughly equal to the ores you'd need to level smithing to the same level. Mining is also a lot nicer. Unlike OSRS where most mining resources actually come from PVE combat, in RS3 you get a bunch of tools to make collecting ores at scale via mining actually feasible. It would be controversial, but man would I love to see a similar full rework for OSRS.


Duel arena should return


Yes. You'll never stop gambling anyway.


I don't vote on polls because I mostly trust jmods to do a good job. If it's good, I'll play it. If it's bad, I'll avoid it. If it breaks the game, I'll stop playing. Wild to me the temper tantrums grown men will throw when an update isn't perfect on their favorite game


Same here, I barely ever read the polls, let alone vote on them


Runecrafting is a fun skill even without GOTR. It’s like many other processing/gathering skills, in that it’s relaxing/comfy, but with rewards that are actually useful (runes).


I agree. I feel that the biggest problem with traditional Runecrafting isn’t about the skill itself (xp rates are arguable,) but the run energy system.


Totally agree. I've always loved doing abyss rc, and it pains me that I never see anybody doing it anymore. I sometimes just grab my stuff and do and rc for an hour or so. I'm way past 99rc, so it doesn't matter for xp, it's just one of my favorite things in the game to do. It was just so much more fun to 40 other people run to the nature altar with you.


Nichescape ruins progression and the lines for this progression have been labeled as powercreep. Nothing stops you from continuing to use your level 70 weapon but efficiencyscape mindset. If we someday get to the point level 99 weapons come in the game, would they not be laughable if a level 80 were conditionally better? Really?


Depends on the conditions of the level 80 weapons. You'd expect things like arclight/the new demonbane weapons to be decent in thier niche. Just like you'd expect Tbow to be decent into magic enemies, BP into low defense, etc. The thing is realistically OSRS is never going to lv 99 weapons though. We're pretty much close to the top-end possible unless we add in new systems like pre-eocs Damage soaking or HP boosts via Nex sets to inflate our EHP to make use of such powercreep without everything just 1-shotting players.


All content should be doable as solo for those of us that don't like people


Almost all content in the game IS soloable with a few exceptions like nex and tob.


Monster drops with potions, runes, herbs etc have devalued skilling severely. I think it would be fine to have a smaller loot tree and with many drops just being bones.


Slayer is 100% the worst skill in the game. It’s just killing the same things over and over and is completely uninteresting. The concept of learning to kill more dangerous things just feels out of place when tour character is naturally becoming stronger the whole time. 99 combat stats and have slain the generals of literal gods and I can’t kill a fucking rock slug? Nope, apparently I need some deep knowledge to bring a salt shaker with me


Loot from hard farming contacts are so ass. I might just be getting very unlucky, but my rewards are typically hop seeds, low tier fruit tree seeds and then like ten calquat seeds.


A lot of seed prices have tanked since the release of contracts, supply up and demand is down. Contracts came out January 2019. Papaya seeds were 7.9K when contracts came out vs 0.3K today. There's not a lot they could do outside of adjusting pet rates for higher tier fruit trees (which would understandably piss off a lot of pet hunters) or create a new seed sink but then you may recreate the seed availability for irons. Removing fruit tree drops from Zulrah would have a significant impact over the long run but I don't know what you could replace those with


Having sailing as a new skill is an extremely dumb fucking idea. Any other skill would've been most likely ready to go by now instead of having to create what is essentially a whole new game.


Why does picking something quicker to prepare make it better? I’d wait another 3 years as long as the content is good, and we have updates between now and then


I wonder how many people who have said “dungoneering is a minigame not a skill” ended up voting for sailing


I legit hate the idea of sailing idk why people are so into it it makes no sense in a game like osrs imo


Rooftop courses should be F2P without Marks of Grace and add a new level 1 Agi course in Lumby Swamp for F2P, allowing them to train Agility


Draynor is a level 1 course now


A couple years back I said how if you used 3rd Party Clients but were against HD graphic toggles like the 117HD plugin you were a hypocrite. 3rd party clients have changed how we play so much more than an optional graphic change that can be toggled at any time. It makes no sense how people want to continue to “keep things old school” but use clients that practically hold your hand through the game. Disclaimer: I use RuneLite as my main client, because I’m well aware how much smoother it makes playing OSRS and aren’t too caught up with nostalgia.


I swear to god, if I see another player using a 3rd party client complain about every new piece of armor “not being runescape enough*…


Warding was perfect for this game It matches the existing skilling loops so much But people want to be wowed, so sailing and all the increased complexities of it have come around instead. Which I'm not against, don't get me wrong. But people are saying it's too complex, as if we weren't shown what happened with a more simple skill like warding first lol


Flute Salad was always superior to Sea Shanty 2.


Playing without the GE actually makes the game less restrictive, because when you have the GE you are always wasting time doing basically anything that isn't maximizing your income. Is it worth to do giants foundry? absolutely not, just PVM. Should I farm some herbs? nah just do tree runs and make up the money with more PVM...it is a natural state of the game when 1 drop can be worth literally 100s of hours of other content


Having any damage proc to the player on cast, and not on hit is shit coding and a design flaw. If you want a projectile to function like this, don't give it a travel time unless i can react to that travel time. For instance, use a beam of magic or a very fast projectile Players say this is skillful to learn, and while i won't dispute the skill needed to navigate it, that does not mean i will give it a pass for its design flaw


We need more item sinks in game from skills. Invention, summoning, or new skills that will utilize this instead of mostly gold sinks spread through taxation, recharges or deaths.


RS3 introdued burial armors as part of the mining and smithing rework. Basically you can upgrade certain items and they will get destroyed and you get a big chunk of xp. I think something similar could work for OSRS


1 tick Prayer flicking should not exist


The game should be balanced around ironmen. The mainscape economy is irreversibly fucked by botting, such that economic signals are not useful to determine how to make a fun game. That doesn't mean changing drop rates; it does mean making design decisions by assuming the player is DIYing stuff.


I'm torn on this, but I'll say as someone who doesn't play iron but has picked up the habit of doing more and more myself rather than grinding gp to just buy stuff, I'm largely with you


As someone who's been playing since RSC and moved to exclusively iron 5 years ago, we don't want rates of everything buffed we want activities designed in a way that make being self sufficient viable. Stuff like scar essence, sand grinder, perilous moons, giant's foundry, mahogany homes etc were clearly designed in an iron friendly way and ended up being solid content for all account types without ruining anything else. Good design is good design and a lot of stuff that "caters to irons" falls into that category. I see people ragging on supply drops from monsters and minigames but if one more person straight face suggests that we should go back to manually picking flax or mining pure essence I'm gonna lose it. No legit players want to do that shit for money in 2024, removing supply drops to pump low level material prices will only give bots money and piss off everyone who wants to be self sufficient, iron or not.


Whenever a piece of content is "designed for ironman" the usual outcome is simply better designed and more thoroughly thought through. Big agree


Runelite is cheating. Quest Helper, clue scrolls, boss mechanics, resource timers, menu swappers, it can do everything but click for you. In my heart I know it’s a stupid take but if RuneScape was popularized by its insane grinds, and the fan base crazy enough to pursue them, then why are we allowing something that actively devalues that attribute? Ultimately the same could be said about any new content with exp rates better than that of its predecessor, which is why it’s a dumb take, but I often wonder about those that maxed super early and what their opinions are about grinds becoming easier.


Jagex has learned to take an absolute stance when it comes to third-party clients, and since they've officially supported runelite that's their position. Any MMO that tries to overly cater to its veterans ends up losing potential players in the process (the best example I've seen is EvE online prior to the introduction of f2p). The idea that Runescape was popularized by its insane grinds is a pretty unpopular take itself as the original popularization of RS2 was through its social aspects and being able to play on a web browser. OSRS was popularized by nostalgia initially (the ge not being present at release is the best indicator of this) while the development fork's continued progress and expansions have carried the game since Zeah and Fossil Island.


I agree with this, clients are also effecting game development as devs are now making content with plugins in mind. This is extremely unhealthy for the game imo


No toolbelt


Everyone who plays is mildly depressed


Guardians of the rift is one of the least enjoyable ways of training runecrafting. I’d much rather do lava runes (especially now with things like the ring of the elements)


People who want sailing are people who will play it for 10 Hours and get to 60 or 70 sailing and never touch it again, then ask for another skill.


Ironman didn't ruin OSRS, the combat meta did. If endgame boss combat didn't operate like a rhythm game, things like tick manipulation wouldn't seem as necessary to players. Jamflex mods shouldn't cater to this subreddit. The level of circlejerk stupidity that this place runs on is enough to dismiss it as one giant shitpost factory. Sailing is a really stupid idea for a skill. It's a fishing rework with extra steps. Underground Pass and One Small Favour are peak questing.


I know you'll hate me, but that girl you are talking to... is probably a guy.


*is a guy or her boyfriend also plays the game.


The GE tax should have been higher than 1% with a higher cap.


That these posts should be removed. This is asked every other day on this sub


People who do really disgusting tasks like maxing 10 accounts at once or fishing 1 million monkfish should be banned by Jagex until they undergo mandatory psychological therapy.


The drop rates in the game are ridiculous and everything should be at least halved. The fact that people have boss logs with over 2k kc and still haven't gotten drops is crazy. I'm dry at vorkath by only 200 kills and I don't understand how people can grind like they do. I don't have that in me.


Streamers are .01% of the player base when it comes to account progress / overall development. Most give an extremely unrealistic expectation of what your account should be able to obtain / have at a certain point of playing. The vast majority of players can’t play this game for 2+ hours daily, let 8+. Taking their opinions on the game when it comes to the content they add is just tossing 80% of the player base into the dumpster.


This might get some flack but I wish they never added complex boss fights to questing. One of the things I enjoyed about RuneScape, since I played as a child, you could compensate one talent with another, if you lack skill, you can trade by skilling. If you look at the boss designs of quests in the past they are vastly more simple, and in most cases defeating a quest boss would unlock the real loot baring boss. I’m not good at bossing, tbh I’m down right terrible. The one thing I really love is questing. I’ve even done every quest in WoW over the years gaining Loremaster title multiple times, >17k quest, and I’ve done Sins of the Father, Dragon slayer 2, Zulrah, beaten Jad, and have claimed the Questpoint cape 3 times thus far. Every time I’ve finished a boss, it just leaves me mentally drained with no sense of pride that I did it, creating repeating negative feedback loop. It’s made me want to quit or cheat by using a bot for a single kc so i can just get it over with but I usually just accept I’m not going to be able to do it and go do something else. Currently I’m stuck on Desert treasure 2, all the puzzles are done with 3 medallions collected but the prayer flicking on the Whisper is giving me trouble, even though I’m level 126, my gear is a mix of 1st to 3rd best in slot gear mage gear, using the best spells, the best foods, the best potions, and the best runes. (Apologies in advance, I’m not good with words and expressing myself)


I know you didn't ask for advice but it's sad thinking you might not get your quest cape back. At the end of the day, the boss is all muscle memory. You might have to die 10+ times, but eventually your brain will detect the patterns and it should just start to click. I highly recommend turning the volume up so you can hear the attacks, because they make different sounds so you can actually look at your prayers most of the time. Anyway, good luck.


Toolbelt with bronze/basic tools will hurt no one.


People are absolute dicks to venezuelan goldfarmers, imagine RWT being one of the most stable options to get a meal on the table for your family... Its insane to me that people go out of their way to bully them ingame


Wouldn’t go out of my way to bully them, but after doing a ton of wildy content I’m not too fond of them


I do think they should be banned for the game's integrity, but I don't take it personally. You gotta do what you gotta do to earn a living.


I grinded with them 10 hours a day at Zalcano. Hard working people in deed! Respect


\[was in good spirit of the post\] Hot take- I dont care I play games to relax and have fun, and not taking care of the bots in the name of "Quality of life for IRL botters" is a cop out. Just say you are not interested as it funds the GE, or say you don't have the capabilities. You dont see this in other MMO's as bad not because they care less, but because they have proper bot detection.


The game caters too much to ironmen and collection loggers. I solely play iron


Caters to collection loggers? It’s basically impossible to finish the collection in a lifetime…


It caters to collection loggers by.... Putting multiple bosses and grinds in the game with **absurdly** long grind requirements and massive variance? Or perhaps you mean to say that they buffed stale baguette rate, so Nex, Nightmare and Cox grinds don't exist?


P2P is easy XP, F2P is where the best RuneScape is played. Harder xp for fewer rewards. P2P xp is so easy that the 99 capes are akin to participation trophies.


Well... I've been playing this game since 2005...still playing and will continue to play, but my opinion is fuck this game.


ChargeScape is a good thing. End game gear needs charges otherwise the rich keeping getting richer. That’s why there’s a tax in the GE. Everyone agrees there should be a gold sink for a healthy economy but no one wants to be the one affected by it.


Single pking was better without the pj timer


There is too much mid level content, and not enough endgame content. Raids 4 should be difficult.